This Week NEWS A&E PERSPECTIVES ONLINE: u, Students memorialize See the full story ofxHot LVC students give their take Nicole Gallo's life through Dog Frank' told by a Valley on the college alcohol policy HTTP://LAVIEONLINE.LVC.EDU video Ambassador LEBANON VALLEY COLLEGE'S STUDENT NEWSPAPER Ha Viz Collegtetme Volume 77, No. 1 An Independent Publication | Founded 1924 September 9, 2009 THIS WEEK IN A tragedy leaves campus mourning LVCvs.HlNl LA VIE College prepares as SPORTS nation enters flu season SARAH GRODZINSKI '10 SPORTS EDITOR Nicole Gallo was not an average NINA BAXOGH '10 girl. Yes, she went to school, played CIRCULATION MANAGER sports, and hung out with friends, but she possessed a unique quality—a Flu season is rapidly approach- characteristic—that set her apart from ing and college students all over the The LVC Field Hockey team has others. This characteristic was appar- United States now have a new strain high hopes for the coming season ent to anyone that crossed paths with to be wary of. Swine Flu, otherwise her, for they too were touched by the known as the H1N1 strain has been Page 8 warmth ofher sunshine. running rampant through commu- While people can point fingers or nities over the spring and summer attempt to find someone to blame, months and will most likely be ap- PERSPECTIVES the tragic accident that took the life "Just put it in a bubble and blow it away..."- Nicole Gallo pearing on college campuses next. of Nicole Gallo was just that—an Health Services at LVC have Perspectives editor Patrick Salo- mon talks with school administra- accident. Nicole's young life was cut been in contact with the CDC tion about the controversy concern- short onAug. 14,2009 when she was (Center for Disease Control) and ing off campus housing struck by a car while walking outside injured but was released from the Individuals that did know Nicole are receiving information as the flu Page 6 of the Delaware County Memorial hospital Aug. 25,2009. were blessed because of the genuine season progresses. Hospital. The driver, reaching for It is a shame for those who never compassion and enthusiasm that she "Students should not be wor- her iPod, lost control of the car and met Nicole, because her classmates, displayed in everything she did. As ried," says Julie M. Wolf, Head hit Nicole and her friend, Christine friends, and fellow athletes could not a student and member of the track College Nurse and Director of the Bochanski. Bochanski was critically fathom a life without knowing her. College Health Center, "due to how FEATURES/A&E Please see GALLO | Page 3 preventable the illness is." La Vie launches new online edition According to Health Services and the CDC, the HIN 1 flu strain is very preventable. With good hand LVC 101- washing and by practicing good What new habits, the chances of spreading and students contracting the illness will be low- need to ered dramatically. Covering your bnow. nose and mouth when you cough or Please see FLU | Page 2 Your complete guide to the ins and outs of LVC, from who you DANIEL WALMER ' 10 the story," said Justin Weaver '10, related topics, and there will should know on campus to where to visit in town LA VIE STAFF WRITER the primary designer and manager be a space for readers to leave of the website. comments at the bottom of each Pages 4,5 La Vie Collegiene, LVC's stu- "All the stories in the print edi- story. tfbmv I dent-run newspaper, is entering tion will be on the site," Weaver "We do reserve the right to take cyberspace. On Sept. 9, 2009, La said, "but there will also be stories down any offensive comments that INDEX Vie Online (http://lavieonline.lvc. that are online that aren't in the are posted," he added. edu) will officially kick off, fea- print edition." In addition to the interactive News 1-3 Features 4 turing polls, blogs, sports scores, One advantage of La Vie On- elements, La Vie Online will be Ben Waltz'11/LA VIE H1N1 Despite the hype surrounding Arts & Entertainment 5 breaking news, interactive features line is that it will be interactive. "news 24/7," able to provide in- the H1N1 virus, it is very prevent- Perspectives 6 and more. According to Weaver, there will able. Even common sense practices Sports 7-8 "Here you can add video, slide be a weekly poll about campus- like washing your hands can help Please see ONLINE | Page 2 shows, just a different way to tell keep you safe M B 1-fNXSVLVAMA f\ WE WANTYOUR FEEDBACK [email protected] LVCNews FREE | TAKE ONE 2 LA VIE COLLEGIENNE SEPTEMBER 9, 2009 NEW: 0 N LIN E: allowing 'greater immediacy' Continued from Page 1 formation more quickly than the tion, La Vie "reflects the current Wig & Buckle weekly print edition can, Weaver trends in journalism," Vucic said. Theft Update said. "We have to be up to speed with This will include breaking news what's going on in the industry," Almost a year later, $1000 items as well as live audio and vid- he added. was reported stolen from the eo. Even so, the La Vie print edition Wig & Buckle Theatre Com- "You'll get immediacy which will continue as before, he clarified. pany during the week of the you don't get in a weekly news- "There's a feeling that it's needed showing of Dracula. An in- paper," said Bob Vucic, Lecturer and wanted." vestigation into the theft fol- in English and advisor to La Weaver also stated that a full lowed, but the case has since All information courtesy of the LVC Department of Public Safety Vie. PDF file of the print edition will grown cold. Annville Town- ********************************************** Weaver recommended that be available for download on the ship Chief of Police Michael La Vie did not receive information for the current week's crime- students sign up for e-mail alerts website. Burdge, has offered a reward watch by press time or join the La Vie Facebook and "I think everybody's very for any information on the Twitter groups so they will know pleased with how [the website has] theft. Any information re- 8-24-09 | Rte. 934 and Liberty St. when breaking news is happen- turned out," Weaver said. Vehicle Accident garding the theft should be ing. Links to both the Facebook Still, he encouraged readers to A student was struck by a vehicle while crossing route 934 at Liberty reported to Annville Town- account and the Twitter account provide feedback. Street. She was transported to the local hospital. Annville Police is inves- ship Police. Information are on the La Vie Online home "We'll try to tailor this towards tigating the incident. will be kept confidential and page- their wants and needs," he noted. anonymous if preferred. Weaver explained that stories Overall, Weaver has high 8-24-09 | Miller Chapel held for the print edition will be hopes for La Vie Online, as he Emergency Assistance Annville Township Police made available online at 4 p.m. remarked, "I think it will be very A student became ill and was transported to the hospital by Annville am- can be contacted at (717) on Wednesday afternoons, the successful." bulance. 867-2711. same time the print edition is released. 8-25-09 | LVC Campus By adding an online edi- D.WALMER djwOOl < Harassment A student complained she is possibly being harassed by an individual from her home town. Lebanon Valley College Public Safety Office and Annville FLU: annual flu vaccine available, H1N1 vaccine awaiting approval Township Police are investigating the complaint. Continued from Page 1 8-26-09 | Fire Company Parking Lot Auto Theft sneeze, and avoiding touching your regarding LVCs policy for stu- ed on the door of the classroom. A student reported his 2000 red Mercury Cougar with white pinstripe, face are good habits to remember dent and professor absentees due For more information, please see 2 door with sunroof was stolen from Union Hose Social club parking lot during this flu season. to the H1N1 virus. Access LVC the online version of the story sometime between August 25 and August 26. PA registration GYD6243. If an outbreak occurs at LVC will be the most convenient way along with the link to the e-mail Vehicle was located on campus August 28, 2009. Investigation is continu- campus, there are no definite of doing this. Professors are to at ing by Annville Township Police and Lebanon Valley College Public Safety plans as of right now for closing consider online work assignments Health services has requested Office. the school, says Wolf. the new H1N1 vaccine, but Professors will be asked ,-.....,•.-.■ must have approval before 8-28-09 | Derickson"B" to be lenient with their they receive it. In addition Party H1N1 UPDATE attendance policy; how- to that, some stock of the an- Assisted Student Affairs with a party. Party was broken up and alcohol was cleared from the room. Investigation continues. ever, students are respon- nual flu vaccine has already So far, one case of the influenza virus has been sible for the work they been received by Health reported on campus, though the case has not 8-28-09 | Arnold Sports Center miss while they are out. been confirmed or denied to be the H1N1 Services and they will de- Medical Assist If anyone is experiencing strain. termine if this vaccine will A student dislocated her thumb. Student went to the Good Samaritan Hos- flu-like symptoms (fever, need to be given out earlier pital for a check-up. sore throat, headache, "Beginning September 15th, the Health Center in preparation for the two- body aches) they are re- will be offering the annual "seasonal" flu vac- shot series H1N1 vaccine. 8-29-09 | Derickson "A" cine. Students and employees widi medical quired to leave campus Pennsylvania is no longer problems are given top priority for this first Alcohol Violation or contain themselves in wave of vaccines. After Sept. 2Sth it will be of- testing for Swine Flu. The Assisted Student Affairs with a party. Party was broken up and alcohol was their rooms until they fered to others on campus. The cost of die flu antiviral drug Tamiflu will be cleared from the room. Investigation continues. are symptom-free for at shot is $20 this year. given out on a case-by-case least a day, and can main- basis, depending on the sever- 8-30-09 | Funkhouser tain a normal tempera- Share your opinion on the H1N1 virus by ity of the symptoms and the Party voting in this week's online poll at: ture without the help of medical background of the Assisted Student Affairs staff with an alcohol violation. Investigation con- fever reducers. Accord- patient. Tamiflu will not be tinues. http://lavieonline.Ivc.eda j\. ing to an e-mail sent to given out at the health center. students from the Dean Information regarding 8-30-09 | Silver Hall of Faculty, Dr. Michael prevention of this illness can Domestic Dispute Green, meals will be delivered to in the event that classes have to be found on the Health Services Public Safety assisted Student Affairs staff with girlfriend-boyfriend dispute. ill students if they are unable to be cancelled. Also, if professors website. No further problems. go home. are ill, students will be notified Please report any suspicious activity to Public Safety atx6111. Green also sent out an e-mail via e-mail and a sign will be post- N. BALOGH khbOOl ( LA VIE COLLEGIKISNE SEPTEMBER 9, 2009 3 NEW: Humanities Renovations G ALL0: 'always cheerful and positive' Continued from Page 1 Historical campus landmark gets a makeover team, Gallo was always cheerful and home meets to her. The Sunshine positive. Foundation will also be established She had a favorite saying which in honor of Nicole. In addition, one she always quoted, "Put it in a bub- of Gallo s friends wrote a song for her ble and blow it away." and posted it on YouTube. "It means if you had anything A campus memorial service that was bad or really bothering was held in the chapel on Aug. 27, you to just put it in a bubble and 2009, led by Chaplain Fullmer, blow it away because life is always where students were told to bring going to get better," explains close their bright colors and bubbles. A friend, Jerome Duncan. memorial scholarship was also set "It actually works" says friend, up in honor of Gallo at her high Johanna Walker. school, Archbishop Prendergast. There is no doubt that this girl was Track coach Melissa Weidler loved by many people. The day after said they will make memorial the accident, a "RIP Nicole Gallo" patches on their uniforms, and on a Facebook group was created in hon- day close to her birthday, perhaps, or of her, which now has nearly two the team will have a day for no dis- thousand members. There were hun- tractions, including no talking on dreds of people at her viewing, which the phone or texting. lasted until midnight, and the track team has decided to dedicate their S. GRODZINSKI sIg002(S) vValtz'll/LAVIE LVC debuts new OH THE HUMANITIES The Humanities building, built in 1905, is still undergoing renovations which will eventually restore it to a more historically accurate condition website KRISTIN MILLER ' 10 historic restoration work, was cho- don't want it to be compromised. COPY EDITOR sen as the designer in 2006. Archi- We want to make the right deci- val photos of the building's original sions so the outside won't need to Lebanon Valley Colleges his- state were given to Milner to ensure be touched for a long time". DANIEL WALMER '10 over updating their own informa- torical Humanities building is still accuracy. This project will take $2.3 mil- tion. LA VIE STAFF WRITER in the process of getting a face lift. "The goal is to restore the build- lion to complete. According to "A website is never finished," Bu- The administration has been dis- ing in a historically accurate way, Vice President for Finance Deb Ful- When students returned to cam- cher said, "and there will be more cussing plans to restore the entire unlike what was done in previous lam, money is set aside each year to pus this year, they found a brand improvements to come." exterior of the building for a decade. decades," said Don Santostefano, save for large future projects. This new LVC website. Feedback from students about The building was built in 1905 and Senior Director of Facilities Man- project-funding figure is based on The site, which went up on Au- the website has been positive, she therefore considered by the College agement at the College. enrollment for the year. In 2006, gust 20,h, was redesigned as part of said. to be one of the oldest and most his- The restoration includes a new enrollment numbers were much a plan to separate the LVC com- "I think we're very pleased with toric buildings on campus. roof, terracotta replacements, win- higher than expected, allowing $1 munity website from the website the direction it's going," she added. In 2005, Humanities underwent dow replacements, brick restoration, million to be saved that year for used by students on campus ("My A group of people from differ- a facility condition assessment, and a refurbished parapet. The alu- this restoration. The remainder was LVC"). ent departments and offices, Sha- leaving the building a high prior- minum windows have been replaced saved in 2007 and 2008. Jasmine Bucher, Director of piro said, provided feedback for ity with six million dollars in pre- with more weatherproof, energy- "These funds are not based on bor- Web Communications and New the new site. "Having that group... ferred maintenance. The admin- efficient models. The bricks have rowing," Fullam explained. "There- Media, and Dave Shapiro, Direc- really helped to get a variety of per- istration decided it best to work been "re-pointed," which involves fore, we will be able to go ahead with tor of Technical Services, both spectives," he added. on the Humanities building from grinding the mortar joints back and the project without problems from LVC alums, were the lead project Students Brian Farkas '12 and the inside out in order to keep the refilling them. This will make the the economic situation." managers for the website rede- Katrina Wells '12 were crucial in weather out. Architect Jim Milner walls more water-tight. The parapet Most of the disruptive work sign. They created it to appeal to getting the website up as well, Bu- of Chadds Ford, who specializes in will be redone to its original historic was done during the summer, yet alumni, parents, and prospective cher said. design. The main concern, however, construction on the building will students. Because college faculty, staff, is the deterioration of the masonry, continue throughout this semester. "It's bright and colorful, but not and students designed it, "the col- Corrections especially at roof level. The completion of the project is so much that a 50-60 year old alum lege actually owns this website," & Clarifications The research this project in- anticipated by mid-November. would be appalled by the colors," Shapiro said, unlike many colleges volved was Santostefano's favor- Completely renovating the in- Shapiro said. that outsource the designing of ite part of the job. Ten years ago, side of Humanities may not occur A main feature of the new web- their websites. It is our continuing goal to there was not enough funding or in the near future. Other competing site is the rotating banner at the Students with any questions provide readers with complete and accurate information. To information to restore the building needs such as the residence halls, top of the website with links to "in- about the website, ranging from that end, we welcome and en- accurately. Don was hired as the Mund, and Blair will seemingly depth" stories about students, fac- what they like and dislike about it courage notification of any Director of Facilities Management take precedence. For a detailed list ulty, and staff, he said. to difficulties logging in and other mistakes. Readers who wish in March of 2006, close to the time and description of the Humanities In addition to the banner at the problems, can e-mail webmaster(S) to submit corrections should that the architect was selected. restoration, visit http://www.lvc. top, the LVC calendar has been re- send an email to lavie(3>, "An historic architect is the best edu/humanities-project. vamped, and the wording of some subject line: Corrections. person to know how to do this items has been changed. Also, de- project," Santostefano added. "We K. MILLER kem004(S) partments now have more control D. WALMER djw001(2) 4 LA YJK COLLEGIENNJ? SEPTKMBEK 9, 2009 rttptiS! c* Test your LVC Lingo! Q y H I E S E I T I NAM U H y G R B I Flying Dutchman 'I T P E w y N C I I ELM I R b I Q I M Valleyfest c y V H N R L G E R E H N L y E I S S A The Underground z u N E E P I S P E J L F U K E J R H V Mund u F U V X y N P 6 I b L T Z M L I W O L Quittapahilla y N A F u W z T O E I V A L K L M U P Z Leedy K b b T w P A L A U £ H L I N H A L L F Lutz Hot Dog Franl V E A 5 L R E B R A 6 I b I E N J I Z Cup O'Joe z R O E c A M I S 5 I O N s C y F B M La Vie s F G R F Q £ S W O X X X T L F j C R I Study Abroad B R B y A F H O T b O G F R A N K A A L The Red Avenger N O A E T H E R E b A V E N G E R T R L Relay For Life Dutchman Day S U y L V Z y b U T C H M A N b A y y E manities o G N 0 L X B M b J J T I B C O A Q L R Bishop Library u o u D b U A H S J C S R I E O J P C C Lynch O C T V s P A B s s C y J y B c A H C H Miller Chapel c o c z R S E F I L R F y A L E R R X A Neidig Garber S J U J G B Q U I T T A P A H I L L A P P Admissions u c Laughlin Hall X F L y I N G b T H M A N R C N O E o b S A M U N 0 B R Z b G O E N L J V L I,A \ n: Coi !.K(;IK\\I: SEPTEMBER9,2009 5 Hot Dog Frank ?r bn.... u C3 CD ^ 2 Do you know the Big . a Men on Campus? £:§ " "» age of sT"ot °°8 F £ °?f>- S , D rai hort »»• fav , * "? <=ou . £«£»»M / O' W ort e Wn ( awa President MacDonald «'sense. ••?"** "">• Alleas, „ ."e'°see <-§. - f j Mark Fersch- Student * Hfl ' 'Government President *2 I Q LJ Chaps ] I Greg Krikorian CjRick Beard Don't Forget! 'mportant Contact? Fall break-Oct. 9-13 Homecoming/family weekend- oct.23-25 Registrar's Office '°es 6°71 Health Services 6*15 thanksgiving break- nov. 25-29 Co/lege Center 6232 day classes end- dec.4 Fjnancia, Aid Office".' 6167 final exams- dec. 7-12 Writing Center 6181 end of semester- dec.12 Activities Office 6120 Career Services." 6*61 ' T Services 6235 Sports Center... 6°60 6360 6 LA VIE COLLEGIENNE SEPTEMBER 9, 2009 PERSPECTIVES Valley's Voices Letters to the Editor La Vie Collegienne requires all submissions to contain the author's name, telephone number, address and/or e-mail address. No letters can be considered for publication unless How do you feel about the new Lebanon Valley College alcohol policy? the above criteria are met. Telephone numbers and addresses Encouraging sobriety or assist- space and is by their roommate (s) In addition, there is a new alco- Any amount of alcohol beyond the will not be printed. Submissions will be strongly considered for publica- ing underage drinking? Lebanon who is 21 years of age or older." hol limit for those who are above above stated quantity will be con- tion if they contain the author's rank, Valley College has shifted to create However, although underage 21. The policy states that "students sidered an Excessive Amount of major, or professional capacity. a new alcohol policy for the 2009- roommates may be in the presence 21 years of age or older may pos- Alcohol." Letters should be no longer than 2010 academic year that has many of their roommate consuming al- sess alcohol for their personal use The new policy is already creat- 200 words. All submissions to "Per- spectives" become property of La people conflicted. cohol, other underage individuals in their own residence hall room/ ing waves within the student body Vie Collegienne. La Vie reserves the In LVC's alcohol policy, it is stat- may not be in the presence. The living space. The maximum quan- and administration. What do you right to edit submissions for space or ed that "students under 21 years of policy states "resident students who tity allowed is not more than 2 six- think? for content that is vague, repetitive, age may not be present where alco- are 21 years of age or older may not packs of 12 oz beer, or one six-pack libelous, or profane. It is not La Vies responsibility to check for factual in- hol is being served or consumed ex- consume alcohol in the presence of of wine coolers, or one liter of wine, accuracies within submissions. The cept when the consumption occurs anyone under 21 years of age other or one liter of distilled alcohol per editor will have the final determina- in their residence hall room/ living than their roommate(s)." 21 years of age or older student. T. GORICK apgOO 1 ( tion concerning such matters. Letters, columns, and opinion- based articles are not necessarily representative of La Vic's opinion or Lebanon Valley College. Submissions may be e-mailed to lavie(S), hand-delivered to our Mund office, or mailed to the address below. Advertise with Stuart Jeffcoat '10 Andrea Barr '12 Joanna Heisey '11 Jimmy KroU'11 Recruit for your student English Biology Pyschology Digital Communications organization. Sell your old junk... or that ugly sweater from your "I don't think it's a very good "To be honest I think it's a little "I think it's a little hard to follow "Well I think the old policy was grandmother. Say hi to your lover. policy. I'm not a big-drinker but ridiculous, especially for the 21 as an RA because it's pretty much pretty cut and dry, it's either black (maybe not that last part.) I think, first of all, it's not very year-olds. I mean, you are al- impossible to prove if there is a or white. But with the new policy I [email protected] cost effective. It's much cheaper lowed to have alcohol, so keeping roommate that's 21 and one that's think it allows students who are of to buy a case of beer than to by how much you're allowed to have not that the underage roommate age to drink alcohol, and they aren't lia Vk Collegienne six-packs. And secondly, what if as a rule... it's a little ridiculous." may or may not have been drink- denied that privilege even though 101 N. College Ave | Annville, PA 17003 you want a variety?" ing. It just makes our job a little their roommate is not of age. I think Campus Extension 6169 or Iavie(3> bit more difficult." it might be a little bit harder to en- Established 1924 force. But I also do support the ad- CO-EDITORS ministration's decision." Jake King'11 Katie Zwiebel '12 Sounding off on off campus housing FEATURES EDITOR Caitlin Murphy 12 A&E EDITOR TonyGorick'll Fall Semester '09 marks the first paid, and the bounty of the dining in which students can be exempt in the community in dealing and year Lebanon Valley College upper- hall is no longer an option. from the policy based on financial managing their independence," PERSPECTD/ES EDITOR Rev. Patrick Salomon '10 classmen are not allowed to live in Living off campus gives stu- need, health issues, or age. explains Krikorian. "There were off-campus houses and apartments. dents access to real world experi- It's not that living off campus is some challenges that, quite frankly, SPORTS EDITOR While the administration feels more ences that are definitively more necessarily unavailable, only that have gone away now." Sarah Grodzinski '09 comfortable having all residents un- important than any Gen. Ed. to the means of getting that exception Every choice has a consequence, SENIOR COPY EDITOR der one roof, some students are not boot, budget-sawy students can are different. How this change in which is often a hard learned les- Stephanie Mannon '11 too happy with the change. save money by not paying for col- policy will benefit the student body son. We are all students, and it is CIRCULATION MANAGER NinaBalogh'10 Page 144 of the Student Hand- lege housing or a meal plan. is a curiosity. expected that students make mis- book states that LVC is "a four year Why, then, did this institution Is the new policy in the best inter- takes. If we don't make mistakes, SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHER Ben Waltz'11 residential college and believes that an of higher learning take away the op- est of the student body ? In dollars and we don't learn. If we don't learn, we LVC education is the result of distinc- portunity for exposure to the real cents, being forced to live on campus are doomed not to succeed. BUSINESS MANAGER Madelynn Hughes '10 tively curricular... experiences in class, world? According to administration translates to taking out more student What this comes down to is on campus, and in the residences." officials, the addition of Stanson loans to cover the cost of room and what kind of a learning experience ONLINE MANAGER Justin Weaver '10 This policy does give adminis- Hall allows them to finally enforce board, driving students deeper in a student can expect from Lebanon trators the right to require that stu- the "residential college" status. debt. At the same time, they are miss- Valley College. After graduation, ADVISER Robert E. Vucic dents live on campus, but students "The adding of Stanson made ing out on the real world experience there is more to life than homework still feel perplexed and chagrined. [it] less necessary, to provide a of being self-sufficient and weekends. Why can't students La Vie Collegienne is published every From a practical stance, a stu- lottery system that could allow To be fair, there have been some be allowed to learn the importance Wednesday of the academic year. dent in their early twenties elect- students to live off campus," said speed bumps in regards to this is- of personal responsibility? Meetings are held Mondays at 6 p.m. ing to live off campus is embarking Dean Rosemary Yuhas. sue and town-gown relations. in our Mund office, activities room #3 on yet another educational expe- The old off campus housing lot- "There have been some signifi- We're always looking for new writers! rience. Rent is due, bills must be tery has been replaced by a process cant challenges with students living P. SALOMON |'|ls001„l IVI.I'llU LA VIE COLLEGIENNE SEPTEMBER 9, 2009 7 Mens Soccer evens their record Scoreboard After a slow start, the men's soccer team improves their standing Men's Soccer SHERAE JONES ' 11 0-0 draw. During double overtime of their second game of the tourna- LA VIE STAFF WRITER vs Baldwin Wallace College ment against Baldwin-Wallace, the After beginning the season with Valley found senior Mark Johnson V Football a tough start, the LVC Men's Soccer to score the teams first goal of the Team was finally able to come across season. a victory in their third game of the From then on the Valley stepped season. Not only was this the first their game up. In fact they took the win for the team, but also the first last seven of ten shots, with six of game in which they scored a goal. them landing on the goal. This helped The men were scoreless the first two to lead the Dutchmen with 10 cor- vs FDU-Florham games of the season. In the season ners and Baldwin-Wallace with only opener, the team fell to the Univer- 3. As a result of their hard work, the Women's Volleyball sity of Scranton 3-0. Dutchmen were able to defeat Bald- This past weekend the team trav- win-Wallace 1-0. The team will travel vsPaemenJflllege eled to PSU-Behrend, to play in September 9, 2009 to face DeSales W 3-2 (17-25,22-25,25-17,25-19, the Herb Lauffler Memorial Tour- University. 15-10) nament. In the first round of the Courtesy Sports Information Men's Soccer tournament LVC faced host-team, PSU-Behrend. Both teams found Mark Johnson (above) scored the only goal that propelled LVC to 9.5.0912jbm. themselves scoreless as they had a S.JONES slj002(S> their win against Baldwin-Wallace. at Penn State Behrend Football 9.5-09 11 p.m. FOOTBALL: Season opens with a win OF" " Continued from Page 8 able to hold off Gettysburg earn- Brittany Ryan earned five out of disappointing. I felt like we could 9.5.Q9J ljJjn. MARK JOHNSON ing a victory. seven PAT s. have put it away, but we didn't." MEN'S SOCCER Highlights of the game include Although the win is positive, The Dutchmen host Ursinus Parker's 13th career 100-yard Coach Monos feels the team still College Saturday at 1 p.m. Johnson scored a game rushing for 129 yards and Joe has some progress to make. He Upcoming Games goal off Brennan rushing 114 yards. Both says, "We're extremely happy that a corner scored two touchdowns each. we won," "But how we did it was N. BARRETT nb002(2> kick dur- 9/12-Ursinus College 1p.m. ing the (foacA team tememiatA Field Hockey second over- "Her favorite saying was put it in a bubble and blow it away. She had 9/12 vs Lynchburg College 11a.m. time. the type of smile that whenever she would see you, your whole day 9A5 vs. Dickinson College 4p.m. The goal would just get so much better." -Jerome Duncan Volleyball gave "Nicole Gallo was someone that was always very upbeat, very outgo- LVC its first win of the season as 9/16 vs. Arcadia University 7p.m. they defeated Baldwin-Wallace ing and always had a smile on her face.'-Megan Long 9/18-19 Flying Dutchmen Tournament on the second day of the Herb "She'd want to be remembered for her spunkiness and her outgoing 7p.m. Lauffler Tournament at PSU- personality and for being a great sport for her teammates and friends. Behrend. Men's Soccer She was always happy and bubbily, that's what made her so unique as an 9/12 Wilkes University 2p.m. individual."-CoacM Melissa Weidler EMILY BAINBRIDGE "She didn't have just one group of friends she was friends with 9/16 Immaculata University 4p.m. WOMEN'S SOCCER the athletes, band members, and she knew people from all different Women's Soccer groups."-McoZe Barra 9/12 University of Scranton 7p.m. Emily "1 honestly think if Melissa Weidler asked Nicole to do shot put for scored 9/15 Wilkes University 4p.m. a day, Nicole would do it with the biggest smile on her face because she the only Cross Country goal got to trying something new. So many people love her and miss her, but (57:41) I find comfort in knowing that she earned her wings and now she's free 9/12 LVC Invitational 11:15a.m. of the to fly?-Adam Abruzzo Women's Tennis 9/12 second "Nicole Gallo was one of the nicest people I have ever met. Her University of Scranton 12p.m. half to smile was infectious and you couldn't help but be happy when she was help around. She was always so upbeat and fun to be with, that even if you lead LVC were in a bad mood that would quickly change."-Jenn Cronin Nicole Gallo over "Even if she had no way of helping you she would always be there to 1989-2009 FDU-Florham, 3-2, on Sunday. listen, and help you get something off your chests-Johanna Walker The goal gave LVC its first win "Just knowing her as a person was a privilege just because of how of the young season. sweet and kind she was. Even as a freshman she became a leader of the team."-Cnr/s Clements Field Hockey fixing on a dominant season Football holds off Field Hockey returns seven starters and a talented group of freshmen SARAH GRODZINSKI '10 will find them—we'll find success over Gettysburg and over again," says junior defender Sa- SPORTS EDITOR mantha Shober. It's hard to follow up a 19-4 record and In their 2009 debut, eighth ranked a fourth consecutive NCAA tournament LVC defeated Susquehanna 6-0. They appearance, while ranked in the top 10 scored S goals in the second half. Allison No EL IF BARRETT '11 all season, but Lebanon Valley College's Bicher scored twice for LVC, and Shelly LA VIE STAFF WRITER Field Hockey team will definitely try. The Lobach added a goal and two assists. team, led by head coach Laurel Martin, is Then, Cait Eckenrode scored to put the The Lebanon Valley College returning 7 starters, and adding a class of game away. Avery Carter and freshman Dutchmen claimed the win against 17 freshmen. With a total of 34 players the Cate Cusack also scored. Baro made five Gettysburg in the season opener team will try and complete their dream of saves to earn the 16th shutout of her ca- on Saturday 47-42. This is the first winning the program's first national cham- reer. Things were looking pretty much pionship. like normal as the season started. time since 1979 that the team has The LVC field hockey team was The biggest surprise, however, came won Gettysburg. The day was filled picked to finish second in the coaches to the team when they were upset by with a lot of other accomplish- preseason poll. They had 52 votes and Mary Washington on Saturday. Tied ments as it was the first time LVC were four votes behind Messiah, the at 2 a piece before the half, Eckenrode won consecutive season openers defending Commonwealth Conference scored the first goal on a breakaway, and since 1969. Charlie Parker broke Champion. Novak added 1. Novak scored another in The team will be lead by sophomore Courtesy Sports Information the second, but it wasn't enough as Mary the record for rushing touchdowns Jocelyn Novak, who was a third-team ail- NOVAK LEADS THE DUTCHMEN The Dutchmen's sophomore Jocelyn Washington got 2 more. Nevertheless, previously held by Ken Wilson '90 American and met the LVC single-season Novak shattered records when she scored 32 times and totaled 68 points upsets happen and hopefully it will only when he scored his 24th in the sec- goals and points record as a freshman Pantalone who scored S goals and 7 as- Bomberger is the only returning defen- make the players more determined. LVC ond quarter. when she scored 32 times and garnered sists, Allison Bicher who had 4 goals and sive starter who scored 4 goals and had 6 will play #16 Lynchburg next Saturday at Ben Guiles returned the open- 68 points. They will also be led by Shelly Marisa Maxwell who added 2 goals. They assists last year. home at 11 a.m. ing kick-off 95 yards for a touch- Lobach, an NFHCA All-Region pick will also be fortunate to have senior goalie "We've still got a lot of figuring out down. The Dutchmen scored on who scored IS goals and had 14 assists, Caitlin Baro who earned NFHCA All-Re- to do. We've got the talent, drive, and their first six possessions of the Danielle Blase, a second-team all-CC se- gion and First-Team All-Commonweatlh chemistry to make this year one to re- lection with 10 goals and an assist, Cait honors last year with 88 saves and a 1.06 member, but there are a few missing first half. Eckenrode who scored 5 goals, Rachel goals-allowed average. Defender Nikki pieces yet. Once we find them—and we S. GRODZINSKI slg002(3> We didn't give up Women's Soccer finds their footing big plays, we made them go chunk to SHERAE JONES ' 11 chunk and eat up LA VIE STAFF WRITER the clock, and that The Women's Soccer Team has started helped us. ** this season a little rough. Just as the men, the women went scoreless until their third game of the season. In their season opener Even though by halftime the against Misericordia, the Dutchmen battled Dutchmen led 41-14, the game the Cougars for 106 minutes. Unfortunate- ly, the Dutchmen lost the battle as they fell definitely wasn't a runaway. In the to the Cougars 1-0 in double overtime. On second half, the Bullets managed Saturday, the ladies looked forward to suc- to score a touchdown in the 3rd cess as they played in the Cyclone Classic quarter with 11.5 seconds on the hosted by Centenary College. During the clock. The Bullets continued to first round of the tournament, the Dutch- shake things up by scoring three men scored their first goal of the season against Drew University. Freshman class- touchdowns in the fourth making mates Stevi Laird and Nicole Snyder scored an impressive comeback attempt. their first collegiate goals, as each of them went on a dry spelL Or at least that is until Courtesy Sports Information Head Coach Jim Monos says, scored the one a piece. The two Freshman Emily Bainbridge, scored LVC's final goal, ON THE BALL "We didn't give up big plays, we goals were not enough unfortunately, as securing the team the victory. The Dutch- The Lebanon Valley Women's Soccer team played aggressively, but could made them go chunk to chunk and Drew found themselves scoring two as welL men defeated FDU-Florham 3-2. The team only tie Drew 2-2 with goals from freshmen Stevi Laird and Nicole Sny- The goals resulted in a 2-2 tie. However, looks forward to more success during their eat up the clock, and that helped der, off of a pass from Lauren King (see above) Emily Bainbridge (above) the tie from the first round did not stop the home opener Tuesday September 9, 2009 us." scored the only goal of the second half to provide the win 3-2 over FDU- Dutchmen from playing at their best On against Bryn Mawr. Support the team! With the pressure on the Leba- Florham. Sunday, during the second round of the non Valley Dutchmen, they were tournament, the Dutchmen were able to se- cure a victory against FDU-Florham. After scoring twice in the first half, the Dutchmen S.JONES slj002(2) Please see FOOTBALL | Page 7 This Week BLOGS ONLINE: k Follow student blogs from Professor Bob Vucic's Journalism in the Digital Age class including Embarrassing Text Messages & Original LVC FML Moments, Going Green, and Popular Topics on Twitter... HTTP://LAVIEONLINE.LVC.EDU LEBANON VALLEY COLLEGE'S STUDENT NEWSPAPER Ha Viz Collegtenne Volume 77, No. 2 An Independent Publication | Founded 1924 September 16, 2009 THIS WEEK IN Stanson Hall brings relief to LVC housing LA VIE SPORTS The Women's Volleyball team starts the year in fantastic form with its best start since 2001 Page 8 PERSPECTIVES Cheers and Jeers is back with plenty to say about the noteworthy and not-so-noteworthy happenings on campus Page 6 A&E Courtesy Google Images La Vie tackles the new Arkham Asylum video game and Quentin Tarrantino's latest film, Inglorious Basterds Page 5 Ben Waltz'11/LA VIE TOP LEFT The laundry room in Stanson Hall features brand new washers and dryers in addition to a flat screen TV FEATURES BOTTOM LEFT View down the main hallway of the new dormitory The Arnold Sports Center helps TOP RIGHT Outside view of the completed hall new students keep off the Fresh- BOTTOM RIGHT A patio on the back side of Stanson gives students an outdoor place to work and socialize man Fifteen in a new program BOTTOM CENTER Several study rooms in the hall allow students a quiet place to work Page 4 HEATHER VISCHORIC '12 its rooms, bringing relief to the ference, the college has decreased students enrolled as residents has LA VIE STAFF WRITER once strenuously crowded dorm its housing capacity by 42 beds grown every year since 2000 and INDEX buildings. and several off-campus properties the college wished to decrease This new addition to the cam- which were sold back to Annville the number of students living off- News 1-3 Features 4 The much anticipated Stan- pus has left fifty beds vacant across Township. campus. The LVC web site also Arts & Entertainment 5 son Hall is finally completed campus residential halls, accord- According to a Valley News ar- states that the college has a policy Perspectives 6 and students of Lebanon Valley ing to Jason Kuntz, Director of tide on the LVC web site, Stanson Sports 7-8 College are already residing in Residential Life. To offset this dif- was built because the number of Please see STANSON | Page 2 MEMBER PL"SE >J^ y. PENNSYLVANIA S\ WEWANTYOUR FEEDBACK [email protected] LVCNews FREE|TAKE ONE TJ NEWSPAPER JJ<J «^V t > S IM I \ T I «» N RECYCLE 2 LA VIE COLLEGIEIN.NK SEPTEMBER 16, 2009 NEW: STAN SO N: Dorm raises beds and costs For the first Continued from Page 1 time Counseling requiring all students to live on living in a room built for two. Services has campus unless enrolled as a com- Kuntz said that this will no lon- had a complete muting student, which is denned ger be an issue "unless admissions makeover! as "those students who reside with hits the jackpot with a record- their parents, guardians, or fami- breaking class!" lies within a 60 mile radius of the Students' cost for room and Join Counseling campus and live at their legal resi- board has subsequently gone up to Services at their dence." about $8,080 a year, as listed on the While this residential policy is LVC web page. According to mul- common among other colleges in tiple sites, this cost was only about "Open House* All information courtesy of the LVC Department of Public Safety the area, including Alleghany Col- $7,600 for the 2008-2009 school ********************************************** lege in Meadville and Elizabeth- year. When: September town College in Elizabethtown, in While speculation among the the past, some LVC upperclassmen students suggests that this may 23, 2009 9-14-09 | Vickroy Hall were allowed to live in apartments in be a result of the vacant rooms Where: 2nd Floor Fire Alarm the surrounding township. Howev- and new policy regarding off- of Shroyer House A fire alarm pull-station was falsely activated in Vickroy Hall. Anyone who er, the addition of 148 beds brought campus living, records show may have seen someone pull the station or have information concerning Time: 2-5 p.m. by Stanson Hall is designed to ac- that this cost has been rising for this incident, please call the Public Safety Office at ext. 6111. commodate those students. several years now, from $7,430 a As recently as 2007, the capacity year in 2007-2008 and $7,115 in Refreshments and for housing was so strained that in- 2006-2007. 9-10-09 | Funkhouser Hall door prizes will be coming freshmen were being forced Emergency Assistance to live in triples—three students H.VISCHORIC hlvOOl ( available. Public Safety Officer responded to an emergency call in Funkhouser Hall. A student was transported to the hospital, then later discharged. 9-11-09 | Arnold Sports Center Medical assist Student Government Public Safety responded to the Arnold Sports Center for a male who passed out in the men's locker room. Annville Police Department and Annville ambulance responded and transported the individual to a local hospital. Update 9.14.09 9-11-09 | Red Lot West Theft from vehicle A student reported their vehicle was entered and the stereo removed. Inves- tigation continues. Anyone with any information please contact the Public Annville police to monitor speed on Route 934 Safety Office at ext. 6111 9-12-09 | Red Lot West MATTHEW HOWELL-CLARKE '10 to meet with selected students p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 8. More in- Theft from vehicles LA VIE STAFF WRITER and administrators. Aramark will formation will be provided in the Two students reported their car stereos were stolen from their vehicles be on campus on Thursday, Sept. coming weeks. while parked on the Red Lot west. Annville Police Department was noti- Vice President Katie Krediet 17, and an unnamed food service Food Service chairs Brad Sny- fied. Investigation continues. Anyone with any information please contact '10 reported at Monday's meet- will be on campus the following der '11 and Miles Miller '11 re- the Public Safety Office at ext. 6111 ing of the Lebanon Valley Col- Thursday. ported that the new menu will lege student government that the Ryan Humphries '12 was be on a four-week rotation with phones in Stanson Hall have had joined by Emily Berger TO as a a few changes around the holi- 9-12-09 | Public Safety Office their numbers posted on them. member of the Annville-LVC Co- days. Alcohol The group convened in the alition, a group that meets with Mark Fersch added that the Mc- A student entered the Public Safety Office visibly intoxicated requesting a Frock Room of the Mund Col- the Annville Police Department Dougall Challenge will once again ride to the Annville Diner. Student was returned to his room by Student lege Center. It was also reported and the LVC Public Safety De- be held on campus. Affairs personnel. that Stanson Hall will have the partment. Humphries reported Public Safety chair Ryan card swipes installed over fall the Annville Police will start Humphries announced that a re- 9-13-09 | Humanities Area break. There are also no leads on strictly monitoring the speed quest for cameras in the parking Criminal mischief the recently announced Red Lot limit on the bridge on Route 934. lots has been submitted to the Pub- A student entered a port-a-john near the Humanities Building and it was car break-ins. According to Humphries, the An- lic Safety office. tipped over by others. Annville Township Police were involved. Charges Secretary Ashten O'Brien '11 nville police will also start ticket- The next student government are pending. announced that members of stu- ing for jaywalking. It was asked meeting will be held at 9:40 p.m. dent government will be hold- that no cars be parked in front of on Monday, Sept. 21. ing a weekend planning retreat at Stanson Hall, as it creates a bot- Please report any suspicious activity to Public Safety at x6l 11. Camp Roundtop in Gettysburg. tleneck in traffic. O'Brien also said that possible Michelle Koetteritz '10, the se- food service providers will be vis- nior class president, said the senior iting campus in the coming weeks kick-off dinner will take place at 6 M. HOWELL-CLARKE mah003<a>lvcedu