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Preview Korea: A Geomedical Monograph of the REPUBLIC OF KOREA

Medizinische Länderkunde Geomedical Monograph Series 6 KOREA Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1980 Medizinische Länderkunde Beiträge zur geographischen Medizin Geomedical Monograph Series Regional Studies in Geographical Medicine Schriftenreihe der I Series of Monographs of the Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften· Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse Begründet von I Founded by t Ernst Rodenwaldt Herausgegeben von I Edited by Helmut J. Jusatz em. ord. Professor Dr. med., Direktor des Instituts für Tropenhygiene und öffentliches Gesundheitswesen am Südasien-Institut der Universität Heidelberg i. R. Leiter der Geomedizinischen Forschungsstelle der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften Unter Mitarbeit von I In collaboration with Prof. Dr. med. Hans Jochen Diesfeld, Direktor des Instituts für Tropenhygiene und öffentliches Gesundheitswesen am Südasien-Institut der Universität Heidelberg · Dr. rer. nat. Heinz Feiten, Säugetierabteilung des Forschungsinstituts Senckenberg, Frankfurt/Main · em. Prof. Dr. phil. Hermann Flohn, Direktor des Meteorologischen Instituts der Uni versität Bonn i. R. · Professor Dr. rer. nat. Ulrich Freitag, Institut für Anthropogeographie, Angewandte Geographie und Kartographie der Freien Universität Berlin · em. Prof. Dr. phil. Gerhard Piekarski, Direktor des Instituts für medi zinische Parasitologie der Universität Bonn · Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ulrich Schweinfurth, Direktor des Instituts für Geo- graphie am Südasien-Institut der Universität Heidelberg KOREA A Geomedical Monograph oft he REPUBLIC OF KOREA by Chin Thack Soh M. D., Dr. M. S. Professor of Parasitology Director of the Institute ofTropical Medicine Yonsei University Seoul with Cartographical Contributions of Dr. Eckart Dege Geographisches Institut Universität Kiel With 45 Photos, 18 Figures, and 5 Map-Plates Prof. Chin Thack Soh Institute ofTropical Medicine, Yonsei University P. 0. Box 71, Seoul, Korea Additional material to tllis book ean be doWDioaded liom http://extras.springer.com. ISBN 978-3-642-67137-1 ISBN 978-3-642-67135-7 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-67135-7 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data. So, Chin-t'ak. Korea : a geomedical monograph of the Republic of Korea. (Geomedical monograph series ; 6) Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1. Medical geography-Korea. I. Tide. II. Series : Medizinische Länderkunde; 6. RA934.K6S6 614.4'22519 79-23434 ISBN 978-3-642-67137-1 Production of the Maps 1 - 5: Geomedizinische Forschungsstelle der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften. This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically those of translation, repriming, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machirre or similar means, and storage in data banks. Under § 54 of the German Copyright Law, where copies are made for other than private use, a fee is payable to the publisher, the amount of the fee to be derermirred by agreement with the publisher. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1980 Originally published by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg N ew Y ork in I 980 Softcover reprint of the bardeover 1st edition 1980 Vorwort des Herausgebers Mit diesem Band 6 erscheint in der Reihe der Medizi litisch begrenzter Gebiete nur ein Kompromiß, der aus nischen Länderkunden die Darstellung eines Landes aus praktischen Gründen akzeptiert werden muß. Dem geo der Sicht eines Angehörigen dieses Landes, dessen medizinischen Gedanken würde eine Darstellung natür Wunsch es ist, der Entwicklung seines Landes, der Repu licher Räume besser entsprechen. blik KOREA, durch eine geographische Betrachtung der Im vorliegenden Falle bereitet die Gebirgsnatur des Probleme der Gesundheits- und Krankheitsverhältnisse Landes der medizinisch-kartographischen Behandlung ge nützlich zu sein. Wir haben diese Anregung des Verfas wisse zusätzliche Probleme, weil sie zu bedeutenden sers, Professor Chin Thack Soh, M. D., einen umfassen Unterschieden in Landnutzung und Besiedelung geführt den Beitrag aus dem ostasiatischen Raum über medizi hat. nisch-geographische Probleme seines Landes zu geben, Zur Überwindung dieser Schwierigkeiten erhielten dankbar aufgegriffen und verbinden mit der Herausgabe wir Unterstützung durch Herrn Dr. rer. nat. Eckart Dege dieses Bandes zugleich die Hoffnung, daß auch in anderen vom Geographischen Institut der Universität Kiel. Durch Ländern der Dritten Welt sich Wissenschaftler finden einen Aufenthalt von mehreren Jahren als Visiting Profes werden, eine geomedizinische Betrachtungsweise ihrer sor an der Kyung-Hee University in Seoul hat er große Länder folgen zu lassen. Kenntnisse des Landes erworben und die von ihm entwor Die Schwierigkeiten bei der Abfassung einer Medizini fenen Karten über Orographie, Verwaltungsgliederung, schen Landeskunde sind dem Geographen wahrscheinlich Bevölkerungsverteilung und agrargeographische Verhält sehr viel bewußter als dem Mediziner, noch dazu, wenn nisse zur Verfugung gestellt. Unter seiner Anleitung hat der Verfasser nicht in europäischer wissenschaftlicher Tra außerdem Herr Woo-ik Yu, Department of Geography, dition wurzelt und eine Fülle von Material gesammelt hat. Seoul National University, zur Zeit am Geographischen Es ist dann die Medizinische Landeskunde in Gefahr, aus Institut der Universität Kiel tätig, nach unserer Anregung dem besonders großen Umfang der Fragestellung und aus eine Karte der Verteilung der Ärzte im Verhältnis zur der Fülle des Materials zur Enzyklopädie auszuufern. Einwohnerzahl und der Krankenhäuser mit Angabe der Wenn der Verfasser der vorliegenden Medizinischen Län Bettenzahlen entworfen. derkunde von KOREA stärker zu einer enzyklopädischen Die beigegebenen Karten stellen die gegenwärtigen Behandlung seines Themas neigt, als die Verfasser der bis Verhältnisse der Republik Korea dar und sollten von Zeit her veröffentlichten Bände Libyen, Afghanistan, Kuwait, zu Zeit durch Eintragungen neuer Daten eine Ergänzung Äthiopien und Kenia, so halten wir es nicht allein wegen finden, wie überhaupt die vorliegende medizinisch-geo der Bedeutung des Informationswertes, sondern ganz be graphische Übersicht über die Krankheitsverhältnisse und sonders auch für den Vergleich geomedizinischer Proble das Gesundheitswesen der Republik Korea Anregungen me seines Landes mit jenen anderer Länder und Regionen geben soll, die aufgezeigten Probleme im geomedizini für vertretbar. Es bedeutet eine außergewöhnliche Lei schen Sinne weiter zu untersuchen. stung des Verfassers, wenn er ein umfangreiches Material Bei der weiteren Herausgabe von Medizinischen Län geordnet zugänglich und greifbar für den Benutzer vorbe derkunden haben nach dem Tod der bisherigen Beirats reitet hat. Durch die Beschreibung von Einzelheiten, de mitglieder, der Herren Berthold Carlberg, Ludolph Fi ren Bedeutung für das öffentliche Gesundheitswesen des scher und Carl Troll, die Herren Professor Dr. Ulrich Frei Landes wahrscheinlich nur von einem Einheimischen so tag, Institut für Anthropogeographie, Angewandte Geo in das Blickfeld gerückt werden kann, darf auch diese Art graphie und Kartographie der freien Universität Berlin, enzyklopädischer Behandlung des Themas als wertvoller und Professor Dr. Hans Jochen Diesfeld, Direktor des In Beitrag für die Reihe der Medizinischen Länderkunden stituts für Tropenhygiene und öffentliches Gesundheits aufgefaßt werden. Die Fülle wissenschaftlicher Angaben wesen am Südasien-Institut der Universität Heidelberg, über KOREA ist, soweit hier bekannt, noch nie in einem für die wissenschaftliche Beratung über Fragen ihrer Fach derartigen Umfang zusammengestellt worden. gebiete ihre Mitwirkung zugesagt. Wenn es als vordringlichste Aufgabe der Medizini schen Geographie erscheint, brauchbare Medizinische Länderkunden abzufassen, so ist dabei die Behandlung po- Helmut]. Jusatz Foreword of the Editor With Volume 6 Korea of the Geomedical Mono medicine, the treatment of politically defined areas is only graph Series written by a scientist born in Korea, the a compromise that must be accepted for practical reasons. health conditions and the diseases of his country, the Re A depiction of areas delimited by natural borders would public of Korea, are published as a contribution to the better suit the geomedical concept. geomedical problems ofEast Asia. Wehave gratefully wel In the case of Korea, certain additional problems as comed this suggestion of the author, Professor Chin Thack regards medical cartographic treatment have been posed Soh, Director of the Institute of Tropical Medicine, Yon by the mountainous nature of the country which has led sei University, Seoul, who wishes to promote the devel to significant differences in land usage and Settlement. opment of his country, in presenting a comprehensive In overcoming these difficulties, we received support survey on health and disease in the Republic of Korea. from Dr. Eckart Dege of the Geographie Institute, Uni With the publication of this volume we at the same time versity of Kiel. During a stay of several years at the Ky hope that in other third-world countries scientists will ung-Hee University in Seoul as visiting professor, he ac follow in his steps with a geomedical study of their coun quired a broad knowledge of the country. He has made tries. available his designs of the maps on orography, adminis The difficulties in composing a geomedical mono trative organization, population distribution, and geograph graph are probably much clearer to the geographer than ic agrarian conditions. Under his guidance, moreover, to the physician, especially if the author does not have and at our suggestion, Mr. Woo-ik Yu of the Depart roots in the European scientific tradition and has collected ment of Geography, Seoul National University and pres a wealth of information. In such a case medical geogra ently at the Geographie Institute, University of Kiel, cre phy, due to the especially broad scope of the questions ated a map of the distribution of doctors relative to popu posed and the profuse information, runs the risk of over lation and hospital figures, including the number of beds. flowing its borders and becoming an encyclopedia. Even if The added maps depict the current conditions in the the author of this geomedical monograph of Korea does Republic of Korea and should be brought up to date with tend to an encyclopedic treatment of his theme to a great entries of new data. Indeed, in general, this geomedical er degree than is the case in previously published vol survey on health conditions and diseases in the Republic umes on Libya, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Ethiopia and of Korea should encourage further geomedical investiga Kenya, we consider it justified not only because of the im tion into the problems discussed. portance of its informational value but also and in par Following the deaths of the former members of the ticular for the comparison of geomedical problems in his advisory council, Mr. Berthold Carlberg, Mr. Ludolph country with those in other countries and regions that it Fischer, and Mr. Carl Troll, Professor Dr. Ulrich Freitag, affords. It is an exceptional accomplishment of the author Institut für Anthropogeographie, Angewandte Geogra to have organized such extensive information in an acces phie und Kartographie der Freien Universität Berlin, and sible and handy form for the user. With the description Professor Dr. Hans Jochen Diesfeld, Direktor des Insti of details, whose relevance for public health in Korea can tuts für Tropenhygiene und öffentliches Gesundheitswe probably only be put into perspective by a scientist born sen am Südasien-Institut der Universität Heidelberg, have in Korea, this type of encyclopedic treatment of the consented to cooperate on scientific questions involving theme can also be interpreted as a valuable contribution their specializations in further editions of the Geomedical to this series of geomedical monographs. This wealth of Monograph Series. scientific data on Korea has to our knowledge never be fore been collected in such scope. If the most important task of medical geography is the writing of useable regional studies in geographical Helmut]. Jusatz Preface For over 30 years I have been engaged as a parasitolo nitz, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, was arranged in the pres gist in research on endemic diseases in our land. However, ence of Professor Jusatz. lt was indeed a great honor for I have been somewhat dissatisfied within my heart of me, but I also felt a very heavy responsibility; how to set hearts from the point of view of a medical person. Most of up the scheme, how to collect the materials, how to di us, myself included, handle disease sectionally, not com gest, analyze and compile them in accordance with the prehensively. Clinicians pay more attention to finding ef original goals. I frankly confess to realizing how limited fective drugs, medical scientists concentrate more effort my knowledge was at the same time. Poor editing would on clarifying pathologic etiology, and public health work result in dishonor not only to myself, but to my country ers are more concerned with environmental sanitation. as well. Thus, most of us generally neglect to search out the Now at this juncture, the point of editing, I am filled causal relation of a certain disease. For a disease to be with deep emotion. In spite of limited time and knowl established various factors must be involved: agent, ecolo edge, this manuscript will be prepared for edition at all gy, hosts, carriers, transmitters, habits, geographic and events. At this moment, I have to extend my heartful geologic conditions. It is true that the prevalence of re thanks to all concerned: Professor Dr. Helmut]. Jusatz spective diseases differs by area, and some disease show en for his encouragement and his staff of the Geomedical demicity. For this reason, a comprehensive understanding Unit Heidelberg, Dr. Boris Velimirovic for his instruc is needed to solve the problems of individual diseases. tions on how to set up the compilation scheme. Dr. Going one step further, it seemed to me that medi Eckart Dege, Geographisches Institut der Universität Kiel, cine from the geographic viewpoint (geomedicine) would who generously shared me valuable cartographs: Profes be the primary step toward understanding and solving no sor Bo-ki Sohn, Director of Yonsei University Museum sologic problems in individual regions. who greatly assisted me to describe the main portion of During my visit to Athens for the Ninth Internatio historical background of Korea; Professors Sa-Suk Hong, nal Congress on Tropical Medicine and Malaria in 1973, 11-Soon Kim, Dong Woo Lee, Ki-Ho Kim, Samuel Lee, Dr. Boris Velimirovic, Chief of the Field Office of Pan and Chung Yong of Yonsei University Medical College American Sanitary Bureau, EI Paso, U.S.A., introduced for supplying me with valuable literature, Professor me to Professor Dr. Helmut J. Jusatz, Director of the In Chong Hwi Chun of the Catholic Medical College for his stitute of Tropical Hygiene at the South Asia Institute of life-long collection of Iiterature on acute communicable the University of Heidelberg and to the team of the Geo diseases and his kind corrections, Professor K wang-11 medical Research Unit of the Beideiberg Academy of Kim of Hanyang University for bis valuable references on Sciences. While enjoying a magnificient view of the shamanism and folk medicine, the National Institute for "Acropolis" sanctuary from the roofgarden of the eight Agricultural Technology for providing me with the soil storied Astor Hotel, our topics gravitated to geographic maps, Professor Yong No Lee ofEhwa Woman's Univer medicine. Being very interested in this subject, I was sity for pictures of flowering plants, Mr. Chang Chull pleased to learn that several volumes have already been Chung and Mr. Si-Heun Lee, my sincere friends, for their published on the subject of geomedicine. Therefore, it was generous suggestions on the preparation of the manu perhaps inevitable that the suggestion be made to add one script and photographs, Dr. Joo-Su Lee of the Ministry of more monograph to the series, this time about Korea. Health and Social Affairs, Mr. Ik-Soon Park of the Minis Since the proposal coincided with a long-cherished wish, I try of Public Information, Mr. Jeung-Man Seo of the Min fully accepted the advice of my sincere friend, Boris Veli istry of Science and Technology, and Director of Central mirovic. However, the preparation began only with my Meteorological Office in Seoul for their kindness in pro visit to Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, on 15 January 1976. viding me with governmental publications. My sincere The publishing agreement with Professor Dr. W. Gei- thanks is also extended to Miss Marion Current in the X Physiotherapy Clinic, Severance Hospital, for preparing thors whose valuable references are cited in this descrip the English manuscript. Miss Hyun-Sook Cheon, secreta tion. My last thanks is to the publisher, Springer-Verlag, ry in my laboratory, typed the complete manuscript. All Berlin - Heidelberg - New Y ork for its willingness to staffs, especially Mr. Sang-Joon Kim, in the Department cooperate in the layout of this monograph and to the of Parasitology, Y onsei University Medical College, help printer of the maps, Henning Wocke, Karlsruhe. ed in preparing photos and manuscripts. Unfortunately, space does not allow me to add all the names of those who have helped me in various ways. Nevertheless, I have Seoul, Korea Chin Thack Soh to express my apology to and appreciation of all the au- January 1980 Contents Foreword of the Editor VIII 9. Interna! Migration and Urbanization 23 Preface of the Author IX a) Interna! Migration 23 Introduction 1 b) Urbanization 24 Korean W ords 2 10. Major Cities 25 a) Seoul . 25 A. The Land and lts People 3 b) Busan. 25 I. Historical Background 3 11. Projected Trends in Population Grow 25 1. Race 3 VI. The People and Their Way of Life . 26 2. Blood Type . 3 1. Family Structure . 26 3. Language. 3 2. Social Structure 26 4. Chronology . 3 3. Dwellings 27 II. Geographie Survey 4 4. Clothes 28 1. General Features . 4 5. Livelihood 28 2. Mountain Ranges 4 6. Farming . 31 3. Volcanoes and Hot Springs 5 7. Water Control 32 4. Rivers and Plains 5 a) Annual Rainfall 32 5. Seashores. 5 b) Comprehensive Development . 32 6. Islands. 6 c) Water Supply 32 7. Geology . 6 8. Underground Resources and Mining 32 9. Marine Products . 33 III. Climate . 7 10. Industry . 33 1. General Features 7 11. Food Production . 34 2. Temperature and Humidiry 8 a) The Demand for Food 34 a) Air Temperature 8 b) Agricultural Water Resources 34 b) Winter 12 c) Expansion of Rice Paddy c) Summer. 12 Rearrangement 34 3. Wind. 12 d) Promotion ofFarm Mechanization 34 a) Monsoons 12 e) Development of Four Major River b) Cyclones. 12 Basin Areas 34 c) Typhoons 13 12. Livestock Industry 34 4. Precipitation 13 13. Education and Illiteracy 35 5. Evaporation. 13 14. Trade and Transporration 35 6. Frost und Snow 15 Roads - Expressways - Railroads - IV. Flora and Fauna 15 Shipping - Airlines 1. Natural Vegetation . 15 Warm-temperate vegetation-Temperate vegetation-Cold-temperate vegetation- B. Health Facilities, the Health Profes- Forestry - Medicinal plants sions, and Public Health Services 36 2. Zoogeographie Distribution 16 I. A History of Korean Medicine 36 V. The Population . 17 II. Distribution of Health Personnel 37 1. Demographie Situation 17 1. Physicians 37 2. Population Growth . 18 2. Other Medical Personnel 39 3. Sex Distribution . 19 a) Dentists. 39 4. Age Distribution 20 b) Herb Doctors 39 5. Economically Active Population 21 c) Midwives 39 6. Fertili ty 22 d) Nurses 39 7. Mortality. 22 e) Pharmacists 39 8. Settlement 23 f) Paramedical Personnel 39

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