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Knots and quantum gravity PDF

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Preface A fundamental problem with quantum theories of gravity, as opposed to the other forces of nature, is that in Einstein’s theory of gravity, general relativity, there is no background geometry to work with: the geometry of spacetime itself becomes a dynamical variable. This is loosely sum- marized by saying that the theory is ‘generally covariant’. The standard model of the strong,weak,and electromagnetic forces is dominated by the presence of a finite-dimensional group, the Poincar´e group, acting as the symmetries of a spacetime with a fixed geometrical structure. In general relativity, on the other hand, there is an infinite-dimensional group, the group of diffeomorphisms of spacetime, which permutes different mathe- matical descriptions of any given spacetime geometry satisfying Einstein’s equations. Thiscausestwodifficultproblems. Ontheonehand,onecanno longer apply the usual criterion for fixing the inner product in the Hilbert spaceofstates,namelythatitbeinvariantunderthegeometricalsymmetry group. This is the so-called ‘inner product problem’. On the other hand, dynamics is no longer encoded in the action of the geometrical symmetry group on the space of states. This is the so-called ‘problem of time’. The prospects for developinga mathematicalframeworkfor quantizing gravity have been considerably changed by a number of developments in the 1980s that at first seemed unrelated. On the one hand, Jones discov- eredanewpolynomialinvariantofknotsandlinks,promptinganintensive search for generalizations and a unifying framework. It soon became clear that the new knot polynomials were intimately related to the physics of 2- dimensional systems in many ways. Atiyah, however, raised the challenge of finding a manifestly 3-dimensionaldefinition of these polynomials. This challenge was met by Witten, who showed that they occur naturally in Chern–Simons theory. Chern–Simons theory is a quantum field theory in 3 dimensions that has the distinction of being generallycovariantand also a gauge theory, that is a theory involving connections on a bundle over spacetime. Any knot thus determines a quantity called a ‘Wilson loop,’ the trace of the holonomy of the connection around the knot. The knot polynomials are simply the expectation values of Wilson loops in the vac- uum state of Chern–Simons theory, and their diffeomorphism invariance is a consequence of the general covariance of the theory. In the explosion of work that followed, it became clear that a useful framework for under- standing this situation is Atiyah’s axiomatic description of a ‘topological quantum field theory’, or TQFT. On the other hand, at about the same time as Jones’ initial discov- ery, Ashtekar discovered a reformulation of general relativity in terms of v vi Preface what are now called the ‘new variables’. This made the theory much more closely resemble a gauge theory. The work of Ashtekar proceeds from the ‘canonical’ approach to quantization, meaning that solutions to Einstein’s equations are identified with their initial data on a given spacelike hyper- surface. In this approachthe actionof the diffeomorphismgroupgives rise to two constraints on initial data: the diffeomorphism constraint, which generatesdiffeomorphismspreservingthespacelikesurface,andtheHamil- tonian constraint, which generates diffeomorphisms that move the surface in a timelike direction. Following the procedure invented by Dirac, one expects the physical states to be annihilated by certain operators corre- sponding to the constraints. In an effort to find such states,Rovelliand Smolin turned to a descrip- tion of quantum general relativity in terms of Wilson loops. In this ‘loop representation’, they saw that (at least formally) a large space of states annihilated by the constraints can be described in terms of invariants of knots andlinks. The factthat link invariantsshouldbe annihilatedby the diffeomorphism constraintis very natural, since a link invariantis nothing other than a function from links to the complex numbers that is invariant under diffeomorphisms of space. In this sense, the relation between knot theory and quantum gravity is a natural one. But the fact that link in- variantsshouldalsobeannihilatedbytheHamiltonianconstraintisdeeper and more intriguing, since it hints at a relationship between knot theory and 4-dimensional mathematics. More evidence for such a relationship was found by Ashtekar and Ko- dama, who discovered a strong connection between Chern–Simons theory in 3 dimensions and quantum gravity in 4 dimensions. Namely, in terms ofthe looprepresentation,the same link invariantthat arisesfromChern– Simonstheory—acertainnormalizationoftheJonespolynomialcalledthe Kauffmanbracket—alsorepresentsastateofquantumgravitywithcosmo- logical constant, essentially a quantization of anti-deSitter space. The full ramifications of this fact have yet to be explored. The present volume is the proceedings of a workshop on knots and quantum gravity held on May 14th–16th, 1993 at the University of Cali- forniaatRiverside,undertheauspicesofthe DepartmentsofMathematics and Physics. The goal of the workshop was to bring together researchers in quantum gravity and knot theory and pursue a dialog between the two subjects. On Friday the 14th, Dana Fine began with a talk on ‘Chern–Simons theoryandtheWess–Zumino–Wittenmodel’. Witten’soriginalworkderiv- ing the Jones invariant of links (or, more precisely, the Kauffman bracket) from Chern–Simons theory used conformal field theory in 2 dimensions as a key tool. By now the relationship between conformal field theory and topologicalquantum field theories in 3 dimensions has been exploredfrom a number of viewpoints. The path integralapproach,however,has not yet Preface vii been worked out in full mathematical rigor. In this talk Fine described workin progressonreducingthe Chern–Simonspath integralonS3 to the path integral for the Wess–Zumino–Witten model. Oleg Viro spoke on ‘Simplicial topologicalquantum field theories’. Re- cently there has been increasing interest in formulating TQFTs in a man- ner that relies upon triangulatingspacetime. In a sense this is anold idea, going back to the Regge–Ponzano model of Euclidean quantum gravity. However, this idea was given new life by Turaev and Viro, who rigorously constructed the Regge–Ponzano model of 3d quantum gravity as a TQFT based on the 6j symbols for the quantum group SU (2). Viro discussed a q variety of approaches of presenting manifolds as simplicial complexes, cell complexes, etc., and methods for constructing TQFTs in terms of these data. Saturday began with a talk by Renate Loll on ‘The loop formulation of gauge theory and gravity’, introduced the loop representation and var- ious mathematical issues associated with it. She also discussed her work on applications of the loop representation to lattice gauge theory. Abhay Ashtekar’s talk, ‘Looptransforms’,largelyconcernedthe paper with Jerzy Lewandowski appearing in this volume. The goal here is to make the loop representation into rigorous mathematics. The notion of measures on the space / of connections modulo gauge transformations has long been a A G key concept in gauge theory, which, however, has been notoriously diffi- cult to make precise. A key notion developed by Ashtekar and Isham for this purpose is that of the ‘holonomy C*-algebra’, an algebra of observ- ables generated by Wilson loops. Formalizing the notion of a measure on / as a state on this algebra,Ashtekar and Lewandowskihave been able A G to construct such a state with remarkable symmetry properties, in some sense analogous to Haar measure on a compact Lie group. Ashtekar also discussed the implications of this work for the study of quantum gravity. Pullin spoke on ‘The quantum Einstein equations and the Jones poly- nomial’, describing his work with Bernd Bru¨gmann and Rodolfo Gambini on this subject. He also sketched the proof of a new result, that the coef- ficient of the 2nd term of the Alexander–Conway polynomial represents a state of quantum gravity with zero cosmological constant. His paper with Gambini in this volume is a more detailed proof of this fact. On Saturday afternoon, Louis Kauffman spoke on ‘Vassiliev invari- ants and the loop states in quantum gravity’. One aspect of the work of Bru¨egmann, Gambini, and Pullin that is especially of interest to knot theorists is that it involves extending the bracket invariant to generalized linksadmittingcertainkindsofself-intersections. Thisconceptalsoplaysa majorroleinthestudyofVassilievinvariantsofknots. Curiously,however, theextensionsoccurringinthetwocasesaredifferent. Kauffmanexplained their relationship from the path integral viewpoint. Sunday morning began with a talk by Gerald Johnson, ‘Introduction viii Preface to the Feynman integral and Feynman’s operationalcalculus’, on his work with Michel Lapidus on rigorous path integral methods. Viktor Ginzburg then spoke on ‘Vassiliev invariants of knots’, and in the afternoon, Paolo Cotta-Ramusinospokeon‘4dquantumgravityandknottheory’. Thistalk dealt with his work in progress with Maurizio Martellini. Just as Chern– Simons theory gives a great deal of information on knots in 3 dimensions, there appears to be a relationshipbetweena certainclassof 4-dimensional theoriesandso-called‘2-knots’,thatis,embeddedsurfacesin4dimensions. This class, called ‘BF theories’, includes quantum gravity in the Ashtekar formulation, as well as Donaldson theory. Cotta-Ramusino and Martellini have described a way to construct observables associated to 2-knots, and are endeavoring to prove at a perturbative level that they give 2-knot in- variants. Louis Crane spoke on ‘Quantum gravity, spin geometry, and categor- ical physics’. This was a review of his work on the relation between Chern–Simons theory and 4-dimensional quantum gravity, his construc- tionwithDavidYetterofa4-dimensionalTQFTbasedonthe15j symbols for SU (2), and his work with Igor Frenkel on certain braided tensor 2- q categories. In the final talk of the workshop, John Baez spoke on ‘Strings, loops, knots and gauge fields’. He attempted to clarify the similarity be- tween the loop representation of quantum gravity and string theory. At a fixed time both involve loops or knots in space, but the string-theoretic approach is also related to the study of 2-knots. As some ofthe speakersdid not submitpapers for the proceedings,pa- perswerealsosolicitedfromSteveCarlipandalsofromJ.ScottCarterand Masahico Saito. Carlip’s paper, ‘Geometric structures and loop variables’, treatsthethornyissueofrelatingthelooprepresentationofquantumgrav- ity to the traditionalformulationofgravityinterms ofametric. He treats quantumgravityin3dimensions,whichisanexactlysolubletestcase. The paper by Carter and Saito, ‘Knotted surfaces, braid movies, and beyond’, contains a review of their work on 2-knots as well as a number of new re- sults on 2-braids. They also discuss the role in 4-dimensional topology of new algebraic structures such as braided tensor 2-categories. The editor would like to thank many people for making the workshop a success. First and foremost, the speakers and other participants are to be congratulated for making it such a lively and interesting event. The workshop was funded by the Departments of Mathematics and Physics of U. C. Riverside, and the chairs of these departments, Albert Stralka and Benjamin Shen, were crucial in bringing this about. Michel Lapidus deserves warm thanks for his help in planning the workshop. Invaluable helpinorganizingthe workshopandsetting thingsupwasprovidedbythe staff of the Department of Mathematics, and particularly Susan Spranger, Linda Terry, and Chris Truett. Arthur Greenspoon kindly volunteered to help edit the proceedings. Lastly, thanks go to all the participants in the Preface ix Knots and Quantum Gravity Seminar at U. C. Riverside, and especially Jim Gilliam, Javier Muniain, and Mou Roy, who helped set things up. x Preface Contents The Loop Formulation of Gauge Theory and Gravity 1 Renate Loll 1 Introduction 1 2 Yang–Mills theory and general relativity as dynamics on connection space 1 3 Introducing loops! 6 4 Equivalence between the connection and loop formulations 8 5 Some lattice results on loops 11 6 Quantization in the loop approach 13 Acknowledgements 18 Bibliography 18 Representation Theory of Analytic Holonomy C*- algebras 21 Abhay Ashtekar and Jerzy Lewandowski 1 Introduction 21 2 Preliminaries 26 3 The spectrum 30 3.1 Loop decomposition 30 3.2 Characterizationof / 34 3.3 Examples of A¯ A G 37 4 Integration on / 39 A G 4.1 Cylindrical functions 40 4.2 A natural measure 45 5 Discussion 49 Appendix A: C1 loops and U(1) connections 51 Appendix B: Cω loops, U(N) and SU(N) connections 56 Acknowledgements 61 Bibliography 61 The Gauss Linking Number in Quantum Gravity 63 Rodolfo Gambini and Jorge Pullin 1 Introduction 63 2 The Wheeler–DeWitt equation in terms of loops 67 3 The Gauss (self-)linking number as a solution 71 4 Discussion 73 Acknowledgements 74 xi xii Contents Bibliography 74 Vassiliev Invariants and the Loop States in Quantum Gravity 77 Louis H. Kauffman 1 Introduction 77 2 Quantum mechanics and topology 78 3 Links and the Wilson loop 78 4 Graph invariants and Vassiliev invariants 87 5 Vassiliev invariants from the functional integral 89 6 Quantum gravity—loop states 92 Acknowledgements 93 Bibliography 93 Geometric Structures and Loop Variables in (2+1)- dimensional Gravity 97 Steven Carlip 1 Introduction 97 2 From geometry to holonomies 98 3 Geometric structures: from holonomies to geometry 104 4 Quantization and geometrical observables 107 Acknowledgements 109 Bibliography 109 From Chern–Simons to WZW via Path Integrals 113 Dana S. Fine 1 Introduction 113 2 The main result 114 3 / as a bundle over Ω2G 115 A Gn 4 An explicit reduction from Chern–Simons to WZW 118 Acknowledgements 119 Bibliography 119 Topological Field Theory as the Key to Quantum Gravity 121 Louis Crane 1 Introduction 121 2 Quantummechanics of the universe. Categoricalphysics 123 3 Ideas from TQFT 125 4 Hilbert space is dead—long live Hilbert space or the observer gas approximation 128 5 The problem of time 129

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