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Killing Vector Fields and Superharmonic Field Theories Josua Groeger1 Humboldt-Universita¨t zu Berlin, Institut fu¨r Mathematik, Rudower Chaussee 25, 12489 Berlin, Germany 3 [email protected] 1 0 2 n Abstract a J The harmonicactionfunctionalallowsanaturalgeneralisationtosemi-Riemannian 3 supergeometry,referredtoassuperharmonicaction,whichresemblesthesupersym- 2 metric sigma models studied in high energy physics. We show that Killing vector fieldsareinfinitesimalsupersymmetriesofthesuperharmonicactionandprovethree ] h different Noether theorems in this context. En passant, we provide a homogeneous p treatment of five characterisations of Killing vector fields on semi-Riemannian su- - h permanifolds, thus filling a gap in the literature. t a m 1 Introduction [ 1 Symmetries belong to the main ingredients of modern physical theories. In high energy v physics, supersymmetryis a conjectured transition between the two types of elementary 4 7 particles in nature: bosons and fermions, which differ in their statistics. The observed 4 properties of these particles are, to a good agreement, described by quantum field theo- 5 ries, see e.g. [PS95] for a standard treatment. The quantum theories are, usually, based . 1 on classical field theories. In this context, bosons and fermions are described by even 0 3 and odd fields, respectively. Free bosonic string theory is modelled on the well-known 1 harmonic action [Jos01], while a class of supersymmetricextensions is given by so called : v supersymmetric sigma models [DF99]. i X Inthisarticle, westudyasimilarsuchextensionwhich,fromamathematicalpointof r view, is morenaturaland alsomoregeneral inthat itcan beformulated for every pair of a semi-Riemanniansupermanifolds. Weshall,therefore,refertotheresultingfieldtheories as superharmonic. In contrast to the aforementioned sigma models, the superharmonic action always allows a ”superspace formulation”, meaning that all fields occuring can be included in a single superfield, a mathematical model of which is a map with flesh [H´el09]. Killingvector fieldsareknowntobeinfinitesimalsymmetriesoftheharmonicaction. According to the Noether principle, every symmetry of a classical field theory should induce a conserved quantity. In the harmonic theory, this is indeed the case ([BE81], [H´el02]), while it is a priori not clear for the superharmonic action. Indeed, whereas certain elements of supergeometry, such as the divergence of a vector field, differ from the classical theory of manifolds merely by a number of signs, others are non-trivial extensions. Examples for the latter include integration theory and maps with flesh. 1 In the present article, we show that Killing vector fields on the domain as well as on the target space supermanifold are infinitesimal symmetries of the superharmonic action. As our main results, we formulate and prove three different Noether theorems in this context. This is the subject matter of Sec. 4. There are several equivalent definitions for a Killing vector field on a semi-Riemannian manifold, most of which have beengeneralised tosupergeometry([MSV96], [Goe08], [ACDS97]), whileahomogeneous treatment of the subject is yet missing. Another aim of this article is to fill this gap. In Sec. 3, we prove equivalence of five characterisations of Killing vector fields. It turns out that the definition used in [ACDS97] is a non-equivalent variation. To start with, Sec. 2 reviews elements of the theory of semi-Riemannian supermanifolds needed later. 2 Semi-Riemannian Supermanifolds Superharmonic field theories are based on semi-Riemannian supermanifolds. For later use, we briefly recall the relevant background here. Throughout the article, we adopt the Berezin-Kostant-Leites definition of super- manifolds and their morphisms in terms of sheaves as in [Lei80]. In particular, a su- permanifold is a ringed space (M, ), and a morphism Φ : (M, ) (N, ) of M M N O O → O supermanifolds consists of two parts Φ = (ϕ,φ). We shall occasionally abuse notation and write M instead of (M, ). Modern monographs on the general theory of su- M O permanifolds include [Var04] and [CCF11] while aspects of Riemannian supergeometry are studied in [Goe08]. References for more specialised topics will be given at suitable positions throughout the text. Following the conventions of [Gro11], we denote the (super) tangent sheaf, i.e. the sheaf of superderivations of , by M := Der( ). The (super) tangent space at a M M O S O point p M is defined by ∈ S M := v :( ) R R linear, v(fg) = v(f)g˜(p)+( 1)|v||f|f˜(p)v(g) p M p { O → − − } (cid:12) (cid:12) where ( ) is the stalk of at p and tilde denotes the canonical projection M p M M C∞, fO f˜ by evaluation fO˜(p) = ev f. Any vector field X M gives riseOto t→he M 7→ |p ∈ S tangent space valued map p X(p) S M via p 7→ ∈ ] X(p)(f) := X(f)(p), f ( ) M p ∈ O Note the use of the shorthand notation X M, meaning X M(U) for p U M. ∈ S ∈S ∈ ⊆ Similarly, we yield a canonical (classical) vector field X˜ Γ(TM) on M by setting ∈ X˜(f˜) := X^(f). It is well-known that superfunctions f are not detemined by their 0 values f˜(p) and, likewise, vector fields X are not determined by their values X(p). With respecttolocalcoordinates (ξ1,...,ξn,ξn+1,...,ξn+m)of M,thetuple( ∂ ,..., ∂ ) ∂ξ1 ∂ξn+m is a local -basis of M which is adapted in the sense that the first n vector fields M O S are even and the remaining m ones are odd. Likewise, the tuple ( ∂ (p),..., ∂ (p)) ∂ξ1 ∂ξn+m is an adapted basis of the super vector space S M. p Tensor calculus on supermanifolds is based on superlinear algebra. For U M ⊆ sufficiently small, M(U) is a free (U)-supermodule of rank n m = dimM. In M S O | general, consider a supercommutative superalgebra A and free A-supermodules M and N of rank m n and r s, respectively. With respect to adapted right bases (f ,...,f ) 1 n+m | | and (g ,...,g ) of M and N, respectively, any superlinear map L : M N can 1 r+s → 2 be identified with a matrix L Mat (m n,r s). Similarly we denote, for an even A ∈ | | (super-)bilinear form B Hom (M M,A), the corresponding matrix with entries A A ∈ ⊗ B := B(f ,f ) by the same symbol B Mat(n m,A). jk j k ∈ | Let GL (A) denote the group of even and invertible n m-matrices with entries in n|m | A. The orthosymplectic group of dimension (t,s)2m is defined as follows. | OSp (A) := L GL (A) v,w At+s|2m : g (Lv,Lw) = g (v,w) (t,s)|2m t+s|2m 0 0 { ∈ ∀ ∈ } (cid:12) where g denotes the standard supermet(cid:12)ric which, with respect to the standard basis 0 for At+s|2m, is given by the matrix G 0 (1) g := t,s where 0 (cid:18) 0 J2m (cid:19) J 0 0 2 Gt,s := (cid:18)−10t×t 1s0×s (cid:19) , J2m := 0 ... 0 , J2 := (cid:18)01 −01(cid:19) 0 0 J  2   The corresponding super Lie algebra is osp (A) := L gl (A) g (Lv, w) = ( 1)|L||v|g (v, Lw) (t,s)|2m { ∈ t+s|2m 0 − − 0 } (cid:12) where gl (A) := gl A is the super L(cid:12)ie algebra of all matrices with entries in A. n|m n|m ⊗ For A = R, we define osp := osp (R). By means of choosing a basis Tj of (t,s)|2m (t,s)|2m { } osp , it is easy to see that osp (A) = osp A. (t,s)|2m (t,s)|2m (t,s)|2m ⊗ Now let g be an even (i.e. parity-preserving), nondegenerate and supersymmetric bilinearform(asupermetricforshort). Byanextensionof theGram-Schmidtprocedure as detailed e.g. in Sec. 2.8 of [DeW84], there is an adapted basis (e ,...,e ) of 1 t+s+2m M, such that g = g on the level of matrices, which we shall call an OSp -basis. 0 (t,s)|2m In particular, the values of t,s,m N are uniquely determined by g. As in Sec. 3.5 ∈ of [Han12] with slightly different conventions, we introduce the even map J, which is defined with respect to an OSp -basis e as follows. (t,s)|2m i { } e k t k − ≤ Jek := eek kt <=kt+≤st++2sl 1  k+1 − e k = t+s+2l k−1 −   This is such that g(ek, Jej) = ( 1)|ek|δkj and Jek = ( 1)|ek|hkmem and, moreover, − − every v M has the expansion ∈ v = g(v, e )Je = ( 1)|ej|g(v, Je )e j j j j − g identifies any other bilinear form K Hom (M M,A) with a superlinear map A A ∈ ⊗ K˜ :M M of the same parity as K via → g K˜(v), w =K(v, w) (cid:16) (cid:17) The supertrace of K with respect to g is defined as str K := strK˜ = ( 1)|fj|( K˜ +1)K˜j g − | | j 3 wherethesecondequationholdsforanyadapted(right)basis f ofM uponidentifying j { } K˜ with a supermatrix. An explicit calculation then shows that, regardless of the parity of K, the following formula holds for every OSp -basis f = e . (t,s)|2m j j (2) str K = K(e , Je )= ( 1)|ej|K(Je , e ) g j j j j − We shall use the preceding superlinear algebra for the tensor calculus on a super- manifold (M, ). Let End ( M) denote the sheaf of superlinear endomorphisms. OM OM S As usual, we write E End ( M) for a sheaf morphism E = E which, by ∈ OM S { U}Uop⊆eMn a slight abuse of notation, we shall call a section of the sheaf of endomorphisms. Let, similarly, Hom ( M, ) and Hom ( M M, ) denote the sheaves of su- OM S OM OM S ⊗OM S OM perlinear maps and superbilinear maps, respectively. We identify the tensor product of two one-forms F,G Hom ( M, ) with a bilinear form via ∈ OM S OM (F G)(X,Y) := ( 1)|G||X|F(X) G(Y) ⊗ − · whichcanbetakenasadefinition[DM99]. Sectionsofanysheafofmultilinearformswill be commonly denoted as tensors or tensor fields. The differential df of a superfunction f is defined by the formula df[X] := ( 1)|f||X|X(f) for X M. In particular, M ∈ O − ∈ S we may consider the differential of coordinate functions ξi. Our sign conventions are such that any even bilinear form B Hom ( M M, ) has the local form ∈ OM S ⊗OM S OM (3) B = ( 1) ξi + ξj + ξi ξj B dξi dξj | | | | | || | ij − · ⊗ Aneven bilinear formg which is non-degenerate and(super-)symmetricis called asemi- Riemannian supermetric. Locally, the above treatment on superlinear algebra applies here. In particular, there exists an OSp -basis e with t, s and m being intrinsic (t,s)|2m j { } invariants of g. Now consider a morphism Φ = (ϕ,φ) : (M, ) (N, ) of supermanifolds. Its M N O → O differential is the morphism of sheaves (4) dΦ : ϕ M Φ , dΦ(Y):= Y φ ∗ S → S ◦ where Φ := Der( ,ϕ ) denotes the sheaf of derivations (vector fields) along Φ, N ∗ M S O O which is locally free of rank the dimension of N. The pullback of tensors on N is defined as follows. Following the conventions used in [Gro11], let E End ( N) ∈ ON S and F Hom ( N, ) and B Hom ( N N, ) be tensor fields. Now, ∈ ON S ON ∈ ON S ⊗ON S ON prescribing E (φ Y) := φ E(Y), F (φ Y) := φ F(Y), B (φ Y, φ Z):= φ B(Y, Z) Φ Φ Φ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ for Y,Z N, together with super(bi)linear extensions for general sections of Φ, ∈ S S yields well-defined sections E End ( Φ) and F Hom ( Φ,ϕ ) and Φ ∈ ϕ∗OM S Φ ∈ ϕ∗OM S ∗OM B Hom ( Φ Φ,ϕ ), respectively. Φ ∈ ϕ∗OM S ⊗ϕ∗OM S ∗OM A connection on N is an even R-linear sheaf morphism : N ∗N N ∇ S → S ⊗ON S satisfyingthe(graded)Leibnizrule. If(N,g)is asemi-Riemannian supermanifold,there is a unique connection which is (graded) metric and torsion-free, called the Levi-Civita connection [Goe08]. In general, for a connection on N, there is a canonical pullback ∇ connection : Φ ϕ ∗M Φ (see [GW12]), that, in the following, we shall ∇Φ S → ∗S ⊗ϕ∗OM S denote simply by . With respect to local coordinates ηi on N, it reads ∇ { } (5) (φ ∂ ) Yj = ( 1)|X| ηj (φ ∂ ) X(Yj)+X(φ ηi) (φ ∂ ) Yj ∇X ◦ ηj · − | | ◦ ηj · ◦ · ◦∇∂ηi ηj · (cid:0) (cid:1) 4 Lemma 2.1. Let (N,g) be a semi-Riemannian supermanifold and a superconnection ∇ on N which is metric. Then the pullback is metric in the following sense. Φ ∇ Xg (Y, Z)= g (( ) Y, Z)+( 1)|X||Y|g (Y, ( ) Z) Φ Φ Φ X Φ Φ X ∇ − ∇ holds true for every X ϕ M as well as Y,Z Φ. ∗ ∈ S ∈ S Proof. Thisfollows fromastraightforward calculation inlocalcoordinatesusing(5). There is a second type of pullback for tensors and functions f on N, which N ∈ O yields corresponding objects on M. We define (6) Φ∗f := φ(f), Φ∗F(X) := F (dΦ[X]) , Φ∗B(X, Y) := B (dΦ[X], dΦ[Y]) Φ Φ such that Φ∗B Hom (ϕ M ϕ M,ϕ )= Hom ( M M, ) ∈ ϕ∗OM ∗S ⊗ ∗S ∗OM ∼ OM S ⊗S OM and analogous for other tensors. The canonical identification with an (ordinary) tensor on M stated follows from the general theory of ringed spaces, e.g. from Thm. 4.4.14 of [Ten75] applied to the induced morphism (ϕ,id) : (M, ) (N,ϕ ) of ringed M ∗ M O → O spaces. A direct calculation yields (7) Φ∗(f F) = (Φ∗f) (Φ∗F) , Φ∗(F G) = Φ∗F Φ∗G · · ⊗ ⊗ Moreover, one verifies that, in case Φ is a diffeomorphism, it holds Φ∗B(X, Y) =φ B (φ−1) X φ, (φ−1) Y φ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ (cid:0) (cid:1) which is the definition of the pullback in [Goe08]. The next lemma will be needed in calculations below. Lemma 2.2. Let f be a superfunction and Y M be a super vector field. Then N ∈ O ∈S Φ∗df[Y]= ( 1)|f||Y|dΦ[Y](f) − Proof. The assertion holds by the following calculation in coordinates ηi on N. { } Φ∗df[Y]= df (dΦ[Y]) Φ = df (φ ∂ )dΦ[Y]i Φ ηi ◦ = φ d(cid:0)f[∂ ] dΦ[Y]i (cid:1) ◦ ηi · = ( 1)|f||ηi|(φ ∂ )(f) dΦ[Y]i − ◦ ηi · = ( 1)|f||ηi|( 1)|f|(dΦ[Y]i) (φ ∂ ) dΦ[Y]i (f) − − ◦ ηi · = ( 1)|f||Y|dΦ[Y](f) (cid:0) (cid:1) − ThematrixgroupsGL (A)andOSp (A)giverisetosuperLiegroupsGL n|m (t,s)|2m n|m andOSp , respectively. Theyareexamples of matrix superLiegroupsand, for the (t,s)|2m treatment of G-structures below, are most conveniently described in terms of S-points. 5 In general, to a supermanifold M we can associate its functor of points M() : · SManOp Set by sending any supermanifold S to its S-point M(S) := Hom(S,M) → and any morphism Φ : T S to M(Φ) : M(S) M(T) through m m Φ. By → → 7→ ◦ Yoneda’s lemma, morphisms ψ : M N are in bijection with natural transformations → ψ() : M() N(). This induces a canonical embedding of the category SMan into the · · → · functor category [SManOp,Set], elements of which are called generalised supermanifolds, and those in the image of the embedding are called representable. A generalised super Lie group is an object of the functor category [SManOp,Grp] (which canonically embeds into [SManOp,Set]). The representing supermanifold, if existing, is called a super Lie group which, equivalently, can also be defined as a group object in the category of supermanifolds. GL is the functor which sends any supermanifold S to the multiplicative group n|m GL ( (S)) of even and invertible n m-matrices with values in (S) and any mor- n|m S S O | O phism T S to the induced map GL ( (S)) GL ( (T)). This functor is n|m S n|m T → O → O representable such that, on the level of S-points, multiplication is ordinary matrix mul- tiplication. The same construction can be applied to natural subgroups of GL (A). n|m For example, the generalised super Lie group OSp is the functor defined through (t,s)|2m S OSp ( (S)) and the corresponding morphism map. It is representable by (t,s)|2m S 7→ O the stabliliser condition [BCF09]. For our applications, it will be sufficient to consider all super Lie groups occuring as generalised. This is also the point of view of [ACDS97]. We shall next describe frame fields and G-structures on a supermanifold, where G is a super Lie group. In particular, we will see that supermetrics are equivalent to OSp -structures. (t,s)|2m A tuple (X ,...,X ,X ,...,X ) of n even and m odd vector fields on an open 1 n n+1 n+m set U M is called a frame field, if the tuple (X (p),...,X (p)) of tangent vectors 1 n+m ⊆ is a basis of the supervector space T M for every p U. If U is sufficiently small (such p ∈ that it lies in a coordinate chart), this condition is equivalent to (X ,...,X ) being 1 n+m an adapted (U)-basis. The frame fields form a sheaf on M, denoted U (U). M O 7→ F The super Lie group GL induces a sheaf of groups over M via GL (U) := n|m n|m GL ( (U)), where the latter corresponds to a morphism U GL of superman- n|m M n|m O → ifolds. GL (U) acts naturally from the right on the frame fields (U). Explicitly, n|m F (8) (X ,...,X ) A:= X A ,..., X A 1 n+m i i1 i in · (cid:16)Xi · Xi · (cid:17) where A denotes the jk-th entry of the matrix of A GL (U). If U is sufficiently jk n|m ∈ small, we see that this action is simply transitive. A supermetric g defines the subsheaf of OSp -frames as follows. Denoting the (t,s)|2m standard basis of At+s|2m by e , we set i { } (U) := (X ,...) (U) g(X ,X ) = g (e ,e ) g 1 i j 0 i j F { ∈F } (cid:12) The orthosymplectic supergroup OSp a(cid:12)cts on via (8). We already know that, (t,s)|2m g F given two frames (X ,...),(Y ,...) (U) for U sufficiently small, there is a unique 1 1 g ∈ F A GL (U) such that (X ,...) A = (Y ,...). But this is exactly the condition t+s|2m 1 1 ∈ · for A OSp . (t,s)|2m ∈ Definition 2.3 ([ACDS97]). Let G GL be a Lie subgroup. A G-structure on a n|m ⊆ supermanifold M is a sheaf of subsets such that G(U) acts on (U) and G G G F F ⊆ F F for all points, there is a neighbourhood for which the action is simply transitive. 6 Thus, in particular, every supermetric g defines an Osp -structure . Con- (t,s)|2m g F versely, assume that is an Osp -structure. We construct a supermetric g as OSp (t,s)|2m F follows. Let (X ,...) and define g by g(X ,X ) := g (e ,e ) and superbilinear 1 OSp i j 0 i j ∈ F extension. This definition does not depend on the chosen frame field in and is OSp F such that = . g OSp F F Lemma 2.4. There is a bijection between supermetrics and OSp -structures. (t,s)|2m An automorphism of M is an isomorphism Φ : M M of supermanifolds. Its → differential (4) can be identified with a sheaf morphism dΦ : M ϕ−1 M via S → ∗ S dΦ(Y) := φ−1 Y φ. It induces a sheaf (iso)morphism dΦ : ϕ−1 , denoted ◦ ◦ F → ∗ F by the same symbol. Definition 2.5. Let Φ : M M be an automorphism of a supermanifold M. Let g be → a semi-Riemannian supermetric and be a G-structure on M. G F (i) Φ is called an automorphism of g if it is an isometry Φ∗g = g. (ii) Φ is called an automorphism of if dΦ ϕ−1 . FG FG ⊆ ∗ FG Lemma 2.6. An automorphism Φ: M M of M is an automorphism of g if and only → if it is an automorphism of . g F Proof. Let (X ,...) (U). By definition, g(X , X ) = (Φ∗g)(X , X ) is equivalent 1 g i j i j ∈ F to (dΦ[X ],...) ϕ−1 , thus proving one direction. The converse follows from the 1 ∈ ∗ Fg same characterisation together with superbilinearity. 3 Killing Vector Fields In this section, we shall give five equivalent characterisations of Killing vector fields on supermanifolds. While the building blocks of the theory are mostly available in the literature, a homogeneous treatment such as below is still missing, and there is sometimes some confusion about the concept. In particular, we will see how the notion of a Killing vector field as treated in [ACDS97] is different from the canonical one. We start with the Lie derivative of tensors. 3.1 The Lie Derivative TheLiederivativeofatensoronamanifoldM withrespecttoavector fieldX Γ(TM) ∈ is defined by means of the flow ϕ of X which has the defining properties ∂ ϕ (t) = ∂t x X ϕ (t) and ϕ (0) = x. By a standardtheorem [War83], every vector field X possesses x x ◦ a unique smooth flow ϕ : D(X) M, which is defined on an open neighbourhood → D(X) R M of 0 M. X is called complete if D(X) = R M. ⊆ × { }× × Now let X be a vector field on a supermanifold and X˜ be its canonical projection. We let (X) betheopensubsupermanifoldof R1|1 (M, ) whoseunderlyingsmooth M D × O manifold is D(X˜). If X˜ is complete, then (X) = R1|1 (M, ). M D × O We recall results concerning the flow of super vector fields from [MSV93]. To inte- grate also odd vector fields, the derivation ∂ needs to be endowed by an odd part to a ∂t (super-)derivation D. As argued in [MSV93], one is naturally let to one of three integra- tion models D(1) = ∂ +∂ , D(2) = ∂ +∂ +τ∂ and D(3) = ∂ +τ∂ +∂ , corresponding t τ t τ t t τ τ 7 to the three different super Lie algebra structures on R1|1. Due to the ev-morphism, all of the following does, however, not depend on the choice of the integration model and, for brevity, we shall denote either derivation by D (R1|1). To simplify notation, we ∈ S shall also denote its lift to (X) by the same symbol D. D Definition 3.1. Let X be a super vector field. Its flow is a morphism Φ = (ϕ,φ) : (X) M such that the following equations hold D → ev D φ= ev φ X , ev φ= id |t=t0 ◦ ◦ |t=t0 ◦ ◦ |t=0◦ which are referred to as the flow condition and initial condition, respectively. In calculations, only the homogeneous part of D with the same parity as X occurs since the flow equation splits into two equations (according to the Z -decomposition of 2 X and D), of which one vanishes if X is homogeneous. By a slight abuse of notation, we may thus write D = X . | | | | Theorem 3.2 ([MSV93]). Every super vector field possesses a unique flow. For the strong flow condition D φ = φ X without the ev morphism to hold, X ◦ ◦ must satisfy certain conditions as shown in [MSV93]. Definition 3.3. Let f be a superfunction. Its Lie derivative along X is M ∈O L f := ev D Φ∗f X t=0 | ◦ where Φ : (X) M is the flow of X. D → Definition 3.4. Let B Hom ( M ... M, ) be a multilinear form. We ∈ OM S ⊗ ⊗ S OM define its Lie derivative along X as L B := ev D Φ∗B Hom ( M ... M, ) X |t=0 ◦ ∈ OM S ⊗ ⊗S OM where, on the right hand side, the pullback Φ∗B is implicitly understood to be restricted to vector fields in M ( (X)). S ⊆ S D Lemma 3.5. Let f be a superfunction and Y M be a super vector field. M ∈ O ∈ S Then, for X, Y and f of homogeneous parity, L f = X(f) , L df[Y] = ( 1)|Y|(|f|+|X|)Y X(f) X X − ◦ Proof. Using the defining properties of the flow, we calculate L f = ev D φ(f) = ev φ X(f) = X(f) X t=0 t=0 | ◦ | ◦ The second assertion holds by the following calculation. L df[Y] = ev D Φ∗df[Y] X t=0 | ◦ = ( 1)|f||Y|ev D dΦ[Y](f) t=0 − | ◦ = ( 1)|f||Y|ev D Y φ(f) t=0 − | ◦ ◦ = ( 1)|f||Y|( 1)|Y||D|Y ev D φ(f) t=0 − − ◦ | ◦ = ( 1)|f||Y|( 1)|Y||X|Y ev φ X(f) t=0 − − ◦ | ◦ = ( 1)|Y|(|f|+|X|)Y X(f) − ◦ Here, we used Lem. 2.2 and t,τ-independence of Y. 8 Lemma 3.6. Let Φ : (X) M be the flow of a vector field X. Then the initial D → condition implies the generalisation ev Φ∗B = B t=0 | for multilinear forms B. Proof. We prove the statement for a one-form F, the general case is analogous. Let Y M be a vector field. We let η1,...,ηn+m denote local coordinates on M and ∈ S ξ1,...,ξn+m+2 the corresponding coordinates on (X) such that ξi = ηi for i D ∈ 1,...,n+m and ξn+m+1 = t and ξn+m+2 = τ. Then { } ev Φ∗F[Y]= ev F (dΦ[Y]) t=0 t=0 Φ | | = ev F (φ ∂ ) dΦ[Y]i t=0 Φ ηi | ◦ · (cid:0) (cid:1) ∂ = ( 1)( ξj + ηi )ηi ev φ F(∂ ) φ(ηi) Yj − | | | | | | |t=0(cid:18) ◦ ηi · ∂ξj · (cid:19) ∂ = ( 1)( ξj + ηi )ηi ev φ F(∂ ) ev φ(ηi) Yj − | | | | | | |t=0 ◦ ηi · |t=0(cid:18)∂ξj · (cid:19) (cid:0) (cid:1) ∂ = ( 1)( ξj + ηi )ηi F(∂ ) ev φ(ηi) Yj − | | | | | | ηi · |t=0(cid:18)∂ξj · (cid:19) By assumption, Yt = Yτ = 0 such that we may replace ∂ by ∂ , which commutes ∂ξj ∂ηj with ev, such that ∂ ev Φ∗F[Y] = ( 1)( ηj + ηi )ηi F(∂ ) ev φ(ηi) Yj |t=0 − | | | | | | ηi · ∂ηj |t=0 · ∂ = ( 1)( ηj + ηi )ηi F(∂ ) (ηi) Yj − | | | | | | ηi · ∂ηj · = F(Y) Lemma 3.7. Let f be a superfunction and F,G Hom ( M, ) be one ∈ OM ∈ OM S OM forms. Then L (f F) = L f F +( 1)|f||X|f L F X X X · · − · L (F G) = L F G+( 1)|X||F|F L G X X X ⊗ ⊗ − ⊗ Proof. The first assertion follows from a straightforward calculation, using (7), the derivation property of D as well as ev (f g) = (ev f) (ev g) and Lem. 3.5 and t=0 t=0 t=0 | · | · Lem. 3.6. The second assertion is shown analogous. Any multilinear form can be (locally) written as the tensor product of one-forms of the form df for a superfunction, multiplied with a superfunction. By Lem. 3.5 the Lie derivative of these building blocks is independent of the integration model chosen (i.e. independent of D). By Lem. 3.7, the Lie derivative of a general multilinear form is uniquelydetermined by the buildingblocks and thus also independentof the integration model. In particular, for an even bilinear form, one starts with L B(Y,Z) = ( 1) ξi + ξj + ξi ξj L B dξi dξj (Y,Z) X | | | | | || | X ij − · ⊗ (cid:0) (cid:1) as in (3). An explicit calculation yields the following result. 9 Lemma 3.8. Let B Hom ( M M, ) be an even bilinear form. Then ∈ OM S ⊗S OM L B(Y, Z)= XB(Y, Z) B([X, Y], Z) ( 1)|X||Y|B(Y, [X, Z]) X − − − The right hand side of Lem. 3.8 is taken as the definition of the Lie derivative in [Kli05] (up to a global sign). For semi-Riemannian supermetrics, we have the following characterisation, which naturally generalises the analogous formula in the classical case. The proof is based on being metric and torsion-free and (up to signs) the same as in ∇ the classical case, thus omitted. Lemma 3.9. Let g be a semi-Riemannian supermetric and the Levi-Civita supercon- ∇ nection. Then the Lie derivative of g can be written L g(Y, Z)= ( 1)|X||Y| g( X, Z)+( 1)|X||Y|+|X||Z|+|Y||Z|g( X, Y) X Y Z − ∇ − ∇ (cid:16) (cid:17) 3.2 Killing Vector Fields Definition 3.10. Let ((M, ),g) be a semi-Riemannian supermanifold. A Killing M O vector field is a vector field X such that L g = 0 X For the proof of the following characterisation theorem, we shall need the flow equa- tion for superbilinear forms as stated in the next lemma, which is easily generalised to general multilinear forms. A similar result is stated in [MSV93] as Prp. 4.3. Lemma 3.11. Let B be a superbilinear form. Then the flow equation holds: ev D Φ∗B = ev Φ∗L B |t=t0 ◦ |t=t0 X Moreover, if X possesses a strong flow s.th. D φ = φ X, then the flow equation is ◦ ◦ satisfied without the ev morphism. Proof. By a direct calculation along the lines of the proofs of Lem. 3.5 and Lem. 3.6, one verifies the (weak) flow equations ev D Φ∗f = ev Φ∗L f , ev D Φ∗df = ev Φ∗L df |t=t0 ◦ |t=t0 X |t=t0 ◦ |t=t0 X forasuperfunctionf aswellasdf. WritingB inlocalformasin(3),afurthercalculation using these building blocks as well as Lem. 3.7 and (7) yields the assertion. It is clear that all steps can be done without ev provided that the strong flow condition holds. Let g bea semi-Riemannian supermetricon M with associated OSp -structure (t,s)|2m = as in Lem. 2.4. Let U M be open. We write E (U) as g OSp g F F (t,s)|2m ⊆ ∈ F E = (X ,...,X ) such that g(X ,X ) = g (e ,e ). Any supermatrix with en- 1 t+s+2m i j 0 i j tries in (U) acts on E via (8). Following [ACDS97], we call U ”small” if it is M O such that the action of OSp (U) on (U) is simply transitive. Moreover, we set (t,s)|2m g F L E := ([X, X ],...,[X, X ]) for a vector field X M. With this notation, X 1 t+s+2m ∈ S our characterisation theorem can be stated as follows. Theorem 3.12. Let X M be a vector field. Then the following conditions are ∈ S equivalent. (i) X is Killing, i.e. L g = 0. X 10

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