UMngen! Municipality Annual Financial Statemants for the year anded 30 June 2019 uMngeni Municipality ‘oral ancl Salamis ort yer ended 22 ie 2018 General Information Legal om at enty Megan Nunicnalty ayorl somites Mere Mrs Sotho uneiore ‘oie ST Ob IRN Ba tntest te Pa Passrcar ‘lr cate irs Piley Gir SO kuna, ee ot HBA Zura CUFT eh CHI Lani FSH Now 0185 Kurla chrss stiys ‘eNE Nacones trae Buta UH Le 4 Sieaktane GteS nate tr Zan ‘Scadng of oca! shasiy mes Chie nance oftear Wr 6z Gumi ‘ocounting OMesr wet cere Repirtered otter ‘camer che ara Soran Sets Hori Porta saute Pate Seakor ABBA Bank Auster ‘ufo Genera uMngen! Municipality ‘nua Trance Sttomiria rte yeas ended 0 une 20:8 Index “The repars and attemenia ato bal comptes the anus! oncil fear pase tthe ovina lesa. Page ecourting Oficara Haport 43 Appia nl Francia! Stara 4 Bttament anand Pasion * ‘Siearent of Fnanaa Pertormance ® ‘Staten of Cheegee in Ne: Asset 7 (anh Fok Staterent e ‘Stalemont of Semparsen of Budget ad oka moun oan Aceouring Poca ae) ‘Notes othe Anna Finer Steamers 20-98 com ‘Cemeensaton for Occupational ties and Disease cre Capt Replecoment Rewer Dasa Devalarnnt Bar of South Aico ome Gamera Recogises Accounting Proctin HOF outing Dvelormant Fund as er-sloal Accounting Stondarde ciara (Chana natu of Govan Firsnoe Au an Ra Oats Psa Inteatondl Pubic Sac Aecouning Sanda oo nusciod Entis ec ater fine Esso Cound rua, antiga ence Mrgeme At maa Nunpsl nfactutse Grane ubingeni Muntelpaltty Annual isn Steven We yearendod 30 Sune 2019 Accounting Officer's Responsi and Approval “he coun oie Murcia Farce anaes (ha SS, ern see scent re ons ‘eepraii th arto a ay cto nad rc naan ee andres nebaed ie MPa HE RE ‘Rafre lye curing ort ro emanate aly aed eS fst ee ‘ilo oth ral ya nt uae ofl tetera carh ove ri an sed. Te wate nen somes ‘orer an nage enon Ue nr roel cers anes goer utd ses el ran eae nd hie a ‘Tierra trl dalemerts toe apaedia mare tn Sanh Gitsay Resend Mering Fate (SRA? Indy any sah, atcane nd Specs und ye sess Sede Soe Joanna rece snnean ated uso poe aon ue arty i eed ANE eh poets aniectnn later le teautaan senate pel sak rvs conua sve omens Pathadtnssaceated eh mes erage SS rte are conrgesurginncmen crenata cbmc ‘overage ca cink nner hh rua 9x ery seeeng mane rd aia al kre ‘ksoan a han Wis arg rk cme ey amie, rrp arora mie ay etary $orrite natn ntl, a eles thar se al ed apes ir erine recess a coc ‘Tne soning oft fhe aon, xsd on Ho anand enter ymaregbnn, ie seem imate renin oman wince uth ancl ordeay bee fro epson oa Males Hane oy Str tera tarda cea at sae en ener et tata ruarce pert oamietosstmtet Sete “Te scent eee he mary eas ew foment yt 90 su 2018 i nee Bienen pts’ exif Bal fe mics hen aomate sonra re eon ‘Rotem So, Thesrunipy ssn ns goers es Govern gra tans nt ctor, The ana at \reorars re pire uth tie al tm pat gy cnuets wa ea RRO Ys be Nee nr ieteen ida cecnal atl ba sce omepa ‘The etre at oe maple per eden a pera cn cliytm. ranld een oe mmaticanc anni tl atm page 8 lennam teen acete on rg eve bo. te pp bye Rost Deron he nun SHE tence red ies cian Accounting Offer uMngeni Municipality ‘Annual Finarl Sttemen re yas seed 30 June 2019 Approval of Annual Financlal Statomonts | responsi fo ha preparsten ofteve esl nae Shaerients WE af et an page 58 in "2a i Munigpl nace ieagamant Act ana wre fe ged on bene he RUM icoty that sali sllowancas ard boats of Counts tpane mace Counc. ay, 2d cayman hfe ‘Saurclo fet ss ote Hany a eaed hrm 32 ftps Anal Hana Snes are withthe Upper in ‘tha rarer enveage Eat 120 of he Cona'on ra wn oa Raaarwton ot Putle Oca Bearers Aes he [ewan er Provril an Leva Govermer Getenmiraton inaocoren uNngeni Municipality ‘Annual nan Stren oe yer ered 30 June 2018 aT En ected? Note ‘Curent Axsete Reateble rom exchange ansacons 7 zienzae 30361 Receables fom non-uehurge Yensectons ‘ w2ippe pro om aT reetabie 8 Dome _Sooabe ‘Consume deters tb setoeare 7d s73 200 ‘Cae and eoeheqscants " azar Tees 408 Tareas waseossi Won-Currmt Assets Invaatnart ere 2 acres 4s2ss01 ropa, alart an equpnent 3 amr 'ne arate as Inangibe sal 4 162 m5 18 Hettage ests 5 see's 5500618 Recalabie om exchangs tansacions 7 Seuasea —Ss00 000 Teaser roe “Tana, rea a2 Nor-Corent rete “isosesrres “zane az Curent sala Wsysoa2 essai ol Assets sudan rat 4498 205.974 Usbtios Gumort Linh ‘enuly Leare 6 presse aseseon Fanceteaseobtgsten 4 $2eqacs “youre! Payables fom extange ranaslione “3 strane 300200 ‘onevTe ceposts 2 tages aR7N1 Enplyeatanett calgon 8 versoon—=sa5200 Unspent conattnal gants ana recap % Gore738 maa Temes ESTE Non-curent Lites ‘uty Loans re weagzent—ieqere F nance lease ovlgxton 4 228738" 3485 18 Employes borat oligo: D zatuscon—z7-u1.c00 Prawn 7 saesires —_S7aessaa wméaTe Nen-Garen.Lisbiea waar e5038.18 Current Uaoines Teaeesea — gianiai2 ‘ota Liane ieee aeE tags. 225 Assets Taao7sn7er 498, 208,87 Lsbiies (gasa7 :60) 1scaa.225) NetAneeb> azreseyasn rises ee Accomm yrs mame jarra7 uMngen! Municipality ‘nul Fonda Sterani for“he yar ended 30 tune 20°9 Statement of Financial Performance ai Fay Recta Nests Revanve from sachangefeneaetons Santon cen 2 waeeiaor —n77270 emt of tbs ant equipment 2 ‘oreo 708.08 saree sh porte By Sas 9m 1 ‘ormdetn acim Tate eat ner come 2s agrame 51°96 rer elves - nema 28 Dane 1867804 “Total even fram expnange trnasotons Tear ‘Revere from nananahangotransastone ‘exalton menue Propet aree 27 von.iseze0—17a090,705 Propeay 08 -pouninsimpored 27 (to Br7268 gues ‘Transfer tevenue Goverenart rare & wyse08 35 tohenpoee eat 686 Fines, Penaea wd Fateln Ey arom Best ts0 ‘Total verve rom nonexchange ransactons Taare pry Scar 690 286" a amhrevenue 2 _sonronzes _Saoneosae Expenatire Eloy elated saat 28 ana,izasam)— ca4aeta8, Remieration of councilors 2 wrigeg) — aeaz7a, Dereon and orteton SB gqaizeey scons) Finance oo B ame) “2638.17 Db inpar mint 33 daarnaet, tegen 7en, alata cote caio2ss) —sia7t Beit putenanen 3 oraaTes) sree 708.075) ‘Contacts saroee 35 “ap asteaat “ Soneral rponeas 38 _teapeazez, _(Przosete) ‘ott empenatre aa aera Tetlmeenus 301700285 sebope 9 Teulegenduve (aesrasera) os4.20826) ‘Aetialgaelotnar 325.00 Operating elute Defet bts txt eoseees) e320) ett forthe yar eases) _ (108.182. uMngeni Municipality ‘Annual Franc Spleens fore peor ended Sune 2012 Statement of Changes in Net Assets Fasabatos Catal Taareaerea—Tezarated Taine ‘mene caplactrant ‘ole ‘ou alone at ay 017 co ‘hanges inne asses ‘ovement on Aecumulated : wra2qger 1724567 Supls Pron soes61973_ szot6t it Natinces tonsa} reong ead : 7” siseesaa seman 6 ‘hecy less Surplus forte year : woase.ze0) _ 16.98.20, “oa -soogrind incor ad : < —eibad.eae S80 a8 a Spenaselonhe reer Fecognion ot Ravan carro28 canaraeza) —serarosae - Supls eg ten of Housing 608-5) stcatag) 18,0818 DeeratingAcourt “ola enanges Tm Es GEE ema ROME Roruatd® Balenoe at July - avaorson | TataAars02 are rarang inet aos owementen Accumuled : = sponse 6.096.702 Sup Netircune dere} wcogneed : SaaS RRR TOE ‘Seely a at oat Surin “orne year : Se) “etal ecnnized ncome ana : 7 aRasease | ea o58.099 Spanacetebe year “otal enanges > See apm Balance a6 June 2018 = = = Tareas, 7776 Ae3z1 es) @ = uMngeni Municipality ‘rvunl Pana Sime st eae 30 ne 2019 Gash Flow Statement Die Ea erated? Nomis) {Cath lowe irom operating eotives ovals Sale of goode and erase (ain eet ity) arpowae: 267200009 Grants Tonengses — “sazetare erect vorus BOBReIe gal. thor ecota ‘Sra7son 8360.78 Tamerines yaaa 262218 soins _seonea 312 Peynante ployee cote (ioeresa0) ea 710.105) Super. aozeksm — censcs a5) France net soar zene 178) Remuneration of Conor Bree iasiazrs omen) _“aegraa7, Tos ects ‘sa1a16209 ~ seaaae.2 ‘eta prymants Gesegsrn — ee7an971) Nt ch ws from operating activites oe aaaaa7e aut ‘Cash floms fom inverting action Purcheesopropry, plant sre apart $ eetssaan ferred Proceeds ar ne ot prety, pln no equipment 3 ‘1332 Net cash lum fram inverting actin wanna) 33,67) ‘G80 lowe fom nancing ation Deceate i berowings weer) eorrres) ‘ovement none. mar depots ‘sierr ° ‘neve nina esa ably srrsas (18.777 0) Net cath flows frm fhanetag action 2018590) 21705,015 Net increasravereae} in cash and cash oquleaonts sass asaamt (Caan and exch lors ats beginning tho yaar spades RSs (Cash and cant aguas a hoard of the yezr © apass7s | Hrseeane uMngeni Municipality Anna Fiancel Stermenls ie yet ended 30 une 2018 Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amounts Badan Assn Bove Aecroed — Pahanenls Fal Bonaet Rcial arora —Giatonos Roan Bisa cnaonpectle between ‘ral as bust ans Er Statement of Firanoll Performance Revenue ange Semioreharpet-sacriely «SASSG.188 © -S\ESKAN | FATILANE cerae-e5 (22972000) 51.4 Seni ergo ered started “rapiaa NteNe 12 Rental efectos ond aquement B01 $28 (ea) onri2torgcat | Zteats sta sence ana parts aussi? see. Sense MARS) gta fre ean Saaasaa (46 38) direc 728 Hee Irorst recive Inset 7,465,754 __(SE0000) dase EEted Ge “Torn revenue from sechange, —V03.160448—aaa0.@2A 0771772 aauoant E740 25) transaction raneeesona TateGon vane Pret ae teea25690 — saqzan YWRAETEO toossnoue TEBEHN S17 Proper ate - pnts 9468938 : ae yaairaes MATS SH Freeeod “rama revenue Govmmmantgrant& eutases 75373000 1a7eas2 TENGE foqgongee mows sig Tensor recmgnisednecing —aaahane accaraey —AMAEB ar A2RGA2 16 Total revenuatrom none —TORESTATO ideas) aes 7a Soa rese30 —_ZO7TOSTE ‘xehange rensscdon “etl eanesua Wenneachange —TORAEDAAG | “aaDsnn TO7R1FE— gaeOgEA CR THORRR] watectons "Tana vaverue te non- 2aRsara7o 2cMKcs% 2AOBHN2IB 0875200 TORI Feuarevenve sausiette _ 2.msare aesteyann_ausaete @aznsre) Exponetore Fetsonral coera4r73; e2zn07s 18.086.880) (198 12EEHe) 8888S. Remineraonafcourctioe OSI ad) MBSA? GOTOTED Ti2BA 38146 Degrcnton andimpsiinent (32801859), Gnas.) Griese) EATER a2 Franes nat (eeonae (Geass essere] | 3361 oth Debrrgarant (arr saa, = (esresm (issrees) fess) S18 Calcio coat (zeae, ss.0sy) etesem “cr ot0z8), a Bulkpurtoses (noan2ace; * erteazeaon (or aer re) SARA a5 ‘onteced Sonioes (2a7eneTe, argara) (BBZN3ee) (onset aN) -ROOTARE rar Bepraare (aren) © Gee 000) © soz7eo00 Sale etgnocenvantary i : i 4 ‘ine Moteriee (so.283) em) fenders) TT ‘Sonorl ener agmnane (Os7Q0m) (rater gas) (725022) Tots expenditure G10, 05H) TRRREADT| Taos fase) (208 TAR He) CAO) SBI aE WNe 2a5Ta SHNGAAK our gaeu SEATS) am aneoss) (easeaun Gantsese) (san rae ere) (2Se4A0) parting dei dose “G10008) 26 tensanec) (a8 128) oy