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Preview LAC 2009 - Paper: What's New in JACK2?

What’s new in JACK2? St´ephane LETZ Nedko ARNAUDOV Romain MORET Grame Sofia, PlayAll Centre national de cr´eation musicale Bulgaria, France France [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Abstract • get installed internal clients and get/set all their parameters. JACK2 is the future JACK version based on the C++ multi-processors Jackdmp version. This pa- • get and set all server control parameters, per presents recent developments: the D-Bus based server control system, NetJack2 the redesigned net- start/stop the server. work components for JACK and profiling tools de- veloped during port on Solaris. The server side code is now compiled into a libjackserver.so dynamic library that ex- Keywords ports the full client API as well as the Audio server, D-Bus, real-time, networked audio, new control API. JACK clients can possi- Solaris bly be linked to the libjackserver.so library and thus embed the JACK server in their 1 Introduction process. For specific use cases, this can JACK2 is the new JACK version based on be especially interesting to create and dis- the C++ multi-processor Jackdmp version [1]. tribute ”stand-alone” JACK applications. The Jackdmp development started in 2005 with the original jackd program as well as the new goal to explore data-flow based scheduling of jackdbus server control program (see section the client graph on multi-cores machines. A 3.3) are linked to libjackserver.so. 2 re-design on the server core was necessary and various improvements 1 have been implemented 2.0.2 Server internal clients toremovesomelimitationsontheinitialmodel. Internal clients API has been slightly extended D-Bus basedcontrolfortheserverappearedini- to allow Internal Clients to be configured tially as a patch for JACK1 codebase. and loaded using the control API. Using the Section 2 describes various internal build im- D-Bus server control access, internal clients can provements in the code, section 3 presents the be easily activated. The new NetJack2 design D-Bus services, section 4 describes NetJack2, (see section 4.2) is extensively using this model. and section 5 new profiling tools developed dur- ing the port on Solaris (Section 6). Additional 3 D-Bus access developments are presented section 7 and ideas D-Bus is an object model that provides IPC for the future in section 8. mechanism. D-Bus supports autoactivation of 2 Code restructuring objects, thus making it simple and reliable to code a ”single instance” application or daemon, Codehasbeenrestructuredformoreflexibleac- and to launch applications and daemons on de- cess to server side and client side code. mand when their services are needed. 2.0.1 Control API on server side A clean server control API has been defined to: 3.1 Improvements over classical “jackd” approach • get installed backend and get/set all their • Simplified single thread model for con- parameters. trol and monitor applications. Various D-Bus language bindings make it trivial to 1lock-free programming techniques for graph access, ”asynchronous/synchronous” server activation modes, two threads model for audio and notifications process- 2All backend (dummy, alsa, coreaudio, OSS...) are ing on client side... also linked to libjackserver.so write control and monitor applications us- abstraction provides virtual tree of parameter ing scripting languages like Python, Ruby, containers with container leaves that contain Perl, etc.. parameters. Parameters are accessed using simple addressing scheme (array of strings) • A log file is available for inspection even where address defines path to parameter, like when autoactivation happens by the first “drivers”, “alsa”, “dither”. launched JACK application. Overview of the tree of standard settings’ ad- • A real configuration file is used to persist dresses: settings to be manipulated through config- • ”engine” uration interface of JACK D-Bus object. • ”engine”, ”driver” • Improved graph inspection and control mechanism. JACK graph is versioned. • ”engine”, ”realtime” Connections, ports and clients have unique • ”engine”, ...more engine parameters (monotonically increasing) numeric IDs. • ”driver”, ”device” • High level abstraction of JACK settings. Allows applications that can configure • ”driver”, ...more driver parameters JACK to expose parameters that were not • ”drivers”, ”alsa”, ”device” known at compile (or tarball release) time. Recent real world examples are the JACK • ”drivers”, ”alsa”, ...more alsa driver pa- MIDI driver parameters and support for rameters FFADO driver in QJackCtl. Upgrading of • ”drivers”, ...more drivers JACK requires upgrade of QJackCtl in or- • ”internals”, ”netmanager”, ”multicast ip” der to make new settings available in the GUI. • ”internals”, ”netmanager”, ...more net- manager parameters 3.2 How it works • ”internals”, ...more internals 3.2.1 Autoactivation and starting/stopping JACK server JACK settingsarepersisted. I.e. theyareau- First, application that issues D-Bus method tomatically saved by jackdbus when they are call to JACK controller object, causes set. Next time user starts JACK server, last D-Bus session daemon to activate the ob- saved settings will be automatically used. ject by starting the jackdbus executable. Changing JACK settings through the con- Activating controller object does not start figure D-Bus interface takes effect on next the server. Instead controller object has JACK server start. On the fly change of several interfaces. The most important of the buffer size, as available in the libjack them is the control interface. Control interface (jack.h) API, is also possible through the con- contains methods for starting and stopping trol D-Bus interface. JACK server, loading and unloading of internal 3.2.3 JACK parameter constraints clients (netjack), setting buffer size and reset- JACK internal modules that provide parame- ting xrun counter. It also contains methods for ters visible through control API can provide querying information required by monitoring information about parameter valid range (like applications: whether JACK server is started, realtime priority) or whether parameter should whether JACK server is running in realtime be presented as enumeration. Enumeration pa- mode, sample rate, DSP load, current buffer rameters can be strict and non-strict. Exam- size, latency, xrun counter. ple of strict enum parameter is dither parame- JACK server autostart is achieved by lib- ter of ALSA driver, it has only predefined valid jack calling “jack server start” method of values - “shaped noise”, “rectangular”, “trian- JACK control D-Bus interface. gualr” and “none”. Example of non-strict pa- 3.2.2 JACK settings rameter is device parameter of ALSA driver. It Applications that want to manage isusefultoprovidesomedetecteddevicestrings JACK settings can query and set all set- as choices to user, but still allow user to specify tings that were traditionally specified as custom string that ALSA layer is supposed to jackd command-line parameters. Interface understand. 3.2.4 JACK patchbay 3.4 Portability In order to simplify patchbay applications, ex- While D-Bus implementations exist at least for tended functionality is provided. There is a Windows and OSX platforms, D-Bus is not a method that returns the current graph state. central part of their desktop environments and Graph state has unique monotonically increas- thus using jackdbus on those operating sys- ing version number and contains info about all tems will probably cause more problems than clients, their ports and connections. Connec- it is supposed to solve. tions,portsandclientshaveuniquenumericIDs that are guaranteed not to be reused. Notifica- 4 NetJack2 tions about graph changes are provided using 4.1 Introduction D-Bus signals. NetJack2 is a feature allowing the use of 3.3 JACK D-Bus enabled applications JACK2 over a local network. It is not really • JACK contains “jack control” executable a port of NetJack to JACK2 but can be seen - a 300 lines of Python exposing like a refactoring of the main idea: send and re- JACK D-Bus functionality. It allows ceive audio, midi or transport data over a net- chained execution of several commands. work while staying in the Jack real-time audio For example jack control ds alsa dps context. The differences between NetJack and midi-driver raw eps realtime on NetJack2 are mainly about the global architec- eps relatime-priority 70 start se- ture and network processing (how to slice data lects ALSA driver, enables JACK MIDI into network packets and how to optimize the raw backend, enables realtime mode, network bandwidth use). sets realtime priority to 70 and starts 4.2 Architecture JACK server. NetJack2 isdesignedaroundaMaster/Slavear- • LADI Tools is a set of programs to config- chitecture involving two components. The mas- ure, control and monitor JACK . It pro- ter is an internal client (see Section 2.02) and vides tray icon, Window Maker style dock- the slave is a classical JACK server running the app, G15 keyboard LCD display integra- Net Backend. Those two components are built tion application, configuration utility for as two dynamic libraries, netmanager.so and managing JACK settings and log file mon- jack net.so(or.dllunderWindows),whichare itor application. All tools are written in both linked with the main JACK server library. Python. Thisarchitectureallowsseveralslavestobecap- tured and running under a single master with- • Patchage, the ubiquitous canvas modu- out any other need of configuration. lar patch bay can be compiled to use D-Bus instead of libjack to communicate • Master: the master is a classical with JACK . Doing so also enables JACK server, driven by an audio back- JACK server start/stop functionality in end (ALSA, CoreAudio, OSS or PortAu- Patchage. dio) and where an internal client called the • LASH, recent developments of the audio NetManager is running. This NetManager session handler by default use D-Bus to is just a ’logistical’ component which just communicate with JACK . Various creates and removes classical JACK clients JACK related features are planned: in the server as the Slaves appear and dis- appear. – Saving of JACK settings as part of • Slave: theslaveisaclassicalJACK server, “studio” session. driven by the Net Backend. This specific – Handling of “JACK server crash” backend isn’t controlling an audio device, scenario: restarting JACK server, that means the backend’s read/write oper- notifying JACK applications that ations aren’t executed on some audio hard- JACK server reappeared so they ware, but on a network interface (wireless can reconnect to it, and restoring is not supported because it doesn’t really JACK connections. offer real-time networking capabilities). 4.2.1 Multicast communications and those constraints to keep a real-time transmis- NetManager sion means compromises. NetJack2 is based upon the principle that two First, we can’t afford a total secured trans- computers must be able to ’connect’ themselves mission, usingsecuredprotocolsuchasTCPfor without knowing the parameters by advance. instance. TCP can not be used as a real-time In NetJack2 , slaves are fully configured by the protocolbecauseitinvolvesacknowledgmentfor master. The global initialization process is thus each sent packet, automatic re-emission in case quite simple: of packet loss, what automatically discard such a protocol for a true real-time audio transmis- 1. The slave starts multicasting it’s availabil- sion. That’s why NetJack2 uses a very simple ity on the network by communicating its way to exchange streams: the UDP protocol. capabilities (number of available channels) NetJack2 main principle is very simple, so the to anyone who wants to hear it best way to handle it is to choose a quite low level layer of network communication protocols, 2. The master catches the message and gives and just add the few things we need to it. By back to the slave a full set of parameters usingUDP,wejustgetaverysimpleandhighly (samplerate, backend buffer size...) configurable way to exchange data. 3. The slave receives it and starts the stream The second main aspect is to consider time. exchange In a network transmission, transmission delays 4. Bi-directional communication is now run- are reflected by the bandwidth notion. The ning, and the slave is fully synched on the bandwidth is the amount of data we can trans- master’s incoming network stream mit in a certain amount of time. For real-time transmission, that means the higher the band- Lets see how this exchange begins... widthis, thequickestwereceiveourdataonthe distant computer. Increasing bandwidth means Multicast communications This first ini- reducing transmission delay. That principle is tialization step is done over a Multicast group, very simple and linear: a gigabyte networking thus the slave doesn’t have to know the mas- infrastructure is ten time faster than a 100mb ter’s address, or even configuration. A newly network. The bandwidth use optimization ap- incoming slave just has to send its ’availability’ pears as a major aspect to take care of. That’s message to the Multicast group, and if a mas- why NetJack2 splits data into packets that are ter is listening to this Multicast group, it will maximum sized (the maximum size of a packet automatically starts the transmission. is given by the network MTU). Dealing with NetManager component The NetManager larger packets increase the network’s speed use, component is dealing with the initialization but it also minimizes packets losses. phase. TheNetManagerdoesn’tmanipulateau- The third aspect of real-time networking is dio or midi signals, it just listens to the Multi- the fact that a network has a very random- cast group and creates or destroy Masters as ized timing behavior, which is not only depend- Slaves come and go. This component is seen ing on the two connected computers. Routers, by JACK as an internal client, that means this firewalls and other networking devices add ran- client is loaded in the JACK server context, dom unpredictable transmission delay. In real- using the specifically designed API and util- time audio, we can’t wait longer than a given ity (jack load executable). But it can also be amount of time (one audio cycle for example). loadedandmanagedbythejack controlsystem. NetJack2 extensively use the timeout notion on 4.3 Real-time networking all its internal networking transmission. If we consider we can’t wait for data over than a cy- NetJack2 Provides real-time network capabili- cle length, the best way to keep synced in time ties. Audio (or midi or transport) data use net- is to skip data that were not received on time. work streams as if those streams were classical ’jackified’ applications. The main difficulty of 4.4 Network modes and latency such a concept is to handle real-time network- ing. Connecting two computers in a simple net- NetJack2 doesn’t have one only functional work implies some constraints: packets losses, mode. Itactuallyhasthree’networking’modes: random transmission delay, routing issues, dis- fast, normal and slow. What those modes con- connection timeout management etc. Reducing trol is in fact the total time latency the network will add. The use of one mode or another is in • only a few channel to exchange on a fast fact depending on what the user wants to do. network, the fast mode can be very pleas- ant because it doesn’t add extra-latency 4.4.1 Fast mode In fast mode, the whole system (composed by • normal use of the network (up to 48 chan- the two connected computers) will not add ex- nelsat48kHzona100mbnetwork),normal tra latency. In a cycle number n, the mas- modewillguaranteeaverysmallamountof ter will send its data, the slave is supposed packet loss (probably no loss if the network to receive it, produce its own data, and send is stable) it back to the master in the same cycle. Ev- • huge use of network and processing: the erything happens just as if the slave was a slow mode is the most ’secured’ (the mas- classical JACK client plugged into the master’s ter doesn’t wait for the slave’s return data JACK server. The fast mode is designed for before two cycles, giving the slave the net- fast network, with a small amount of data to work the time to transport data and the exchange (only a few audio channels for ex- slave the time to process it) ample), and a small amount of processing on the slave’side, because data are expected in the 4.5 Measurements same audio cycle (that means we consider the JACK can be compiled with the possibility of network transmission time to be significantly monitoring NetJack2 networking activity, thus less than the cycle length). The fast mode can allowing accurate measurements about what’s bequiteunstablebecauseitusesalongtimeout, going on between the master and the slave. allowing NetJack2 to use 100% of the available Those measurements are a pretty good way to CPU time. understand what is behind the different avail- 4.4.2 Normal mode able networking modes. The normal mode takes into account the net- This profiling system keeps a track of sev- work, and add one extra-latency cycle, corre- eral timings, and the results can be exploited to sponding to the use of the full available band- get an approximation of NetJack2 ’s CPU con- width. The master send its data in the current sumption. ncycle,andexpectreturndatafromtheslavein Becausethosemeasurementsarequiteuneasy the n+1 cycle. Don’t forget the slave is a back- to dissect and explain, more explanation will be end, and as a backend, it has two ’processing’ available on the JACK wiki. modes: syncorasync. Thus,inasyncmode,the 4.6 Adapters components slave will send the previous ’n-1’ cycle data just after receiving the current n cycle. That means Adapters components allow to adapt the net- in this mode (async), we just don’t take into work stream synced on the master machine account the slave’s processing time and data clock, in order to be played on the slave ma- are sent with no additional delay. The normal chine. mode use a small timeout, considering data has 4.6.1 AudioAdapter to be available very quickly (because of the ex- When the slave machine is using the Net Back- tra latency cycle). This mode doesn’t ’block’ end and if the user wants to listen to the net- JACK processing while waiting for data. work stream on the slave audio card, the net- 4.4.3 Slow mode work stream has to be ”adapted”, since the two The slow mode adds two extra-latency cycles. audio cards may run at different buffer size, This mode has been introduced for an exten- sample rate and their clocks are typically not sive use of the network with a lot of processing synchronized. This is done using an in server running on the slave. It can be very useful in client called audioadapter, which ajust the mas- a multitrack production context, because trans- ter sample rate and buffer size to the slave port (play/stop, position), which is also sent in audio card sample rate and buffer size. Au- NetJack2 ,includeslatencymanagement,sothe dioadapter components are using an interme- whole network will start ’simultaneously’ (that diate ring-buffer and the libsamplerate library meansthe’fastest’JACK clientwillstartinthe 3 to resampled the stream when needed. They cycle within which all data are available. have beendeveloped on eachplatform usingthe availablenativeaudioAPI:CoreAudioonOSX, 4.4.4 Conclusion We can resume those three mode quite simply: 3http://www.mega-nerd.com/SRC/ ALSA on Linux, PortAudio on Window and Audio driver timing 1370 OSS an Solaris. Audio period 1360 4.6.2 NetAdapter 1350 When the slave machine is using a regular au- 1340 diobackendandiftheuserstillwantstoreceive usec 1330 a stream from the network, the netadapter in 1320 server client can be used. This component has 1310 basically the same behaviour as the Net Back- 1300 end but also adapt the master sample rate and 1290 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 45000 50000 buffer size to the possibly different slave audio audio cycles card sample rate and buffer size. Figure 1: Audio driver interrupt, at 48 kHz and 4.7 NetJack2 conclusion 64 frames, average is 1333 usec, interrupt pe- NetJack2 is an easy way to exchange audio, riod is regular, with small variations of about midi or transport control data over a network +/- 30 usec. (Vertical axis shows duration in in a realtime context. This component is work- usec and horizontal axis the number of audio ing so far, and it will be improved in the future. cycles.) NetJack2 is currently available with JACK2 , and a few documentation can be found on the JACK wiki4. Audio driver timing 2800 Audio period 2600 5 Profiling tools 2400 Timing measurements allow developers to 2200 help understanding the behaviour of their usec 2000 JACK basedapplications. Theservercodebase 1800 now allows to record various timing while the 1600 server and clients are running and generates 1400 scripts to interpret them. 1200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 While running, timestamps are taken for the audio cycles server and running clients: wake-up date of au- Figure 2: Audio driver interrupt, at 44.1 kHz dio driver, activation, actual wake-up and end and 64 frames, average is 1451 usec, but inter- date of each running client. Client schedul- rupt period is not regular ing latency and duration are also computed. They are saved as a JackEngineProfiling.log file containing time points when the server is closed. Scripts for Gnuplot are also gener- the audio cycle is composed of: read audio in- ated. Use the command: gnuplot -persist put buffers, write audio output buffers computed Timing1.plot with Timing1.plot up to Tim- at previous cycle, execute the graph. When the ing5.plot. The scripts also generate PDF files. interruptperiodisregular,thentheserverasyn- A jack profiler internal client allows to see chronous mode can be safely used (fig 1). On all measures as audio signals to be analyzed or thecontraryanonregulardriverinterruptforce recorded with additional tools. to synchronous mode to be chosen (otherwise the graph may lack time to finish its execution 5.1 Audio driver interrupts if duration between 2 consecutive interrupts is Timing1.plot allows to display the audio driver too short) (fig 2). timing, that is the duration between consecu- 5.2 Driver end date tives interrupts. The JACK2 server can run in two different Timing2.plot allows to display the audio driver graph scheduling mode: in synchronous mode, end date. This measure is interesting to distin- theaudiocycleiscomposedof: read audio input guish what happens in server synchronous ver- buffers, execute the graph, write audio output sus asynchronous mode. In synchronous mode, buffers. In asynchronous mode on the contrary, the driver end date takes the graph execution duration in account (fig 3). 5 In asynchronous 4trac.jackaudio.org/wiki/WalkThrough/User/ NetJack2 5The graph here shows several clients launched one Driver end date Clients end date 1400 1400 Driver end date Audio period jack_simple_client 1200 1200 etheerthsoenrsiko-n0i1k ethersonik-02 ethersonik-03 1000 1000 ethersonik-04 ethersonik-05 ethersonik-06 800 800 eetthheerrssoonniikk--0078 usec usec ethersonik-09 600 600 400 400 200 200 0 0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 45000 50000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 45000 50000 audio cycles audio cycles Figure 3: Driver end date when the server runs Figure 5: Clients end date in synchronous mode: the date raises each time a new client is launched. Clients scheduling 500 jack_simple_client Driver end date 450 eetthheeerrthssooennrsiikko--n00i12k 180 400 ethersonik-03 Driver end date ethersonik-04 160 350 eetthheerrssoonniikk--0056 ethersonik-07 140 300 eetthheerrssoonniikk--0089 120 usec 250 200 100 usec 80 150 100 60 50 40 0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 45000 50000 20 audio cycles 0 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 audio cycles Figure 6: Clients scheduling latency Figure 4: Driver end date when the server runs in asynchronous mode: the date stay ap- proximatively constant when new clients are real-time thread becomes runnable, the global launched, since it only depends of cumulated scheduling latency depends on the fact a core read and write durations. is effectively available in the machine and the actual OS scheduling latency. Thus this value obviously depends of the topology of the graph mode, the driver does not wait for the graph and number of available cores on the machines end, but returns immediately after the write on a given setup. To precisely measure the OS step. Thus the driver end date measures the scheduling latency only, the best is to have a read audio input buffers, write audio output number of clients that is less than the number buffers parts only (fig 4). of available cores (fig 6). 5.3 Clients end date 5.5 Clients duration Timing3.plot allows to display the audio driver timingandallclientsenddate. Thiscurvegives Clients duration 350 a global view of all clients DSP use. The audio jack_simepthlee_rcsloiennikt interruptdurationisdisplayedaswellastheend 300 eeettthhheeerrrsssooonnniiikkk---000123 ethersonik-04 date of all running clients. The system works 250 eetthheerrssoonniikk--0056 ethersonik-07 correctly if the end date of the last client is still 200 eetthheerrssoonniikk--0089 below the audio interrupt duration (fig 5). usec 150 5.4 Clients scheduling latency 100 Timing4.plotallowstodisplayallclientschedul- 50 ing latencies (difference between activation and 0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 45000 50000 actual wake-up dates). When the application audio cycles Figure 7: Clients duration by one, the driver end date then raise after each new client is started. Timing5.plot allows to display all client du- been done on a Dell XPS 420 Intel 4 cores ma- ration (difference between end date and actual chine running Solaris 10 and using the inter- wake-up date) (fig 7). nal HD Audio card using OSS 4.0 version. Fig 1 shows the audio driver interrupts when the 5.6 Real-time measurements server is running using a 64 frames buffer size The jack profiler internal client allows to at 48 kHz, in synchronous mode and using the see all measures as audio signals. It can be highestschedulingprioritythatcanbeobtained loaded at anytime using the jack load tool. (usingthefollowingcommand: jackd -R -S -P JACK output ports will be created and con- 59 -d oss -p 64). Then fig 2 to 5 shows the taintimingmeasuresconvertedinaudiosignals. different curves obtained with a highly loaded At each audio cycle, the measured value is re- machine. Using the profiling tools we were able calibrated to be in the [-1,1] range and copied to conclude that: into the audio buffer (same value for the entire cycle). Three general output JACK ports can • It appears that the OSS driver does not be added (respectively using the -c, -p, -e pa- guaranty a perfectly regular audio inter- rameters in the jack load parameter line): rupt period, depending of the driver set- tings. Thus the synchronous (-S) mode • profiler:cpu load: is the DSP CPU load should be preferably chosen when starting between 0 and 1. the server. • profiler:driver period: is the driver pe- • Solaris defines several scheduling classes. riod variation expressed at the difference The Real-Time scheduling class goes from between the actual driver period and the 100 to 159 on a global 0 to 169 scale. The expecteddriverperiod, thendividedbythe corresponding POSIX priority to be set in expected driver period, between -1 and 1. JACK will go from 0 to 59 (-P59 for high- • profiler:driver end time: is the driver est priority). end time expressed as driver end time di- • TheSolarishasquitegoodReal-Timecapa- vided by the driver period, between 0 and bilities[2], andwefoundthatusingProces- 1. sor sets allows to decrease the RT threads For each running client, two additional scheduling latencies and have a more pre- JACK ports will appear: dictable system. We measured a maximum scheduling latency of 80 usec in this config- • profiler:”client name”:scheduling: is uration. the client scheduling duration expressed as the scheduling duration divided by the 7 Additional developments driver period, between 0 and 1. 7.1 Better Windows port • profiler:”client name”:duration: isthe On Windows, the JACK code base was ini- clientdurationexpressedastheclientdura- tially compiled using Microsoft VC++ tools. tion divided by the driver period, between All projects have been converted to use the free 0 and 1. CodeBlock and MinGW 6 environments. 6 Solaris port 7.2 Testing and debugging tools The french radio RTL aims at developing it’s Different tools have been implemented to help future digital radio using a JACK based sys- developers when coding JACK based applica- tem,hostingasetofaudioapplications: playlist tions. Profilingtoolshasalreadybeenpresented manager, audio effects (compressor...), real- in section 5. Two more are available: timesignalanalysiscomponents(speakerrecog- 7.2.1 Checking JACK API nition for instance), encoding and web broad- The correctness of JACK API can be tested us- casting... on a Solaris system, when most of ing jack test tool. This program will open their audio files data base management tools JACK clients, test various aspects of the API: are already running. The timing measurements registering ports, setting callbacks, activating tools have been developed to characterize the the client... Real-time communication between real-time behaviour of this system in several setups. The set of curves in this paper have 6see www.codeblocks.org and www.mingw.org two clients is also tested as well as Transport References API. [1] Stephane Letz, Dominique Fober, and Yann 7.2.2 Checking use of JACK API Orlarey. jackdmp: Jack server for multi- processor machines. Linux Audio Confer- When launching JACK applications, a ence, 2005. JACK CLIENT DEBUG environment variable can be set 7 to launch the client in [2] J Litchfield. Real-time in the Op- debug mode: all calls to the API are traced erating Environment Solaris 8. and a log file is generated. Correct use of the http://www.opengroup.org/rtforum/oct2000 API will be checked (opened clients should be /slides/litchfield.pdf, 2008. closed, activated clients should be deactivated, port registration/unregistration matches is verified...) 8 Blue sky for singing penguins living on the planet JACK The future could (and probably should) try to solve some problems that are getting bigger with increasing popularity of JACK : • There can be better handling of misbe- having JACK clients. Is it wise to allow clients to change parameters that will dis- rupt JACK operation? Today, obnoxious clients auto-connect without allowing con- figuration. Tomorrow, what if a client thinks it must reset the sample rate or the period size because of cutting corners in the dsp code? The Access Control Lists (ACL) looks like obvious and traditional solution but applying it to JACK domain may lead to quite complex implementation because of authentication that needs to preceedevensimplestauthorizationchecks. • Developing a control application based on OSC could be quite interesting, allowing access and control of any JACK server on the network. • MIDI backends: interfacing JACK MIDI with the native MIDI API on each plar- fom (CoreMidi on OSX, ALSA Midi on Linux and WinMME on Windows) has to be done. 9 Acknowledgements Juuso Alasuutari has significally contributed to jackdbus for JACK1 and Marc-Olivier Barre contributedtojackdbus bymakingituseXDG compliant directories. Work on profiling tools and Solaris port has beenfundedbyRTLfrenchradio(EDIRADIO). 7using ”export JACK CLIENT DEBUG = on”

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