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L1 Division and Differentiation Patterns Influence Shoot Apical Meristem Maintenance1 Sharon Kessler2, Brad Townsley, and Neelima Sinha* Section of Plant Biology, University of California, Davis, California 95616 Plant development requires regulation of both cell division and differentiation. The class 1 KNOTTED1-like homeobox (KNOX) genes such as knotted1 (kn1) in maize (Zea mays) and SHOOTMERISTEMLESS in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) play a role in maintaining shoot apical meristem indeterminacy, and their misexpression is sufficient to induce cell division andmeristemformation.KNOXoverexpressionexperimentshaveshownthatthesegenesinteractwiththecytokinin,auxin, and gibberellin pathways. The L1 layer has been shown to be necessary for the maintenance of indeterminacy in the underlyingmeristem layers.This workexploresthepossibility thatthe L1affects meristemfunction bydisrupting hormone transport pathways. The semidominant Extra cell layers1 (Xcl1) mutation in maize leads to the production of multiple epidermallayersbyoverproductionofanormalgeneproduct.Meristemsizeisreducedinmutantplantsandmorecellsare incorporated into the incipient leaf primordium. Thus, Xcl1 may provide a link between L1 division patterns, hormonal pathways,andmeristemmaintenance.WeuseddoublemutantsbetweenXcl1anddominantKNOXmutantsandshowedthat Xcl1suppressestheKn1phenotypebuthasasynergisticinteractionwithgnarley1androughsheath1,possiblycorrelatedwith changes in gibberellin and auxin signaling. In addition, double mutants between Xcl1 and crinkly4 had defects in shoot meristem maintenance. Thus, proper L1 development is essential for meristem function, and XCL1 may act to coordinate hormonaleffects with KNOX gene function at theshoot apex. Cell division and differentiation are tightly linked (Sinhaetal.,1993;Chucketal.,1996).Inmaize,ectopic processes in plant development. In recent years, sev- expressionoftheKNOXgeneskn1,roughsheath1(rs1), eralgenesthatareinvolvedincontrollingshootapical andgnarley1(gn1)indominantmutantscausesabnor- meristem(SAM)celldivisionanddifferentiationhave mal cell divisions in the leaf (Becraft and Freeling, been identified. The class 1 KNOTTED1-like homeo- 1994; Schneeberger et al., 1995; Foster et al., 1999). box(KNOX)genessuchasknotted1(kn1)inmaize(Zea These results indicate that misexpression of KNOX mays) and SHOOTMERISTEMLESS (STM) in Arabi- genes leads to similar outcomes and is sufficient to dopsis(Arabidopsisthaliana)areexpressedthroughout induce celldivisionand meristemformation. the SAM and down-regulated in both incipient leaf The control of cell division and differentiation by primordia and developing leaves (Vollbrecht et al., KNOX genes probably occurs through modulation of 1990;Smithetal.,1992;Jacksonetal.,1994),indicating hormonal pathways. KNOX overexpressing tobacco that these genes play a role in maintaining SAM leaves display a delay in senescence similar to that indeterminacy. Loss-of-function mutations in Arabi- seeninplantswithincreasedcytokininlevels(Kusaba dopsis STM lead to loss of shoot meristems (Barton et al., 1998). Expressing KN1 under the control of the and Poethig, 1993; Long et al., 1996). In addition, senescence-associatedgenepromoterintobaccoleads overexpression of KN1 in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) to increased levels of cytokinin and a delay in leaf and another class 1 KNOX gene, KNAT1 (also known senescence,suggestingthatKN1actstoincreasecyto- as BREVIPEDICELLUS [BP]), in Arabidopsis lead to kininlevels(Orietal.,1999).Intobacco,ectopicKNOX theproductionoflobedleaveswithectopicmeristems gene expression directly down-regulatesthe gibberel- lic acid biosynthesis gene, GA20 oxidase, through bindingoftargetsitesinthepromoterandfirstintron 1ThisworkwassupportedbytheNationalScienceFoundation (Sakamotoetal.,2001).Furthermore,inducibleexpres- (Plant Cell Biology Training Grant and NSF-IBN 0316877 and sion of maize KN1 in Arabidopsis leads to the down- 0344743toN.S.)andbytheUniversityofCaliforniaatDavis(Jastro regulation of GA20 oxidase (Hay et al., 2003). KNOX Shields,ElsieStocking,andRosalindRussellfellowshipstoS.K.). genes have also been shown to coordinately regulate 2Presentaddress:InstituteforPlantBiology,UniversityofZurich, GA and cytokinin activity in Arabidopsis (Jasinski Zollikerstrasse107,8008Zurich,Switzerland. et al., 2005; Yanai et al., 2005). The maize semaphore *Corresponding author; e-mail [email protected]; fax 530– mutation leads to ectopic expression of KNOX genes 752–5410. andalsodisruptspolarauxintransport(Scanlonetal., Theauthorresponsiblefordistributionofmaterialsintegraltothe 2002). findings presented in this article in accordance with the policy KNOX genes have also been implicated in cell describedintheInstructionsforAuthors(www.plantphysiol.org)is: differentiation pathways. For example, bp mutants NeelimaSinha([email protected]). Article,publicationdate,andcitationinformationcanbefoundat show an increase in lignin biosynthetic gene expres- www.plantphysiol.org/cgi/doi/10.1104/pp.105.076075. sion (Mele et al., 2003). In contrast, plants mutant for Plant Physiology, August 2006, Vol. 141, pp. 1349–1362, www.plantphysiol.org (cid:1) 2006 American Society of Plant Biologists 1349 Downloaded from on March 29, 2019 - Published by www.plantphysiol.org Copyright © 2006 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. Kessler et al. therice(Oryzasativa)OSH15gene(orthologoustoBP) toderm cells divide predominantly in the anticlinal shownomeristemdefectsbuthavereducedhypoder- plane. The Extra cell layers1 (Xcl1) mutation causes mal sclerenchyma (Sato et al., 1999), suggesting a protoderm cells to divide in oblique periclinal orien- difference in response between monocots and dicots. tations, which leads to the production of multiple A genetic approach may help to dissect out these epidermallayers(Kessleretal.,2002).Dosageanalysis diverse influences of KNOX genes and plant hor- oftheXcl1mutationshowedthatitisahypermorphic moneson shootmorphogenesis. mutation leading to overproduction of a normal gene HigherangiospermSAMsareorganizedintolayers, product. Increased levels of XCL1 are thought to with the L1 (or outer layer, also known as the tunica) prolong cell division during leaf development, such dividing predominantly in the anticlinal plane and that cells that have already perceived epidermal dif- giving rise to the epidermis, and the internal layer(s), ferentiation signals divide in altered planes and dif- theL2inmaizeandL2andL3inArabidopsis,making ferentiate according to lineage instead of position. up the body (or corpus) of the meristem. Mosaic While the most apparent Xcl1 phenotype is the mul- analysis experiments showed that in Kn1 mutants, tipleepidermallayersthatleadtothickerleaves,Xcl1 ectopicexpressionofKN1intheinnerlayersoftheleaf also affects the SAM. Xcl1 meristems are 35% shorter was sufficientto induce periclinal divisionsin theL1, than normal sibling meristems and also recruit more leading to knot formation (Hake and Freeling, 1986; cellsintotheincipientleafprimordia(P ;Kessleretal., 0 Sinha and Hake, 1990). The KN1 protein has been 2002). This indicates that XCL1 may not only be shown to move between the L2 and L1 in meristems involved in controlling protoderm division and dif- (Lucasetal.,1995;Kimetal.,2002,2003);however,the ferentiation patterns, but also plays an earlier role in functional significance of this intercellular transport regulating meristem size and leaf initiation and may in meristem maintenance has yet to be determined. providealinkbetweenL1divisionpatterns,hormonal Since knots form over major lateral veins, it has been pathways,and meristemmaintenance. suggested that auxin signaling may play a role in In this study, we utilized double mutants between conditioningtheknphenotype(Gelinasetal.,1969).In Xcl1 and dominant KNOX mutants to gain an under- arecentstudyontherelationshipbetweenpolarauxin standingofthemechanismscoordinatingcelldivision transport and leaf initiation, auxin was proposed to anddifferentiationandtotrytoteaseaparttheeffects movefromleafprimordiatotheapicaldomethrough of these diverse KNOX genes on downstream parts the L1 layer (Benkova et al., 2003; Reinhardt et al., of the pathway. Xcl1 suppresses the Kn1 phenotype, 2003b). The role of the L1 in meristem activity is just possibly through modulation of gibberellin (GA) beginningtobeunderstood.Microsurgicalremovalof levels. In combination with Xcl1, both Gn1 and Rs1 theL1intomato(Lycopersiconesculentum)apicesleads displayedsynergisticphenotypesinwhichleafdevel- to a cessation of leaf initiation and an eventual differ- opmentandmeristemmaintenancewereaffectedina entiationofcellsintheunderlyingcentralzoneofthe mannersimilartothatseenwhenseedlingsaretreated meristem (Reinhardt et al., 2003a). Once the L1 of the with polar auxin transport inhibitors. In addition, meristem is removed, it never grows back. Thus, double mutants between Xcl1 and another epidermal underlyingcelllayerscannotberespecifiedasL1cells. division and differentiation mutant, crinkly4 (cr4), This suggests a strict lineage-based maintenance of failed to maintain a shoot meristem. Thus, proper L1 theL1andalsoindicatesthattheL1isnecessaryforthe development is essential for meristem function, and maintenanceofindeterminacyintheunderlyingmer- XCL1mayplayaroleincoordinatinghormonaleffects istemlayers.AdditionalevidenceforanL1roleinmeri- atthe shoot apex. stem function comes from a study in which a double mutant combination of two Arabidopsis L1-specific glabra 2-like homeobox genes, protodermal factor 2 and Arabidopsisthalianameristemlayer1,leadstotheforma- RESULTS tion of a disorganized shoot apex during embryogen- Xcl1 esis and problems in leaf initiation and development. Leavesthatareinitiatedbythedoublemutantsdonot Xcl1 is a semidominant mutation that affects both haveanepidermis,indicatingthatthesetwogenesare meristems and leaves (Kessler et al., 2002). In wild- necessary for epidermal identity (Abe et al., 2003). typeSAMs,Plastochron3(P3)andhigherleafprimor- These instances of L1 involvement in meristem func- dia completely encircle the SAM (Fig. 1A), while in tion have relied on ablation of the L1 by physical or Xcl1, leaves up to P4 do not completely encircle the genetic mechanisms. It is possible that other, more SAM (Fig. 1B), indicating that Xcl1 leaves are narrow subtle changes involving division or differentiation fromearlyindevelopment.ByP2,wild-type(Fig.1,C patternsintheL1couldalsoaffectmeristemfunction, and E) and Xcl1 (Fig. 1, D and F) leaf primordia look perhapsbydisruptinghormonetransportpathways. very similar, although the apical dome is shorter in Maize mutants defective in epidermal division and Xcl1 than in wild type. The most conspicuous Xcl1 differentiation are useful for elucidating the mecha- phenotype is the presence of multiple epidermal nisms responsible for coordinating cell division and layers(Fig.1,GcomparedtoH)thathavebeenshown differentiation. During epidermal development, pro- to arise from oblique divisions in the L1 early in leaf 1350 Plant Physiol. Vol. 141, 2006 Downloaded from on March 29, 2019 - Published by www.plantphysiol.org Copyright © 2006 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. Epidermal Differentiation and KNOTTED1-Like Homeobox Genes development (Kessler et al., 2002). In addition, Xcl1 mutantleaveshavefewerintermediateveins(Fig.1I). Kn1;Xcl1 The reduction in meristem height seen in the Xcl1 singlemutants(Kessleretal.,2002)indicatesthatXcl1 may play a role in regulating the function of Kn1, a class1KNOXgeneexpressedintheSAM.Toexamine this possibility, double mutants were made between Xcl1 and two different dominant alleles of Kn1, Kn1-N2, and Kn1-O. Both of these mutations cause ectopic expression of KN1 in leaves that leads to the formationoflargeprotrusions,orknots,overthemajor veins. Kn1-O is a spontaneous mutation that was caused by a duplication at the KN1 locus leading to a dominant, neomorphic phenotype (Veit et al., 1990). Largeknots protrudefromtheabaxial side ofthe leaf at the blade-sheath junction and sheath identity is pushed up into the blade (Fig. 2A). Ligule displace- mentintothebladeandectopicligulesontheadaxial sideoftheblademidribarealsoprominentfeaturesof Kn1-O leaves (Gelinas et al., 1969; Hake and Freeling, 1986; Sinha and Hake, 1994). These phenotypes are mostevidentinadultleaves,althoughliguledisplace- ment can alsobe seen in juvenile leaves. Xcl1;Kn1-O double mutants have a suppressed Kn1-O phenotype. Instead of a huge mass of knotted tissue at the blade-sheath boundary (Fig. 2A), one largeprotrusionwasseenineveryleafnearthetopof the sheath in double mutants (Fig. 2B). However, ectopic ligules were still seen on the adaxial blade midrib, indicating that this aspect of the Kn1-O phe- notype was not affected by the presence of the Xcl1 mutation(Fig.2B,arrow).Thenumberofknotsinthe sheathandatthebaseofthebladeweredeterminedin Kn1-OsinglemutantsandKn1-O;Xcl1doublemutants attwodifferentpositionsontheplant(Fig.2,EandF). Both the third and sixth leaf from the tassel had significantly fewer knots when Xcl1 was present, in- dicating that the effect of Xcl1 on knot formation was similar in all adult leaves. While the Kn1-O allele primarily affects the blade/ sheath junction of adult leaves, the Kn1-N2 allele causes knots to form primarily on leaf blades (Fig. 2C). In Kn1-N2, both juvenile and adult leaf blades have a severe knotted phenotype. Since the timing of Kn1-N2 knot formation is different than in Kn1-O, crosses were made with Xcl1 to see if there was a Figure1. Wild-type(A,C,E,andG)andXcl1(B,D,F,andH)meristem differenceinknotsuppression.InKn1-N2;Xcl1double and leaf phenotypes. A, Wild-type meristem with P3 completely mutants, knot development in adult leaf blades was encircling the meristem and margins overlapping. B, Xcl1 meristem also significantly inhibited (Fig. 2D). Seedling leaves withP3marginsthatdonotoverlap.C,Dissectedwild-typemeristemat showed a similar effect in that double mutants had theP1/P2stage.D,DissectedXcl1meristematP1/P2showingshorter onlyonetothreeknotsonleaves1and2,whileKn1-N2 apicaldome.E,Medianlongitudinalsectionofawild-typemeristem singlemutantshadmorethan10knotsontheseleaves. showing vascular traces (*) into P2 and P3. F, Median longitudinal It is interesting to note that while both Kn1-N2 and section of an Xcl1 meristem showing vascular traces (*) extending Kn1-Omutantleavesarewiderthanwild-typeorXcl1 higherintothemeristem.G,Transversesectionofawild-typeleaf.H, leaves,doublemutantKn1;Xcl1leavesarenarrowlike TransversesectionofanXcl1leafshowingmultipleepidermallayers.I, Averagenumberofveinsatthreedifferentpositionsinwild-type(solid Xcl1leaves(Fig.2,A–D).SegregationanalysisonanF2 bars)andXcl1(stripedbars)leaves.Scalebars5100mm. Kn1-N2;Xcl1 family showed that while most of the Plant Physiol. Vol. 141, 2006 1351 Downloaded from on March 29, 2019 - Published by www.plantphysiol.org Copyright © 2006 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. Kessler et al. viduals were genotyped based on the presence of an rDotted transposable element inserted in the fourth intron of Kn1-N2 (Sinha, 1990; N. Sinha, unpublished data).Primersthatspannedexon/exonjunctionswere used to specifically amplify cDNAs to examine the expression of KN1 in expanded leaf 1 of each of the mutant classes (Fig. 3A) by semiquantitative reverse transcription (RT)-PCR with GLYCERALDEHYDE- 3-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE (ZmGAPDH) as the constitutively expressed control (Richert et al., 1996).Asexpected,inwild-typeandXcl1individuals, wedidnotdetectKN1transcriptinleaves,butdouble mutant individuals with knots had KN1 transcript at similar levels to that seen in Kn1-N2 leaves. In seed- lings that were homozygous for Xcl1 and heterozy- gousforKn1-N2butdidnothaveanyvisibleknotson leaf1,KN1transcriptwasdetectedatsimilarlevelsto thatseeninindividualswithknots(Fig.3B),indicating that Xcl1 suppression of the Kn1-N2 phenotype in leaves isnotatthe transcriptional level. GAlevelshavebeenshowntobereducedintobacco leavesthatoverexpressNicotianatabacumhomeobox15 (NTH15; Tamaoki et al., 1997), and NTH15 was sub- sequently shown to directly suppress the GA biosyn- thesis gene GA20 oxidase (Sakamoto et al., 2001). In addition,inducibleexpressionofmaizeKN1inArabi- dopsis led to down-regulation of GA20 oxidase (Hay etal.,2003).GAlevelshavebeenshowntobelowinthe SAMasaresultoftheactivityofGA2oxidase,andthis enzymewasproposedtobeKNOXregulated(Jasinski et al., 2005; Yanai et al., 2005). This data led us to hy- pothesizethatchangingGAlevelswouldalsoaffectthe severity of the Kn1 phenotype. Applying GA to seed- lings suppressed the Kn1-N2 phenotype, while the presenceoftheGAbiosynthesisinhibitor,uniconazole, enhancedtheKn1-N2phenotype(Fig.3D).Theresults indicatethatthesuppressionofKn1-N2byXcl1could Figure2. Xcl1suppressesKnottedmutations.A,Kn1-Oadultleafwith beatthelevelofGAbiosynthesisorsignaling(Jasinski knotsattheblade-sheathjunction.B,Kn1-O;Xcl1doublemutantwith et al., 2005; Yanai et al., 2005). We identified maize suppressed knots at the blade-sheath junction. Ectopic ligule on the expressed sequence tags that encode a GA20 oxidase adaxialsideofleafbladeisindicatedbyanarrow.C,Kn1-N2adultleaf hasknotsprimarilyonthebladeandnotthesheath.D,Kn1-N2;Xcl1 geneanda GA2oxidase gene.Levels of theZmGA20 adultleafhasareducednumberofknotsontheblade.E,Comparison oxidaseandZmGA2oxidasegeneswereexaminedby ofthenumberofknotsinKn1-O(blue)andKn1-O;Xcl1(pink)leaf3 (fromthetassel),blade(solid),andsheath(striped).F,Comparisonof thenumberofknotsonleaf6(fromtassel). TableI. SegregationofKn1-N2;Xcl1family InanF Kn1-N2;Xcl1family,twoclasses(bold)deviatedsignificantly phenotypic classes were represented in the expected 2 fromthenumbersexpectedforanadditiveinteraction.FewerKn1-N2/?; proportions,twoclassesdeviatedsignificantlyfromthe Xcl1/Xcl1(strongXcl1phenotype,verymildknots)andmoreKn1-N2/ numbersexpectedforanadditiveinteraction(TableI). kn1-N2;Xcl1/Xcl1(strongXcl1phenotype,noknots)individualsthan Fewer Kn1-N2/?;Xcl1/Xcl1 (strong Xcl1 phenotype, expected were found. The x2 value rejects the segregation ratio/null verymild knots) thanexpected were found, and more hypothesis.Sx2518.1;criticalvalue516.75(P50.005,5degreesof Kn1-N2/Kn1-N2;Xcl1/Xcl1 (strong Xcl1 phenotype, no freedom). knots) individuals than expected were found. This re- Expected Expected Observed Genotype x2 sultindicatesthatinsomehomozygousXcl1seedlings, Ratio No. No. the Kn1-N2 mutation was present, but knot formation kn1/kn1;xcl1/xcl1 1/16 3.75 5 0.42 wascompletelysuppressed. kn1/kn1;Xcl1/xcl1 2/16 7.5 12 2.7 The suppression of Kn1 leaf phenotypes when Xcl1 kn1/kn1;Xcl1/Xcl1 1/16 3.75 10 10.4 is present suggests that Xcl1 may affect the ectopic Kn1/?;xcl1/xcl1 3/16 11.25 10 0.14 expressionofKN1indoublemutants.Thishypothesis Kn1/?;Xcl1/xcl1 6/16 22.5 18 0.9 Kn1/?;Xcl1/Xcl1 3/16 11.25 5 3.5 was tested in a Kn1-N2;Xcl1 segregating family. Indi- 1352 Plant Physiol. Vol. 141, 2006 Downloaded from on March 29, 2019 - Published by www.plantphysiol.org Copyright © 2006 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. Epidermal Differentiation and KNOTTED1-Like Homeobox Genes Figure 3. Kn1-N2;Xcl1 seedling pheno- types.A,Thenumberofknotsonseedling leavesisreducedwhenXcl1ispresent.B, Semiquantitative RT-PCR of KN1 expres- sion reveals that KN1 RNA is present in double mutant leaves with suppressed knots.Numbersinbracketsindicatenum- berofPCRcycles.ControlRT-PCRforthe constitutively expressed ZmGAPDH. C, GA20 oxidase levels are increased when Xcl1ispresentanddecreasedinKn1-N2 single mutants. D, Knots per leaf on the third leaf of Kn1-N2 heterozygote seed- lings treated with Tween 20 (control), Uniconazole,orGA.Differencesbetween Uniconazole and GA treatments were foundtobestatisticallysignificantatP5 0.01anddifferencesbetweencontroland GAatP50.05usingANOVA.Errorbars areSEs,n53.E,DetectionofGA2oxidase RNA levels with QRT-PCR in wild-type (wt),Xcl1,Kn1-N2(Kn1),andXcl1/Kn1-N2 seedlings. The data represents two repli- cateruns.RNAlevelswerenormalizedto ZmGAPDHmRNAandareshownrelative towild-typelevels.BarsrepresentSEsover fourtechnicalreplicates. RT-PCRinKn1-N2;Xcl1segregantstodetermineifXcl1 levelsduringleafdevelopment,allowingforsuppression isregulatingKNOXactivitybyalteringGAlevels(Fig. oftheKn1-N2phenotypeinleaves. 3C).WhilenoapparentalterationwasseenintheGA20 oxidaselevels,quantitativeRT-PCR(QRT-PCR)revealed Gn1;Xcl1 and Rs1;Xcl1 Double Mutants highinductionofGA2oxidaseintheKn1-N2genotype, andthepresenceoftheXcl1mutationdrasticallyreduced Gn1 and Rs1 aredominant mutations in duplicated theGA2oxidasetranscriptlevels(Fig.3E)anddecreased KNOXgenes(BecraftandFreeling,1994;Schneeberger thenumberofknots,indicatingthatXcl1maychangeGA etal.,1995;Fosteretal.,1999).Bothofthesemutations Plant Physiol. Vol. 141, 2006 1353 Downloaded from on March 29, 2019 - Published by www.plantphysiol.org Copyright © 2006 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. Kessler et al. affect cell division at the blade-sheath junction of TableII. SegregationofGn1;Xcl1F family leaves. Since Gn1 and Rs1 have similar phenotypes 2 FourF phenotypicclasseswereobservedinaGn1;Xcl1F popu- to Kn1, we wanted to determine if Xcl1 would also 2 2 lationina9:3:3:1ratio.Thelargestphenotypicclassofseedling-lethal suppress these phenotypes. When an F2 Gn1;Xcl1 individualsdidnotresemblesingleXcl1orGn1mutants.Thex2value population was examined, four phenotypic classes failstorejectthesegregationratio/nullhypothesis.Sx254.2;critical wereobservedina9:3:3:1ratio(Fig.4A;TableII).The value57.81(P50.05). largest phenotypic class was composed of seedlings withseverelyreducedandagravitropicshootandroot Genotype Expected Expected Observed x2 Ratio No. No. development. This group of seedling-lethal individ- gn1/gn1;xcl1/xcl1 1/16 5.8 8 0.5 ualsdidnotresemblesingleXcl1orGn1mutantsand Gn1/?;xcl1/xcl1 3/16 17 10 2.8 represented genotypes that were either homozygous gn1/gn1;Xcl1/? 3/16 17 18 0.1 or heterozygous for both Gn1 and Xcl1. Rs1;Xcl1 Gn1/?;Xcl1/? 9/16 52 57 0.8 double mutants had similar seedling phenotypes to Gn1;Xcl1 seedlings (Fig. 4, A and B). The seedling- lethal phenotypes of Gn1;Xcl1 and Rs1;Xcl1 double stages of development (Fig. 4, C and D compared to mutants suggest that meristem maintenance may be Fig. 1, A and C). However, Gn1;Xcl1 meristems are affected in the double mutants. Scanning electron strikingly different than either Gn1 or Xcl1 single microscopy (SEM) was used to examine SAMs in mutantmeristems.Indoublemutants,theshootapices each of the phenotypic classes. Gn1 meristems are were2to3timeslargerthanapicesofeithersinglemu- very similar to wild-type meristems at comparable tant at similar stages of development (Fig. 4, E and F). When dissected down to P4, Gn1;Xcl1 meristems are very exposed, none of the leaves completely en- circle the meristem, and the older leaves are often bifurcated (Fig. 4F). In addition, extremely reduced leaves with radial tips and aberrant phyllotaxy were sometimes observed in double mutants (Fig. 4, E and G). Rs1;Xcl1 meristems were very similar in appear- ance to the Gn1;Xcl1 meristems. SEMs showed that Rs1;Xcl1apiceswereextremelylargeandleafprimor- diadidnotencirclethemeristem(Fig.4H).Inaddition, somedoublemutantmeristemsfailedtoinitiateleaves along one face of the meristem (Fig. 4I). The apical domeoftenended in an acute tip, andtherewas con- siderableshootexpansionbetweensuccessiveleafini- tiation events (Fig. 4, H and I). These results indicate thatthepresenceofbothGn1orRs1andXcl1leadsto unique problems in normal meristem maintenance andleaf initiation. Polyclonal antibodies against KN1 and RS1 recog- nize multiple class 1 KNOX genes and have been used as markers for meristem identity in maize and other species (Smith et al., 1995; Scanlon et al., 1996; Bharathan et al., 2002). We performed immunolocali- zations with a polyclonal KN1 antibody to analyze meristem identity in single and double mutants. In normal and Xcl1 meristems, KNOX proteins were localizedtothestemandSAMandwerenotdetected Figure4. SeedlingandmeristemphenotypesofGn1;Xcl1andRs1;Xcl1 in developing leaves (Fig. 5, A and B). In Gn1;Xcl1 doublemutants.A,Gn1seedlingshaveligulardisplacementleadingto erect leaves 1 and 2 compared to wild-type and Xcl1 seedlings. doublemutants,theregionofsmall,denselycytoplas- Gn1;Xcl1doublemutants(atright)haveextremelyreducedleaves,are mic cells expressing KNOX proteins normally associ- agravitropic,anddonotinitiatelateralroots.B,Rs1seedlingsaresimilar ated with meristematic identity was nearly absent toGn1.Alessseveredoublemutantwithoneleafisshownattheright.C, at the pointed shoot apex, and the internodes were Gn1meristemattheP3stageisverysimilartowildtype(Fig.1A).D,Gn1 greatly expanded (Fig. 5, E and F). In contrast to Gn1 meristem dissected to P1/P2 stage. E, Gn1;Xcl1 apex appears much single mutants (Fig. 5, C and D), KNOX protein was largerthanGn1andleavesdonotencirclethemeristem.Adelayedleaf not observed in double mutant leaves (Fig. 5E), indi- withradialtipisalsopresent(arrow).F,RotatedviewofmeristeminE cating that Xcl1 may suppress the ectopic expression revealsabifurcatedleafprimordium.G,DissectedGn1;Xcl1meristem ofGN1andotherKNOXproteinsinleaves.Thus,not (same as E) with aberrant phyllotaxy and leaf shape. H, Rs1;Xcl1 only does Xcl1 reduce ectopic KNOX protein expres- meristemwithaberrantphyllotaxyandelongatedinternodes.I,Naked Rs1;Xcl1meristemthathasfailedtoinitiateleafprimordiaatregular sion in Xcl1;Gn1 leaves, but it also suppresses KNOX intervals.Scalebarsforallsections5200mm. expression in double mutant meristems, leading to a 1354 Plant Physiol. Vol. 141, 2006 Downloaded from on March 29, 2019 - Published by www.plantphysiol.org Copyright © 2006 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. Epidermal Differentiation and KNOTTED1-Like Homeobox Genes failure of meristem maintenance. Kn1-N2;Xcl1 double mutant meristems had no problems in maintaining meristemidentity,andKNOXexpressionwasdetected in leaves (Fig. 3B). GN1 and RS1 transcripts were absent from ex- panded Xcl1 seedling leaves and present at normal levels in Xcl1 meristems (Fig. 5G). This indicates that Xcl1 does not directly affect GN1 and RS1 transcript levels. The similarity of the Xcl1;Gn1 and Xcl1;Rs1 doublemutantmeristemstoArabidopsismutationsin the PIN1 auxin efflux carrier and to Arabidopsis and tomato meristems treated with polar auxin transport inhibitors(Galweileretal.,1998;Reinhardtetal.,2000; Stieger et al., 2002) indicates that auxin signaling pathways may be compromised in these double mu- tant seedlings. The transcript levels of the PIN family of polar auxin transport genes have been shown to correlatewithchangesinproteinlevelsinresponseto perturbations in auxin levels (Benkova et al., 2003; Furutani et al.,2004;Peeretal., 2004). Weidentified a maizePIN1orthologinthepublicdatabasesandused RT-PCR to examine PIN1 levels in mutant leaves and meristems. ZmPIN1 transcript levels were reduced in Xcl1 plants (Fig. 5I) and in Xcl1;Gn1 meristems (Fig. 5H),indicatingthatauxintransportpathwaysmaybe compromised in the double mutants. Vascular Defects in Xcl1 The synergistic interactions between Xcl1 and Gn1 or Rs1 indicate that Xcl1 itself may exhibit auxin transportdefects.Auxinflowisknowntobeinvolved in vascularpatterning (Berleth et al., 2000). Wild-type maize leaves have up to 30 minor veins between the major lateral veins (Freeling and Lane, 1994). In con- trast,Xcl1leaveshavesignificantlyfewerminorveins between the major lateral veins when compared to Figure5. AnalysisofgeneexpressioninGn1/Xcl1doublemutants.A wild type (Fig. 1I). When vascular development was toF,Immunolocalizationswithanti-KN1antibodiesonseedlingSAMs. examined in Xcl1 apices, departures from normal A,Wild-typemeristemshowingnormalKNOXexpressionintheSAM vascularpatterningwereseen.Innormalmaizeapices, andunexpandedstemanddown-regulationintheP anddeveloping 0 leaves.Theprovascularstrandclosesttothemeristem(arrowhead)is the most recently initiated vascular traces in the stem nearP3.B,Xcl1/Xcl1meristemshowingnormalKNOXexpression.The arebetween the second and third primordia (Figs. 1E provascularstrandclosesttothemeristem(arrowhead)isnearP1.C, and5A;Sharman,1942),whileinXcl1apices,themost Gn1 meristem with KNOX localized in the SAM and in developing recently initiated vascular traces are between P1 and leaves.D,HighermagnificationofP3inCshowingKNOXexpression P2(Figs.1Fand5B).Sincehighlevelsofauxinareas- (arrow).E,Gn1;Xcl1meristematsamemagnificationasAtoC.The sociated with vascular development, this indicates stem is greatlyexpandedbetweensuccessive leaf primordiaand the that higher levels of auxin may be present in this oldestleafpictured(asterisks)isabortedandlooksmorelikestem.F, region of Xcl1 apices. Interestingly, KNOX protein is HighermagnificationofP2inE.G,SemiquantitativeRT-PCRofGN1 excludedfromthesedevelopingvascularstrands(Fig. andRS1inB73versusXcl1meristemsshowsnormalexpressioninXcl1 5, A and B), suggesting that high levels of auxin may meristemsand noexpressionin Xcl1 leaves.Numberedlanescorre- spondtonumberofPCRcycles(1530,2535,3540forGN1and becorrelated with reducedKNOX expression. RS1; 1 5 22, 2 5 26, 3 5 30 for GAP controls). H, PIN1 RT-PCR showinglowerexpressioninGn1;Xcl1meristems.I,DetectionofPIN1 Xcl1;cr4 Double Mutants RNA levelswithQRT-PCR inwild-type(wt) andXcl1seedlings.The RNA levels were normalized to ZmGAPDH mRNA and are shown In Arabidopsis, the auxin efflux carrier PIN1 is lo- relative to wild-type levels. Bars represent SEs over four technical calized in the L1 layer of the meristem, and auxin replicates.B,B73(wildtype);X,Xcl1;G,Gn1;GX,Gn1;Xcl1;L,leaf; transport throughtheL1 hasbeen proposed toplaya M,meristem.Scalebars5200mm. roleindeterminingphyllotaxy(Reinhardtetal.,2003b). Therefore, changes to the L1 layer of the meristem wouldbepredictedtoinfluencemeristemfunction.To Plant Physiol. Vol. 141, 2006 1355 Downloaded from on March 29, 2019 - Published by www.plantphysiol.org Copyright © 2006 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. Kessler et al. address this hypothesis, double mutants were made phenotypes; a consistent extra epidermal layer was betweenXcl1andcr4.MutationsinCR4,agenesimilar presentbelowtheabnormalouterepidermis (Fig. 6G), to the human tumor necrosis factor receptor, lead to andSEMoftheadaxialsurfacerevealedcellsthatwere aberrant epidermal differentiation and division pat- squareindimensionlikeXcl1butalsohadcrenulations terns(Becraftetal.,1996,2001;Jinetal.,2000).Whenan onthesurface(Fig.6H).F3analysisoftheseindividuals F populationofXcl1crossedtothecr4-6143alleleofcr4 indicated that they were heterozygous for Xcl1 and 2 was grown in the field for observation, three mutant homozygous for cr4. Thus, double homozygous mu- phenotypic classes were observed. In comparison to tants were predicted to be seedling lethal. The same wild-typeleaveswithsingleepidermallayers(Fig.6A) F families were germinated in flats with a light soil. 2 and rectangular, crenulated epidermal cells (Fig. 6B), Representatives from each of the genotypic classes are Xcl1singlemutantshadmultipleepidermallayersand showninFigure7.Thesegregationforthisfamilywas square,uncrenulatedepidermalcells(Fig.6,CandD). 3/16 xcl1/xcl1;Cr4/? (Fig. 7A); 1/16 xcl1/xcl1;cr4/cr4 cr4 single mutant leaves had epidermal cells that di- (Fig. 7B); 9/16 Xcl1/?;Cr4/? (Fig. 7C); 2/16 Xcl/xcl; videdinabnormalplanes(Fig.6E)and,whenobserved cr4/cr4; and 1/16 had reduced leaves or no leaves with SEM, had crenulations on the surface of cells in- produced and were seedling lethal (Fig. 7, D–F) and stead of between cells (Fig. 6F). The third class of therefore inferred to be double mutants (Xcl1/Xcl1; mutants seemed to be additive of the Xcl1 and cr4 cr4/cr4;TableIII). The reduction in leaves in the double mutants suggested that there was a problem in leaf initiation and/or meristem maintenance that may be similar to that seen in Xcl1;Gn1 and Xcl1;Rs1 double mutants. Whencomparedtocr4singlemutants(Fig.8,AandB), cr4;Xcl1doublemutantswithreducedleaves(Fig.7,D and F) showed a range of meristem phenotypes. The lessseveredoublemutantshadnormallookingSAMs by SEM (Fig. 8, D and E) but reduced KNOX expres- sioncomparedtonormal,cr4,andXcl1siblings(Fig.8, C and F compared to Fig. 5, A and B), indicating a gradual loss of meristem identity. Double mutant seedlings with the most severe phenotypes did not have a SAM (data notshown). Theextremelyreducedseedlingphenotypesseenin cr4;Xcl1 double mutants indicated that the two genes may act in the same pathway to influence both epi- dermal and meristem development. To address this, CR4transcriptlevelswereexaminedinwild-typeand Xcl1leavesandmeristemsbyRT-PCR(Fig.8G).When comparedtoB73,CR4levelsweregreatlydecreasedin Xcl1 mutant SAMs and leaves, indicating that Xcl1 may regulate CR4 transcription. GA20ox and PIN1 levelswerealsoexaminedinthemutantstodetermine if the effects of these mutations on meristem mainte- nance are linked to the hormones that have been shown to be involved in KNOX-mediated develop- mental pathways. PIN1 levels were decreased in cr4 leaves (Fig. 8H), while GA20 oxidase levels were in- creasedin cr4 leaves (Fig.8I). Figure 6. Phenotypes of adult leaves in a cr4;Xcl1 double mutant family.A,Transversesectionofawild-typeleaf.B,Wild-typeepidermis withrectangularpavementcellsandevenlyspacedstomata.C,Trans- versesectionofanXcl1singlemutantleafshowsmultipleepidermal DISCUSSION layers,buttheouterepidermisisflat.D,SEMoftheadaxialepidermisof Xcl1.Pavementcellsaresquareindimension.E,Transversesectionofa The mutants described in this study all affect cell cr4 single mutant leaf. Multiple epidermal-like layers are in smaller division and differentiation patterns in maize devel- patches and extend out from the plane of the leaf. F, SEM of a cr4 opment. Kn1, Rs1, and Gn1 are all dominant KNOX adaxial epidermis. Pavement cells are rectangular in shape but have mutationsthatshowectopicgeneexpressioninleaves. crenulations on the surface instead of between cells. G, Transverse This ectopic gene expression leads to periclinal divi- sectionofacr4/cr4;Xcl1/xcl1leafshowinganadditivephenotype.A sionsthatproduceknotsand/orextracelllayersinthe complete extra epidermal layer is present under a cr4-like outer leaf blade and sheath (Vollbrecht et al., 1990; Smith epidermis.H,SEMofacr4/cr4;Xcl1/xcl1adaxialepidermis.Cellsare squareinshapelikeXcl1buthavecrenulationsonthesurfacelikecr4. et al., 1992). According to the maturation schedule Scalebars5100mm. hypothesis,ectopicKNOXexpressioninleavesretards 1356 Plant Physiol. Vol. 141, 2006 Downloaded from on March 29, 2019 - Published by www.plantphysiol.org Copyright © 2006 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. Epidermal Differentiation and KNOTTED1-Like Homeobox Genes maintain KNOX suppression in developing leaves in Antirrhinum(PHANTASTICA),maize(rs2),andArabi- dopsis (ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1; Timmermans et al., 1999;Tsiantis et al.,1999b; Byrneetal.,2000; Orietal., 2000).Inmaize,rs2mutantsphenocopydominant,gain- of-function mutations in several KNOX genes, includ- ing Kn1, Rs1, andGn1 , indicating that RS2 functions to down-regulate these genes in leaves (Schneeberger et al., 1998; Timmermans et al., 1999; Tsiantis et al., 1999b). Suppressors of the dominant KNOX phenotypes wouldbeexpectedtorepresentdownstreamelements necessary for KNOX activity. Xcl1 is a semidominant mutationthatpartiallysuppressestheKn1phenotype inleaves.Xcl1couldacteitherdirectlyorindirectlyon Figure 7. Range of seedling phenotypes in a cr4;Xcl1 F family. A, theKN1pathwaytosuppressKn1mutantphenotypes 2 Wild-type seedling. B, cr4/cr4 seedling showing leaf adherence. C, andthuspresentsuswithawaytofurtherdissectthe Xcl1/Xcl1seedlingwithnarrow,shinyleaves.DtoF,Rangeofreduced KNOX pathway. leafphenotypesseenindoublemutants. Dosage analysis revealed that Xcl1 is a hypermor- phicmutationresultingfromincreasedexpressionofa the acquisition of competence for distal cell fates, normal geneproduct (Kessleret al., 2002). Kn1-Oand leading to a proximalization of the leaf, or sheath Kn1-N2areneomorphicdominantmutationsinwhich identityintheblade(Freeling,1992).Thecr4mutation KN1 is expressed ectopically in developing leaves. also leads to changes in cell division and differentia- One modelfor the suppression ofKn1 phenotypesby tion in the maize leaf. Loss-of-function cr4 mutants Xcl1isabiophysicalmodel.Xcl1leaveshaveaberrant have problems in epidermal differentiation and also oblique, periclinal divisions that lead to the produc- havepericlinaldivisionsleadingtomultiplecelllayers tionofmultipleepidermallayers.InKn1,knotforma- (Becraftetal.,1996;Jinetal.,2000),indicatingthatthe tion requires signals from underlying mesophyll cells CR4 protein is important for properepidermal devel- (Hake and Freeling, 1986; Sinha and Hake, 1990). In opment. Finally, Xcl1 mutants have extra epidermal Xcl1;Kn1 double mutant leaves, it is possible that the cell layers produced by aberrant oblique periclinal suppression of knots is merely a reflection of de- divisions that occur late in leaf development and creased signaling through the extra epidermal layers lead to differentiation by lineage instead of position conditioned by Xcl1. This hypothesis seems unlikely, (Kessleretal.,2002).Becauseallofthesemutantslead because knots in Kn1 mutants form primarily over to cell proliferation through periclinal divisions, we lateral veins (Gelinas et al., 1969; Hake and Freeling, constructed double mutants in the hopes of gaining 1986;SinhaandHake,1990).InXcl1,multipleepider- insight into the pathways involved in controlling cell mallayersariseaftertheinitiationoflateralveins,and divisionduringleafdevelopment.Thesurprisingmer- therefore, the epidermis over lateral veins is always istem arrest phenotypes seen in some of the double single layered(Kessleret al., 2002). mutant combinations point to a more basic role for AsecondmodelforregulationoftheKN1pathway these genes in meristemmaintenance. by Xcl1 is that in normal development, XCL1 acts to reduce KN1 function in the P and causes periclinal 0 divisions that lead to leaf primordium outgrowth. Xcl1 Suppresses the Kn1 Phenotype When Xcl1 is expressed at higher levels than normal, KNOX genes play an important role in the mainte- KN1 activity would be down-regulated even more, nance of meristem identity. In simple-leafed model andmorecellswouldberecruitedintotheP ,thereby 0 species such as maize and Arabidopsis, KNOX genes aredown-regulatedintheP andremainoffthrough- 0 out leaf development (Hake et al., 2004). However, TableIII. Segregationofarepresentativecr4;Xcl1F family 2 tomato, whichhas compound leaves, displays KNOX Thedoublehomozygotescr4/cr4;Xcl1/Xcl1wereseedlinglethal.The expression in developing leaf primordia (Hareven x2valuefailstorejectthesegregationratio/nullhypothesis.Sx253.06; et al., 1996; Chen et al., 1997). This expression pattern criticalvalue516.75(P50.005,5degreesoffreedom). is seen in compound and secondarily simple-leafed Expected Expected Observed Genotype x2 species with independent origins throughout nature, Ratio No. No. and thus represents an evolutionarily conserved de- Cr4/?;xcl1/xcl1 3/16 8.8 9 0.01 velopmental pathway (Bharathan et al., 2002). How Cr4/?;Xcl1/xcl1 6/16 17.6 12 1.78 KNOX gene expression is regulated to bring about Cr4/?;Xcl1/Xcl1 3/16 8.8 11 0.55 different developmental programs is an unanswered cr4/cr4;xcl1/xcl1 1/16 2.9 5 1.52 question.Inrecentyears,thePHANTASTICAgroupof cr4/cr4;Xcl1/1 2/16 5.9 7 0.20 cr4/cr4;Xcl1/Xcl1 1/16 2.9 3 0.003 Myb-domain transcription factors has been shown to Plant Physiol. Vol. 141, 2006 1357 Downloaded from on March 29, 2019 - Published by www.plantphysiol.org Copyright © 2006 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. Kessler et al. Figure8. Analysisofcr4andcr4/Xcl1meristemsand geneexpression.A,cr4/cr4singlemutantapexdis- sectedtoP3.B,cr4/cr4apexinAwithP3removed. Leafinitiationappearsnormal.C,KNOXexpression incr4mutantsissimilartowildtypeandXcl1(Fig.5). D,cr4/Xcl1doublehomozygousmutantapexisvery similartoA,excepttheP3primordiaarenarrower.E, cr4;Xcl1apexinBwithP3removed.Leafprimordia seem to be initiated normally, but the dome of the meristem is shorter than in cr4. F, KNOX protein levels are reduced in cr4;Xcl1 meristems. G, CR4 transcriptsarereducedinXcl1meristemsandleaves. H, PIN1 transcripts are decreased in Xcl1 and cr4 leaves.I,GA20oxidasetranscriptsareincreasedincr4 leaves.B,B73(wild-type);X,Xcl1;C,cr4;M,meri- stem; U, unexpanded leaf; L, expanded leaf. Scale bars5100mm. affecting meristem maintenance. This model is sup- P , complementary to KNOX expression patterns 0 portedbythefactthatXcl1meristemsareshorterthan (Sakamoto et al., 2001). Ourexperiments showed that normal and recruit more cells into P (Kessler et al., GA treatment suppressed the Kn1 phenotype, and 0 2002). Additional evidence for XCL1 regulation of inhibiting GA biosynthesis with uniconazole en- KN1 activity comes from the other double mutants. hancedtheKn1phenotype.WhileGA20oxidaselevels Even though Gn1 or Rs1 gain-of-function mutants are not appreciably altered in Xcl1;Kn1-N2 double ectopically express the proteins only in leaves, Xcl1 mutants,GA2oxidaselevelsaredecreased,indicating suppressesKNOXexpressioninGn1;Xcl1SAMs,lead- that XCL1 overexpression may lead to higher GA ing to loss of meristem integrity. Construction of levels,whichinturnsuppressestheformationofknots double mutant between Xcl1 and loss-of-function kn1 in double mutant leaves. Thus, decreased GA levels mutants (Vollbrecht et al., 2000) may also help to seem to be necessary for knot formation in dominant definethe role of XCL1 in regulating KN1 activity. neomorphic Kn1 mutants. Increased XCL1 product ThesuppressionofknotformationinKn1leavesby may bypass KNOX regulation of the GA pathway by Xcl1,eventhoughectopicKN1transcriptwaspresent independently decreasing the GA metabolizing en- in leaves, suggests that XCL1 might regulate KN1 zyme GA2 oxidase. posttranscriptionally or could differentially regulate genes downstream of KN1. One candidate pathway Xcl1 Interactions with Gn1, Rs1, and cr4 Lead to Loss for regulation by both XCL1 and KN1 is the GA of Meristem Function signalingpathway.WhenKN1ortobaccoKNOXgenes areoverexpressedintobacco,leafshapeisalteredand Since dominant Gn1 and Rs1 mutants have very ectopicmeristemsformonleaves.GAlevelshavebeen similar phenotypes to Kn1 mutants, we expected a shown to be reduced in tobacco leaves that overex- similarsuppressionoftheKNOXoverexpressionphe- press NTH15 (Tamaoki et al., 1997), and NTH15 was notype by Xcl1. Instead, both Gn1;Xcl1 and Rs1;Xcl1 subsequently shown to directly suppress the GA bio- doublemutantsdisplayedsynergisticphenotypesthat synthesis gene, GA20 oxidase (Sakamoto et al., 2001). ledtomeristemarrestatearlystagesofseedlingdevel- In addition, GA20 oxidase in tobacco is expressed in opment.Thedoublemutantseedlingshadagravitropic 1358 Plant Physiol. Vol. 141, 2006 Downloaded from on March 29, 2019 - Published by www.plantphysiol.org Copyright © 2006 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved.

overexpression of KN1 in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) KNOX overexpressing tobacco . Kn1-O leaves (Gelinas et al., 1969; Hake and Freeling,.
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