Renowned Horticulturist and ‘ Landscape Architect Gustav Hermann Krambeigel (Courtesy: Savichri Preetha Nair) Born ae fohmem, ear Dreslen o” 18 Dee £865, Gustey Hermann Keurnbledel yas educated at ilar Cresco! worsted an apprombccship al hs yal gsidiens at Calle ore he ‘necalizad tabi spre Hoonatiental garden tintey GA, Wate [3820-1869) from s0untdaccs aM to: et: Apel 31 Anmsealtely alley he olnad the Agpieaiearal and Fruit Departed the Stiri Royal Gavan nthe eapitlotehlenhwwg forayea" Mate Mewarlewas niraltesete io ‘ulbeling Mts aad suetables 1a 105, Knumblegel entaree the servica ot a povata payin at tama tere adits to Landscape pardons he specl|ved in cheaising ofrare pans his cee ended 0 30 Sep 1967 Hf was ram adiately fiered ab on the sialf of i¢Thnpertal Horan Garden etn i hel mt Aorepe He of as re was kzer-on uv (OL ela anu Franca) 27061 ofl punsing thc hors istee at Keyy Te improes hie English, be Niet works oe Hy Pang occ] fal oy Botan Glens evra studesreperdener Hertog pent live yeersatKeve Krunslagelstznomorc intra eelue i satan mbitionse study in remeearsetueningfar eta Gorman Reinh pafolafanappointnentin ths colemeshatrendad the astaner inet aol esau Kensington ulvarsiy-(enazv's rnpecial College atthalIniversityof lunnor}, xing pias and certificates fy cavetal sulacts,ineluaing ssemery ad pts tevin baat he saretima tnpauchatinzeat Rew Were ayptoatiedfy-the asksean nf Marna lor ‘etn rendiag”sn experianced and enpsheficr kar she eatetaardcamsat: ural’ Krombsonz' ast hom alurl sitesi experiencereadhimhatdenlperson orEnate From Kew to Baroda (1893-1907) Barnda, under the eign afits progressive rule Matara Sayai Rav he Gaelowad of Barus (1863-1926) was considered a model Indian stato, spending latge sums of money to attact she best mon in the Felds of administration, education, lay, seasce medicine, engineering ‘ygriultuce,hoeticulty, att nd seehtectoe, sp Warvtl, Keumbiogel was lace ith the faormous Lisk of designing and ayia out pleasure grounuls, teal round, curseries an arkecnweringa vastarea nfmore than ndred 20785, eal elaburae provements, which ‘eon Bie fmt, Hs interest ws nel ronfined a gerdening alone, 1 sought an sutlet in arebiweetere and sawn planning, tvunsins, bridges and pavilions swe conjured up in lege teste to complete delighatl lacus pictures. His knowledge of the geography af plan! Ii, of the esanomle and meteruloyical value of planis, of the ex.our scheme in erening and Iie aractiesl genius in ewolsing picturesque stiscts, goon ‘transformed the ersonal properties of the Maaaraja’s Inopertics in Bombay and Oseazamaund (One). ‘The improvement he mae to the Woodstack Lstatestthe ater plave awa te avereheling acmirtion of all Partcularly it came to the aulice of the Mahata‘a of Mysore Nalwadh Icrichoaraja Wiaduyan, who appointed him as Superintendent of Mysore, as soon es John Camera vetived From service, He was mynlved ‘with gardening work in Abmedatad and at the Da carpe the occasion of the Hurbs= af 90%. Keurnhiegel would dn sitiiarwork forthe Pep Pra wf 19, lea eevee Haiacaja af ogsore, ta lie ost provincial governmen's sent their own Garden Superintendents to lay aut their respersies camps. romabiagel was asu respoasisieforimp=oring the saolepisl election i the tarts Seto for this purpose was in correspandence with, AllereSherhiurme Le Souef. the Sacietaryofth Sirs farce exch! ana wily ts Trivancrum & Indore zoos during Krumbogel’ ‘zx Vilas Palace, Vadovtare [Rarnda! Final stages of is cousituction were supervised by Krusihiegel 4 ia. alia falar Wander In the service of the Mysore State (1908 - 1932) 1 1907, Krumbiege informed Wiliam Watson, Curator ofthe Kes Gardens thal hess shout lenve Batoge (fe had recorimeried the Kew fgerdener BF avanagh t9 his post) and was egotiating with Jos Caraoson ta sucoeed hb ae Superingencent uf the Lalbagh Garters, Bangalore As Krumiegel wacatready forty-one (oral fathwe bo to gk aged sine seul ten}, partcular cae was ken bythe Mysne State so feast hisappotnernent wes not acepted "ith ‘vive soley to easy sstersent akg thst onskleration, the Mabarsia ot Mysoes Krishaaraja Sudeear 1 (1804 ~ 1940) vanced he seem of engagement feed fr fe yen ‘renewable as long us M: Krambiegel unin, to tender satisfactory servlets. The conuitors of his engagement approved by the Marja seid: 1. Soros the fie yeas in he Fst instanes, subject te onal a the era of ia er, if hisserviciseatitacory 2. Paytocounnsece Re 600, ising hy annul lcrements of R25 to a mit mun f Rs 11000; soul his sorsexs bw rete LL that amount sear Aprogrammentvork ine drase up eas joining in consultation with the Reveuue rammmission and) Dr A ahaa ith reference tm both horticultural and gcicokral experiment worl; the sucerss attained im working, out Ce prugramme boing considered whan the cuesion a renetatenes up. 1 the S660 the fret Consent Forestie Souhera India and Pofemor vf Botany, Dr snug Cleghorn ns ty chery of alah and 1 duringhis onary atitesined dhestatu of botanical garden. In 2874, Jn Cameron was suppointe as Supeinteeny and By ths cine te psutens aa b2en extended rover am area es, Superintancenty of the Lathagh Gardeas and uf the Goverment uses, Bangalone, were posts enneurrcndy Tle a5 a general law ever sine Cameron's appointment, Accadingly in 1908, Keambiegel was appointed Superintendent of the jvernment Gardens sud Museum Bangalore That year save un equestman statue of the Maharaja transfered from the Gurzan Pav in Mysore Lalbaah and the construction of Basovonsgudl Gate eanstracted. tn 1919, (e Det Rabsrettaath Tague was entertained a The Gardens by the stucents of Bangalore Dura th same yeas elazorate ple sssena for seaering the wordens was lado, al ie ‘open rans closed al a Feservotr and pump Tuseinstale x Krumbiegel wth his fy eras at "eect gard in alah Establishment of Orchards and Horticulture Trade Keumbiegel was a ploneer in che cheap npertaiinn of fruit ina fry Austra Despite bls hecte professional te, xe managed nt Sore Report based on Fis he Sate With he iestion of encouraging tru cule in the State, the contra) fruit nursery at ‘albigh Supplies un sale an estauge, seeds, frat Ainwcers snd plants. Becwsar five ane) ten thoszamd plants. pe year ere repully imported unsung ta late 19203, Over to i gree to he undred ne orchards prone Iysnrs State during Koombiegel's senare ane the espart trade 0 Mysorzin Novers,sruits and veyeahles gr hy ‘aps and hounds. Bargelore was expertly ‘anons fr es reangoe, grays and tre Con He fwetivw y domonstiated the Drovers of fruit preservation using Keumbiegol alan cavied ont experiments in "sce. of vegetables it assutiativn wilh AboreHorsard of th Imperia, grcural Wesverss Institute. Asnonst uke Eucopsan vegetables rulliated 4 Mysore Civ dis pesion were several wreties of apple, sranberies, polotoes, garden peas an fowiliflawers, During the three years as fficating Dizectr of yielturs, Krembieze] re-crganized the Wecerfaty Department ane iad che Serum astute theproduction og vicus and serum raquiced for fighsing Rinderpestpeevalentansmagcate, Exchange of Seedsand Plants Seeds and plants wece resularly exchanged between tre Garey ané botanical escahlishments aecoss the world. These include che yarders at Res Dublin libury, (lagi Hern, Monteoe, Singapore, Pesto, ety (Gotu, Falesea, Saksoapur, te ‘Age-Nortcltral eit f di and Mat “The practice was continuec > KrOTMGesH In 1913, he sent in a "verBate elven ease Sects and epecirens of the Royal Ph (Guimanen), cassia Fists, Cassia Alora, azselpinia envianc (Diet Divi, Spathodes lat, whi alba,Bauhisiasurpurea, Durana elisa forest Slutwuspersurtchetontes, utes rezdasa (flame ut the Lagerstrainia Mosraginae (Pride of Indi), Pithecelicbium seman (Rain tree), Bignonia rmgapstamica, Kleitovin hospital and the aulenanthera pavon:ra (Coral-vood tree} Under Krumaicgels superintendencs, souls saul pnts were asa periodically despatched 9 he Bucvas of Pht ses, United States. As ently a5 191, sw yoars eter ras Ia appointed Superintendent, Keumbis, spotted several species of Mangiera indies (mango), iacluling the Badawi, Molgoa Raspar, manland theSindersha varieties. 2924, he gent plants of the Reus mysorensis fren and Botanical Plant Collec Science ‘The firs job Koembiegel assigned for him wher he took ever at Superintendent of the Labagh wats to name and Tabel aad alr possi repartandadd ta theta allession oF Wants and ane sycision toes, «lek had bees pated acording ose naturslorders atl agar to geographical distrivllon. Asiosgst the rare trees wor lange Azsuca Australian conifers, besides < number uf uealgprus, Pts, morvn Say Fig ané Shoat, Ike tonk spacial elfort to send viemtiats, spacimans rate and unknown, tar Sscietiiesind whenever he cum across thes Iw 1902, he sent mycologist C6 Hoyd base ox results “unknown dried pao fakin of setid ane lsh Fung cola ced trom Nort: Banga. ts presi for plats anal adnate ‘ur Bar Kane bas ant Foss Balbo Teo ee um © uncer-akw serious sindy of Hooker's emalayan Jovrsas, tlwed by 2 Wwe te Darjeeling, resacing the lst’ Footsteps and eollctingsevers rae ant from thereon, Zoological Collection ‘Tre Lalbagh Gardens msinzined 3 menagerie fm its grou ron its very ay ays Like in Baroda, Krumbieyel spared no effort tn Improving its zoological collection. 1a 1918, even when he was in Quott on a diferent rission. he cook care tw prchaze from ths vial dealer Lammergeyer several ania or the MysoreandLalaluph Zou. Urban Aesthetics rumbiegel commarded:ha"®* Company ofthe Bngalnve ifs Yuunteets eve niore the Second World War Havseves, despite ths aad Use iausasive negotiations By the Mysore sate, Krurmbiegsl and the German srchitects omipshenger ane’ U, Exezet were tera for sntoon monthe as enemy abet, twas uty this pericd of ites wsent tn Krumbiepe! rat his fellow Germans worsed out tmwrtane bouiiding desigas for the Sayan Skate lo hor mcr study of modevn arczilectuce tn the Mysore Staley and the envivibstions of ct Baw ysore Gavesament ploy beau’ asa nacionbuilling seratezy in Ce sphere nt acchiracture tir sunsteuit Kusnigsbergen, historian Vand bhworves that the “ysorean lent by mmnitering archiserural taste! Ae Dann, Mic femal wishin vast Keuinbiage on hoseuek power and was tremendous flue uth Maharaja. tas is idea that Gorman aeciteess Ive eplayel fn Une Publle Works Departvent (PWD) of the State, Ismaily support for Krurmbioyel was eral nat only in suppressing the displeasure on the pare of some af the employees of the PVD, who ubjected this “Faveyzeness! ans ek af forma! training in cull engineuring bats foe the latter's appointment 55 Concuing Architect to the State, Late Srumbiegealzo hele the grsi:iou of Che? Avshiect. Ismail avalled. Krumbicge’s servises ce an architectural eunsulienl In designing bulleings such ar the Munlelyal lllices t_no extra fee ty im beses the ‘eruniesuir y ehor el ame deperem ent Krurciegel designed und re-talé averal pars and garcess Uiroopnal Cie sista. He was parsialerly talented iy creo hartaeaious wistally pleasing elects by julietous planting of emamvental tees, which she British ‘eperiztontal bi.opist Lancelot Hoge called Dieesthuue plasmin: a sige of plan tases fn ecological concerns. The. boassthetic planner was conceived by a master aril wn Ii! the cen hi oy and sidewalks of Use rus in bial hues wit Wie ase a Aowering trees such as tre hive jacsrandss, yellow cAmaltas, oraugeseaMlet Gulmshars, serch Colville, reel trytiinas, and pine Lagerstrocmis. Bangaior, the gonlen, si, this heli avers uses iy exer in no small measure to Krumbiepel, a bivavstheli plannoe*Whatevor'ae touched neademed"The place gardens "gained fresh grace and solenloue tke Guest Mlansions a Mysore and ‘the Terrace Garden atkrishmarsja Sage wore ll designec and beautifully developed by Kewsbicge. ‘When the Indian Institute of Selene was established 1909 Tenant gies ‘ocensivegromnds were hut serubland, wld ‘vercuy by bushes, The beau of the proce lay cans with its azenuas oF Beton regi, Sarranca saan, Swivlenla mahogany, Cassia and Tabeia and bedversity oes sel. Tie ordered ang crotive planting design by Ikrumciege exe. contempnrsry, the ‘Azwrivoy-tained bortalbuist BS. Nirody ‘rath ene unfinhing sinportof Sr aman, the circtor of the msn Keambiegel amd Nirolly were buth fellows uf the Reval HHorteukal Sule and develuped a ereat ve ene suevosstul partnership, In 1911, Krambalga was in Quetta at Pe "eques! of the Cenerat Wanpshie, wth the pe-miss:n af the ‘cusucament af India to design tv layeus ofthe Residency there. hroughoul us cezeen, Jubilee Por, JamskedpaIharkana vagal found Dimsalf very basy planning the cusigh sptandbuape puniexs for oable abe Private olonts, Puke hnstcutlons Whe the Sunamalai University sl private inal Thee Dorahjt tare sasght his valusbie advice in designingt er gardens rucigel's mos! important elents howeve ‘vera the Maharaja of pisces stare ‘een om having Arumblegel design beaut gardens befiting the yond ndo-Ssracenle Dalaces ey hal hut for thomhes Che a fie twcmteth conta. Krumbicuel es hire sy the Kopurthala and (rach Bel Stazos I alanning sad iwsgeting thei ytens hile service nf the Barada Slate In L910, whos the Yaharaja of alwar vise Nyyune, Ye had fexpresond e derivate nave kommbigge inspect The royak gare and soggastieaproremen Thees yeats lates, the iMyderabad State approached she Mysore Resin, request an fepErE Who eae alice on hens co mprveche Krumboigel wae askew i ake ap tte ssiqnoment, Aceoedingly. in 1913, Krumhinge vvas perme to spenl ten dys ab Alwar ane Tin his retury We Bangalore, scrumbicgel submited u dotaleé sepert on his tydorabad tour He lsd left for Alwar on the Oak August 11913 but utilized ¢ one diy oval batiresn to Sele plants Pons sl Hees tombs the di not tail w puretzse some birds fu te Crater Markee fans ahh Zon, After retirement yen offer vetiement trxm Lilbagl 122, -rumbiege'siteeminind labrsalusy are. Hie expertise ws mein demand tat seae yr fv instance, tae Travancore sista approacked tum for advice om inden tied limproversents i ite several gotdans, incl. the ble gardens ithe hear ofthe sity oF Trivandrum, Tugether wich B.S. Survey, ruubiegel designed the Jubilee Pace in he near ofthe Jamster the iia Si Dorabji Tass. 191997, a ldscanng and garden Divjer was intiacel unier the guatance of Sydeny Perey Laeastr, Secretary of te Agri Uortculursl Society of ada sev. te serie Nagleadar Lake neat he Gina Budings in Tamshedjuir Uoweves, wth the Comiany’s oie Fabien mid, Une facet proiect, was resnmed in 1938 and ite design emmiasioned tv Keumbiegel and Nine The Taal poise of the fubiloe Parl, the ben tl oglu Garden wns rsqnred hy the Foe -rumbiegel [iting ssond from right) served cts Tremarer of the Mythie Sova of Bangalore 1925 Garena i Mysne, designed by Rromblegsl ‘withthe supportoftreableDewaa Micrisms A Connoisseur of the Arts Krumbiegel, Gomenment Mustain Sanglore became nvulvsil with the aeesereation of ancient munuments ia the ‘Mysuer Slate Drawing inspiration “non the Work of the Dirwioe of che fas Superintendent uf the Feparament of ches i: Mysore, B. Lewis Rice heels. she morument athe Mysne State ane dafied and yu ons fr their Imaincenance, Scumbiege. won essaciated with le tae Ars of I Bangalore Un versie: he warked as a Vasuling trovessur uf sehieture, oven Pasig sel Civ Desig at's College ot -yineericg. urstee as une othe seventoen faders ofthe aythie Soewey m Bangure, he worker a 18 Treasurer coptribubg sigaifiewtly 29 tae sabato oils Hanees eoblishedn 1808, the tstsieSoctey like the Asie Sciety imal a bring together sehalos, ut Eurupeci ard reli, iced te suey of an histo. etanolegy ana culture Rrumbiegel sas considered s man offine taste sionatesbost a use and Meare He ay also a een piles nln Keeping with hs here aara frvicion, en skilful 0 operating sgrieaura, Iaehinery and baling pgs al etn Me was alsa Inve withthe Mysore Dawara hibition iin is wary eaty ays. Hla He was ‘hough tofase heen ‘onelongserviectaart, (Ou bth Fesruary 1956, ator what wes 2 wey Tong sally and sucoesfl areee, Kram sas laid to nist atthe Civistin cemetery, lage tor ais ear Lalbagh snd on his tom ware ‘wend hefiting war “The bravely dnt Nstaidtcir deed, nd scorae a lozitw anime Meauftheplainheoloaresd ‘hatloved eave scenes nore antares eyo acme Cumbia onsen Ly MS) ‘iron Sezer Langit ow Serene