‘auctor Garsal Soul Acs uMiolozI Munictpality {Regievaton umber KZN [anal Pinar Stren rte yaar ase 20 Juno 2619 General Informat Lagalfonn a ty xecutve commitiaa Mayor Deputy ayer Spaaksr Commise Merbet ‘cartes Mamet Conte eer rading of lose authorty Aesoumtog Otest (Chiat FInanee Ofesr (CFO) Repletrod ofc Postal adéreee anions ‘udtore Teepnone Fax Narbor Emil Address (Accounting Ofeor) Loca Micity clr eH Marae ‘lr 20 ost Cle NT jane ‘rs Mtumala KF nese KN tht 25 Eada Soot iowoaeenati m8 Po Gece Kwa Menara ABA Bele (oss) 500-1021 (a5 so0-1141 ren@uetltong. 22 ubttoloz! Municipality (Regan nb KZN) Strut Fnac Staten or te year ended 30 une 2058 Index ‘The eprint walrnerts st outbeow compre the ec ill stterants pate to Courel Page Accounting Offers Response and Approval a ‘Staemert ot Fnatelal Peatton 4 ‘Stolentot Panda! Pertoranca 5 Staamento Ganges n Net Ass 3 cea Few station 7 ‘Slater of Gompartan of But and Act Au a0 _Apeopriaion stitmert we ecourng Pode 2-08 Notes othe Annual Fencal Steen ao pean: %, Apa B: Anal of Props, Plant ae Eauipment se ai Cocmentstin fr OopstionyInurer and Diseases RR apt! Raptors Rasa basa Develop Bark of Sout Aa SAGAAP ‘Seuth Aton Saher of GeneamyAcceped Aceuntg Practee rep Beneraly Recogned Accruntng Proce come General Aeceptd Munispal Accounting Pracios Hor Horsing Development Fund us ‘wematore Accounting Standart MFO Inainns of Mnicpal Fnenes Oca wrsas Intemational Pus Seto Accouving Stands es una erties wee Marberof he Exeutve Cound vara sci Finan Management Act va Manipal iiranucure Grant Pravin CMP) uMfolozi Municipality (Ronezctennanto W218) Accounting Officer's Responsibilities and Approval “he seo ofc t-muted by the Mail Fenn Manageme ck 8 of 208). srt sunt ‘ening ec tne sponte rhe umart rong oe ara oti eames els arial ‘lomotathelted wnamnpore be eoencody afte sneung after arate atte Sea ransom 1 preeli c areteraly an hee re em arbe e ie oeadsdck Eibnane srs ace sted soca ol endear ord tal ca crlaca vith Sarde Garay Reso tenting rd dat nnd ye Anan Sara Boe Pacis (GRAF) macng wy mess, pai “Toe eget a und peppy nian apt ad sar ‘Theateuntng af ademulges atta bey apenas frase ofa rari conte tala ‘Re nina ane poe akectie mp sh aimee sworgarrdemionerem, Tare te seo2ttey ‘fearee eat hea rape, the wom er scanetar inca ed aes preoer Oako ‘toro ducts cmt hoch rr. Th dade eh he rove" angen osname Wi red tervnh ofcon ecurrg nana ssa tapped sare pe err emita a pattern aerate en eve ‘Sprosch th oe! aktuangerien ie munily mn enttg manag, marepg marron aircon ‘Shon ottat sree ioly, Ue pesky kat a ini, Reramteedy meanest Breau npn ana, bom ae a er fo wana ng aceon ioe fn ofan, ced ner nd expanse by manger hme est oh ii opal rete roman sumeraes at nr earn ray be ete ore epee rl acl eon However ny epee end sonal sve ean patc ony oavoate, aed eek, eran panel maar moxie or eH “Tae secuting fom hae mined ho municalip ent lowest fr sear 29 Lae 24a Inte ato he {enw ad cane ancl postin her nba the mumapaly ho rhe Sene adona anor Silos nepal wasene re vesenie Me ‘Tharp ie ately depart on ne areal er oonond dog ef ogerstir: Th aml anda tamer epee oa bats a he mpg geo coacm svete un Sealy Fae athe Mn ao ‘eu or ta sea fol oe ary Alogi aeoaning fice ery epee forthe fr andl fir othe murk aly. thoy ee euppare by he anapatgcedemh ater, “hs rm aril ener stout on pone 2 ih nes bas epee rte Boe cence eas, Me uMfolozi Municlpallty {Beatin number KZ) ‘Antal Panel Stevens for yearend $0 June 2078 Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2019 Wiane 36 ane guts in Rand Neto) “2048 218 estan Assets Cuarteto Recevvties nar non sahanga henesctons 2 tnserarassssaze VAT rei 3 (syrsaaa7wrse2 Cah are caph quote 7 sponte ans. Nor curent Axes Proper. part se equ et 8 Inangibe aeets H Total Ancete er unert ikiion (ne ana abn » Fnanee ease blgston " Payables tem axcnarge raneatons 2 ‘Unspent eonaifona gran ard roca ct rovstons a Nonscurent Libis (the neil ab Franca lesa dlgatan " “Total Lion NecAveete ‘Accumulated surplut Taussratevereseos Soa48r768 206700.152 Bares BHD EEL ‘SahOH_ 260.8657 seman — 120707 Perey susesore — 22,88504 ‘SOnSS S203270 42000” 40,000 OE saciees — Se0sera needses —S108en8 o a 2az.39.978 270,005,504 Paze are ZARB EH uMfolozi Municipality (ogiatnn-ber KZ [ASSET Provo Site tha your sr 30 sre 2012 ‘Statarnent of Financial Performance 5 age ame Figuesin Rana Nei) “2518 28 resi Revenue evans from exchange tananctlon® ‘Senos ehigee sora area antl felis ond soubrien 35 mean t6ae ene an psi gigais 517880 ‘Operon evorus etsy 18887 Ire eceven 1 ygzaas vasa ‘Tefal revenue tem exchange trneastons sea 2eate Revenue ham non-exchanas tamacions Taraton avenue Proper rates ta assr7gso tsen.see Tranaee revenue (Goverment rans & subsites se seraerane 197202048 Fee, Pansies and Fer ‘reuats — S816008 Dorwions cei 20 snaosar2_1saa.se7 otal reve hart norsexchange wansacions Taare es68 “eta evens Enel ame Expedite Empbyes fled corte 21 eatery 7s) Remuneration ofeamatore zz avers) 0.480.739) Derecston ard rosa zs “esse7eel (et. 105, hegatrart os 24 ~ (rees71p Prange one 25 taavoseu; (1.508652) Lecerntl on sprang hob ‘eorse2) sra77s, Debt gamer 8 sA0Bs64; (@a8sa7) esta nice 2 anaz7.gee) eae.) ‘Vanwfere an Sota ax “Sgoer) 4.591758), Oparetoral oes 2 __asaonses) e572.) “otal pendix 6,602 409) (68,356 321) Operating aurptua 7aa77 eas 70 906,rI8 {Tous gan en elepoea of ages ad abies “ie778)_—_ 28207 ‘Burplus forthe year Tease teas Fen uMtolozi Municipality (Resictaonnumbar zee ‘on Einendal Somer or he yar endes 30 June 2098 Statement of Changes in Net Assets ‘esamueea ~Teialeet igre in Rane ‘up. <i Balance att dy 2017 swo2ioeee sasz10se0 hanger met nese Eamacienshener sro 1708200 tinea ange’ recogni tracy in lala yaa 48 Tea Bula ore ot poeiaie seer? “otal ozogntsodircere and expenas fr he yaat E85 2ST ‘Tosa shargea 22. as SERTB penn aac an iy para "8.259024 798958024 Cotten et eror erro $27 600 eatats” Balance 21 July 20180 restates 76 ses Plogaezee Charges newt evets ‘Supls tr-ne yor magnates 7az7e.165 Tota onanaoe Tama es 7278.85 Balance a 30 June 202 maoasie m2038519 Notes) Taek uMfolozi Municipality {fa satonnunder AA) ‘Sonval Finan Starner wor endea89sure 2018 Cash Flow Statement SOyure dune Nowss “2ite 2018 Resid? ‘Geeh own rom oparating scien cel Srl of goes en serena rane Diber veote Fm Payments Empbyee cuts Sigplns Prange coe Neteash nowe foe operating actives nt iv trom inven sete urenateo prepara sn oxuiro ‘rocaeds fom sano propery, plat and saupmert Purdhae of eherirangiie sete Net cash om tom Iveetlng actos ce ew: rom tnancang sotos Repaymencet hes fancies Franca lanes payments Net sant Sons fom arcing actos Net fcromsoyInersace in cath al aah equbalnts ‘Geom and carhequvlea nthe besinng fe year ‘etn and cash souivaer atthe end ofthe your sa7sm0ss 5200575 aeizose7 1se980.07 186.108 IzBz2t ars arrgot__754320 Trip.a3e oe 105,820,568 esareaany ons25at6) (eiacone sacar} (iareoen Shacaaae tea Tass) aaa 22 Lianema sear © qucissm gossism 2 Senate sana 8 _gomsm crs Tarren) Gave) ceoss20) a2a70m ween eaecanm, EE amare amass 7 Teaaiaee sansa uMfolozi Municipality ‘Resiseason number KENES | ‘onvel Financial Sermons fre year ene 30 une 20¢¢ Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amounts iudgeton Aponte Fppiowd —AijaknanisFaal Budget Fetus] araune GWience — Rafrence uaget Shouperee betwen fra tae get Statement a Fingncial Performance Reverie Revenue from xchange frenazellone Serv onapes 40000 age BRIAR sonar (IPRS ag Fert offeiies and cavemen 220009 7at2a) NRT tang1CHBRBI} 43 Inert recived (sti azoom amo gg? Tag Leeress end parmits 4750 175000) 300.000 aes ABBIS as ‘peatonal evens 296.000 reo asa tana] Inirestrecebed -mvccrnont __soeooe—sezgon 708,000 - nes cg ATO Total revenve from axcnange 27.000 41400 ZxzR 00266269 meas ‘omactone Revenue from nomexchange ‘Tematon rovanue Prop ret so7asco0 15758000 assriasa 43980 “anata ever Governmant ares @aubedion 1SR8%,000 _4.61,000 “or gar02 Pub contibuons ard = sssenon HEsBoa0n Syaee612 « onstone Fine, Poralea cr Fctie 450000 __(tsao0e) 00004752. a “otal mvenue om none TERRE ODD 5850800 225362000 729,674,159 ‘Sechanga tanactane Total avene Trapnoe Sasa za aroNa_77MT0.A panature Erpbyoe Rael Cont (esess.035) 669699 (55,216,779) 2 Remuneralonofcounclime (140,740) g9ag,966) {OE93,7OO) (10,641.84) ecrecisin and mrorsaton 0,000) (8,020,108) @,020A98) (9.228708) 6 Firanor ost 950,000) ~—(s30000) [17s 369) 2 Joasa rise on opting lense (600,200) _(rooong) (608000) (07.38) 2 alt Inpalmart (750,900) (66810) 1608090) (aoe) 3 Consctes Serle 87781928) (20467) 4O.268801) uoaT7 28) a Transfers and Subides ‘eiao%0) 2 fetac00) er perianal Coste 94087460) (401417) _(ROOEIH) (5.0868) eo Total expanchure T.205 045) (2008477) (AOE ABR) GSE SLAY parsing euahre TTIR9ST SREROEES ea atadte Tarr ees Nore on dieoeal fata : + sr; ties ‘Burplus befor axtion Tare _WROENT_ CLTAE ‘Actual Amount an Comparable EB795 951 55580 583 — 64314236 Benie as Pranartad inthe Budget and actus! Comparative Statement Reconeliition uBfolozi Muntelp: {Regan ori 2281) ity anal Final Samer or 1 one 22 June 2019 Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amounts Buageton Ch Boas Feed isin Fal Budget Aeakercuris OPE eterna Binaet ‘on compsreble balan fal ran “adge and gueain Rand ‘ual Statement af Firanell Poston Aevote Ccurent Assets Recatles forinon eeesenge 7.50.00 Teen spss727e 3067.79 tneactone ‘recta - : - sarees StTReAS (Cash ann varhequtlonts 3.987.008 Lsssrooo Sze 124198 11 487,00 THATS aan STE TOOT Non-Curant Acnote Property, nln stsequpment 204.340.0503 1s0ges 330471839 200.467,760 (26.008,765) Irtangie scree ‘2oceom esc) 450.000 aariaes O2TIE Fie pa0.s00sesn0es Fa TaT AIA ose 109 Total Assets ‘OT STTSEGwesiases a, 556299 FGA aT 706.610) Unaities (te rapes toons 4.223.900 = tM 122500 - Francs lage oblealen taco 128600 Payee fom occa e00.a58 [ sen.53 a eGnc7s | BDOTAR? enmootons Una eaonal gran art : : sovasra 008672 ros Prevona + sepa 40,000 era Ea an-CurantLinblies Omer mance 4969.547 ed owas F nance love obipston : i : sae coe > ART 2358308 “ota Lines 7487.00 =H. 000 Bau 102 ot Aneta FD EEE et Anse Net Anata atelbumbie ‘Garare of Gontoling Eity eserves ‘Aecarulted surplus 2oes4os0 _sssmnens TERA ANS awcone1g_fenen.o16)