Kombucha , Kefir , and beyond 11 of of oo rr PP 223611 - Kombucha Kefir And Beyond Internal_12463.indd 1 JJoobb:: 1122446633 TTiittllee:: ##222233661111 -- KKoommbbuucchhaa KKeeffiirr AAnndd BBeeyyoonndd ((FFWW5/6))/ 17 11:51 AM 223611 - Kombucha Kefir And Beyond Internal_12463.indd 1 5/6/17 12:06 PM Text TTWWSS PPaaggee:: 11 11 of of oo rr PP 223611 - Kombucha Kefir And Beyond Internal_12463.indd 2 JJoobb:: 1122446633 TTiittllee:: ##222233661111 -- KKoommbbuucchhaa KKeeffiirr AAnndd BBeeyyoonndd ((FFWW5/6))/ 17 11:51 AM 223611 - Kombucha Kefir And Beyond Internal_12463.indd 2 5/6/17 12:06 PM TTWWSS PPaaggee:: 22 Kombucha , Kefir , and beyond ALEX LEWIN & RAQUEL GUAJARDO @ a fun & flavorful guide to fermenting your own probiotic beverages at home 11 of of oo rr PP 223611 - Kombucha Kefir And Beyond Internal_12463.indd 3 JJoobb:: 1122446633 TTiittllee:: ##222233661111 -- KKoommbbuucchhaa KKeeffiirr AAnndd BBeeyyoonndd ((FFWW5/6))/ 17 11:51 AM 223611 - Kombucha Kefir And Beyond Internal_12463.indd 3 5/6/17 12:06 PM Text TTWWSS PPaaggee:: 33 © 2017 Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc. Text © 2017 Alex Lewin and Raquel Guajardo Photography © 2017 Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc. First Published in 2017 by Fair Winds Press, an imprint of The Quarto Group, 100 Cummings Center, Suite 265-D, Beverly, MA 01915, USA. T (978) 282-9590 F (978) 283-2742 QuartoKnows.com All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the copyright owners. All images in this book have been reproduced with the knowledge and prior consent of the artists concerned, and no responsibility is accepted by producer, publisher, or printer for any infringement of copyright or otherwise, arising from the contents of this publication. Every effort has been made to ensure that credits accurately comply with information supplied. We apologize for any inaccuracies that may have occurred and will resolve inaccurate or missing information in a subsequent reprinting of the book. Fair Winds Press titles are also available at discount for retail, wholesale, promotional, and bulk purchase. For details, contact the Special Sales Manager by email at [email protected] or by mail at The Quarto Group, Attn: Special Sales Manager, 401 Second Avenue North, Suite 310, Minneapolis, MN 55401, USA. 21 20 19 18 17 1 2 3 4 5 ISBN: 978-1-59233-738-5 Digital edition: 978-1-59233-802-3 Softcover edition: 978-1-59233-738-5 Digital edition published in 2017 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available. Cover and book design: Stacy Wakefield Forte Photography: Nader Khouri Food and prop styling: Leila Nichols Printed and bound in China. 11 of of oo rr PP 223611 - Kombucha Kefir And Beyond Internal_12463.indd 4 JJoobb:: 1122446633 TTiittllee:: ##222233661111 -- KKoommbbuucchhaa KKeeffiirr AAnndd BBeeyyoonndd ((FFWW5/6))/ 17 11:51 AM 223611 - Kombucha Kefir And Beyond Internal_12463.indd 4 5/6/17 12:06 PM Text TTWWSS PPaaggee:: 44 TO THE ANCESTORS AND TRADITIONS OF MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES, AND TO @ WORKING TOGETHER. AND TO INDIGENOUS PEOPLES EVERYWHERE—MAY WE ALL GROK YOUR WISDOM BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE. 11 of of oo rr PP 223611 - Kombucha Kefir And Beyond Internal_12463.indd 5 JJoobb:: 1122446633 TTiittllee:: ##222233661111 -- KKoommbbuucchhaa KKeeffiirr AAnndd BBeeyyoonndd ((FFWW5/6))/ 17 12:00 PM 223611 - Kombucha Kefir And Beyond Internal_12463.indd 5 5/6/17 12:06 PM Text TTWWSS PPaaggee:: 55 11 of of oo rr PP 223611 - Kombucha Kefir And Beyond Internal_12463.indd 6 JJoobb:: 1122446633 TTiittllee:: ##222233661111 -- KKoommbbuucchhaa KKeeffiirr AAnndd BBeeyyoonndd ((FFWW5/6))/ 17 11:51 AM 223611 - Kombucha Kefir And Beyond Internal_12463.indd 6 5/6/17 12:06 PM TTWWSS PPaaggee:: 66 PREFACES PAGE 8 1 C O 6 N T E WHY FERMENT N T YOUR DRINKS? STARTERS, S MASTER RECIPES, 11 page 10 AND GENERAL 2 PRINCIPLES WINES, CIDERS, page 76 AND FRUITS OUR CULTURED 7 (AND VINEGAR!) HISTORY page 152 page 26 KOMBUCHA 12 3 AND JUN page 98 MEXICAN FERMENTATION, 8 PRE-HISPANIC SCIENCE, AND DRINKS HEALTH page 170 VEGETABLE page 34 DRINKS 13 4 page 116 9 FERMENTED BEFORE YOU COCKTAILS START page 182 SODAS page 46 page 126 5 RESOURCES 10 PAGE 200 FIVE-MINUTE ABOUT THE AUTHORS PAGE 202 RECIPES BEERS, GRAINS, AND ROOTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS page 66 PAGE 203 page 138 RECIPE DIRECTORY PAGE 204 INDEX PAGE 206 11 of of oo rr PP 223611 - Kombucha Kefir And Beyond Internal_12463.indd 7 JJoobb:: 1122446633 TTiittllee:: ##222233661111 -- KKoommbbuucchhaa KKeeffiirr AAnndd BBeeyyoonndd ((FFWW5/6))/ 17 11:51 AM 223611 - Kombucha Kefir And Beyond Internal_12463.indd 7 5/6/17 12:06 PM Text TTWWSS PPaaggee:: 77 p r e f a Raquel c e s Guajardo I WAS BORN and raised in Monterrey, Nuevo León, an industrial town surrounded by mountains in the north of Mexico that is well known for its carne asada, cabrito, tortilla de harina, and beer. As a proud regiomontana, I have always loved beer, but I didn’t asso- ciate it with fermentation, and never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined myself brewing my own. For me, fermentation started in Seattle, Washington, during a Real Food Cooking Course taught by Monica Corrado. Among other things, she taught me how to make sauerkraut and the principles of fermentation. She recommended the book Wild Fermentation by Sandor Katz, and soon I was hooked on everything fermented. Then, two years ago, I invited Sandor to teach a workshop in Monterrey. More people got hooked, and I got inspired to experi- ment and come up with my own recipes. Then I invited Alex to teach another fermentation workshop in Monterrey, on kimchi and the science of fermentation. During his stay, he tasted a couple of my fermented beverages, and I am pretty sure he enjoyed them. After all, the idea for this book was born in my kitchen as we drank pulque and tepache. 8 11 of of kombucha, kefir, and beyond oo rr PP 223611 - Kombucha Kefir And Beyond Internal_12463.indd 8 JJoobb:: 1122446633 TTiittllee:: ##222233661111 -- KKoommbbuucchhaa KKeeffiirr AAnndd BBeeyyoonndd ((FFWW5/6))/ 17 11:51 AM 223611 - Kombucha Kefir And Beyond Internal_12463.indd 8 5/6/17 12:06 PM Text TTWWSS PPaaggee:: 88