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La folie Lancelot: A hitherto unidentified portion of the Suite du Merlin contained in MSS B.N. fr. 112 and 12599 PDF

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Preview La folie Lancelot: A hitherto unidentified portion of the Suite du Merlin contained in MSS B.N. fr. 112 and 12599

BEIHEFTE ZUR ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR ROMANISCHE PHILOLOGIE BEGRÜNDET VON GUSTAV GRÖBER FORTGEFÜHRT VON WALTHER VON WARTBURG HERAUSGEGEBEN VON KURT BALDINGEB 109. HEFT Farmi Bogdanow La Folie Lancelot a hitherto unidentified portion of the Suite du Merlin contained in MSS B.N. fr. 112 and 12599 MAX NIEMEYER VERLAG TÜBINGEN 1965 La Folie Lancelot a hitherto unidentified portion of the Suite du Merlin contained in MSS B.N. fr. 112 and 12599 Edited by Fanni Bogdanow MAX NIEMEYER VERLAG TÜBINGEN 1965 © Max Nlemeyer Verlag Tübingen 1965 Alle Rechte vorbehalten Printed In Germany Satz und Druck von H.Laupp ]r Tübingen To my mother JOHANNA BOGDANOW in gratitude and admiration for her immense courage. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page PREFACE IX-XII INTRODUCTION: Chapter I. The relationship of the Folie Lancelot to the other sections of the Suite du Merlin and the Post-Vulgate Roman duGraal XIII-XXVII Chapter II. The method of Editing XXVIII-XLVIII BIBLIOGRAPHY XLIX-LXIII LA POLIE LANCELOT: Chapter I. Comment un varlet vint a la court du roy Artus et compta les grans merveilles d'armes qu'avoit fait Lamorat de Galles a ung tournoy qu'il avoit vaincu, dont Gaheriet en fut moult doulent 1-21 Chapter II. Comment la fille du roy Pelles conta l'aventure a Boors qui estoit advenue a Lancelot, et comment Bohors et ceulx de son parenté se mistrent en queste, et messire Gauvain et autres chevaliers qui maint jour le quistrent . . 22—24 Chapter III. Comment Heret chevauchoit ou temps des neges et trouva line damoiselle portant un chevalier mort, faisant grant duel, et luy racompta son achoison et mescheance . . 25-35 Chapter IV. Comment, quant Lancelot ot perdu le sens, s'en ala tout nu par le païs tant qu'il vint a une praerie ou il avoit un pavillon tendu 36-46 Chapter V. Comment messire Heret abatit monseigneur Gau- vain et le laissa au Chas tel des Dix Chevaliers 47-60 Chapter VI. Comment Lancelot du Lac, après qu'il se fut estorz des mains Hector son frere, s'en ala par montz et par vaulx et s'en vint a Corbenic, et moult estoit changié de sa belle forme et nul ne le cognoissoit 61-71 Chapter VII. Comment messire Gauvain fut délivré du Cha- steau des diz Chevaliers pour jouster a rencontre de La- mourat qui tous les .x. chevaliers avoit abatuz 72-81 Chapter VIII. Comment messire Agloval de Galles vint au chastel ou estoit sa mere, et Parseval qui jeune estoit s'agenoilloit pour la resplendisseur de ses armez 82-100 VII Page Chapter IX. Comment Heret et Hector estoient en Tin her- mitage. Heret trouva un chevalier en la forest et un nain qui ne luy daigna rendre son salut et ala après 101-120 Chapter X. Comment Hector des Mares fut prins en l'isle de la seur Parseval et le firent jurer qu'il vengeroit la mort de Lamorat de Gallez 121-130 Chapter XI. Comment Heret, le filz Lac, délivra de mort monseigneur Bohors de Gaunez au chastel d'Agut, qui ainsi se nommoit pour amour de monseigneur Saint Augustin . . 131—135 Chapter XII. Comment une damoiselle demande a Parceval la teste de Gaheriet ou qu'il luy baille a faire sa volenté, et Gaheriet s'en va avecques elle 136-140 Chapter XIII. Comment Parseval afyantl longuement che- vauché, arriva en un chastel moult gasté et trouva la damoy- selle et les chevaliers moult doulens et tristes 141-147 Chapter XIV. Comment Parseval et une damoyselle regardent la bataille qui est entre Sagremor et le Lait Hardi . . .. 148-153 VARIANTS 155-215 COMMENTARY 217-275 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES 277-283 GLOSSARY 284-323 VIII PREFACE The Vulgate Version of Arthurian prose romances, which grew up between 1215 and 1230, consisted in its final form of five branches. The last three sections, which were written first, - the Lancelot proper, the Queste del Saint Graal and the Mort Artu deal mainly with the life and adventures of Lancelot. The first branch, the Estoire del Saint Graal, serves as a prologue to the Queste and supplies the history of the Grail in pre-Arthurian days. The second branch, the Estoire de Merlin, which bridges the chronological gap between the end of the Estoire del Saint Graal and the beginning of the Lancelot proper, includes a prose rendering of Robert de Borron's Merlin followed by a pseudo-chronicle of Arthur's early wars against the rebel kings and the Saxons.1 Shortly after its composition the Vulgate Cycle was remodelled by a writer who attempted to produce a more homogeneous work centering upon Arthur rather than Lancelot. This "Post- Vulgate" Arthuriad, formerly referred to as the "pseudo-Robert de Boron cycle" and now called the Post-Vulgate Roman du Graal,'1 includes a version of the Estoire del Saint Graal; the prose rendering of Robert de Boron's Merlin; a sequel to this rendering based on, but different from, the Vulgate Estoire de Merlin and usually called the Hvfifo-Merlin or Suite du Merlin; a remodelled version of the Queste, and finally a remodelled Mort Artu. Unlike the Vulgate Cycle, the Roman du Graal has not been preserv- ed in its complete form, and has to be reconstructed from the scat- tered fragments that have survived. The Huth-Merlin, which deals with the early history of Arthur's kingdom,3 is known in the main 1 The whole of the Vulgate Cycle has been edited by H. O. Sommer from a manuscript in the British Museum (Add. 10292-4) under the title of The Vulgate Version of the Arthurian Romances (Washington, the Carnegie Institute of Washington, 1908-1918, 8 vols.). For the most recent account of the Vulgate Cycle, see Arthurian Literature in the Middle Ages, a collaborative History, ed. R.S. Loomis, Oxford, 1959, Chapters 22 and 23. 8 See Arthurian Literature in the Middle Ages, Chapter 24, and my forthcoming book, The Romance of the Grail. * It relates such incidents as Mordred's birth, the revelation of Arthur's parentage, the obtaining of Escalibor from a hand in a lake, the wars IX through two incomplete fourteenth century manuscripts, the Huth MS published in 1886 by Gaston Paris,4 and the Cambridge University Library MS Add. 7071 first identified by Professor Eugene Vinaver in 1945.6 A smaller portion of the Suite du Merlin, the beginning of which overlaps with the end of the Huth and Cambridge MSS, is contained in a fifteenth century compilation of Arthurian prose romances, MS B.N. fr. 112 (Livre II, ff. 17b-58b); this was published in 1913 by H.O. Sommer under the title of Die Abenteuer Qawains, Yvxiins und, Le MorhoUs mit den drei Jungfrauen... die Fortsetzung des Huth-Merlin nach der allein bekannten HS Nr. 112 der Pariser National-BibliothekThe Post-Vulgate Queste del Saint Oraal can be reconstructed from the Queste preserved in certain manuscripts of the Second Version of the Prose Tristan, the Portuguese and Spanish Deman- da del Santo Graal and the versions of the Queste contained in MSS B. N. fr. 112 and 343.7 Of the Post-Vulgate Mort Artu, two small fragments against Rion and Lot, the tragic tale of Balain, the Chevalier as Deus Espees, who struck the Dolorous Stroke, Arthur's marriage with Leo- dogan's daughter, the quests of Gauvain, Tor and Pellinor, Merlin's entombment, Arthur's war with the five kings, Morgain's plots to destroy Arthur, and the triple adventures of Gauvain, Yvain and Le Morholt. * Merlin, roman en prose du XIIIe siècle, publié avec la mise en prose du poème de Robert de Baron d'après le manuscrit appartenant à M.Alfred Huth, par Gaston Paris et Jacob Ulrich (S.A.T.F.), 2 vols., Paris, 1886. The Huth MS is now in the British Museum, where it bears the number Add. 38117. ® For a history of the Cambridge MS, see The Works of Sir Thomas Malory, ed. Eugène Vinaver, Oxford, 1947, 3 vols., vol. Ill, 1277-80; and Vinaver, "La genèse de la Suite du Merlin," in Mélanges... Hoepffner, Paris, 1949, pp. 295-300. • Published in Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur Bomanische Philologie, vol. 47, 1913. There exist also two non-French versions of the Suite du Merlin, Malory's Tale of King Arthur (Malory, Works, ed. Vinaver, I, 1—180), and the Spanish Baladro del Sabio Merlin. No MSS have survived of the Spanish version, and the work is known only from two early printed editions, Burgos, 1498 and Sevilla, 1535. The 1535 edition was reprinted by Bonilla y San Martin in 1907 (for full title, see note 7). The 1498 edition has been published by Pedro Bohigas (El Baladro del Sabio Merlin, segun el texto de la edicion de Burgos de 1498, 3 vols., Barcelona, 1957-1962). ' See Arthurian Literature in the Middle Ages, Chapter 24, p. 328, note 2, and p. 329, note 5. The Portuguese Demanda do Santo Graal has been preserved in a 15th century MS in the National Library of Vienna. It was edited for the first time in its complete form by Augusto Magne in 1944; the first volume of a second revised edition appeared in 1955. No manuscripts have survived of the Spanish Demanda del Sancto Grial, only some early printed editions. Of these, the 1535 edition, which is preceded by the Spanish translation of the Suite du Merlin, was reprinted in 1907 by Bonilla y San Martin (La Demanda del Sancto Grial. Primera Parte: El Baladro del Sabio Merlin. Segunda Parte: La Demanda del Sancto Grial con los maravillosos fechos de Lanzarote y de Galaz su hijo. X

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