VOlume 81, No. 6 Student Newspaper |\ OCTober 16, 2013 THIS WEEK IN A Message from LA VIE Editorial: Why Write About LGBT? President Thayne La Vie issue focuses on LGBT community, topics, and issues F on LGBT Edition eatures Nick Thrailkill ’14 policymic.com Editor-In-Chief This special edition of La Vie The U.S. began celebrating will contribute to a greater under- LGBT History Month in October standing of our LGBT students and 1994. LGBT History Month is to a climate of civility and inclusive an observance of lesbian, gay, bi- excellence at Lebanon Valley Col- sexual, and transgender history as lege. We are a learning commu- well as the history of the gay rights nity where seeking out difference movement in the U.S. Last Friday, should be part of how we learn October 11, was National Coming from each other. Out Day, which celebrates people Find out about significant events In my Convocation Address, and people in the history of the who openly identify as bisexual, ple whose self-perceptions of their act the prejudice and discrimina- I asked first-year students to es- LGBT movement. gay, lesbian, or transgender. gender identity matches their as- tion that target the LGBT commu- tablish a common ground with In recognition of these events, signed sex) community is overrep- nity by letting students who openly one another, especially a common Page 4 La Vie Collegienne devoted the ma- resented in the world. identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual ground with those students whom jority of this week’s issue to topics These people accept hetero- to share their stories about com- we personally identify as different awareness that are particularly important to sexuality and cisgender as nor- ing out. Furthermore, our staff and from ourselves. It is only then that the LGBT community. mal because they’re surrounded contributing writers provide mul- How does the Bible apply to we can establish a common ceiling homosexual relationships? Since this edition of La Vie is by heterosexuality and cisgender tiple perspectives on key LGBT- where our shared aspirations for a centered around LGBT-related daily. As a result, they view sexual related issues and topics. better, more inclusive, and more Page 6 topics and issues, it already appeals orientations and gender identities We hope that these articles just society can come into being. to members of the LGBT commu- that differ from heterosexuality and show that though they differ from I am very proud to be part of the nity on campus. But what if you’re cisgender as abnormal or weird. other people in their sexual orien- a&e LVC community and to see all the not a member of the LGBT com- Thus, it’s important to let LGBT tations or gender identities, mem- activity that promotes understand- munity? Why should you read this people express their viewpoints to bers of the LGBT community want ing and acceptance, dialogue and edition if its subject matter focuses show that there are alternatives to to be accepted for who they are and advocacy on behalf of our LGBT on experiences and issues that you being heterosexual and cisgender exercise the same rights that the students. There will always be more may have never encountered? and that it’s okay to be lesbian, gay, rest of us do. We also hope that you work to do, but I am encouraged by There are several good reasons. bisexual, or transgender. will be more tolerant, accepting, the work of Freedom Rings and the First, this edition seeks to raise This edition also seeks to pro- and supportive of members of the programs sponsored by a variety awareness of the LGBT commu- mote understanding, tolerance, LGBT community as they contin- of student groups during Freedom nity on campus and around the and acceptance of the LGBT com- ue to work for equal rights. Week. country. It’s important to raise munity. When the LGBT commu- Please give this special edition We will all want to be under- awareness because oftentimes we nity is represented in public and in a chance and read it. The articles Staff writer Erika Fisher highlights stood and to be respected for who TV shows that portray prominent as a nation ignore or downplay the the media, its members are just as might reflect what you already we are as individuals in a support- lesbian and gay relationships. presence of LGBT people. Many often mocked, vilified, or discrimi- know. They might make you an- ive community. people ignore or downplay the nated against as they are praised, gry. They might teach you some- My thanks to the staff of La Vie Page 5 LGBT community because they accepted, and granted legal rights. thing that you didn’t know about for their work on this special edi- oppose different sexual orienta- Martin Luther King, Jr., once the LGBT community. Whatever tion. tions and transgender identities on wrote, “Injustice anywhere is a your reaction might be, this edition INDEX moral or religious grounds. threat to justice everywhere.” If should make you more aware of Warm regards, Other people complain that we deny members of the LGBT the LGBT community on campus, News ..................................1-3 they don’t want the opinions of community their equal rights and what issues they encounter, and Features ................................4 Dr. Thayne the community shoved down their unfairly judge and discriminate what they stand for and value most. Arts & Entertainment ............5 Awareness .............................6 throats. They don’t notice that the against them, it affects all of us. Sports .................................7-8 heterosexual and cisgender (peo- These articles seek to counter- N. THRAILKILL [email protected] M E M B E R PLEASE WE WANT YOUR FEEDBACK [email protected] LVCLaVie LaVie_LVC FREE | TAKE ONE RECYCLE 2 La Vie CoLLegienne OctOber 16, 2013 COMING OUT Members of Freedom Rings Share Coming Out Stories L C A M P U S Charelle Bryant ’14 mine, and that I actually admitted Contributing Writer it to myself. I realized, then, that I was bi, and that’s when I came out. When I was a preteen, I didn’t My friends were supportive, but know that bisexuality existed. I my mother thought that I needed thought that I might be a lesbian, to “choose one,” that she could ac- CRIMEWATCH but I realized that that was impossi- cept me as a lesbian, but that bisex- ble, because I was attracted to boys uals are just “confused.” as well. I thought that there was I’m happily engaged to my op- something wrong with me and so posite-sex partner of almost three I repressed my feelings for women years, and I still haven’t “chosen.” for years. I made all sorts of excuses All information courtesy of the LVC Department of Public Safety I’m still attracted to women, and for why I loved looking at the wom- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * that just makes sharing porn with en in magazines or movies. By the time I was seventeen, I my (mostly) straight fiancée that 10-9-13 | Mund Dining Hall knew about bisexuality, but I had much easier. Student was hurt while working in kitchen. Charelle Bryant / LA VIE I’m free, at long last, from the repressed mine quite deeply. I was so deep in the closet, I was cough- actually realized and was shocked closet, and now I’m free to love my- 10-11-13 | Funk East ing up mothballs. But one day, I that I was attracted to a friend of self for who I am. An umbrella was stolen. Amanda Strouse ’17 table would say something about it 10-12-13 | Mund Contributing Writer and that word about my sexual ori- A non-student’s debit card was found. entation would spread like wildfire I tend to joke about my sexual since my school was small (only 60 10-12-13 | Derickson B orientation and masculinity all the students in the graduating class). Smoke from cooking set off fire alarm. time, and this tendency actually Thankfully, no one leaked the paved the way for me to come out news, although one girl who sat at 10-13-13 | Mund as a lesbian in my senior year of my table jokingly hit on me, which Smoke from cooking set off fire alarm; ventiliation was not turned on. high school. got annoying after a while. I was Lunch tables in high school can glad my best friend and the band 10-13-13 | Bishop Library be really crazy. One day, the people director were there to comfort me. A fire alarm went off for unknown reason; Facilities called for elevator reset. sitting at my table were really hy- pletely mortified and confused be- The only person who gave me per for some reason, and one girl yond belief. I didn’t even get to say trouble when I came out was my 10-13-13 | Bishop Library grabbed a water bottle and started what my orientation was, yet ev- mom. Even though she had told me A fire alarm went off on the second floor, but there was no fire. spinning it, saying stuff like, “Who- eryone was going nuts and asking that she fully supported LGBTQ+ ever this lands on is amazing,” and, me questions. All I could do was sit rights, she told me that I didn’t 10-13-13 | Lynch “Whoever this lands on will get there, petrified. Nobody had taken know what I was talking about and A fire alarm went off twice, but there was no fire either time. some soon.” Then she said, “Who- me seriously when I made jokes be- shot me down. Meanwhile, my dad ever this lands on is the most gay of fore, so I don’t know why they took said nothing but gave me a reassur- 10-13-13 | Public Safety Office us all,” and the stars aligned and the me so seriously then. ing, fatherly grin while my mom Student was threatened by another student. bottle pointed at me. While every- It didn’t help that I have mild was griping about my coming out. one was laughing at the outcome, anxiety, which in senior year had Since then, I haven’t brought up 10-14-13 | Sheridan Avenue at Vickroy I said in my regular sarcastic tone, been amplified by my high levels my sexual orientation to anyone, One silver earring was found. “Yeah, pretty much.” of stress about AP exams and the and as far as I can tell, opinions If anyone had looked over at our classes I had. For the next week haven’t changed about me. So I’ll 10-14-13 | Mund table then, they would’ve seen the or so, I wanted to hide and never consider myself lucky and be glad I An AC reported that a student planned to commit suicide. entire table erupting into complete come out (pun intended). I was came out with a bang. hysteria and me becoming com- afraid that someone who sat at that 10-15-13 | Vickroy Openly Gay Student Taunted with Homophobic Slurs Doors were blocked by garbage cans. An openly gay student said she Have you ever felt like you were We are a team of students and was taunted with homophobic in a situation at LVC that appeared faculty that is dedicated to hearing Please report any suspicious activity to Public Safety at x6111. slurs by about 20 male students at to constitute harassment or other about these matters and assisting Acadia University. The males are acts of bias? members of the College communi- said to have chanted insults in uni- Are you the victim of abuse ty determine what responses might son while waiting in line for a re- based on age, religion, race, gender, be made. Corrections & Clarifications cent concert in the Acadia Student sexual orientation, or disability? For more information or to Union Building. If you answered “yes” to ei- submit a report, visit the “Bias It is our continuing goal to provide readers with complete and ac- Officials at Acadia University ther of these or similar questions, Response Team” link on the main curate information. To that end, we welcome and encourage noti- investigated an alleged homopho- you are encouraged to bring your page of MyLVC. fication of any mistakes. Readers who wish to submit corrections bic incident which occurred in concerns to LVC’s Bias Response should send an email to [email protected], subject line: Corrections. September. Team. PAID ADVERTISEMENT La Vie CoLLegienne OctOber 16, 2013 3 COMING OUT Members of Freedom Rings Share Coming Out Stories Ryan Holland ’16 because I spent more time with I decided one weekend that I’d some of my teachers that I was gay. Contributing Writer girls instead of guys at recess. finally come out to my parents, They were very supportive, telling When I started going to public knowing full well that they and my me that it was okay that I was gay When I came out as gay, I had school when I was a little older, at friends might have rejected me for because that’s who I am and that nothing but support from my first my classmates thought I was a who I truly was. When I told my no one can change that, no matter friends, family, and teachers, but goody two-shoes because I always mom that I was gay, my mom said, what. the road to coming out was no bed minded my manners and was polite “I’ve known for a while. I was wait- I was so happy that my family, of roses. to others. They also started calling ing for you to figure it out. You are friends, and teachers supported me When I was in Catholic school me “gay,” a word that I had never my son and I will always love you, when I came out, but not everyone and being brought up as a good heard before, but that apparently no matter what. Just promise me has that support behind them. That Roman Catholic boy should, I got described someone whose manner- one thing: you will be safe. That’s is why I try to help people and be called names like “sissy” or “faggot.” isms were flamboyant. So I started all I care about.” supportive of them, because not This was probably because I spent to wonder, “Is a person who’s gay When I told my dad I was gay, everyone is that open or under- more time playing jump rope and really weak, nice, or kind?” I was afraid that he would throw standing. What you take away my talking with the girls at recess than During middle school, I started me out of the house or disown me. story is that you should be support- I did hanging out with the guys, Ryan Holland / LA VIE developing feelings for other boys Instead, he said, “Ryan, you are my ive of others because they need and the guys would often tell me, instead of girls, as members of my were telling me that I was weak. son. I love you for who you are, and you behind them as a friend when “You’re such a girl.” I never really church and my peers said I should. Only later did I realize that this was that’ll never change.” Then he gave the time comes for you to listen to paid any attention to what they said When I talked to my friends about not the case, after talking the mat- me the biggest hug ever. what they have to say. about me, although I thought that this and they told me that I was gay, ter over with my family, friends, After that weekend, I went back they must have thought I was weak I was scared because I thought they and other people. to school and told my friends and Claire Hejnas ’14 When one day I was caught sneak- vinced me that it was a good idea. he was watching TV and told them Contributing Writer ing around by the police and given Next, I told my brother. When to come into the kitchen and sit a warning, I knew that it was time my sister and I went to pick my down with my sister, brother, and My name is Claire Hejnas and I to tell my family that I was a lesbian. brother up from his friend’s house me. When my parents sat down, I am a lesbian. I live with my mom, my dad, after he spent the night there, I told froze. I wanted to say something, Though I started to question my my sister who is a grade above me, him that I was a lesbian on the car but no words came out. Then my sexual orientation in my freshmen and my brother who is a grade be- ride home. He was also supportive brother said, “So, Claire and I have year of high school, it took me a low me. I wanted to tell my siblings and even said that he knew the per- something in common,” which while to actually identify as a les- about my orientation first, so I fect way to tell Mom and Dad: he made me laugh and made it easier bian. For four years, I battled with started with my sister. The day after would start by saying how he and for me to tell them that I was a myself because I felt like I had to I was warned by the police, I texted I had something in common and lesbian. It took my parents a bit to be like everyone else, and so I kept my sister to see when she would be then letting me take it from there. process it, but they have since sup- telling myself that I did not and home from college to talk. Twenty My brother, sister, and I laughed ported me. could not like girls. minutes after I sent that text, my and joked around about it before Since then, I’ve been telling In my freshman year of college, I sister walked into the house and we went back to the house. friends that I am a lesbian. I have finally started to accept the fact that Claire Hejnas / LA VIE said, “I’m home, so let’s talk.” very supportive. She then suggest- It was finally time to tell my par- lost a few friends because of this, I was attracted to women. At that I was not prepared to talk about ed that I should tell the rest of my ents. I was very nervous when I ap- but the friends I have today are the time, I was sneaking around with my sexual orientation so soon, but family about it in the same day. I proached my mom when she was ones that I know I can count on and a girl behind my parents’ backs. I told her. She took it well and was thought she was crazy, but she con- folding laundry and my dad when that I love dearly. Jacob Schwaim ’17 let you know I’m gay.” like. Thankfully, I wouldn’t see my of the school prepared to take the the events of the previous night Contributing Writer Unfortunately, the next few mo- parents that morning and I could same chance with friends that I had at home, I nearly cried right then ments destroyed any hope I had of taken with my parents. and there. Apparently she noticed, I was 14, impulsive, and a little getting sleep that night. My mother What a lot of people fail to re- quickly dropped the façade be- too opinionated for my own good. looked right into my eyes and, alize is that coming out isn’t just a tween laughs, and managed to get My heartbeat steadily increased without even taking a moment to once and done ordeal. It’s some- out that she had known. For a brief as I sat down at the kitchen table. pause, said, “God doesn’t make gay thing that you do over and over moment, I forgot everything and My parents were the only ones in people.” again until everyone important to just let her hug me. the house, so I had no excuses this My head spun, my heart sank, you understands this basic, funda- That moment when you finally time. I had to tell them this: it was and suddenly I needed to vomit. I mental aspect of you. feel accepted as who you are is the now or never. tried to stand so I could just take a In the band room, I pulled aside best moment in the world. While I called my mother into the walk. My parents refused to let me a good friend of mine, someone I my moment of being accepted was room, and seeing my distress, she leave the house that night and in- trusted not to freak out. I looked my happiest moment, I wouldn’t took the initiative of calling my fa- stead sat me down and prayed for around the empty room nervously change anything about that day or ther. I asked them to sit as I gulped the next hour that I might be cured. and leaned in to whisper to her the night before. I’ve had problems down my fear and twiddled my Afterwards, they left me alone in what I thought was the biggest like everyone else in this world, thumbs. The next few moments my bedroom, where I sat in silence secret I had ever kept. She stood and they have molded me into the were a blur, as they tried to coax Jacob Schwaim / LA VIE for the next two hours. for a second without saying any- person that I am. Enduring the pain the words from my throat. Finally, I I woke up the next morning get to school relatively stress free. thing. Without the slightest smile, was worth it; enduring the pain is blurted out the words, “I wanted to dreading what my life would be I walked through the front door she said, “Are you serious?” Given what made me happy. 4 La Vie CoLLegienne OctOber 16, 2013 FEATURES Significant people and events in LGBT history Nicki Shepski ’15 October 11, 1987 – 500,000 adding new panels, although it is too couples’ right to marry. The controversy 2009 – Iowa and Vermont Staff writer people participate in the National large to be seen in its entirety. over this amendment is still boiling as legalize same-sex marriage. March on Washington for Gay 1994 – Steve Gunderson, appeals continue even today. 2010 – New Hampshire legalizes 1961 – Illinois becomes the first and Lesbian Rights, inspiring the former Republican Congressman, 2008 – Connecticut legalizes same-sex marriage. state to decriminalize homosexual May 8, 2010 – Chaz Bono acts. received a grant to change his gender June 28, 1969 – The Stonewall and name. The only child of Sonny Riots break out at the Stonewall Inn and Cher, he is an activist for LGBT in Greenwich Village, NY. Policemen rights. harassed the openly gay customers May 27, 2010 – Congress repeals at the bar, and a riot broke out after Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, allowing customers got sick of it. Soon, other people to be openly gay while serving gay and lesbian people joined in, in the military. reaching numbers of over 1,000. 2011 – New York legalizes same- This event is widely considered the sex marriage. catalyst of the modern gay rights 2012 – Washington and Maine movement. legalize same-sex marriage. November 27, 1978 – Harvey 2013 – Maryland, California, Milk, the first openly gay person Delaware, Minnesota, and Rhode elected to public office in California, Island have all legalized same-sex was assassinated. He is a San marriage this year. New Jersey Francisco icon who passed one of the creation of National Coming Out comes out as one of the first openly same-sex marriage. Superior Court judge Mary Jacobson first gay rights ordinances within the Day in 1988. gay members of Congress and one of September 3, 2008 – Isis King has ordered state officials to legalize city, which outlawed discrimination 1987 – The Aids Memorial Quilt the first openly gay Republicans. appears as the first transgender same-sex marriage on October 21. based on sexual orientation. is revealed on the Capital Mall in 2004 – Massachusetts legalizes contestant on America’s Next Top View the full list of significant peo- 1983 – Former Congressman Washington, DC. At the time of its same-sex marriage. Model and one of the first transgender ple and major events in LGBT history Gerry Studds comes out as the first first unveiling, it covered two football 2008 – California state people on television. She is currently on La Vie Online. openly gay member of Congress and fields. The Names Project still hosts constitutional amendment Proposition signed with JB Models and has her as the first openly gay Democrat. quilt displays and is continuously 8 is passed, overturning same-sex own fashion line. N. SHEPSKI [email protected] Lesbian and Gay relationships at LVC Gregory Renner ’15 Megan was finishing work on her home. I had a few small relationships working together,” he says. friends. “I told my immediate Staff writer B.A. in Art Education at SUNY in college, but nothing that I felt was “We got together this past family about a week after my New Platz at the time, while her serious enough to introduce to my summer because I finally worked boyfriend and I started going out Emilie Hamm ’15 soon-to-be partner was working in family. When I brought [my partner] up the courage to tell him how I felt, over the summer. Generally most Daniel Gagliardi ’14 Connecticut. home, my mom was accepting and and I found out that he had similar of my family and friends were Contributing writers “It became official the weekend she is very open-minded.” feelings for me as well. We have been supportive and accepting, but I of Memorial Day last year when she But her father was a different together for the past two months.” have lost a few people I thought For this special edition of La drove down to visit me while I was story. “I wanted to be the one to The 21-year-old LVC student were my friends with words like, Vie Collegienne, which is focused at school. It being a five-hour drive, tell my father,” she says, “but my describes his relationship with ‘That’s shameful,’ and, ‘That’s just around the LGBT community [I knew] she was a keeper,” Megan mom told him. She thought she was his partner as being separated by not right.’” in observance of LGBT Pride says. protecting me, but my father didn’t geography. The student says his stepfather Month, a couple of LVC students Megan and her partner share a take it as well. We didn’t speak for six “It was a pretty hard adjustment was less than supportive after the agreed to talk about their same- room in Silver Hall. months.” going from being able to see him student came out to him. “My sex relationships. “The college campus is very But now that’s behind her. Her every day at work, and occasionally stepdad told me on my way to Megan Brannan, 22, who is accepting and the students are father is now best friends with her hanging out together on our days off, work the one day, ‘You’re lucky an LVC Area Coordinator, sat open-minded,” she says. They attend partner. to not being able to see each other at I already went through this with down for an interview about her sports games and go to MJ’s Coffee In a separate interview with La all, for the most part,” he says. “We your stepbrother. Otherwise, I relationship with her partner. House together, enjoying their time. Vie, a male student, who asked to do text often and we tend to talk on would probably be furious with According to Brannan, she and Megan also recalled the first time remain anonymous, spoke about his Skype or Facebook throughout the you.’” her partner met in Provincetown, she introduced her partner to her relationship with his partner. day. We are both very happy being But over time, the student’s Cape Cod, MA, at a bar during family. “I’m currently in a long distance with each other and I am happy stepfather has more supportive of a young women’s weekend “I’m not the kind of girl to bring relationship with my boyfriend, to have someone who loves me as the student’s sexual orientation, while the two were vacationing just anyone home. It has to be really since both of us go to different much as he does because he makes and the student hopes that other there separately. Neither went serious for me to decide to bring colleges. I have known him for three me feel better about myself and my people will be supportive as well. in to that weekend looking for a them home,” Megan explains. “My years at my summer job and admired life.” G. RENNER [email protected] relationship, but after meeting girlfriend [was] the first serious him, and I knew I had feelings for The student also shared the story E. HAMM [email protected] one another, they kept in touch. relationship that I decided to bring him since the first time we started of his coming out to his family and D. GAGLIARDI [email protected] La Vie CoLLegienne OctOber 16, 2013 5 A&E Television shows portray prominent LGBT relationships Erika Fisher ’17 Kennedy and Willow never Staff Writer received the support that Willow and Tara received – not due to the It can certainly be argued that orientations of the characters, but as goes society, so goes TV – to the character herself. particularly when it comes to the Medical drama Grey’s acceptance of evolving views on Anatomy includes lesbian couple sexuality. Television has gone from Callie Torres (Sara Ramirez) ignoring LGBT relationships to and Arizona Robins (Jessica giving them focus and spotlight, Capshaw). The relationship has along with the positive messages developed over several seasons, of acceptance and tolerance. and has included marriage and As proof, there’s a crop of TV even a daughter. Despite bumps programs that mirror society’s in the road for the last few seasons, acceptance of relationships that fans continue to rally around the were once considered taboo. couple, especially on social media Buffy the Vampire Slayer sites such as Tumblr. portrayed one of the most In its first season, MTV’s significant LGBT relationships supernatural drama Teen Wolf on television. In season 4 of the introduced Danny (Keahu show, fan favorite Willow (Alyson Kahuanui), an openly gay Warner Brothers Hannigan) engaged in a deep lacrosse player and friend to the LGTB RELATIONSHIPS ON TV The relationship between Tara Maclay (Amber Benson, left) and relationship with fellow witch main characters. Though rarely Willow Rosenberg (Alyson Hannigan, right) on Buffy the Vampire Slayer was one of the first long- Tara (Amber Benson). They soon involved in the mythology arcs term lesbian relationships portrayed on TV. became among the most stable of the show, Danny plays his couples in the show. part as a friend. In the first part characters have been confirmed of several characters coming to Kurt coming out to his father, in The relationship between of the third season, antagonist to return in the second half of the terms with their sexuality, with one of Glee’s most heartwarming Tara and Willow continued werewolf Ethan (Charlie Carver) third season, which airs in January. the support of their friends and scenes. His father Burt’s (Mike until the death of the former. is introduced and soon becomes HBO’s hit fantasy drama family. O’Malley) acceptance of his son’s The emotional aftermath of involved with Danny, despite Game of Thrones also includes the Among the most popular sexuality has been hailed by critics Tara’s death became the catalyst Danny being ignorant to the relationship between Loras Tyrell, pairings on the show is that of as one of the most poignant scenes for one of the series’ most supernatural world and Ethan the knightly scion of a powerful Kurt Hummel (Chris Colfer) and on the show, and the relationship powerful storylines involving trying to kill Danny’s friends. family, and Renly Baratheon, a Blaine Anderson (Darren Criss). between the two has remained Willow. Outside the show, the This relationship is not treated lord and younger brother to King Since his introduction in the strong through five seasons. relationship between Willow and differently than the heterosexual Robert. The television show takes second season, Blaine has become As society moves forward Tara was one of the first long- relationships on the show. Danny the opportunity to explore this one of the central characters on with its views and acceptance, term lesbian relationships on TV. and Ethan are given depth relationship in more depth than the show, with many episodes television has been doing the After the death of Tara, a backlash beyond their relationship, and it was explored in the novels dedicated to the struggles that he same, providing a glimpse into followed and a number of fans the relationship itself is given that the show was adapted from. and Kurt face in their relationship. human, three dimensional quit watching. characteristics that quickly Even after Renly’s death, the The struggles the two go through characters and flawed, The pairing remains a favorite endeared it to fans. Kahuanui relationship remains important to are not just the struggles of complicated relationships – two to fans to this day. A testament and Carver are supportive of Loras’s character. a LGBT couple: they are the concepts that are so common in to this first relationship can be the relationship off screen, and The hit musical show Glee struggles that any couple faces. reality, but not always guaranteed seen in fan reaction to Willow’s fans have quickly latched onto frequently deals with LGBT Kurt himself has been the on a television show. love interest in the last season, “Dethan”. Both actors and the issues, and among the most center of the show’s major potential Slayer Kennedy. relationship between their successful storylines are those storylines. Glee’s first season saw E. FISHER [email protected] Compiled by Danielle Cook ’17 More LGTB in fiction: [email protected] Grey’s Anatomy The Birdcage Milk Downtown Los Angeles Hero A medical drama featuring surgeon Callie Engaged couple Val Goldman and Barbara The movie is based on the life of Harvey Milk, This relatively new show features several Thomas Creed is a closeted gay teenager Torres, who discovers her true orientation Keeley wish for their parents to meet, but the first openly gay person to be elected into gay couples whose professions range from who is withholding his secret from his and forms a relationship with Arizona Barbara’s parents are very conservative and public office. After he and his partner move to math teachers to drag queens. The show is homophobic, ex-superhero father. However, Robbins. Callie has to struggle to convince Val was raised by gay partners who run a drag California in 1970, Milk works diligently on a considered ‘gay’ themed, and the heterosexual he has the ability to heal injuries, and a her Catholic parents to accept her choice. show. Determined to make a good impression, campaign so he can help the gay community. couples are the minority. The wife of one of the number of incidents lead to him running The show features Callie and Arizona as Val’s family undergoes radical changes to their Though his struggles are great and his heterosexual couples is good friends with three away from home and becoming a hero independent, and strong women who are image, but when their plan (of course) goes relationships turn downhill, he persists until he gay men and is estranged with her husband. apprentice, fearing what his father and the not judged or hindered in their careers wrong, it take a drag queen’s thinking to set is elected, and works for gay rights. public will say about his orientation. because of their orientation. things right. 6 La Vie CoLLegienne OctOber 16, 2013 AWARENESS Green Dot Program creates abuse awareness Letters to the Editor Elizabeth Richey ’14 and Mike Ritter, the Public do so, each trainee was given the have either been diffused or La Vie Collegienne requires all Letters to the Editor to contain the Contributing Writer Education Coordinator of opportunity to role play several prevented. author’s name, telephone number, Domestic Violence Intervention different violent behaviors. Every student who attended and e-mail address. No initials or pen LVC prides itself on being of Lebanon County, to examine Although more severe acts like and completed the program names will be accepted. La Vie does a welcoming community that's different types of violence sexual assault were left out, more was given a Green Dot training not publish any anonymous letters. Telephone numbers and email ad- small and safe. That’s what booklet, which is intended to dresses are required for verification. attracts so many prospective be a useful tool for trainees They will not be printed. students and their parents when they encounter Red Letters should be no longer than to visit the college each Dot situations in the future. 200 words. All letters for submission become property of La Vie Collegi- year. However safe the Participating students also enne. La Vie reserves the right to edit College might be, it's not received a certificate that for length, accuracy, and clarity. Sub- a perfectly safe campus. committed each trainee to missions may be edited and may be Even though perfection give up his or her passive published or otherwise refused. Letters, columns, and opinion- is impossible, taking this bystander status and take based articles do not necessarily rep- already-protected campus on the role of an active resent the views of La Vie or Lebanon and making it even safer can bystander, also known as a Valley College. be done, and LVC Green Green Dot. Submissions may be e-mailed to [email protected], hand-delivered to our Dot has already taken on When asked why she Mund office, submitted to lavieonline. the task of making LVC a participated in the Green Dot lvc.edu or mailed to the address better protected campus. training program, Lyndsay below. La Vie Collegienne On September 29, Riedel '17 said, “Green Dot ATTN: La Vie Editors 2013, the members of LVC is a wonderful program to get 101 N. College Ave. Green Dot held a Green involved with because you Annville, PA 17003 Dot Ambassador Training learn how to create a better Seminar in Neidig-Garber society.…We can all help Advertise with La Vie 203. The purpose of the stop violence one person at seminar was to initiate the a time.” first wave of students at If you are interested in Recruit for your student orga- Lebanon Valley College Elizabeth Richey / LA VIE being a part of this proactive nization. Sell your old junk ... or that ugly sweater from your into the Green Dot Task Force, occurring on campus. common behaviors like bullying movement on campus, please grandmother. Say hi to your a nationwide group committed Since abuse does occur at and intimidation were included visit http://www.lvc.edu/ lover. (maybe not that last part) to preventing and positively LVC, the student trainees were in the exercise. After each skit, greendot/ to view a schedule of addressing violence. Here, taught how to identify Red students were encouraged to upcoming events. [email protected] eleven eager students attended Dots, or acts of violence, and use these demonstrations as a four hour program led by the proper steps to effectively well as their own experiences La Vie Collegienne Dr. Marianne Goodfellow, intervene, diffuse, and prevent to prompt effective discussions 101 N. College Ave | Annville, PA 17003 associate professor of Sociology, Red Dot situations. In order to on how these situations could E. RICHEY [email protected] Campus Extension 6169 or [email protected] Established 1924 Chaplain Fullmer: What does the Bible say about homosexuality? Winner of two Pennsylvania Newspaper Despite its massive size and materials. An overriding concern Greek words none of which are which identifies heterosexuality as Association 2012 Keystone Press Awards scope, the Bible approaches the for “purity” drive the texts, perhaps rightly translated “homosexuality” a dominant phenomenon among topic of gay and lesbian sexual resulting a desire to distinguish an (NIV). The term malakos in 1 humans, but which does not EDITOR-IN-CHIEF expression in just five short Israelite identity and worship from Corinthians 6:9-10 literally means command it. The story of Sodom & Nick Thrailkill ’14 passages. A consideration of the the Molechite tribes, whose priests “softy,” connoting a Hellenistic Gomorrah (Genesis 18-19; Judges DESIGN EDITOR Justin Roth ’14 historical context in which each may have engaged in sex acts as part concept of “effeminate” in a cowardly 19) is an engaging story about a scripture is written, however, of their ritual. sense. Ancient texts apply the term gang rape, not same-sex love. In its FEATURES EDITOR Justin Roth ’14 has led many faith-filled pastors, The passage Romans 1:18- to both hetero- and homosexual historical context, the story extols A&E EDITOR biblical scholars, and practicing 32 is part of a larger statement by activity. The literal meaning of the importance of hospitality to the Rosemary Bucher ’14 Christians to conclude that these the Apostle Paul against idolatry. the Greek term arsenokoitai in 1 stranger (cf. Ezek. 16:48-52). PERSPECTIVES EDITOR passages are in no way applicable to Scholars such as Scroggins note Timothy 1:9-11 is “male intercourse.” What does the Bible say about Nicki Shepski ’15 modern same-sex relationships in that same-sex relations in first This term is almost exclusively found gays and lesbians? Nothing; its SPORTS EDITOR which adults commit to love each century Rome are almost exclusively within ancient lists of economic context knows nothing of the sort. Dan Callahan ’14 other. exploitative, expressed as pederasty injustices, suggesting a reference to SENIOR COPY EDITOR Position Available Two of several laws within or male prostitution rather than the pederasty and male prostitution Interested to learn more? Students the ancient Hebrew Purity Code as mutual, committed, loving which were predominant in the are welcome to borrow several CIRCULATION MANAGER Sarah Frank ’14 (Leviticus 18-20) forbid same- relationships. In his ancient context, culture. resources on the topic from the Hurst BUSINESS MANAGER sex relations. The context is Paul understands homosexuality as Other texts which are similarly Diversity Library (Miller Chapel Position Available instructive: other laws within this divine punishment for idolatry. forced into considerations of 114). A two-page bibliography is ADVISER same set prohibit the wearing of The remaining two verses, also modern homosexuality include the available in the offices in the lobby of Robert E. Vucic fabrics woven from two different from the Apostle Paul, contain specific Creation Story (Genesis 1-2), a text Miller Chapel. SPORTS SCHEDULE Two conference wins for women’s soccer on home turf; record sits at 7-4-2 Wednesday, 10/16 Men’s Soccer Cody Manmiller ’16 at Stevenson University 7 p.m. Staff Writer Women’s Volleyball The women’s soccer team at vs Lycoming College Lebanon Valley experienced a nice 7 p.m. week when it comes to results. This past week, they took care of Friday, 10/18 business on their home field against Men’s Ice Hockey Lycoming College and Alvernia at United States Naval Academy University. This puts them 2-1 in 7 p.m. the Commonwealth Conference. Against Lycoming, LVC jumped Saturday, 10/19 off to a fierce start and was already up 4-0 at the halftime break. Cross Country at Gettysburg Invitational Sammy Bost broke it open for 11 a.m. the Dutchmen by scoring two goals in the first 13 minutes of the game. Field Hockey Before halftime, Amanda Douglass at Messiah College and Heather Tran also added goals 1 p.m. to put the game out of reach with For more results, visit still 45 minutes left to play. GoDutchmen.com Bost scored again in the second SURGING SOCCER The team celebrates after a goal during an exciting weekend, which resulted in two wins. ATHLETES half to complete the hat-trick, while After the domination of Alvernia was able to equalize in The women are on the road assisting on Douglass’ goal as well. OF THE Lycoming, LVC was able to play the 27th minute. for two games this week, against Douglass, who scored the third another home game, this one Lebanon Valley answered back Stevenson University and Albright WEEK goal for LVC, had two assists and against Alvernia. just 13 minutes later, just before College. LVC is 7-4-2 overall and eight total shots. Amy Overpeck Lindi Crist started the game off halftime, when freshman Johnna 2-1 in conference play. and Taylor Reinhold combined for Zach halpin the right way for Lebanon Valley Garbrick scored her first career a clean sheet in goal, while making Football just one save. after striking a free kick into the goal. The goal ended up being the back of the net to go up 1-0, just 10 last of the game as neither team was LVC had 32 shots to Lycoming’s two. minutes in. able to score in the second half. C. MANMILLER [email protected] Conference opponents drop men’s soccer Cody Manmiller ’16 stayed in Annville when they Staff Writer hosted Alvernia on Sunday. Once again, LVC fell behind Halpin was a monumental defensive The week began with a lot of early thanks to an Alvernia goal force in the football team’s upset over excitement for the men’s soccer with just over a minute into the Lycoming on Homecoming Weekend, team as they entered the bulk of game. Cam Alexander did well to as he racked up six tackles, four of them sacks. He has six sacks in the conference play. But, the results score before the 20-minute mark. last two games. were not what they had expected. Alexander brought the ball down Lycoming came to Herbert with his chest and buried the Melissa brosious Field and shocked the Dutchmen volley into the side corner. The WoMen’s lacrosse by winning 2-0. In the 25th teams went into halftime tied at 1 minute, a corner was whipped into and it looked good for LVC. But, the box and Connor McNiff was Alvernia scored just 2 minutes into able to head it into the top corner the second half, another early goal, of the net to take an early lead. and led 2-1 the rest of the game. Lebanon Valley began pressing in This was the third game in a row the second half for the equalizing that LVC has lost and they are now goal but Lycoming added another 0-3 in conference play. when Adam Kuntz scored to put Lebanon Valley looks to get the game out of reach. Lycoming back on track on the road this week In their dominating performance outshot LVC 8-3 and James at Stevenson and then Albright on against Hood, Brosious was the leader Clements had three saves for LVC. Saturday night. in goals with two, as her efforts helped the Dutchmen remain unbeaten in Looking to put the game Commonwealth Conference play. behind them, the Dutchmen C. MANMILLER [email protected] TOUGH BREAK Alexander’s goal was not enough to secure a win. SPORTS Men’s and Women’s Halpin and Brosious Soccer recaps p. 7 earn AOTW p. 7 Highlight of Homecoming A strong defensive effort powered the Dutchmen to upset #24 Lycoming Dan Callahan ’14 dominating defense allowed just Lyco took a 7-6 lead just after Sports Editor 50 rushing yards, and hauled in the second half began, but LVC three interceptions. was not finished scoring yet. Defense is said to win “Our defense has been doing In the fourth quarter, Bryan championships, and with the it all year,” head coach Jim Kasper ’14 made his second way LVC’s defense has been Monos said in an interview with interception of the season at the playing lately, that may become GoDutchmen.com following best time, and returned it to the a reality for the Dutchmen. the win. “The defense kept us in Lyco 13-yard line. From there, On Homecoming Weekend the game and the offense took Murphy tossed the ball to senior in the Valley, the football squad advantage of the opportunities Joey Miller in the corner for hosted No. 24 Lycoming for a to score.” another touchdown pass. MAC showdown, and LVC (5- That offense Monos referred After completing the two- 1, 4-1 MAC) upset the Warriors to scored first in the second point conversion, the Dutchmen (4-2, 4-1 MAC) in a defensive quarter, on an 8-play, 94-yard controlled all of the energy and battle, 14-7. It was the first time drive that ended with a TD pass held the Warrior offense once in program history that LVC from junior quarterback Brian again to secure the upset. knocked off a Top 25 opponent. Murphy. Jake Zeigler ’14 reeled The Valley will take this big With the upset, LVC now in the touchdown, making it his win into their bye week, and shares the top of the standings second of the season. come back on October 26 for a in the MAC, tied with Lyco for In a game that featured the game at Misericordia. first place. little amounts of offensive The defense that stopped a movement, Zeigler also came strong Warrior offense put up up big as the punter. He had six 10 sacks in the game, getting punts, which averaged out to four from Zach Halpin ’14 and almost 40-yards each, and three three from Frank Gaffney ’15. went inside the 20-yard line. On top of that, the rest of the One punt went over 50-yards. PROUD COACH Monos is very pleased with his team after their win. D. CALLAHAN [email protected] Field Hockey Honors Novak ’12, routs Hood 6-0 Dan Callahan ’14 success, and they put on a good With the win that extends Sports Editor show for the recent grad in their their win streak to four games, 6-0 win over Hood. it brings the Valley’s record up The 4-10 Blazers of Hood Melissa Brosious set the tone to 7-6, and still an unbeaten College were in for a rough offensively to start the game, 3-0 in the Commonwealth game against the surging scoring her first of two goals just Conference. The Dutchmen Dutchmen field hockey team 1:37 into the game. Brosious hosted Widener last night (Oct. (7-6), with the stage being set scored her second goal of the 15) and was not available for for a Homecoming night game game later in the first half. this issue. with a special ceremony for Other goal scorers for the The next game will be a Jocelyn Novak ’12. Dutchmen, all with one goal conference matchup against Before the game began, each, included Lyndee Sheaffer rival Messiah, this Saturday Oct. Novak became the first field ’16, Megan Arnst ’17, and 19 starting at 1 p.m. hockey player to have her Lauren Brumbach ’15. jersey number (3) retired in the There were a lot of impressive program’s history. She became stats from this overpowering the NCAA Divison III leader in win, but the two that stick out all-time goals her senior year. the most are LVC outshooting Novak gave a lot of credit the Blazers 37-1 and also leading to her past teammates for her corners 24-3. D. CALLAHAN [email protected]