Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema [Congresswoman [email protected] gov) 5/7/2018 4:36:26 PM Gonzales, Kate ‘TEST From Laundry Rooms to Small Biz Booms ciekte sion upforoure- [ese = - Newsletter ii qaeusmpsounr ros ll Friday, May 11, 2018 WEBSITE | SHARE ON: Dest Friend ‘Small businesses throughout Arizona do important work to creat jobs, grow the economy, and support our ‘communiies Last week was amall Business wook so! want to share the story of Blockwsa, an innovative ‘manufacturer in Tempe, and why companies Ike them are sp important to all Arizona communities, Ital stated in 2000 inthe Gof’ laundry room. Ed was a mechanical engineer with a knack for design. Libby ‘was helping local companies Keep books as 8 CPA. After years working at an engineering frm, Ed Duita ‘machine that would make small medical baloons fr angopksty procedures next fo their washer and dryer. ‘The machine was the fret of te kind an, with aitletnkerng, R was soon making an impact inthe market for this citcal medical equpment. Anew company was born. The Goffs calle Blockwise, Fastforward 18 years, and Blockwise looks alte different. They moved out of the laundry room and into ‘Tempe offices wih a manufacturing floor. Blockwrse now makes unigue manufacturing and testng equipment {orife-saving medial devices for businesses all over the wala, with showrooms in Chia and Germany. They ‘serve tny startups, some ofthe biggest companies on Earth and averyhing in between, helping dive Gown ‘he cost of health care for everyday Avizonans. Blockwise and countess other Arizona small businesses use advanced technologies requiring specializes traning fo Bring the product to market. Many ofthese companies tll me they re concerned we arent giving ‘Arzonas Kids the skils they need to contrbute to smal busresses' success. “Tohelp address ths problem. | workes across the aslo to ptomote STEM education. Our il, the Develooing ‘wil deliver more engineering and STEM programs fo ‘elementary and secondary schools. giving our ki the sls to be the nent ganeraton of engineers and {echmcal workers. 's'a commonsense approach fo grow Azona's economy nthe long term, empower smal ‘businesses withthe workforce fo innovate and expand, and bring good-paying jobs to our state ‘There's much more work tobe done fo support Arizona smal businesses reaching their fll poten | wil continue to work across the polical divide o cut re tape, provide our workforce with the skils and education ‘hey need o ave Innovaton, and ensure Our companies lawge and smal can compete and win on the worls stage. Ifyou'e an Alzona smal business owner looking fora loan ora grant, calls fr help! |am honored to se in Congress on behal of Arizona familie lke yours. We avays appreciate hearing from Youn carers and issues thal are mparant to you hereon gsue that concer You, plese et us row by clekng nis ins ob ellng our Phoenix offew 602-956 2288, Be sure slay connec PvOUgh ‘our Facebook and Titer aeccuns, anc let us know how we ean be of service Sincerely, yraten NOTE: Please DO NOT respond to thie email this inbox Is unattended. To contact our oie please cle UNSUBSCRIBE | PRIVACY POLICY | CONTACT “This maling was prepared, published apd male at txcayer expense, Iti provided as a service to the constituents ofthe Sth Congressional Dstct