THE MSUNDUZI MUNICIPALITY AND ITS MUNICIPAL ENTITY CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2016 The Msunduzi Municipality and its Municipal Entity Consolidated Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2016 General Information Legal form of entity Category B Municipality in terms of section 1 of the Local Government:Municipal Structures Act, 1998 (Act 117 of 1998) read with section 155(1) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa (Act 108 of 1996) Nature of business and principal activities The primary function of the Msunduzi Municipality is to provide basic services i.e. water, electricity, sewerage and refuse to the Pietermaritzburg jurisdiction. The Msunduzi Municipality is controlled by the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, the Accounting Officer, Speaker, ten Executive Committee members, and five Deputy Municipal Managers who contribute to day-to-day management. Legislation governing the municipality's operations Municipal Finance Management Act, (Act 56 of 2003) The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa ( Act 108 of 1996), Municipal Structures Act (Act 117 of 1998) Municipal Systems Act, (Act 32 of 2000) Grading of local authority Category - B Controlling entity The Msunduzi Municipality Municipal entity Safe City Msunduzi NPC Registered office The City Hall 260 Church Street Pietermaritzburg 3201 Business address The City Hall 260 Church Street Pietermaritzburg 3201 Postal address The City Hall Private Bag x321 3200 Telephone ( 033 ) 392 2006 Facsimile (033) 392 2208 Bankers First National Bank Auditors The Auditor General Website Acting Accounting Officer S Hadebe Chief Finance Officer (CFO) N M Ngcobo 1 The Msunduzi Municipality and its Municipal Entity Consolidated Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2016 General Information Executive Committee Mayor - CJ Ndlela Deputy Mayor - TR Zuma Member - NP Bhengu Member - M Inderjit Member - WF Lambert Member - M J Lawrence Member - NE Majola Member - JJ Ngubo Member - TV Xulu Member - M Schalkwyk 2 The Msunduzi Municipality and its Municipal Entity Consolidated Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2016 General Information Councillors Speaker - B Baijoo Chief Whip - TV Magubane N B Ahmed R Ahmed R P Ashe N Atwaru C Bradley S D Buthelezi T M Buthelezi N P Dlamini T I Dlamini A B Dlomo S N Govender N F Gumede S C Gwala U Haswell V P Jaca S P Lyne L L Madlala I S Madonda T Magwaza T S Majola F M Makhathini M Maphumalo T Matiwane A L Mbanjwa ZF Mbatha GR McArthur A S Mkhize B M Mkhize M A Mkhize M H Mkhize V G M Mlete N Msimang C S Ndawonde Z N Ndlovu M D Ndlovu T P Ndlovu K M Ngcobo B B Ngcobo J M Ngcobo L Ngcobo M A Ngcobo P T Ngcobo PG Ngidi DT Ntombela B D Phungula D F Ryder P Shozi L N Sikhakhane J Singh R B Singh P Sithole B C Sokhela M S Sokhela R Soobiah M A Tarr L J Winterbach D P Zondi B M Zuma F R Zungu N J Zungu BE Zuma 3 The Msunduzi Municipality and its Municipality Entity Consolidated Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2016 Index Page Accounting Officer's Responsibilities and Approval 5 Statement of Financial Position 6 Statement of Financial Performance 7 - 8 Statement of Changes in Net Assets 9 - 10 Cash Flow Statement 11 Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amounts 12 - 16 Appropriation Statement 17 - 26 Accounting Policies 27 - 50 Notes to Annual Financial Statements 51 - 125 Appendixes: Appendix A: Schedule of External Loans 126 Appendix B: Analysis of Property, Plant and Equipment 127 -129 Appendix C: Segmental Analysis of Non Current Assets Classification 130 Appendix D: Actual Versus Budget (Acquisition of All Non current Assets ) 131 Appendix E:Details of Unspent Conditional Grants, Receipts and Transfers to Income 132 Appendix F: Schedule of contingent liabilities 133 - 140 Abbreviations ASB A c Acocucnotuinngti nSgt aSntdaanrddasr dBso Barodard COID C o Cmopmepnesantsioantio fno rf oOrc Ocucpcuaptioantioanl Ianl juInrjiuersi easn adn Ddi sDeiaeseeasses CPI C o Cnosunmsuemr ePrr iPceri cIen dInedxex CRR C a Cpaitpailt aRle Rpelapclaecmeemnet nRte Rseesrveerve DBSA D e Dveevloeplompemnet nBta Bnakn okf oSfo Suothu tAhf rAicfraica DSB D eDveevloeplompemnet nSt eSrveircveicse Bs oBaordard FNB F ir Fsti rNsta Ntioantiaoln Bala Bnkank GRAP G e Gneernaellrya lRlye Rcoegcnoigsneids eAdc Acocucnotuinngti nPgr aPcrtaiccetise HDF H o Husoiunsgi nDge Dveelvoeplmopemnte Fnut nFdund IAS I n tIenrtnearntiaotnioanl aAlc Acoccuonutinntgin Sgt aSntadnadrdasrds IPSAS I n tIenrtnearntiaotnioanl aPlu Pbulibc liSce Scetocrt oArc Accocuonutinntgin Sgt aSntadnadrdasrds KZN K w aKzwualuz uNlua tNalatal ME's M u Mniucinpiacilp Eanl tEitnietsities MFMA M u Mniucnipicailp Failn Fainacnea nMcaen Magaenmageenmt Aecntt Programme MIG M u Mniucinpiacilp Ianlf rIansfrtarusctrtuucretu Grer aGnrta nt NATIS N a Ntioantiaoln Tarla Tffriacf fIincf oInrmfoarmtioanti oSny sStyesmtem NCT N a Ntaal tCalo C-oop-eorpaetirvaeti vTeim Tbimerb Terr eTer eFea rFmairnmgi n(Pg t(yP) tLyt)d Ltd NJMPF N a tNaal Jtaoli nJto Mintu Mnicuinpiacli pPael nPseionns ioFnu nFdund NPA N a Ntaal tPiornoaviln Pcrioavl iAndcmiali nAisdtmraitnioisntration PAYE P a yP aAys AYso uY oEua rEnarn RMB R a Rnadn Md eMrcehrachnat nBta Bnaknk UIF U n eUmnepmlopymloeymnte Innts Iunrsaunrcaen cFeu nFdund VAT V a Vluaelu Aed Addedde Tda Txaatxioantion 4 The Msunduzi Municipality and its Municipal Entity Consolidated Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2016 Accounting Officer's Responsibilities and Approval Certification by the Acting City Manager I am responsible for the preparation of these Consolidated Annual Financial Statements, which are set out on pages 1 to 140, in terms of Section 126(1) of the Municipal Finance Management Act (56 of 2003) and which I have signed on behalf of the Municipality. I certify that the salaries, allowances and benefits of Councillors as disclose in note 39 of these Consolidated Annual Financial Statements are within the upper limits of the framework envisaged in Section 219 of the Constitution, read with the Remuneration of Public Officer Bearer Act and the Minister of Provincial and Local Governments determination in accordance with this Act. S Hadebe Date Acting Accounting Officer 5 The Msunduzi Municipality and its Municipal Entity Consolidated Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2016 Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2016 Economic entity Controlling entity Figures in Rand Note(s) 2016 2015 2016 2015 Assets Current Assets Inventories 3 65,151,366 43,707,798 65,151,366 43,707,798 Trade receivables from non-exchange 4 370,237,096 376,560,451 370,234,596 376,557,951 transactions VAT receivable 18 14,986 - - - Trade and receivables from exchange 5 888,164,024 717,015,002 888,164,024 717,015,002 transactions Short term investment 6 8,318,183 7,934,708 8,318,183 7,934,708 Cash and cash equivalents 7 971,060,564 841,152,623 969,623,953 832,933,258 2,302,946,219 1,986,370,582 2,301,492,122 1,978,148,717 Non-Current Assets Agricultural assets 8 54,275,801 44,831,368 54,275,801 44,831,368 Investment property 9 656,408,640 647,118,664 656,408,640 647,118,664 Property, plant and equipment 10 6,925,577,531 7,037,535,477 6,919,378,396 7,037,176,980 Intangible assets 11 39,518,564 17,211,599 39,518,564 17,211,599 Heritage assets 12 233,948,936 232,025,463 233,948,936 232,025,463 Other financial assets 13 10,317,110 9,233,105 10,317,110 9,233,105 7,920,046,582 7,987,955,676 7,913,847,447 7,987,597,179 Total Assets 10,222,992,801 9,974,326,258 10,215,339,569 9,965,745,896 Liabilities Current Liabilities Other financial liabilities 14 67,761,975 52,012,449 67,761,975 52,012,449 Finance lease obligation 15 1,553,499 1,511,829 1,553,499 1,511,829 Payables from exchange transactions 16 530,939,299 566,136,556 530,736,604 566,104,701 VAT payable 17 55,841,372 40,430,375 55,841,372 39,492,243 Consumer deposits 19 92,378,188 87,030,551 92,378,188 87,030,551 Retirement benefit obligation 20 21,141,300 18,037,692 21,141,300 18,037,692 Unspent conditional grants and receipts 21 256,740,818 134,856,624 249,940,818 134,856,624 Provisions 22 6,690,279 6,029,351 6,690,279 6,029,351 1,033,046,730 906,045,427 1,026,044,035 905,075,440 Non-Current Liabilities Other financial liabilities 14 568,133,347 541,301,371 568,133,347 541,301,371 Finance lease obligation 15 346,586 2,099,415 346,586 2,099,415 Retirement benefit obligation 20 625,699,203 591,899,445 625,699,203 591,899,445 Provisions 22 67,041,163 61,849,677 67,041,163 61,849,677 1,261,220,299 1,197,149,908 1,261,220,299 1,197,149,908 Total Liabilities 2,294,267,029 2,103,195,335 2,287,264,334 2,102,225,348 Net Assets 7,928,725,772 7,871,130,923 7,928,075,235 7,863,520,548 Net Assets Share capital 26 - 100 - - Reserves Housing development fund 23 72,158,775 53,882,712 72,158,775 53,882,712 Revaluation reserve 24 52,129,145 52,129,145 52,129,145 52,129,145 Capital replacement reserve 25 151,935,999 151,935,999 151,935,999 151,935,999 Accumulated surplus 7,652,501,853 7,613,182,967 7,651,851,316 7,605,572,692 Total Net Assets 7,928,725,772 7,871,130,923 7,928,075,235 7,863,520,548 6 The Msunduzi Municipality and its Municipal Entity Consolidated Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2016 Statement of Financial Performance Economic entity Controlling entity Figures in Rand Note(s) 2016 2015 2016 2015 Revenue Revenue from exchange transactions Service charges 29 2,468,236,938 2,227,636,415 2,468,236,938 2,227,636,415 Rental received 30 20,222,252 23,477,153 20,222,252 23,477,153 Fees from agency services 31 532,141 577,908 532,141 577,908 Licences and permits 32 90,168 88,837 90,168 88,837 Other revenue 33 87,809,501 89,221,892 87,807,692 89,221,366 Interest received - trade and other 34 60,213,939 69,528,678 60,213,939 69,528,678 receivables Interest received - external investment 34 68,434,503 51,026,699 68,242,363 50,973,175 Total revenue from exchange 2,705,539,442 2,461,557,582 2,705,345,493 2,461,503,532 transactions Revenue from non-exchange transactions Taxation revenue Property rates 35 742,052,098 686,396,237 742,052,098 686,396,237 Property rates - penalties imposed 35 20,236,112 30,207,179 20,236,112 30,207,179 Transfer revenue Government grants and subsidies 36 769,640,097 876,063,280 769,640,097 876,063,280 Fines 37 52,657,723 108,633,588 52,657,723 108,633,588 Total revenue from non-exchange 1,584,586,030 1,701,300,284 1,584,586,030 1,701,300,284 transactions Total revenue 28 4,290,125,472 4,162,857,866 4,289,931,523 4,162,803,816 Expenditure Employee related costs 38 (942,483,343) (885,351,814) (938,283,004) (881,616,172) Remuneration of councillors 39 (41,763,039) (34,657,435) (41,763,039) (34,657,435) Conditional grant expenditure 40 (73,364,194) (135,304,171) (73,364,194) (135,304,171) Depreciation and amortisation 41 (505,131,448) (465,408,973) (504,289,144) (464,535,534) Impairment of assets 42 (50,002,359) (16,571,487) (50,002,359) (16,571,487) Finance costs 43 (75,094,944) (71,169,271) (75,094,944) (71,169,271) Debt impairment 44 (92,507,590) (222,109,923) (92,507,590) (222,109,923) Collection costs 45 (12,528,519) (5,972,677) (12,528,519) (5,972,677) Repairs and maintenance 46 (151,572,106) (193,369,205) (151,360,353) (193,317,455) Bulk purchases 47 (1,799,213,567) (1,586,802,287) (1,799,213,567) (1,586,802,287) Contracted services 48 (65,468,010) (29,698,420) (65,468,010) (29,698,420) Grants and subsidies paid 49 (238,128) (238,128) (5,911,128) (11,572,032) General expenses 50 (436,459,903) (479,720,747) (435,687,609) (479,018,812) Total expenditure (4,245,827,150) (4,126,374,538) (4,245,473,460) (4,132,345,676) Operating surplus 44,298,322 36,483,328 44,458,063 30,458,140 Gain or (loss) on disposal of assets 51 149,329 419,962 149,329 419,962 Gain or (loss) on donated assets 52 156,182 64,091 156,182 64,091 Fair value adjustment of investment 53 11,029,976 20,222,920 11,029,976 20,222,920 properties Gain or (loss) on biological and agricultural 54 9,288,973 (1,769,662) 9,288,973 (1,769,662) assets Inventory write up or (write downs) 55 473,316 - 473,316 - Gain or (loss) on sale of movable assets 56 (1,291,947) (455,457) (1,291,947) (455,457) Gain or loss immoveable assets 57 (11,799,253) 55,240 (11,799,253) 55,240 8,006,576 18,537,094 8,006,576 18,537,094 7 The Msunduzi Municipality and its Municipal Entity Consolidated Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2016 Statement of Financial Performance Economic entity Controlling entity Figures in Rand Note(s) 2016 2015 2016 2015 Surplus for the year 52,304,898 55,020,422 52,464,639 48,995,234 8 The Msunduzi Municipality and its Municipal Entity Consolidated Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2016 Statement of Changes in Net Assets Share capital Housing Revaluation Capital Total reserves Accumulated Total net development reserve replacement surplus assets Figures in Rand fund reserve Economic entity Restated opening balance at 01 July 2014 100 51,542,986 52,129,145 - 103,672,131 7,261,319,624 7,364,991,855 Effects of prior period error - - - - - 441,230,303 441,230,303 Net income (losses) recognised directly in net assets - - - - - 441,230,303 441,230,303 Restated Surplus / Defict for the year - - - - - 55,020,422 55,020,422 Total recognised income and expenses for the year - - - - - 496,250,725 496,250,725 Adjustments - - - - - (141,961,764) (141,961,764) Transfer to HDF - 2,339,726 - - 2,339,726 (2,425,618) (85,892) Transfer to capital replacement reserve - - - 151,935,999 151,935,999 - 151,935,999 Total changes - 2,339,726 - 151,935,999 154,275,725 351,863,343 506,139,068 Restated balance at 01 July 2015 100 53,882,712 52,129,145 151,935,999 257,947,856 7,613,182,963 7,871,130,919 Surplus / Deficit for the year - - - - - 52,304,898 52,304,898 Adjustments - - - - - 5,290,055 5,290,055 Transfer to HDF - 18,276,063 - - 18,276,063 (18,276,063) - Total changes - 18,276,063 - - 18,276,063 39,318,890 57,594,953 Balance at 30 June 2016 - 72,158,775 52,129,145 151,935,999 276,223,919 7,652,501,853 7,928,725,772 Note(s) 26 23 24 25 9