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Kondo Physics in the Single Electron Transistor with ac Driving PDF

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Kondo Physics in the Single Electron Transistor with ac Driving Peter Nordlander Department of Physics and Rice Quantum Institute, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77251-1892 Ned S. Wingreen 8 NEC Research Institute, 4 Independence Way, Princeton, NJ 08540 9 9 Yigal Meir 1 Physics Department, Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, 84105, Israel n a David C. Langreth J Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ 08854-8019 3 2 ] l l a Using a time-dependentAnderson Hamiltonian, a quantum dot with an ac voltage applied to a nearby gate is investigated. h Arichdependenceofthelinearresponseconductanceontheexternalfrequencyanddrivingamplitudeisdemonstrated. Atlow - s frequenciestheacpotentialproducessidebandsoftheKondopeakinthespectraldensityofthedot,resultinginalogarithmic e decrease in conductance over several decades of frequency. At intermediate frequencies, the conductance of the dot displays m an oscillatory behavior due to the appearance of Kondo resonances of the satellites of the dot level. At high frequencies, the . conductanceof thedot can varyrapidly dueto theinterplay between photon-assisted tunneling and theKondo resonance. t a m PACS numbers: 72.15.Qm, 85.30.Vw, 73.50.Mx - d n Ithasbeenpredictedthat,atlowtemperatures,trans- photon-assisted tunneling at high ac frequencies. o port through a quantum dot should be governed by the The system of interest is a semiconductor quantum c samemany-bodyphenomenonthatenhancestheresistiv- dot, as pictured schematically in Fig. 1. An electron can [ ity of a metal containing magnetic impurities – namely be constrained between two reservoirs by tunneling bar- 1 theKondoeffect[1]. TherecentobservationoftheKondo riersleadingtoavirtualelectroniclevelwithinthedotat v effect by Goldhaber et al. [2] in a quantum dot operat- energy∼ǫdot (measuredfromthe Fermilevel)and width 1 4 ingasasingle-electrontransistor(SET)hasfullyverified ∼2Γdot [6]. We assume that both the charging energy 2 these predictions. In contrast to bulk metals, where the e2/C and the level spacing in the dot are much larger 1 Kondoeffectcorrespondstothescreeningofthefreespins than Γdot, so the dot will operate as a SET [3]. In this 0 of a large number of magnetic impurities, there is only work, we consider only the linear-response conductance 8 one free spin in the quantum-dot experiment. Moreover, between the two reservoirs. However, we will allow an 9 / a combinationofbias andgate voltagesallowthe Kondo oscillating gate voltage Vg(t) = V0 +VaccosΩt of arbi- at regime, mixed-valence regime, and empty-site regime all trary(angular)frequencyΩandarbitraryamplitudeVac, m tobe studiedforthe samequantumdot,bothinandout which modulates the virtual-level energy ǫdot(t). of equilibrium [2]. Suchasystemmaybedescribedbyaconstrained(U = - d Hereweconsideranotheropportunitypresentedbythe ∞) Anderson Hamiltonian n observation of the Kondo effect in a quantum dot that co is not available in bulk metals – the application of an ǫdot(t)nσ+ ǫkσnkσ +(Vkc†kσcσ+H.c.) . (1) : unscreened ac potential. There is already a large liter- Xσ Xkσh i v ature concerning the experimental application of time- Xi dependent fields to quantum dots [3]. For a dot acting Herec†σ createsanelectronofspinσ inthequantumdot, r as a Kondo system, the ac voltage can be used to peri- while nσ is the corresponding number operator; c†kσ cre- a odically modify the Kondo temperature or to alternate ates a corresponding reservoir electron; k is shorthand between the Kondo and mixed-valence regimes. Thus it forallother quantumnumbersofthe reservoirelectrons, is natural to ask what additional phenomena occur in a including the designation of left or right reservoir, while driven system which in steady state is dominated by the Vk isthetunnelingmatrixelementthroughtheappropri- Kondo effect [4,5]. Our results indicate a rich range of atebarrier. Becausethechargingenergytoaddasecond behaviorwith increasingac frequency,fromsidebands of electron, U = e2/C, is assumed large, the Fock space in the Kondo peak at low ac frequencies, to conductance whichthe Hamiltonian(1)operatesisrestrictedto those oscillations at intermediate frequencies, and finally to elements with zero or one electron in the dot. ρ (ǫ) is replaced by the time-averaged spectral density dot hρ (ǫ,t)i [13,14]. For a given system, this average will dot depend on the driving amplitude V and frequency Ω. ac ε dot 0.10 V0 + Va c cos Ω t Ω=0.14 Ω=0.68 0.05 FIG.1. Schematic pictureof thequantumdot SET. 0.00 At low temperatures, the Anderson Hamiltonian (1) Ω=2.0 Ω=3.4 gives rise to the Kondo effect when the level energy ǫ dot lies belowthe Fermienergy. Inthis regime,a singleelec- 0.05 tron occupies the dot which, in effect, turns the dot into a magnetic impurity with a free spin. The temperature 0.00 required to observe the Kondo effect in linear response Ω=4.8 Ω=6.1 is of order T ∼ Dexp(−π|ǫ |/Γ ), where D is the K dot dot 0.10 energy difference between the Fermi level and the bot- tom of the band of states. For the temperature range no ac that is likely to be experimentally accessible in a SET, 0.00 T ∼T or higher, there exists a well tested and reliable -8.0 -4.0 0.0 -8.0 -4.0 0.0 K ε ε approximationknownasthenon-crossingapproximation (NCA) [7]. The NCA has been formally generalized to FIG.2. The spectral density ρdot(ǫ,t) vs. energy ǫ for a h i the full time-dependent nonequilibrium case [8], and an quantum dot with level energy ǫdot(t) = 5+4cosΩt and − exact method for the (numerical) solution implemented T = 0.005. The non-driven case is also shown in the final [9]. Thetime-dependentNCAhasbeenappliedtoKondo panel. Throughout this letter, energies are in unitsof Γdot. physics in charge transfer in hyperthermal ion scatter- In Fig. 2 we show the calculated hρ (ǫ,t)i as a func- ing from metallic surfaces [9,10] and to energy transfer dot tion of energy ǫ for a level with energy ǫ (t) = ǫ + and stimulated desorption at metallic surfaces [11]. An dot dot ǫ cosΩt at several different frequencies Ω. The corre- independent formulation [4] has been applied to quan- ac sponding conductance is shown by the curve labeled dot tum dots, although the high frequency expansion used A,T =0.005inFig.3. For the lowestΩ,the responseof there appears limited. Here we present the exact time- thesystemisrelativelyadiabaticandthedisplayedspec- dependent NCA solution for a quantumdot overthe full tral function resembles the spectral function that would range of applied frequencies. have resulted if the system had been in perfect equilib- Thetime-dependentelectronicstructureofthedotcan rium for all the dot level positions overa period of oscil- be characterized by the time-dependent spectral density lation of ǫ (t). The two broad peaks are the influence dot ∞ dτ of the virtual level peaks at the two stationary points of ρ (ǫ,t)≡ eiǫτ/h¯h{c (t+ 1τ),c†(t− 1τ)}i (2) dot Z 2π σ 2 σ 2 this oscillation (here at ǫ=−1 and ǫ=−9). As the fre- −∞ quencyΩisincreased,markednonadiabaticeffectsresult, evaluated in the restricted Fock space. For the equi- the mostobviousbeing the appearanceofmultiple satel- librium Kondo system, ρ (ǫ) is time independent, and dot lites around the Kondo resonance [4]. These sidebands looks like the graph in the schematic in Fig. 1. Roughly appearatenergiesequaltoh¯ times multiplesofthe driv- speaking, ρdot(ǫ) consists of a broad peak of width ing frequency Ω [15]. As the frequency Ω is increased, ∼2Γ atthelevelpositionǫ andasharpKondopeak dot dot spectralweightistransferredfromthe mainKondopeak ofwidth∼TK neartheFermilevel. Wewillrefertothese to these satellites. As the conductance is dominated by featuresasthevirtual-levelpeakandtheKondopeak,re- hρ (ǫ,t)i at the Fermi energy, this causes the slow log- dot spectively. In the steady-state case, the linear-response arithmic falloff of the conductance over two decades of conductance G through a dot symmetrically coupled to frequency, as shown in Fig. 3. two reservoirsis given by [12] As ¯hΩ becomes larger than Γ , inspection of Fig. 2 dot showsthatbroadsatellitesalsoappearatenergysepara- e2Γ ∂f(ǫ) G= dot dǫρdot(ǫ) − , (3) tions n¯hΩ around the averagevirtual-level position ǫdot. ¯h 2 Z (cid:18) ∂ǫ (cid:19) These satellites of the virtual level are the analogues of thosepredictedinthenoninteractingcase[13],whichde- where f(ǫ) is the Fermi function. The formula (3) will creaseinmagnitudeastheordernoftheBesselfunction still be valid in the case where the gate voltage is time J . Here, however, the virtual-level satellites have their dependent if G is the time-averaged conductance and n 2 own Kondo peaks; each of the latter gets strong when Ω → ∞, value for frequencies still much larger than ei- the corresponding virtual-level satellite reaches a posi- ther the depth of the level |ǫ | or its width. This effect dot tion a little below the Fermi level, and then disappears is due to a rapid decline of the amplitude of the Kondo as the broad satellite crosses the Fermi level. This effect peak in the spectral density, as illustrated in the inset produces the oscillationsin the conductance thatare ev- of Fig. 3. We propose the following explanation for this identin the lowercurvesinFig.3. These oscillationsare phenomenon. The energy h¯Ω excites the dot, produc- verydifferentfromthosethat wouldoccurin anoninter- ing satellites [16,13] of the virtual level peak at energies acting (U = 0) case: due to the Kondo peaks they are ǫ ±n¯hΩ, which, for h¯Ω≫Γ have strength roughly dot dot substantially stronger, their maxima occur at different given by [J (ǫ /¯hΩ)]2 as in the U = 0 case (see Fig. 2 n ac frequenciesandtheirmagnitudesaretemperaturedepen- and the previous discussion). For largeh¯Ω, only the two dent. As the last virtual-level satellite crosses the Fermi n = 1 satellites have any significant strength, and the level, h¯Ω = |ǫ |, the dot level energy begins to vary higherlies abovethe Fermilevel,allowinganelectronon dot too fast for the system to respond and the averagespec- the dot to decay at the rate (1/¯h)Γ (ǫ +h¯Ω). The dot dot tral function approaches (exactly as Ω → ∞) the equi- overallelectrondecay probability per unit time Γ /¯h decay librium spectral function for a dot level centered at the due to this photon-assisted-tunneling mechanism (PAT) average position ǫ . For the parameters of Fig. 2, the is therefore given by dot high frequency region is uninteresting, because the tem- peratureisfarabovetheKondotemperature. Therefore, Γdecay ≈[J1(ǫac/¯hΩ)]2Γdot(ǫdot+h¯Ω). (4) the conductance shows little temperature or frequency The above rate carries with it an energy uncertainty, dependence at these high frequencies. which we speculate has roughly the same effect on the Kondo peak as the energy smearing due to a finite tem- 0.15 perature. We can test this conjecture by calculating the 0.8 0.10 equilibrium conductance at an effective temperature Teff given by T = T +Γ . The results of such a cal- eff decay dot B 0.05 culation are shown in Fig. 3 (PAT curves), where they compare very favorably with our results for the conduc- 0.6 -0.2 0.0 ε tance in the ac-driven system. G Returning to the behavior at low frequencies, we find 2e) h/ that it can be best understood in terms of the Kondo ( 0.4 dot A Hamiltonian, which, with respect to properties near the Fermi level, is equivalent to the Anderson Hamiltonian A T=0.005 (1) in the extreme Kondo region −ǫ ≫ Γ [17]. In A T=0.02 dot dot 0.2 B T=0.005 this limit the dot can be replaced simply by a dynami- B T=0.005 PAT cal Heisenberg spin S~ (S2 = 3), which scatters electrons B T=0.02 4 both within and between reservoirs. The Kondo Hamil- B T=0.02 PAT 0.0 tonian corresponding to the Anderson model (1) is 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 Ω FIG.3. Conductance of two different quantum dots, each Jkk′(t) S~ ·~σσσ′ + 21δσσ′ c†kσck′σ′, (5) attwodifferenttemperatures: DotA,ǫdot(t)= 5+4cosΩt; kkX′σσ′ (cid:16) (cid:17) − Dot B, ǫdot(t) = 2.5 + 2cosΩt. The curves at the − where the components of ~σ are the Pauli spin matri- high Ω end for dot B (marked “PAT”) are from our pho- ces. For near Fermi level properties we can suppress ton-assisted-tunneling model, while the exact high frequency asymptotes for dot B are shown as short horizontal lines ex- the detailed k dependence of J and V and introduce a tending from the right vertical axis. The inset shows the large energy cutoff D [18], in which case the relation- spectral density ρdot(ǫ,t) of dot B around the Fermi level, shipbetweentheKondoandAndersonHamiltonians[17] h i at T = 0.005, for large frequencies, from Ω = 4.8 (lowest is J(t) = |V2/ǫ (t)| for our U = ∞ case. If we let dot curve),through 5.5, 6.1, 6.8 to Ω=14 (topmost curve). w (ǫ)/¯h be the total rate at which lead electrons of leads energy ǫ undergo intralead and interlead scattering by The situation is quite different for the system (dot B) the dot, then w (ǫ) will have a Kondo peak for ǫ leads displayed in the upper two curves in Fig. 3, which dis- near the Fermi level. Furthermore, if J is modulated plays a strong Kondo effect when the dot level is held at asJ(t)=hJi(1+αcosΩt),thenanelectronscatteredby its average energy ǫdot. In this case the Ω→∞ conduc- the dot will be able to absorb or emit multiple quanta tance is strongly enhanced by the Kondo effect, and is of energy h¯Ω, leading to satellites of the Kondo peak in consequently temperature dependent as well. Note that hρ (ǫ,t)i through the exact Anderson model relation dot theconductancefallsoffsignificantlyfromitsasymptotic, 3 6 Kondo peak due to photon-assisted tunneling processes 7 α=0 α=0.6 accountsforthereductionofconductance. Wehopethat Ω=0.34 our work will inspire experimental investigation of these 5 phenomena andother ramificationsofac drivingapplied 6 to Kondo systems. The work was supported in part by NSF grants DMR 4 95-21444 (Rice) and DMR 97-08499 (Rutgers), and by US-Israeli Binational Science Foundation grant 94- 5 3 Order J3 00277/1(BGU). NCA Order J3 Abrikosov NCA Order J2 2 4 -0.5 0.0 0.5 -0.5 0.0 0.5 ε ε FIG.4. Spectraldensity ρdot(ǫ,t) times103 intheKondo h i model and NCA for T =0.02 and hJiρ=0.023 (ǫdot =−7). [1] L. I. Glazman and M. E. Raikh, Pis’ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Forthenon-drivencase (left panel) wealso showthecompa- Fiz. 47, 378 (1988) [JETP Lett. 47, 452 (1988)]; T. K. rable result from summing all the leading logarithmic terms Ng and P. A. Lee, Phys. Rev. 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