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Knitted Amigurumi Edibles: Basic techniques plus 5 veggies PDF

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Preview Knitted Amigurumi Edibles: Basic techniques plus 5 veggies

Contents Aubergine ............................................................................................................2 Tomato ....................................................................................................................6 Carrot ....................................................................................................................9 Garlic .....................................................................................................................12 Cucumber ..........................................................................................................15 Peas in a Pod ...................................................................................................18 Techniques: Shaping................................................................................22 Techniques: Short Rows .....................................................................26 Techniques: Pick Up Stitches ..........................................................29 Techniques: Gauge/Yarn .......................................................................31 Abbreviations ...............................................................................................32 61059 - Knitted Amigurumi Edibles_Int.indd 1 3/23/15 5:46 PM 61059 - Knitted Amigurumi Edibles_Int.indd 1 3/23/15 5:28 PM JJoobb::0033--6611006600 TTiittllee::CCLLSS--KKnniitttteedd AAmmiigguurruummii EEddiibblleess (Text) ##117755 DDttpp::LLYY PPaaggee::11 AAuubbeerrggiinnee Strangely, the word aubergine sounds more delicious to me than its colloquial counterpart. Whichever name you prefer, these luscious culinary treats are revered in many cuisines for their flavor and versatility. This knit version provides an excellent introduction to picking up stitches and knitting in the round and is an essential addition to any basket of vegetables. yarn gauge Worsted weight 22 to 24 sts = 4" (10 cm) in stockinette stitch MC (eggplant): 75 yd (69 m) CC (deep green): 50 yd (46 m) dimensions Diameter: 41⁄" (11.5 cm) 2 needles Length: 8" (20.3 cm) • O ne set U.S. size 5 (3.75 mm) double-pointed needles and/or difficulty • T wo U.S. size 5 (3.75 mm) circular needles, Beginner/Intermediate 24" (61 cm) long notions • F iberfill stuffing • T apestry needle 2 knitted amigurumi edibles 61059 - Knitted Amigurumi Edibles_Int.indd 2 3/23/15 5:36 PM 61059 - Knitted Amigurumi Edibles_Int.indd 3 3/23/15 5:36 PM 61059 - Knitted Amigurumi Edibles_Int.indd 2 3/23/15 5:28 PM 61059 - Knitted Amigurumi Edibles_Int.indd 3 3/23/15 5:28 PM JJJJoooobbbb::::00003333----66661111000066660000 TTTTiiiittttlllleeee::::CCCCLLLLSSSS----KKKKnnnniiiitttttttteeeedddd AAAAmmmmiiiigggguuuurrrruuuummmmiiii EEEEddddiiiibbbblllleeeessss JJoobb::0033--6611006600 TTiittllee::CCLLSS--KKnniitttteedd AAmmiigguurruummii EEddiibblleess (Text) (Text) ####111177775555 DDDDttttpppp::::LLLLYYYY PPPPaaaaggggeeee::::2222 ##117755 DDttpp::LLYY PPaaggee::33 AAuubbeerrggiinnee Strangely, the word aubergine sounds more delicious to me than its colloquial counterpart. Whichever name you prefer, these luscious culinary treats are revered in many cuisines for their flavor and versatility. This knit version provides an excellent introduction to picking up stitches and knitting in the round and is an essential addition to any basket of vegetables. yarn gauge Worsted weight 22 to 24 sts = 4" (10 cm) in stockinette stitch MC (eggplant): 75 yd (69 m) CC (deep green): 50 yd (46 m) dimensions Diameter: 41⁄" (11.5 cm) 2 needles Length: 8" (20.3 cm) • O ne set U.S. size 5 (3.75 mm) double-pointed needles and/or difficulty • T wo U.S. size 5 (3.75 mm) circular needles, Beginner/Intermediate 24" (61 cm) long notions • F iberfill stuffing • T apestry needle 2 knitted amigurumi edibles 61059 - Knitted Amigurumi Edibles_Int.indd 2 3/23/15 5:36 PM 61059 - Knitted Amigurumi Edibles_Int.indd 3 3/23/15 5:36 PM 61059 - Knitted Amigurumi Edibles_Int.indd 2 3/23/15 5:28 PM 61059 - Knitted Amigurumi Edibles_Int.indd 3 3/23/15 5:28 PM JJJJoooobbbb::::00003333----66661111000066660000 TTTTiiiittttlllleeee::::CCCCLLLLSSSS----KKKKnnnniiiitttttttteeeedddd AAAAmmmmiiiigggguuuurrrruuuummmmiiii EEEEddddiiiibbbblllleeeessss JJoobb::0033--6611006600 TTiittllee::CCLLSS--KKnniitttteedd AAmmiigguurruummii EEddiibblleess (Text) (Text) ####111177775555 DDDDttttpppp::::LLLLYYYY PPPPaaaaggggeeee::::2222 ##117755 DDttpp::LLYY PPaaggee::33 Pattern Leaf Assembly and Stem BBooddyy Round 26: Knit. Finishing Round 27: *K1, M1L, K12, repeat from * to end of Leaves Using CC, pick up 14 sts across the CO edge of FFrroomm tthhee uunnddeerrssiiddee ooff tthhee lleeaaff aanndd sstteemm aass-- round—70 sts. Sew the tips of the leaves to the side of the (Make 5) each of the five leaves for a total of 70 sts. See sseemmbbllyy,, ppiicckk uupp aa ttoottaall ooff 4400 ssttss iinn MMCC.. PPiicckk uupp Round 28: Knit. body. Take care of any loose yarn ends. Figure 1 for guidance in picking up these sts. tthheessee ssttss aatt tthhee CCOO eeddggee ooff tthhee lleeaavveess.. YYoouu wwiillll In CC, CO 17 sts. Continue, working back and Round 29: *K1, M1L, K13, repeat from * to end bbee ppiicckkiinngg uupp aapppprrooxxiimmaatteellyy 88 ssttss oonn tthhee CCOO forth in rows, as follows: of round—75 sts. eeddggee ooff eeaacchh lleeaaff.. SSeeee FFiigguurree 22 ffoorr gguuiiddaannccee iinn Row 1 (wrong side): Sl1, [P1, K1] 7 times, P2. ppiicckkiinngg uupp tthheessee ssttss.. Rounds 30–36: Knit. Row 2 (right side): Sl1, [K1, P1] 3 times, Round 37: *K13, K2tog, repeat from * to end of Sl2-K1-P2SSO, [P1, K1] 3 times, P1—15 sts. round—70 sts. Row 3: Sl1, [P1, K1] 6 times, P2. Round 38: *K12, K2tog, repeat from * to end of round—65 sts. Row 4: Sl1, [K1, P1] 2 times, K1, Sl2-K1-P2SSO, K1, [P1, K1] 2 times, P1—13 sts. Round 39: *K11, K2tog, repeat from * to end of round—60 sts. Row 5: Sl1, [P1, K1] 2 times, P3, [K1, P1] 2 times, P1. Round 40: *K10, K2tog, repeat from * to end of round—55 sts. Row 6: Sl1, [K1, P1] 2 times, Sl2-K1-P2SSO, Figure 1 [P1, K1] 2 times, P1—11 sts. Round 41: *K9, K2tog, repeat from * to end of round—50 sts. Row 7: Sl1, [P1, K1] 4 times, P2. Join these sts into a round, and proceed: FFiigguurree 22 Round 42: *K8, K2tog, repeat from * to end of Row 8: Sl1, K1, P1, K1, Sl2-K1-P2SSO, K1, P1, Round 1: *SSK, K10, K2tog, repeat from * to end round—45 sts. K1, P1—9 sts. of round—60 sts. JJooiinn tthheessee 4400 ssttss iinnttoo aa rroouunndd aanndd ccoonnttiinnuuee:: Round 43: *K7, K2tog, repeat from * to end of Row 9: Sl1, P1, K1, P3, K1, P2. Round 2: *SSK, K8, K2tog, repeat from * to end round—40 sts. RRoouunnddss 11––1166:: KKnniitt.. Row 10: Sl1, K1, P1, Sl2-K1-P2SSO, P1, K1, of round—50 sts. Round 44: *K6, K2tog, repeat from * to end of P1—7 sts. RRoouunndd 1177:: **KK11,, MM11LL,, KK77,, rreeppeeaatt ffrroomm ** ttoo eenndd ooff Round 3: *SSK, K6, K2tog, repeat from * to end round—35 sts. rroouunndd——4455 ssttss.. Row 11: Sl1, [P1, K1] 2 times, P2. of round—40 sts. Round 45: *K5, K2tog, repeat from * to end of RRoouunndd 1188:: KKnniitt.. Row 12: Sl1, K1, Sl2-K1-P2SSO, K1, P1—5 sts. Round 4: *SSK, K4, K2tog, repeat from * to end round—30 sts. of round—30 sts. RRoouunndd 1199:: **KK11,, MM11LL,, KK88,, rreeppeeaatt ffrroomm ** ttoo eenndd ooff Row 13: Sl1, P4. Round 46: *K4, K2tog, repeat from * to end of rroouunndd——5500 ssttss.. Row 14: Sl1, Sl2-K1-P2SSO, P1—3 sts. Round 5: *SSK, K2, K2tog, repeat from * to end round—25 sts. of round—20 sts. RRoouunndd 2200:: KKnniitt.. Row 15: Sl1, P2. Round 47: *K3, K2tog, repeat from * to end of Round 6: *SSK, K2tog, repeat from * to end of RRoouunndd 2211:: **KK11,, MM11LL,, KK99,, rreeppeeaatt ffrroomm ** ttoo eenndd ooff round—20 sts. Row 16: Sl2-K1-P2SSO—1 st. round—10 sts. rroouunndd——5555 ssttss.. Stuff the body of the eggplant with fiberfill. Cut yarn, thread through final st and pull tight. Rounds 7–15: Knit. RRoouunndd 2222:: KKnniitt.. Do not overstuff! Continue: Round 16: *K2tog, repeat from * to end of RRoouunndd 2233:: **KK11,, MM11LL,, KK1100,, rreeppeeaatt ffrroomm ** ttoo eenndd ooff Round 48: *K2, K2tog, repeat from * to end of round—5 sts. rroouunndd——6600 ssttss.. round—15 sts. Cut yarn, thread through final 5 sts and pull RRoouunndd 2244:: KKnniitt.. Round 49: *K1, K2tog, repeat from * to end of tight. Using tapestry needle, thread this yarn RRoouunndd 2255:: **KK11,, MM11LL,, KK1111,, rreeppeeaatt ffrroomm ** ttoo eenndd ooff round—10 sts. end back through the tip of the stem to give it rroouunndd——6655 ssttss.. Round 50: *K2tog, repeat from * to end of a blunt look. round—5 sts. Cut yarn, thread through final 5 sts and pull tight. 4 knitted amigurumi edibles aubergine 5 61059 - Knitted Amigurumi Edibles_Int.indd 4 3/23/15 5:36 PM 61059 - Knitted Amigurumi Edibles_Int.indd 5 3/23/15 5:36 PM 61059 - Knitted Amigurumi Edibles_Int.indd 4 3/23/15 5:28 PM 61059 - Knitted Amigurumi Edibles_Int.indd 5 3/23/15 5:28 PM JJJJoooobbbb::::00003333----66661111000066660000 TTTTiiiittttlllleeee::::CCCCLLLLSSSS----KKKKnnnniiiitttttttteeeedddd AAAAmmmmiiiigggguuuurrrruuuummmmiiii EEEEddddiiiibbbblllleeeessss JJoobb::0033--6611006600 TTiittllee::CCLLSS--KKnniitttteedd AAmmiigguurruummii EEddiibblleess (Text) (Text) ####111177775555 DDDDttttpppp::::LLLLYYYY PPPPaaaaggggeeee::::4444 ##117755 DDttpp::LLYY PPaaggee::55 Pattern Leaf Assembly and Stem BBooddyy Round 26: Knit. Finishing Round 27: *K1, M1L, K12, repeat from * to end of Leaves Using CC, pick up 14 sts across the CO edge of FFrroomm tthhee uunnddeerrssiiddee ooff tthhee lleeaaff aanndd sstteemm aass-- round—70 sts. Sew the tips of the leaves to the side of the (Make 5) each of the five leaves for a total of 70 sts. See sseemmbbllyy,, ppiicckk uupp aa ttoottaall ooff 4400 ssttss iinn MMCC.. PPiicckk uupp Round 28: Knit. body. Take care of any loose yarn ends. Figure 1 for guidance in picking up these sts. tthheessee ssttss aatt tthhee CCOO eeddggee ooff tthhee lleeaavveess.. YYoouu wwiillll In CC, CO 17 sts. Continue, working back and Round 29: *K1, M1L, K13, repeat from * to end bbee ppiicckkiinngg uupp aapppprrooxxiimmaatteellyy 88 ssttss oonn tthhee CCOO forth in rows, as follows: of round—75 sts. eeddggee ooff eeaacchh lleeaaff.. SSeeee FFiigguurree 22 ffoorr gguuiiddaannccee iinn Row 1 (wrong side): Sl1, [P1, K1] 7 times, P2. ppiicckkiinngg uupp tthheessee ssttss.. Rounds 30–36: Knit. Row 2 (right side): Sl1, [K1, P1] 3 times, Round 37: *K13, K2tog, repeat from * to end of Sl2-K1-P2SSO, [P1, K1] 3 times, P1—15 sts. round—70 sts. Row 3: Sl1, [P1, K1] 6 times, P2. Round 38: *K12, K2tog, repeat from * to end of round—65 sts. Row 4: Sl1, [K1, P1] 2 times, K1, Sl2-K1-P2SSO, K1, [P1, K1] 2 times, P1—13 sts. Round 39: *K11, K2tog, repeat from * to end of round—60 sts. Row 5: Sl1, [P1, K1] 2 times, P3, [K1, P1] 2 times, P1. Round 40: *K10, K2tog, repeat from * to end of round—55 sts. Row 6: Sl1, [K1, P1] 2 times, Sl2-K1-P2SSO, Figure 1 [P1, K1] 2 times, P1—11 sts. Round 41: *K9, K2tog, repeat from * to end of round—50 sts. Row 7: Sl1, [P1, K1] 4 times, P2. Join these sts into a round, and proceed: FFiigguurree 22 Round 42: *K8, K2tog, repeat from * to end of Row 8: Sl1, K1, P1, K1, Sl2-K1-P2SSO, K1, P1, Round 1: *SSK, K10, K2tog, repeat from * to end round—45 sts. K1, P1—9 sts. of round—60 sts. JJooiinn tthheessee 4400 ssttss iinnttoo aa rroouunndd aanndd ccoonnttiinnuuee:: Round 43: *K7, K2tog, repeat from * to end of Row 9: Sl1, P1, K1, P3, K1, P2. Round 2: *SSK, K8, K2tog, repeat from * to end round—40 sts. RRoouunnddss 11––1166:: KKnniitt.. Row 10: Sl1, K1, P1, Sl2-K1-P2SSO, P1, K1, of round—50 sts. Round 44: *K6, K2tog, repeat from * to end of P1—7 sts. RRoouunndd 1177:: **KK11,, MM11LL,, KK77,, rreeppeeaatt ffrroomm ** ttoo eenndd ooff Round 3: *SSK, K6, K2tog, repeat from * to end round—35 sts. rroouunndd——4455 ssttss.. Row 11: Sl1, [P1, K1] 2 times, P2. of round—40 sts. Round 45: *K5, K2tog, repeat from * to end of RRoouunndd 1188:: KKnniitt.. Row 12: Sl1, K1, Sl2-K1-P2SSO, K1, P1—5 sts. Round 4: *SSK, K4, K2tog, repeat from * to end round—30 sts. of round—30 sts. RRoouunndd 1199:: **KK11,, MM11LL,, KK88,, rreeppeeaatt ffrroomm ** ttoo eenndd ooff Row 13: Sl1, P4. Round 46: *K4, K2tog, repeat from * to end of rroouunndd——5500 ssttss.. Row 14: Sl1, Sl2-K1-P2SSO, P1—3 sts. Round 5: *SSK, K2, K2tog, repeat from * to end round—25 sts. of round—20 sts. RRoouunndd 2200:: KKnniitt.. Row 15: Sl1, P2. Round 47: *K3, K2tog, repeat from * to end of Round 6: *SSK, K2tog, repeat from * to end of RRoouunndd 2211:: **KK11,, MM11LL,, KK99,, rreeppeeaatt ffrroomm ** ttoo eenndd ooff round—20 sts. Row 16: Sl2-K1-P2SSO—1 st. round—10 sts. rroouunndd——5555 ssttss.. Stuff the body of the eggplant with fiberfill. Cut yarn, thread through final st and pull tight. Rounds 7–15: Knit. RRoouunndd 2222:: KKnniitt.. Do not overstuff! Continue: Round 16: *K2tog, repeat from * to end of RRoouunndd 2233:: **KK11,, MM11LL,, KK1100,, rreeppeeaatt ffrroomm ** ttoo eenndd ooff Round 48: *K2, K2tog, repeat from * to end of round—5 sts. rroouunndd——6600 ssttss.. round—15 sts. Cut yarn, thread through final 5 sts and pull RRoouunndd 2244:: KKnniitt.. Round 49: *K1, K2tog, repeat from * to end of tight. Using tapestry needle, thread this yarn RRoouunndd 2255:: **KK11,, MM11LL,, KK1111,, rreeppeeaatt ffrroomm ** ttoo eenndd ooff round—10 sts. end back through the tip of the stem to give it rroouunndd——6655 ssttss.. Round 50: *K2tog, repeat from * to end of a blunt look. round—5 sts. Cut yarn, thread through final 5 sts and pull tight. 4 knitted amigurumi edibles aubergine 5 61059 - Knitted Amigurumi Edibles_Int.indd 4 3/23/15 5:36 PM 61059 - Knitted Amigurumi Edibles_Int.indd 5 3/23/15 5:36 PM 61059 - Knitted Amigurumi Edibles_Int.indd 4 3/23/15 5:28 PM 61059 - Knitted Amigurumi Edibles_Int.indd 5 3/23/15 5:28 PM JJJJoooobbbb::::00003333----66661111000066660000 TTTTiiiittttlllleeee::::CCCCLLLLSSSS----KKKKnnnniiiitttttttteeeedddd AAAAmmmmiiiigggguuuurrrruuuummmmiiii EEEEddddiiiibbbblllleeeessss JJoobb::0033--6611006600 TTiittllee::CCLLSS--KKnniitttteedd AAmmiigguurruummii EEddiibblleess (Text) (Text) ####111177775555 DDDDttttpppp::::LLLLYYYY PPPPaaaaggggeeee::::4444 ##117755 DDttpp::LLYY PPaaggee::55 TToommaattoo Even in the middle of winter, tomatoes have a way of bringing back summer. This cute knit version is a great introduction to small diameter circular knitting, and makes a sleek, squishy ornament for your dining table year-round! yarn gauge Worsted weight 22 to 24 sts = 4" (10 cm) in stockinette stitch MC (summer red): 50 yd (45.5 m) CC (spring green): 20 yd (18 m) dimensions Diameter: 5" (12.7 cm) needles Height: 3" (7.6 cm) • O ne set U.S. size 5 (3.75 mm) double-pointed needles and/or difficulty • T wo U.S. size 5 (3.75 mm) circular needles, Beginner/Intermediate 20"–24" (51¬61 cm) long notions • Fiberfill stuffing • Tapestry needle 6 knitted amigurumi edibles 61059 - Knitted Amigurumi Edibles_Int.indd 6 3/23/15 5:36 PM 61059 - Knitted Amigurumi Edibles_Int.indd 7 3/23/15 5:36 PM 61059 - Knitted Amigurumi Edibles_Int.indd 6 3/23/15 5:28 PM 61059 - Knitted Amigurumi Edibles_Int.indd 7 3/23/15 5:28 PM JJJJoooobbbb::::00003333----66661111000066660000 TTTTiiiittttlllleeee::::CCCCLLLLSSSS----KKKKnnnniiiitttttttteeeedddd AAAAmmmmiiiigggguuuurrrruuuummmmiiii EEEEddddiiiibbbblllleeeessss JJoobb::0033--6611006600 TTiittllee::CCLLSS--KKnniitttteedd AAmmiigguurruummii EEddiibblleess (Text) (Text) ####111177775555 DDDDttttpppp::::LLLLYYYY PPPPaaaaggggeeee::::6666 ##117755 DDttpp::LLYY PPaaggee::77 TToommaattoo Even in the middle of winter, tomatoes have a way of bringing back summer. This cute knit version is a great introduction to small diameter circular knitting, and makes a sleek, squishy ornament for your dining table year-round! yarn gauge Worsted weight 22 to 24 sts = 4" (10 cm) in stockinette stitch MC (summer red): 50 yd (45.5 m) CC (spring green): 20 yd (18 m) dimensions Diameter: 5" (12.7 cm) needles Height: 3" (7.6 cm) • O ne set U.S. size 5 (3.75 mm) double-pointed needles and/or difficulty • T wo U.S. size 5 (3.75 mm) circular needles, Beginner/Intermediate 20"–24" (51¬61 cm) long notions • Fiberfill stuffing • Tapestry needle 6 knitted amigurumi edibles 61059 - Knitted Amigurumi Edibles_Int.indd 6 3/23/15 5:36 PM 61059 - Knitted Amigurumi Edibles_Int.indd 7 3/23/15 5:36 PM 61059 - Knitted Amigurumi Edibles_Int.indd 6 3/23/15 5:28 PM 61059 - Knitted Amigurumi Edibles_Int.indd 7 3/23/15 5:28 PM JJJJoooobbbb::::00003333----66661111000066660000 TTTTiiiittttlllleeee::::CCCCLLLLSSSS----KKKKnnnniiiitttttttteeeedddd AAAAmmmmiiiigggguuuurrrruuuummmmiiii EEEEddddiiiibbbblllleeeessss JJoobb::0033--6611006600 TTiittllee::CCLLSS--KKnniitttteedd AAmmiigguurruummii EEddiibblleess (Text) (Text) ####111177775555 DDDDttttpppp::::LLLLYYYY PPPPaaaaggggeeee::::6666 ##117755 DDttpp::LLYY PPaaggee::77 Pattern Body RRoouunndd 3377:: **KK33,, KK22ttoogg,, rreeppeeaatt ffrroomm ** ttoo eenndd CCaarrrroott ooff rroouunndd——2200 ssttss.. Use MC yarn, and CO 4 stitches. Join these sts Leaves (make 5) RRoouunndd 3388:: **KK22,, KK22ttoogg,, rreeppeeaatt ffrroomm ** ttoo eenndd into a round and continue. ooff rroouunndd——1155 ssttss.. CO 8 sts in CC. BO all sts. Thread yarn through Rounds 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15: Knit. RRoouunndd 3399:: **KK11,, KK22ttoogg,, rreeppeeaatt ffrroomm ** ttoo eenndd final lp and pull tight. Weave in yarn ends. Round 2: [K1, KLL, KRL, K1] 2 times—8 sts. ooff rroouunndd——1100 ssttss.. This brilliant root vegetable is a wonderful source of beta-carotene, a relative of vitamin A. Round 4: [K1, KLL, K2, KRL, K1] 2 times—12 sts. RRoouunndd 4400:: **KK22ttoogg 55 ttiimmeess.. ((55 ssttiittcchheess)) This knit version is an excellent exercise in short row knitting, with an intricate top created Stem Round 6: [K1, KLL, K4, KRL, K1] 2 times—16 sts. LLiigghhttllyy ssttuuffff tthhee bbooddyy wwiitthh ppoollyyeesstteerr ssttuufffifinngg.. Round 8: [K1, KLL, K6, KRL, K1] 2 times—20 sts. DDoo nnoott oovveerrssttuuffff!! CCuutt yyaarrnn,, tthhrreeaadd tthhrroouugghh fifinnaall by utilizing a picot bind-off method. Knit a whole bunch to really brighten up your basket Use CC yarn and pick up 2 sts from the blunt 55 ssttss aanndd ppuullll ttiigghhtt.. of veggies! Round 10: [K1, KLL, K8, KRL, K1] 2 times— end of each of the five leaves, for a total 24 sts. of 10 stitches. See Figure 1 for guidance. FFiinniisshhiinngg Round 12: *K1, KLL, K2, KRL, K1, repeat from * to end of round—36 sts. TThhrreeaadd tthhee yyaarrnn ttaaiill ffrroomm tthhee CCOO eeddggee tthhrroouugghh Round 14: *K1, KLL, K4, KRL, K1, repeat from tthhee bbooddyy ooff tthhee ttoommaattoo,, aanndd ppuullll fifirrmmllyy ttoo ccrreeaattee * to end of round—48 sts. yarn notions aann iinnddeennttaattiioonn.. SSeeee FFiigguurree 22 ffoorr gguuiiddaannccee.. Round 16: *K1, KLL, K6, KRL, K1, repeat from SSeeccuurree tthhiiss yyaarrnn ttaaiill.. SSeeww lleeaavveess aanndd sstteemm Worsted weight • Fiberfill stuffing * to end of round—60 sts. oonnttoo tthhee ttoopp ppoorrttiioonn ooff tthhee bbooddyy wwiitthhiinn tthhiiss MC (brilliant orange): 40 yd (37 m) • Tapestry needle iinnddeennttaattiioonn.. TTaakkee ccaarree ooff aannyy lloooossee yyaarrnn eennddss.. CC (lively green): 40 yd (37 m) Rounds 17–27: Knit. gauge Round 28: *K10, K2tog, repeat from * to end needles of round—55 sts. 22 to 24 sts = 4" (10 cm) in stockinette stitch • O ne set U.S. size 5 (3.75 mm) double-pointed needles Rounds 29 and 31: Knit. and/or dimensions Round 30: *K9, K2tog, repeat from * to end Figure 1 of round—50 sts. • T wo U.S. size 5 (3.75 mm) circular needles, Length: 15" (38 cm) 24" (61 cm) long Join these into a round and continue: Round 32: *K8, K2tog, repeat from * to end difficulty of round—45 sts. Round 1: Knit. Round 33: *K7, K2tog, repeat from * to end Beginner/Intermediate Round 2: [K2tog, K2tog, K1] 2 times—6 sts. of round—40 sts. Round 3: K2tog 3 times—3 sts. Knit 1" (2.5 cm) Round 34: *K6, K2tog, repeat from * to end of I-cord. of round—35 sts. FFiigguurree 22 Cut yarn and thread through remaining 3 sts. Round 35: *K5, K2tog, repeat from * to end Pull yarn end through the center of the stem to of round—30 sts. make a blunt end. Round 36: *K4, K2tog, repeat from * to end of round—25 sts. 8 knitted amigurumi edibles carrot 9 61059 - Knitted Amigurumi Edibles_Int.indd 8 3/23/15 5:46 PM 61059 - Knitted Amigurumi Edibles_Int.indd 9 3/23/15 5:36 PM 61059 - Knitted Amigurumi Edibles_Int.indd 8 3/23/15 5:28 PM 61059 - Knitted Amigurumi Edibles_Int.indd 9 3/23/15 5:28 PM JJJJoooobbbb::::00003333----66661111000066660000 TTTTiiiittttlllleeee::::CCCCLLLLSSSS----KKKKnnnniiiitttttttteeeedddd AAAAmmmmiiiigggguuuurrrruuuummmmiiii EEEEddddiiiibbbblllleeeessss JJoobb::0033--6611006600 TTiittllee::CCLLSS--KKnniitttteedd AAmmiigguurruummii EEddiibblleess (Text) (Text) ####111177775555 DDDDttttpppp::::LLLLYYYY PPPPaaaaggggeeee::::8888 ##117755 DDttpp::LLYY PPaaggee::99

Creative Publishing int'l, 2015. — 35 р. — ISBN 1589239032, 9781589239036.Вяжем спицами 5 овощей: баклажан, томат, морковь, чеснок и горох. Ко всем даны пошаговые инструкции и описания.Attention crafters, cr
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