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EarthandPlanetaryScienceLetters255(2007)471–484 www.elsevier.com/locate/epsl Transition of accretionary wedge structures around the up-dip limit of the seismogenic subduction zone ⁎ Gaku Kimura a,b, , Yujin Kitamura a, Yoshitaka Hashimoto c, Asuka Yamaguchi a, Tadahiro Shibata c, Kohtaro Ujiie b, Shin'ya Okamoto a a DepartmentofEarthandPlanetaryScience,GraduateSchoolofScience,TheUniversityofTokyo, 7-3-1Hongo,Bunkyo-ku,Tokyo113-0033,Japan bInstituteforResearchonEarthEvolution,JapanAgencyforMarine-EarthScienceandTechnology, 2-15Natsushima-cho,Yokosuka,Kanagawa237-0061,Japan c DepartmentofNaturalEnvironmentScience,FacultyofScience,KochiUniversity,2-5-1Akebono-cho,Kochi,Kochi780-8520,Japan Received14March2006;receivedinrevisedform2January2007;accepted2January2007 Availableonline10January2007 Editor:M.L.Delaney Abstract TheNankaiaccretionaryprismisdividedintothreesegments:outerandinnerwedgesandtheirtransitionzone.Thesewedges reflectdifferentaspectsofwedgetaper,internaldeformation,andbasalplateboundaryfault.Theouterwedgeischaracterizedby narrowcriticaltaper,internaldeformationbyin-sequence-fold-and-thrustandaseismicdécollement.Theinnerwedgerepresentsa stablenarrowtaper,weaklydeformedinternalstructureandseismogenicplateboundaryfaultalongitsbase.Thetransitionzone betweenthetwowedgesshowslargecriticaltaperwithsteepsurfaceslope,internalstructureofout-of-sequencethrust,andstep- downofdécollementontothesediment–oceanicbasementinterface.Thetrenchslopebreakandoceanwardmarginofforearcbasin is located around the landward edge of this transition zone. These common aspects might be related to the lithification of both accreted and underthrust sediments and the resultant switch of the plate boundary fault. Deformation and lithification process recorded in exhumed on-land mélange of accretionary complexes suggest that the step-down of the plate boundary décollement occursaroundthe up-dip limit of seismogenic subduction zone. ©2007Elsevier B.V. All rightsreserved. Keywords:NankaiTrough;accretionaryprism;Coulombwedge;seismogeniczone;mélange;trenchslopebreak 1. Introduction zone, which is defined as earthquake generating rupture fault zone. Several hypotheses have been One of the unsolved problemsin subduction zones proposed; 1) a change in frictional behavior from is what controls the up-dip limit of the seismogenic stable to unstable slip of clay minerals caused by thermally controlled transformation [1–4], 2) an increase in effective shear strength due to reduction ⁎ Correspondingauthor.DepartmentofEarthandPlanetaryScience, of fluid pressure and change in frictional behavior of GraduateSchoolofScience,TheUniversityofTokyo,7-3-1Hongo, sedimentary rocks caused by diagenesis [5], 3) a Bunkyo-ku,Tokyo113-0033,Japan.Tel.:+81358414510;fax:+813 changeinlocationoftheplateboundaryfaultintothe 58418378. E-mailaddress:[email protected](G.Kimura). basement basalts due to lithification and hardening of 0012-821X/$-seefrontmatter©2007ElsevierB.V.Allrightsreserved. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2007.01.005 472 G.Kimuraetal./EarthandPlanetaryScienceLetters255(2007)471–484 the aseismic décollement together with underthrust 2.1. Change in slope and wedge taper angles sediments [6], and 4) reactivation of a roof thrust, whichisonceabandonedduringunderplating[7].The Forearc slope angle varies with distance from the former two hypotheses implicitly consider that the deformationfront(Fig.1).TheMurototransecthasbeen frictional behavior of the same fault zone changes at studied as a typical accretionary prism [5,10,12,13,16]. theup-diplimit,whereasthelattertwoemphasizethat This part of the subducting Philippine Sea Plate dips the location of the plate boundary fault changes northward at an angle of about 1° over several tens of around the up-dip limit with change in their friction kilometers from the deformation front (Fig. 1). Associ- behaviors. ated with the change in surface slope the wedge taper Relating to the onset location of the seismogenic angle also varies. The frontal part of the wedge in the plate boundary, many geological and geophysical Murotoregionwithinadistanceofabout0–20kmfrom aspects appear to change around the up-dip limit of thedeformationfronthasataperangleofabout2.1°in the seismogenic zone: 1) the onset of a trench slope average, whereas from about 20 to 42 km, the angle break (or outer arc high) which coincides with the becomes larger, about 8.5° (Fig. 1). Landward of this trenchwardedgeofforearcbasin;2)achangeinwedge part,thesurfaceslopeandtaperanglesoverthatdistance taper and a change in the thickening mode of are again gentle and forearc deposits overlie the accretionary prism from in-sequence thrusting to out- accretionary prism. Thus the accretionary wedge is of-sequence thrusting; 3) a step-down of the aseismic divided into three segments: outer wedge, transition décollement; and 4) ramping up of low angle, out-of- zoneandinnerwedge(Fig.1).Upperslopeinflectionis sequences thrust above the underplated complex. How definedtraditionallyasatrenchslopebreakorouterarc these aspects are intimately linked to the onset of the high [17]. seismogenic zone is quite important to address the TheforearcslopeandwedgeintheAshizuriandKii questions above. regions are also divided into three segments which Inthispaper,wereviewthesefeatures,especiallyin nevertheless show different features from the Muroto the Nankai Trough, and discuss the onset of the region(Fig.1).ThePhilippineSeaPlatedipsatabout6° seismogenic zone, taking recent studies of on-land in these regions (Fig. 1). The outer wedge near the ancientaccretionary complexinto account. trenchshowsataperangleofabout7.8°and4.6°,inthe Kii and Ashizuri regions, respectively. The taper angle 2. Morphological and geological aspects of the ofthetransitionzoneincreasesto16.5°inKiiand7.9° modern Nankai accretionary prism in Ashizuri regions, respectively (Fig. 1). The zone of steep surface slope, i.e. the transition zone, is narrower In the Nankai Trough, detailed bathymetric intheKiiregionthanintheAshizuriregion.Athickpile depth-sounding survey data have been published offorearcdeposits covers theaccretionaryprismofthe (Japan Oceanographic Data Center, Online publica- innerwedgeintheKiiregion,whereasonlyathinlayer tion) and many multichannel seismic reflection of sediments overlies the prism in the Ashizuri forearc surveys have been conducted, including a 3D survey (Fig. 1). The most drastic change in slope angle in the (e.g. [8–13]). Simplified profiles are shown in Fig. 1 Nankai Trough is observedin theKii region(Fig. 1). with the recently inferred up-dip limit of the rupture Theupperinflectionpointfromsteeptogentleslopes zone of the 1944 Tonankai and 1946 Nanakai between transition and inner wedge is defined as the earthquakes [12,14,15] although there are uncertain- trench slope break or outer-arc high [17]. The up-dip ties in the observationally constrained up-dip limit limit of the seismogenic zone inferred from seismic of the seismogenic zone. The profiles represent andtsunamiinversion intheKii andMurotoregionsis several morphological and geological aspects as located somewhere beneath the transition zone follows: [9,11,14,15]. The up-dip limit of the seismogenic and/ Fig.1.(a)Locationsofseismicprofilein(b).BathymetricdatawasobtainedthroughtheJapanOceanographicDataCenter.(b)Simplifiedprofilesof theNankaiTrough.TheprofileoftheAshizuiriKR9801-01isfromParketal.[12].KR-9806-02offKiiisfromParketal.[11].141-2Dprofileoff MurotoisfromMooreetal[9].Alltheprofilesarearrangedinthesamescalewithoutverticalexaggeration.Interpretationsforeachprofilearefrom eachpaperwithsimplification.Numbersabovetheprofilewithsmalltriangleindicateaveragetaperangleinadistanceshownbythearrow.Notethat taperanglesofthetransitionzonearerelativelylargeincomparisonwithgentleonesoftheouterandinnerwedges.Dottedpatternrepresentsyounger slopesediments.OOST:out-of-sequencethrust,DSR:deepstrongreflectorzone,LAR:lowamplitudereflectorzonefromParketal.[12].Contours (2minterval)intheforarcisruptureareaandestimatedslipalongtheplateboundarybySagiyaandThatcher[78]. G.Kimuraetal./EarthandPlanetaryScienceLetters255(2007)471–484 473 474 G.Kimuraetal./EarthandPlanetaryScienceLetters255(2007)471–484 Fig.2.Generalizedaspectsaroundtheup-diplimitoftheseismogeniczoneinferredfrommodernexamplesoftheNankaiTrough.Topographicand intra-prismstructuresarefromFig.1andthermalstructureisfromK.Wang,personalcommunication,2003.Notethatasignificanttransitionalregion isrecognizedbetweentheup-diplimitofthelowangleOOSTandtheplaceofstep-downoftheaseismicdécollement,wheretheclearchangein wedgetaperwouldtakeplace.NumbersinwhitecirclesshowthelocationsofsimplifiedsectioninFig.8.Lowerdiagramshowsapproximate temperatureofthefault.Notethatthetransitionzoneislocatedinarangefromabout100°Cto180°C. or tsunamigenic zone in the Ashizuri region is also duringthe1944TonankaiEarthquake[11]andthe1946 situated beneath the transition zone [18]. Nankai earthquake,respectively[12]. 2.2. In-sequence fold and thrusting to out-of-sequence 2.3. Change in aspects of plate boundary fault thrusting IntheseismicprofilesintheNankaiTrough,wecan The internal structure of the accretionary prism is observe that the basal décollement, which is present well documented by seismic reflection profiles [9– beneath the outer wedge, steps down to reach the 13,19].Tairaetal.[20],AshiandTaira[21],andMoore sediment–basement interface or the basement [9,11– etal.[9]dividedtheinternalstructureoftheprisminto 13]. The step-down takes place beneath the transition proto-thrust zone, imbricate thrust zone, frontal out-of- zone in the Kii region [6,11]. The décollement beneath sequencethrustzone,andlargethrustslicezone,mainly the outer wedge is mostly represented by a negative on the basis of the Muroto transect. The former two polarity reflector, whereas the plate boundary after the zones coincide with the outer wedge and the latter two step-downischaracterizedbyvariousaspects:negative, zonesaredevelopedinwhatwedefinedasthetransition non-reflective or ambiguous positive polarities. In the zone in this paper. Wang and Hu [22] put the name of western Nankai Trough off Ashizuri, a deep strong outerwedgetoallofthemalthoughwedividethatinto reflector(DSR)withnegativepolarityappearsatseveral two as defined above. This division indicates that tens kilometers landward behind the step-down part accretionaryprocesses changefromin-sequencethrust- [12]. The reflector is located above the underthrust ing to out-of-sequence thrusting, which is commonly complex andisinterpretedasaroof thrustfor thestep- observedinotherregionsoftheNankaiTrough[11,12]. down of the décollement [11,12]. The region between In-sequence thrusts are well developed at a distance of thestep-downofthedécollementandthetrenchwardtip about 20–25 km from the deformation front in the Kii ofthestrongreflectorwasdescribedbyParketal.[12] andtheAshizuriregionsandabout30kmintheMuroto asalowamplitudereflectorzone(LAR)andinterpreted region(Fig.1).TheplaceofinitiationofOOST(out-of- thatzoneasanunderplatingdominatedzone.Deforma- sequencethrust),whichcontributetothickentheprism, tion in the accretionary prism above the LAR is coincideswiththeonsetofthesteepslopeonthesurface characterized by the development of OOSTs described and widened tapers described above. OOSTs in the Kii above (Fig. 1). The root of OOSTs appears to be and Muroto regions are considered to have slipped connected with the strong reflector and the OOSTs G.Kimuraetal./EarthandPlanetaryScienceLetters255(2007)471–484 475 appear to ramp up from the low angle reflector, cut outer wedge and transition zone is in critical regime, whole prism, and emergeon the seafloor (Fig.2). following Davis et al. [25] and Dahlen [23,24]. The surface slope (α) and dip angle of the plate boundary 2.4. Interpretation in terms of Coulomb–Mohr critical fault (β) for the outer wedge and transition zone are taper theory plotted on diagrams of different effective basal friction (μ =(1−λ )/(1−λ⁎))inthreeregions,theKii,Muroto b b Geometric changes in wedge taper and inferred andAshizuriregionsdescribedabove(Fig.3).Twocases internaldeformationoftheprismarewellexplainedby of wedge internal friction coefficient, μ=0.85 and Coulomb–Mohr wedge theory [23–26] although such μ=0.6areassumed.Variousfluidpressureratiosinthe originalstudiesconsideredanuniqueandhomogeneous wedge are assumed, from hydrostatic condition of prism,ignoringlocalchangesinwedgetapersuchasthe (normalized pore pressure ratio; k⁎ ¼ Pf−Ph, where P, Pl−Ph f trench slope break. Recently Lohrmann et al. [27] P , and P are fluid pressure, hydrostatic pressure and h l explainedthechangeintaperwithinasingleaccretion- lithostatic pressure, respectively) to over-pressured ary prism in terms of the change in internal friction of condition of λ⁎=0.17 and 0.33, neglecting the water thewedgeon thebasis sand-analogueexperiments, but column above the submarine wedge. For the case of basal friction was kept constant in their experiment. hydrostaticfluidpressureinthebasaldécollementofthe WangandHu[22]proposedanewinterpretationforthe wedge, the friction coefficient of the décollement wedgestructureusingthedynamiccriticaltapertheory, coincides with internal friction coefficient of the based on the difference in basal friction between wedge. μ=0.6 is common for rock fracture in low coseismic andinter-seismicperiod. confiningpressureandsand,andμ=0.85isthesameas AllthecrosssectionsoftheNankaiTroughprismare Byrlee'scoefficientfortheuppercrust[28].Sedimentary segmented into three domains with different tapers as rocks of sandstone and siltstone from the accretionary described. To explain the evolution from outer to inner prismonlandshowarangeofinternalfrictioncoefficient wedge,wefirstmaketheassumptionthatthroughoutthe as0.6–0.9[29],thereforetheassumptionisreasonable. Fig.3.ChangeintaperangleofouterwedgeandtransitionzoneoftheNankaiTroughintheKii,Muroto,andAshizur(cid:1)iregio(cid:3)nsandestimated 1 sina 1 effectiv(cid:1)e basa(cid:3)l friction coefficient. Equations for critical line calculation are α+β=ψ −ψ , w ¼ arcsin − a;andw ¼ 1 sinu 1 b 0 0 2 sinu 2 b arcsin b − u ;whereψ istheintersectionanglebetweentheslopesurfaceandmaximumprincipalaxisofstressinthewedge,ψ is 2 sinu 2 b 0 b theintersectionanglebetweenthebasalthrustandmaximumprincipalaxisofstress,andφandφ isinternalfrictionangleofthewedge(forinternal 0 friction coefficient μ) and angle for friction coefficient for basal thrust (friction coefficient μ), respectively [23,24]. All the parameters are of b effectivepressureincorporatingfluidpressure.Normalizedporepressureratiointhewedgeisexpressedasλ⁎. 476 G.Kimuraetal./EarthandPlanetaryScienceLetters255(2007)471–484 Theouterwedgecharacterizedbyin-sequencethrusts friction determine the slope over numerous earthquake showsgentleslope surface andnarrow taper andmight cycles. This means that the fault beneath the outer beexplainedintermsoflowbasalfrictionassuggested wedge and transition zone has a velocity- (or slip-) bySafferandBekins[30]andLohrmannetal.[27].The strengtheningbehavior.Incontrast,thefaultbeneaththe narrowtaperangleespeciallyintheMurotoregionmay inner wedge, in addition to being normally weak, result from its basal low friction due to unconsolidated becomesevenweakerduringearthquakesbecauseofits and mud-dominated composition [9,20] in comparison velocity- (or slip-) weakening (i.e., seismogenic) withthoseinAshizuriandKii,whereturbiditicsandsare behaviour, and that is why the inner wedge is stable. much more abundant [9]. The upwardconvexshape of Insummary,theentiresubductionfaultisweak,butthe that segment can be explained by landward increase of seismogeniczonebecomesweakerandtheup-dipzone internal friction of theprism [26] and hardening due to becomesstrongerduring great earthquakes. diffusive deformation [31,32], together with landward rotationofthethrusts[27]. 3. Deformation mechanism observed in on-land Adrasticchangeintaperangleinitiatesattheplaceof accretionary prism onset of the OOST in the transition zone in all regions described above [9,11,12]. The onset of the OOST Thestrainhistoryofafrontallyaccretedprismmight indicatesthattheaccretionaryprismiscriticallydeformed be different from that of the underthrust sediments by newly formed thrusts fractured in the orientation [31,32,36]. The upper part of the trench-filling sedi- controlled by internal friction coefficient [27,33]. The ments, composed dominantly of turbidites, is scraped basal décollement is strengthened and its shear strength off at the deformation front and starts to be internally approachestothevalueofinternalfrictionoftheprismas deformed due to horizontal shortening [9]. The sedi- estimated. Sandbox experiments for the change in basal ments are initially unconsolidated sand and mud with friction show that the friction significantly controls the porosity of over 50% [9,20,36] but finally become shapeofthewedgeandunderplating[34,35]. consolidated to sandstone and shale with porosity less Wang andHu [22] explain that theouter wedge and than several % as observed in on-land accretionary transitionzonehasasteeperslopenotbecauseitsbasal prism [36,37]. Tectonic diagenesis, which means that friction isalwaysgreater,butbecause thebasalfriction lithification operated concurrently with deformation, is greater during great earthquakes. They suggest that progressesduringtheaccretionandunderthrusting.First the plate boundary fault is weak, much weaker than sediments are deformed by particulate flow with po- whatissuggestedbythevaluesintransitionzoneshown rosity reduction [31,32]. During compaction, pore inFig.3.Theonlywaytoreconciletheweakfaultand reduction is enhanced by compaction cataclasis ob- thehighslopeoftheouterwedgeandtransitionzoneis servedasubiquitousdevelopmentof“web”structurein to recognize that the normally weak fault can suddenly sandstone [38–40]. Experiments [41–44] suggest that and very briefly become strong during great earth- compactioncataclasisisenhancedwithstressatporosity quakes. Repeated coseismic pulses of higher basal largerthanabout15%.Therealignmentofclayminerals Fig.4.GeologicalmapandprofileoftheMugiarea,Shikoku,SWJapan(modifiedfromShibataetal.,personalcommunication). G.Kimuraetal./EarthandPlanetaryScienceLetters255(2007)471–484 477 The on-land accretionary prism is cut by localized discrete cataclastic thrust. Maximum temperature of hangingwallofthethrustatburialdepth,detectedfrom vitrinite reflectance and fluid inclusion analyses, is higher than that of foot wall. The discrete thrust is recognizedas exhumed ancientOOSTs[46–50]. 3.1. Diffusive deformation to localized shear observed in ancient plate boundary rocks Thestudyofancientaccretionarycomplexesonland provides clues to deformation processes of the basal Fig.5.Geologicsectionsofthrustsheetsunit1to6andhorizonof plate boundary fault and underthrust sediments, and to datumof vitrinitesample[52],veinfor fluidinclusionanalysis[6], theonset ofthe seismogenic zone. U–Pbdatingfromzircons(Shibataetal.,personalcommunication), Onishi and Kimura [51], Matsumura et al. [6], andchemistryofmatrixshale[45]. Ikesawa et al. [52] and Kitamura et al. [7] studied an upperCretaceoustolowerTertiarycomplexoftectonic to a preferred orientation is a significant component of mélange, the Mugi Mélange, composed of basalt and initial mechanical diagenesis for muddy sediment. sandstoneblocksinashalematrix(Fig.4).Thrustpiles Chemical diagenesis is also important. Dehydration of the Mugi Mélange are characterized by downward duetothetransformationofopalCTtoquartz,smectite youngingages[Shibataetal.,personalcommunication] to illite and hydrocarbon generation are important andaninversethermalstructure[52]withafaultedgap processes that lithify the mud to shale [5]. Chemical betweentheupperandlowersections(Figs.4,5and6). diagenesisisdependentmainlyonthethermalcondition Themélangerecordstheprocessesofunderthrustingto in the range of 100 °C–150 °C [5]. Such a process is underplating under maximum P–Tconditions of 120– well recorded in deeply buried accretionary prisms on 220 °C and 6–7 km depth (Fig. 6). Such setting is land [40,45]. similar to that around the proposed up-dip limit of the Fig.6.Asynthesizeddiagramofage,P–TconditionandvolumechangeofshalefortheMugiMélange.DatasetsarefromMatsumuraetal.[6], Ikesawaetal.[52],Shibataetal.(personalcommunication),andKawabataetal.[45],normalizedtothesamethicknessforeachunitinFig.5.White andsoliddotsintherightdiagramshowvolumedecreaseandincrease,respectively.NumberofunitisshowninFigs.4and5.Notethedifferences betweentheupperandlowersections. 478 G.Kimuraetal./EarthandPlanetaryScienceLetters255(2007)471–484 seismogeniczone[1–3]andtheplateboundarybeneath carbonate veins suggests inflow of exotic metamorphic the transition zone of the wedge of the modern Nankai wateralongtheshearzonefromdepth[55].Geological Trough described above (Figs. 2 and 4). The present and structural aspects of the shear zones suggest physical properties of the mélange show porosities episodic fluid flow in association with rapid fluidized lower than a few percent in sandstone and several cataclasticslipalongthefault,whichmightberelatedto percent in shale, even under atmospheric conditions seismicslip[55]. [34].Permeabilitiesdecreasefrom10−12∼−15 m2 under atmospheric condition to less than 10−19∼−20 m2 [53] 3.2. Interpretation of on-land mélange under confining pressure of 120 MPa corresponding to 6–7 km depth. Present pores might therefore be Pressure–temperature conditions, physical proper- composed mostly of micro-cracks opened during ties, state, and geologic and deformational features of exhumation to the surface but that were not present at the mélange suggest that it was located around the up- depth. dip limit of the seismogenic zone and at the interface The deformation mechanisms in the mélange shale between underthrust sediments and basaltic basement. matrix are dominated by preferred alignment of illites, Most of the deformation mechanisms for the mélange diffusive mass transfer due to pressure solution, and are pressure solution or narrow-spaced compaction micro-cracking, with the cracks now filled with quartz cataclasis within sandstone blocks. These mechanisms and/orcalciteformingveins[7,51].Chemicalanalysisby might notbe seismicity-related. using the “isocon method” [54] for the shale suggests a Thebestcandidateforseismicity-relateddeformationis fewtensofpercentofvolumelossduetomasstransferby alocalizedcataclasticfaultboundingthebasalticlayerand pressure solution and increase of grain density (Fig. 6: mélange [52,55]. This geological feature of the mélange [45]).Sandstoneblocksinthemélangearealsostrongly suggeststhatunderthrustsedimentsarefirstdeformedby deformedandshowboudinagedstructures[6,7,39,51,52]. downward shear propagation into the underthrust sedi- The initial deformation of the sandstone is independent mentsfromtheinitialdécollement,buttheirdeformationis particulate flow, which is documented as ubiquitous dominantlydiffusiveandaseismic(Fig.8).Thedeforma- obliteration of primary sedimentary textures of the tionpropagationmightbeduetodeformationhardeningas turbidites. Second phase of deformation is cataclastic suggestedbyMooreandByrne[56].Asthedécollement breakagerepresentedby“web”structure[38].The“web” cataclastic deformation progressed until porosities de- creasedtoabout15%[40].Thirdphaseofdeformationis pressure solution represented by concave–convex cou- plingofsandgrainswithathinfilmofsolutionresidue, andprecipitationofcementscomposedofcalcite,quartz andauthigenicclayminerals[40].Thefinaldeformation is again brittle breakage and necking resulting in the formationofboudinagedblocksinthemélange.Tension crack-fillingquartzandcalciteprecipitatedinthecracks around the neck of boudins, trapping H O–CH fluid 2 4 inclusions that indicate temperatures and pressures of 120–220 °C and 120–200 MPa, respectively (Fig. 6; [6,55]). The lowest temperatures estimated by fluid inclusion analysis are consistent with those estimated fromvitrinitereflectance(Fig.6). The Mugi mélange includes basaltic layers peeled from oceanic basement [6,7,51,52]. The boundaries between the basalt and mélange are cataclastic shear zonescontainingabundantprecipitatedandcrack-filling veins of calcite, quartz and zeolites [6,52]. The temperature of the deformation of the boundary shear Fig. 7. Deformation mechanisms and porosity reduction before the zoneestimatedfromfluidinclusionsishigherthanthat onsetofseismogeniczoneinferredfromthedeformationoftheMugi in the boudin-neck veins of sandstone lenses in the mélange (synthesized from Hashimoto et al., [40], Kawabata et al., mélange (Fig. 6, [6]) and stable isotope character of [45]). G.Kimuraetal./EarthandPlanetaryScienceLetters255(2007)471–484 479 Fig.8.Simplifiedaspectofplateboundaryfaultandgeologicalsectionsofunderthrustsedimentswithbasementinsubductionzone,inferredfromon- landunderplatedcomplex[6,7,40,52,58].NumberofthesectionshowslocationinFig.2.Darkareaconnectingeachsectionindicatesplateboundary shearzone.Steps1–2appeartobeaseismicbutthefaultatsteps3–4mightbeseismogenic. arrivesat the basementof oceanic crustas a result ofits At the deformation front, the décollement initiates downwardpropagation,theplateboundaryfaultcutsinto at some stratigraphic horizon below the trench-filling theoceanicbasementprobablyduetoloweffectiveshear sedimentasobservedinthemodernNankaiTrough[9] strength within the basement rocks caused by high pore (Figs. 8, 1). The thickness of underthrust sediments is pressure [57] or due to weak lithofacies dominated by a few hundred meters. The décollement would clayey hyaloclastite [52]. This breakage appears to be propagate downward due to deformation hardening seismicbecausethecataclastictoultracataclasticfragmen- of the décollement caused by porosity reduction and tationisubiquitousinthebasalt[52]andthefaultappears effectiveporefluidescape(Fig.8,2).Thepropagation tobefluidized[55]. of the shear zone promotes the formation of tectonic Previously, pseudotachylytes have been found from mélange and finally arrives at oceanic basement four locations [7,58–60] in the Shimanto Belt. All of (Figs. 8, 3). The décollement cuts and peels off the themarefromdiscretefaultsratherthanfrommélange- top of the oceanic crust from the basement. The shear likediffuseshearzones.Theirsettingisdividedintotwo is localized and would be seismic. Repeated shear kinds in relation to the hottest thermal structure along the interface between the underthrust sediment reconstructed from vitrinite reflectance. Two of them and basement makes a pile of mélange, including thin [7,58] are at a roof fault of mélange and do not cut the slabs of oceanic crust due to duplexing (Fig. 8, 4). thermalstructureoftheaccretionaryprism,whereasthe Downward younging age-systematics of the pile is other two settings are at faults that cut the thermal attained by long term underplating for several to ten structure [59,60]. The latter setting is defined as an million years continuous subduction. Later on, thrust- OOSTas recognized by Sakaguchi [48], Ohmori et al. ing resulted in the exhumation of this deeper [49] and Kondo et al. [50]. Interpretation of the former underplated complex and to the formation of the settingisaplateboundaryfaultparalleltotheisotherms inverse thermal structure. atdepth[7,58].Theplateboundaryfaultappearstobea localized and reactivated décollement above the under- 4. Discussion platedcomplexoftheunderthrustsedimentsasobserved as DSR in the seismic profiles of the modern Nankai On the basis of the above observations and inter- Trough(Fig.1)ThepseudotachylytefoundintheMugi pretations of the modern Nankai accretionary prism mélange belongs to the second-type, i.e. a plate andon-landunderplatedcomplexoftheMugimélange boundary fault. oftheShimantoBelt,wediscussthefollowingpoints: Figs.7and8presentaninferredevolutionoftheplate internal friction vs. basal friction, stable vs. unstable boundaryfromtheouterwedgetotheup-diplimitofthe slip, and the step-down of the plate boundary seismogenic zone on the basis of the interpretation of décollement around the up-dip limit of the seismo- geologicalfeaturesoftheMugimélangedescribedabove. genic zone. 480 G.Kimuraetal./EarthandPlanetaryScienceLetters255(2007)471–484 4.1.Internalfrictionvs.basalfrictionandunderplating faultascalculatedbycriticaltapertheory.Suchachange in frictional strength of the basal décollement might A drastic change in wedge taper takes place in the cause the décollement and underthrust sediments to transitionzonebetweentheouterandinnerwedges.The stick to the upper accretionary prism, which defines outerwedgeandtransitionzoneareinternallydeformed underplating. byin-sequencethrustingandout-of-sequencethrusting, respectively.Suchinternaldeformationsuggeststhatthe 4.2. Stable slip vs. unstable slip wedgeisgrowingundercriticaltapercondition.Alarger critical angle of taper implies smaller internal effective Seismogenic faults are characterized by slip or frictionor/andlargerbasaleffectivefriction(Fig.3).In- velocity weakening that can be described using rate- sequence thrusting of the outer wedge first starts in and-state friction laws [64,65]. Several dynamic unconsolidatedsedimentsandgraduallyrotatestosteep weakening mechanisms have been proposed, such as dipanglesasdocumentedinseismicprofiles[13].Inthe frictional melting [66], thermal pressurization of pore initial stage of thrusting, thrust orientation isconsistent fluid [67–71], acoustic fluidization [72,73], elastohy- with internal friction coefficient smaller ∼ 0.6 (angle drodynamic lubrication [74], or silica gel generation with σ1 is about 30°) and gradually departs from that due to comminution [75] for unstable slip of earth- orientation due to rotation. The deformation of uncon- quakes. Clay mineral transformation from smectite to solidated sediments might be first independent partic- illite was also assumed to be a cause from stable to ulate flow with grain breakage, promoting the unstable [1] but experimental studies did not docu- compaction, which in turn result in material hardening ment such an unstable frictional behavior of illite asdocumentedbyexperiments[42,43].Thus,deforma- [76]. tion and rotation of the frontal segment might increase The up-dip limit of the seismogenic zone might be theinternalfrictionuptothevalueofconsolidatedhard controlled by a transition from stable to unstable slip rockofμ=0.85.Realignmentofgrainsmayenhancethe along the plate boundary fault. Recently, several permeability parallel to the foliation, which in turn, seismogenicfaultcandidateswerereportedfromancient might reduce the fluid pore pressure and increase the accretionary complexes on land [7,55,58,60,77]. effectivestrength.Finallythein-sequencethrustsmight Among these, fluidized ultracataclasites were found becomelocked. from a boundary fault between underthrust and de- The basal décollement beneath the frontal segment formedsediments,andbasalticbasement,bothofwhich initiatesatsomestratigraphichorizonwhosemechanical wereaccretedinlateCretaceousandearlyTertiarytime strength is weak due to weak clays and/or high pore [55,58]. Others include pseudotachylyte with fluidized pressure [9,61]. Seismic reflection profiles and direct ultracataclasiteandimplosionbreccia[60,77].TheP–T hydrological properties determined by drilling docu- conditionsofthesefaultrocks(c.a.220°C–250°C,5– mentthatthedécollementisafaultandthat porosity is 10 km) indicate that they were located at seismogenic larger in the foot wall than in the hanging wall. Such a depthinthepast.Geologicalevidencesuggeststhatnot hydrologicalinverseismanifestasanegativereflection only one mechanism mentioned above operates at the coefficient of the décollement [9]. Super-hydrostatic fault, but several mechanisms might be combined and fluid pressure in this horizon makes the décollement promote thedynamic weakening. weakandthedécollementeasilyandintermittentlyslips The critical wedge model uses Coulomb-plastic asaseismicand/ortsunamigenicplateboundary[18,62]. rheology, in which case frictional strength for the slip At the initial stage of décollement formation, the pore isthesameasthatofpeakstrength [27].WangandHu fluid originates from sea water but is soon mixed with [22], however, point out that shear strength of the fluiddehydratedfromclayeysediments.Suchdehydra- seismogenic fault drops to smaller values due to tion reaction is controlled mainly by temperature [5]. velocity (or slip) weakening. On the other hand the Thedehydration ratedecreasesbeyondtemperatures of faults beneath the outer wedge and transition zone are about 100–150 °C [5], which rapidly decreases fluid stable-slip faults, which are characterized by velocity pressure/lithostatic pressure ratio [30,63] and results in (or slip) strengthening in association with coseismic an increase of effective shear strength of the décolle- slip. The different slip behaviour between seismogenic ment. The wedge taper of the transition zone suggests faults beneath the inner wedge and aseismic faults thattheeffectiveshearstrengthofthebasaldécollement beneath the transition and outer wedge is therefore the approaches the strength of internal friction due to a most likely explanation for the differences in wedge decreaseoffluidpressureratioalongtheplateboundary taper.

reflect different aspects of wedge taper, internal deformation, and basal plate boundary fault. composed of abundantly sandstones and terrigenous.
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