Kimberley Appropriate Economies Roundtable Forum Proceedings Convened 11-13 October 2005 Fitzroy Crossing, WA Edited by Rosemary Hill, Kate Golson, Pat Lowe, Maria Mann, Sue Hayes and Jane Blackwood Kimberley Appropriate Economies Roundtable Forum Proceedings 1 © Kimberley Land Council, Environs Kimberley and the Australian Conservation Foundation ISBN 13: 978-0-85802-138-9 ISBN 10: 0-85802-138-2 This work is copyright. The Copyright Act 1968 permits fair dealing for study, research, news reporting, criticism or review. Selected passages, tables or diagrams may be reproduced for such purposes provided acknowledgment of the source is included. Major extracts of the entire document may not be reproduced by any process without written permission of the Kimberley Land Council, Environs Kimberley and the Australian Conservation Foundation. Published by the Australian Conservation Foundation, 2006. Further copies may be requested from Australian Conservation Foundation, Level 1, 96-98 Lake Street, Cairns QLD 4870, or This publication should be cited as: Hill, R., Golson, K., Lowe, P.A., Mann, M. K., Hayes, S. and J.E. Blackwood (Editors) 2006. Kimberley Appropriate Economies Roundtable Forum Proceedings. Convened 11-13 October 2005, Fitzroy Crossing, WA, by the Kimberley Land Council, Environs Kimberley and Australian Conservation Foundation. Australian Conservation Foundation, Cairns. Cover photos by Gene Ekhart, Joe Fox, Steve Kinnane, Maria Mann and Justin McCaul. Cover photos (left to right) 1: Dillon Andrews, Leah George-Wilson 2: Dickie Bedford, Ivan McPhee, Patrick Green, Reg Appleyard 3: Laurie Shaw, Neville Sharp 4: Lucy Walgarie, Rosie Mulligan 5: Hugh Wallace Smith, Joe Brown, Tanya Vernes, Shirley Brown, Lennie Hopiga, Ismahl, Croft Maps compiled by Nat Raisbeck- Brown, Ecomap, Broome. Kimberley Land Council, Environs Kimberley and the Australian Conservation Foundation would like to thank the following photographers for the use of images in this document: Gene Ekhart, Joe Fox, Chris Hill, Steve Kinnane, Maria Mann, Anna Mardling and Justin McCaul. Kimberley Land Council, Environs Kimberley and the Australian Conservation Foundation would like to acknowledge the generous fi nancial support received from The Christensen Fund, the Poola Foundation (Tom Kantor Fund) and the Myer Foundation which made possible the Kimberley Roundtable and continuing work to implement the recommended actions. Other sponsors of this important event are acknowledged on the back cover. Printed on 100% recycled paper by Lotsa Printing, Cairns. Artwork by CIX. 2 Kimberley Appropriate Economies Roundtable Forum Proceedings Contents List of Acronyms 6 Executive Summary 9 Roundtable Background and Methodology 11 Roundtable Preparation, Planning and Follow-up 12 Rosemary Hill and Kate Golson Indigenous People’s Participation in the Roundtable 15 Kate Golson Kimberley Planning and Economic Development Context 17 Rosemary Hill and Maria Mann Collaborative Methodology: Indigenous Governance, Ecological Economics and Integration of Local/Global Perspectives 22 Rosemary Hill Opening and Keynote Address 29 Why Would You? (Opening Address) 30 Joe Ross Wunyumbu (Keynote Address) 34 Wayne Bermann Presentations in Plenary Sessions 39 A Vision for the Kimberley 40 Pat Lowe Making a Good Living from Our Country 42 Tom Birch If You Look at the Earth from the Sky, You Can’t See the Economy 45 Ian Lowe Ecological Values of the Fitzroy River with Links to Indigenous Cultural Values 47 Andrew Storey Fish Projects in the West Kimberley 50 David Morgan, Dean Thorburn, Patsy Bedford, Margaret Sefton, Siobhan Casson, Ismahl Croft, Jean Fenton, Hugh Wallace-Smith, Mel Johnson, Tom Vigilante and Anna Mardling Ord: Case Study for Inappropriate Development and Poor Planning 53 Tanya Vernes Managing Change in the Ord from a Local Perspective 59 Desmond Hill and Scott Goodson Conservation, Communities and Livelihoods: New Visions Rooted in History 61 Grazia Borrini-Feyerabend Building a Sustainable Economy in Remote Canada 64 Ian Gill Tsleil-Waututh First Nation: Our Lands to Share 68 Leah George-Wilson Workshop Sessions 73 General Overview of the Workshops 74 Bevan Bessen Kimberley Appropriate Economies Roundtable Forum Proceedings 3 Land Management Workshop 75 Kimberley Regional Fire Management Project 76 Will Philippiadis Yiriman Project: Building Stories in Our Young People 78 John Watson, Harry Watson, Joe Brown, Anthony Watson, Mervyn Mulardy and Hugh Wallace-Smith Land Management Workshop: Discussions and Recommendations 80 Bevan Bessen Sustainable Agriculture Workshop 81 Successful Organic Farming in the Kimberley 82 Tanvier and Jason Fowler Sustainable Agriculture Workshop: Discussions and Recommendations 85 Bevan Bessen Partnerships in Conservation 86 Great Sandy Desert Indigenous Protected Area: 87 Warlu Jilajaa Jumu (Fire, Well and Soaks) Ismahl Croft Paraku Indigenous Protected Area 89 Shirley Brown and Mark Ditcham Emerging Partnerships: Bunuba and the Department of Conservation and Land Management 91 Max Haste Partnerships in Conservation Workshop: Discussions and Recommendations 93 Bevan Bessen Pastoralism Workshop 95 Birdwood Downs Station 96 Robyn Tredwell Bohemia Downs Station 98 Allan ‘Doodie’ Lawford The Integrated Natural and Cultural Resource Options for Pastoral Properties in the East Kimberley Project 101 Nadine Schiller Pastoralism Workshop: Discussions and Recommendations 104 Bevan Bessen Tourism Workshop 105 Bungoolee Tours 106 Dillon Andrews Kimberley Safari Tours 108 Sam Lovell Ngooloodoo Bush Adventures 111 Laurie Shaw Tourism Workshop: Discussions and Recommendations 112 Bevan Bessen Culture and Art Workshop 114 Mangkaja Arts Resource Agency Aboriginal Corporation: Maparlany Parlipa Mapunyan—We are Painting True, Really True 115 Mona Chuguna, Peter Skipper, Tommy May and Karen Dayman 4 Kimberley Appropriate Economies Roundtable Forum Proceedings Minyirr Park 117 Miklo Corpus Culture and Art: Discussions and Recommendations 119 Bevan Bessen Invited Papers 123 Land Tenure, Land Management and Indigenous Economic Development 124 Jon Altman Sustainable Employment in the Hybrid Economies of Dispersed Kimberley Aboriginal Settlements 127 Patrick Sullivan Indigenous Community Organisations: Appropriate Vehicles for Appropriate Development? 132 Kathryn Thorburn Cultural Studies of the Fitzroy River, WA 135 Sarah Yu Indigenous Economic Opportunities and Water Resource Planning 140 Sue Jackson Securing the Long-term Protection of the Daly River: Towards an Appropriate Economy 145 Gary Scott Cross-Cultural Legal Frameworks on Water Management in the Canning and Fitzroy Basins 148 Peter Seidel Natural Heritage Values: A Way to Assess Environmental Impacts 150 Brendan Mackey and Barry Traill The Wilderness Society’s WildCountry Project in Northern Australia 152 Barry Traill Role of the Indigenous Land Corporation in Supporting Indigenous Economic Development 153 Matthew Coleman and Allan Padgett Plenary Sessions and Recommendations 159 Draft Statement of Principles 160 Bevan Bessen Discussions of Draft Statement 161 Bevan Bessen Final Statement of Principles 163 Bevan Bessen Consolidated List of Recommended Actions 164 Joe Fox Next Steps and Closing Comments 167 Bevan Bessen Appendices 171 Appendix A: Refl ections and Evaluation 172 Appendix B: KLC/EK/ACF Letter of Agreement 173 Appendix C: Media Reports 175 Appendix D: List of Participants 182 Appendix E: Roundtable Forum Program 184 Appendix F: Table of Workshop Session Presenters 188 Kimberley Appropriate Economies Roundtable Forum Proceedings 5 List of Acronyms ACF Australian Conservation Foundation AIATSIS Australian Institute for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies ANZECC Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council ARMCANZ Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand ASEIA Aboriginal Social and Economic Impact Assessment ATSIC Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission BC British Columbia (Canada) CALM Department of Conservation and Land Management (WA) CAMBA Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the People’s Republic of China for the Protection of Migratory Birds and their Envi- ronment CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CCA Community Conserved Area CDEP Community Development Employment Scheme CEESP Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy CEO Chief Executive Offi cer COAG Council of Australian Governments CRC Cooperative Research Centre CRG Community Reference Group CSIRO Commonwealth Scientifi c and Industrial Research Organisation DAFWA Department of Agriculture and Food (WA) DDT Dimethyl-Diamino-Toluene DIA Department of Indigenous Affairs (WA) DPI Department of Planning and Infrastructure (WA) DOE Department of Environment (WA) DNRETA Department of Natural Resources, Environment and the Arts (NT) DVD Digital Video Disk EC Ecotrust Canada EK Environs Kimberley EPBC Act Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Commonwealth) ESD Ecologically Sustainable Development FCT Fire Control Teams FESA Fire and Emergency Services Authority FSC Forest Stewardship Council GAA General Area Agreement GIS Geographic Information System GPS Global Positioning System GRP Gross Regional Product GWN Golden West Network IFOAM International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements ILC Indigenous Land Corporation INCRM Integrated Natural and Cultural Resource Management IPA Indigenous Protected Area IUCN The World Conservation Union 6 Kimberley Appropriate Economies Roundtable Forum Proceedings JAMBA Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of Japan for the Protection of Migratory Birds in Danger of Extinction and their Environ- ment KALACC Kimberley Aboriginal Law and Culture Centre KAPA Kimberley Aboriginal Pastoralists Association KDD Kununurra Diversion Dam KIS Kimberley Interpreting Service KDC Kimberley Development Commission KLC Kimberley Land Council KLRC Kimberley Language Resource Centre KRFMP Kimberley Regional Fire Management Project KRS Kimberley Research Station LUM Land Unit Mapping L+SU Land and Sea Unit (Kimberley Land Council) LWRRDC Land Water and Rural Research Development Corporation MEA Millennium Ecosystem Assessment M-G Miriuwung-Gajerrong MOU Memorandum of Understanding NAEA Northern Australia Environment Alliance NAILSMA Northern Australia Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance NASA National Association for Sustainable Agriculture NATSISS National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Statistical Survey NCC National Competition Council NGO Non Government Organisation NHT Natural Heritage Trust NOTPA New Opportunities in Tropical Pastoralism and Agriculture NT Northern Territory NRM Natural Resource Management NSW New South Wales NWC National Water Commission OBE Organic Beef Exporters OBP Ord-Bonaparte Program OES Ord Enhancement Scheme ORD Ord River Dam ORIA Ord River Irrigation Area PA Protected Area PLB Pastoral Lands Board ROC Respecting Our Culture (Program) TAFE Technical and Further Education TCF The Christensen Fund TO Traditional Owner TWN Tsleil-Waututh Nation UCL Unallocated Crown Land UWA The University of Western Australia WA Western Australia WACC Western Australian Conservation Council WAI Western Agricultural Industries WCC World Council of Churches WWOOFers Willing Workers on Organic Farms WRC Water and Rivers Commission WWF World Wildlife Fund Kimberley Appropriate Economies Roundtable Forum Proceedings 7 © Kimberley Language Resource Centre 2006 compiled in conjunction with KLC. 8 Kimberley Appropriate Economies Roundtable Forum Proceedings