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Preview Kingston Guardian, January 17, 2008

HOSPITAL Kingston THIEF JAILED See inside for all the latest news 40p where sold For a whole lot more log on to www.yourlocalguardian.co.uk Thursday, January 17, 2008 FRIENDS LIKE THESE IN LIKE FLYNN Helping the Rose to Is this Kingston’s Blossom page 11 best dog? page 16 FOUR-PAGE ADVERTISEMENT KG Holiday Guide 2008 BayofNaples Bay of Naples Sevennightshalf-board Prague-TynSquare from£599perperson RegulardeparturesfromApriltoOctober2008 ClassicalItaly-StPeter’sSquare Fullyescortedpriceincludes: (cid:1) Returnflightsfromachoiceofsevenairports, taxesandtransfers (cid:1) Stayinginachoiceofexcellentqualitythree-orfour-star hotels,withhalf-board,inSorrento (cid:1) FullyescortedtoursofPompeii,MountVesuviusandNaples (cid:1) VisittoAmalfiincludingthemagnificent'Amalfidrive',hill topRavelloandadelightfulwalkingtourofSorrento (cid:1) CruisetothestunningislandofCapri (cid:1) Theservicesofanexperiencedtourmanager Fully EscortedTours Classical Spain California & Prague, Vienna, the Golden West and Budapest Seville (cid:1) Cordoba (cid:1) Granada Sixnightsfrom£499perperson 13nightsfrom£1,099perperson Sevennightsfrom£599perperson RegulardeparturesfromMarchtoOctober2008 RegulardeparturesfromMarchtoNovember2008 RegulardeparturesfromApriltoOctober2008 (cid:1) Returnflightsfromachoiceoftenairports,taxes (cid:1) ReturndirectflightsfromHeathrow,taxesand (cid:1) ReturnflightsfromHeathrow,Gatwick,EastMidlands, andtransfers transfers;withconnectingregionalflightsata NewcastleandManchester;plustaxesandtransfers (cid:1) Sixnightsexcellentqualitythreeandfour-starhotel supplement (cid:1) Four-starhotelaccommodationwithbreakfast(two accommodationwithbreakfast (cid:1) Hand-pickedhotelaccommodation nightsinBudapest,twonightsinVienna,threenights (cid:1) GuidedtourofSeville-oneofthemostbeautifulcitiesin (cid:1) Afullyescortedsightseeingitinerary inPrague) theworld (cid:1) GuidedtoursofLosAngeles,SanDiegoandSan (cid:1) Explore600yearsofstunningarchitecture,from (cid:1) VisittoCordoba,hometotheMezquita Francisco medievaltoBaroque,experiencethreedistinct (cid:1) VisittoRonda-oneofthemostspectacularlysituated (cid:1) Stayon‘theStrip’ofLasVegas cultures;seeopulentPalacesandgrandiosecathe- citiesinSpain (cid:1) VisitstotheGrandCanyon,BryceCanyon,Zion drals (cid:1) VisittoGranadaandtourofthestunning NationalPark,MonumentValleyandYosemite,with (cid:1) GuidedtoursofPrague,ViennaandBudapest eachvisitcarefullytimedwhenthelightdisplays (cid:1) VisittothebreathtakinglybeautifulBohemianspa AlhambraPalace theseamazingsightsattheirmostbeautiful townofCeskyKrumlov (cid:1) Theservicesofanexperiencedtourmanager (cid:1) Theservicesofanexperiencedtourmanager (cid:1) Theservicesofanexperiencedtourmanager Prague Krakow Classical Italy Threenightsfrom£299perperson Threenightsfrom£299perperson Rome(cid:1)Florence(cid:1)Siena(cid:1)Assisi RegulardeparturesfromMarchtoNovember2008 RegulardeparturesfromMarchtoNovember2008 Sixnightsfrom£509perperson (cid:1) Returnflightsfromachoiceofeightairports, (cid:1) Returnflightsfromachoiceofnineairports,taxesand RegulardeparturesfromMarchtoOctober2008 taxesandtransfers transfers (cid:1) Threenight’sfour-starhotelaccommodation (cid:1) Threenight’sfour-starhotelaccommodation (cid:1) ReturnscheduledflightstoRomefromachoiceof withbreakfast withbreakfast eightairports,taxesandtransfers (cid:1) AwalkingtourofPraguetoseeWenceslas (cid:1) Twocomprehensivewalkingtourstoseethemainsights, (cid:1) Sixnightsbedandbreakfastinexcellent Square,theTynChurch,thePowderTower, includingtheRynek,ClothHall,St.Mary’schurch,Florian qualityfour-starhotels Gate,CzartoryskiArtMuseum,SlowackiTheatreandthe the11thcenturyStaromestskeNamesti (cid:1) AguidedtourofRome 11thcenturyWawelcastledistrict, theRoyalPalaceand (cid:1) AwalkingtourofFlorencewithatimedvisit (mainsquare)andthe'Charles'bridge Cathedral (cid:1) Aseparatewalkingtourofthecastledistrict (cid:1) EscortedvisittoAuschwitzandBirkenau,whichisleft totheUffiziartgallery (cid:1) VisitstoSiena,oneofEurope'sfinestmedievalcities (cid:1) Servicesofanexperiencedtourmanager virtuallyuntouchedsinceliberationin1945(includedbut andtoAssisi,birthplaceofSt.Francis optional) (cid:1) Theservicesofanexperiencedtourmanager (cid:1) Theservicesofanexperiencedtourmanager 2 Brochure Line: 0871 973 0394 [email protected] OperatedbyRivieraTravel,AbtaV4744Atol3430acompany independentofNewsquestMediaGroup. PALACE GARAGE £40 Kingston MOTs WITH THIS VOUCHER wealsospecialiseinexhausts, clutches,brakes,tyres 020 8547 2022 PALACERD,KINGSTONUPONTHAMES (5MINSWALKFROMSURBITONSTATION) 40p where sold For a whole lot more log on to www.yourlocalguardian.co.uk Thursday, January 17, 2008 FRIENDS LIKE THESE IN LIKE FLYNN Helping the Rose to Is this Kingston’s Blossom best dog? page 11 page 16 ‘PROTECT Inside ■Hospitalapologisesoverdataloss fiasco............................................page5 ■RoseTheatreopensin PATIENTS’ Kingston......................................page7 Finest Indian Cuisine in a relaxed atmosphere Hospital ward manager jailed after stealing from patient byPETERTRUMAN [email protected] A man who stole from a Tolworth Hospitalpatienthasbeensentenced to12monthsinprison. The victim’s daughter, Nicola Four Course Meal Williams, has called for an overhaul of the criminal records check system after £9.90 Sunday & Thursday it emerged that the man who stole a £3,500 cheque from her father, Anthony Gould, while he was on Magnolia ward, Seatsupto100diners hadpreviousconvictions. SundayLunchtimeBuffet12noonto3pm Mrs Williams wept as ward manager EatAsMuchAsYouLike(choiceof11dishes) Abdi Yussef, 38, was given a custodial 01932 223319 / 241923 sentence at Kingston Crown Court on Friday, January 11, for stealing the 66TerraceRoad,Walton-on-ThamesSurreyKT122SD chequeandattemptingtocashit. She said she was “overjoyed” by the sentence but said it could have been avoided had Yussef been subject to a BThestoarewitbhmoreyforpBarentsatobern Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) check. Hewasnotbecausehetransferredfrom elsewhereintheNHS. FormerlyknownasNippers Shesaid:“Ithinkwehavetosendouta Victim:AnthonyGould messagetopeopleinthosekindof posi- SALE tionsthattheycannotabuseandtakead- NHS Employers, responsible for work- vantageof vulnerablepeople. forceandemploymentissuesintheNHS, “If theyhaddonethecheckmyfather explained there was currently no re- wouldnothavebeenputatrisk.” quirement to retrospectively CRB check Fantastic LOW Yussef was transferred from Kingston employees, nor were there any plans to andDistrictCommunityTrust,nowdis- introducethesafeguard. Prices on many Pupils play with a banded, to South West London and St Employees transferred from one NHS baby essentials: George’sMentalHealthNHSTrust. trust to another are not subject to CRB HewasonlyCRBcheckedwhenhewas checks,whileanyyearlyreviewof CRB puppet on a string dismissed for gross misconduct after checks is the decision of individual •TravelSystemsfrom£149.99 claimingcompassionateleavetovisithis trusts. dying father in Sweden – in fact he was Sentencing at Kingston Crown Court, •TravelCotsfrom£40 on remand and in custody for a drink- Judge Bennett-Jenkins said: “These •Buggiesfrom£20 Nine-year-old Kelda DemonKingandthemon- drivingoffence. were atrocious offences. Ineed to make watches as puppeteer key-godHanuman. South West London and St George’s twothingsclear,thepublicdisgustatthe •FREEChangingBagwithevery Rani Singh brings to life The puppet show was Mental Health NHS Trust refused to offencesandtoensurethatthepublicun- pramover£300 Indian children’s stories part of the library’s comment on why the check was only derstandthosewhotakethesestepswill •FREEMattresswitheverycot at Kingston library in Tasteof Indiaexhibition. done after it was discovered Yussef had bepunished.” over£150 WheatfieldWayonSatur- ❑ For even more local and beenjailed. day,January12. regional news, visit your Aspokesmansaidthatbecausethecase ❑ Should the criminal records check CALLFOROPENINGTIMES&DIRECTIONS Among the marionettes localguardian.co.uk wassubjecttoaNursingandMidwifery systembechanged?Haveyoursayon FREEPHONE 0800 594 3054 were a range of gods, the DeadlinepixKT18715 Council hearing he could not comment our forums at yourlocalguardian. anyfurther. co.uk No other website comes close – log on to yourlocalguardian.co.uk right now for even more news, views, features and sport 4 News KG 02083309546 January 17, 2008 The root of flood issue www.yourlocalguardian.co.uk Seven days, seven events ■Thursday hostsitscomedyandcurry For two years flooding in a byKERRYGROVE TheRichmondSociety night. rSeusribdietnotns,rsetrgeueltarhlyasswpalmagpuinedg [email protected] hostsatalkonfloodrisk ■Monday theirgaragesandforcingthem ery for him and his neigh- managementonthe tostayindoors. bours. He said: “It got to the ListentotheRitary ThamesatVestryHall, But now the mystery of the point when I was concerned GaguenettiQuartet–atra- Richmond. Pine Gardens flooding has fi- about going on holiday in the ditionalgypsyswingguitar nally been solved – tree roots summer because if we had a ■Friday ensemble–inconcertatLe weretheculprit. thunderstorm we wouldn’t QuecumBar,Battersea. ThamesWaterandKingston know what we would come HearacousticduoKipand Council investigated the backto. DaveperformattheFoley ■Tuesday drains on Friday, January 11, “Water has come six feet up Arms,Claygate. There’sstilltimetocatch and cleared the blockage, al- into the garage and into the ■Saturday thepanto.HeadtoSutton’s lowingthewaterstosubside. gardenrightuptothebaywin- Underwater:PineGardenshasfacedregularfloodingfor SecombeTheatretosee Though the street is not an dow. thepasttwoyears JoinartistBrianBurragefor identified flooding area, “Oneof theproblemsisthat SleepingBeauty. apastelpaintingdemon- Kingston Council said the the drains under this house Daveygotinvolvedintheresi- Thames Water will now strationattheMaldenCen- ■Wednesday problem was thought to be wereadequateinthe1930sbut dents’campaigntohavereme- carry out further investiga- tre,NewMalden. withtreerootsthathadgrown now, with additional develop- dialworkcarriedout. tionintoPineGardenstolook Learnaboutthehistoryof intothesewerandblockedthe ment, the infrastructure can’t This solved the problem for for a more permanent solu- ■Sunday OrleansHouseinTwicken- drains. copewithit.” the short-term but residents tion. Havealaughandenjoya hamatanexhibitionatthe Resident Peter Durnford- Theproblemgoesbacktobe- thensaidthefloodinggradual- ❑Formorelocalnews,visit gallery. Smith said it has caused mis- fore 2000, when MP Edward lygotworseagainafter2005. yourlocalguardian.co.uk. curryatthesametimeas theWatermansinBrentford Sample eastern joys at Indian dance workshop For hundreds more events go to events.yourlocalguardian.co.uk Video Flowingdanceanddazzling spirits”. That is the treat Wheatfield Way on Satur- ❑ Tofindoutwhateventsare storytelling to take you on promised to visitors to an dayat2pm. on in and around your area, news ajourneythatwill“delight Indian dance workshop at Call 020 8547 6460 for de- got to events.yourlocal your senses and lift your Kingston Museum in tails. guardian.co.uk Tocome. LONDON & LOCAL LONDON & LOCAL Formorevideo newsonline checkout yourlocal Offer guardian.co.uk/ PLEASE CALL NOW PLEASE CALL NOW videonews FOR OUR FOR OUR FANTASTIC OFFER FANTASTIC OFFER ConservatoryShowroom,ChessingtonGardenCentre,nearChessingtonWorldofAdventures NEW NEW Competition WINDOWPACKAGEFULLYFITTED BESPOKECONSERVATORIES £1695 incVAT ■WinticketstoseeTheIm- portanceofBeingEarnest yourlocalguardian.co.uk/ leisure/competitions/ Most read stories Ultraframe 1500x1010 1500x1010 1500x1010 2000Winners ■Exclusive:Hospitaltest KingstonforhitTVdrama 600x1010 datafoundinthestreet ■Manhitwithbottlein ■Raptorsroamingin NewYear’sEveassault STANDARD FEATURES INCLUDE: SHOOTBOLT LOCKING SYSTEM (withNightVentposition) WINDOWS&DOORLOCKINGTOINSURANCECOMPANY’SREQUIREMENT CONTACT US – We’re here to help TRIPLECHAMBERPROFILEPROVIDINGOPTIMUMTHERMALPERFORMANCE EDITORIAL MOTORING FULLYSCULPTUREDFRAMEOPENERS&BEADS AssistantEditor:DavidRankin Manager:CarolineNichols LOWEGLASS28mm SEALEDUNITS | INTERNALGLAZINGFORHIGHSECURITY FFEENNSSAA RReeggiisstteerreeddCCoommppaannyy [email protected] [email protected] Tel:02083309546 Tel:02083299274 GENUINE EXAMPLE – FITTED PRICES DISTRIBUTION CLASSIFIED Newspaperdeliveries Manager:KarenMcLean 17£735x611392 17£745x611290 17£745x411190 5£001x180910 5£002x100510 11£920x510310 [email protected] [email protected] EXAMPLEPRICES,MADETOMEASUREANYSIZEPHONEFORQUOTES Tel:08452707451 Tel:02083309979 MINIMUMORDER£500 AALLLL PPRRIICCEESS IINNCCLLUUDDEE VVAATT ADVERTISING LEAFLETS 1500x1050 1030x1050 1050x1050 1190x1190 1500x1190 DisplayManager:MelBurgess Sales:PaulMitchell £307 £340 £270 £270 £340 £308 [email protected] [email protected] TESTED TO SIX BRITISH STANDARD CLASSIFICATIONS Tel:02087444222 Tel:02083309502 SSHHOOWWRROOOOMM:: MONDAY TO SATURDAY 9am-9pm FREEPHONE Callsmaybemonitoredfortrainingpurposes 553344LLoonnddoonnRRooaadd,,NNoorrtthhCChheeaamm SSuurrrreeyySSMM3388HHWW 0808 155 1222 for a free no obligation quotation please phone MMoonnddaayyttooSSaattuurrddaayy WE’RE AIMING FOR THE HIGHEST STANDARDS 99..3300aamm--66..0000ppmm YourlocalGuardianaimstobringyouthemostimportantlocalnews andinformationinawaywhichisfair,accurateandbalanced. Keepit green:Read us,then recycleus WeadheretothePressComplaintsCommissioncodeofpractice KINGSTON GUARDIAN : 51,095 butifyouwishtocommentonanystory,writetothegroupeditor SeanDuggan,atUnecolHouse,819LondonRoad,NorthCheam, YourGuardiansupportsrecycling– SurreySM39BN recycledpapermadeup80.6%oftheraw Copiesdistributedweekly January12007toJuly12007 TheGuardianseriesispublishedbyNewsquestMediaGroup,aGannettCompany materialforUKnewspapersin2006 yourlocalguardian.co.uk January17,2008 KG News 5 SOUVENIR EDITION EWTTTSsSONOHKHHUEUtELCEIREaEASTNPRWHWCbHTMMSBGDEEOOlEOSIPMSiIOSRTsTRNTMTSTLATOThOOIEEHLNONeNNRSDGNdEETPCSYN1AOOS8RNU5KR4T ttYYoooouutthhrreeiinnbbssiiiiggddeerraallcicinneeee Jsaunrrueayrcyo4m102p6e0t-.0c2o82.uk NbTrheaiwrvdeMsVtaC–lden’s The Rose comes into bloom DHKAOINTSAGPSITTAOLNSEEPAGE12 holder found SCANDAL Medical Arvaielablecfromonewrsagdentss bRoaseoSirgPeteprHallwithetheCanstofUncsleVanyaattaheRoseftonMondaylaost! u❑❑❑❑MHPTPOOEsSSLDPTICIERTEMAECLASAUNnALLDPLTOIESNLD‘QSOTIGNOILSEENS’ d in surreycomet.co.uk Join the debate street ‘stolen’, hospital says yourlocal guardian.co.uk A bag containing sensitive HIV, byPETERTRUMAN Both Kingston Hospital and cancerandpregnancytestsfound Wandsworth Primary Care Trust [email protected] in Kingston Hill could have been have written to patients to apolo- stolen,accordingtoKingstonHos- of results of tests taken by pa- giseandCaroleHeatly,chief exec- pital. tients from Queen Mary’s Hospi- utiveof KingstonHospital,issued The Kingston Guardian’s sister tal, Roehampton, and analysed at apersonalapologyinastatement. paper the Surrey Comet reported KingstonHospital. Butthiswasonlyafterpressure exclusivelylastweekhowamem- Kingston Hospital launched an from the Comet and national ber of the public found the bag, investigation and called in media, following an initial two- which contained 173 documents Kingston police to determine if line statement from the hospital detailingpatients’names,datesof thebagwasstolen. withnoapologyorreassuranceto birthandtestresults. The hospital plans to introduce patients. The bag was found near Meri- tamperproof bagswithaddressla- Edward Davey, MP for Kingston tyres in Kingston Hill at about bels after it was revealed the bag andSurbiton,spokedirectlytoMs 12.40pmonFriday,January4. inquestionwasunlockedandhad Heatlyandhascalledforaninde- Thedocumentswerehardcopies noidentifyingmarks. pendentinquiry. Headded:“Iwant a flow analysis of how data gets from the laboratory to thebagtothevan.” Scoop:Howoursisterpaperthe MrDaveysaidques- SurreyCometbrokethestory tionswouldremain if thepoliceinvesti- gation revealed the bag had not been stolen. The Information Commissioner’s Of- ficewillinvestigate the incident and warned“if enforce- mentactionisneed- edwewilltakeit”. Forthefullstory andindepth analysisand comment,see thisweek’s SurreyComet. Cheam Windows Wrongdrop-offpoint:KingstonHill, wherethecourierbagcontaining confidentialmedicalrecords,inset, wasfound DeadlinepixKT18662 Fam4ous Fo0r Our Quality O●● WWIINNDDOOWW RREEPPAAIIRRSS uPVC Fa%mous For Our Quality LOFT LADDERS TTOO DDOOUUBBLLEE GGLLAAZZIINNGG Supplied and fitted for only £140 Misted/brokensealedunits NO VAT ● LeadedLight Picture Georgian Sash TO PAY Handlesforwindowsanddoors ● ★PriceincludesNewHatchDoor Windowhingesandstays ● ★QualityBritish-MadeLadders Patiodoorswheelsandtracks ★AlsoBoarding,NewHatches&Lights ● Alltypesoflocks ★LocalFamilyBusiness ● DON’T REPLACE! DISCOUNT ★SatisfactionGuaranteed Bays 020 8644 3211 High REPAIR! PatioDoors Bays ResiDoors LOCAL SHOWROOMS FENSA Security NO CALL OUT CHARGE nohighpressuresales StableDoors RReeggiisstteerreeddCCoommppaannyy Open 7 days a week ● WHO ELSE CAN OFFER THIS! Plus ~ conservatories - stable doors, Cut this leaflet out ● you might need it one day FORAFREEESTIMATEPHONE folding doors and car ports FOR FREE ESTIMATE PHONE 020 8941 2466 3CheamCommonRoad 48OHPigEhNSt:reMet on - Sat 9.30-5.00pm AS GOOD AS NEW NorthCheam CheamVillage 002200 88664411 55003366 7 Hampton CourtWPoarcreastdereP,aHrkamptonNCewoSuhrowtr(ooompp Hampton Ct Station) 6 News KG 02083309546 January 17, 2008 Rain delays Council seeks financial views Kingston Council wants residents to Once the draft proposals are online, have their say on the borough’s finan- residentscanmaketheirviewsknown roadworks cial future after a smaller-than-hoped- via the council’s online budget forum for Government grant left the council before the executive committee meets facingexpenditurecutsof upto£6mil- toassesstheresultsonFebruary12. lionforthenextfinancialyear. The council faces the financial chal- More than 30 residents met with lenge of cutting expenditure by about council leader Councillor Derek Os- £22million over the next three years bourne at the weekend for a cost-cut- and has already outlined a five-point ting workshop looking over options to plan that includes delivering services Heavy rain could interrupt byPETERTRUMAN reduce expenditure and re-shape ser- as close to the user as possible and planned roadworks to intro- [email protected] vices,withfeedbackexpectedtobepub- workingmorecloselywithpartneror- duce a pedestrian crossing in lishedonJanuary28. ganisations. TolworthBroadway. neering project that’s being Work was due to begin on carried out alongside a very Monday,January7,butalocal busyroad. Making the most of the riverside resident complained he had “The council erected ad- seen no work taking place vanced warning signs in De- comeWednesday. cember to tell residents and KingstonCouncil’sproposalstomakethe viewsandaccesstotheriver. Chessington resident Joe road users the project began town’sriversideatEagleBreweryWharf Anyoneinterestedincommentingonthe Fitzpatrick said: “With nu- on January 7 and to advise moreattractiveareavailableonline. scheme can do so online at merous signs displaying the road users that, during the Suggestedchangestothelandnexttothe kingston.gov.uk/browse/environment/ notice of roadworks com- works, it will be necessary at Rampubincludeplantingnewtreestopro- planning/planningpolicy/riverside_pr mencing in Tolworth Broad- timestoreducethenumberof videshadeandremovingbushesalongthe ojectsorcanrequestapapercopyof the wayweseemtoseenooneor lanesinoperation. neighbouring Ram Passage to improve questionnairebycalling02085475302. nosightof anythinggoingon. “The project is now under “I’m sure many people use way and the initial stages of this route and have made al- the project have involved ternative alterations to their night-time preparatory work, daily route because of it as most of which is likely to be theyexpect‘trafficchaos’. underground within the sub- “They need not have both- wayitself.” ered.” The council explained that LOWEST But a spokesman for the contractors had to work with council said work had begun, the weather conditions and EVER butthatheavyraincausedde- that work was also being car- lays in trenching work which ried out at the junction of was scheduled across the ElgarAvenueandEwellRoad. Duenotice:Asigndetailingtheplans Broadwaythisweek. ❑ For the latest travel forthepedestriancrossing He added: “The filling in of news, go to localinfo.your PRICES DeadlinepixKT18764 the subway is a large engi- localguardian.co.uk LOCALMANUFACTURER •WINDOWS•DOORS 115655//7700RR1133 7739TT PP33000000 ££2360..1255 SSAALLEE FARELEARINMTROUFDFEERR ••VPEARTTIIOCADLOSOLIRDSES 185/60R14 82H P6000 £34.65 77 •CONSERVATORIES 175/65R14 82T P3000 £37.15 DOUBLEGLAZEDWINDOWS 195/50R15 82V P6000 £34.85 ANYSIZEWITHHIGHSECURITY 205/55R16 91W P6000 £68.95 £29 LOCKSFULLYFITTED FR11OM 449999 PHONENOWFOR ££ MANYMOREGREATDEALS ++VVAATT SUNBURY GREATSERVICEANDUNBEATABLEPRICES TYRE&EXHAUSTSPECIALISTS ForgeneraladviceandFREEquotes ISO9001Company 18/24KingstonHill 195/197StainesRoad CUT, FINISH & TREATMENT Tel: 0800 037 1317 KT27HN. WestTW167BH. LO-CALL0844 LO-CALL0844 8552190 8552180 SAVEUPTO£23.00 SOUTHFIELDS Tel:02086533232 Fax:02082390020 TTYYRREE&&BBAATTTTEERRYYSSEERRVVIICCEE LOOK YOUR BEST IN 2008 Text:07815129126 Unit2,FordwaterTrading 288/290MertonRd, Estate,FordRoadKT168HS. SouthfieldsSW185JN. LO-CALL0844 LO-CALL0844 FULL 10 YEAR GUARANTEE 8552184 8552191 Get the best deal with Winseal www.merityre.co.uk DICKINS&JONES,GEORGESTREET,RICHMOND TW91HA WINSEAL Additionalchargesapplyforvalve,wheelbalance, TELEPHONE:02089482303 nitrogeninflationandcasingdisposal. WINDOWS Alloffersremainaslongasstockslast. FENSA Nootherpromotionsordiscountsapplytotheseprices. Termsandconditionsapply,pricesmayvary,selectedstylists. Pricesarebasedoncashorcreditcardpayments. www.doubleglazing4less.co.uk FMBSeIrnvsiucerasnce “GET A MONTHS FREE MEMBERSHIP” * *IF YOU JOIN BY 27TH JANUARY 2008! 23BlagdonRoad,NewMalden,KT34AH | T.02083362955/9429429 | F.02083362587 | www.topnotchhealthclubs.com yourlocalguardian.co.uk January17,2008 KG News 7 Making its debut PM’s knife-crime plan Police in the UK’s most vio- Londonboroughs. lent areas will be told to In another incident, prosecute anyone caught KingstonstudentEvrenAnil, After decades in the making, the Rose byALITAHOWE with knives, Prime Minister 23,wasstabbedinJulyovera Theatre finally opened its doors in GordonBrownsaid. chocolate bar. He died eight [email protected] Kingstonlastnight. In an interview with the dayslaterinhospital. The900-seattheatrecost£11millionand “People tell us that they don’t want Sun,MrBrownsaidthemea- MrBrownsaid:“Itisunac- heraldsaneweraforcultureandevening Kingstontobejustaboutshopping.People sure would apply to the 12 ceptabletocarryaknifeora entertainmentinKingston. tellustheywantustodosomethingabout areas with high knife crime gun.Wherepolicepreviously ThetheatrelaunchedwithRussianclas- night-timeinKingston,”hesaid. ratesinthecountry. cautioned people there now sicUncleVanyalastnight,directedbySir “If people feel safer in the evening, if When 23-year-old Mikey has to be a presumption of PeterHall. MarketPlacebecomesmorevibrantandif Brownwasfatallystabbedat prosecution.” RobinHutchinson,vice-chairmanof the the theatre offers jobs, education and the Works nightclub, in He said a violent crime ac- Rose and one of the original visionaries brings in families then it is extremely Kingston,lastyear,itproved tion plan would be unveiled responsible for putting the idea of a goodvalueformoney.” the reach of knife crime in February by Home Secre- Kingstontheatreonthecouncil’sagenda Chairmanof thetheatretrustDavidJa- extends to even the safest taryJacquiSmith. inthe1980s,saidhewas“stillinasenseof cobs, another key player in the theatre’s disbelief”attherealisationof thetheatre. history,said:“I’moverwhelmedwithdis- Councillor Derek Osbourne, leader of belief,it’salltoowonderfulforwords. ‘THIS PROMISES TO BE THE KingstonCouncil,saidthetheatrewould “It’sbeennearly20years.Ican’ttellyou THEATRICAL EVENT OF “putKingstononthemapinaveryvery howmuchitmeanstousall.” positive way” and said it represented THE YEAR.’ IndependentonSunday “great value for money”, despite contro- ❑ See this week’s Surrey Comet for a versyoverthe£3millionof publicmoney fourpagesouvenirspecialontheRose ploughedintogettingitupandrunning. Theatre. UncleVanya TheatretrusteeDianaRobertson outsidetheRoseTheatre byAntonChekhov TranslatedbyStephenMulrine directed by Peter Hall DeadlinepixKT18773 Man discovered With Nicholas Le Prevost, Neil Pearson and Ronald Pickup dead in garage 16 Jan - 9 Feb 2008 Tickets: £5 - £29 A man who is thought to have hung himself inaSurbitongarageoverthe 24-26HighStreet Christmas period has been named as KingstonKT11HL 47-year-oldGeraldEngland. Policewerecalledtothegaragesbe- Tickets 0871 230 1552 neath Headley Court in King Charles Road,atabout7pmonThursday,Jan- www.rosetheatrekingston.org uary3. The body had been found hanging fromtheraftersandfirecrewsassist- edincuttinghimdown. FREE BOTTLE OF CHAMPAGNE WITH YOUR Itwasoriginallythoughthediedon PRE-THEATRE MEAL AT FRÈRE JACQUES ChristmasDay–morethanaweekbe- fore his body was discovered – but WITH TOP PRICE VANYA TICKETS friends have confirmed they last heard from Mr England at about 1am onBoxingDaymorning. Visitwww.frerejacques.co.uk A spokesman for the fire brigade 02085461332 said: “The body had been there for a weekbutbecauseithasbeensocoldit SimplyquoteFrèreJacqueswhenbuyingtoppriceticketsattheRoseTheatre hadnotdeteriorated.” (ticketsboughtinpersononly)foryourChampagnevoucher.OffervalidatFrère An inquest into his death will be Jacquesrestaurantforsamedayticketandvoucherholdersonly.Tablemust held at the West London Coroner’s bebookedinadvance.Tablesof4receiveafreebottleofchampagne,afree Courtatalaterdate. bottleofhousewinefortablesunder4people.Subjecttoavailability. AS/A2 & GCSE 97% OF STUDENTS at Surbiton High School RATED OUR TUTORS AS EASTER REVISION COURSES EXCELLENT OR GOOD With amazing On-line support throughout the year Call now for a Course Brochure and EXAM SUCCESS FREE Desktop Revision Planner WITHOUT 01727 827000 THE www.justincraig.ac.uk STRESS! Improve grades and techniques Gain confidence and motivation Small groups & Individual help Enthusiastic helpful tutors 8 KG 02083309546 January 17, 2008 yourlocalguardian.co.uk January17,2008 KG News 9 Student success W I N T E R in results tables TILE OFFERS Kingston’s brainy youngsters have byMIKEDIDYMUS again exceeded the national averages [email protected] for GCSE performance, with more than 70 per cent of 15-year-olds earn- pupilssucceed.” ingatleastfivepasses. Bedelsford Special School also per- ThetwoTiffinsweretopof thepops formed especially well in its value STARTS FRIDAY 18 JANUARY again,withKingstonGrammarSchool added score, finishing higher in the See the also boasting among the borough’s tablethananyschoolinKingston. GCSE and bestresults. Deputy headteacher Julie Wrathall Richard Challoner School in Manor said: “As a school working with chil- A-Level Drive North, New Malden, topped dren with profound and multiple Kingston’s secondary school value learning difficulties, the children school Great INTRODUCTORY OFFERS added table, improving students most oftencomefromnothingtoaveryhigh tables for frHomeakdeteyascthaegreTthomreeCtaohfiollusr.aid:“We’re rleivcuell,usmo,ygoivuehtahveemtothdeortihgehtriogphptocrutur-- 2007 at and up to 50% OFF selected lines verypleasedwiththeresults,it’sgreat nitiesandgetthemmotivated. toseetheboysgetsomegoodpressand “The key is that they enjoy it and if localinfo. we’re also very pleased that the new theyenjoylearningtheywillachieve- yourlocal league tables recognise the schools it’s hard work but that’s what Bedels- TILES MOSAIC & STONE that are making sure students have a fordisabout.” guardian. broadandbalancedcurriculum. “It’s not about getting the school up ❑ For more school stories from the co.uk/li/ the tables, it’s about making sure the areavisityourlocalguardian.co.uk 3MOLESEYBUSINESSCENTRE,CENTRALAVENUE Cycle bill starts a chain reaction (OFF WALTON RD) WEST MOLESEY, SURREY 020 8481 9588 Cyclists in Kingston could- Lewisrailingsandlampposts WWW.SURFACETILES.COM lose their transport if a bill in the high street, if they’re that empowers councils in notintheway.Localauthori- London to remove cycles ties are trying to persuade chainedtorailingsandlamp- peoplenottousetheirbikes. posts is approved, writes They will just go back to ThaisPortilho-Shrimpton. theirfour-wheeldrive.” The London Authorities Accordingtothebill,anoti- and Transport for London fication would be left where Bill, currently waiting for a thebikewaschainedandthe thirdreadingintheHouseof ownerwouldbeabletorecov- Lords, has a clause for the eritwiththecouncil. council to remove cycles Richmond Park MP Susan parked in areas other than Kramer said: “This seems bicyclebays. over the top. Bike facilities -Too Many Gyms ? KingstonCyclingCampaign are still incredibly inade- co-ordinatorRobJamessaid: quate.Thecouncilisgoingto “Itseemsverysillytotakeall have to exercise discretion thebikesparkedontheJohn whenenforcingthislaw.” -Too Many promises ? Your Local Family Run Business -Then It’s Time To Join TEL: 020 8330 3303 The River Club FAX: 020 8687 0761 Open: Monday-Friday9am-5pm•Saturday8am-2pm Email: [email protected] • Chlorine free swimming FULL FITTING SERVICE pool AVAILABLE Chaingang:Bicyclesfastenedto • Come Dancing Classes, railingscouldbecomeasightofthe TRADE D.I.Y DOMESTIC Yoga, Pilates pastifthelawisapproved KT18755 900 1500 • Unique FREE monthly ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■••••••••••00■■■■■DD■■■■■O2FLEDCBPB■■■■■■■225■aiem■■orrFFpo■■■r■toooo■■t■■enuueg■iYt■WWe■■kko■■00ell■ns/■rNNll■■He■■uueeC/re■g■ii■■PPFa■■nnnn8■r■ieBa■■OO■■uurvRRddr■n//a■bb■■nts■■eBMbb88■ooao■mgCC■■■■cnFll■wwti■xee■■iiCC■■oinill■ccc-■leeHHe■■ens66s■■1aRR■rh■eeLL/■■sst■■AAtti■p0E■eppeeh■■eAA■■ii■DH■Cspp44aadp■■sae■■LL■■bbaa■■mGG■■RRsaoiaa■■RSiiiiW■■n■■yLLrrlll11■o■■■iile■■gssGGe■tt7■ii-r■■Ci■■ayype■O&&s■llnrr■■OO■■l■sdEEa■lIIe■■daa■■Ruenn■11■iSSa■■dss■■oUUra■tss■eypp■■■■euuzzw■n■pUaa■■s■■99dTTrr■■rr■■■■aaaii■■naeeT■■■■inn■■ssnnri11■■■■rccw■t■e■■a■■see■■d■■■■degg■■55■■■■ee■■■■■■k■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ YAAY4RAOLL£e0FLLLLgU20i£EEsRDPEt04e2ARLOr5eNL,xNOdI2OOCCC0SR3CETo0K2100m0SSAOApS0LaNSn0AyOHRSWOEHSWFTAIASTUUNTE3£SPDE2D1UPDA5W£9PLR02WYA7PD,xLI3ROTI4D3ENHB0R2ISLA75Y41N20+V1200AT4SB1u4SV7r0S9rI500eCt£Soy0T2un,SOtxe7tMcRoS0e4Ocofu3nfI0rici0titAyalInP90iotHNilaicHte0iveilHl, ••••CprcKNFSaetlreieooovdelrtsnliesseieoqn0iwmpdnnuaostaeir2avmlmkelpiinirb0rdfgoe7yargtasirfnhc8aorgimper3esmnaoev3fFirgRo7rnoEmuEn7edn7st7da8y8trinaol!w 10 KG 02083309546 January 17, 2008 SAVE SAVE 220 M1EG7ASA9LE 350 M2EGA4SA9LE £ £ £ £ BERKSHIRE-tufted RHAPSODY- doubledivansetwitha contemporaryhand-forged twinspringunitforadded scrollmetaldoublebedstead. comfort. 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