Basketball is over, but Chris Merriewether has ckanosas l l estatge ian a lot to look forward to. Check out Once in a Lifetime, page 7. Vol. 115 | No. 128 friday, april 2, 2010 Stolen trophies recovered Karen Ingram | COLLEGIAN Two forensics trophies stolen from a trophy case in Nichols Hall over Spring Break have been recovered. According to Captain Don Stubbings of the cam- pus police, the trophies were found on campus by campus security. Details about the circumstances re- garding where and how they were found are not immedi- Candid Appraisal ately available, as the inves- tigation is still ongoing. Charles Griffin, associ- ate professor in communi- cations, theater and dance, said they were grateful for the return of the stolen Photos by Sara Manco | COLLEGIAN property. Sen. Sam Brownback discusses the Chinese currency flow in relation to the United States currency flow in a speech given to the K-State “I thought they were Economics Club in the Alumni Center Thursday afternoon. gone for good,” Griffin said. “I don’t think any of us ex- pected to see them again.” Brownback speaks out to students Thursday Griffin said that one of the trophies was unfortu- nately slightly damaged, but that Jessy Ohl’s 2008 Na- Austin Enns | COLLEGIAN The next topic Brownback tional Championship trophy discussed was how national was unharmed. Both tro- As the current represen- economic policy is set by elites phies were won by K-State tative for Kansas in the U.S. from Washington D.C. and forensic students in 2008. Senate and as a candidate for New York without much input It is the policy of the fo- Kansas Governor, Sen. Sam- from policymakers in the rest rensics department to hold uel Brownback is one of the of the country. trophies in the case for most influential politicians in “I want to get us away from about two years before re- the state of Kansas. having financial decisions turning them to their own- Brownback is also an alum- made between a New York- ers. Ohl will receive his tro- nus of K-State and on Thurs- Washington corridor,” Brown- phy later this year. day he returned to his alma back said. “We’re proud of the ac- mater to speak about some is- Pushing China to enact fair- complishments of our stu- sues he thought were impor- er currency practices was the dents,” Griffin said. tant to the state. The Econom- third issue, and Brownback Anyone with information ics Club brought him in to concluded his speech with regarding the theft or dam- speak, and he lectured in the a reflection on how Kansas age of this property may Alumni Center Ballroom to a needs to change in order to contact the K-State Police crowd of about 100 people. stop the population loss that Department at 785-532- Brownback’s speech fo- 85 percent of counties in the 6412 or anonymously at k- cused on four major points; state are experiencing. the first three were national is- He stated that Kansas needs sues and the last was focused to lower taxes, open the regu- on Kansas. lation structure and focus on SGA After telling an anecdote industries in which Kansas can about needing to listen to his excel globally. Brownback is- Union mother, Brownback discussed sued a call to action by point- how Congress’s policy on bail- ing out that now is the time to ing out “too big to fail” banks act because recessions are typ- was flawed because it encour- ically the period during which funding aged banks to take risks so organizations adapt and plan that they could become large for the future. enough so that they would be Sen. Sam Brownback answers questions about Medicare during his “too big to fail.” See BROWNBACK, Page 10 speech to the K-State Economics Club Thursday. approved Danny Davis | COLLEGIAN Student learns to juggle disability, college life The current student sen- ators held their final meet- ing for the 2009-10 senate term yesterday evening. At Pauline Kennedy | COLLEGIAN the meeting, they voted on nine bills and passed seven, When Megan Reynolds, junior in theater, including six allocations. began her freshman year at K-State she was Before the senate began just another freshman. She juggled the crazy reviewing articles of legisla- new schedule college students eventually be- tion on last night’s agenda, come accustomed to, along with meeting new a motion was made to recall people and learning to deal with an unstruc- a bill that was voted down tured environment. at last week’s meeting. An But Reynolds did not get used to life on cam- allocation to the Workers of pus like most students; instead, she fell into a Wisdom group failed to se- depression. cure a majority vote at the Reynolds was diagnosed with narcolepsy the March 25 meeting. summer before her senior year of high school The group had original- and had been dealing with the symptoms since ly requested $2,900 to bring sixth or seventh grade, yet she still blamed her- three hip-hop performers self for the trouble she was having in school. to play in the Bosco Pla- In the craziness of her freshman year, she said za. According to the bill, she stopped taking the medication she needed the purpose of the perfor- to help her maintain proper sleep. mance would be to promote She began sleeping through her classes. If a clean lifestyle and Chris- she made it to class, she said she would be like tian hip-hop. a zombie. Reynolds fell behind, missed many The bill failed last week assignments and found herself finishing her Chelsy Lueth | COLLEGIAN primarily due to debate over Kelly Maydwell, sophomore in animal sciences and industry, and Megan Reynolds, junior in theater, joke freshman year with a 1.58 grade point average. the amount of funding that together during a game of Apples to Apples in the basement of the Strong Complex on Thursday evening. “I hated from when I left hanging out with was recommended, and the Reynolds overcame her narcolepsy disability with the help of friends my friends to when I actually fell asleep,” senate was also concerned she said. “I’d be alone in the room with my Many individuals with narcolepsy may also ing most. that the group had not tried thoughts. I’d just be there and I would brood experience cataplexy, or loss of muscle control. “I don’t think people understand how tired alternative forms of fund- and not be able to escape the problems I knew Other symptoms are also hallucinations, sleep you are,” she said. raising before requesting I was having.” paralysis, restless nights and automatic behav- Reynolds said narcolepsy is not apparent at student dollars. Some mem- Narcolepsy, a neurological disorder, affects ior, in which people continue to carry out ac- first glance, so generally, no stigma is attached bers of the Allocations Com- the sleep regulating portion of the brain, mak- tions, seeming to be awake, but are not aware to it. However, she said it can be frustrat- mittee were also concerned ing it impossible to get proper rest and to stay of what they are doing and will have no mem- ing that people think it doesn’t have the same that the concert would be a on a normal sleep schedule. People who have ory of the action when waking. magnitude as other disabilities. mere social event. narcolepsy may experience excessive daytime Reynolds described her symptom as main- “Sometimes people treat it like it doesn’t ex- Over the past week, how- sleepiness and uncharacteristic REM sleep, ly an extreme case of excessive daytime sleep- ist,” she said. ever, new information was meaning they begin the dream phase of their iness. She said she would choose sleep over sleep almost immediately. anything else — even the things she loves do- See REYNOLDS, Page 6 See SGA, Page 6 OPEN SATURDAYS 10AM-2PM page 2 kansas state collegian friday, april 2, 2010 Clear-Cut Guidelines | By Ginger Pugh DAILY BLOTTER THE PLANNER ARREST REPORTS CAMPUS BULLETIN BOARD WEDNESDAY - April 3. Stop by the 2nd floor Develop More Selective and Effec- SHAPE will host Battle of the showcase in the Union during tive Cancer Treatments.” Kaylene Adele Schirmer, 925 Sexperts on April at 7 p.m. in the the week to see a disability rights Bluemont Ave., was arrested at 8:10 Union Courtyard. Show us your timeline. The week includes the The Graduate School announces a.m. for probation violation. Bond was sexpertise. Grab your friends and following events: the defense of doctoral disserta- set at $1,000. sign up as a team. 3-5 members Today: Musical entertainment tion by Yared Assefa titled “Grain per team. Enter your team online will be provided at the Lunchtime Sorghum in the Hybrid Era, 1957- Barry Joseph Kitchen, 1126 Garden at Lounge in the Union Courtyard 2008: Yield with Hybrid Advance- Way, was arrested at 12:05 p.m. for sexpert.htm. Registration fee: at noon. K-State students with ment and Improved Agronomic failure to appear. Bond was set at $5 per person (All preregistered disabilities will be the featured Practices.” It will be at 1:30 p.m. $12,000. participants receive a free T-shirt.) performers. April 12 in Throckmorton 2002. Registration deadline is April 9. Crystal Ann Braddock, 2500 Farm Rec Services is offering “Hip Powercat Financial Counsel- Bureau Rd., was arrested at 12:41 p.m. The K-State Student Subunit Hop Dance,” a five-week dance ing hosts Walk-in Financial Friday for driving with a canceled or sus- of the American Fisheries program, beginning April 5. The from 9 - 11 a.m. in the Office of pended license, three counts of assault, Society is hosting a free screening beginner level is on Tuesdays Student Activities and Services, three counts of criminal threat, criminal of the documentary film “The End and Thursdays at 6:30 p.m., with ground floor of the Union. No damage to property and disorderly of the Line” on April 7, at 7:30 p.m. the intermediate/advanced level appointment necessary. Come in conduct. Bond was set at $1,500. in the Little Theatre. on Tuesdays and Thursdays at and ask peer financial counselors 7:30 p.m. and Adult Hip Hop on your quick money questions every Leon Friedrich Houk, 7875 State Lake The City of Manhattan Parks Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. Sign up Friday morning until April 30. Rd., was arrested at 5:05 p.m. for failure & Recreation Department is in the administrative office at the to appear. Bond was set at $215. looking for volunteer youth base- Rec Complex by calling 785-532- Instructional Design and Tech- ball and softball coaches for the 6980. nology will offer “IDT Roundtable Garth William Prather, Gove, Kan., upcoming summer season. The ap- Show ME, Don’t Tell ME!” from 11 was arrested at 6:18 p.m. for failure to proximate season for the leagues Rec Services is offering a five- a.m. - 12:30 p.m. on April 22 in appear. Bond was set at $500. will be May 17 - July 23. Interested week dance program “Just Dance” Union 212. Events are open to all individuals may contact MPRD at on Monday evenings. The beginner faculty, staff and students. Mark Alexander Lawrence, 4440 587-2757 or e-mail Jeff Mayer at level is at 6:30 p.m., the interme- TCB, was arrested at 10:20 p.m. for [email protected]. diate at 7:30 p.m. and advanced The Planner is the Collegian’s battery. Bond was set at $1,000. technique at 8:30 p.m. The first bulletin board service. To place an A Census 2010 Questionnaire class is a free trial class for all lev- item in the Planner, stop by Kedzie Westley Eugene Stewart, Junction Assistance Center table, with els. Sign up in the administrative 116 and fill out a form or e-mail City, was arrested at 11:51 p.m. for an employee from the Census office by calling 785-532-6980. news editor Bethaney Wallace unlawful possession of a hallucinogen Bureau who can answer all of your at [email protected] by 11 and two counts of probation violation. questions, will be at the Union The Graduate School announces a.m. two days before it is to run. Bond was set at $3,000. outside of the food court, week- the final doctoral dissertation of Some items might not appear be days from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. through Matthew Basel today at 1 p.m. in cause of space constraints, but are THURSDAY April 16. Feel free to stop by. the Chemistry/Biochemistry Build- guaranteed to appear on the day ing, Room 437. The topic will be of the activity. Confirmation will Daniel Fortuno Osgood, Junction K-State For All! disability “Targeting Cancer Therapy: Using not be provided. City, was arrested at 3:25 a.m. for awareness week is March 28 Protease Cleavage Sequences to unlawful possession of hallucinogens and use or possession of paraphernalia with intent. No bond was set. CORRECTIONS kansas state collegian AND CLARIFICATIONS To view the daily The Collegian, a student newspaper at Kansas State University, is arrest report from the published by Student Publications Inc. It is published weekdays during Riley County Police If you see something that should be the school year and on Wednesdays during the summer. Periodical Department, go to the corrected or clarified, call news editor postage is paid at Manhattan, KS. POSTMASTER: Send address changes Collegian Web site, Bethaney Wallace at 785-532-6556 or to Kedzie 103, Manhattan, KS 66506-7167. First copy free, additional e-mail [email protected]. copies 25 cents. [USPS 291 020] © Kansas State Collegian, 2010 CCoonnggrraattuullaattiioonnss ttoo tthhee 22001100--22001111 BBlluuee KKeeyy SSeenniioorr $ EMPLOYEE OWNED HHoonnoorraarryy mmeemmbbeerrss 2.00 off Taylor Concannon Grand Buffet John Grice with Student/Faculty ID Bret Hanson Hannah Hoisington 785-587-8609 • 601 3rd Place Carissa Loehr Kyle Merklein Annie Oliver Reed Pankratz Kelby Polfer Have a question? Get an answer. Becky Sullivan Emily Surdez Danny Unruh Dr. Don Boggs, Ryan Wilkerson honorary member 1150 WESTLOOP CENTER Anna Zeiger MANHATTAN ©2010 2x1 advertise.crtr - Page 1 - Composite (cid:39)(cid:82)(cid:69)(cid:65)(cid:84)(cid:0)(cid:48)(cid:65)(cid:89)(cid:0)(cid:115)(cid:0)(cid:39)(cid:82)(cid:69)(cid:65)(cid:84)(cid:0)(cid:40)(cid:79)(cid:85)(cid:82)(cid:83) E S (cid:47)(cid:78)(cid:0)(cid:35)(cid:65)(cid:77)(cid:80)(cid:85)(cid:83)(cid:0)(cid:115)(cid:0)NO WEEKENDS TI R E V D Pick up an application and job description in Kedzie 103. A 785-532-6560 Applications due 4 p.m. Wednesday, April 14 edge fashion friday, april 2, 2010 kansas state collegian page 3 Wildcat Allegiance Purple should be incorporated in every day wear Caroline Sweeney T-SHIRT HEAVEN Picking the right shirt speaks volumes. As a college student, my “Should I wear purple with black or grey? closet is overflowing with T-shirts, sweat- What about dark purple with light purple or shirts and jeans. Right now, American Appar- lime green? Maybe a purple button down or a el and Gap are showcasing really great relaxed fit dress?” These are things I think about every shirts. Although I am a firm believer in relaxed day day. There seems to be endless combinations wear, I never let a T-shirt stand alone. of how to show K-State pride, but picking When searching through the closet in the morning, the appropriate outfit is important. Men think of different things that can spruce up your everyday and women have to think about the T-shirt. Try layering purple over a lighter color such as grey, color purple differently but the col- yellow or lime green. If you want to wear a scarf, make sure or can work well for both. it is a neutral, like black or silver, and make sure it is light- weight. I like to pick the jeans for the day by which shoes I want to wear. Since the weather is warmer, I like skinny jeans with gladiator sandals, flip flops or flats. When the sum- mer rolls around pick out denim or khaki shorts with your purple, layered K-State T-shirt. I also think a cute jean skirt that is a flattering length, with wedges and a headband really round out a good K-State shirt in spring. (Maybe for Spring Game, ladies?) THE NEXT STEP A NIGHT OUT Finding a job is a meticulous When choosing an outfit that process. Everything is scrutinized, right I’m going out in, I first think about fit. I down to your nail color. Keeping things away will pass up current styles so that I can wear from black and white can make the process more something flattering and classic. Purple is a time- personalized and fun. Subtly keeping K-State with less color and should be included, at least once, in you can be a great thing for that. evening wear. Wear something professional, yet memorable. This is For a nice night out, try to avoid layering if you can. A where a great lilac shirt and black pencil skirt become a dinner date isn’t the time for a cotton overload. This would power pair. Put on black patent leather pumps with some be a great time to experiment with purple accessories. Try a drop earrings and call yourself unstoppable. If you aren’t great black wrap, tea-length dress with plum shoes and a great comfortable with that much purple, go back to your ac- light purple clutch. Put on diamond stud earrings and a thick cessories. A great purple bauble necklace with a black silver bangle for a touch of glamour. and white ensemble is a fun way to show your pro- Here is one of my cardinal rules: if you are going to wear fessional K-State pride. A word of caution though, a simple outfit, wear incredible shoes. Ladies, shoes make this is not a place for an arm full of purple an outfit come together. I am a firm believer in the power a silver jangle bangles. Still wear fabu- of the pump and purple pumps are top-notch. Patent lous shoes, but keep them four leather will never go out of style. Suede is great for inches and shorter. fall and early winter. (Remember, that suede should not get wet.) Floral patterns and straps are fun for springtime and A LITTLE GQ summer. Don’t worry, I have not forgotten about all the gentlemen out there. A guy wear- ing purple in the proper way is very clean and classic. From button-down shirts to great pocket squares, purple can be a part of your everyday wardrobe, guys. Unlike the ladies, men can get away with some more obvious K-State attire. Powercat ties and pocket squares can be a fun addition to a suit. Think about pairing a plain black suit and a white shirt when wearing a large patterned tie. My best advice, is to stay away from the Remem- Powercat print every day, unless the occasion calls for it. ber, ladies, that T-shirts One thing that is a lost art in men’s fashion is cuff links. A good pair do not have to stand alone, ac- of Powercat cuff links with a purple shirt and dark suit can make a great cessories can make an outfit fun and statement. It is subtle, yet still says “I bleed purple.” One thing that is re- that shoes are a powerful thing. Guys, be emerging is the use of the lapel pin. Use the Powercat lapel pin every- brave when it comes to work clothes. Keep day. Keep a few around the house in case you lose one. This really K-State in mind with cuff links, a tie or a shows K-State pride in a subtle, classy way. pocket square. Use print sparingly and always Purple is more than a power suit accessory. A purple polo try to incorporate purple in a new way. with jeans, khakis or even dress pants make great com- binations. Look at polos that show a little con- Caroline Sweeney is a senior in public relations. trast like white on the collar and sleeves Send comments to [email protected]. or with a white Powercat. Photo illustration by Tommy Theis ‘Chimpmunks: The Squeakquel’ falls ‘squeaky’ at best “Alvin and the On Dave’s orders, Al- a daring and bold move by ie seem less true. vin, Theodore and Simon writers and directors to con- “The Squeakquel” was Chipmunks” head to school and put tinue entertaining the mass- just missing that feeling. ★★✩✩✩ aside their superstar mu- es with an idea that has It was as if they crammed Movie review by Patrick Bales sic life. Coincidentally their been introduced already. A someone’s story into an- school’s music program is make-or-break opportunity, other person’s mov- going under if they can- continuing a story through- ie. That awkward feeling Amidst a world of ani- not win a local competition out multiple movies in- never allowed me to tru- mated movies targeted at worth $25,000. The prin- volves many risks. ly enjoy this movie and families and younger audi- cipal tasks the Chipmunks Directed by Betty Thom- for that, I am sad. The ences sits a special series with winning the compe- as, this movie may have bit- first movie was extreme- dear to the hearts of an old- tition and saving the pro- ten off more than it can ly enjoyable and captivat- er generation. Young adults gram. They must now cope chew. Being a bit more pop- ed the audience around and parents alike have with the pressures put forth ular at the box office than me. This one fell just a bit grown up listening to the by fame, school and this “Alvin and the Chipmunks” short, and I fear that the Christmas albums and tun- musical challenge. in 2007, the numbers may story may be done on the ing in for the cartoons de- A story that truly tests be a bit more bloated than big screen. picting the lovable little the bonds of brotherhood, the truth dictates. It will take a seriously Chipmunks singing group. high school is a rough task More of a novelty idea impressive vision to bring A continuation of for even the most sheltered than a great story, “The the Chipmunks back in the original, “Alvin and teen. The introduction of Squeakquel” was cute, but a way that doesn’t just the Chipmunks: The the Chipettes, a trio of fe- lacked the true feeling of appeal to children. At Squeakquel” is full of mem- male chipmunks makes life the first. If there is one thing this point, the only thing bers from the original cast. even more difficult for the about sequels that is simply more dangerous than In this installment, the Chipmunks. Already strug- off-putting, it happens when “The Squeakquel” would fuzzy little trio accidental- gling with their brother Al- the true spirit of a story is be a chipmunk-size tril- ly puts Dave into the hospi- vin’s high school tempta- lost between movies. Each ogy. tal and he falls into the care tions to play football, Simon director carries with him an of their aunt’s dysfunction- and Theodore struggle with artistic ability and trying to Aaron Weiser is a senior in al grandson Toby (Zacha- being alone and unpopular. recreate another director’s economics. Send comments to ry Levi). Sequels are a funny thing, vision tends to make a mov- [email protected]. COURTESY PHOTO WWaallkk iinn MMeeddiiccaall TTrreeaattmmeenntt OOppeenn 77 ddaayyss aa wweeeekk UUrrggeenntt CCaarree (cid:24)(cid:24)(cid:25)(cid:25)(cid:22)(cid:22)(cid:14)(cid:14)(cid:22)(cid:22)(cid:23)(cid:23)(cid:22)(cid:22)(cid:14)(cid:14)(cid:17)(cid:17)(cid:17)(cid:17)(cid:18)(cid:18)(cid:23)(cid:23)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:116)(cid:116)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:26)(cid:26)(cid:20)(cid:20)(cid:17)(cid:17)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:41)(cid:41)(cid:66)(cid:66)(cid:90)(cid:90)(cid:70)(cid:70)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:37)(cid:37)(cid:83)(cid:83)(cid:15)(cid:15) MMoonn--SSaatt 99aa --88pp SSuunn 1100aa-- 66pp opinion page 4 kansas state collegian friday, april 2, 2010 Getting on Track Illustration by Hannah Loftus Trains provide more environmentally efficient mode of transportation The development and improvement route continue to grow. are allowed to bring onboard their own of railways will decrease congestion in Currently, the United States trans- food and drink, including alcohol. Train highways and airports, boost econom- portation system uses up 70 percent of passengers are given a chance to social- ic development, reduce greenhouse gas the country’s oil demand. Rail travel is ize with other passengers in a relaxed emissions and America’s dependence one of the most energy-efficient forms environment. on foreign oil, and provide a safer and of travel, consuming at least 17 percent Sadly, Kansas only has one route that more enjoyable alternative means of less than commercial airlines or cars. crosses the state from west to east. The travel for people. With rising oil prices and increasing se- route goes from Kansas City to Newton The U.S. Department of Transporta- curity threats from foreign oil provid- and Garden City. The night service is in- tion calls air and highway congestion ers, adopting means of traveling which frequent and inconvenient, and it does Mayra Rivarola “chronic.” Between 1995 and 2005 trav- require less oil seems to be a responsi- not pass through the biggest city in the el time increased an average of 10 per- ble choice. area, Wichita. cent, causing delays and resulting in The transportation system in the U.S. The Northern Flyer Alliance is work- Train travel is not only the safest form economic losses. The expansion of high- also contributes to 28 percent of green- ing to get a bill passed to create a mech- of travel, it is clean, energy-efficient, speed train rails in the U.S. would re- house gas emissions. According to the anism for funding for a future corridor cheaper and much more enjoyable than duce traffic congestion by providing an World Resources Institute, commercial in Kansas, connecting Newton to Wich- driving or flying. alternative to people who travel short airlines emit .48 kilograms of carbon per ita and Oklahoma City, linking Kansas The Kansas Department of Trans- distances. passenger mile and cars emit .35 kilo- City to Dallas. Ultimately, after a mech- portation diverts most of its funding to The per-mile average cost of driving grams, while rail is responsible for .21 anism for funding is approved, railway maintenance or construction of new a car is more than double the average kilograms. projects will need the actual funding. highways, according to From of the cost of a train ticket per mile. Not Other than the economic and envi- This means money will have to be taken 2000 to 2009, the department spent a only is traveling by train cheaper, but it ronmental benefits, traveling by train from somewhere else. total of $8.4 billion, of which $7.8 billion also provides an alternative economic is much safer and more enjoyable. Ac- Is Kansas ready to support a clean- was spent on state highways and local development source for cities and areas cording to the U.S. Department of er and more sustainable mode of travel, roads. Only $364 million was spent in surrounding train stations. Transportation, in 2005, 95 percent of which will not only reduce greenhouse rail improvements. In 1999, Oklahoma invested in a 206- fatal travel accidents were related to gas emissions but also America’s depen- As part of the stimulus package passed mile passenger train route connecting highway travel. Train passengers are 40 dence on foreign oil? Or will we con- last year, $8 billion was allocated to sup- Oklahoma City and Fort Worth. Accord- times less likely to be involved in a fa- tinue to cling to un-sustainable, anti-so- port high-speed rail, with priority to pas- ing to an Amtrak report, in 2005, the in- tal accident. cial and dirty modes of travel? It will be senger-train travel. Additionally, Presi- vestment resulted in $23 million in eco- Also, train passengers have to go up to you. dent Obama’s proposed budget includes nomic development, money channeled through much less of a hassle to travel $1 billion per year to support high-speed directly to local communities. Econom- than air and car travelers. There are no Mayra Rivarola is a senior in mass communications. passenger-train travel. ic benefits from the construction of that limits to baggage weight and passengers Send comments to [email protected]. Citizens should not support partisan politics ckanosas l l e statge ian Corene Brisendine editor-in-chief controversial. are certainly a number of contribut- vens promises another partisan bat- Lauren Garrison | metro editor But the list of issues facing the U.S. ing factors. tle. What can we do as citizens to Grant Guggisberg | sports editor that need to be addressed isn’t get- On the most shallow level, parti- hold our representatives to a stan- Hannah Loftus | opinion editor ting any shorter: financial regulations, sanship has taken hold because in- dard of ideological consistency rather Justin Nutter | sports editor immigration reform, climate change, dividual politicians insist on voting than party affiliation? Owen Praeger | online editor Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, down party lines, rather than based First and foremost, we can use the Kelley Price | multimedia editor Comprehensive Test-Ban Treaty and on a consistent ideology. The binary midterm elections to hold our repre- Jesse Riggs | managing editor dealing with an unbalanced budget of blue and red politics isn’t a reflec- sentatives accountable for irresponsi- Mayra Rivarola | campus editor are just a few. tion of rigid and actual divergence in ble decision-making. We can seek out Carlos Salazar | presentation editor Beth Mendenhall Republicans and Democrats had beliefs — some of the most liberal Re- and elect post-partisan politicians, Tim Schrag | edge editor no personal incentive to work with publicans out-left the most conserva- who do exist. We can resist the tide of Logan Snyder | ad manager one another on health care — they tive democrats, and vice versa. Par- anti-intellectualism by refusing sound Rachel Spicer | presentation editor Every good political science stu- both knew that demonizing the oth- tisan politics facilitates the kind of bites in favor of reasoned and evi- Tommy Theis | photo editor dent knows the U. S. government er side was their best hope at re-elec- horse-trading that characterizes pol- denced argument. More radically, we Bethaney Wallace | news editor was created to be slow and ineffi- tion. Now that the health care debate itics of self-interest, rather than the ought to consider strict term limits Bethaney Wallace | copy chief cient. Structural obstacles would en- is over, prospects for cooperation are common good. that decrease the role of re-election DISPLAY ADS............785-532-6560 sure that any major policy changes even lower. On a structural level, some degree in democratic decision-making. CLASSIFIED ADS.......785-532-6555 could only be the result of prolonged Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., told of partisanship is inevitable. Short As citizens, we ought to support an DELIVERY ................785-532-6555 deliberation and undeniable consen- an Arizona radio station last week term lengths and lack of term lim- opposed legislation based on its po- NEWSROOM.............785-532-6556 sus. “there will be no cooperation for its means re-election is always on the tential contribution to the common Unfortunately, the current Con- the rest of the year. They have poi- minds of members of the House, and good, not whether it was proposed or LETTERS TO THE EDITOR gress has taken partisan politics to soned the well in what they’ve done still highly relevant for members of is supported by the Congress people The Collegian welcomes your letters to the a level of inefficiency and gridlock and how they’ve done it,” referring to the Senate. The razor-thin majority in wearing our preferred colors. Chang- editor. They can be submitted by e-mail to [email protected], or in person to Kedzie unheard of in recent administra- health care. With the ability to filibus- the Senate, plus the 60 votes needed ing the character of our personal poli- 116. Please include your full name, year in tions. After the “victory” on health ter in the Senate, Republicans have to overcome a filibuster, means stick- tics is the best way to reform the grid- school and major. Letters should be limited care, and with the midterms loom- both the will and ability to create ing with the party is absolutely vi- lock and radical inefficiency of to- to 350 words. All submitted letters might ing in November, there is literally no permanent gridlock. But Democrats tal to Democratic policy-making, and day’s partisan politics. be edited for length and clarity. chance of anything getting done on aren’t exactly reaching out either. even more so for Republican obstruc- KANSAS STATE COLLEGIAN Capitol Hill. Neither party wants to Why has U. S. law-making been tionism. Beth Mendenhall is a senior in political science [email protected] give the other a win, or stick their hijacked by partisan politics? It’s dif- The impending retirement of Su- and philosophy. Send comments to opinion@ necks out for anything even slightly ficult to assign the blame, but there preme Court Justice John Paul Ste- Kedzie 103, Manhattan, KS 66506 sports page 5 kansas state collegian friday, april 2, 2010 Seeing Red K-State’s sports are showing promise Aaron Weiser If you are new to K-State this year, you may think that it’s all about the sports. Stopping just short of the postseason in football and almost taking that fanciful trip to Indy this past March, the Wildcats have definitely turned it around in the last couple years. That wonderful turn of events, should be here to stay. With the beginning of baseball, conference play and attendance records, it looks like baseball is go- ing to be another glorious journey down the road of ranking. Winning the last Nathaniel LaRue | COLLEGIAN seven games and being Tanner Witt, second baseman, throws a ball towards third base in a game against Wichita State on Tuesday evening. Witt had four at bats during the ranked No. 20, the K-State game with two hits. The Cats face off against the Texas Tech Raiders tonight in their second game of in a three game series in Lubbock, Texas. baseball team under head coach Brad Hill is showing a tremendous amount of Cats fall to Raiders in first Big 12 game potential. Where did it all start? What wonderful things Blake Thorson | COLLEGIAN record. Martini also scored a run in the with a 2-RBI single. are behind the exception- inning on senior Daniel Dellasega’s RBI- It was as close as K-State would get as al performance of K-State K-State (20-4) dug themselves an ear- single. Tech pushed across another run on Mar- athletics? Look to the ly hole against the Texas Tech Red Raid- Tech pushed its lead to 6-2 in the bot- shall in the bottom of the fourth on a Bar- coaching staff and the ad- ers (13-15) and could never fully recover tom of the third as they continued to hit rett Barnes RBI-single. Junior left-hander ministration behind them. as they fell 8-5 in the first game of a three- Marshall hard, racking up a walk and two Thomas Rooke took over for Marshall and K-State has undergone a game series in Lubbock, Tex. hits in the inning, including an RBI-triple held the Red Raiders scoreless through 3.1 major restructuring in the Sophomore starter Evan Marshall (2-1) by right fielder Scott LaJeune, who was innings of work while striking out four. past year and a half. Look- was roughed up for seven runs on seven 4-for-4 with two runs on the evening. The Cats were unable to generate any ing to a new generation for hits in 3.1 innings of work. The Red Raid- K-State refused to go away, though, as runs against the Red Raider bullpen as leadership and recogniz- ers tallied four runs in the bottom of the they responded with three more runs in four relievers combined to hold the Cats ing the accomplishments second off Marshall and controlled the the top of the fourth to close within a run scoreless to pick up the win for starter of the past decades, it was game for the remainder of the night. at 6-5. John Neely who have up five runs on five time to continue K-State’s Marshall allowed four hits and a hit a Sophomore first baseman Kent Urban hits through 3.2 innings of work. modernization. That is ex- batter in the four-run inning and really started the charge with a double and soph- Martini finished the evening 3-for-4 actly what has happened. never got comfortable all night as the Red omore Matt Giller followed that up with with three RBIs on the night. Muenster Under the new adminis- Raiders continually hit the ball hard. an RBI-single scoring Urban. Freshman went 2-for-4 with two runs and a walk. K- tration with President Kirk The Wildcats responded in the top of Chase Graskewicz drew a walk to move State was also held without a stolen base Schulz, a new athletics di- the third with two runs of their own. Se- Giller to second and both advanced on for the first time all season. rector in John Currie and nior Adam Muenster continued his hot sophomore Jake Brown’s sacrifice bunt. The series is scheduled to resume today by making solid choices in hitting as he singled to lead off the in- After a Muenster walk loaded the bases, at 6:30 p.m. K-State is expected to send the athletics department, ning and later scored on an RBI-double junior shortstop Carter Jurica hit a field- senior Ryan Daniel to the mound, while K-State is on the rise. by sophomore Nick Martini. The double er’s choice and Giller was retired at home the Red Raiders will counter with junior After standing behind pushed Martini’s hit streak to 21 games, for the second out. However, the Cats Bobby Duran. The game can be heard on Frank Martin and the which is only four away from the school were not done yet as Martini struck again SportsRadio 1350 KMAN. choice to keep him on as head coach, the athlet- ics department prides it- self in having one of the best coaching staffs in the nation. K-State has set it- ROWING TRACK AND FIELD self up for success, first by keeping coaches with na- Competition continues in Ariz. Cats look to take 6th tional claims to fame in the NCAA and other ranks like Martin, Deb Patterson, Suzie Fritz, Brad Hill and, straight Showdown Justin Nutter | COLLEGIAN not the least of the list, Bill Snyder. The K-State track and field team has Bringing back Snyder returned to Arizona for the second time was step two. The legend, Sam Nearhood | COLLEGIAN in five days, this time to compete in the the dangerous toeing of Jim Click Shootout, hosted by the Uni- past and present, attempt- It’s that time of year again: the sun is as high in versity of Arizona. ing to do one of the most the sky as “Lucy,” the forecast predicts a tempera- The Wildcats were in the Grand Canyon reckless things in sports by ture in the 60s and the Wildcat rowing team is ready State less than a week ago for the ASU In- bringing back such an icon to properly usher in the spring season by handing vitational in Tempe. But this time around, out of retirement to lead the Jayhawks their tail feathers for the sixth year in they’re about 115 miles southeast in the a down-and-out team was a row. city of Tucson for the three-day meet, the key. Has it complete- This Saturday, the team is set to face the Univer- which started yesterday with the men’s ly panned out yet? May- sity of Kansas at Wyandotte County Lake, located and women’s heptathlon and decathlons. be not to the critics, but let just outside Kansas City, Kan., for the first Sunflow- Five athletes are currently engaged me tell you what did hap- er Showdown of the year, after poor weather buffet- in competition for K-State in the multi- pen. The stage was set for ed the annual meeting between the two teams last events, which are set to wrap up tomor- the Wildcats and Manhat- October. Five years back, K-State won the state ri- row. In men’s competition, junior Moritz tan to take the nation by valry and took home the Kansas Cup, and the Cats Cleve, sophomore Mantas Silkauskas and force this year. haven’t lost to the Jayhawks since. true freshman Tomas Kirielius are trying But the true inspiration The Wildcats are coming off a mediocre showing their luck in the decathlon. for K-State athletics this in San Diego for the Crew Classic there - a two-day Cleve, a native of Germany, is no year and the most impres- frenzy with hundreds of schools in fierce national stranger to the decathlon, as he won the sive factor of all, has been competition - taking third place in the varsity boat Big 12 title in the event last season, set- the fan base. The crowds and fourth in the novice. ting a conference meet record with 8,004 have been truly awe-inspir- Kansas also faced some disappointment last week- points en route to a berth in the NCAA ing this year in Manhattan. end when the University of Texas won all six com- finals. Silkauskas, who grew up in Lithu- Driven by hope for the fu- petitions except for the Second Varsity Four. That ania, also brings an impressive resume ture and a shot in the pres- came after a third-place tie with Tulsa at the Univer- to the table. He finished second behind Nathaniel LaRue | COLLEGIAN ent, the teams have built sity of Oklahoma Invitational the weekend of Spring Cleve in last year’s conference finals and off of a very loyal and sol- Break. posted an NCAA automatic qualifying Amanda Boor, senior, competes in the weight id crowd. In the Kansas Cup matchup last year, K-State score of 7,706 points. Kirielius, also from throw in the K-State open on Feb. 20. Manhattan is a diffi- bested the Jayhawks in the First Varsity Eight, Sec- Lithuania, is making his outdoor debut in cult place in which to play ond Varsity Eight and First Novice Eight divisions to a Wildcat uniform, but owns the Lithua- The Wildcats will see some stiff com- ball. With rowdy and spir- claim the title. So far this season, the Novice Eight nian junior decathlon record with a score petition over the weekend, as the tourna- ited fans, the stadium and boat has found considerable success. of 7,154 points. ment field includes California and host coliseum simply take away The race is set to begin at 10 a.m. Saturday. For On the women’s side, senior Stephanie school Arizona — both from the Pacific your breath. Realizing the those who plan to attend, directions to Wyandotte Hedje and true freshman Klaudia Deme- 10 Conference — Big 10 schools, Illinois true impact of such an oc- County Lake can be found at ter are participating in the heptathlon. and Minnesota, as well as K-State’s con- casion we should all rev- Hedje, a product of Rocky Mountain High ference foe, Nebraska. The Golden Bears el in the fact that we have School in Fort Collins, Colo., will look to and Golden Gophers are both ranked in been — and are still — a finish her collegiate career in style after the preseason men’s top-25 poll, the Illini part of it. finishing fifth in the heptathlon in the last are present in the women’s rankings and As head coach Brad Hill two Big 12 championship meets. Demeter, the Huskers appear in both polls. and the K-State baseball coffee & a member of the 2008 Hungarian Nation- Today’s action starts with the 100-meter team gear up to take on a al Team, will join Kirielius as the second hurdles — the sixth leg of the decathlon — very talented conference, a the collegian Wildcat to see the first action of her K- at 11 a.m. Competition will resume tomor- proud K-State nation pre- State career. row with the women’s hammer throw at 9 pares to witness yet anoth- a better way to start the A group of 40 K-State athletes — 21 a.m., while running events begin at 12:30 er rise to the top. men and 19 women — will get the oppor- p.m. with the 3,000-meter steeplechase. morning than a quiz in tunity to showcase their talents tomorrow There is no live coverage of the meet, Aaron Weiser is a senior in eco- your 8:05 a.m. lecture during the track and field portion of the but a full schedule of the weekend’s events nomics. Please send comments to competition, which will be team scored. is available at [email protected]. page 6 kansas state collegian friday, april 2, 2010 SGA | Funding for Union Zoo hosts Eggstravaganza, Dino Day passes, by-law changes proposed Karen Ingram | COLLEGIAN Continued from Page 1 asked. “It’s my understand- The Sunset Zoo is scheduled to host its annual ing it’s been patched for a EGGstravaganza and Dino Day Saturday. presented to the senate that long time.” EGGstravaganza has been held at the zoo for suggested the group had The senate voted to pass many years and has included Dino Day for the past been exploring alternative the emergency allocation two years. K-State graduate Jeremy Thornburgh fundraising methods. They for the Union. The Union wanted opportunities to teach children about dino- had raised $500 in addi- is funded solely by student saurs. Because it is theorized that many dinosaurs tional funding and reduced dollars and does not re- hatched from eggs, it was decided that Dino Day fit their requested amount by ceive university funding. well with the springtime holiday theme, according $300 to $2,600. Therefore, if the allocation to Allie Lousch, marketing director for Sunset Zoo. The bill was passed this did not pass, the roof like- Events include face painting, digging for dinosaur time, giving the Workers ly would not be fixed in the bones and hunting for candy. The zoo will also pro- of Wisdom group the full near future. vide children and families the opportunity to meet amount they requested. A bill introduced by Ra- egg-laying animals up close, such as snakes and a Another critical bill that chel King, senate intern, bearded dragon. Representatives from the K-State the senate focused on was was an amendment to the Insect Zoo will also be present. an emergency allocation to SGA by-laws. It focused This year, the zoo is making stronger efforts to the K-State Student Union. on giving senate interns “go green,” including doing away with disposable The Union had approached the right to make motions plastic eggs. Lousch said that the candy hunt will the Privilege Fee Commit- within senate meetings. take place between five or six different stations tee to request the use of “Making motions really around the zoo. their reserve account to fosters these intern experi- EGGstravaganza and Dino Day will take place replace the roof over the ences,” King said. “We re- between noon and 5 p.m. Admission to the event is Union courtyard. ally just want to have that the normal entrance fee for the zoo, and children The estimated cost of option to be engaged in under 2 years of age are free. the repair was $154,950. this process.” More information on EGGstravaganza and oth- For the repair, $55,000 will King cited the SGA By- er upcoming zoo events can be found at sunsetzoo. come from the Union’s Re- laws Web site, saying, “In- com, on the Sunset Zoo’s page, or pair and Replacement Re- terns receive all rights by calling 785-587-2737. serve Account. An addi- that student senators pos- tional $100,000 will come sess except they lack vot- from the committee’s ing privileges.” Right now, Emergency Allocation Ac- she said, interns lack more count. than just voting privileges. Senator Doug Shane, ju- Senator Peter Weinert, nior in animal sciences and sophomore in music edu- industry, argued against cation, suggested it would the bill. simply be easier just to “They knew, we knew, change the Web site. the roof was going to be a “Interns are not elect- need of the Union,” Shane ed officials,” Weinert said. said. “Emergency in my “Because they are not mind constitutes an emer- elected, they should not gency. This roof, we’ve have motion rights.” known for a long time.” Tanner Banion, senator Committee chair Jessi- graduate student, said that ca Schultz, senior in politi- this sort of bill has arisen PHOTOS COURTESY OF SUNSET ZOO cal science, said the repair three times in his senate Children participate in last year’s events at the Sunset Zoo of the roof was included in career. He was concerned by digging for dinosaur bones and getting up close and the Union’s current five- that by passing this bill, personal with zoo animals. year plan, but the roof fell they would set a precedent into disrepair before they for future intern classes to had expected. press for more rights. REYNOLDS | Disabled student learns to cope at college Faculty representative The bill failed to pass Bill Muir said that the leak the senate. started within the current Next Thursday, power is senate term and the prob- transferred to the new sen- Continued from Page 1 assignments. They even helped her Reynolds said she uses the strug- lem could not have been ate for the 2010-11 sen- complete them. Reynolds cred- gles of her first years to help push foreseen. ate term. It will be the Reynolds said her disability adds its her friends for helping get her her to do better. “Are there not fore- first meeting for the newly a separate category to her day, on out of the vicious cycle of missing “I use it as a motivator and say seeable problems with a elected senators and sen- top of classes and homework. She classes and assignments. this is where I’ve been, this is how 20-year-old roof?” Shane ate officers. said she sometimes sleeps through “They sat there, kept me awake bad it can get,” she said. “And even her scheduled homework time, and watched me do what I needed though you’ve been there, you can and has even slept for 24 hours to do,” she said. fix it.” Will college students straight. Reynolds said she would write Although Reynolds said she “Going to bed and not knowing her papers, and then her friends misses out on some typical experi- when you’re going to wake up is would peer edit them, fixing the ences like driving, getting a semes- terrifying,” she said. misspelled words and flipped out- ter job and pulling all-nighters, make a mark on the Reynolds said sometimes she of-order phrases that were a result she still keeps an upbeat attitude will be in such a deep sleep that of her extreme exhaustion. She and positive outlook on life. she wakes up with her hand turn- would go to sleep and her friends Barker described Reynolds as a ing colors. The tingling feeling of would wake her up in the morn- huge extrovert, talkative and al- 2010 Census? it falling asleep was not enough ing. They had her assignments sta- ways friendly. Hyde said Reynolds to wake her. She also said she has pled and put in a folder for her to is a very happy person, who is al- had more dangerous incidents, like take to class. ways fun and energetic. when she fell asleep while dry- “She was my friend and I saw Reynolds hopes to one day Michelle Williams | UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS ing her hair, only waking because she needed help,” said Heather work at a theatre, both behind the of the smell of the fumes from the Hyde, junior in geology. “I know scenes and on stage. At the start of 2010, the U.S. Census Bureau began a dryer. she would have done the same for Her advice to students, who four-month campaign to inform the public about the Cen- At the beginning of her fresh- me.” have a disability or health condi- sus, which starts April 1, yet still citizens remain confused, man year, Reynolds registered MJ Barker, graduate student in tion, is to ask for help. She said it especially students. with Disabilities Support Servic- education and Reynolds’ room- is important to get registered with University of Massachusetts students wonder whether to es (DSS), an on-campus service mate, said Reynolds is learning to the DSS, to communicate with declare themselves in Amherst or back home, why the gov- that helps disabled students keep work around the barriers that she people and let them know what is ernment is asking questions about their households, and in contact with teachers and stay faces, and said she is doing so very going on. DSS stresses to students whether to even fill out the form. on task. She said while she knew well. that the problems they are having As written in the United States Constitution, it is re- she could ask them for help, she Since her freshman year, Reyn- are not their fault. quired that every resident in the country be counted every felt like she was just getting in the olds has learned how to use the For now Reynolds is enjoy- 10 years. According to the United States Census 2010 Web way. DSS to her advantage. They help ing her junior year. She recently site, “The 2010 Census will help communities receive more “I felt bad about saying some- her work with her teachers and learned to play the guitar and has than $400 billion in federal funds each year,” for services thing,” she said. “I should be able create a schedule to keep her- started writing her own songs. She including hospitals, schools, public works, and emergency to do this on my own.” self organized. She is also back is scheduled to perform two of her services. The data will also help determine the number of She said one day she could not on track with the medications songs at the Lunch Time Lounge seats each state receives in the House of Representatives. hold in what she was feeling and she needs, helping her attend on Friday in the student union. All Dr. Douglas L. Anderton, an associate dean at UMass finally spilled all the problems she classes more regularly. Reynolds performers for the event are regis- and an expert in population studies, said it benefits citizens was facing to her friends. They im- has raised her grade point aver- tered with the DSS as part of the to fill out the Census in order to receive federal funding. mediately sprang into action, mak- age a full point. She said she ex- K-State for All! Disability Aware- ing Reynolds contact teachers and pects it to be above a 3.0 after this ness Events. See CENSUS, Page 8 find out how to make up missing semester. R ELIGION Directory St. Isidore’s Grace Catholic Student Baptist Center Church First Baptist Church MASS SCHEDULE 5-6 p.m. Fair Trade Advocates “The Church on the Hill” Tuesday-Thursday 10:00 p.m. 2901 Dickens - 2 blks. E. of Seth Child 6-8:00 p.m. Table Fellowship 2121 Blue Hills Road Sunday Worship Friday 12:10 p.m. 785-539-8691 Saturday 5 p.m. 8:00, 9:20 and 11:00 a.m. 6:30-8 p.m. Healthy Relationships 9:45 am Sunday School Sunday 9:30 a.m., 11 a.m. Bible Classes 8:00, 9:20 or 11:00 a.m. 11:00 am Sunday Worship Sun. 4:30 p.m., 6 p.m. Evening Service or Growth Groups 6 p.m. 5:30-6:30 Prayerful Yoga 6:30-8:00 p.m. Faith Forum Praise Team Every Week Father Keith Weber, Chaplain 785-776-0424 R.C. McConnell, Pastor (All events will take place at ECM 1021 711 Denison 539-7496 (cid:24)(cid:16)(cid:17)(cid:0)(cid:44)(cid:69)(cid:65)(cid:86)(cid:69)(cid:78)(cid:87)(cid:79)(cid:82)(cid:84)(cid:72)(cid:0)(cid:115)(cid:0)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:23)(cid:13)(cid:16)(cid:21)(cid:17)(cid:24) Denison Ave.) [email protected] Come Worship Faith Evangelical Free Church FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH Wildcat Ministries MANHATTAN JEWISH ELCA Student Center JOIN With Us 1801 Anderson Ave. CONGREGATION Worship: Sunday THE 1st Church of the Nazarene Saturday 5:30 pm 7:00 pm Fellowship Dinner 3031 Kimball Ave. Sunday 8:30 & 11:00 am Tuesday DIRECTORY 9:30 Sunday School Steve Ratliff, Senior Pastor 8:00 pm Bible Study 10:40 Sunday Worship Brian Anderson, Assoc. Pastor 7:00 Wed. Bible Study, Teens N Religion Directory Call College lunch at Union every Thursday 1921 Barnes Rd W E Barnes Handicapped 11:15-1:15 at Salsaritas 1.6 Miles North S Accessible d 785-532-6560 YouwthSw e&nw iCo7.mro8 Pll5aeags-nte5o hmr3:a i9Pntait-sta2t rWn8y noe5ypa1rpazon.rocthurngities 77o6f K-2im0b8all6 BKluimemboalnlt vlB keerC elttuT www93.F0i rPstoLyuntthze •r a7n8M5 a53n7h 785-532-6555 in the KANSAS STATE COLLEGIAN Once in a Lifetime friday, april 2, 2010 kansas state collegian page 7 Merriewether to marry girlfriend after cruise ship proposal Ashley Dunkak | COLLEGIAN Two years ago, Merrieweth- er went back to Florida for sum- While the basketball season mer break, and that is when he ended sooner than he would and Owens finally started hang- have liked, Chris Merrieweth- ing out in person. Their families er still has a happy ending — or, met each other at a lunch after more appropriately — a begin- church one day before they were ning, to look forward to. Her even officially dating. name is Stacie Owens, and he “Family’s really important to proposed to her on a cruise to me; family’s really important Key West and Cozumel about to Chris,” Owens said. “I think two weeks before school began that’s one of the things that we in August. had in common initially.” “It was so crazy me organiz- Owens said both of them were ing this thing. Because, say, if raised in Christian homes and somebody proposes to you or had become stronger in their something, if they propose in a relationships with God as they place that you guys are familiar got older, so that has been their with, they can easily orchestrate number one priority and a very stuff because they know peo- important similarity. ple, right?” Merriewether said. Although they have their mo- “Well, imagine a ship; you don’t ments when they go to the mov- know anybody beforehand.” ies or just relax, they generally Owens said Merriewether had like to do activities like bowling, been acting somewhat strangely miniature golf or playing pool, the last day of the cruise, plan- Owens said. ning out everything when he is While she can’t recall wheth- usually very laid-back. He was er they had an official first date, capturing every moment on Owens does remember the first film, excusing the odd behav- time Merriewether kissed her. ior as seasickness. However, she “It was July 4, and at this said she was not expecting the point we had been dating for proposal. awhile without officially hav- COURTESY PHOTO Although they had been talk- ing the title of dating, and I kept Chris Merriewether poses with his fiancee Stacie Owens after a home basketball game in Bramlage Coliseum. ing about getting engaged for wondering, ‘Is this guy ever go- awhile, Owens did not think ting pictures. He did a really “It forces you to be an un- sional guys who have it togeth- ing to kiss me?’” Merriewether would ask her to good job.” derstanding member of the re- er,” Owens said. “Of course he’s She said she wondered if she marry him on the cruise because The couple has not yet set any lationship and prioritize and be gorgeous, to me, but beyond that was reading the situation com- it would be too predictable for wedding details since both are understanding of the other per- he’s exceptionally smart, excep- pletely wrong. But on that holi- him, since he is always trying moving to Bartlesville, Okla., to son’s schedule, and I think that’s tionally intelligent, and just so day, they went to the beach with to surprise her. Consequent- work for ConocoPhillips in the a fundamental thing it teaches mature for his age. I still find his sister and his sister’s boy- ly, when the waiter pulled the near future. Owens, who received you,” Owens said. “You’re not in myself sometimes forgetting that friend, and after the fireworks, stainless steel cover off the plate her degree in marketing from a relationship by yourself, so it’s he’s two and a half years young- he answered that lingering ques- bearing an engagement ring sur- the University of North Florida, not all about you.” er than I am because I just don’t tion. Merriewether told her he rounded by strawberries, it was is beginning her job within the Merriewether and Owens see it.” knew she had been thinking mission accomplished. month, and Merriewhether will have known each other for sev- The couple’s relationship was about it but had been trying to Of all the sweet things he move after graduation to work as eral years. They met through a strictly professional for the first wait for a special, memorable said after dropping to one knee, a financial analyst. collegiate program called IN- few years, Owens said. Eventu- moment. one in particular stuck out, Ow- Owens describes herself and ROADS, which pairs qualified ally they began exchanging Fa- “He’s definitely, hands down, ens said. Owens’s nickname for Merriewether as workaholics, minority students with Fortune messages, and that my best friend,” Owens said. Merriewether is “Mr. M.” so he driven to better themselves and 500 companies for internships. progressed to phone calls, and “And I feel like that is the most offered her a matching title. their careers. With that being Owens said she remembers see- that led to more frequent phone important thing. My mom always “I just remember him asking the case, it is often hard to co- ing Merriewether for the first calls, meaningful conversations told me that the person you mar- me, ‘Will you be my Mrs. M?’ ordinate schedules, particular- time and wishing he was single and a deep friendship. ry needs to be your absolute best and that’s like the only thing I ly during basketball season. Ow- because he was so impressive “We were long-distance,” Ow- friend, that one person that you remember,” Owens said, laugh- ens said at first that was frus- and had his life together — even ens said. “Our friendship devel- would rather spend time with ing. “So of course I said ‘yes,’ trating, but she thinks it builds at 18 years old. oped, him being here and me above anybody else, and he def- and I’m bawling and they’re get- character in a relationship. “I like really sharp, profes- being back in Florida.” initely is. So I’m blessed.” Mix up your traditional wedding with unconventional twists to require a lot of planning, but tials is the feet-washing ceremo- throughout the rest of the cere- can add a more intimate and ny. Many cultures have differ- mony, where rings are placed in personalized experience for your ent takes on the ceremony, so a small bag and passed among day, tailored to your personality if your wedding day is centered the guests. As each attendee as a couple. around a particular culture you passes the rings, they can say a Giving your guests the first might want to check out some blessing or prayer for the couple, sign that they aren’t attending a alternative ideas. The basic gist and then the couple can “carry” cookie-cutter wedding can hap- of the feet-washing ceremony is those well-wishes with them. pen as the bride hits the aisle. this: The bride and groom (of- Everyone knows the tradi- Aubree Casper Instead of having your flo- ten barefoot for the ceremony tions behind a white wedding, Glaser – Wanklyn rist create an elaborate, sculpt- already) each take turns wash- exchanging vows and more re- ed bouquet, collect one as you ing each other’s feet in a basin cently unity candles, but it’s Melissa Glaser, K-State A good wedding is always one make your way to the altar. Ask of water just before exchanging even better if you can keep your graduate in elementary with a twist (unless of course anywhere from five to 20 women their rings. Most wedding and guests curious and excited to be education with a masters in that twist comes in the form of (or people in general) who have religious Web sites attribute the a part of your wedding. Each English, and Kevin the bride running back out of the made a difference in your life symbolism behind this to love family has roots somewhere, Wanklyn, K-State graduate chapel with cold feet). Less tra- to bring one flower to the cer- and caring, as did the feet-wash- and incorporating those into with a doctorate in ditional food, choreographed emony (you can request specif- ing of Jesus in the Bible. any wedding ceremony will help mechanical engineering, dance entrances and more con- ic ones or let them surprise you), This idea comes from Inti- guests remember your day for announce their wedding. temporary music are all new and and have them line the aisle just In a list of years to come. Whether it’s tak- Melissa is the daughter popular ways to avoid that tradi- prior to the processional. Each ways to make your ceremony a ing time to honor grandparents of Don and Linda Glaser, tional ceremony, reception, been- of them will hand you a single little less conventional. It might or having the groom serenade Emporia, Kan., and Kevin is there-done-that feeling for guests. flower, and by the time you meet take a trusting bride and groom the bride, your wedding day is a the son of Mark and Sandy However, an increasingly your groom, you’ll have a beau- to pull this one off, but it seems day for you and the love of your Wanklyn, Lakin, Kan. popular way to catch guests off tiful bouquet that symbolizes special enough. A ring-warming life, so let that show through to They had a January 9 guard is to incorporate small, your life’s journey up until this (and it might be noted that this your guests. wedding at All Faiths unexpected tweaks to the many big change. may not be the best choice for a Chapel in Manhattan, Kan. “typical” ways of doing things. Another old tradition slow- quickie ceremony), is a time be- Aubree Casper is a junior in life sciences. Send These small changes don’t have ly making its way back into nup- fore the exchanging of the rings comments to [email protected]. Thinking Wedding? Lifetime e n g a g e m e n t s a n d w e d d i n g s Wedding Photography Heirloom Manhattan’s Premier Wedding in the Collegian, Photographer the first friday As an interfaith Minister, I offer of the month. 776-1175 ceremonies for any religion, combination of religions or non- religious background. Formal or casual, its Everyone’s doing it. your choice. Lifetime Weddings From the Heart e n g a g e m e n t s a n d w e d d i n g s To announce your milestone, visit Kedzie 103. To advertise, call 785-532-6560. Rev. Patricia Cassinelli 785-341-1451 Got a Tip or Story or e-mail: Call 785-532-6556 [email protected] in the KANSAS STATE COLLEGIAN 1 page 8 kansas state collegian friday, april 2, 2010 CENSUS | Students affect funds POLICE REPORTS RCPD accredited for another three years Continued from Page 6 tus. In times of financial hard- “The Census is important ship, UMass Chancellor for the rational allocation Robert C. Holub is urging Tyler Sharp | COLLEGIAN ments of the 463 mandatory stan- in the Manhattan Town Center Mall of program funding across students to fill out and re- dards. on March 21. Total loss was $1,036. geographic areas by the fed- turn their Census forms. In The Commission on Accreditation Director Schoen credited Suellyn eral government,” Anderton an e-mail sent to the UMass for Law Enforcement Agencies re- Hooper, accreditation manager, for BURGLARY said. “For example, if you community, the chancel- cently reaccredited the Riley Coun- the department’s success. An aggravated burglary in Ogden want to project school en- lor said, “The results of the ty Police Department for three years, “We’re fortunate that we have Suel- resulted in the loss of $718 in cash rollments for your town in Census determine how fed- according to a department press re- lyn to keep the train moving and on and various prescription drugs. the near future to plan for eral funds are allocated to lease. the tracks,” he said. During the night of March 30-31, a building, or the number Massachusetts and our lo- The department was designated as Reaccreditation is a voluntary pro- these items were taken from 3733 of seniors who are disabled cal communities. These re- a Flagship Agency. cess, according to the press release. Saddlehorn Trail. There were no signs and require special services sults affect college tuition “The flagship thing is a pretty big of forced entry, Moldrup said. in a small town, the Census grants and loan money.” deal,” said Brad Schoen, director of FRAUD is a primary resource.” Director of news and me- the RCPD. “Not a lot of people get An El Dorado, Kan. woman has re- CAR DAMAGE People living in the U.S. dia relations Ed Blagusze- that.” ported being the victim of fraud ac- A local man reported his tires were are required to fill out the wski also stressed the need To receive reaccredidation, the cording to Capt. Kurt Moldrup of the slashed. Census based on where for students to fill out the RCPD underwent a three-day on- RCPD. Clinton Fowles, 20, of 1424 Leg- they are living as of April 1. Census. site assessment process in Decem- Rebecca Flores, 49, discovered ore Lane, reported that the four tires Regardless of country citi- “So much of the Univer- ber 2009. Assessors from the CALEA someone had stolen personal checks on his Ford Expedition were slashed zenship, or hometown res- sity funding is really tied to conducted research to ensure the de- from her at an unknown time. The on or around March 28-30. Total loss idency, the U.S Census Bu- the census. If we maximize partment was meeting the require- checks were forged at various stores was $900. reau asks all to fill out and the amount we receive, we return the form based on can only benefit.” where they live and sleep Blaguszewski added that This is your ticket to K-State for majority of the year. For filling out the Census would history. students, the U.S Census benefit students financially, Don’t just watch history Bureau asks that they de- as well. happen, capture all of it at the clare their main residence “The amount of money Royal Purple Yearbook. as their on or off-campus received in part determines home. This includes stu- the amount the University Photographers, graphic dents who are citizens of can spend on loans, and the designers, English majors, the U.S., international stu- funds used towards student business majors, writers, dents, and all others, re- and faculty research,” Bla- marketing majors, whoever. gardless of citizenship sta- guszewski said. We need you! Assistant Editor Design Editor DVD Editor Staff Writers Copy Editor Marketing Director Photojournalists Web Editor Section Editor positions include: Student Life, Organizations, Sports, Academics, and People Pick up an application in Kedzie 103 or online at STAFF POSITION DEADLINE 4 p.m. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14 YOUR AD HERE! Collegian Advertising 118 Kedzie 7 8 5 - 5 3 2 - 6 5 6 0 Tyler Perry’s Why Did I Get Married, Too PG 13 4:25 7:15 10:00 Clash of the Titans: 3D PG 13 4:15 6:10 7:00 8:30 9:30 11:45 Hot Tub Time Machine R 5:00 7:30 10:05 How to Train Your Dragon: 3D PG 4:50 7:15 9:40 How to Train Your Dragon PG 3:45 4:50 6:30 9:00 Bounty Hunter, The PG 13 4:05 6:50 10:10 Diary of a Wimpy Kid PG 5:10 7:20 9:25 She’s Out Of My League R 7:25 9:55 Alice in Wonderland: 2D PG 4:00 6:35 9:15 Last Song, The PG 3:50 6:45 9:45 Clash of the Titans PG 13 4:10 7:00 9:30 classifieds To place an advertisement call Classifieds continue 2:46 PM 2:45 PM 788/125/08-532-68/512/5085 on the next page Black Line-000.crtr - BPlaagcek 1L i-n eC-o1m00p.ocsrtirte - Page 1 - Composite aaaaddddvvvveeeerrrrttttiiiissssiiiinnnngggg Rent-Apt. Unfurnished Rent-Apt. Unfurnished Rent-Apt. Unfurnished Rent-Apt. Unfurnished Rent-Apt. Unfurnished Rent-Apt. Unfurnished Rent-Apt. Unfurnished Bulletin Board Housing/Real Estate MdiAnaNnHcAeT T4A81N4 CaITssYu rOers- CRHOEOAMP - aOpNaErtm-BeEnDts- OfoNurE-b, eTdWrooOm, threea paanrtd- TmHeEnt s PAVILaItO N a1p1a2rt1- TAVHARILEAEBL-BE EDRAOugOuMst.. TCLWOOSE-B TEOD RCOAMOPMUSS.. WILDCAT every person equal walking distance to ments. Close to cam- Thurston. Now leasing. Water/ trash paid, cen- Personal washer/ dryer, PROPERTY opportunity in hous- KSU. August or June pus and Aggieville. 785- Two-bedroom, two tral air, coin operated dishwasher, water and ing without distinc- lease. Starting at $455/ 539-5800. somerset- bath. Washer/ dryer, in- laundry facilities. Close trash paid. $680- $720/ MANAGEMENT Announcements Rent-Apt. Furnished tion on account of month. Emerald Prop- ternet, water, trash in- to campus. 785-537- month. 785-341-4496. LSfe6eoEs9dtuat0uA rt9/ erRka a sNtoiferFcr ps l.yl .va TininCsOgeiat s ll w CFa7wlLnu8wYdb5. !-k 5lsho6uawK2.s---- MdeoitrtniuavipoAngscepna ,eNr o ny,H r cwstomAueeinTtn pixh lT4iie,tot A8ryaafus1N arctoy4m ci n Cnoi al duIiTssainhstsYelat utoq tsirOnuuuteoascsars----f,l rtdaolpoa2auagt4irofts s ci4eirgao,eCt0H, ieb n,n.i udtis slymmo i cet tryoisaxo lH,liahn, ot anao tfrlharc,ulR y,eme l de s7irsDn ro5 cVstico8untrtieoo7eansasr----,,l e5DObdSmr8aitOnsota7tyhenhWr -tw-t.9sbh MN0a e. a0sTdiWhn0nCOrea.o aaWrgos.lJl emh NumeB,n N reer/oe n, ttt.L $dOp764roye821Fnet505Tser--/:., bHwltae5Oaoewr8uauN td7ycgsanE r-aheydo9,.me M r o0Tyrm0pb.saW E0ue n P.sdOmaa,rga ,oer oenkaTornmad pmhll ayaderse nr n.ated tmo , nP bDef7w-olrniso8osautic5hptslrekk----. cA9TAtrJoelu1gPuH nn3gAdcte-R.ieaRe2 dmv6ET.Li9 pMlEla-euC8Eua-.s 1lnNnBo.4 dCdsTER2r eaSy.eD l .la tRosoMAo OnCnuaK-agrlsOSocbiutsiUeeMlsee,/.t TJtTosa17oUtwnb88Hr e-l91NoesRce70 Eiatt. Ee obm Epralep rat7e-ahurB8nss,kla 5tEe,i.n u- f,5Dgu nc3.lodeRl 7n7rnROy-ek8t2,rei 5Oat2ac-bl5 3hsMl5o4ooea.Sc1nfni frk---,.. TTAMWwNg1i5PaonoaWW6As sns6ph RthOOg.eeMeTotrrs,M--am/ . y aBBEeY llrNe EE3dyuaT1r tDDyr..i leiltRRer7i,ea 8sOOs5D e-1pd5OOr 9aii3bsv3i7ehedMM4---.. 78438tTh $5 oBB&1w-RR5 ,B 6n--3l 0hu2270oe..-55.mm20 3BB0eosAA3n2t dagisea,b ilictyo,l or, rnealitgioionna,l 8b1e4d roToHmU. RJSuTnOe No. r TwAou-- 887-1126. pOAlPeNAx RETb-MeBEtwNEeTDe nR in OdofOowunMr-- lmeaosnethss. r$e3n0t0. 7o8f5f -6fi3r2s-t TOHNER EEba-BthE RfoDr OOonMly, AwPeAstR ToMf EcaNmTSpu, s. Dijsuhs-t $1,290.00 FOULNoDst aIDn db rFaocuelnedt out- olpoaatroft iirgoCtHienniudts ymo trsao Hahn ano tlhculR,ee lde s7sD t8robiy5rue.e- r5 cVc8trieoo7esr--- gp$Afrue6oCst4mRst0 . O . cW7Sya8eSma5at pe-r5 ur/T3s 9Hl.te r-Eaa5Tss 1whe3o .6s -pbt.raeeNidedo-t. FCWpaLOaiOdsU.hS 7eER8r /5 --dB3tr4oyE1 e-Dr4. 4RcA9aO6lml .pObuilMsls. tOamolndew nn-t s. Pi7ter8ao 5npl-ade5u r8tny7d A-r9yg0.Mg 0iEae0mnv. ialelger--. T0tio4Hn6c8Rl aEoycEr [email protected] $uP75t8riol25itp5-ie5e/ s8rt 7my- 9po0an0Mitdh0!a .n aaEngmde meAreaLnldLt wle5ar8aut7ysn -hd9Mer0yra0.s n0 Ea.gmaenemdra elndt o. nP7-rso8ip5te-- T28o tBwh R&n -hM o$mo8r5eo5s side Anderson Hall. 2440. room, one bath. Only ONE-BEDROOM base- ONE bath; three-bed- TWO, THREE, four or TWO-BEDROOM ONE Please call 785-532- $650/ month. Emerald ment apartment with room two bath. Both eight-bedroom. Now bath. Washer/ dryer in Anderson Village 6220. Property Management ONE BLOCK to cam- study room too. Only close to campus. leasing June- August. each apartment. June/ Apartments 785-587-9000. pus. 1112 Bluemont. one-half block from Washer/ dryer. No pets. No pets. Close to cam- August leases. No pets. Rent-Apt. Unfurnished AguVsAtI!L CABloLsEe toF OBRill SAnuy-- Tb11we5do2r-o.boemdr.o om a7n8d5 -o7n7e6-- ciMnagam.n paugEsmm. eeOnraftf.-l ds tre7Pe8rt5o -pp5ae8rr7kty-- lease. 785-313- p74u85s56.-- 5533S72ta-95r.t1in5g4 aot r $738050-. $788450-5/ 3m9-o4n2t8h3. .9 01 Moro. 161th B&R A -n $d5e5rs0on SHOUT-OUT der Family Stadium. 9000. 2 BR - $750 $1200/ MONTH. Four- Four-bedroom, two TWO-BEDROOM TWO-BEDROOM, bedroom, two bath. All bath, washer/ dryer, ONE BLOCK to cam- OPEN HOUSE! Satur- THREE-BEDROOM, CLOSE to campus and TWO bath, 1010 Vat- appliances. 1416 Hart- dishwasher, cable, pa- pus. Four-bedroom and day, April 3rd. 1p.m.- CLOSE to campus. Off- Aggieville. 1106 Blue- tier. Newly constructed, All Properties TRIPLE XL SHOW. ford. Walk to campus, tio and trash included. one-bedroom, washer/ 3p.m. Lease signing street parking, washer/ mont $650/ month. Wa- off-street parking. Wildcat 91.9 FM. Fri- rec, and stadium. No $1400/ month. www.- dryer. 911 Sunset. 785- specials. 1106 Blue- dryer provided. Call ter and trash paid. Au- Washer/ dryer. Will rent offer June & days 7- 9p.m. In your pets. August lease. Call or 776-1152. Available im- mont. Two-bedroom. 785-770-0062, 785-556- gust leases, no pets. quickly. August lease. August Leases face rock music. Dolores 785-969-7349. 785-341-5694. mediately; August. August lease. No pets. 4094, or 785-336-2784. 785-539-4283. $850. 785-341-0815. 1 page 8 kansas state collegian friday, april 2, 2010 CENSUS | Students affect funds POLICE REPORTS RCPD accredited for another three years Continued from Page 6 tus. In times of financial hard- “The Census is important ship, UMass Chancellor for the rational allocation Robert C. Holub is urging Tyler Sharp | COLLEGIAN ments of the 463 mandatory stan- in the Manhattan Town Center Mall of program funding across students to fill out and re- dards. on March 21. Total loss was $1,036. geographic areas by the fed- turn their Census forms. In The Commission on Accreditation Director Schoen credited Suellyn eral government,” Anderton an e-mail sent to the UMass for Law Enforcement Agencies re- Hooper, accreditation manager, for BURGLARY said. “For example, if you community, the chancel- cently reaccredited the Riley Coun- the department’s success. An aggravated burglary in Ogden want to project school en- lor said, “The results of the ty Police Department for three years, “We’re fortunate that we have Suel- resulted in the loss of $718 in cash rollments for your town in Census determine how fed- according to a department press re- lyn to keep the train moving and on and various prescription drugs. the near future to plan for eral funds are allocated to lease. the tracks,” he said. During the night of March 30-31, a building, or the number Massachusetts and our lo- The department was designated as Reaccreditation is a voluntary pro- these items were taken from 3733 of seniors who are disabled cal communities. These re- a Flagship Agency. cess, according to the press release. Saddlehorn Trail. There were no signs and require special services sults affect college tuition “The flagship thing is a pretty big of forced entry, Moldrup said. in a small town, the Census grants and loan money.” deal,” said Brad Schoen, director of FRAUD is a primary resource.” Director of news and me- the RCPD. “Not a lot of people get An El Dorado, Kan. woman has re- CAR DAMAGE People living in the U.S. dia relations Ed Blagusze- that.” ported being the victim of fraud ac- A local man reported his tires were are required to fill out the wski also stressed the need To receive reaccredidation, the cording to Capt. Kurt Moldrup of the slashed. Census based on where for students to fill out the RCPD underwent a three-day on- RCPD. Clinton Fowles, 20, of 1424 Leg- they are living as of April 1. Census. site assessment process in Decem- Rebecca Flores, 49, discovered ore Lane, reported that the four tires Regardless of country citi- “So much of the Univer- ber 2009. Assessors from the CALEA someone had stolen personal checks on his Ford Expedition were slashed zenship, or hometown res- sity funding is really tied to conducted research to ensure the de- from her at an unknown time. The on or around March 28-30. Total loss idency, the U.S Census Bu- the census. If we maximize partment was meeting the require- checks were forged at various stores was $900. reau asks all to fill out and the amount we receive, we return the form based on can only benefit.” where they live and sleep Blaguszewski added that This is your ticket to K-State for majority of the year. For filling out the Census would history. students, the U.S Census benefit students financially, Don’t just watch history Bureau asks that they de- as well. happen, capture all of it at the clare their main residence “The amount of money Royal Purple Yearbook. as their on or off-campus received in part determines home. This includes stu- the amount the University Photographers, graphic dents who are citizens of can spend on loans, and the designers, English majors, the U.S., international stu- funds used towards student business majors, writers, dents, and all others, re- and faculty research,” Bla- marketing majors, whoever. gardless of citizenship sta- guszewski said. We need you! Assistant Editor Design Editor DVD Editor Staff Writers Copy Editor Marketing Director Photojournalists Web Editor Section Editor positions include: Student Life, Organizations, Sports, Academics, and People Pick up an application in Kedzie 103 or online at STAFF POSITION DEADLINE 4 p.m. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14 YOUR AD HERE! Collegian Advertising 118 Kedzie 7 8 5 - 5 3 2 - 6 5 6 0 Tyler Perry’s Why Did I Get Married, Too PG 13 4:25 7:15 10:00 Clash of the Titans: 3D PG 13 4:15 6:10 7:00 8:30 9:30 11:45 Hot Tub Time Machine R 5:00 7:30 10:05 How to Train Your Dragon: 3D PG 4:50 7:15 9:40 How to Train Your Dragon PG 3:45 4:50 6:30 9:00 Bounty Hunter, The PG 13 4:05 6:50 10:10 Diary of a Wimpy Kid PG 5:10 7:20 9:25 She’s Out Of My League R 7:25 9:55 Alice in Wonderland: 2D PG 4:00 6:35 9:15 Last Song, The PG 3:50 6:45 9:45 Clash of the Titans PG 13 4:10 7:00 9:30 classifieds To place an advertisement call Classifieds continue 2:46 PM 2:45 PM 788/125/08-532-68/512/5085 on the next page Black Line-000.crtr - BPlaagcek 1L i-n eC-o1m00p.ocsrtirte - Page 1 - Composite aaaaddddvvvveeeerrrrttttiiiissssiiiinnnngggg Rent-Apt. Unfurnished Rent-Apt. Unfurnished Rent-Apt. Unfurnished Rent-Apt. Unfurnished Rent-Apt. Unfurnished Rent-Apt. Unfurnished Rent-Apt. Unfurnished Bulletin Board Housing/Real Estate MdiAnaNnHcAeT T4A81N4 CaITssYu rOers- CRHOEOAMP - aOpNaErtm-BeEnDts- OfoNurE-b, eTdWrooOm, threea paanrtd- TmHeEnt s PAVILaItO N a1p1a2rt1- TAVHARILEAEBL-BE EDRAOugOuMst.. TCLWOOSE-B TEOD RCOAMOPMUSS.. WILDCAT every person equal walking distance to ments. Close to cam- Thurston. Now leasing. Water/ trash paid, cen- Personal washer/ dryer, PROPERTY opportunity in hous- KSU. August or June pus and Aggieville. 785- Two-bedroom, two tral air, coin operated dishwasher, water and ing without distinc- lease. Starting at $455/ 539-5800. somerset- bath. Washer/ dryer, in- laundry facilities. Close trash paid. $680- $720/ MANAGEMENT Announcements Rent-Apt. Furnished tion on account of month. Emerald Prop- ternet, water, trash in- to campus. 785-537- month. 785-341-4496. LSfe6eoEs9dtuat0uA rt9/ erRka a sNtoiferFcr ps l.yl .va TininCsOgeiat s ll w CFa7wlLnu8wYdb5. !-k 5lsho6uawK2.s---- MdeoitrtniuavipoAngscepna ,eNr o ny,H r cwstomAueeinTtn pixh lT4iie,tot A8ryaafus1N arctoy4m ci n Cnoi al duIiTssainhstsYelat utoq tsirOnuuuteoascsars----f,l rtdaolpoa2auagt4irofts s ci4eirgao,eCt0H, ieb n,n.i udtis slymmo i cet tryoisaxo lH,liahn, ot anao tfrlharc,ulR y,eme l de s7irsDn ro5 cVstico8untrtieoo7eansasr----,,l e5DObdSmr8aitOnsota7tyhenhWr -tw-t.9sbh MN0a e. a0sTdiWhn0nCOrea.o aaWrgos.lJl emh NumeB,n N reer/oe n, ttt.L $dOp764roye821Fnet505Tser--/:., bHwltae5Oaoewr8uauN td7ycgsanE r-aheydo9,.me M r o0Tyrm0pb.saW E0ue n P.sdOmaa,rga ,oer oenkaTornmad pmhll ayaderse nr n.ated tmo , nP bDef7w-olrniso8osautic5hptslrekk----. cA9TAtrJoelu1gPuH nn3gAdcte-R.ieaRe2 dmv6ET.Li9 pMlEla-euC8Eua-.s 1lnNnBo.4 dCdsTER2r eaSy.eD l .la tRosoMAo OnCnuaK-agrlsOSocbiutsiUeeMlsee,/.t TJtTosa17oUtwnb88Hr e-l91NoesRce70 Eiatt. Ee obm Epralep rat7e-ahurB8nss,kla 5tEe,i.n u- f,5Dgu nc3.lodeRl 7n7rnROy-ek8t2,rei 5Oat2ac-bl5 3hsMl5o4ooea.Sc1nfni frk---,.. TTAMWwNg1i5PaonoaWW6As sns6ph RthOOg.eeMeTotrrs,M--am/ . y aBBEeY llrNe EE3dyuaT1r tDDyr..i leiltRRer7i,ea 8sOOs5D e-1pd5OOr 9aii3bsv3i7ehedMM4---.. 78438tTh $5 oBB&1w-RR5 ,B 6n--3l 0hu2270oe..-55.mm20 3BB0eosAA3n2t dagisea,b ilictyo,l or, rnealitgioionna,l 8b1e4d roToHmU. RJSuTnOe No. r TwAou-- 887-1126. pOAlPeNAx RETb-MeBEtwNEeTDe nR in OdofOowunMr-- lmeaosnethss. r$e3n0t0. 7o8f5f -6fi3r2s-t TOHNER EEba-BthE RfoDr OOonMly, AwPeAstR ToMf EcaNmTSpu, s. Dijsuhs-t $1,290.00 FOULNoDst aIDn db rFaocuelnedt out- olpoaatroft iirgoCtHienniudts ymo trsao Hahn ano tlhculR,ee lde s7sD t8robiy5rue.e- r5 cVc8trieoo7esr--- gp$Afrue6oCst4mRst0 . O . cW7Sya8eSma5at pe-r5 ur/T3s 9Hl.te r-Eaa5Tss 1whe3o .6s -pbt.raeeNidedo-t. FCWpaLOaiOdsU.hS 7eER8r /5 --dB3tr4oyE1 e-Dr4. 4RcA9aO6lml .pObuilMsls. tOamolndew nn-t s. Pi7ter8ao 5npl-ade5u r8tny7d A-r9yg0.Mg 0iEae0mnv. ialelger--. T0tio4Hn6c8Rl aEoycEr [email protected] $uP75t8riol25itp5-ie5e/ s8rt 7my- 9po0an0Mitdh0!a .n aaEngmde meAreaLnldLt wle5ar8aut7ysn -hd9Mer0yra0.s n0 Ea.gmaenemdra elndt o. nP7-rso8ip5te-- T28o tBwh R&n -hM o$mo8r5eo5s side Anderson Hall. 2440. room, one bath. Only ONE-BEDROOM base- ONE bath; three-bed- TWO, THREE, four or TWO-BEDROOM ONE Please call 785-532- $650/ month. Emerald ment apartment with room two bath. Both eight-bedroom. Now bath. Washer/ dryer in Anderson Village 6220. Property Management ONE BLOCK to cam- study room too. Only close to campus. leasing June- August. each apartment. June/ Apartments 785-587-9000. pus. 1112 Bluemont. one-half block from Washer/ dryer. No pets. No pets. Close to cam- August leases. No pets. Rent-Apt. Unfurnished AguVsAtI!L CABloLsEe toF OBRill SAnuy-- Tb11we5do2r-o.boemdr.o om a7n8d5 -o7n7e6-- ciMnagam.n paugEsmm. eeOnraftf.-l ds tre7Pe8rt5o -pp5ae8rr7kty-- lease. 785-313- p74u85s56.-- 5533S72ta-95r.t1in5g4 aot r $738050-. $788450-5/ 3m9-o4n2t8h3. .9 01 Moro. 161th B&R A -n $d5e5rs0on SHOUT-OUT der Family Stadium. 9000. 2 BR - $750 $1200/ MONTH. Four- Four-bedroom, two TWO-BEDROOM TWO-BEDROOM, bedroom, two bath. All bath, washer/ dryer, ONE BLOCK to cam- OPEN HOUSE! Satur- THREE-BEDROOM, CLOSE to campus and TWO bath, 1010 Vat- appliances. 1416 Hart- dishwasher, cable, pa- pus. Four-bedroom and day, April 3rd. 1p.m.- CLOSE to campus. Off- Aggieville. 1106 Blue- tier. Newly constructed, All Properties TRIPLE XL SHOW. ford. Walk to campus, tio and trash included. one-bedroom, washer/ 3p.m. Lease signing street parking, washer/ mont $650/ month. Wa- off-street parking. Wildcat 91.9 FM. Fri- rec, and stadium. No $1400/ month. www.- dryer. 911 Sunset. 785- specials. 1106 Blue- dryer provided. Call ter and trash paid. Au- Washer/ dryer. Will rent offer June & days 7- 9p.m. In your pets. August lease. Call or 776-1152. Available im- mont. Two-bedroom. 785-770-0062, 785-556- gust leases, no pets. quickly. August lease. August Leases face rock music. Dolores 785-969-7349. 785-341-5694. mediately; August. August lease. No pets. 4094, or 785-336-2784. 785-539-4283. $850. 785-341-0815. 2 classifieds To place an advertisement call Classifieds continue 785-532-6555 from the previous page aaaaddddvvvveeeerrrrttttiiiissssiiiinnnngggg2:42 PM 2:40 PM 8/12/08 8/12/08 friday, april 2, 2010 kansas state collegian Black Line-300.crtr - Page 1 - CompositeBlack Line-500.crtr - Pagep a1g -e C 9omposite Sale-Houses Help Wanted 1001 MORO, three Employment/Careers PLAY SPORTS! HAVE Transportation large bedrooms with FUN! SAVE MONEY! high ceilings, two baths, Maine camp needs two car garage/ recre- counselors to teach all ation, updated kitchen. land, adventure and wa- Extras include pool Help Wanted ter sports. Great sum- Automobiles table and big screen mer! Call 888-844- TV. 785-826-7732. 8080, apply: cam- [email protected]. THE COLLEGIAN can- 1991 OLDSMOBILE not verify the financial Ciera, four-door, V6- 3.3- potential of advertise- STUDENTPAYOUTS.- L, 175K miles. New ments in the Employ- COM. PAID survey tak- tires and runs great! Rent-Apt. Unfurnished Rent-Apt. Unfurnished Rent-Houses Rent-Houses Rent-Houses ment/ Career classifi- ers needed in Manhat- $700. 785-776-3863 Roommate Wanted cation. Readers are tan. 100% free to join. ext. 7. advised to approach Click on surveys. 1994 CHEVROLET “AUGUST PRE-LEAS- ONE-BEDROOM 1001 KEARNEY. Four- FOR RENT THREE- LARGE HOUSE close any such business op- Geo Tracker convert- ING” Several units APARTMENT. Fur- bedroom, two bath. BEDROOM, one bath- to campus. 1419 Hill- AVAILABLE NOW. Two portunity with reason- SUMMER EMPLOY- ible. Two-wheel drive, available June/ August. nished/ unfurnished. OFF-STREET PARK- room. No pets. August crest. Five-bedrooms, female roommates able caution. The Col- MENT: Laborers manual transmission, Most units less than ten HALF-BLOCK to cam- ING, garage. New fur- 1. Close to Aggieville. three bathrooms. needed in a nice four- legian urges our read- needed, approximately power steering, air con- years old, energy effi- pus. Private parking, se- nace and air. 785-317- Call 785-313-1420 in Washer/ dryer included, bedroom house. 1525 ers to contact the Bet- May 17 to August 20. ditioning, AM/ FM cas- cient apartments. curity lights. Laundry on- 7713. the afternoon. central air, large TV Nichols. Washer/ dryer. ter Business Bureau, Duties: hand labor such sette, 30 mpg. $3000. Washer/ dryer included site. No pets. Available 1100 KEARNEY five- FOUR, FIVE, SIX-BED- room. Available June 1. No pets. Utilities paid. 501 SE Jefferson, as: weeding production Call 785-485-2488. If in most units. $300 to August. 785-537-7050. bedroom, two bath two ROOM HOUSES. 785-449-2181. $350/ month. 785-230- Topeka, KS 66607- fields, moving irrigation no answer please leave $350 per bedroom. ONE-BEDROOM. blocks to campus. Great locations. Pet 1973, 785-249-1618 or 1190. 785-232-0454. pipe, harvesting crops, a message. P7wBaHpdcinr8nuiliRasgoel5dsklh.wAaf. s- -w s7baaNea7AlvpTDo s6evtWWcs h-a,ck 2.eaicaO l1arsopNle,l0-b h mrBaE2ilevesfE..Wora t /D rt ! eo AR fd uwOdepcgOwrOtaayuaNmwrmeMsiklE.rtis----.., SABrp7AJp7oe8Ue7VvILoGt5t6aALUssm--iNY./lI53Ea L,I/s 31bMN ACm98lGeOBoa-4oA4 nl .LNkl 2 MUeEiT8n fGa .3go yU..rSb TCaSP1wvtaTEh.iJoe. lC.l U -w17bI1NAi8enNN0EL5dgoo6-!-/. 1aFsCWdp3m5bia1oasA4lr7ulhoeklS1- rwk i77-n Hbi8a7HnJgeE5s1gu.Id LhR-3/n 4reL.eJ/o5p rCu o,6e nmR-t1se3E s. 0 .Soo 2D 1fTr1f.$R - . 1saYl7ta0vrE8t3eaNeR55eirol--..,t FCtkcTfPtwhroeaoirUwOerdopmnenaTwptyeUp,dyEe . .arul rR yetHstm. byn 7-O ata8fBtrnMlC5hoo7yEM-rcm8aE3 oa5lDa!4ola t-anT1imp5Romaw-m3nAs6gOe9o.,.0le cnl- i0Otm2aoiot0wC3nmi eeM.0ceans.e0 llt,,ll SBBCd1p5r.e3PELA yt2AODesM$-.Cr9RC 9P 18I9OKOUp440 OrS16U.o 0..MSv Ni .LdE oeeAO gdSno.s TeWTrme AH ao.Hu Rsk7AghEi8nOuLeE5gsrFF--t// Lfgsp117emOul808umst85oOshta8- k 8Kl.liee6nIuS Na2gtrst-.iGorl 3eieto 4i.e$e m5t2NsF.6m .5oO .0 aR3/pt4 1ee 06smt8s.-t 6 h.o A4rnNeS8utohe--. BdeiBNe$h2nann2o8AEgycc0u6AR E ee-r-pp. 0TD Ror4EEonCt$0NevTDer61aeincDd.0.lqt Eleei IauNsdluNisN.rG.d saeoNo! rCdD $ teelrE3l s Txx0 E88pprR0a0a7ee ai0r7rrnSnnaii----- an$Rtrt8Epiaioana17lqeonnldn06ussy, c. 1oa eS9e Kulr5 e..grC S .rc rov.eeofS ipUconsupCteSr tnae o,adDr rrtPl,stilA nu C la,ign7n onM i8ttmnNtey5 ass rMaa-neva5tiiahnreule3vattamrweea9raty------.l M8wp69e2hU,r0e0 S-e02cTl0l5DsAe .5a eN-nD6aGm.7a d 4ir$llke8i8G sn.,b.0Te l0 us0eC.2. o0CSb0aru2al-.l NFIoV pEe tsT.O 7 85E-I5G3H7T-7-B05E0D. - TCLHORSEEE -BtoE DRcaOmOpuMs.. 1719 ANDERSON Av- FOUR-BEDROOM two SWEET FOUR-BED- 916454-.6520 extension THE KANSAS State Classified ads must be ROOM, BEAUTIFUL Central air, dishwasher, enue. Three-Bedrooms, baths, updated. Appli- ROOM TWO BATH- THREE ROOMMATES COLLEGE STUDENTS. University Wheat Breed- placed by noon the day HOMES! Very cute, laundry in complex. No one bath. Across from ances, WASHER/ ROOM home to suit needed! July lease. High school graduates. ing Project is looking to very nice. Many ameni- pets. 785-537-1746 or Alumni Center, lots of DRYER, central air. your lifestyle. Close to Four-bedroom, two Part-time work avail- fill two student posi- before you want your ad ties and pet friendly. 785-539-1545. parking. Available June Near KSU stadium. No campus, Aggieville, bath. Spacious, hard able now! Also full-time tions. One position is Call Tony at 785-341- 1st. One year lease. pets. AUGUST $1300. shopping and parks. wood floors, washer/ summer work with local year round and the to run. Classified display 6000. TWO AND THREE- $325/ person /month ($325/ bedroom). 785- Off-street parking. Au- dryer, fire place, huge company. For interview other position is sum- ads must be placed by FOUR-BEDROOM. BEDROOM, close to plus utilities. 785-532- 341-5346, 785-537- gust- July lease. 785- back yard with deck, call 785-320-5220. mer only. Duties would CdlpaieLsuthOnswd.S r7aEy8s 5h-eT5frOa3, c9 ic-liC0eti8neA6tsMr6.a P.l UaNSior,, cwlCTaaWaaumslnlO hpd7 eur8yOrs5, ,R-f a5s c3pTic9alHie-tcy0nRi.o8t EruN6aEs6lo. -. BDpEeisatDhsir--., Afh7oo5Puu6Mrs9, e. osfiOr v 7eN8,E 5a,-s n5itdx3w -2bo-e,7 d5athr4por1aeo.remt-, 8FT4WO2O0U. R-BbaEthD ROhoOusMe., 4T1H0R-6E3E7 7.AND FOUR- tmAwvooen .t hc7a.8 r5 2-3g01a17r0a- 5gB8e1r. o1w.$2n7in5g/ EmwwAiwothRnw tNa.hYd ots$ou.1 Dd0rr0iivv0ee-A n$de3sw.2c 0oc0ma iifilsntaeeacbdlllda u ,rtd yope gr iaosrbe jeuce$cotn1 tmhs0no.b/o uitnh sSaoebtut,eia or ,rn atlii mnninodg--f 4 ppw.rmaion.r t t twyooo tu hwre ao ddrka titone g ryu odnua.y s NEW ONE, two, three- ROOM APARTMENTS. ments. Great locations Three blocks east of BEDROOM houses FARM/ RANCH help terested parties can bedrooms. Near cam- Walk to campus. Excel- and pet friendly. Call campus. Washer/ dryer. and duplexes. June 1. TWO FEMALE house- needed. Experience leave a cover letter and CALL 785-532-6555 pstuasin/ leAsgsg iesvteilelel,. Gwarasnhieter/, lwenwt wc.orendnittikosn/t altoec.actioonm, AERLLTIYA NCMEA NAGEPMREONPT- AmUonGtUh.S TC all 1H. olly$ 1728050-/ VWaarsiehse r/ dryleorc atiofnusr-. mnisahteesd wathnrteeed- bfeodr rofoumr- whaityh caetqtleu,ip hmoernset s, parned- rdeessukm eo f tahte Athger onforomnyt E-mail [email protected] dryer, walk-in closets, 785-447-0183. today. 785-539-2300 313-3136. nished. Call 785-313- house. Available June. ferred. 785-587-5852 office, 2004 Throckmor- pool, theatre, pet 4812. $300/ month. Utilities daytime, 785-468-3571 ton by April 14. friendly. www.twinrent.- TWO, THREE AND paid. Call 785-537- after 8p.m. Classified Rates com. 785-537-2096. four-bedroom. VERY CUTE, CHARMING FOUR-BEDROOM, 4947. HOWE LANDSCAPE CLOSE TO CAMPUS. and CLOSE TO KSU! TWO bath, three blocks Inc is currently seeking OFacopNOnaEdrUt,imt iRoenTn-.Wt BsN.O Ee,x Dt ERTtxoHcO eRcOlalEemEMn-t, Wgpouer asr7sst8 oh5nel-e.r5 /a 5s6de7-r2.y8 e25r3$-,7 337.a0 6i0r-, 2 1Ap0eu0-r WbaAenllo ddnr aodmoeAmruefugn lui tishetos fm oaueavr.n adil aJpubplnlueees.t tGcsootIe EuenVl tIeLCrLsaA,Ep Mp. PliaUnSc/es tsGa, irnaAlneflGistaes-t TRcaEHtiMoRnOE. D7EE8-5LB-E3DE4.1D -K6R0SO0U0O . loM- Sublease lemdaribvoyi,ows riioenlnrgass/n .d fsocm r aapAoiinunptrgpe lnicnaauannrncsteds- Business Opportunities 20 wo1 rDdAs Yor less pus. Washer/ dryer, friendly. Call 785-341- screen TV, washer/ must be 18 years of THE COLLEGIAN can- $14.00 central air, private park- 6000. dryer. $400/ bedroom. age, have a valid not verify the financial each word over 20 ing. No pets. 785-537- Rent-Duplexes June or August lease. SUMMER SUB- drivers license and potential of advertise- 7050. 785-313-6209. THREE-BEDROOM LEASERS needed for pass a pre-employment ments in the Employ- 20¢ per word FIVE-BEDROOM, ONE bath. Living and the months of May, drug test. We can work ment/ Career classifi- ONE, TWO, THREE- NICE DUPLEX, 606 CHARMING AND family rooms. Appli- June and July. Two- with class schedules cation. Readers are 2 DAYS BEDROOM apart- Vattier, three/ four-bed- NICE! Walk to KSU, sta- FOUR-BEDROOM. ances, WASHER/ bedroom, two bath but prefer four-hour advised to approach ments. Some close to room, two bath, all ma- dium, Aggieville. June TWO blocks west of DRYER, central air. apartment. Washer, blocks of time. Starting any such business op- 20 words or less campus. No pets. Call jor appliances, washer/ and August lease. Pet campus. AVAILABLE Near KSU stadium. dryer and dishwasher. wages are $8.25/ portunity with reason- $16.20 785-250-2617 or 785- dryer, available August friendly, all amenities. JUNE 1. $1180/ month. JUNE $960. 785-341- Located one block from hour. Apply 3 ways, in able caution. The Col- 580-7444. 1. 785-293-5197. 785-341-6000. No pets. 785-565-1748. 5346, 785-537-8420. Aggieville, very comfort- person Monday-Friday legian urges our read- each word over 20 able. Rent is cheap and at 12780 Madison Rd in ers to contact the Bet- 25¢ per word nomeliangielo.c tioaambtl e. coCar oronk5tan7cu5td- 7C@9ag1r--- R1ca6ilt9eio7yn; t;o oocrb atlela -imn a7ai8nl 5 ua-7sp 7p6ali--t t5Teo0r1p eBk8ua2S/s,: 1iE4n2 1eK/s 0PSsJ8 MeBff6eu6rrs6eo0a7nu-,, 3 DAYS Rent-Apt. Unfurnished Rent-Duplexes Rent-Houses Rent-Houses Rent-Houses 1400. askhowe@Blhaocwk eLlainned--4 01109.c0.r t7r8 -5 -P23a2g-0e4 514 .- Composi2t0e words or less $19.00 JUNE 1, two-bedroom, FOUR, FIVE, six-bed- NEWER AND CHEAP! SEVEN AND eight-bed- SPACIOUS K-STATE COLLEGE of each word over 20 one bath; August 1, two- room houses. Great lo- Four-bedroom, two and room houses (two Business Administra- DUPLEXES bheadlf roobma,t ho.n e Oanffd-s otrneee-t cCaatlilo nsA.l lianPceet Pfrrioepnedrltyy. ao ffh-satlrfe beat thp.a Trkriipnlge,x ownitlhy kpiutcsh aennds )A. gCgloiesveil lteo. cCaemn-- STwUoM-bMeEdRro SomUB aLpEaArtSmEent tfioorn a Rseeeckrusi tmaepnpt liCcaonotrs- 30¢ per word Custom built with phaorokkin-ugp. s.W aTsrahsehr/, dlarywenr M78a5n-a5g3e9m-2e3n0t0 wtowdway.-. $P1ro1p2e0r/ tym oMntahn. aEgemmeeranldt. tprraol vidaeir,d . waCsahlel r/ Cdardyeenr nheeaarti ngc aamndp uas,ir , coenn-stritael dgirneaet.o rG ow ittho ah ttpB:S//c bdae.-- Open Market 4 DAYS the K-State care provided. No smok- 785-587-9000. 620-242-3792. laundry, weight room, 20 words or less student in mind ing/ pets. 785-532- FOUR-BEDROOM, SIX-BEDROOMS and pool. $680 total per nid=323 for more infor- $21.15 Each duplex 8256. TWO bath tri-plex not NICE HOUSE on 1010 (TWO kitchens). Re- month plus electricity. mation. Equal Opportu- features walk-in far from campus. Off- Leavenworth. June modeled house, very Call 620-583-2114. nity Employer. Back- each word over 20 closets, all kitchen street parking. Emerald lease. Four-bedroom nice, close to campus, ground check required. Computers 35¢ per word appliances, washer/ Property Management. $1000/ month. Off- central air, washer/ cepalvaigbedrhlrkreyyti ni encrgorog,,o n, o pmntfrhfea, o scssnttherieoe ca neaunstnr d itdi ny 1bp3ela3dc4reo ,Ro eFmanRc, rtEto-wHMsosoO ubfNarsoeTthms . fFoCiurietry-- 7F2fiCv84Oee52nU -5t5Rr pa8-eHl7B oi-Emp9Dl0aee0Ris.r 0,.O .A FOuowgMrua ssftoh uAe1rrT-./ saDntniargedyhe ttistmd r7eyp8 ea5r7r.-k 28in95Vg2-e2,-r 49y32 w4-c4a2l3se.h2ae0nr,. d2SBr4PEy2ADe-Cr3R 7IOO9Op2Ur.MSov idtewdo. FOb6Ua2tR0h--. THJCwuOlaHonsUseRhe Se EEr/1E . d-troBtyo TeE wr.D oJNc uRaolyOm bppOae3utt1hMss,... LNitinnimAAd pNeiNve.DiC rdsSEu$oCa1 nl1Aw.. /5Po F1rEhku4 oel lHu rM.r uo.A Pmr IArNbipvpoTaaplErttl.tey-- LhphEoeouruAts.sR ienNdg ewvfDerwolAomwTp. dAea trhtsaehww aaanerrdeex---- 20 w5$o 2rDd3As.5Y o5Sr less l4eSfmussestA aherBpqptaoousrecp.aRstueno guu leftcacs ,tmtuurrp hir tawieo2Msd ute’ysdmyssut nyroe,r be es 1 i ndertawoaoccwd ed e lrdfatfkaaao n.fohopc, i r ulsct Cbr e koa.l2 l nea ieoo.oosbvT, d,rng6uinnl igthednr i0teeyneieo ,gs0 s Pg1Afhmalm2cBrioea1ouon3aPEeeumn5msud0rMAnnrkc2ts 0,o. tt U ep.. es dw a e.TsfieP Ownlt tveIl odrFewGNefaodr dU,.sipAEr are eeLaeeg,yna s.,nnr.g d tittdtxyN iwlfey -r f77E.oMblovoo 88i,emWCulc al55dearaanta,---hr. tpl7ab5po ilrao Aa7ge3meoAnnr6ued9emt.dls--------, FHbdtO5dt7FCWpthrwir4r8aaOLlneOOyyalo95issOedee sU h-- sbUU .rrh35S S , ta e58rTyEpRRpEetr77ehwpr a/e 5-o a.--aio7t d v r7fdBBi 8do .ift8rd rl4oo.ryEEio 5l ve6der em-i d DD.inarr3sN ..e gs 4 6hRRcconWe 1A2waa t.Ar-.0OOl amamo 4lc -sspo426pprOO hbhemo982uueieAts6l50MMsssslrrssl.--...,/,l NtfiaJ5NRdwQ$P7wvun3o18rOIOauoeCond9u35liWOk,-epe -b0-E b 85te l0M, ee28 ra/tdt h,97ayLn orcmr5- ooAen0tr MrA mn,e0oSt Fmtgui0a ruaUaGnbaauEsgstRotg:hsrtheem ,.re -o hmmB eOu7owEaaeers8onafnnnnieD5odteldhtdtds--r..., THWwWvJ7Tbtgwcoiuo8eiHOadweH aanm5dseRvsswUe-rRhdi.hhc5oEl. Sle.saeee3oE EErom.lrr9m,e ,/ E m. - $ ap 8aF-1eshu7B5nOB12erosd88ds3l0.U ur5E0 a tey20ws-R.detcD58/eNamo r r3 ksyn, aRo g9.e dn m PLm-Or Cd5 ioipdet 8nlOpcneoiAsr0csroerttsiogah0ehxMs.e-----r-....2 07TnArmiw(6noc08e2Wuageho5e0g.t.nemOec s$ p168tdt23r)U7 0t /.w 8: --1n-4529foM Sir1208v/P3 o& U.ae25/ m a0bymr62BPs a g8..Loi rFMttMeeEhynon tA aueh1tCSy ral e- r ppEb-opcaa e1RstlCirurd5dsiStcs----.o mMifMilpSSManemnnioflnenhttpggyAuOer dec To ns3oNWei dspubntt0ts dH.euh ea lI bdpmibNesgAatPws.eede TtGs m l r rMaieuTotso:2e1hyaa mAovuo0-r5 vsen s Nm1ml3Saeaart 0 h1i /ieunwlnb C ae crndc enS bCaaNtd as hlPdale aeer.lee t i.bRxya s q .l7p1 hss GedIuAN8heo0te uiaopp5irnttlGrrphoifl------f.f WeaecaEf1Ss4dEbrooMrrn00roeaptesiEhmrvd. osce,a.4 Ge e h khcec Har,.a B sE7ns clAn wl6 eoa c11v HV8tmciof.(i7t,eOon2T Ehah m .rr 5i r S sMg dpa osimi neGos u BinUxiDcrpanantHe ) ehSol .crsAe zroi wBhtv .p caf oipes e onplhlfTrc,r mel R oBa erhDd cecsaA p2eioOeewV Gssu.Msr0snciDSitdea4cl--.,,,l (aSTtco(urcGooed aPosnesc4s n lhet0faotc r¢w uo UcKptomineeevrdrei d o t wodzAhnvoiaee.eyrn) dr K1r O2 a-0A0tSf3efti) adctee room. Only $1,550/ room, two- three bath 9114. garage, extra room for 564-1133. Firewire 400. hours are Monday 4fer BoasoRtqum,.r e2sfts, m bH stoaawpc.tahoiec n1liiodv,a8uin 0sg0 h3Ciiotyo6iu.rm0 cs79l ee8,rs ;a5 .t-1 e336s0631 4164a-10 n0P 5d3i laaVrerbactirhlt--; FHppueOOstsU U. SanRECdSo- nBActaglEocgstDi ee vRJtioollOeh c.n Oa NmaMo-t OftbErhaiaMeistsnh Gyd,fi !sv w e-aaGtbwlnkeAod dT rtHooc EookmRcmiat ,ce mh thypesrouneeusseer.. swOM$t1ionat2hreya7 g5yoe.e f3.7fa -18sr. 5Bt r-leie5gea3 Nts7 oeb-1 p a5abc6krepky6giean.intrgsds.. Service Directory NcnMaoEaswWnu aa glhA eiNrri nDrfgeo sre taxaacu irtMGainnaegtnn hefaarasits-tl N8os$t0n1ou e2tceG 5k m Beoa ianncHce hah iitnr.m. d eP a SDlcheehraailivlssnine eeag, c ahoCfnaonDds-r thr8o au.gmh. Ftroi d5a py .fmro.m ls4aq uB.n fR$dt.1,r Oy,22 m nr5bolo0yao./ tm m$h1 .o1 ,O.1350n00ly/ FRcwcreeaIOaVnnmstOEt.hpr -aM7eu l8r sS/5 .a. -d i3rr,J4y uF1efRun-Or.1ele lU8 a C9sRkllo7oei-tn.cBsa heasEe beDtnlseo-,, 7knFTs8eWOu5t.Or-Ue3 1nRb3taa--t7lhsB4 @7Eb3srDi bckcR ghlOoobuOasoleM.r-. OpP7e8rnor5l yp-5 e8r$mt73yo- 29n50tM/h0 !0ap .ne arE gpememerersaonlndt. Tbra8een2Wndd5tOr 6.o A., o gTCmgHli oeRsvEeihll Eeot.,uo as 7ecn8asd5 m -f4op1ufu0ors--r Tutor tysseaeuurn@arma reg nlop mcctleouaa.:stPirilP oo.lcbenbooa..m snsrm$ue.4s aes 0sea,h0nnbg0ddu0 rri negan--- tFimeaad ncau1tc 0nfotamreom a7cc-c8rh t5@e5m-cyp5hsm3a p2 ou-ft0ofbfi7ir.c 3koem3s .onuMr.e--. AlHl colaswsif ieTdos mPuasyt be Sorry, No Pets! Washer/ dryer, appli- ONE AND two-bed- paid in advance unless QDuccaileooytsn :nev eet3iong1 ihce3abnm-ot 0raph7nuod5so .1d , FHktwiioOtaIcnsVUhshe,Se EnErcs/-l So).Bds reSyE eetDrvo e pRrcraaoOl mvildoOp(tecuwadMso-,. acbp6monou3oscrs2nhte.- to4suh2o8 t.i4d9li3t.2fi u6e.C r snl.Hoi sNsihmeiec edetso. $ .n 1ec72Laig80omh50w---/ rPdgrooaurooitsvemmta d.t. l e e7 ad8Wsi5sep-ah3.asw 1rh$ak3e3is-nr35h/g 70e.8 /r .d8 br.yUAeedpur---. THA78vOW5aM-il7aOE7b 6l-e-B1 211E522im9D. mReWOdaiaOlnteuMlty. MfmhwooeAeru edThrki Hiag. tf h7eo 8Tlrys 5U.c -8hT3P-o1O ao7yR1l- .03 isH 1w 0i$hra3e8on. .ut5imer0sd-// Te5s3ti9ng-3 C3e3n8ter Pyuobuli wchaiattvihoe nS atsun Id otC uansht , Night: 537-4682 June and August l2e4a2s-e3s7.9 C2.a ll Caden 620- FOUR-BEDROOM Want a campus job this summer or Fall? www.PTCkansas.co1m015 N. Third chVeicsak ,a Mrea astcecreCpatredd .o r TWO bath. New con- FIVE-BEDROOM TWO struction. Three blocks Great Experience & Great Hours There is a $25 service Rent-Duplexes bBayt hC wityit hP waarks.h eCrl/o dsery etro. tJou ne coarm pAuusg.u st $l1e6a0s0e.. NO WEEKENDS charge on all returned campus and Aggieville. 785-341-0815. Apply for Advertising Sales checks. We reserve the 785-410-0002. right to edit, reject or HOUSES FOR rent. Representative positions for the FIVE-BEDROOM, TWO FIVE-BEDROOM, TWO Four-bedroom, two properly classify any ad. and one half bath. Brit- bathroom split level bath. Washer/ dryer Kansas State Collegian. tnay Ridge Townhome. home, with huge bed- and dishwasher. 913- $1000/ month. Washer/ rooms, fenced yard, 549-0410. http://bar- dryer. Available August and nice patio! $1500/ ronrealestate.blogspot.- We’re looking for people who are reliable, Corrections 1. 785-250-0388. month Emerald Prop- com/p/2426lookout/- erty Management, 785- house.html. creative, enthusiastic and who show initiative! 587-9000. If you find an error in Pick up a job description and application FOR RENT: 1507 Deni- NEW TWO-BEDROOM your ad, please call us. son, across from cam- daylight basement in Kedzie 103. FOUR-BEDROOM/ pus. Four-bedroom, two apartment. Four blocks We accept responsibility TWO bath Duplex, 915 bath, washer/ dryer, east of campus. Questions? Email [email protected] Colorado, great condi- trash, water paid. No Garage, heating and only for the first wrong tion, available in Au- pets. $1600/ month cooling paid. June 1st gust. Call Brad for de- plus deposit. 316-721- lease. No pets. $725. Applications due 4 p.m. Wednesday, April 14 insertion. tails 913-484-7541. 0622. 785-213-2468. G raphic F a l l Cancellations ‘10 Answer to the last D Sudoku. If you sell your item Topics in Mass Communications MC 290 esign before your ad has KansaCso Sllteagteian Earn class credit working with the ad design/production staff on the expired, we will refund Kansas State Collegian during . “Real Hope, Real Help, Real Options” you for the remaining Internship Free pregnancy testing days. You must call us Advertising Design . Instructor permission required. Totally confidential service If you are a graphic design major and would like an No prerequisites necessary. Same day results before noon the day on-campus Fall ‘10 internship for credit, consider Application Stop by Kedzie from 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. to Call for appointment advertising design. Your art department adviser’s deadline before the ad is to be Across from campus in Anderson Village paner ampipssliiocant iios nre.quired. Stop by 113 or 103 Kedzie for 4A ppr.iml 1. 6Fr.iday, Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. published.