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Knowledge and Abilities Catalog for Nuclear Power Plant Operators PDF

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Preview Knowledge and Abilities Catalog for Nuclear Power Plant Operators

v olgm.tc hrt.na2.rw2w2w11rs egaP 1 fo053 rewo Praelcu Nro fgolata Cseitilib Adn aegdelwonK tnalP srotcae Rreta Wdezirusser P:srotarepO 8 9e, 9n5:1udJetelp mtopCircsunaM :dehsilb uePtaD hcn aercBnamrof rnea PmdgunnHaisne crioLtarepO sro tn c asadmlFnuoaHr trno otnC cofaioesRiviD noitalu greoRtc areaRe l ecfcuoiNffO noissi mymrooCtal urgaeeR l.cSu.NU Washington, DC 20555 tcartsbA )sR WsPr(otc areeRtaW-deziruss e:rsProtar etpnO arleP wroaPel c rugoNofla tsaeCitil i dbenAgadelw oenhKT noisi v,e2R211-GERUN( rotca err osfnoitanima xgenisnec idlilav-tnetn o fctonempolev eed hrt osfis aeb hstedivo r)p2 operators (ROs) and senior reactor o perators e hhtt igwno lgaolat aR CWe Phgtni sduepolev esdnoitanima xe eh.T)sORS( re w rosoPdfradn antoSitanim agxnEisne crioLtarepO re ddneut ssicli p eoehtltp mla ls.)i v8w,e1R201-GER UsNr(otcaeR ,e0l1tiT Code fo laredeF snoitalugeR , Part 55 (10 CFR 55). e h.TsR WtsPaO Rd Sns aOr Rosftnemeta t)sA/ Ky(tili bd aneagdelwo n0k01 ,y5letamixorp psaniatn ogcolat aR CWePhT sgiolatac ,smets ytSna l,Pstnemeta tyStili bdA neagdelwo ncKiren e,Gnoitazinag rgOolat a:Csnoitc ersoj axm iost ndiezinagro d nyacnegremE onbA .yroe hd Tnsatnenopm o,Csnoitulo vtEna llPamr elbacilp praie h otdtekn ielr eswA /eK h.Tgolat alcanigi reo h fttonetn odc nmar oef hdteifid ogmolat aRC WeP h ont1toisiveR R50F51C d ncairen eegdiw-tna lep h.Tsrebm umne t3i4. 5R5 F 0C y1dbeifitne deir eswA /lKev eOl R.Ssrebm umneti sA/ Kcirene gmetsys erew d nyacnegre mee hdt nsanoitcn uyftef aesn iont ndiezinag reor eswmets y.Snoitc ees n nodienibmoc dezinagro eerr eswnoitulo vleamronba .dednap xdena h tdiewtaico smsaarg ogrnpit st eogt lnaii prduedifitn eed rite awghotl a. tv 1esaeohncRttoitcer rsoectaropr on co2niisiveR 0 f1nooisiver r osfdradna tnSoitanima xgEnisnec irLotar e ,p."8Ov emRiret n,I1201-GER UfnNooitatnemelp md i n5Ra5FC Power Reacto rs." :ed usgln ocoo lniteaithtctaecrroC 1. .) 0y7letamixorpp a.1(v e nRdietti mnoe edb atha hstA / fKnooitidda 2. .) 5y1letamixorpp as(A /eKtacilp u fdnooiteled lmth.2r2211rs/2R/2211RS/SGERUN/CRN/vog.crn.www//:ptth 11/24/99 v olgm.tc hrt.na2.rw2w2w11rs egaP 2 fo053 3. seul advengis syalsuoive rtpsehg ithcelf e orstA /dKetadilosn o fcsoeul aevcnatrop m finooitcerroc .) 5y7letamixorppa( .s rloarcrieh pnaor igftoocpeyrtroc 4. .)5 2y2letamixorpp a.1(v e nRdietti mnoe edb atha hstreifid oemul aevcnatrop m finooitidda 5. .snigr aem h ntginikr a"menilde r y"dbeifitne dei rsanoitid dda nsanoitcerroC segnah Ctnacifingi Sf oyrammuS .5 9,9t1su ggnuoiAla tn eao1fhciotsi vdneeiRtaropro cen ri,ewwo lh,eg6bu os rh1hptarga rdnaeipbirc sseedgn aehhcT hparga r7aP .gola tn eao2fhciotsi vhe tRdiewtaropro c entri aashetgn ashecbircsed segna hgColat ae C hfntooitazinag r1O 1.1 01 RFC d5se5mtestiil elt if5To4. 5d 5n,a34. 5,514. 5s5noitc eydSbetatc issdits egtnisnec iglnitare pd onsanoitanima xneetti re whfttonetn oechT 01 f oeht .) R 0Fs1Cn(oitalu gleaRre defedoFoC ogtolat ae c hndtiets ie l r5Ra 5 F 0nCd1iets islme t)i4 3r(u oyftri hethT ec ued hedtre e rnsosforc .gnicnerefer dset kn2 ne .oimm1tleett aS0t1s RFC 5s5meti eadulc nsinoitanima xe ehtta hetrus npel eoehtn os daswtnemeriuq e5d r 4n3,a414. 5R 5F0e C 1hosttA /feKogakn ielhT evitatneserper nniwo he srsaecneref enroitc e5Rs 5 F0,C1golat ae chttuohguor h.Tsme teilbacilp pe ahgtno mmao reflpmas ll osfesehtnerap e hgtniwo ,ht c n:uxse Rs.ameF 1e tC A4t/a(x/ai.Ktr.3 sp)4/oxr.p5p4a 3.1 roin erSot craoetRare p)OORS( sAd/eKifitnedi s e trts iaa,ue1ql 0en4ro- iS"tE,cserSo ts rcdrearoweafoR dPnnoaittSan igmnaixsE nreoc ti,.aL1v r2e,e0R8p1O-"GERUN %52 fo eht lanigi reo h.Tlev eelsnec irlehg ieh hrt odferiuq esrA /eKtaula v oestO RrS onfoitanima xneetti rcwificeps-etis s gd oitldoantac ylticilpxe ecnatrop mOi RdS n Oa nRsiecnereff i.Dlev eelsnec irlehg ieh hdtetneserp etra hstA /eK hytfitnedi e,h tt,udb esseumite meo rssegwnitar golat asci hn.tIsme tO iR3S4. 5R 5F0e C1hodttekn it loenr eswecnereff igdnitar leve lesneci lOR S,noisiver sme tei h otdtekn ielr eswA/K odtednet nssiii h.Tsme tO iR3S4. 5R 5F0e C1hhtt idwetaicossa .sA/ Kleve lesneci lrehgi hf onoitcele smor fytivitcejbu sevomer dre o tnr4trioo. daomit 1oer iiscgtde)n LsandpOelueiaORSecRlSusdLFin(daH noitanim aenxheEtew tyecbnetsis neor cu ts or s.to nagfnIofale a stAeora/htec K tf1ne0or7i t . c,v,e8e1SR201-GERUN s ddrnaadnatS .dedulc nsi aswnoitanima xOeR SrL ogfolat aec h fteo seu h ftnooissucs ifdei r,abgolat aecht lmth.2r2211rs/2R/2211RS/SGERUN/CRN/vog.crn.www//:ptth 11/24/99 v olgm.tc hrt.na2.rw2w2w11rs egaP 3 fo053 .det nneo misetalawpzm ii5gn. oa1wlgearNtoac 1 noi tfgao ozelihanttaagCrO 2 cireneG egdelwonK dna seitilibA)231( s As/nKoita r tefcpouOdnoC sA /lKortn otCnempiuqE sA /lKortn onCoitaidaR sA /nK a sl/ePrudeco ryPcnegremE 3 s mt)en5ta4sl(yPS 1 s)K-e6(iKroge teagCdelwonK ) 41-A As(eiroget ayCtilibA 4 snoitul otvn EallaPmro ndybncAanegremE )83(s Eds PnEcAaPiEreneG )7 1s(E Pd AnsaE PxEocl id WnkacocbaB 7s)(E Pd AnsaE PgEnireenig nnEoitsubmoC ) 6s 1Eds( PnEeAaPsEuohgnitseW ) 3 KK/ 1AAK-/EK Es(eiroget aeCgdelwonK )A2A/ AA1-EA/A Es(eiroget ayCtilibA 5 stnenopmoC s)e8i(rog eetgadCel wtonneKnopmoC 6 yroehT se)i8r(o geegtdae Cly wrrooonetKhcTaeR )0 1s(eiroget aeCgdelwo nsKcimanydomrehT .s m se tttrnnsoaeyflms pey mttee aigtdtldsnsiea bldaweo sn6ik.v1eR .golat aR cWe Bhhtt iywcnetsisn or codfesiv eerr eswmets ytsna lr po)fseirogeta cs(tnemeta tmse tystili bd aneagdelwo nekhT sihT .denilred neu rsaegna hec h.Twol enbwo h sssatnemeta tmse tesgdelwo neker hgtnisiv edrevlovni .3K s s toaa lhttcef fe ehfetogdelwonK noitcnufl armo :gniwoll oef h nteov alhl i)wMETSY Se( h fto (CFR 41.7 / 45.6) .5K e hfetogdelwonK snoitacilp mlianoitarepo :)METS Y eSyoh(ltt pyp easshtatpec ngonciwol l eofhfot (CFR 41.5 / 45.7) .6K e hfetogdelwonK e h ftnooitcnufl a rmsos o faltoceffe :)METSY Se( h nteov alhl igwniwollof (CFR 41.7 / 45.7) lmth.2r2211rs/2R/2211RS/SGERUN/CRN/vog.crn.www//:ptth 11/24/99 v olgm.tc hrt.na2.rw2w2w11rs egaP 4 fo053 .snoit u tlynocavn leesp gtrrnoeefmm eey mttee aigtdtldsnsiea bldaweo sn7ik.v1eR e hhtt iywcnetsisn orc odfesiv eerr eswnoitulo vtena lypcnegre mre o)fseirogeta cs(tnemeta tmse tystili bda neagdelwo nekhT .gol aRtWaBc .denilred neu rsaegna hec h.Twol enbwo h sssatnemeta tmse tesgdelwo n)k 5e(v ilf lganisiv edrevlov nsiihT .1KE e hfetogdelwonK snoitacilp mlianoitarepo TN AYLCPNEGRE M eEyoh(ltt pyp easshtatpec ngonciwol l eofhfot EVOLUTION): (CFR 41.8 / 41.10 / 45.3) .2KE e hfetogdelwonK neewt esbnoitalerretni :gniwol l edo)hnfNtaOITUL OTVN EAYLCPNEGRE ME( (CFR 41.7 / 45.7) .3KE gniwoll oef hrt osfnosa eer h fteogdelwonK oytlp pyae hsstaesnopser YCNEGREME( TNALP:)NOITULOVE (CFR 41.5 / 41.10 / 45.6 / 45.13) .1AE gniwoll oe fhrtotin odr /mnoeatare poyottilibA oytlp pyae hsta YCNEGREME( TNALP:)NOITULOVE (CFR 41.7 / 45.6) .2AE gniwoll oef htterpret ndi neanimret e odyttilibA oytlp pyae hsta YCNEGREME( TNALP:)NOITULOVE (CFR 43.5 / 45.13) segn asheCitil idebngAadelw ocniKre n2eG 1.2 e cm hnieyTor tc ietsnsdt nnyeAnudea Sg/aleGlerK on PrehcvieemtiEbdwE.irmi sweoWeAnc-h/ettKGnalP ediw-tnal pdl oeh t,noitidd an I.ytilibacilpp alaco ls alle ws aytilibacilpp aediw-tnal pda hsA/ Kcirene gmetsy sdl oeh tf oynaM cireneg O Re Shf% to7rn1ooitanima xOe eRhf% to3pe1uk aonmto pwua rosdtA /w Keyflevital ed ranhoitces R UrN e,pnoitanimaxe EG-1021. .noitc ee snoot ndiegr eemr eswA /cKiren el gl,atlu s seaAr OLD SYSTEM A /WKEN AC/IKRENEG 1 2.1.2 2 2.1.14 3 2.4.30 4 2.1.27 5 2.2.22 6 2.2.25 7 2.1.28 8 2.4.31 9 2.1.30 lmth.2r2211rs/2R/2211RS/SGERUN/CRN/vog.crn.www//:ptth 11/24/99 v olgm.tc hrt.na2.rw2w2w11rs egaP 5 fo053 10 2.1.32 11 2.1.33 12 2.4.50 13 2.1.23 14 2.4.49 15 2.4.4 2 . n2 eso egei dh d itse T cedtcapowilniewut erwalsonrneoiriunnbgo ekaf) g4c.(ispaoetra ) 4r(u oef h.Tsnoitare pdo nsamets ysssor cnaoitacilp pdaao rhbt isweitili bda neagdelwo nekvitartsinim dyallaren eeg reasehT ci psoatera .103 -,S1E201-GE R,Um Nodrefvi re er,dewwo ldeebtsil 1. s As/nKoita r tefcpouOdnoC 2. sA /lKortn otCnempiuqE 3. sA /lKortn onCoitaidaR 4. sA /nKal Ps/erudeco ryPcnegremE enfhootitar eyplo i eaefhdgotdelw osn'ktnacil p epehattaul adov ete es"ru,asnoitar etfpcoOudn o rCso" Afc/iKre neehgT eh T.ytilicaf noitacifid oymraropm e rtroevonr uttfi h,selpma xre oefdulc nyi aymroget asci hrted nduerev oncoitamrof n fisoepyt proce dures. d ntanemegan ae mhhtt idwetaicos ssaeus seivitartsinim de ahettaula vodete s e ulr"oartn otCnempiuq Er "osfA /cKiren eeghT lortnoc fo ecnanetni aemdulc nciip osti hrted nduetaula vneoitamrof n fisoep yet h ftsoelpma x.Etnempiu qde nsamets ytsnalp o pdmneat yrar feosuac eabe rcaip osti hott ndiezinag roos lear eswA /gKnileuf edr nganildn alhe u.Fsmets y fssonoitacifidom tc elposra ttnnoecmp ieuhqte .gnildna hleu ffo noitaid aotrtceps ehrt isweitili bd aneagdelwo nsk'tnacilp pe ahettaula vodete se ur"a,lortn onCoitaida Rr "osfA /cKiren eeghT d nsadrazah cip osti hrted nduetaula vedebluo htsa hntoitamrof nfsioep ye t hfstoelpma x.E)cilb ud pnlaennosre pn(oitcetorp ar feogdelwo nek .stimr ekpr onwoitaid arsrodraz anhoitaid atrnacifingis ycnegre mfeeogdelwo nlkaren esg'tnacilp pe ahettaula vodete se ur"an a sl/ePrudeco ryPcnegrem Er "osfA /cKiren eeghT .snoitare peohT e rsaA /nKa lypcnegre me eh.Te ssuerudeco rypcnegre me e hfetogdelwo nektaula vodetengis ee drsaA/K des ue toat uelhatve s'tnacilppa edic eoydttilibisnops esr'O RrsSo' Oe Rh,tetairporp ps,aagnidulc n,ina le p hfetogdelwonk sei t eu dhddnteatuc edexlbeu ortheishtehw .na lep hrted nduengissa yle tde aen)mr o0id30x n. 1ocu2w(rihe prnspeAAn /eeK.grdeewdda ,1201-GER U,Ngolat aec h ftwoeiv etrnedneped n nida nsayevr ursenima xeesnec ihlguor hdteifitne deir eswA /wK eenhT tnev eeesnecil lmth.2r2211rs/2R/2211RS/SGERUN/CRN/vog.crn.www//:ptth 11/24/99 v olgm.tc hrt.na2.rw2w2w11rs egaP 6 fo053 .stnemeriuq e5Rr 5 F0eC1lbacilp pe a hodttekn iylltcer iedr eswA /w Kel nl.Astrop enroitceps nd insatroper segn ashnCoitc nyutFe f3aS 3.1 Consolidated Safety Functions to match BWR Catalog. r osfnosa elrarev eesr eewre h.Tsnoitcn uyftef a)s 9e(n iont ndietadilosn oecr eswnoitcn uyftef aRs WlPanigi r)o1 1n(eve leehT .egna hsciht t.Inoitcn uyftef ae snsmoaets yysrami re phmto rlfavom etra ed hnganilo oecr odceta e tr1ntemelpp u,S7370-GER U,NtsriF dtiodn ,erofere h .d Ts5n4naoitcn uyftef alsanigi re o hnsttiaropsna rtta emhets yysradnoc emso rlfavom etra eS hCeRtarapes lanigiro ytefas .e rrooCtc ame oRlraFvo mte aR w,eoe4H tndneinib m eos d rcn4n5eoawitcnuf .noitcn uyfte f nanaosa hrteht asrmets yescivr etsna lo p wndtoesuc omfets yr SilAortn o,nC8oitcn uyFtef alSanigi r,odnoceS ytefaS ot ndietadilosn os nca8owitcn uyFtef alSanigi r,oerofere h.Ttn a fnlaoopitare pe ohnttixetn orceda o erav bashnoitcnuf en ytef awS .smets yeScivr etSna l ,Pn8oitcnuF eav ashnoitcn uyftef a.Ssmets ycsifice pos w ntdoesuc osfmets ylSamre hyTrailix u,A 0n1oitcn uyFtef alSanigi r,odrihT tx enrtiendoacorb woe tndneitadilos n son0aco1witc nyutFe flaaSnig i,reorofer e.htTn arlep wroape lnf cooauintar eephot oitcn uyFtefaS ecivr etSna l ,Pn8 .smetsyS er oemr elwortn oeCsael eyRtivitcaoid atRcerid n:I 1n1oitcn uyFtef alSanigi rroed nduets islmets y fsroebm u,anhtruoF tna l oPetlbacilppa .1 1noitcnu Fn iyltae nti fto ndi dsmetsy sgnildna hleu fdn anoitcetor peri fyllacificep S.smetsy SecivreS ,eroferehT d e oevytroeemhwt .smets ysSecivr etSna l ,Pn8oitcn uyFtefaS esael eyrtivitcaoid atrcer i sadeire htta hsteilp mliortn oeCsael eyRtivitcaoid atRcerid n,I 1n1oitcn uyFtef alSanigi r,ohtfF noitc nluofrtnoc neew tneobitcnit s eieh dk ttaso mengoodla t R tae Wdnch1Bnetamelp p,u7S370-GE R. U teNsori nenhethw dtncaerid .sesael etrceridni on9toitcn uyFtef awS e nndiegna hnce esb a 1hn1oitcn uyFtef adSlolanigi r foeolt iet h,teroferehT .esael eyRtivitcaoidaR nson io.oti4tct eu tSlynocavnlEeP glraenm iEdgeizrio n2a.g3rO tna lypcnegre mee hgtnizinag r,onoitid d na.Inoitcn uyftef aes nnoa hetr odmetcef fsanoitulo vtena lypcnegre mee h ftyonaM y bsnoitulove skrowt esnerudeco rlpamron bd anyacnegre mlelare ve ohfetorutc idpetarget nneiadivo rt pod nindoitcn uyftefas ta.sRWP s iegnah csih T .segna hn4coitc e nSliiat eedr o nmdiessucsid 3.3 devoM metsyS cireneG sA/K ot wen cireneg noitces.2 ,n2oitc ewS een h ntdietacol edr n,asnoitc emsets ylsaudivid nei hmto rdfevom eerr eswA /cKiren emgets ylsanigi reohT cireneG ed itwna ldp ashA /cKiren emgets ylsanigi reo h ftroebm ueansuac eebn osd aswi h.Tnoitc esseitili bdA neagdelwonK .ytilibacilppa lmth.2r2211rs/2R/2211RS/SGERUN/CRN/vog.crn.www//:ptth 11/24/99 v olgm.tc hrt.na2.rw2w2w11rs egaP 7 fo053 .3K t aathcte f efefhegotdelwonK noitcnufl a rmsosol :gniwoll oef h nteov alhl i)wMETSY Se( h fto (CFR 41.7 /45.6) .5K e hfetogdelwonK snoitacilp mlianoitarepo :)METS Y eSyoh(ltt pyp easshtatpec ngonciwol l eofhfot (CFR 41.5 / 45.7) .6K e hfetogdelwonK e h ntnooitcnufl a rmsos o faltoceffe :)METSY Se( h nteov alhl igwniwoll of (CFR 41.7 / 45.7) e hhtt iywcnetsisn orc odfesiv eerr eswnoitulo vtena lypcnegre mre o)fseirogeta cs(tnemeta tmse tystili bda neagdelwo nekhT .gol aRtWaBc segnah ceh thti wwole bnwoh ss astnemetat smet sytilib adn aegdelwon k)5 (evi fll agnisive rdevlovn isihT :denilrednu .1KE e hfetogdelwonK snoitacilp mlianoitarepo TNA LYPCNEGREM Ee (hoyttlp pyae hsstatpecn ogcniwoll of EVOLUTION) (CFR 41.8 / 41.10 / 45.3) .2KE e hfetogdelwonK neewt esbnoitalerretni :gniwol l edo)hnfNtaOITUL OTVN EAYLCPNE GR E(ME (CFR 41.7 / 45.7) .3KE gniwoll oef hrt osfnosa eer h fteogdelwonK oytlp pyae hsstaesnopser YCNEGREME( TNALP:)NOITULOVE (CFR 41.5 / 41.10 / 45.6 . 45.13) .1AE gniwoll oe fhrtotin odr /mnoeatare poyottilibA oytlp pyae hsta YCNEGREME( TNALP:)NOITULOVE (CFR 41.7 / 45.6) .2AE terpret ndi neanimret e odyttilibA oytlp pyae h stganiwoll oefht YCNEGREME( TNALP:)NOITULOVE (CFR 43.5 / 45.13) 4d.e 3teaddoiml-oist nltounCmalp metsys.sA/K na hetr o nmdiezinag reor eswmets ytsna l)p5 4e(v iyftr oef h ft)o0 1n( eytl n,otsr i.Fsnosa elrarev ers oefd asm aewgna hscihT e.neodom niht idwetnese repr emwets ytsna lep hhtt idwetaicos ssaA /dK nsaks aet hyt aew h ntyicnetsisnoc ndietae rscihT the cat os lsai h.Tgola .)SC C nEsiA /eKtacilp u 8d.2g. en(oitacilp uAd / nKdietluser .mets yrs enpoitc ees noot ndiezinag reor eswA /gKniniam eer hdt ndaetanimi leer eswA /eKtacilp u,degna hsci h fttolus esrA smetsy sehT :wol edbets iel reagna hsci h ytdbetceffa 1. met seyvS i drloDoRrtnoC 2. mets ylSortn oeCmul odV nlaacimehC 3. m ettn saryloSotocCaeR 4. mets ygSnilo oeCr oyCcnegremE 5. mets yrSotaren eeGnibr unTiaM 6. mets yeStasnednoC lmth.2r2211rs/2R/2211RS/SGERUN/CRN/vog.crn.www//:ptth 11/24/99 v olgm.tc hrt.na2.rw2w2w11rs egaP 8 fo053 7. mets yySar ptSnemniatnoC 8. rotaren elGese iyDcnegremE 9. mets yrSet agWnilo otCnenopmoC 10. .mets yrSet agWnitalucriC segn a)hE CPsAn(oitul otvn EallaPmro nd)bnEA aPyEc(negr e4mE .s EdsP nEAcaPiEre no etdgneizina ge rrso eElwPaEnig ie1rh.oT4 trno e,vneoitid n yo EsncgnPiaoaEla t Aa e/ctfhKxotet n eo.nhcsIt E dPsnA Ead xfPeaioEtmneser pse ErlPaEnig ierhoT motpmys trno e,vneoitid ndoecdar g ye Esnd.nPia)AAsP OsEe(rudec ogrnpitar eypconegr eom teynri tsondte aheclihw gnida etl omnotpmys , ntooiht an rro:eeiswptaoo ipldan nodoc e i n totyorat al iolnrtotneaect irpen ydoraPrniOtodEnce shutdown, start-up, shutdown and .gnileufer d en ton aii.w2dt 4 e.iclsn4 lel E doSAsPensEEranPeoAwc e hgtnizinag r fodooht esmi h.Tsnoitc ensoitcn uyftef alsaudivid nei h ntsiE P 1Ad3 nsaE Pd7Eets iglolat aRc WlPanigi reohT sEP Edna e h.Tsnoitcn uyftef ards onsamets ytsna llparev egsnisso rscnoitaut iesvitarget neitadommoc ct aod nisdEPA detardoilosnoc n inoitazinag .snoitul oevveitarge tdneitadommo cdocetang in so4seiidtceS c is fE riPd 3ocEns. d eaE4endp PreesnAeVd owdoiatt.c4eS s.Aserudeco rdp nsaeigolonhc ectifice prsodn e yvdbesop msiecnereff iEd PdA nEa PeE hstserd dta odn isdE PlEanigi reohT ,atlu s0e4r .ded dear eswE Pd AnsaE PcAifice prsodn ewven segna hsCtnenopm o5C t ns e Adne1/eor.Kkpe5 nmwoiotlC 01 RFC .5s 5rmeebtmiun segn ayhrCo e6hT d. es o k r et sn0eyrR Ai1 breFm /l5mowCesK5uetcnhiitmanydo m yrdre nohraeToht Tc1a.e6R se gnn oa2ihsCi v7eR 1. 7yletamixorppA 07 sA/K taht dah neeb detimmo ni .veR 1 erew.dedda . e dyts elaAete c/ret5iKela1lwempdiu xd2o.r7ppA lmth.2r2211rs/2R/2211RS/SGERUN/CRN/vog.crn.www//:ptth 11/24/99 v olgm.tc hrt.na2.rw2w2w11rs egaP 9 fo053 tse htg c ised hAleo/fttKeardi lso es funeolocacnva t ee rsd roonaeetpomhwmitit cye lr5er7toacmixo r3p.p7A deng iyslssauoiverp .seulav .detcerr oecr eswror rleacihpargop y4T.7 e c s n5rea.eut7 ilrtfaoaivphdmtoI mdah ndeeetbti mnoi .veR 1 er.edwedda .gnikr a"menilde r y"dbeifitne dei rsanoitid dda nsanoitcerroC golat aeC h ftnooitazinag r1O noitcudort n1I.1 )R WsPr(otc areeR tdaeWziruss e:rsProtar etpnO arleP wroaPel c rugoNofla tsaeCitil i dbenAgadelw oenhKT n,o2isi v,e2R211-GERUN snoitanima xgenisnec iglnitare pdo nnaetti rdwilav-tnetn o fctonempolev erd osfis aeb hstedivorp for reactor operators (ROs) and roines tnet se ildsbnnaa o tdce ie rgun ouoq g.t slesi)enai sshetseOTardRCoSt( arroetpcoaer .snoitanimaxe 2 .t1ra P55 feolt i0T1 sfno oei hte tadllo auCfrgoeedReF noisiv e,R1201-GER UhNt inwoitcnujn o ncdie s sugiolat aechT 8 sdradna tnSoitanima xgEnisnec irLotarep O" for Power Reactors ." seesnec iglninima xre osfecitca rdp nsaerudeco rep hstehsilbat sde neacnadi udg nyacil ospedivo r1p201-GERUN d n OarR osftnacilp pdana e t t 0l 5ronef1tf5atahoioPutTs rsuepsne cOiRlS snoitalug elRared efeFodoC l l.A) 5R5 F0C 1( sih tn i)sA/K (seitilib adn aegdelwonk . 5R5 F 0C o1rtebm umne t yidbekn iylltcer ied rgaolatac sm entoIitanim anxeEt t 3iO.rR1W edbluo hssnoitse unqoitanima xneetti r OweR h.T)b(14. 5R5 F 0C n1dieifice pes rsanoitanima xneetti r OwrR osfme teihT m odreftareneg :wol edbets islme t)ib(14. 5R5 F 0Ce1 hgtno mmao rdfevir esdA / fKeolpm aesvitatneserp ear 1. ,stcef fd eolrortn o,cstcef feecru o,snoitacilpitl unmortu e,nsseco rnpoiss igfnidulc n,iyroe hrtotca efsrolatnemadnuF ytilacitirc .stcef fneosi odp n,astneiciffe oyctivitca e,rsnoitacidni 2. d,nnaoitatnemurt sen ri,osc dloorrt n,osctnem ell ee,uefrutcu ret rsgoncidul c,nei r eosfhceotrut anegfi sleadreneG .w otlnfalooc 3. .mets yysrami rrpotca e frsoeruta enfgis edd nsatnenopm olcacinahceM 4. .ytilic aef httcef ftaa hstmets yysrailix uda ntanalo oycradnoceS lmth.2r2211rs/2R/2211RS/SGERUN/CRN/vog.crn.www//:ptth 11/24/99 v olgm.tc hrt.na2.rw2w2w11rs egaP 01 fo053 5. d nsaesu a,cyrtsime htcnalo ogcnidulc n,isnoitidn otcneisna rdt neata tysdae tgsnir usdcitsiretcara hgcnitare pyotilicaF fsotceffe snosa ed rnsanoitatim iglnitare pd on,asegna hdca ofslotcef f,esegna hyctivitca ed rnearusse r,perutarepmet for these operat gni .scitsiretcarahc 6. .noitatnemurts ndi nsamsinahc elmortn oyctivitca e frnooitcn udf n,astnenopm o,cngiseD 7. eruli a,fskcolret n,islang i,snoitatnemurts nginidulc n,ismets yystef ads nlaortn o fcnooitcn udf n,astnenopm o,cngiseD d,nsaedom .seruta elfaun ad mncaitamotua 8. .smets yyscnegre m fesonoitcn udf n,ayticap a,cstnenopmoC 9. .snoitatim islsec cganidulc n,iseruta enfgis etdnemniatn odc n,anoitalo s,ignidleihS 10. .ytilic aef hrt osferudeco rgpnitare pyocnegre mde n,alamron b,alamr o,nevitartsinimdA 11. .tnempiu qyeevr uds nsamra lganidulc n,ismets ygsnirotin onmoitaid a frnooitare pdo neasopruP 12. .serudeco rdp nsaelpicni ryptef alsacigoloidaR 13. .stneulf fde nsalairet aemvitcaoid a frloasops idd nganildn arh oeflbalia vtanempiu qde nsaerudecorP 14. .scinahce mdiul fdn ascimanydomreh t,refsnar ttae hf oslapicnirP da nnaoitc e)sEF Gn(oitanima xselatnemadn ucfiren e,agsnoitc eos w ntdieretsinim d sanioitanima xneetti r OweRhT cificeps-etis egdelwo nekso hstrev oE cFe Gh.Tnoitanimaxe smeti em aes h ftsorotca egrno myaltnacifing iysr atv o ontdaht epy(t refer to .egde lswcoinmkanyd o, mydr rneroahoet th,ctsatenren o. sp)e rm5hEe o0TFv,c2Go1-c2S0E1-GERUN esrma eetgidelw oynrko erhottc as d.em3n7R ea)tbi(14 . R5m0F5 o1Cdrefvi r eesrdma eetgidelw otnnkenop meohcT 0m1o rdfevired . 1R)FbC(14.55 .41)b(14. 5R5 F 0Cm1o rdfevir eed rsame teigdelwo nckimanydomrehT r oefcnadi ue gh.Tep yetm ae s hfstorotca egrno myar atva hstA /sKrev oncoitanima xneetti rOcwRificeps-et ieshT no ifto aOrRaperp x idmecnal asabedulc nnioitanima x OeeR h.T104- S,E1201-GER U nNdietnese r spnioitanima xneettirw ts ytsna l,psA /cKiren efgo sme OeR hhtt idwetaicos ssaA /eK h.TsA /nKoitulo vleamronba/ycnegre mde n,asA/K 0m1o rdfevir eed rsanoitanima xneetti rcwificeps-etis h.sg 3mu) 1eob2tr(ih1 t4R.F5C5 sm entoIitanim anxeEtt i Or4RW.S1 nett i Or eRwnfhSootitarap e rreopcfnad i eu.hg)Tb(34 . R5dn0F5ei1Ctnes e ersrpnaoitanim anxeett i Or rRwsoSmf eethiT s inoitanimaxe lmth.2r2211rs/2R/2211RS/SGERUN/CRN/vog.crn.www//:ptth 11/24/99

Combustion Engineering EPEs and APEs (7 ) . The original PWR catalog listed 7 EPEs and 31 APEs in the individual .. silicon controlled rectifier.
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