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Kondo effect in quantum dots coupled to ferromagnetic leads J. Martinek,1,2,3 Y. Utsumi,4 H. Imamura,4 J. Barna´s,3,5 S. Maekawa,2 J. K¨onig,1 and G. Scho¨n1 1Institut fu¨r Theoretische Festk¨orperphysik, Universit¨at Karlsruhe, 76128 Karlsruhe, Germany 2Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8577, Japan 3Institute of Molecular Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, 60-179 Poznan´, Poland 4 4Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8579, Japan 0 5Department of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University, 61-614 Poznan´, Poland 0 (Dated: February 1, 2008) 2 WestudytheKondoeffectinaquantumdotwhichiscoupledtoferromagneticleadsandanalyse n its properties as a function of the spin polarization of the leads. Based on a scaling approach we a J predictthatforparallelalignmentofthemagnetizationsintheleadsthestrong-couplinglimitofthe Kondoeffectisreachedatafinitevalueofthemagneticfield. Usinganequation-of-motiontechnique 9 westudynonlineartransportthroughthedot. Forparallelalignmentthezero-biasanomalymaybe 2 splitevenintheabsenceofanexternalmagneticfield. Forantiparallelspinalignmentandsymmetric coupling, the peak is split only in the presence of a magnetic field, but shows a characteristic ] l asymmetry in amplitudeand position. l a h PACSnumbers: PACSnumbers: 75.20.Hr,72.15.Qm,72.25.-b,73.23.Hk - s e m The Kondo effect [1] in electron transport through a and in the QD, Vrk is the tunneling amplitude, Sz = quantum dot (QD) with an odd number of electrons is (d†d d†d )/2, and the last term is the Zeemanenergy . ↑ ↑− ↓ ↓ t experimentally well established [2, 3]. Screening of the ofthedot. (Strayfieldsfromtheleadsareneglected.) We a m dot spin due to the exchange coupling with lead elec- assume identical leads and symmetric coupling, VLk = trons yields, at low temperatures, a Kondo resonance. V . The ferromagnetism of the leads is accounted for - Rk d The main goal of the present work is to investigate how by different densities of states (DOS) ν (ω) and ν (ω) r↑ r↓ n ferromagneticleadsinfluencetheKondoeffect. Intheex- for up and down-spin electrons. o treme case of half-metallic leads, minority-spin electrons c In the following we study the two cases of parallel (P) [ are completely absent, i.e., the screening of the dot spin is not possible, and no Kondo-correlatedstate can form. and antiparallel (AP) alignment of the leads’ magnetic 2 moments. For the AP configuration and zero magnetic What happens, however,for the generic case of partially v fieldandbiasvoltage,the modelisequivalent(bycanon- spin polarized leads? How does the spin-asymmetry af- 6 ical transformation[8]) to a QD coupled to a single lead 0 fect the Kondo effect? Is there still a strong coupling 0 limit, and how are transport properties modified? with DOS νL↑+νR↑ =νL↓+νR↓. Inthis case, the usual 0 Based on a poor man’s scaling analysis we first show Kondo resonance forms, which is the same as for non- 1 magnetic electrodes [1]. thatthe strong-couplinglimitcanstillbe reachedinthis 2 caseifanexternalmagneticfieldisapplied. Thisisfamil- 0 This changes for the P configuration. In this case, / iar from the Kondo effect in QDs with an even number t thereisanoverallasymmetryforupanddownspins,say a of electrons [4, 5, 6, 7], which occurs at finite magnetic ν +ν >ν +ν . Tounderstandhowthisasymme- m fields, although the physical mechanism is different in L↑ R↑ L↓ R↓ try affects the Kondo physics we apply the poor man’s - the present case. In the second part of the paper we an- d scaling technique [9], performed in two stages [10]. In alyzewithinanequation-of-motion(EOM)approachthe n the first stage, charge fluctuations dominate and lead to nonlinear transport through the QD. We find that for o arenormalizationoftheQD’slevels. Sincetherenormal- c parallel alignment of the lead magnetizations the zero- ization for the spin-down level is stronger than for spin- : bias anomaly is split. This splitting can be removed by v up, a level splitting between the two spin orientations is i appropriately tuning the strength of an external mag- generated. Thisisoneofthekeymechanismforalltheef- X neticfieldB. Intheantiparallelconfigurationofthelead fects discussedbelow. Toreachthe strong-couplinglimit r magnetizations no splitting occurs at zero field. a it is, therefore, essential to apply an external magnetic TheAndersonHamiltonianforaQDwithasinglelevel field to compensate for the generated spin splitting. In at energy ǫ coupled to ferromagnetic leads is 0 the second stage, the resulting model is mapped onto a H = ε c† c +ǫ d†d +Ud†d d†d KondoHamiltonianandthedegreesoffreedominvolving rkσ rkσ rkσ 0 σ σ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ Xrkσ Xσ spinfluctuationsareintegratedout. Forsimplicityweas- + (V d†c +V∗c† d )+gµ BS , (1) sume for the scaling analysis flat DOSs νrσ and neglect rk σ rkσ rk kσ σ B z the k-dependence of the tunnel amplitudes V =V. Xrkσ rk where c and d are the Fermi operators for electrons First we reduce the cutoff D from D , which is the rkσ σ 0 with wavevector k and spin σ in the leads, r = L,R, smaller value of the bandwidth and the onsite repulsion 2 U [10]. Chargefluctuations leadto the scalingequations Finally, we point out an interesting consequence of the spin polarization in the leads. With nonmag- dǫ Γ σ = σ¯ (2) netic leads, the Kondo Hamiltonian couples the spin dln(D /D) 2π 0 of the QD to the spin of the leads only, but not where we defined Γ = 2π V 2 ν , and σ¯ is oppo- to its charge. To analyze the analogous situation σ | | r rσ in our case, we introduce the (pseudo) spin ~σ = site to σ. This yields the soluPtion ∆ǫ = ǫ↑ ǫ↓ = (1/π)PΓln(D0/D)+∆ǫ0,whereP =(νr↑ νr↓)−/(νr↑+ (1/2) kk′rr′σσ′c†krσσσσ′ck′r′σ′/(2D√νσνσ′), where the −ν measures the spin polarization inethe−leeads,eΓ = spin-dPependent normalization factor is crucial to ensure r↓) e (Γ +Γ )/2 and ∆ǫ = gµ B is the Zeeman splitting. theproperspincommutationrelations,andthe(pseudo) ↑ ↓ 0 B Theempty-dotstate|0ihybridizeswithstateswherethe chargeen=e kk′rr′σc†krσck′r′σ/(2Dνσ). The lastterm dot is singly occupied 1σ with either spin up or down, inEq.(3)can,Pthen,bewrittenas2D(ν J +ν J )σ S | i e ↑ z↑ ↓ z↓ z z while the singly-occupiedstate 1σ only hybridizes with plus D(ν J ν J )nS . The first term is analogous the empty-dot state 0 (for U| iǫ - asymmetric An- to the Ko↑ndz↑o−mo↓dezl↓withznonmagneetic leads, while the derson model). Beca|usie of the≫spi|n-|dependent DOS in secondeterm couples spin to charge. The latter does not the leads the hybridization is spin-dependent, which is scale up and the associated additional renormalization the physical origin of the generated ∆ǫ. ofthe Zeemansplitting, (1/π)PΓ,is negligible as com- To describe Kondo physics (for ǫ < 0) we terminate pared to ∆ǫ in the limit−D ǫ. e 0 ≫| | [10] the scaling of Eq. (2) at D ǫ, and perform a The unitary limit for the P configuration can be Schrieffer-Wolff transformation. U∼sein−g the renormalized achieved byetuning the magnetic field appropriately, as parametersD andǫ we getthe eeffectiveeKondoHamilto- discussedabove. Inthiscase,themaximumconductance nian throughtheQDisGP =e2/hperspin,i.e.,thesame e e max,σ HKondo = {J+S+c†rk↓cr′k′↑+J−S−c†rk↑cr′k′↓+ atusdfeorofntohnemKaognndeoticresleoandasn.ceTfohrisupyiaelnddsdtohwatntshpeinaamtpthlie- rXr′kk′ Fermi level are different, since GP Γ (E )ρ (E ), Sz(Jz↑c†rk↑cr′k′↑−Jz↓c†rk↓cr′k′↓)}, (3) andtherefore,ρ↑(EF)/ρ↓(EF)=(m1ax,σP∼)/(1σ+PF). FσortFhe − AP configuration, the maximal conductance is reduced, plustheterm 2S D˜(ν J ν J )andapotentialscat- teringterm. T−heiznitial↑vazl↑u−es↓forz↓thecouplingconstants GAmPax,σ =(1−P2)e2/h, and vanishes for P →1. In the remainder of this article we analyze the DOS are J = J = J = J = V 2/ǫ J . To reach + − z↑ z↓ | | | | ≡ 0 of the QD and address nonequilibrium transport. For the strong-coupling limit we tune the external magnetic a qualitative discussion we should employ the sim- fieldB suchthatthetotaleffectiveZeeemansplittingvan- plest technique which accounts for both the formation ishes, ∆ǫ = 0 (the field B will also slightly modify the of Kondo resonances and the influence of the spin- DOS in the leads [6]). During the second stage of scal- dependent renormalization of the dot level on spin fluc- ing spinefluctuations will renormalize the three coupling tuations. Theequation-of-motion(EOM)techniquewith constants J = J J , J , and J differently. The + − ≡ ± z↑ z↓ the usual decoupling procedure [12, 13] for higher order scaling equations are Green functions (GF) satisfies the first requirement but d(ν J ) not the second. We, therefore, extend this scheme by ± ± = ν J (ν J +ν J ) (4) ± ± ↑ z↑ ↓ z↓ calculating the level splitting ∆ǫ self-consistently. For a dln(D/D) morequantitativeanalysisonecouldincludehigher-order d(ν J ) σezσ = 2(ν J )2 (5) (than usually) Green’s functiones in the EOM approach ± ± dln(D/D) or higher-order diagrams in the resonant-tunneling- approximation [14], or use more advanced schemes such ewqiuthateiνo±ns=we√oνb↑sνe↓r,veνσtha≡t (Pν±rJν±rσ)2[11(]ν.↑JTz↑o)(sνo↓lvJez↓t)h=es0e as real-time [17] or numerical RG [18] methods. These − techniquesare,however,muchmorecomplex[15]andare and ν J ν J = J P(ν +ν ) is constant as well. ↑ z↑ ↓ z↓ 0 ↑ ↓ − not pursued here. I.e., there is only one independent scaling equation. All Within the Keldysh formalism, the transport current couplingconstantsreachthe stablestrong-couplingfixed I = I through a QD for Γ (ω)=λ Γ (ω) is point J± = Jz↑ = Jz↓ = at the Kondo energy scale, σ σ Rσ σ Lσ ∞ D k T . For the P configuration the Kondo temper- P atu∼re iBn lKeading order, I = e dω ΓLσ(ω)ΓRσ(ω) [f (ω) f (ω)]ρ (ω) (7) σ L R σ ¯hZ Γ (ω)+Γ (ω) − Lσ Rσ 1 arctanh(P) TK(P)≈Dexp(cid:26)−(ν↑+ν↓)J0 P (cid:27) , (6) whereρσ(ω)=−(1/π)ImGrσet(ω). Forstronginteraction e (U ) the retarded Green’s function is depends on the polarization P in the leads. It is a max- →∞ imum for nonmagnetic leads, P = 0, and vanishes for 1 n Gret(ω)= −h σ¯i (8) P 1. σ ω ǫ Σ (ω) Σ (ω)+i0+ → − σ− 0σ − 1σ 3 whereΣ (ω)= V 2/(ω ε )istheself-energy For magnetic leads and parallel alignment, we find a 0σ k∈L,R| k| − kσ for a noninteractPing QD, while splitting of the peak in the absence of a magnetic field [Fig. 2(c)], which can be tuned away by an appropriate V 2f (ε ) Σ (ω,∆ǫ)= | k| L/R kσ¯ (9) magnetic field [Fig. 2(d)]. In the AP configuration, the 1σ k∈XL,Rω−σ∆ǫ−εkσ¯ +i¯h/2τσ¯ opposite happens, no splitting at B = 0 [Fig. 2(e)] but e finite splitting at B > 0 [Fig. 2(f)] with an additional appears for interacting QDes only. The average occupa- asymmetryinthepeakamplitudesasfunctionofthebias tion of the QD with spin σ is obtained from nσ = voltage. This asymmetry is related to the asymmetry in h i −(i/2π) dωG<σ(ω). Extending the standard derivation theamplitudeofDOS[Fig.1(b)]. Allthesefindingsarein [12],werReplacedonther.h.s.ofEq.(9)∆ǫ ∆ǫ,where goodagreementwithourscalinganalysis. InFig.2(g)we → ǫσ is found self-consistently from the relation showthe tunnel magnetoresistance(TMR) whichcanbe e muchlargerthanforconventionalTMRsystems. Finally, eǫσ =ǫσ+Re[Σ0σ(ǫσ)+Σ1σ(ǫσ,∆ǫ)], (10) we find that the positions of the peaks in the AP con- ewhichdescribestheerenormaleizeddeot-levelenergy,where figurationin the presence of a magnetic field are slightly the real part of the denominator of Eq. (8) vanishes [1]. shifted as a function of the polarization P [Fig. 2(h)]. We emphasize that without this self-consistency relation This can be explained in the similar way as in Ref. [7] theKondoresonanceswill,ingeneral,appearatdifferent byanadditionallevelsplittingδ∆ǫ=(1/4π)PΓ/ǫeV at positions, which disagree with the conclusions from the finite bias voltages due to spin accumulation in the QD. e e scaling analysis [19]. The procedure simulates higher- We finally comment on the observability of our pro- order contributions and the influence of the renormal- posal. Ferromagnetic systems usually have strong spin- ization of the dot level on spin fluctuations. Follow- orbit coupling which could lead to spin-flip relaxation ing Ref. [12] we introduce, in heuristic way, a lifetime and, thus, could destroy the Kondo effect. On the other τ (µ ,µ ,ǫ ,ǫ ) which describes decoherence due to a hand, recent observation of Aharonov-Bohm oscillations σ L R ↑ ↓ finite bias voltage V or level splitting ∆ǫ. It is obtained in a ferromagnetic ring [22] proved coherent transport, in second-oerdeer perturbation theory and depends on the i.e., the formation of the Kondo cloud in ferromagnetic electrochemical potentials in the leads,eµ , and the leads might be possible as well. How can one attach L(R) level positions. Again, we replace the bare levels by the ferromagnetic leads to a QD? A conceivable realization renormalized ones. In the numerical results presented might be to put carbon nanotubes in contact to ferro- below we use Lorentzian bands of width D =100Γ. magneticleads[23]. TheKondoeffecthasbeenobserved Fornonmagneticleads,P =0andzeromagneticfield, alreadyfor nonmagnetic electrodes [5, 24]. Alternatively B = 0, the proposed approximation is identical to the one might use magnetic tunnel junctions with magnetic standard EOM scheme [12]. For finite magnetic field, impurities in the barrier,orspin-polarizedSTM [25, 26]. B = 0, the self-consistency condition yields a splitting In conclusion, we presented a qualitative study of the 6 of the Kondo resonances which is slightly smaller than Kondo effect in QDs coupled to ferromagnetic leads. In 2gµ B,inagreementwithbothexperimental[2]andthe- particular we found a splitting of the Kondo resonance B oretical findings [20, 21]. For B = 0 and P > 0 in the forparallelalignmentoftheleadsmagnetizations,evenin parallel configuration, we obtain a value of the splitting the absenceofamagneticfield. Ourresultsarebasedon ∆ǫ comparable to the result from scaling, Eq. (2). a poor man’s scaling approach and an EOM technique. In Fig. 1 we plot the DOS of the QD for spins in AP Further investigationsona morequantitative levelusing aned P configurations with spin polarization P = 0.2 in more advanced techniques would be desirable. theleads. IntheAPconfigurationthereisoneKondores- We thank L. Borda, J. von Delft, L. Glazman, B. onance[Fig.1(a)]andtheDOSisthesameasforthecase Jones, Yu.V. Nazarov, A. Rosch, H. Schoeller, A. Tagli- of nonmagnetic leads. For the P configuration, however, acozzo,M.VojtaandA.Zawadowskifordiscussion. Sup- theKondoresonancesplits[Fig.1(c)],whichcanbecom- portbytheResearchProjectKBN5P03B09120andthe pensated by an external magnetic field B [Fig. 1(d)]. 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