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n. mai o d blic u P 0. 5 8 niversitaet, 1 U n Berli Knowledge, Virtue, and the Research University Chad Wellmon Four Contemporary Responses the first type is technocratic. these books tend to be sociological, data-driven critiques Recently, a broad literature has chronicled, of the university as an institution. Exemplified diagnosed, and attempted to solve what many by Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa’s recent have referred to as a “crisis” in higher education.1 Academically Adrift, they cast a pall on the Some authors tie the purported crisis to an out- university by focusing on particular problems: of-touch faculty or lackadaisical students, while low graduation rates, skewed admissions poli- others blame a conservative or liberal political cies, indifferent faculty, disengaged students, or culture or the public’s general distrust of univer- uncontrollable costs.2 In response, the authors of sities. Amidst all of these anxious arguments, these studies offer specific, procedural suggestions however, we can discern four basic types. for solving the university’s various problems. Chad Wellmon is Assistant Professor of German at the University of Virginia. He has two forthcoming books on the history and future of the university, Organizing Enlightenment: Information Overload and the Invention of the Modern University (Johns Hopkins University Press) and The Rise of the Research University: A Sourcebook, edited with Paul Reitter and Louis Menand (University of Chicago Press). 79 The hedgehog Review / SummeR 2013 A second type of argument could be called College: What It Was, Is, and Should Be, these qualified utopian. As one author argues, the books argue that universities ought to reclaim university is quickly becoming an antiquated a unique college model that formed students and irrelevant institution that needs “bold” solu- into particular kinds of people.5 These authors tions.3 These books see universities facing exis- defend a tradition of humanist knowledge and its tential threats and call for intrepid entrepreneurs celebration of human experience over the endless with the clarity of vision to cast aside outdated accretion of research.6 Knowledge, they contend, assumptions and forge a brand new institu- is a good in itself and not simply a function of tion. They especially point to the unprecedented its technical use. Furthermore, the college’s basic capacity of new digital technologies to disrupt humanism should inculcate in its students a universities. A “tsunami” of digital innovation devotion not only to “personal advancement but threatens to render the university irrelevant, just [also] to the public good.”7 as it did the newspaper and music industries.4 As even Delbanco notes, however, the world But the same new technologies, if embraced, can of the eighteenth- and nineteenth-century also reinvent the university of the twenty-first American college, to which many authors appeal, century. is not our own. The singularity of purpose and These two types of arguments provide cogent moral vision that defined it was a function of a analysis, rousing critiques, and the promise of a homogeneous (white, male, Protestant) culture different and better institution. The particular that reinforced the very ends of the college. problems laid bare by the technocratic accounts the appeals of authors like Delbanco and are serious and need to be addressed. Likewise, Anthony Kronman, however, are not simply universities do need a coherent response to the nostalgic. They raise difficult questions: What rapidly changing technological environment. The kinds of shared commitments and purposes can proposed solutions are generally piecemeal and contemporary universities embrace? Are sectarian could conceivably be carried out within existing institutions the only universities capable of institutional frameworks. But defenders of the espousing what Alasdair MacIntyre calls a “unity university need to offer a clear account of why the crisis of the university is actually a crisis. Why should the university not be allowed to dissolve why should the university not be allowed into a different, more efficient, more modern institution—one more technologically enhanced, to dissolve into a different, more efficient, economically lean, and socially relevant? What is more modern institution—one more the purpose of (or even need for) a university in technologically enhanced, economically the digital age when there are more efficient means for transmitting knowledge? Particular solutions lean, and socially relevant? need to be framed in terms of a comprehensive account of why the university as an institution is worth defending. of vision” defined by shared values?8 Furthermore, two other types of arguments do offer such an the best of these books distinguish the college account. They also raise crucial questions about from the university and implicitly raise the ques- the future of the university, especially its role in tion of how scalable the college model is. how democratic societies. The first type of argument can a large public university provide a college or could be referred to as the collegiate argument. liberal arts education to 20,000 students? Given Exemplified most recently by Andrew Delbanco’s finite resources, is a college or liberal arts educa- 80 KNOWLEDGE, VIRtUE, AND thE RESEARCh UNIVERSIty / WELLMON tion a necessarily elitist enterprise? Is this neces- cratic community––can the university cultivate? sarily bad? Questions about the moral ends of the university There is a certain continuity between these are bound up with questions about democracy as celebrations of a college model and a fourth type an ethical resource. of argument, which we could call democratic. If these challenges were not fundamental Following a tradition that extends from Thomas enough, authors like Delbanco point to more Jefferson’s Rockfish Gap Report through William basic institutional barriers. While many universi- harper Rainey’s The University and Democracy to ties claim that they are committed to educating Martha Nussbaum’s recent Not for Profit, these democratic citizens, many faculty members, writes arguments claim that the university should form students into democratic citizens.9 The college model of individual discovery and formation one of the contemporary university’s extends out, so to speak, to the formation of central questions, then, concerns students for citizenship and civic responsibility. These appeals constitute a particularly American the ethical sources of democratic combination of an ancient liberal arts tradition commitments and belonging from which with democratic ideals. to draw. Like the collegiate arguments, the democratic arguments demonstrate the complexity of the challenges confronting universities by showing how they bear directly on an imperiled plural- former harvard President Derek Bok, “display istic democracy. Nussbaum, for example, exhorts scant interest in preparing undergraduates to universities to cultivate in students “the ability to be democratic citizens, a task once regarded as think about the good of the nation as a whole, the principle purpose of a liberal arts education not just that of one’s own local group.”10 Like and one urgently needed at this moment in the Delbanco, however, she has less to say about the United States.”13 Second, and just as importantly, sources and contours of such a common good. the broader public seems to have lost confidence In encouraging universities to inculcate in the university’s capacity or interest in training virtues like empathy, imagination, rational argu- democratic citizens. If the actions of the titans ment, and respect, Nussbaum raises a more of finance and the politicians of democracy are basic question concerning, as Aristotle put it, any indication of how elite institutions form what the “ultimate good” toward which liberal their graduates, then, reason many critics of the arts students should be formed is.11 Can univer- university, universities have either failed to form sities articulate a vision of a common good in democratic citizens, or perhaps democratic citi- such a radically pluralistic society as our own? zens are not nearly as moral as many had hoped. As Nussbaum makes clear, just because we live These four types of arguments raise crucial in a pluralistic society does not mean that we questions, but they do not address one of the hold nothing in common. Our democracy needs central ideological features of the modern common ends and certain kinds of citizens. One research university that often render attempts of the contemporary university’s central ques- to speak of its ethical ends incoherent: the fact tions, then, concerns the ethical sources of demo- that it has historically conceived of itself as an cratic commitments and belonging from which autonomous or semi-autonomous social insti- to draw.12 What particular notions of belonging tution.14 Nobody has so felicitously defended and solidarity––elements central to any demo- this account of the university as Stanley Fish, a 81 The hedgehog Review / SummeR 2013 Milton scholar turned law professor and public of the good, because the university’s governing spokesman for the university. Beginning with his norms are assumed to be independent of other admonitions against turning the classroom into cultural notions of the good. a site for political advocacy, Fish has steadfastly Understood in this light, attempts to tie refused to ground the university in anything the university to broader notions of the good, but itself.15 Whereas many justify the univer- public or otherwise, challenge the highly norma- sity through appeals to its economic or social tive claim that the university is a strictly func- utility––studying literature or history will make tional institution. Faculty members’ oftentimes students critical thinkers and thus better citi- confused, sometimes incoherent, and always- zens––Fish argues that the university’s only justi- erratic attempts to speak of the university’s moral fication is internal. The only way to defend the purposes or ethical ends––and the unease with colleagues who do so regularly and confidently–– make historical and institutional sense. The argu- The contemporary public, especially in ments made on behalf of the university more recently ring hollow for many both inside and the united States, is losing confidence outside the university because the university has in the university’s ability, capacity, and detached itself from any vision or claims about a willingness to safeguard and carry out the common good. The university purports to be its own end. (The obvious exception to this descrip- deeply ethical project that is the human tion, of course, is many of the sciences and knowledge project. policy-oriented social sciences that cast them- selves as technological instruments that solve social problems.) university is to tell the story of the university on But this detachment––even if it is primarily its own terms—that is, the story of an institution ideological––has had consequences. Why should that is self-regulating, autonomous, and inter- the public care about an institution that has nally coherent.16 isolated itself? University faculty’s reluctance or Central to this account is the assumption that inability to speak clearly and forcefully about the the university is self-normed. the university’s ethics of knowledge and the university is leading, standards of behavior and success are determined or already has led, to an erosion in the public’s by professional standards of conduct that bear belief that universities are more than mere tech- little to no relationship to external notions of nologies for transmitting knowledge and creden- what is good or bad. On this account, a univer- tializing aspiring laborers. the contemporary sity professor is like a plumber. Both belong to public, especially in the United States, is losing a specific professional guild that determines not confidence in the university’s ability, capacity, only the boundaries (who gets in and who is and willingness to safeguard and carry out the excluded) but also the standards of success. The deeply ethical project that is the human knowl- value and excellence of a particular practice— edge project.17 repairing a clogged pipe or writing an article— are determined in accord with standards internal to the practice itself. Understood from this highly The Moral Sources of the University functional perspective, the university is an auton- omous institution, and it would make little sense Along with the church and the state, universi- to appeal to broader ethical norms or notions ties are among the oldest and most central social 82 KNOWLEDGE, VIRtUE, AND thE RESEARCh UNIVERSIty / WELLMON institutions of Europe and western culture. From the medieval university, for example, was their beginnings in Bologna, Paris, and Oxford, a unitary corporation of students and masters universities have always been cultural and social bound together by Christian values and scholastic institutions that created, evaluated, and autho- practices, like the lecture and the disputation.18 rized knowledge. These activities brought them Initially without buildings or infrastructure, the into complex relationships with a broader culture, first universities in Paris and Oxford appealed be it thirteenth-century Paris or nineteenth- to Christian values and theology as the supreme century Berlin. But universities have always had science to ensure the university’s universal clear sources from which to draw their norms, authority. As a studium generale, the medieval ends, and virtues, which they could then adopt university welcomed students from, and granted and adapt to clarify their own particular ends. them rights to teach, anywhere in Christendom.19 Every historical crisis of the university––from It consistently laid claim to an authority that the challenge to the scholastic universities by transcended local interests and divisions. humanism in the fifteenth and sixteenth centu- Undergirding this claim to authority was ries, to the near collapse of the Enlightenment the legal and financial support of the Church, a university around 1800 in Germany, to Charles universal curriculum and language (Latin), and Eliot’s transformation of harvard College into ethical forms and virtues taken from Christian harvard University at the end of the nineteenth traditions. Most of the medieval university’s century––centered on debates about the proper basic values and virtues were grounded in gener- ends of a university and the normative sources ally shared beliefs in, for example, a cosmolog- that would fund these ends. ical order accessible to human reason, humans’ “A must-read for anyone who wishes to understand the civil rights movement, King, and America itself.”* “A vital book that gives the Birmingham letter its due as a piece of sacred literature.” —Jon Meacham, author of American Lion and Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power “Brims with passion, rage, and fragile hope.” —Melissa Fay Greene, author of Praying for Sheetrock and The Temple Bombing “An extraordinary book.” —Raymond Arsenault, G O SPE L OF author of Freedom Riders “Brings alive the extraordinary events of 1963 with insight and F R E E D O M eloquence.” —Ambassador Andrew Young MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.’S LETTER FROM BIRMINGHAM JAIL AND THE STRUGGLE THAT CHANGED A NATION On sale wherever books are sold. Visit www.bloomsburypress.com to read a free excerpt from Gospel of Freedom JONATHAN RIEDER * Booklist BLOPORMESSBSURY (starred review) 83 The hedgehog Review / SummeR 2013 fallen nature, the value of speculative or theo- The Modern Research University retical knowledge, and the authority of tradi- tion. The medieval university scholar was, thus, The modern research university emerged in characterized by a particular ethos, and the Germany at the beginning of the nineteenth university embodied a desire to understand the century and in the United States in the later part rational order of God’s creation and “general of the nineteenth century with institutions like ethical values like modesty, reverence, and self- Johns hopkins and the University of Chicago. In criticism.”20 Although particular universities Germany, the new university model was in part adopted, adapted, and even resisted specific a response to a crisis of the university. Between Christian theological claims, medieval universi- 1720 and 1800 German university enroll- ties were generally grounded in a Christian theo- ment—once among the highest in Europe—had logical tradition. dropped by over 50 percent.22 By the end of the Enlightenment era in Germany, many students had begun to forego the broad-based, liberal Enlightenment University arts and humanist education of the philosophy faculty and enroll directly in one of the three Beginning in the late seventeenth century professional faculties: theology, law, or medicine. and continuing through the eighteenth century, There were two basic critiques leveled against many Enlightenment critics both inside and the German Enlightenment university around outside the university argued that universities 1800. First, many critics argued that in its relent- were simply medieval institutions that inculcated less pursuit of social relevance, the university nothing but blind submission to the church.21 risked becoming little more than a glorified trade The confessional, medieval university obscured school. What was the purpose of a medieval insti- the true ends of knowledge and science––not contemplation of the divine but rather the prac- tical needs and demands of a broader public and As books became cheaper and more state. Over the course of the eighteenth century, widely available, what reason did a young some universities sought to redefine themselves man have to pay to listen to a professor as dedicated to a truth that was practical and socially useful. Universities like the University lecture from a text? of Göttingen, established in Germany in 1737, embraced a public or state good, the pursuit of a better future, and a progress judged by mate- tution when auxiliary institutions and schools–– rial wellbeing. These Enlightenment universities like mining academies, medical clinics, and were guided by different ends than those of the veterinary schools––could more efficiently train medieval university, which remained predomi- students for specific professions? Second, some nant throughout Europe until the end of the commentators began to wonder if the prolifera- eighteenth century. The Enlightenment univer- tion of print in the last decades of the eighteenth sity’s manifold purpose was to produce 1) state century was a real threat to the university. As revenues (through student fees) 2) more efficient books became cheaper and more widely available, members of the burgeoning state bureaucracy 3) what reason did a young man have to pay to listen technical solutions to particular problems, and 4) to a professor lecture from a text? As the philoso- in its Jeffersonian democratic version, democratic pher J. G. Fichte put it, if universities continued citizens. to present students “the entire world of books, 84 KNOWLEDGE, VIRtUE, AND thE RESEARCh UNIVERSIty / WELLMON which already lies printed before everyone’s eyes,” and the ethos of specialized science for granted. universities would soon become redundant and They inhabit an institution that is assumed to irrelevant.23 What was the purpose of a univer- give itself its own norms and sustain its own way sity in an age of print? What kind of authority of life.26 could it lay claim to if it were to distinguish itself from the medieval university’s commitment to theology, the Enlightenment university’s commit- Philology as the Exemplary Discipline ment to the state, and the increasing authority of an expanding culture of print? The lasting achievement of the early German The most important response to the German research university, then, was to give specialized university’s crisis of purpose emerged after an science an institutional form and thus guarantee intense debate about the very idea and purpose its continuity and effectivity. Like any institu- of the university that raged in Prussia between tion, the new research university developed and 1795 and 1810. This debate culminated in the incorporated structures, practices, and methods establishment of a new university in Berlin to train and form students into a life of science. in 1810: the Friedrich Wilhelm University or As Fichte put it, the true scholar pursues science the University of Berlin. Under the bureau- as a comprehensive form of life. Driven by the cratic leadership of the Prussian statesman “genius of industriousness,” he devotes his every and scholar Wilhelm von humboldt, a broad waking minute to his particular science. range of Prussian ministry officials, scholars, throughout the nineteenth century, one and philosophers, including the theologian discipline in particular embodied the logic and Friedrich Schleiermacher and Fichte, offered practices of specialized science: classical philology a new language through which to re-imagine (the study of ancient texts and cultures). Not the purpose of the university: Wissenschaft or physics, chemistry, or biology but philology was specialized, discipline-based science. The univer- the consummate discipline. For generations of sity, they argued, was the institution of knowl- German scholars in every field, the philologist edge. Not the church, not the state but, in the embodied the virtues of modern scholarship: words of humboldt, “the cultivation of science “industriousness, attention to the most minute of in the deepest and broadest sense” would be the details, devotion to method…an ethic of respon- orienting purpose of the university.24 The univer- sibility, exactitude, as well as a commitment and sity should be the singular institution devoted to facility to open discussion.”27 cultivating science or scholarship as, in the words the primary site of this inculcation into of Fichte, a morality, an ethics, a way of life. specialized science was the university seminar, Although many of the research univer- the precursor to modern graduate programs. sity’s basic elements had their precedent in The nineteenth-century university seminar had the University of Göttingen, humboldt and its origins in the seminaries and theology semi- colleagues developed a clear moral language and nars of early eighteenth-century Pietist Germany, concept for the new university model.25 They cast especially halle, where seminaries began as insti- specialized science as an ethos, a disposition, and tutions for training ministers. Over the course of sought to institutionalize it in a university struc- the eighteenth century, they became institutions ture, replete with exam committees, elaborate for training teachers, and by the early nineteenth governance structures, seminars, hiring practices, century, they had changed once again and had and reorganized libraries. In the contemporary become institutions for training scientists and research university, faculty take these practices researchers, especially philologists.28 85 The hedgehog Review / SummeR 2013 In 1707, August hermann Francke, a Pietist ethical subjects. This basic premise would guide and professor of ancient languages at the univer- the development of seminars from the early sity in halle, established the first seminar in halle eighteenth century throughout the nineteenth (seminarium selectum praeceptorium) to train century. The key difference was that the seminars teachers for his Pädagogium, a secondary Latin that emerged later in the century eschewed the school established a decade before. The seminar Christian orientation of their Pietist predeces- trained theology students from the university sors, whose ultimate end was the production of a in antique languages, modern philology, and personal relationship with God. biblical scholarship. These students then went In 1738, a philology seminar was established on to train teachers in the Pädagogium, where, at the University of Göttingen that from its as “scholaren,” they guided younger students beginning was devoted not to Christian piety toward piety through “edifying discourse and but to the study of antiquity. the Göttingen good example.” this included evening and seminar sought to form not skilled readers of the morning prayer, reading of scripture, and exten- Bible but skilled readers of ancient Roman and sive linguistic training.29 Greek texts. And yet it shared the Pietist semi- In contrast to traditional humanist learning, nar’s methodological assumption that training in which focused on ancient Greek and Roman texts, Francke’s seminar emphasized exercises in ancient languages (Latin, above all) and focused Training in objective, scholarly techniques almost exclusively on the study of the Bible. The would produce particular types of ethical epitome of halle’s philological culture, however, was the Collegium Orientale theologicum. subjects. Established in 1702 by Francke, the Collegium trained a select group of university students in ancient languages and biblical exegesis. Besides objective techniques would produce particular hebrew, students were also expected to learn kinds of ethical subjects. The Göttingen seminar Chaldean, Syrian, Samaritan, Arabic, Ethiopian, sought to habituate students, as the seminar ordi- and rabbinic hebrew. Like the seminar, the nance put it, into “a high estimation of antiquity Collegium was devoted almost exclusively to the in general,” such that the ancient writers would scholarly study of the Bible. be “an eternal monument of human reason and Francke’s Pietist seminars embraced the most other good virtues.”31 modern of scholarly techniques and materials: In 1787, the German classicist Friedrich students were required to study six languages August Wolf, a student of the Göttingen seminar, and master the methods of high textual criti- founded a philology seminar at the University of cism and emendation. the Pietist seminars halle that from its beginning emphasized the in halle combined these objective techniques cultivation of the student not as a Christian or with a rigorous moral education to produce humanist but as a philologist, as a specialized particular subjective experiences.30 As Francke scholar. Wolf criticized the loosely humanist put it, a better, philologically enhanced Luther seminars for their lack of philological rigor. his Bible would help people (scholars and non- seminar developed excellence in philological scholars alike) experience God’s word more methods by placing small groups of students in intensely. Scholarly methods would help make intimate contact with a single professor, who better Christians. training in objective, scholarly would drill students in specific exercises.32 The techniques would produce particular types of goal was the formation of philological virtues, 86 KNOWLEDGE, VIRtUE, AND thE RESEARCh UNIVERSIty / WELLMON above all industriousness and exactitude. And yet The expectation was that students would even- in 1806, just as philology was becoming a distinct tually grasp and devote themselves to the goods discipline, Wolf began to worry that the increas- internal to the practice of philology and excel at ingly specialized character of philology might what philology as a distinct practice required. obscure its original ethical aims—the forma- According to the seminar’s logic, becoming tion of students according to ancient virtues. an excellent philologist was a good in itself and technical skill, virtuosity, was replacing virtue. thus required no further justification. Philology In Berlin, humboldt attempted to resolve constituted its own way of life. By tying the logic the tension between the production of ever more of science to the institution of the university, technical knowledge and the formation of a science could become a viable form of life replete particular type of person and character by casting with its own set of virtues: industriousness, science as its own form of life. he sought to attention to detail, self-discipline and restraint, reconcile the tension between technical research openness to debate. Above all, science entailed and moral formation by embedding academic a devotion to something that exceeded the self: professionalization––the imperative to publish, science. the university would not need the to divide intellectual labor according to special- church, the state, ancient Greece, or any other ization, to focus on details––in a set of ethical sources for its norms—science would serve as the ideals. Specialized science, he claimed, gave the normative source for the university. scholar a moral orientation, a source of meaning Within a decade of its founding, the philology and authority, and made him a member of an seminar left questions about the good life and ethical community: a community of researchers a common good aside and focused instead on who were contributing to a human knowledge historical reconstructions of particular passages, project brick by brick, technical insight after technical insight. The university was his home, church, and nation. The university would not need the church, Founded in 1812, the philology seminar was the first seminar to be established at the the state, ancient greece, or any other University of Berlin. Its purpose, according to its sources for its norms—science would serve founding ordinance, was as the normative source for the university. to educate those who were prop- erly prepared for classical philology [Altherthumswissenschaft] through a broad range of exercises that led into the methodological and technical innovations, and depths of science, and through literary debates within an increasingly restricted circle of support of all kinds, so that through specialists. As one German philologist put it in them this study can in the future be 1820: “we’re turning out men who know every- maintained, propagated and extended.33 thing about laying the foundations but forget to The broader pedagogical goals of the seminar, build the temple.”34 German research universities so central to those in halle and Göttingen, were were producing hyper-specialized scholars who subordinated to the more basic task of forming had no idea why they were devoting their lives future philologists. the seminar’s goal was to to one Greek preposition. But they did not need close the gap between external goods (broader to because philology was self-normed. Internally, notions of the good external to the university) the success of the philology seminar led to ever- and the internal goods of philology as a science. greater fragmentation of the broader discipline as 87 The hedgehog Review / SummeR 2013 philologists focused on increasingly specific and Despite his insistence on the non-normativity of technical questions. Externally, philology gradu- science, Weber’s exhortation to act “like a man” ally detached itself from the broader, non-tech- contains a deep appeal to virtue. The question nical culture. Philologists saw no need to justify of whether one embraces the meaninglessness of their activities or commitments to a public who science or the comforting enchantments of the could not understand their work anyway. church is not simply propositional––whether the dogmas are true or false––but rather and more importantly a reflection of who the scholar is as The Virtues of Specialization a person, a statement about the scholar’s dispo- sitions. The capacity to exclude systematically In a speech in Munich in 1918, the German broader questions of meaning and value, to focus sociologist Max Weber described with devas- simply on the “needs of the day”––the univer- tating, detached effect what had become of the sity’s rules, procedures, and practices–– these modern German research university and the are the virile virtues of the modern scientist. specialized science that it embodied: science These are also the virtues that characterized the could not bear the weight of the ethical demands nineteenth-century philologist: industriousness, that its forefathers in Berlin had placed upon it. attention to detail, and adherence to method. Institutionalized science was not a way of life; This was the very bedrock of the modern uni- it was a profession. Like any profession it had versity’s moral authority. Despite Weber’s claims little to say about questions of value, meaning, to the contrary, science did lay claim to value, worth, and the good. Questions about how meaning, and worth. Weber’s man of “intellectu- one should live, claimed Weber, were of no al integrity” was another formulation of the vir- concern to science. The logic of specialization tues of the seminar and the normative structure was ineluctable, and attempts to glean moral of specialized science. guidance from science were misplaced, elegiac longings for an enchanted world that had long since disappeared. Conclusion And yet despite Weber’s claims, which continue to haunt the research university, This brief history of the moral sources of the there was a clear moral imperative to what has university demonstrates that the university has been referred to as Weber’s “value neutrality” always been based on normative commitments: [Wertfreiheit]: visions and claims about what is worthy, valuable, to the person who cannot bear the fate and good. Until the emergence of the research of the times like a man, one must say, university, however, universities had generally may he return silently without the usual acknowledged the ethical resources that supported publicity buildup into the wide and them and gave them life and purpose. The research comforting arms of the church…. For university, in contrast, has from its beginnings in me, [such a return] stands higher than Berlin obscured its ethical orientation behind the academic prophecy [pronouncing values language and logic of specialized science. It has and ends in the classroom], which does always struggled to articulate its ends as it strug- not clearly realize that in the lecture gled to reconcile virtuosity with virtue, technical rooms of the university no other virtue skill with ethical formation. This conflicted insti- holds but intellectual virtuousness tution is the one that we still inhabit, and we have [Rechtschaffenheit].35 inherited its ethical incoherence. 88

Academically Adrift, they cast a pall on the university by focusing on celebration of human experience over the endless accretion of research.6
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