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KYKLOS Internationale Zeitschrift fiir Sozialwissenschaften Revue internationale des sciences sociales International Review for Social Sciences Vol. 55 — 2002 founded in 1947 by Edgar Salin KYKLOS gegriindet 1947 von Edgar Salin fondé 1947 par Edgar Salin Publisher/Verlag/Edition Helbing & Lichtenhahn Verlag CH-4051 Basel/Switzerland Editor /Herausgeber/Editeur René L. Frey, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Zentrum der Universitat Basel (WWZ) Managing Editors/Redaktoren/Rédacteurs René L. Frey Bruno S. Frey Reiner Eichenberger Internet http://www.kyklos-review.ch/kyklos Academic Editorial Board/Wissenschaftliche Beratung/Comité scientifique William J. Baumol Ernst Helmstadter Kurt Rothschild Hans Besters Jiirg Niehans Carl Christian von Weizsacker Gottfried Bombach _ Luigi Pasinetti INDEX — INHALTSVERZEICHNIS — SOMMAIRE Articles Ashworth, John, Bruno Heyndels and Carine Smolders: Redistribution as a Local Public Good: An Empirical Test for Flemish Municipalities Audretsch, David B., Martin A. Carree, Adriaan J. van Stel and A. Roy Thurik: Impeded Industrial Restructuring: The Growth Penalty Baer Werner and James T. Bang: Privatization and Equity in Brazil and Russia Brennan, Geoffrey and Philip Pettit: Power Corrupts, But Can Office Ennoble? Eichenberger, Reiner and Bruno S. Frey: Democratic Governance for a Globalized World Feld, Lars P. and Jean-Robert Tyran: Tax Evasion ont Voting: An Experimental Analy SIS . Ferrero, Mario: Competition for Sainthood mal the Millennial C beach Frey, Bruno S. and Reiner Eichenberger: Introduction Hartog, Joop, Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell and Nicole Jonker: Linking Necsneal Risk Aversion to Individual Characteristics . Hospers, Gert-Jan and Sjoerd Beugelsdijk: Resiensl Cc ean Policies: Learning by Comparing? ne ‘ : Houben, Aerdt and Jan _ 1c rI nnovation ond Economic 1 Padieoanen: The Role of Financial Intermediation Kirchgassner, Gebhard: On the Role of Neves in Political and Ec onomic Processes Laband, David N., Robert D. Tollison and Gokhan Karahan: Quality Control in Economics ae Pitlik, Hans: The Path of L tecaliantion and E conomic Growth Schdb, Ronnie: Public Profit Sharing ; Tullock, Gordon: Undemocratic Governments he Voigt, Stefan and Eli M. Salzberger: Choosing Not To ¢€“ heaiett Ww hen Politicians Choose To Delegate Powers Weede, Erich and Sebastian Kampf: The lsat of Sutelliguace and Institutional Improvements on Economic Growth Welsch, Heinz: Preferences over Prosperity and Pollution: Environmental Velention based on Happiness Surveys Wohigemuth, Michael: Evolutionary haguedinn to Politics Votes Sturm, Jan-Egbert, Erik Leertouwer and Jakob de Haan: Which Economic Freedoms Contribute to Growth? A Comment “© Heckelman, Jac C. and Michael D. Stroup: Which Economic eedinns Contribute to Growth? Reply INDEX — INHALTSVERZEICHNIS — SOMMAIRE A Forum for Ideas Riyanto, Yohanes E. and I. Hakan Yetkiner: A Market Mechanism for Scientific Communication: A Proposal Sun, Guang-Zhen: Pay More Tribute to Smart Ants: A Note on the Tullockian Environmental Coordination in Non-Human Societies Reviews — Besprechungen —C omptes Rendus Beckmann, Ulf (2000). Von Léwe bis Leontief (Hansjérg Klausinger) Bhagwati, Jagdish (2000). The Winds of the Hundred Days (Farhad Rassekh) Bhagwati, Jagdish (2002). Free Trade Today (Farhad Rassekh) Bolle, Friedel and Michael Carlberg (eds.) (2001). Advances in Behavioral Economics (Calvin Blackwell) Carlberg, Michael (2001). An Economic Analysis of Monetary Union (Sergio Rossi) Chiarella, Carl, Peter Flaschel, Gangolf Groh und Willi Semmler (2000). Disequilibrium, Growth and Labor Market Dynamics (Roland Eisen) Condon, Badly (2002). NAFTA, WTO and Global Business Strategy (Ross P Buckley). Costanza, Robert, John Cumberland, Herman Daly, Robert Goodland und Richard Norgaard (2001). Einfiihrung in die Okologisch Okonomik (Lucia Reisch) Dalziel, Paul (2001). Money, Credit and Price Stability (Sergio Rossi) De Grauwe, Paul (ed.) (2001). The Political Economy of Monetary Union (Sergio Rossi) Easterly, William (2001). The Elusive Quest for Growth, Economists» Adventures and Misadventures in the Tropics (Farhad Rassekh) Fogel, Robert William (2000). The Fourth Great Awakening and the Future of Egalitarianism (Leland G. Neuberg) Foster, Vivien, Susana Mourato, David Pearce and Ece Ozdemiroglu (2001). The Price of Virtue (Stephan Meier) Frey, Bruno S. (2001). Inspiring Economics (Kurt W Rothschild) Frey, Bruno S. und Margrit Osterloh (Hrsg.) (2000). Managing Motivation (Norbert Thom und Adrian Ritz) Gandolfo, Giancarlo (2001). International Finance and Open-Economy Macroeconomics (Peter Bernholz) Gans, Joshua (ed.) (2000). Publishing Economics (Bruno S. Frey) Gerschlager, Caroline und Paul-Horn Ina (Hrsg.) (2000). Gestaltung des Geldes (Raimund Dietz) Gibson, Heather D. (ed.) (2001). Economic Transformation, Democratization and the Integration into the European Union (Bruno S. Sergi) Grandori, Anna (2001). Organization and Economic Behavior (Jetta Frost) Gregory, Mary, Wiemer Salverda and Stephen Bazen (eds.) (2000). Labour Market Inequalities (Roland Eisen) INDEX — INHALTSVERZEICHNIS —~ SOMMAIRE Henneberger, Fred, Stefan Graf und Matthias Vocke (2000). Globalisierung und Arbeitsmarkt (Nils A. Radmacher-Nottelmann) Hoffmann, Lutz and Felicitas Moellers (eds.) (2001). Ukraine on the Road to Europe (Albrecht Rothacher) Howarth, David J. (2001). The French Road to European Monetary Union (/vo Maes) Hunya, Gabor (ed.) (1999). Integration Through Foreign Direct Investment (Roland Déhrn) Issing, Otmar, Vitor Gaspar, Ignazio Angeloni and Oreste Tristani (2001). Monetary Policy in the Euro Area (Laszlo Csaba) Junius, Karsten, Ulrich Kater, Carsten-Patrick Meier und Henrik Miiller (2002). Handbuch Europaische Zentralbank (Patrick A. Muhl) Kiesewetter, Hubert (2000). Region und Industrie in Europa 1815-1995 (Gert-Jan Hospers) Kleinert, Jorn und Henning Klodt (2000). Megafusionen — Trends, Ursachen und Implikationen (Oliver Budzinski) Knottenbauer Karin (2000). Theorien des sektoralen Strukturwandels (Gert-Jan Hospers) Kolodko, Grzegorz W. (2000). Post-Communist Transition: The Thorny Road (Bruno S. Sergi) Kornai, Janos and Karen Eggleston (2001). Welfare, Choice, and Solidarity in Transition: Reforming the Health Sector in Eastern Europe (Bruno S. Sergi) Koslowski, Peter (ed.) (2000). The Theory of Capitalism in the German Economic Tradition (Gerold Bliimle) Koslowski, Peter (Hrsg.) (2001). Wirtschaftsethik — Wo ist die Philosophie? (Nils Goldschmidt) Lupia, Arthur, Mathew D. McCubbins and Samuel L. Popkin (eds.) (2090). Elements of Reason (Pieter Vanhuysse) Michalopoulos, Constantine (2001). Developing Countries in the WTO (Wilfrid W. Csaplar, Jr.) Nolan, Peter (2001). China and the Global Economy (Patra Chakshuvej) Nooteboom, B. (2000). Learning and Innovation in Organizations and Economies (Michael Rothgang) Ostrup, Finn (2000). Money and the Natural Rate of Unemployment (Debashis Acharya) Palokangas, Tapio (2000). Labour Unions, Public Policy and Economic Growth (Roland Eisen) Pejovich, Svetozar (ed.) (2001). The Economics of Property Rights (Bruno S. Frey) Persson, Torsten and Guido Tabellini (2000). Political Economics: Explaining Economic Policy (Lars P. Feld) Piazolo, Daniel (2001). The Integration Process between Eastern and Western Europe (Bruno S. Sergi) Psalidopoulos, Michalis (ed.) (2000). The Canon in the History of Economics (/vo IV INDEX — INHALTSVERZEICHNIS — SOMMAIRE Riphan, Regina T., Dennis J. Snower and Klaus F. Zimmermann (eds.) (2001). Employment Policy in Transition (Elke Jahn) Rochon, Louis-Philippe and Matias Vernengo (eds.) (2000). Credit, Interest Rates and the Open Economy (Sergio Rossi) Ros, Jaime (2000). Development Theory and the Economics of Growth (Pravakar Sahoo) Sacconi, Lorenzo (2000). The Social Contract of the Firm (Hans G. Nutzinger) .. . Salanié, Bernard (2000). Microeconomics of Market Failures (Magdalena Margreiter) Sen, Amartya (2000). Okonomie fiir den Menschen (Indira Gurbaxani) Sieberg, Katri K. (2001). Criminal Dilemmas (Benno Torgler) Spahn, Heinz-Peter (2001). From Gold to Euro (Laszlo Csaba) Sutton, John (2000). Marshall’s Tendencies (Hendrik P. van Dalen) Thomson, William (2001). A Guide for the Young Economist (Derek Pyne) Trevor, Malcolm (2001). Japan: Restless Competitor (Albrecht Rothacher) Truger, Achim (Hrsg.) (2001). Rot-griine Steuerreformen in Deutschland (Margit W. Schratzenstaller) Vanberg, Viktor J. (2001). The Constitution of Markets (Laszlo Csaba) Vives, Xavier (1999). Oligopoly Pricing (Calvin Blackwell) Welfens, Paul J. J. (2001). European Monetary Union and Exchange Rate Dynamics (Sergio Rossi) World Investment Report (2000). Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions and Development (Rajib Kumar Sahoo) Zwick, Rami and Amnon Rapoport (eds.) (2002). Experimental Business Research (Jean-Robert Tyran) Books Received — Erhaltene Biicher — Livres regus 147, 463, 609 INDEX INHALTSVERZEICHNIS SOMMAIRE Authors {utoren {uteurs Acharya, Debashis Klausinger, Hansj6rg 421 Ashworth, John Laband, David N. 315 Audretsch, David B. Leertouwer, Erik 403 Baer, Werner Maes, Ivo 119 Bang, James T Margreiter, Magdalena 450 Bernholz, Peter Meier, Stephan 426 Beugelsdijk, Sjoerd Muhl, Patrick A. 589 Blackwell, Calvin Neuberg, Leland G 102 Bliimle, Gerold Nutzinger, Hans G. 137 Brennan, Geoffrey Pettit, Philip 157 Buckley, Ross P. Pitlik, Hans 57 Budzinski, Oliver Pyne, Derek 602 Carree, Martin A Radmacher- Chakshuvej, Patra Nottelmann, Nils A 115 Csaba, Laszlo , 600 Rassekh, Farhad 99. 57 Csaplar, Jr., Wilfrid W Reisch, Lucia 101 De Haan, Jakob Ritz, Adrian 107 Dietz, Raimund Rossi, Sergio 134 . 145, 424, Déhrn, Roland 576, 581 Eichenberger, Reiner Rothacher, Albrecht 117 . 455 Eisen, Roland Rothgang. Michael 128 Feld, Lars P. Rothschild, Kurt W. 105 Ferrer-i-Carbonell, Ada Sahoo, Pravakar 448 Ferrero, Mario Sahoo, Rajib Kumar 459 Frey, Bruno S Salzberger, Eli M 289 Schéb, Ronnie $23 Frost, Jetta Schratzenstaller, Goldschmidt, Nils Margit W. Gurbaxani, Indira Sergi, Bruno S. . 127, 446, Hartog, Joop Heckelman, Jac C. Smolders, Carine Heyndels, Bruno Stroup, Michael D Hospers, Gert-Jan Sturm, Jan-Egbert Houben, Aerdt Thom, Norbert Jahn, Elke Thurik, A. Roy Jonker, Nicole Tollison, Robert D. 315 Kakes, Jan Torgler, Benno 141 Kampf, Sebastian Tullock. Gordon 247 Karahan, Gokhan Tyran, Jean-Robert 197 Kirchgassner, Gebhard Van Dalen, Hendrik P. 452 Vi INDEX — INHALTSVERZEICHNIS —~S OMMAIRE Van Stel, Adriaan J. Weede, Erich Vanhuysse, Pieter c Welsch, Heinz Voigt, Stefan Wohlgemuth, Michael

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