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°WAR* Pf-711-10-,163 Superior Court of Justice Name of Court) Form BA: Application 1at. AM EiNibEti (Divorce) 393 University Ave., 10th Flee!, Tomato), ON M5G 1E6 (court office address) Simple (divorce only) i Joint Respondent(s) Fug roper name & address for service— street & number, munfolPefk Linvyer's name & address — street & number municipality, postal code, Pate code. teleisfrOne & fair numbers and a-msil address (t any), telephone & fax numbers and ff-mat address (If any). Attorney General of Canada lAttorney General or Canada - Suite 3400 Exchange Tower !Box 36, First Canadian Place Toronto, Ontario MSX 1K6 Fax: 416-973-3004 rAnd The Attorney General of Ontario Attorney General or Ontario 'Constitutional Law Branch Floor, 720 Bay Street oronto, Ontario MSG 2K 1 ax: 416-326-4015 O IN THIS CASE, THE APPLICANT IS CLAIMING DIVORCE ONLY. TO THE RESPONDENT(S): A COURT CASE FOR DIVORCE HAS SEEN STARTED AGAINST YOU IN THIS COURT. THE DETAILS ARE SET OUT ON THE ATTACHED PAGES. THIS CASE IS ON THE STANDARD TRACK OF THE CASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. No court date has been set for this case but, if you have been served with a notice of nation, it has a court date and you or your lawyer should come to court for the motion. A case management judge will not be assigned until one of the parties asks the clerk of the court to schedule a case conference or until a motion is scheduled. whichever comes first, IF, AFTER 365 DAYS, THE CASE HAS NOT BEEN SCHEDULED FOR TRIAL, the clerk of the court will send out a wan-ring that the case win be dismissed within 50 days unless the parties file proof that the case has been settled or one of the parties asks for a case or a settlement conference. IF YOU WANT TO OPPOSE ANY CLAIM N4 THIS CASE, you or your lawyer must prepare an Answer (Form 10 — a blank copy should be attached), serve a copy on the applicant and f.4e a copy in the court office with an Affidavit of Service (Form 6B). YOU HAVE ONLY 30 DAYS AFTER THIS APPLICATION IS SERVED ON YOU (60 DAYS IF THIS APPLICATION IS SERVED ON YOU OUTSIDE CANADA OR THE UNITED STATES) TO SERVE AND FILE AN ANSWER. IF YOU DO PLii SA (June 15, 2007) wrn. DIVCOCEnversrin Form BA: Application (Divorce) (page 2) Court File Number AGAINST YOU. IF YOU WANT TO MAKE A CLAIM OF YOUR OWN, you or your lawyer must fill out tire claim portion in the Answer, serve a copy on the aPPliaint(s) and file a copy in the court office with an Affidavit of Service. • If you want to make a claim for support but do not want to make a claim for property or exclusive possession of the matrimonial home and its contents, you MUST NI out a Financial Statement (Form 13), serve a copy on the applicant(s) and file a copy in the court office. • However, if your only claim for support is for child Support in the table amount specified under the Child Support Guidelines, you do not need to fill opt, serve or file a Financial Statement ' • IP If you want to make a claim for properly or exclusive possession of the matrimonial home and its contents, whether or not it includes a claim for support, you MUST fill out a Financial Statement (Form 13.1, not Form 13), serve a copy on the applicant(s). and file a copy in the court office. . . YOU SHOULD GET LEGAL ADVICE ABOUT THIS CASE RIGHT AWAY. if you cannot afford a lawyer, you may be able to get help from your local Legal Aid office. (See your telephone directory under LEGAL AID.) THIS CASE 18 A JOINT APPUCAT/ON FOR DIVORCE. THE DETAILS ARE SET OUT ON THE ATrACHED PAGES. The application and affidavits In support of the application will be presented to a judge when the materials have been checked for completeness. If you are requesting anything other than a simple 'divorce, such as support or property or exclusive possession of the matrimonial home and its contents, then refer to page 1 for instructions regarding the Financial Statement you should file. APR 0 5 2011 Date of Issu- -e Clerk t the court Michelle Taddeo Form 8A Application (Divorce) (Page 3) Court File Number FAMILY HISTORY APPLICANT: Age: 29 Birthdate: (4 m. 4111faria Resident in (nurricipaffly prdvince) Florida, •Ultited Stales Surname at birth: OW Surname just before marriage: nfa 1, ^, • - 1, Divorced before? ND 0 Yes (Piece and date of previous divorce) JOINT APPLICANT: 41111111111.111111, Age: 32 Birtfidate! (d. m, Resident in (munkOalify & province) London. England since (date) smanwir Surname at birth: Surname just before marriage: ri/a Divorced before? No 0 Yes (Peace and date g.tf previous divorce) 13 RELATIONSHIP DATES THE CHILD(REN) ListI I cltildreninvolved in this case. even if no claim is made for these children. — -I-- --1—_ —Birth c—laY — 7 — —R —esi d—ent i—n — — N—ewrivi—ng ‘Th — —1I Pull legal urea Age (name of petson and • (cl rn, ji) (muntipakty & province) relationsh0 to chilc2 ...t=._.._ ,..... — — — I-- — -- — 1 -- —L — — — -- — I— — — — — -- PREVIOUS CASES OR AGREEMENTS Have the parties or the children been in a court case before? a D No yes Have the parties made a written agreement dealing with any matter involved in this case? a No El Yes (Give date of agreement. Indicate which a its Rents are in dispute.) Appilcation (Divorce) (page 4) Court File Number Form SA: CLAIMS USE THIS FRAME ONLY IF THIS . CASE IS A JOINT APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE_ WE JOINTLY ASK THE COURT FOR THE FOLLOWING: Claims under the Divorce Act Claim* under the Family Law Act Claims relating to property or Children's Law Reform Act 00 0 a divorte 10 0 spousal support 20 equalization of net family properties 01 spousal support 11 Ej . support for child(ran) - table 21 0 exclusive possession of amount matrimonial home 02 support for child(ren) - table 12 support tar child(ren) - other 22 0 exclusive possession of amount than table amount contents of matrimonial home 03 0 support for child(ren) - other 13 custody of child(ren) 23 0 freezing assets than table amount 0 D 04 custody of orrildlren) 14 arefge to child(ren) 24 0 sale of family property 05 D access to chki(ren) 15 0 restraining/non-harassment order Other Claims 16 0 indexing spousal support a 17 declaration of Parentage 30 costs 18 0 guardianship over child's 31 El annulment of marriage property•;• • 32 Ei prejudgment interest other (Specify.) USE THIS FRAME ONLY IF THE APPLICANT'S ONLY CLAIM IN THIS CASE IS FOR DIVORCE. I ASK THE COURT FOR: (Check it .appricable.) 00 a divorce 3D Ej costs .E...•nn••••••••nn n• IMPORTANT FACTS SUPPORTING THE CLAIM FOR DIVORCE Separation: The spouses have lived separate and apart since (dare) Murch t, 2009 arid 131 have not lived together again since that data in an unsuccessful attempt to recoricite. have lived together again diaittg the following period(s) in an unsuccessful attempt to reconcile: (Give dates.) Adultery: (Name of spouse) has committed adultery. (Give debits, IF is not neressan, to name any other person ilWayett Ns if you do name the other person, then you must serve this application on the other person.) 0 Cruelty: (Name of spouse) has treated Maine of spouse) with phoical or mental cruelty of such a kind as to make continued cohabitation intolerable.. (Sive cleta0e.) Form 8A: Application (Divorce) (page 5) Court Fite Number USE THIS FRAME ONLY IF THIS CASE IS A JOINT APPLICAnON FOR DIVORCE. The details of the other order(s) that we jointly ask the court to make are as follows: (WW2 any eminent' o f support and the - names of the children for whom support, custody or access is lobe ordered.) ) . An order for divorce, pursuant to the Farms patritie jurisdiction inherent to the Ontario Superior Court of Justice and the Divorce Act, 1985. c. 3; 2. In the alternative to 1, a declaration that the one year residency requirement to obtain a divorce in Canada. pursuant to the definition of ''divorce proceeding" in ss. 2(1) and 3(1) of the Divorce Act, S.C. 1985. e. 3. is constitutionally invalid only with respect to the Joint Applicants because it discriminates against them in its application on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, and residency contrary to s. 15(1) of the Canadian Charter of Rightx and FITOdOMS in a manner not justified in a free and democratic society pursuant to s. 1 of the Charier; or 3, A declaration that the one year residency requirement to obtain a divorce in Canada, pursuant to the definition of "divorce proceeding" in ss. 20) and 3(1) of the Divorce Act,, S.(' , 1985. c. 3. is constitutionally invalid only with respect to the Joint Applicants. because it violates the Join( Applicants' rights to life. liberty and security of the person in a manner that is unfair and . disproportionate to any government interest, contrary to s. 7 of the Charrer and not justified by s. I of, the Charter: and 4. A constitutional exemption granting the Joint Applicants leave to apply for a divorce in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice immediately so that the violation does not persist; or 5 In the alternative, a declaration that the One year residency requirement to obtain a divorce in Canada, pursuant to the definition of "divorce proceeding" in a. 2(1) and 3(3) of the Dieorce AC1, S.C. 1985, c. 3, is of no force and effect as it infringes the equality rights of the Joint Applicants in its application, by discriminating against them on the basis or sex. sexual orientation, and residency contrary [Os. i ) of the Canadian charier of 1?ights and Freedoms in a manner not justified in a free and democratic society pursuant 10 S. t ofthcChurrer 6. In the further alternative, a declaration that the one year residency requirement to obtain a divorce in Canada. pursuant to the definition of "divorce proceeding" in section 2(1) and section 3(1) of the Divorce Act. S.C. 1985, c. 3, is of no force and effect as it is arbitrary, unfair and disproportionate to any government interest and violates the Joint Applicant spouses' right to life. liberty, and security of the person, contrary to s. 7 of the Canadian Charter 11 Rights and ,Preedams ina manner not justified in a Form SA: Application (Divorce) (page 6) Court File Number PS-I 1-367893 free and democratic society pursuant to s. 1 of the Charter; 7. In the event of a suspension of the declaration of invalidity as sought in paragraphs 5 and/or 6 above, the Joint Applicants seek a constitutional exemption with an order granting them leave to file an application for divorce in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice immediately; and 8. An order bifurcating the issues in this matter, such that the relief sought in paragraph I proceeds firs( by motion, and the balance ()I' the relief proceeds only if that motion does not succeed; and see attached mgclA 9. Costs on a full recovery basis; and 10.Such further and other relief as this Honourable Court deems just. IMPORTANT FACTS SUPPORTING OUR CLAIM(S) (Set out the facts that form the legal basis for your clainOR. Theory of the Case 11.The Joint Applicants are a same-sex couple who were married in Canada (the "Canadian Marriage") but reside separately in the Unites States and the United Kingdom. The Joint Applicants seek to legally dissolve their marriage on consent so that each Applicant may move forward with her life. 12.The Canadian Marriage is not recognized by the state of Florida. in the United Kingdom, civil partnerships are granted to same-sex couples, but the Canadian marriage is not recognized. 13.The Joint Applicants are unable to obtain a divorce in their home jurisdictions. Further, they are barred from seeking a divorce in Ontario because they do not meet the one year residency requirement mandated by the joint operation of ss_ 2(1) and 3(1) of the Divorce Act, S.C. 1985, c. 3. 14.As the Supreme Court of Canada has noted, the freedom to live life with the mate of one's choice and in the manner of ono's choice is a matter of defining importance to individuals. Marriage is an intensely persona/ decision that engages a complex set of social, political, religious and financial considerations. it is a basic Ci0MCIli of social organizations around the world. Its relevance flows, in large part, from the incalculable value placed on public recognition of the marital relationship. Miron 7rudt-1,119951 2 S.C.R. 418 at para. 161 Walsh v. BOW, 12002] 4 S.C.R. 326 Eti pant, 43 Halpern v. Canada (Attorney General) (2003). 65 O.K. (3d) 161 at para. 5 (C.A.) Court File Number FS- 11-367893 Form 8A: Application (Divorce) (page OA) USE THIS FRAME ONLY IF THIS CASE IS A JOINT APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE. 8A. A declaration that the Joint Anpiicants Marriage Certificate bearing registration number issued by the Province of Ontario for the r_rattme dated December 30. 2005, is a lewdly valid and binding ocument: and 813. A temporary or interim Order reAuiring the Attorney General of Ontario to produce the following: (a) The Marriage Licence Application form submitted by the Joint Annlicants (b) The entire file relating to the Marriage License and Marriage Certificate hearing registration number 11111111Orssuecl to the Joint Applionts by the Province oiOntario; (c) All documents includin electronic *„.L1 k ii or ui.ared b the Provi of Ontario re din policies and procedures with respect to applications for Marriage Licences by non-resident same-sex couples. and any information provided to such couples explaining the practice and policies of the Province of Ontario; (d) All statistical information obtained, received by, or in the possession of the Province of Ontario relating to the number of non-residents who have entered into same-sex marriages in Ontario and/or Canada since June 10, 2003; and Is 8 A temporary or interim Order renuiring the Attorney General of Canada tnproduce the following (a) All statistical information obtained. received by or in the possession of the Government of Canada •tt relating to the number of non-residents who have entered into same-sex marriages in Ontario and/or Canada since June 10, 2003; and 81). An Order for Questioning of the Attorney General'of Canada, or his representative: and 8E. An Order for Questioning_of the Attorney General of Ontario. or-his representative: and 8P In the event that th i A licants' marti e is determ to be invalid at law eneral and ill ages in the amount of $30,000 for negligent misrepresentation by the Province of Ontario, as more cificallv described:in this Application: and Form 8A: Application (Divorce) (page 7) Court File Number FS-_117367893 15. The same is true with respect to the institution of divorce. IL too, is a central component of the freedom to live life with the mate or one's choice. It, too, is an intensely personal decision that engages a complex set of social, political, religious and financial considerations. IL, too, is now considered a basic clement of social organizations around the world, Its relevance, too, flows from the incalculable value placed on public recognition of the marital relationship. 16, The Joint Applicants cannot get divorced in any jurisdiction. They are prevented from severing the legal and psychological bonds of marriage in a way that other couples routinely take for granted. 17.The Joint Applicants ask the court to invoke its parens patriae jurisdiction and order that they be allowed to seek a divorce in the province of Ontario. 18.in the alternative. the Joint Applicants seek a declaration that their Marriage Certificate bearipg _reg i nr um.. etA111111..ja a valid and bindinj legal do rm de tnhtat the one year residency requirement to obtain a divorce in Canada, pursuant to the definition of "divorce proceeding- in ss, 2(1) and 3(1) of the Diroree .40, S.C. 1985, c. 3, is constitutionally invalid only with respect to them as a discreet group. because it discriminates against them in its application on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, and residency contrary to s. 15(1) of the Charter and violates their rights to life, liberty and security or the person contrary to s, 7 of the Charier. The Joint Applicants submit that these violations are felt exclusively by them as non-resident same-sex couples married in Canada, and that they cannot be saved by s, 1 of the Charier. They seek a constitutional exemption granting them leave to file a joint application for divorce in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice immediately. Essential Facts about the Joint Applicants awAimmir 19, A, Nallillairnd began dating in 2001 and were married in Toronto. Ontario on December 30. 2005. See oaEe 7A, lir 20v.larives and works inaillarlorida in the area of early childhood education. works in buSiness development for a large company in London. England, where she also lives. \Wand 1111110separated on or about March 1, 2009 and have no children or outstanding corollary issues resulting from the breakdown of their marriage. 21. has been with the same employer for nearly I/ years working as a pre-school teacher, and she has deep roots in the Clearwater community. 1.1111ras worked for the same company since 2002. Unfortunately, her company does not have any international offices and so transferring to a Canadian location is not possible. Given the difficult economic times, both parties arc sceptical that they could nnnn•n•• 19B. . Tbe Joint Applicants travell0 to Toronto in 20t_/5_ f or t e, si ecific se of ettin married. ' 11 w 3 issued a Marriage License by the Province of Ontario and, subsequent to the marriaac, a Marriage Certificate bearinit the reg i_s rat )_tr_n2...LmkellillikB a . marria e the Joint A_pplicants relied on t . , words and actions of the provincial government that the Marriage License and Marriage Certificate issued to them were valid. Al no time were they advised by either the provincial or federal overmnents that their marriage was not valid. in addition to the emotional distress caused to the Joint Applicants, they specifically incurred legal and travel costs associated with a marriage that was promoted by the provincial and federal which is now being denied, governments and Form 8A: Application (Divorce) (page 8) . Court File Number find adequate employment in C'anada. 21.The state of Florida does not recognize the Joint Applicants marriage, and will not grant them a divonx. Although the United Kingdom grants civil partnerships to same-sex couples, it will nOt recognize the Canadian marriage and thus will not grant a divorce. 22v.ailand 1 ire married. They want, and are entitled to, a divorce. Even if the United Kingdom was prepared to dissolve the union as a civil partnership, it is unfair to place all of the responsibility with Nil. Either party should be able to initiate and participate in her own divorce proceedings. 23.Neither imprnor Lewd able to move to a new country, alone and isolated, to engage in the already lonely and isolating process of obtaining a divorce. MOW a close relationship with her family, all of whom reside close to her Clearwater home. IIIIIIrparents live within fifteen minutes of home; this is especially important as her father's health is currently deteriorating and she has no her siblings to assist her with his care. 24I.mmornd soiricred and believed that Canada. the country that married them, would afford them the respect and dignity to legally end their marriage. Without this. they cannot move on from this chapter in their lives. The fact that they Continue to be connected by the legal institution of marriage impinges their ability to pursue new relationships and to feel comfortable doing so. Ft* instance, amp. although the United Kingdom will not grantL divorce. her marriage to prevent her from entering into a civil partnership in England. v and Allee 25.White cooperating on this Joint Application, the breakdown of their marriage has been painful and will continue to be until they are able to be formally released by divorce. The Importance of this Case 26.The Joint Applicants, individually and as a couple. made the intensely personal decision to get married. They chose to be married in Canada because it is one of the only countries in the world that recognizes the importance of this decision for same-sex couples, irrespective of where they live. 27.The Joint Applicants, individually and as a couple, made the intensely personal decision to get divorced. Unfortunately, no country in the world recognizes the importance of this decision for same-sex couples, irrespective of where they live.

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