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Preview Kwacha — Angola. No. 4. June 1970

71 KWACHA ANGOLA U.N.I.T.A. INFORMATION BULLETIN LONDON, ENGLAND 72 ,. .. ... 'I 73 • --NATI ONA L UNI GN FOR TOTAL !NOE PENO E NCE DF ANGOLA -uNITA Infor~ation Bu11~tin ========================== JUNE 1970 CONTENTS 1 •••••••••• ~··•••• U.N~I.T.A. Four yeras after rt- 2 •.• •-• ~ -P·a 1 fc a 1 n d IYl i 1 i t~ r.y O a v e- e .-••••••• e • • ?! 1opmRnt of tho arma d struggle i n A n g o 1 et --., - 3.~······••••••~•• News Bu11etin from·Home Front .For Further Information write or contacta, Addressl 25 Roa d Ospring~ L O NO O N, N • W • 5. Eng1and Te l ephone s. 01-48.5 3075 -,_ 74 ' U. N.I.TQA. FOUR YEARS AFTER (N~t iDna l I_ot<:~l ;~,~s UNIT.A Union f r r-· ___ I[lô_€í'[J'8n-de.ncP of An-qol<J.) .... born in the-~~~t - ~f b~ttl~ -i~side Angol a , or March 25th 196~. ThP. loca- lity W!3.s !Yluangai, sma11 tm~Jn". :J bo~u·t 300 miles f~rom th.R .... l .a.mbi::1n biJr- dt:Jr. P. ..r : .. :l.o.:r:. to .cr.eatioFI -o·f U·Nif·A·----~·-ron:o·-pCír-íod·-·õ-r--ã[i~ouA tr-1- politica l education was carri~d out a mon q thP pnopl e livino mAinly in thP. A r~as whose terra i n would be used as a the Atre for guerrilla activity. The pl~ce political mobilization of tho masses took durinq 1964/65/66 i n the Provinces of Lunda r:Moxico• and Cug ndo-Cub~ngo. ~ . . ' . . :. . The :first military attack the Portuquese colon!Alists by UNITA Ofi took place a t makafumA in thR E ~ s t e r n ~~rt of Anqol a in Aoril 1966. But thR;·firstnotoriuos atfack on thP. Portuguese-sol d iers wa s on 1 25th December 1966. This historical d:Jt e was onR more Mark that the people of Angol a have e rected a t Te ixeir a de Souza with their own b lood. The attack of Teixeira d e Souzn corresponded to a strateoy of tha t moment to prevent the Portuguesa colonialists in builrling to w~rds up two more military bases p? r allel to Teixeira de Souza the Governor-GenP.r~ l border of Angola a nd Congo. After the attack, the of Angol a , Rebocho Vaz went pP.rsonally to inspect the number of Portuguesa colonial forces who were put of combat. The president of Portugal, Ye~r 1 s Americo de Ueus Toma z in his New message to the NatiDn s aidt "There are i n nur days memnr!3ble dates in bllQ our Nat ion~ --on8 i s t.he 15th March, 1961 tJ.Jhich we learn tb forg~t and thR other is the 25th DecP.mber, 1966 which we just experienced. '' UI~ITA, FollovJing the attack of 25th De c Bmbgr 1966, :the :RJresidPnt of Dr. Jona s S3vimbi, together ·uJith ·the ·politica i '-'nd milibny cadre s of the party met inside Arrgola to rliscus s the implicatinns of s uc h an strug~le. attack and to sum up experiences of the It was durinq this F_or~_es conf e r en-ce tha t FALA (Armed for Li.b.P.r.a.t:ipn. :of An(_Jola), the mi- litaryr L\JiiTg a'f' UNITA wa s c-r9""It'ed .--FALA i s compnsed of soldier s who :::>re " politic::dly concinus men qnd ...L .IJh'ose function i s to serve the pef"'ple. cre ~ted bec~use' throu~h th~t FALA was practic e UNITA h8s learnt the ~aa inst Krmy and the people a r g the founda t ion of fina l victory Por- tuguase colonialism~ t~en Lib~ration Sin6é the· e ver cnntested E?sterh Front of the of Angola wa s creAted i n l966/67o The cl~ims Qf MPLA about the Eastern Front a r g totally unfounded 4nd f alse. Urb8no Carrasco, the Portu- th~ auese colnnia l reportar of newsoaoer, Diario Popula r 21/7/1970 stated ''Q•• ~s I s a i d e~rlier , it was in 1966 thRt we rqai s t a r e d the be~inning terroris~ ~nanla of activities in East ern duo. tn the ini- ti'1tive of UNITA. " we~k ~ ~nd How UNITA ha s developed from a to stronq durRble polit i c a l movem~nt insidn AngolR? Ls Monde of February 11th 1970 pointed out guerrill~ h~d tha t when UNITA bBgAn opPr ations in 1966, it only ll fightP.rs v.Jith on"'l mAchinP. gun, tlJJo rifle s ? nd boliJS anrl Arrov,!s. __ NotAJ h~s th~~ ~, DGO wPll-tr ~ ihod its militqry org .niza t ion, FALA, more d isciplinr~d -=~nd guerrill R fightr-ns t•lho 'lr e hiahly C"lp'?bl"l of not b att~ llion only destroying bridges a nd highw'lys but qlso of conductinq scAle~ F~om - sized C"1mpaigns on a relRtively l qrge a scatte red, we8k , sm~ll or.g~ niz~tion UNITA developP.d into a stronq and well d isciplinf"'d forc~ of oolitic~ lly conscious mr n , boc,use thn gu"rrill~ oo~rRt ions o ~rty ~~thods and tho. lt:Jadership of the hqv e bP.e n guideo by scientific of apprqising concrete situations r e lating to thn strugqle, quioRd by thP nrincioles of democr tic crntr4lism, a n d capqble of analjzing ~ situ...,tions corr"ctly l"lnrl comprPhnnsiv""'liêrising from thC! r'"''"'lity th8t insid~ prev ,ils thn country. The guerrilla movnmPnt h1s bnen built b~.sis altiJ"'~YS n-=~tu­ on oolitic·'l h aving thA politics in coiT'm""nd <=>nr r1 rli~ l~ctic~ l nroc~ss r Rlly the supoort of thn oo.opl e . This is tha of 75 ,. the devei.opment of th~ struggle develo~ing from lowe r to ·highe r st?ges, meeting difficulties, hardships, misunderstandings , r egression but alwRys making tow?rds final victory.' some~imes; h80dw~y In 1967 the activities of UNITA sprea·d to the provinces of Ma l anje EH e thr oug!T-a hard and long pr oce ss of mobiliza t ion of the 'pe.o ple • The Portuguesa colonialists denounced UNITA activitie s in their local and nationa l press. The Semariario ~- Noticias •. the Portuguesa News- pape r . of 1967 from Luanda wrotea " ... .; a special train is ready for· us -four packe d to c a pacity with well trained young c~mpartments pe opie, 'who by the next mo r ning w oul d hs v e l a une hed a n a t t a c k a ga inst the ene.my• an enemy who always avoids c asua l contact."·· It was also ~n 1967 tha t the UNITA commandoes blew up the Bengue l a Railway-Tan- ganyika Concession-s- n-ot with intentions of harminq the economy of Zambia which is using the for export of coppe r through. the Lobito li~e port in Angola , because the Portuguesa soldiers continously have ~ut been utilising the s arne . line for military reasons. The' line gives acces to the Portuguesa soldiers to Centra l and East Angola hwe r e the y have been bombirig ou r pe ople , . destr oy ing e nt ir e v i .lla ges, c o-ope r al'ivÀs, cropst-and their domestic Rnimals. annihil~e The An-gola n lib:\3ration strugg1e is a n integra l part of the struggle for the tota l . libBration of Africa u~der colonialism and neo-colonla- lism. And also, the Angola n struggle is part of the anti-imperialist struggle thrdught the world. The r efore , solidarity among pRople s of the oppressed nations is -forge d through their concr~te str~ggles. Thi$ is the only genuine internationalism. This is why, the president of UNITA left An-gola to go abroa d not on-ly to expalin oui Africiah brothers our difficulties, successes, f ailures, but also problems~ to t ell othe r oppressed people tha t in Angola UNITA is anothe r anti- -imperialist front fighting through armed struggle Portuguesa colo- nialism by the Internationa l monopoly capitalism. Each supp~rted libe r ation movement in Southorn each movRment .against neo-co- Africa~ lonialism in Africa and around the world must fight in the most correct and uncompromising wa y in their own concre t a strug~l~s~ This is the best and most efficient holp tha t all anti-imperialist move- ments c a n give to each other. ey .the end of 1967 the activities of UNITA c aused pariic not only t6 the Portugue s a colonialists, to,the monopoly capitalists in Angola, but also to other two Angola n groups (MPLA, GRAE) who intende d to hold the hegemony of Angola n n ationalism. This. ha s been proved to ~e a wishful thirrkingf ••• However, MPLA f ailing continously in Cabinda and meeting difficulties .in .Congo(B'razza) the leadership decide d to transfe r the exile d headqua t ers to Rnothe r exile -Zambia .and Da r with sight s ot towards the Eastern pRrt of Angola, whe r e UNITA has been op_er ating since 1966. Since then, the East ern Front ha s become a conteste d areR and a the8tre of military ambushes of mPLA a gainst UNITA. UNITA sevc r a l times brought to the attention of the Liberation Committee of the OAU such s hameful counter-T8VolutionRry activi- ~nd tie s of MPLA which gets support from the Committee . It is a n illusion to be l i e ve thq, t mo r e ma t e r ia 1 aid, more wea pons ,gi v e n to one gr oup would end the colonia l wa r by crashing otMe r groups. The Libe r ation Committee of the OAU c a n and must stop assi sting a . libe r ation Move - ment tha t i s using its weapons against<th8 Angolans. This is nonsense . . . The year 1968 WRS the most ··r evolutio nary peri .od· of UNITA. A new zone .was-ope ne d in district a nd the people .ar e supporting tre mendous ~uambo UNITA. The headaua ters and the Centra l Committee after the successful entrance of the president and S?cre t ary ge neral into Angola•wer e firmly est ablishe d inside Angola, since June 1968. Since then, Dr. JONAS MALHEIRD SAVImai HAS BEEN THE ONLY LEADER TODAY DF A LIBERATION MOVEIYlENT IN 76 ANGOLA to lR~d the strugg l c from ins ide. This act of comra d n Savimb~ is not o'nly more r'-"Volutionary, but 3.lso morE" effr)ctivo· for t.he struggl e ,· more honRst Rnd more corrsct. The ·reAl libo r qtion th~t tAiill mq ke the colonize d An_gol::tn 21. ''Net!J11 J\ngol,n m'-ln h"'~s to come from in,side by v1agin9, 21 pDoplr.1s war , relying on thr-'l crer"'tive pollJP.r of the· pgople , pursuing th~ policy of sglf-r9li3nce , qnrl Bdopt corrnct t~ctics ~ nd stratAgy 8q~ isnt the RnG~y. Th~ strugql e l 8 d from 8Xile d he:::.~dqu8ters i s v ery d~ngerous , bec~uso i t will brRod thR seRds of corruption, l ack of initi~tive , intern~tions l intrigu Ps '4nd inevitB- bly logding ths country q nd peop1A to, nRo-coloni~ list situ:::.~tion. • .. A joÚrn·list ·for the Tim8 s of Z::tmbia , vJho visitRd UNITfl ~rRAS for f o u r, w r::1 e k s wr o t e l n S e p t o m b q r 11 t h - 1 2 t h 1 9 6 9 I " t h A b i q g n s t d :::.~ n g 8 r : 'thr: PortuguHsB now f Ac A is from thq cindRr Rlla of frne~om movemcnt, discounte d by th~ world, recoi~ing .not one scrq p of s~pport from any n~üion or int-cn nn.tion"'l1 AgPncy :~ncl 'llmos t Rntr!rc.11y unpublicisP.d • Jon~s ..T hR move mRnt is UNITA hs8ded by 38- yenr-ol d Dr. Savimbi • • ;(Bnd b ~ continuod) ••• t~e i~ck oF support hq s bnRn thc k~y to UNITA's success.'' The s~ccesses of UNITA q r e due pr~cisely to th~ ·policy of S3lf- r~liqnc8 , ~nd r'l l~inq on the crn8tivg powe r of thc pnopl8 . I n . rn a r c h 1 9 6 9 a f t 8 r 21. s u c c 8 s s f u 1 o p 8 r"" t i o n c A J_ 18 d 1f 8"" i 1 rJ 1f t h P. c o mm iii. n- " dQ~s of UNJTA onco ~gqin so iz~d ~ considn r~ble numb~ r bf.NATO waa~ pons from the Partugue s n co1oni3 l so1diers, ~~d dozBns bf o nAmy tioops wor " put out of n.ction. And m"'~ny solrlirJrs. from th'' coloni:=1l army dc-3s ertc•d thcCJ, J?ortugunsr:1 '1nd jninn d UNITA. lNutinr1P.S in thr~ Portugue - se b~rr~cks h~ve b3e n frR6uent. Thn Portuoues ~~ soldiArs oftRn r ~­ f used t .o fight in thg bus h ~gRinst tho UNÍTA fartos. In M~ y 17th .. 1969 tho city of Lus~ r~qch~rl tho point of standstill. The Portu- guesP. cou1d n-ot lo::~.vr; qnd "1nté'r thR city for f '?VI dqys. Thn UNIH1 t'IC- t i v i ti ~-3 s. r r:P c h rJ d t h n p ,, "' k i n t h q t . ".r n q • I t is w a s d u r i n q t h i s p 1'1 r i o El tha t ·thR n e w zone of Huilq was creqtod by thA UNITA forcns. And be c q use of th~: int8nsity of thn n~tion ~ lsits qnd ot hr r Ango1Bn p~triots , th9 Portugunse co1oni~1ists WPr e compnlln d to invitA thnir South Africa n cnuntnrp'1rts to mount a joint offnnsiV() ~ qn isht thn UNI TA forces. A tromBndous c ~mpq ign of PortuquPs" prop'""g"'nd"l .'Q'linst· UNIT A w'1s set up in th~ vill::~.gAs , towns, citio s through postRrs ~ nd p"'m- P h l n't s -D n G o f t h 8 p os t r: r s T o 2\ d : 11 Du (N)I sHcl onof iu oR , r As nv ip..,s rn ''H a -tt nr odp a~ nf. Ru m"i 1 ln doi ~ o, s b 2 n di dOS 'l p_, r,., C r-3 r q m 11 r I I h·!'\ t m C:J'"l n S UNITA w~nts to sopAr.,t~ you from · 'y o u r f mi 1 y , I n f o r m t h r t r· o o p s h e n C\ 1 VJ thr: comn . b""n~its Holllf1V~;r, thr~ most import'"'nt histnric"'~ l ''JV<:nt in l9n9 IAI:::.IS thP Second Congr~ss of UNIT~. This h ~ ld in thn hn~rt of ~ngol'l , ~ hundrnd W'lS ·milns 'lW~ y from thn Zqmbi~ n bord8r. Thn congrnss w~s ~ tnndnd by 80 ·d~l 'g8tns from 21s t ~gust to 30th ~ugust 1969. Thc dnlpg~tas cqmo from diffe rnnt -p ~rts of thn country. DF•l~g ~ t ~ s comin0 from tb~ qr~y, ·?nd from thn loc"ll committr.HJS of thr~ libnr-,t··Hi ~ro:=ts . Thn "'Ç)'lrtdA b r i n f l y . VI E\ s c o nê cm t r .., t :J d o n t h e p o 1 i t i c " 1 ~ n d mi 1 i t"' r y situ "'l t i o n ins i dP thn cnuntry, tho division of r1nqol·1n n:-Jtion'llffism, th, politi- .. c • l situ'"'~tion· Ôr •v::>ilinq in ~1fric" tmdAy '4nc1 th" intr•rn:::~tion~ l situq - t ion in rnl-~tion to thco strugql'' of th.· oppressr:'r1 r-Jc•orlrJs. A nei\J c n n t r 1 c o mm i t t,r.,; n ' "'\ n d p o 1 i t b o r r; ·-u l v r: r [1 ' 1 l r 1 c t r; d , n c1 t h C' p r ')s i d r: n t w ~ s r n-n 1 c t n d ·• T h n c o n q r s s h., s t ~, k F! n r n s o 1 u t i o n s o n t h r~ i n t r n""' l ínJ ? (·J r-o n d Xt l m~ t t s • T h p ') r t y c ') ll rJ d o n t h rl ., 1 :~ q ~ t n s t o i n t r' n s i f y t1 h'' "r '~rm E:H d o:-truqql 'ol i,' to v1Co) r k h:::1rdr:r, to b•· unir't nci, "1n0 to pror s r v nr P in thr; lib •r..,tion struÇJq l-:. .I n D, I , c.., m b rcu 1 9 6 9 ,• A. s 8 r if• s o f mi l i t ' r y o o ., r"' U o n s "' g ~ i n s t t .h,, Por t u- gu8se took p1~cq . UNITA v nry d~Gpl~ rgqr'lt thro dqqth of COLLINS LUCIANO, deputy leader for Soci3 l Aff~irs t'lnd Popula r Education. He was killed in Luso while sccomplishing a n import8nt 21.nrl delica t e mission of urbq n orq3nization. UNITA promised to a v Pnge him in 1970. 77 Th~ We • r • now ln th• 1970's, r evolutionory situotion in the conditio~. world over is ln excellent The opprossed pnoplo all ovonr~ olora .o risi~n9o vuopl ctoinod nt3 roy k • arms ond confront impori•lism. ln A the situRtion is •lso dovoloninq in dopth. lhe presidnnt of .UNITA 'n • r nc ont spoech insid• Angola said· una- quivoc>llY' Wo • • " movinq into ··mor o dongnrous.phAso of·struggle At présent wn • r'' fighting in thiw.. ~''c ountnside; we. iJr • tninq to cont'rol tho countrysido , but nw a r • qoing to movo towardS sabo- bg•J so t 'h• t •ll ,forms of communic3lüin' will .b• sover•d·,,. ( ond he w,wt on 's Rying);. ,1967 wa s • s t arting point for a bigger movo to libor • t•1 this country. ln l9TP w•· shall sne soffi·• of our wishos fulfiiled~ 11 --·-··· UNIT~ The formatlon of four yoars ago • •rkod a grea t qualitativo leop ln th• Angolab libe r atioh struggle . The UNITA Centr• l Committee r ocently issue d ,a f .ightirfg call to the Party cadres and to the people. ás a UJholn. to make thn 1970's • dnc'ldn of Liber ation. The 'p eople ,' tho Party ond the armed forces hovo responded posi tively ~esolutoly. and So the first months of 1970 ho v• soen encouraging amned~ bvéircst(oProirutousg ure se•s ults. Dn the ·6th Jonuary • atmrbuuschk e~f ull of Pide · Intellig•nc• Palie• ) was by UNITA patriots . Four 'Of thevam fuwe•rb le ~Olimipelid taorutY A~ ccuomn•sindte•rt•iobln '' amount of weopons, equip- ment, and were seized. Do 13th Jan. anothe r truck full of Portugue s • ibiaiors ond Palie• wes •mbushod. th~ ~is The l eader of foca l palie• wqs killod. namn is Bo l armino Roê.ho do Paiva Nci. 3402/G/6579. Th•is .fascist wes r esponsiblo for the dnoth of our brother COLLINS LUCikND, momb• r o~fi s UNITA c nntra l Commi- \;ee ki lled ln Dec nmGer 1969 Whil" p•.•r forming r Avol ution• ry dut i os of underground work in tho Luso 3r eq • libo~ ation thr~ugh . 970 w!ll see tho gennralization of tho war Angola . **************%%%%%%%%%**·****.*****-)(·* -NEWS BULLETIN OF THE ARMED FORCES IN ANGOLA - Tho ops r ation• l comma-nd• i of UN.ITA in a r ec ent "'a r tommuniaue issue d th~ ~rmcd Foi~~s on April (F4~tLhA ) 1970 s t a t e d thot far ib• rotion of Angol • milit•~Y ore dot ormin• d to mok• 1970 a t~·u rning point in th• wchhoolo~e nst situation ln Angola . So for, s aid, the bost ond ·tTfn;sporter. of itrms · ond ammwnitlo.n to UNITA h•• b<,en the nn'lmyo from FebruorY 10th to march 25th 1970, th• FALA fnrcos h•v• score d tho following victoriest. sol~i•r• 1) A group of 5o Portugueso w•s •mbujhed n••r Lungu- -Bwnqu rivor. Rs • r osult, 15 Portugu•se s6ldi•rs wor• wipéd out nnc1 consido'rabln. w•r mntori • .l l'•ized. W%, 2) ln the \uso are• , 2 trucks full of socuritY for c os (Pali- S~guranc• ~ubl.ca ) ei• do wer• •mbushod. All tho 12 occu- ~ere killn~ ~nd .pqnfs thqir guns s nized. San~•ndo , th~ 3) ln ÚNITA column no. 3 put out of action l5" p~ppe t troops. 13 riflos(Mauzor), •nO lO h•nd gr•n•des wern cqptur~d by UNITA p~ triotso ~ontr•l 4) Dnn of UNITA zonas w·s •ttack• d by 60 solrlinrs. ~~1 ~ ~rntRndina Thn fightgrs to run qwny from thn enemy, pRn~tr8 te mqde the enemy to into UNITA milit,ry r.c1mp. Suddenly the y were caught up by heavy fire from UNITA forcAs. The lieutnent commnnder Coutinho was l eft dend 'l : 78 -5- in the camp. 11 of t~em were killed qnd S8VRral wounded. Arms, ~fricans ammunition arid equipment wRre s eized. mqny in the Por- tug•ese army. h a v n t a ke n this opportunity te join our forcPs wiht their guns, uniforms Rnd docum8nts e 5) In Cuando-Cubqngo, the Portuguesa 0nd the Boers from South Afrfca ~r e hRviQg _R h~rd time . Thr r e c ent publication Notici~s of ebru3ry 28th 1970 qpe~ly admitted thRt the Portuguesa ~re incapable to. cape up·'with the milit"'~:i:'Y 1nd politic~ l situ"'!tion in Angol0 . And also the-Noticia§ r eport exposes the sell out imperi1list journalists who a r e trying their best through f alse in ·An~ol~ ~~d r eports. to build up unpopula r m6ve mants sl"nrlerinq UNITA, UNITA is in Cuando-Cubqnqo and there UNITA shall remain. When mqrcelo Caet anot thR South Africians suggest the ailiance ~e under~tand gam~. between UNITA and SWAPO their imperialist ~nd It is to find a pre text to send joint troops (Portuga l South UNITA~ Africa ) into Angola and to fight So f ar, 'UNITA does not ~h3tsoRver, ~nd have·any qlliance we do nbt indulqe -in such fu- ~ight ti1ities.· Each lib8tation movRment in Southerri Africa. must correc~ way.i~side the most and. radica l its own .country. This is the best ~o1idarity 1ibe r ation 0ove ments in SbutherD Af~ica c a n give to each other. However, UNITA is-ready and shall be p1eas e d ~~y ~frica n to render anY s etvice tó genuine 1ibe r ation'fflove - Force~ ment which be1ives in the Saizure of owe r by Arme d 6) From 20th to 25th Marrih 19?0, our Region no. i was ·under:heavy borri·bing· from dawn to dust. ln 29th !Ylarch 1970., 6 planes suppor- te'd' by 4 ,bomtTers, have dropped poisoning g3z on 13 co-ope r á - tive farms. All the crops were tot811y destroye d and most of domestic animals died. UNITA very v ehBment1y d enounce and con- Portuq~es~ demn this f qscist 0nd destructive methodi use d by the colonialists. · . UNITA will hªve no a1ternative but to move a stgp foward to A Ped~1e 1 ~ ~ar TOTAL WAR, lonq:live the e ve r invincibls .• (Signet} b-y. ~fperational Co~mqnde r ) , ********#########******** -. THE POLITICAL ANO MILITAR~ DEVELOPmENT DF THE STRUGGLE ..!. r!:·l .' ,. Angol~ Sines 1968,. the dimentions of the 1ibe rntion strugg l e inside · ha ve.'grouJn 3.nd de velopGd consida r nbly.-Wha t i s , then, the po1iti- c a l ~nd .mi1itaBy s·ituqtion? Politi~al t~o ~ontrol lhe Situatiorr• The Rreas under of UNITA ha ve grown steadily ~in both size and quality.of orqanization since UN·ITA's first Co~gress a t !Yluangqi, in !Ylarch 1966, and our first Rtttack on thA Portugúese co1o- niR1ists forces a t !Yladafuma bn the ,E'"l.st ern Front in Apri1 1966. UNITA now has Five Districts· undor its con- trol. These a r e a moxico, Cuando-Cu-~ bango·, Bi~ , Lunda and Mq lqnj e . Very recontly UNITA opAried the sixth Zone , "tha t of HUILA~ ' ... 79 -6 ... Irr thn. -=~r~;"'~s of IYloxico, Cu"'nra-Cub,ngo, Bi'l, Lunrl"'l ..,no IY1.,1.,.mj'~ UNITf1 h~s f~irly sett1~ d popul,tions, i.o . 1ittln ar no intnrf~rRnC P from thn co1oniq1fst forcn s , rsp~c i"'1ly in Moxico ~no Cu~ nda-Cub~ngo whnr8 the situ~tion is now st.,bi1izr d . In thosn fivn distr.icts thn p -op1r c "' r ' ~ b 1 t o c u l t i v"' t '' t h n i r f i ~ 1 s , b u i 1 d t h i r h o m s "' n d r is n "1 r n 'l t h n i r . f...., mi 1 i \-J s w i t h Q u t f c:--. r • T h., on 1 y p r'' c'"' u t í o n s n ;, c'' s s-=~ r y ~r n v r:· r y o1nmnnt~ry, _consisting of r ~ gu1 ~r vi11'""~ q~ contr~113rl ~iliti"' pqtro1s in th~ n nighbourhood, ch~cki~g p~ ths of thn ~nPmy, ~te, Por ~ny signs of ~nnmy_ "'ctivity qnd th~t of bwi1~ing hom~s in sm~11 sc~tt~rnd groups in th'l for•>st to '"'Void r:Jnr:Jmy' ~·iT obs·:orv.,tion • It h~s bnGn UNITA s b n1iq f from thn ~.,r1inr d"'lys th~ t thn thnory qno 1 pr~cticR of S~1f-rn 1i,nce must .,1w"ys bn onn of thr knystan~s to our succnssfu1ly concluding thn 1ib~r~ tion strugg1 r for our mothnr1~nrl. To put this. po1icy into rffgct wn h~ v n ~pp1i~d : oursg1ves rlilignnt1y. This qpp1ic.,tion is now r nf1nctl d in oUr org~ nizqtion!1 structwre in the •. libor~t r d ~tn.,s ,..,. How is thr~ org--:nizqtion....,l structuro in thr 1ibnr'lt'<rl 'lrr"'s? In summ<ny, it is th'< fo11owing z '=~t th~ 1ow8st 1 nV'l1 h, v ~ thn vil1~qns with WP 9 ch....,irmq n ~nd committne, s1~ct~ d by th~ir f n11ow vi11?gnrs. ThD func- t i on o f t h~· v i11-=~ g n ~s to impl'~m,..; nt t h'' dr· c is i ons of t h<' nr<xt highe r 'lUthority, th0 branch, ....,nf ~t thn sqmP time to discuss within thn vi119- ~~ -m"'lt ing, prob1nms nncount~rnd qnrl to formu1~tn suqgqstions for impro- v omrnts. to bg discussod ! t th~ br~nch. Thn br...,nch usu'""l1y consists of br:h.\J'F' n 4 ...,nd-5 ·vi11::' .. g.::J_s , __ "'nd beforCJ "'lS its ch·1irm,.,n 1nd committrir1s qr·' frw11y 1-<ctPd, C'lrrying o-üt tho UNITt', PJ1 of ~ Unit'ld Drimoor...,tic Front. Th~ br~ nch ....,1so m ..... int,ins ~nrl rngu1~r1y tr•ins.th'· vi11'"'q n popu1....,tion "nd mi1iti; for int·rn....,1 s ncurity ciuti ...· s, ~ nd instructs th~ vil1~g~ popu1~tion on prquc~tions to b~ obs~rvRd should thn ~r8 ~ com~ undn r n n nmy qround-~ir ~tt~ck. Thq s n ~ctiviti~ s 'lrr~ 1 : d o:ml co-ordin~t nd by ::-n· "''rmy s;rgn'""nt st;'tivni:Jd q t thn b.r"nch. Th8 br--=~nch :1so co-orclin .... t n s th'' supply of food from th8 vi11':'1-Q'-'S to thn zon~s. Rngu1~r rliscussions ;nrl mr:JRtinqs ~r~ c ~ntrRd upon thn im- p1~ m~nt~tion of thn instructions from thP zonn , thr so1vinq of int~r- n"'1 pro~1nms, contr"'dictions ~nd ~,ss inq suqgnstions to th~ zon-ns Vi" brqnch r .n prr>s qnt'""ltivn s for improvrHn·,nt of th··--·"-X-i-s.i.i_ng_~ . ·-·o- r· g. ··q··-r,-.-·,···· m.. ·~--mr's. At th~. zonB , thq r o i s ~ zon: comm"n~~r, F LA trooos (mi1it~ry winq o f U N I T r\ ) , c 1 i n i c s , 1 p 1., c 'J f o r · m ··· " t i n g s 11 o n j "' n o o 11 ~ n rl i n m o r n "' d v ., n - c ç d zon: s thnr~ ~r~ schoo1s "g'inst i1litqr1cy. Th ~ mnntinqs, qqnP- r·l11y h·,1d n V''TY fortnight "ttnndr,d by rr:>orns...,nt"'tiV'' S from -=111 ' H'' th: qssoci" trJ"d br-,nch->s. ;.1t thn s R m'''1tinqs th-~ p·-·oo1íl -.rr.> inPormr::od "S fu11y "S possi1b1>J ~ bout thr-J d~,vn1opm;mt of th·· strugq1 n in (, ngo1'"~, thr t.,ctics 1 n~ str"t ngy of thn Portuqun s n co1oni~ 1ists politic11ly, nconomit~ l1y, milit'=~r~11y, ~nd on th.., m~ jor n v nnts in thr intnrn1tion~1 sph'Jr n . Thr.> dn.cisions of th·· cr-·ntr'""1 comrnittc·r1 ""r'1 ~iscuss'"'d h rorn 1nrl pl'"'nS ·n · chr.:;cknd for [Jro·gr'SSr "'nd p1'"'lnS """r'' "180 m'ld 8 to put thPS" 1 d..,cisions. . Thr.~ tot ~.1 t1lJmlls r of pr·opL1 undn r rdthnr UNITí, 1s inf1u-·ncn ·o.r contro1 u i s o v r] r 1 mi 11 i o n W' o p 18 • T h n um b r o f pr1 o p 1 i n N I TA z o n s is ·! I r; R b ntwonn 40D to 500 thoUS"'nd prlop1n . EvDry good g ·nr:1r 1 1 knovJs th"'t ""'n ..... rmy m"'rchPs on its stom"'lch, "''nd th"lt b'ltt1n s ::1r·1 v nry oftrln VJOn not by th•· sicJn tnith cup·•rior forCE'SJ ·r:c1 -but by thJ sid; possossing sup 'rior mar-qccur." t " inforrn"'tion. In UNITII s C:1S'1, th") .support of thr' p ··op1'l, th··· org..,niz-=-tion of tho 1 p qop1e ~rovidRs both th· food, ..... nd th inPorm1tion. In food procluction L\J" " r r no11J nou.,11inq th..,t ,.,hich uJqs ororlucncl in thn prn -W'lr yn·rs* Wn ;xp'ct thr 1970 h'lrv~st to nxcnn d this consi- d nr'lb1y. Fodd i s cu1tiv"'tr•c1 both inrliviru"l.lly '"~ nd co-opr>r"'~tiV'!11y, "nd in m-=\ny vi11: q'1S th'~ "rmy c1n"rs thr• fi-1ds, 1.,tr'r to b.n t···ncind by thr:1 vi1l" g 'rs. UNIT,~ c ' n st"to nL.Jit'' c-.t'lqoric"11y th,.,t thnr q is no h u n g 'J r i n F r CJ '< 1n ,, n cl o f ~~ n g o 1 ~ , " n c1 w o ~.r~ b P. q i n n i n g to ·"r r i v r >-~ t I p OS i t :Ü O n O f b "' i g "' b 1 r, . t O "' cl V iS g OU r O . ' O p 1.-~ O n c\ i ,., t 'l r y mq t t ., r S , -=~.no on "'gricu1tur"'1 improvn m:Omts, ntc. 80 ., . ... • T h -~ h '"J 'l1 t h s n r v i c n <' n c c d n rl i t i o n s u n cl r: r Por t u q u" s ··~ c o 1 o n i 9 1 i s m i n Ango1~ 3r~ q bomin~b1~ . For.instq~co , up to 1966y thnr~ wnr n 338 hospit~1 s 'lnd institutions for in-p~ti~nt c'lrR provirling 5~ 700 b n d s i n t h f'J s t ~ t 8 h o s pi t ~ 1 s ' i • R • 1 • 1 b I~ d s o') r l ' o o o p '1 o p 1 (' • T h ~l w h i t o p o pu 1"' t i o n i n A n g o 1"" i s o v ')r 2 5O • O O O ,, n d t h b ~..., c k p o pu 1 " t i o n r . i s o v o r 5 • 5 mi 11 i o n p ., o p 1 e • Y ou c 'l n i m ::1 g i n, ·· h o 11.1 m ~ n y 11 f r i c.., n s i n ;\ngo1A qo to hnspit- 1 ··nd h"'v:: ~· bnd! ••• UNITA is not on1y' fiqht·ing o n mi 1 i t"' r y "'~ n d p o 1 i i·, i c ., 1 f r o n t , b u t , 1 s-o i n s o c i~ 1 f r o n t-, i n o r ri n r to improvq thCJ m"'~t"ri..., l conrliticins of th·: pr:opl'r in th lib'Jr""t r d 3fi':J'"lS • It i s UJ h y f o n r; o f u NI T A I s m o s t lli'':J 1 c o m '1 s fJ r v i c r·: s h ..., s b (..'! 8 n t h p h q 8. 1 t h ~ Rrvice . This is opnr~t8d from ~ 11 thn zon~ s whnr A thnr n i s ..,lw"lys 'c1inilr "~ nd "' tr::l.in~<d ord.nrly.' Thn s rnvicc) , ·ind-or-:Jd, .. i s sti11 in A '3. very runim~nt~ ry st~g~ rlun to th~ 1'1ck of merlicinn , nnuibm~nt, t~~ i- n8d pnople, but UNITA h~ s m~dn a significAnt improv'"Jm~nt. ~t thn S ocond Congrr"ss in August 1969 it w~ s d·:1cidn d to s o t up school:s· in th~ zonas, this h9s Alraady b ~gun in ~ numbnr of zanBs 'lnrl prim3ry rJduc"'~tion st"lrt,.:d-"lg"in in "'~ rudimnnt""rY form duo. to th·~ 12lck of mqt~ri91s 9 p ~ pnr; m~tnri~l books, writtinq pnncil, ink,.and othRr sthool import~ nt c'1 l~nd~r Soco~d ThG most d"'lt R in UNITA1s for 1969 wqs thn Congress of UNITA • This was h qld in thF hn::J.rt of ~n~ol~ . The CDngrRsr AttRnded by 80 d o l c<g:-1t ns coming from 8.11' p"rts of .. n.gol'1. flt W3S this congrnss thg prnsidnnt of UNITA, Dre JonAs M. S9vimbi w~s r n- n l actsd ~nd q nnw cnntra1 committne "'nrl Politburn8U wqs n l nctnd q 9nd snrvR fór four yn~rs. UNITA i s v nry proud of this historic'll schi'W8mrJnt. · It WAS ., rn"'1 dc~mocr"'tic nssc'mbly in thr• Frool'~nrl of mothqrl~nd. dsmonstr~t~d corrnctn~ss 1 our It to us the of UNITA s ~ppro3ch to thn struggln in ~ngo1a , ~nd h~ s furth~r stren~thngd our r osolve to. continu~ untiringly untill tot~l vict6ry is ?chi ? vAd. THE MILIH,RY SITU,,TIONa UNITA has grown in four Y"~rs of h"'rd struggln frorn b:"linq :otrm8d only 111ith bov..1s ?nd '~rrows ~ nd occ8 sion~ lly ~ n-old rnuzzlo 1n::J.ding huntino guns from knoi;Jing nothing 1 o f g u ~-'r r i 11"' · t "" c t i c s i n t o ~ · t r ., i n n d f o r c n of mn :->nd ll.lom'•n, h'3rd8nnrl by ""Ction ~ g"linst tho. 0Portugu~ s~ coloni~ 1ists qnd its 9llins, ~rmnd LIJith th•' most adv"inC(•cJ: IIJ8"lpons, .simil"'lr to thoso th~ Amric""ns 'lrP usinq in Vintn"lm ~ g., inst th0 Vintn'lrn~s~ pnopl~ . UNITA h~s ln""tnt through th, struqgln th~t p~opl~ 1 s ~Ar i s thAbest qnd most rfficiont school of l~"'rning. Th~ only w~"pons "'V"lil"lble hqd to bR c ~pturod from thg q nomy its~lf •. ln fqct thn r n ~my is thn best providnr "lnd tr~ ns portn r of WR'loons for our struggln. Todn y UNITA h ~s Bo1gíum mq do FN's supp1i nd to Portuq'~ l throuqh NnTD, UNITA h ~s G3 s ma dn nither in th~ U.S.A. or .in Portug~l itsnlf unrl~ r .1icgncG1 from th~ u.s.A. ~ nrl ...,l s o Russi~ n subm~chinR guns sUppli8d to MPLA through thn OAU Lib~r qtion Committ~e ( AL• C) • To r oc oiva thn s ~ woapons dirgct1y fro,m. th'' Lib~r ~tion Commmitt~n o 'f t h e O{\ U i s o n n t h i n g , b u t t o r D c , i v n t h r: m t h r o u g h MP U-\ w h o is imposíng ~ fr"ltri~idn W9r on us , i s nothing short of fqrcic'~ l "nd t r 9 g i c • I n f ~ c t , i t i s .., cl i s gr ., c A f o r "' 1 i b · 1 r ,.... t i o n M o v " rn " n t 1 i k r·· U N I T r'l t h ·'lt s t"' r t ':1 d f r o m z n r o y , · t t o eh y h" s s u c c 'P. d ';d i n 1 i b · r., t i n g q v~st q rrJl'l. from thr) Portugu'"lsrJ coloní..,lists. Tf ri mo n m "tl nh dn tW in stm 8 ."', gn "'d\ i fn "'VcH}n ht"'h v"' mr I Eh""" ds tt , o tt o u rd n-, fo~ un cr- 1 fo i urg h t p i no pg l f n (l ri cn r, st h'"l" r ro ru• ""n rd -=--gqínst · th"'' :-:tt ~cks of IYlPLii. Evnry timn IIJr: do this it sln11rs rloi~Jn considnr"'~bly -our :1dv•ncn wnstv.l'~rds . It i s 9lV1:1YS 1ith· hq"'VY P hearts tha t ws f ace those unp1Rasant t~sks . It i s n ng~tivn ~n~ coun- ter-produ~ti~e . lt achivos nothing. It mattRrs not who wins each particular confront"ltion. It i s thR imperfalists·, the coloniA-

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