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Labor Politics and Syndicalism in Interwar Romania: the Drives to the Right and to the Left PDF

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Preview Labor Politics and Syndicalism in Interwar Romania: the Drives to the Right and to the Left

Fascism și fascisme Volum X, Nr. 3 (37), Serie nouă, iunie-august 2022 1 Fascism și fascisme Labor Politics and Syndicalism in Interwar Romania: the Drives to the Right and to the Left Victor RIZESCU Abstract: The article surveys the ideological drives to the Right and to the Left in the Romanian space, as they applied to the field of labor and social policies, over the period stretching from the first local reactions taken to the corporatist restructuring of syndical organization in fascist Italy up to the installation of communism. The developments involved are placed against their early XXth century historical background and the identity of the liberal approach to the issues concerned, enjoying a dominant position over the years coming in the aftermath of the First World War, is delineated in order to be invoked as a reference against which the tenets of the rival perspectives are evaluated. The full-blown fascist and communist relevant views are related to the other varieties of right-wing and respectively left-wing demands. The issue of syndicalism is taken as the central thread of the process of change under scrutiny, and the shaping of the legislative and institutional devices meant to address the problem of the representation of professional interests in an authoritarian guise is treated as the cornerstone of the same process. Keywords: labor, syndicalism, corporatism, fascism, communism. From the first encounter with the the course of radicalization, by the corporatist reordering of labor means of a proper delineation of the politics exhibited by fascist Italy, in liberal centrist view, as applied to the 1926, to the installation of the com- same area of social life. It is only the munist order in the field, in 1948, arrangements and practices arising Romania was confronted with a wide from this view ‒ whose elaboration range of models for the organization was inaugurated in the national space of social policies and of their syn- before the First World War, in order dical bases, themselves closely linked to acquire recognizable contours over with larger ideological visions that the years coming in its aftermath ‒ pointed to the overall reorganizing of that can be taken as a yardstick for the political format of the country assessing the character and me- and to the reshaping of the under- asuring the scope of the drives lying social-economic structure. One subsequently taken in the context can only understand, however, the towards the opposite poles of the interplay between right-wing and ideological spectrum and along the left-wing designs of the sort, set on 81 POLIS relevant layers of social evolution professional structures subject to and state activities. tight state regulations ‒ and on the other hand the socialist revolutionary The liberal view of labor and calls looking at the syndical bodies as the drive to the Right instruments of full emancipation, enabling the working classes to move The two main pillars of the beyond the limitations of the market engagement with the area of labor economy2. predicated on broad liberal principles It was the same clash between were the conception of syndical resilient guild-based economic tradi- freedom meant to allow the genuine tionalism and ascending socialist- representation of the economic in- dominated syndicalism which consti- terests of professional groups, while tuted the context for the emergence preventing their politicization, and of the liberal perspective on the issue respectively that of the state me- of labor in Romania, at the turn of the diating intervention on a permanent XIXth to the XXth century. basis in the sphere of the relations Pleadings in favor of the uses and between employers and employees. legitimacy of professional asso- These sets of demands had evolved ciationism3 went together at the time in deep correlation over the previous with others rejecting the conception stages of European and world of the night-watchman state and history, in so far as the vindication of arguing the necessity of the open the legitimate character of coalitions governmental involvement in eco- among laborers of any category, nomic life4, in a milieu where the intended to work for the betterment vision of revolutionary class struggle of their economic condition, had to harnessing the syndicates to its be advanced against the idea ambitious long-term political goals ‒ prevailing at the beginning of liberal consolidated at the moment 1905- capitalism and according to which 1906 after a temporary eclipse ‒ was any enterprise of the kind had to be taking roots alongside attempts at opposed as disruptive of the market rejuvenating the traditional guilds in non-interventionist wisdom1. More- the frame of modern laws of the over, the philosophy of well-cali- professions and of social insurances brated intervention taken against the providing for the half-mandatory background of generalized syn- enlistment of the members of expan- dicalism could only make its way ding occupational groups (adopted through a struggle on two fronts, successively in 1902 and 1912). fighting on the one hand the tradi- With the notion of state mediation tionalist yearning for the reinstal- included in the constitution of 1923 lation of guild organization ‒ con- and the arrangements of syndical sisting of the mandatory încorpora- freedom entrenched by the law of tion of the labor force in corporatist professional syndicates introduced in 82 Fascism și fascisme 1921 ‒ together with that of legal mind whose tenets were to be tested persons adopted in 1924 ‒ , the libe- against the exigencies of practical ral view of labor then emerged as the politics over the period 1938-1944. dominant one against the challenges Although scoring significant and of the Right and the Left, moreover much-advertised accomplishments up acquiring foreign aid as a result of to 1932-1933 ‒ when the laws for the the Romanian allegiance to the Inter- creation of the Chambers of Labor national Labor Organization, in 1919, and for the unification of the systems and being endowed with internal of social insurances across the coun- institutional support by virtue of the try were successively adopted ‒ the creation of a specialized govern- liberal approach to the problems of mental agency devoted to the matters labor and syndicalism was to be concerned, in the form of the placed on the defensive shortly after Ministry of Labor and Social Care its outspoken self-celebrations. inaugurated in 1920. The manifesta- The wide popularization in the tions occasioned by the celebration of Romanian space of the modern cor- this last body ten years afterwards, in poratist perspective articulated in 19305, have to be seen as the most Italy in 1926 and set on stronger emphatic and penetrating assertions theoretical foundations with the 1927 of the same vision in the context. By Charter of Labor was accompanied the time, its social impact had been by the steady conversion to this new broadened on the basis of a series of discourse of large parts of specific legal regulations, of which the most professional milieus ‒ mainly pertai- significant were the law for the ning to the lower middle class social regulation of labor conflicts preci- stratum and to the white-collar occu- pitately adopted in 1920 ‒ at a pational segment ‒ , partly connected moment marked by the escalation of with the welter of guild structures of left-wing revolutionary activity ‒ and the 1902-1912 variety, themselves the one for the administration of pronounced dead in 1921 but stub- labor contracts, belatedly laid down bornly surviving after that moment, in 1929. Split in 1921 with the primarily by virtue of the functions separation from its body of the they continued to perform in the field Komintern-controlled communist of social insurance up to 1933. branch and further weakened with the Advocacies of the first kind were outlawing of this last one in 1924, the thus put forward in the prominent Left was not a major pressure upon right-wing periodicals Cuvântul ‒ the defenders of the mainstream in from 1926 and directed at the time by the domain of social policies at the Titus Enacovici6 ‒ , Curentul ‒ from beginning of the fourth XXth century 1928 and under the directorship of decade. The exponents of the Right, Pamfil Șeicaru7 ‒ , Calendarul ‒ in instead, had gained considerable 1932-1933, all throughout led by strength, in possession of the cast of Nichifor Crainic8 ‒ and Lumea nouă 83 POLIS ‒ starting with April 1932 and specific right-wing ethnic exclu- propagating the well-rounded corpo- sionary and authoritarian programs, ratist doctrine of Mihail Manoilescu9. the promoters of the core doctrine To the same extent, pleadings arising originally shaped around the con- from the grass-roots movement of the cerns of labor and syndical activity professions were vacillatingly advan- also established a dialogue, for that ced in the pages of less prominent matter, with the exponents of ideas journals like Glasul micii industrii ‒ regarding the moderate supplemen- inaugurated in 192210 ‒ and Tribuna tation of the regular electoral patterns muncii ‒ launched in 192611 ‒ , in leading to the structuring the legisla- order to get better crystallized in tive assemblies and state structures Gazeta meseriilor ‒ founded in through the mechanisms of nation- 192912 ‒ and to finally emerge full- wide and individualistically-based blown in Drum nou ‒ over the years voting processes by the creation of 1930-1934, staying in strong inter- specific electoral channels meant to course with Calendarul, treating allow the representation of segmental Lumea nouă as a rival voice and interests circumscribed by criteria of featuring the figure of its leader, the professional allegiance14. In architect I. D. Enescu, as an ideo- Romania, the searches of the last type logist able to contest to Manoilescu were focused on the provisions of the the paternity of the corporatist 1923 constitution and of the 1926 doctrine in the Romanian tradition13. electoral law regarding the special Social-economic demands cen- representation in the Senate of the tered upon the design of the orga- universities and of the state-spon- nization of labor on the basis of sored professional chambers (with vertically-delineated guilds able to the Chambers of Commerce and contain class strife, by opposition to Industry dating from the XIXth the horizontally-branded syndicates ‒ century and those of Agriculture and associated with socialist subversion Labor created ‒ and thus made avai- and liberal obsolescence and per- lable for such responsibilities ‒ in ceived to foster the conflicts between 1925, respectively, as said, in 1932). groups in society ‒, were conjoined, Thus getting deeply intertwined in the corporatist thinking of with the various compartments of the Romania as elsewhere, with calls for political Right on the one side, while the replacement of the inherently also interfering with the camp of parasitic and corrupt party-based technocratic moderation on the other parliamentarianism by a new kind of side, the corporatist right-wing politics, resting on the parliamentary philosophy of labor was unavoidably representation of the professional cast into a series of different embo- bodies and conducive to the streng- diments. Adopted prematurely, uncri- thening of national solidarity. While tically and inconsistently at an early appropriating to various degrees stage by nationalist politicians of a 84 Fascism și fascisme traditionalist orientation like Nicolae principle of the freedom of asso- Iorga15 and Simion Mehedinți16, it ciation. The constitution looked for- was brought by Enescu and Crainic ward to the creation of a profession- into the headquarters of National- based parliament, laying down the Christian politics, without ever being demand for the organization of the taken as a watchword by the hard- electoral body in three categories liner leaders of this last ideological comprising, in turn, the represen- group17. It also made inroads into tatives of “agriculture and manual Alexandru Vaida-Voevod’s Romanian labor”, of “commerce and industry” Front party18. The fascist Iron Guard and of “intellectual occupations”. displayed a welter of different attitu- The subsequent law inaugurated the des towards it, stretching from the creation of corporatist structures wholesale and enthusiastic support of somewhat differently defined, for the Mihail Polihroniade19 and the acade- time being addressing only the mic account of Vasile Marin20 to the segments of the manual workers occasional half-hearted approval of outside the sphere of agriculture, of Ion Moța21 and Corneliu Zelea the craftsmen and petty industrialists Codreanu22 and the quasi-rejection and of the professionals in the field from the part of Traian Brăileanu and of commerce. Proclaiming that “no- of other figures23. Its vocation of body can be obliged to be a member, navigating the whole road of right- not to be a member or to cease being wing radicalization up to a complete a member of a guild”, it also asserted identification with revolutionary fas- that only one guild giving represen- cism is nevertheless proven by tation to a professional group could Manoilescu’s attempt to elaborate a function within each and every platform for the fusion between his administrative unit of the country. National-Corporatist League and Thus reminiscent of the legislative Legionarism at the juncture of the regulations for professional asso- 1937 elections24, and again by his ciations of both the 1902-1912 and strivings to get his doctrine ingra- the 1921-1924 instalments, it was tiated with the officialdom of the nevertheless issued together with a National-Legionary State, late in statement according to which “the 194025. old law of the syndicates exhibited The two legal documents with the natural humanitarian hopes […] corporatist provisions adopted by the of the prevailing optimism following Carolist dictatorship were the the war”, that had to be abandoned in February 1938 constitution and the line with the inescapable “collecti- law for the organization of the guilds vization of life” and “the robust introduced in October of the same assertion of the national principle”26. year. Both of them were beware of a The efforts to make clearer the radical break with the past, therefore implications of these basic impera- continuing to pay lip-service to the tives would then focus upon a 85 POLIS legislative project introduced in the precise juridical structure to the parliament in July 1939 and never groups of individuals brought toge- transformed into a law. ther by similar needs created in the process of the social division of Corporatist restructuring in labor”, thus pointing to it as “the debate force which [...] would impart to society a juridical structure more Meant to broaden the provisions appropriate to its economic evo- of the 1938 law by the means of lution”27. extending the guild-type organization This only comes, however, at the to the spheres of the business owners cost of clarifying that “in order to and employers, of the big and small properly fulfil such a task, the agriculturalists and of the whole syndical movement has to evolve range of intellectual professionals, within the frame of liberty and must the project of 1939 also comments in refrain from transforming the guilds the preamble upon the 1921 law of and professional associations ‒ in the syndicates, in order to acknow- line with a certain quite widespread ledge to it the genuine intention of view of today ‒ from voluntary and transforming the professional asso- free organizations into mandatory ciation into something different from and official ones, subordinated to the the (socialist-driven) “instrument of executive power”. It is further made struggle between social classes, of clear that “a tendency of this kind moral discord and of social-economic could only have the result of bringing anarchy”. Showing that such an ex- us centuries backwards and of resur- pectation could not be unfortunately recting the guilds and corporations of fulfilled due to “the political biases other times”28. The Romanian displayed by the great majority of corporatist structure in the course of syndicates” under the pre-1938 being elaborated is here clearly regime and saying ‒ by reference to demarcated by comparison with the not only the mild corporatist theorists system of fascist corporatism pre- E. Durkheim and L. Duguit, but also vailing at the time in Italy, which to R. Waldeck-Rousseau, perhaps the stood as the most prominent refe- most celebrated founder of liberal rence for the experiments of the kind syndicalism ‒ that the principle of attempted throughout the world. “liberty is not currently being applied The determination of the any more to the isolated individual”, Romanian legislators under the in so far as the spirit of the new times Carolist regime to conceive of the has “entrusted the professional group corporatist bodies as mere institutions with the mission of defending indi- of private law, by opposition to the vidual freedoms”, the argumentation Italian doctrine and practice that was then goes on to vindicate syndicalism shaping them as public institutions, as “a movement tending to give a has repeatedly been underscored in 86 Fascism și fascisme the bibliography of the subject29. A nuity between the traditional guilds ‒ survey of the debates on the topic “born of the actual needs of social taking place in the country over the and economic life” and “developed period shows, nevertheless, a variety entirely on the basis of the sustained of conceptions regarding the course efforts deployed by their members” ‒ that the reforms relying on the and the modern corporations of the corporatist conception were bound or fascist variety ‒ “created by the state advised to take in the future. One and kept under a close political such category of relevant interven- control” ‒ , with the conclusion that tions thus offered the Mussolinian “fascist professional associations model for local imitation without cannot be described as either corpo- demanding any significant adjust- rations or syndicates, but as mere ments30, moreover pleading for a organs of state administration”35. The wholesale adoption of the plain “tota- same author surveys then in 1939 the litarian” vision, something that could law of the guilds adopted in the imply, for example, the creation of “a previous year, in order to show how totalitarian ministry, custodian of all this one envisions bodies “remi- the interests of the nation, and not niscent of the 1921 syndicates”, by only of some sections of it”31 and the same token “avoiding any entrusted with the supervision of “the measures that could have transfor- future Romanian corporatist order”32. med [them] into state institutions”, This stance was also supported with the result being a mere “concentra- the help of translations from Italian tion of the forces of labour, certainly authors33. There were also works stronger than could have been ob- striving to find a way out of the tained on the basis of the Chambers design of the slavish imitation of of Labor alone”. Taking account of foreign totalitarian fashions34. Some the declarations accompanying the of them addressed in a consistent publication of the law and pointing to manner the main issue at stake, the planned “integration” of the namely that of deciding over the Romanian state into the purported character of the corporations as drive to corporatist structures deve- branches of the state or as private loping worldwide, he is keen to argue associations. that such a thing “could only become A case in point is that of Petre possible on the basis of renewed Alexandrescu-Roman, a National efforts”, of “long years dedicated to Liberal Party specialist in social the revision of social legislation” and policies. Approaching the challenge of the “wholesale refashioning of the of corporatism as part of an actual syndical system, together with involvement with the prospects of the the elaboration of new professional “petty Romanian bourgeoisie”, in a bodies and a sustained education of conference delivered in February the masses”36. Finally, in a confe- 1937, he discloses the stark disconti- rence of November 1941 hosted by 87 POLIS the General Union of Small arrangement in question “does not Entrepreneurs, he covers the topic of prevent the creation of totalitarian the “regime of the professions in corporatism, allowing full freedom to Romania and abroad”, presenting in a the ordinary legislator” with respect neutral fashion the totalitarian to any such possible developments. evolutions underway in Germany and Rehearsing the fact that “one of the Italy while depicting those of Vichy critiques most often adduced against France as “set on a quasi-totalitarian the representation of professional course”37, only in order to argue in interests is that within such a political the end that “on all accounts, the system each and every citizen is guild created upon the orders of the obliged to be a part of a professional legislator fits very hard into the group”, Gruia argues that the Romanian realities”, moreover ad- Romanian constitution in place ding the general statement that “the “provides for the representation of professional association can only be a the professionals, and not of the very superficial entity when brought professions organized in corpora- into being by virtue of public, instead tions”, thus “without ruling out the of private initiatives” and mildly possibility of organized professional praising the organization addressed groups, it neither makes it a neces- for “having opposed” the design of sary development”42. mandatory corporations of totali- The attitude of caution with tarian inspiration38. regard to the degree and complexion One can also find a readiness to of the authoritarianism expected to admit eventual non-totalitarian get entrenched throughout the outgrowths of the 1938 constitution Romanian social body by virtue of in the statements given at the same the Carolist constitution was certainly juncture by the law professor I. V. characteristic to prominent previous Gruia, a veteran of the search for the defenders of social reforms with a parliamentary representation of pro- liberal cast from the 1920’s and the fessional interests from the 1920’s39, early 1930’s, now converted to the later converted into a stern defender new wisdom apparently taking hold of corporatism at the beginning of the of the entire world, like D. R. next decade40. Defining the state Ioanițescu or Marco I. Barasch43. It emerging from the constitutional might be argued, however, that the document as “authoritarian, corpora- contributor to the debate which went tive and national”41, he also clarifies farthest in denying any implications that “the Romanian constitution does of a totalitarian corporatist nature to not elaborate a totalitarian corporatist the Carolist constitution was the state”, or “in other terms it does not young jurist Tudor Drăganu. set forth to apply the corporatist Developing his reflections on the conception in a totalitarian way”. To corporatist credentials of the regime the same extent, as he argues, the in conjunction with a more general 88 Fascism și fascisme characterization of its foundational latter”. When taking in view that document as inconsistently authori- “Italy has maintained the institution tarian44, he claims that the same of universal suffrage, while our new arrangement only created the precon- constitution has abolished it, repla- ditions for the elaboration of “mo- cing it with professional suffrage”, it derate professional representation”, can only be concluded that the alongside the traditional parliamen- Romanian parliament “has a cha- tary representation of the electorate. racter of professional representation This comes from the fact that “there more clearly displayed than the is no intention proven by the parliaments of the most corporatist of constitution to give political suffrage all countries”, and accordingly the to professional groups enjoying professions here “cannot be allowed continuous existence, but only to to get organized freely”. On the con- temporarily distribute the electors trary, it is said, “the only form that between the three professional cate- our professional organizations can be gories, for the time of the elec- allowed to take is that of organs with tions”45, while also restating the prin- a public character, issuing from the ciple of the freedom of association46. mandatory association of all the The opposite attitude expressed in professionals”. It is to be decried that the discussion is best represented by the 1939 legislative project “does not a 1939 unsigned article in the journal take into account all these con- Parlamentul românesc, itself dis- clusions which derive in a logical playing a sustained concern for the manner from the letter and the spirit matter47. An international survey of the constitution”48. allows the author to state that “from It is this reading of the corporatist the point of view of the juridical form constitution that was retained by I. D. taken by the professional bodies, Enescu, the most laborious of the there can be identified two systems”, people working throughout the years namely “the one which imparts to of the right-wing dictatorships for [them] the character of moral persons fulfilling the promises of 1938. In a pertaining to the sphere of public project for the organization of the law”, respectively the one which professions that he delivers shortly “maintains these bodies as organs after the installation of the Carolist with a particular character”. It is then regime, he treats “social activities” as underscored that “according to our divided among three “categories of constitution, […] the professions are functions”: those of “production” given decisive attributions with (comprising the spheres of agricul- respect to the election of the ture, industry and trades), respec- deputies”, in so far as “their role is tively those of “repartition” (com- not confined to the mere nomination merce, communication, exchange of the candidates, being instead and circulation) and of “discipline” extended to the actual election of the (intellectual activities and public 89

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