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KYKLOS Internationale Zeitschrift fiir Sozialwissenschaften Revue internationale des sciences sociales International Review for Social Sciences Vol. 44 — 1991 KYKLOS gegrindet im Jahre 1948 von Edgar Salin fondé en 1948 par Edgar Salin founded in 1948 by Edgar Salin Verlag/Edition/ Publisher : Helbing & Lichtenhahn Verlag AG CH-4051 Basel/Switzerland Herausgeber/Editeur/ Editor: René L. Frey, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Zentrum der Universitat Basel (WWZ) Redaktoren/Rédacteurs/Managing Editors: RENE L. FREY BRUNO S. FREY NIKLAUS BLATTNER Wissenschaftliche Beratung/Comité scientifique/Academic Editorial Board: WILLIAM J. BAUMOI ERNST HELMSTADTER LUIGI PASINETTI HANS BESTERS HANS MOLLER KURT ROTHSCHILD GOTTFRIED BOMBACH JURG NIEHANS CARL CHRISTIAN VON WEIZSACKER INHALTSVERZEICHNIS — SOMMAIRE — INDEX INHALTSVERZEICHNIS — SOMMAIRE — INDEX Artikel —Articles AFXENTIOU, PANOS C. and SERLETIS, APOSTOLOS: Exports and GNP Causality in the Industrial Countries: 1950 - 1985 AMPOFO-TUFFUOR, EMMANUEL; DELORME, CHARLES D. JR. and KAMERSCHEN, DAvibD. R.: The Nature, Significance, and Cost of Rent Seeking in Ghana ANTONIDES, GERRIT: Psychological Variables in Negotiation ..........347 BEED, CLIVE and KANE, OWEN: What Is the Critique of the Mathematization of Ere sre rere er ee ee ere sree meee DENNERT, JORGEN: Insider Trading EKELUND, ROBERT B. JR. and HEBERT, ROBERT F.: Dupuit’s Characteristics- Based Theory of Consumer Behavior and Entrepreneurship EKELUND, ROBERT B. JR. and WATSON, JOHN KEITH: Restaurant Cuisine, Fast Food and Ethnic Edibles: An Empirical Note on Household Meal Production 613 ERDMANN, GEORG: Vorschlage zum technischen Risikomanagement aus der I Ske ta ee Ba etna ok, aod on ake ae ee o 383 HAGEMANN, HARALD and HAMOUDA, OMAR F.: Hicks on the European Monet- ary System HART, ROBERT A. and HOBLER, OLAF: Are Profit Shares and Wages Substitute or Complementary Forms of Compensation? HERZ, BERNHARD und STARBATTY, JOACHIM: Zur Frage internationaler Dominanz- beziehungen. Eine Analyse der Machtverteilung auf Weltwirtschaftsgipfeln MAES, Ivo: On the Origins of Portfolio Theory NEUMANN, SHOSHANA: Occupational Sex Segregation in the Kibbutz: Principles and Practice PEIRCE, WILLIAM S.: After 1992: The European Community and the Redistribu- tion of Rents : SCHOKKAERT, ERIK and CAPEAU, BART: Interindividual Differences in Opinions about Distributive Justice SENGUPTA, JATI K.: Rapid Growth in NICs in Asia: Tests of New Growth Theory ere eer ara re ee ee ee ee ee TOLLISON, ROBERT D. and WAGNER, RICHARD E.: Romance, Realism, and Economic a a eee ee re ee ee re ee ee ree VEUGELERS, REINHILDE: Locational Determinants and Ranking of Host Countries: I ns cla Sm We ww Mie, Mee 363 WINTERS, ALAN L. and BRENTON, P.A.: Quantifying the Economic Effects of Non tariff Barriers: The Case of UK Footwear INHALTSVERZEICHNIS —- SOMMAIRE —- INDEX Notes BERNHOLZ, PETER: The Political Economy of Protectionism BLANKART, CHARLES B. and KNiEPS, GUNTER: What Can We Learn from Compa- rative Institutional Analysis? The Case of Telecommunications: A Reply . .439 HOFFMANN, JOHANNES and HOMBURG, STEFAN : Explaining the Rise and Decline of the Dollar: A Reply LABER, GENE: What Can We Learn from Comparative Institutional Analysis? The Case of Telecommunications: A Note MANEVAL, HELMUT und RAUTSOLA, PASI: Militérausgaben, Ausfuhr und Wachstum: Eine Anmerkung zu ROTHSCHILDs Hypothese ........... 93 MENKHOFf?, LUKAS: Explaining the Rise and Decline of the Dollar: A Note . . . 445 NYDEGGER, ALFRED: Marktwirtschaft und Planwirtschaft aus sozialethischer Sicht ROTHSCHILD, KURT W.: A Note on Insiders, Outsiders and the Pe PP ee et ee ee er 231 Besprechungen - Comptes rendus - Reviews AHLHEIM, MICHAEL und ROSE, MANFRED: Messung individueller Wohlfahrt (Hermann Schnabl) ALT, JAMES F. and KENNETH E. SHEPSLE (eds.): Perspectives on Positive Political Economy (Brune S. Frey) ANHEIER, HELMUT K. and SEIBEL, WOLFGANG (eds.): The Third Sector: Comparative Studies of Nonprofit Organizations (Kurt Reding) BECKH, SUSANNE: Das Instrumentarium der deutschen Bundesbank seit dem Ubergang zur Geldmengensteuerung (Werner Lachmann) BEHRMANN, JERE R.: Human Resource Led Development: Review of Issues and Evidence (Jandhyala B G Tilak) BIRD, RICHARD and OLDMANN, OLIVER (eds.): Taxation in Developing Countries (Karl Wolfgang Menck) BLAUG, MARK: Economic Theories, True or False? (J. Hanns Pichler) BLINDER, ALAN S.; Macroeconomics under Debate (Wilfried Fuhrmann) BORCH, KARL H.: Economics of Insurance (Tapen Sinha) BORNEMANN, ALFRED H.: Letters from a German Family (Robert Gagné) ... . BORGENMEIER, BEAT and MUCHIELLI, JEAN L. (eds.): Multinationals and Europe 1992 (Malcolm H. Dunn) CASSEL, DIETER; RAMB, BERND-THOMAS und THIEME, HANS-JOrG, (Hrsg.): Ordnungspolitik (Werner Lachmann) .......e.ee 0ee0ee0ee s 253 COLANDER, DAVID and Coats, A.W. (eds.): The Spread of Economic Ideas (David L.H ammes) CREEDY, JOHN (ed.): Foundations of Economic Thought (William J. Matson) De JASAY, ANTHONY: Social Contract Free Ride (Hans Gersbach) INHALTSVERZEICHNIS —- SOMMAIRE INDEX De JASAY, ANTHONY: Social Contract Free Ride (Jérg Schimmelpfennig) . . . . 124 DEMSETZ, HAROLD: Ownership, Control, and the Firm (William Sjostrom) .. .461 DRAGO, ROBERT and PERLMAN, RICHARD (eds.): Microeconomic Issues in Labour Economics: New Approaches (Chris Doucouliagos) .............258 EARL, PETER E. (ed.): Behavioral Economics (A.W. Coats) EDWARDS, SEBASTIAN and LARRAIN, FELIPE (eds.): Debt, Adjustment and Recovery: Latin America’s Prospects for Growth and Development (Willis Peterson) . . 106 EICHENGREEN, BARRY and LINDERT, PETER (eds.): The International Debt Crisis in Historical Perspective (Anthony Scaperlanda) ELLERMANN, DAVID: The Democratic Worker-Owned Firm (Paul Graeser) . . . 464 FELTON, JOHN R. and ANDERSON, DALE G. (eds.): Regulation and Deregulation of the Motor Carrier Industry (Dipendra Sinha) ; FERRI, PIERO and GREENBERG, EDWARD: The Labor Market and Business Cycle Theories (Andrea Salanti) FEESS-DORR, EBERHARD: Mikrodkonomie (Werner Sesselmeier) FISCHER, WOLFRAM (Hrsg.): Wahrungsreform und Soziale Marktwirtschaft (Werner Lachmann) FISHER, DOUGLAS: Money Demand and Monetary Policy (PaulA . Kocher) FLORENS, JEAN-PIERRE; IVALDI, MARC; LAFFONT, JEAN-JACQUES and LAISNEY, FRANCOIS (eds.): Microeconometrics — Surveys and Applications (Olaf Hiibler) . 469 FORMAN, FRANK: The Metaphysics of Liberty (Hartmut Kliemt) FRANKE, JAN: Neue Makroékonomik und Aussenhandel (Ernst-August Behnke) 471 FRANTZKE, ANTON: Die Automobilnachfrage der privaten Haushalte in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Martin Wenke) FREY, BRUNO S. and POMMEREHNE WERNER W.: Muses and Markets: Explorations in the Economics of the Arts. (Susan Rose-Ackerman) FRITSCH, MICHAEL: Arbeitsplatzentwicklung in Industriebetrieben (Joachim Wagner) GALENSON, DAVID W. (ed.): Markets in History (Barry C. Field) Gesellschaft fiir Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e. V.: Neuere Forschungskonzepte und -methoden in den Wirtschafts- und Sozial- wissenschaften des Landbaues (Ferry Stocker) GIANARIS, NICHOLAS V.: The European Community and the United States: Economic Relations (Chronis Polychroniou/ Kelley Daye) GILDER, GEORGE: Microcosm: The Quantum Revolution in Economics and Technology (David B. Audretsch) GOODHART, CHARLES A.E.: Money, Information and Uncertaint (Georges Bernard) 271 GORDON, MARGARET S.: Social Security Policies in Industrial Countries: A Comparative Analysis (Servaas Deroose) ..........4+4++44.272 GRAHAM, EDWARD H. and KRUGMAN, PAUL R.: Foreign Direct Investment in the United States (Dominick Salvatore) GRUNERT, KLAUS and OLANDER, FOLKE (eds.): Understanding Economic Behavior (Catherine§ . Elliott) iV INHALTSVERZEICHNIS - SOMMAIRE - INDEX HARTOG, Joop; RIDDER, GEERT and THEEUWES, J. (eds.): Panel Data and Labor Market Studies (Joachim Wagner) HEISE, ARNE: Tauschwirtschaft und Geldékonomie (Hansjérg Klausinger) HELM, DIETER; KAY, JOHN and THOMPSON DAVID (eds.): The Market for Energy (Wolfang J. Strébele) HILLMAN, ARYE L.: The Political Economy of Protection (Tobias Ursprung) HOLLER, MANFRED und ILLING, GERHARD: Einfiihrung in die Spieltheorie (Winand Emons) HOLTHOFF-FRANK, KLAUS: Zur Leistungsfahigkeit input- und outputorientierter Instrumente der staatlichen Technologieférderung (Susanne Krebs) KAMPPETER, WERNER: Kapitel- und Devisenmirkte als Herausforderung der Wirtschaftspoli(tPiakul A. Kocher) KAPLAN, JACOB J. and SCHLEIMINGER, GUNTHER: The European Payments Union. (Bernd Kulla) KESTING, HELMUT: Produktionspreise, Wachstum und Verteilung (Christian Gehrke) 281 KINDLEBERGER, CHARLES P.: Economic Laws and Economic History (Andrea Salanti) KORNAI, JANOS: The Road to a Free Economy (Georges Bernard) KORN, ANDREAS: Weltwirtschaft und internationale Verschuldung (Reinhold Rickes) 479 KRUGMANN, PAUL R.: Exchange-Rate Instability (Lukas Menkhoff) KRUGMAN, PAUL R.: Rethinking International Trade (AntoinetteM.James) .. . LAMBERTZ, GUNTER: Bessere Wirtschaftspolitik durch weniger Demokratie? (Hannelore Weck-Hannemann) LANGFORD, JOHN W. and BROWNSEY, K. LORNE (eds.): Economic Policy-Making in the Asia-Pacific Region (J. Colin Dodds) LEE, BARBARA W.: Productivity and Employee Ownership: The Case of Sweden (Chris Doucouliagos) LITTLECHILD, STEPHEN (ed.): Austrian Economics (A.W. Coats) LORENZ, HANS-WALTER: Nonlinear Dynamical Economics and Chaotic Motion (Wolfgang J. Strébele) MACEWAN, ARTHUR and TABB, WILLIAM K. (eds.): Instability and Change in the World Economy (Chronis Polychroniou) MACEWAN, ARTHUR: Debt & Disorder (Chronis Polychroniou) MAIER, GUNTHER und WEISS, PETER: Modelle diskreter Entscheidungen (Manfred Kraft) MALINVAUD, EDMOND: Voies de !a recherche macroéconomique (Georges Bernard)646 MALTHUS, THOMAS R.: An Essay on the Principle of Population (ed. by PATRICIA JAMES) (James A. Gherity) MALTHUus, THOMAS R..: Principles of Political Economy (ed. by JOHN PULLEN) (James A. Gherity) MILLER, LYNN H.: Global Order: Values and Power in International Politics (Chronis Polychroniou) MITCHELL, ROBERT C. and CARSON, RICHARD T.: Using Surveys to Value Public Goods: The Contingent Valuation Method (Anselm U. Romer) INHALTSVERZEICHNIS ~- SOMMAIRE - INDEX MIROWSKI, PHILIP: More Heat Than Light (A.W. Coats) MISHIMA, YASUO: The Mitsubishi. Its Challenge and Strategy (Albrecht Rothacher) MOLLE, WILLEM: The Economics of European Integration (Wilfried Fuhrmann) MOLITOR, BRUNO: Wirtschaftsethik (Werner Lachmann) MUELLER, DENNIS (ed.): The Dynamics of Company Profits (Frank Schohl) O’DONNELL, RoD M.: Keynes: Philosophy, Economics and Politics (James A. Gherity) PAUKERT, LIBA and RICHARD, PETER (eds.): Defence Expenditure, Industrial Conversion and Local Employment (Michael Brzoska) PETRAS, JAMES and MorLEY, Morris: US Hegemony under Siege (Chronis Polychroniou) PHLIPS, Louts: The Economics of Imperfect iefeenstion (Orn Bodvarsson) . . .2 PRYOR, FREDERICK L.:The Political Economy of Poverty, Equity, and Growth: Mala- wi and Madagascar (Dipendra Sinha) REINHARDT, JORGEN und UHLIG, CHRISTIAN (Hrsg. ): Batwickiung und Struktur- wandel (Wolfgang Menck) REUTEN, GEERT and WILLIAMS, MICHAEL: Value-Form and the State (John T. Hartman) RITTER, ULRICH P. (Hrsg.): Teilzeitarbeit — Teilzeitstudium (Renate Schubert) ROBERTS, JOHN G.: Mitsui. Three Centuries of Japanese Business (Albrecht Rothacher) RowE, NICHOLAS: Rules and Institutions (William Sjostrom) SANDILANDS, ROGER J.: The Life and Political Economy of Lauchlin Currie (A.W. Coats) SAWYER, MALCOLM CHARLEE S: . TheC hallenge of Radical Political Boonemy: a Introduction to the Alternatives to Neo-Classical Economics (Walter O. Otsch) SCHMALENSEE, RICHARD and WILLIG, ROBERT (eds.): Handbook of Industrial Organization, Vol. 1 (Jan Pieter Krahnen) . . SCHMALENSEE, RICHARD and WILLIG, ROBERT (eds.): Handbook of Industrial Organization, Vol. Il (FelixR . FitzRoy) SEIDENFUS, HELMUTH (Hrsg.): Deregulierung — eine Herausforderung an die Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik in der Marktwirtschaft (Werner Lachmann) . . SESSELMEIER, WERNER und BLAUERMEL, GREGOR: Arbeitsmarkttheorien (Wolfgang Brandes) SHEFFRIN, STEVEN, M.: The Making of Economic Policy (Peter A. G. van Bergeijk) SHONE, RONALD: Open Economy Macro-Economics (Wilfried Fuhrmann) SOLTWEDEL, RUDIGER et al.: Regulierungen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt der Bundes- republik Deutschland (Horst-Manfred Schellhaass) STRUWE, JOCHEN: Wachstum durch Sozialpolitik (Michael Hiither) SWEDBERG, RICHARD: Economics and Sociology (Michael Hutter) TULLOCK, GORDON: The Economics of Special Privilege and Rent Seeking (AryeL . Hillman) VOSGERAU, HANS-JORGEN (ed.): New Institutional Arrangements for the World Economy (Paul J.J. Welfens) VI INHALTSVERZEICHNIS — SOMMAIRE - INDEX WEIMANN, JOACHIM: Umweltékonomie (Frank G. Miller) WEISS, YORAM and FISHELSON, GIDEON (eds.): Advances in the Theory and Measuorf Uenemmploeymennt(tLut z Bellmann) ...............302 WILLET, THOMAS D. (ed.): Political Business Cycles (Gebhard Kirchgdssner) . 304 WILLIAMSON, OLIVER E.: Antitrust Economics (Robert D. Tollison) WU, SHIN-YEN: Production, Entrepreneurship, and Profits (William Sjostrom) . 148 YANNOPOULOS, GEORGE N. (ed.): European Integration and the Iberian Economies (Servaas Deroose) : ee i RR A be a ae lak ad eRe Erhaltene Biicher — Livres regus — Books Received (151, 309, 503, 661) Autoren — Auteurs — Authors Afxentiou, P.C. 167 Elliot,C.S. 118 Ampofo-Tuffuor, E. 537 Emons, W.478 Antonides,G. 347 Erdmann,G. 383 Audretsch, D.B. 475 Field, B.C. 269 Beed,C. 581 Fitzroy, F.R. 296 Behnke, E.A. 471 Frey, B.S. 629 Bellmann, L. 303 Fuhrmann, W. 146, 251, 288 Bernard,G. 271,284,646 Bemholz,P. 241 Gagné,R. 102 Blankarnt,C.B. 439 Gehrke,C. 281 Bodvarsson, O. 290 Gersbach,H. 125 Brandes, W. 141 Gherity,J.A. 103, 648 Brenton, P.A. 71 Graeser, P. 464 Brzoska,M. 489 Hagemann,H. 411 Capeau,B. 325 Hammes, D.l. 256 Coats, A.W. 105, 131, 287, 294 Hamouda,O.F. 411 Hart,R. A. 221 Daye, K. 473 Hartman, J.T. 291 Delorme, C. D. Jr. 537 Hébert, R. F. 19 Dennert, J. 181 Herz, B. 35 Deroose,S. 273, 306 Hillman, A.l. 657 Dodds, J.C. 129 Hoffmann, J. 451 Doucouliagos,C. 259,285 Homburg, S. 451 Dunn, M.H. 458 Hiibler,O. 221, 469 Hiither,M. 497 Ekelund,R.B.Jr. 19,613 Hutter, M. 499 INHALTSVERZEICHNIS —- SOMMAIRE - INDEX James, A.M. 642 Rose-Ackermann,S. 266 Rothacher, A. 651 Kamerschen, D.R. 537 Rothschild, K.W. 233 Kane,O. 581 Kirchgassner,G. 305 Salanti, A. 114, 127 Klausinger,H. 640 Salvatore,D. 476 Kliemt,H. 261 Scaperlanda, A. 462 Knieps,G. 439 Schimmelpfennig,J. 124 Kocher, P.A. 116, Schnabl, H. 99 Kraft, M. 484 Schohl, F. 487 Krahnen, J.P. 139 Schokkaert, E. 325 Krebs, S. 122 Schubert, R. 655 Kulla, B. 280 Sengupta,J.K. 561 Serletis, A. 167 Laber,G. 431 Sesselmeier,W. 638 Lachmann, W. 137, 252, 298, 466, 633 Sinha, D. 113,491 Sinha, T. 100 Maes,I. 3 Sjostrom,W. 148,293, 461 Maneval,H. 93 Starbatty, J. 35 Matson, W.J. 103 Stocker, F. 270 Menck, K.W. 457, 493 Strébele, W. 275, 482 Menkhoff,L. 445, 481 Miiller, F.G. 659 Tilak, J.G.B. 635 Tollison,R. D. 57 Neumann, S. 203 Tollison, R.D. 147 Nydegger,A . 245 Ursprung, T. 276 Otsch,W.O. 494 Van Bergeijk,P. 144 Peirce, W.S. 521 Veugelers,R. 363 Peterson, W. 106 Pichler, J.H. 637 Wagner, J. 121,267 Polychroniou,C. 109, 111, 486, 653 Wagner,R.E. 57 Watson,J.K. 613 Rautsola, P. 93 Weck-Hannemann,H. 644 Reding, K. 630 Welfens,P.JJ. 300 Rickes,R. 479 Wenke, M. 263 Rémer,A.U. 135 Winters, A.L. 71 Alle Rechte vorbehalten Copyright © 1991 by WWZ and Helbing & Lichtenhahn Verlag AG, Basel Ausstattung und Druck Triib-Sauerlander AG, Buchs AG Printed in Switzerland

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