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kni.pageone 2/28/06 9:53 AM Page 1 KILLING IN THE NAME OF IDENTITY kni.pageone 2/28/06 9:53 AM Page 2 also by Vamık Volkan Blind Trust: Large Groups and Their Leaders in Times ofCrises and Terror Bloodlines: From Ethnic Pride to Ethnic Terrorism The Third Reich in the Unconscious: Transgenerational Transmission and its Consequences (With Gabriele Ast and William Greer) Richard Nixon: A Psychobiography (With Norman Itzkowitz and Andrew Dodd) Turks and Greeks: Neighbours in Conflict (With Norman Itzkowitz) The Need to Have Enemies and Allies: From Clinical Practice to International Relationships The Immortal Atatürk: A Psychobiography (With Norman Itzkowitz) Cyprus—War and Adaptation: A Psychoanalytic History ofTwo Ethnic Groups in Conflict kni.titlepage 2/28/06 9:54 AM Page 3 KILLING IN THE NAME OF IDENTITY A Study of Bloody Conflicts Vamık Volkan P I T C H S T O N E P U B L I S H I N G C h a r l o t t e s v i l l e , V i r g i n i a 2 2 9 0 1 kni.titlepage 9/6/12 11:52 AM Page 4 PITCHSTONEPUBLISHING Charlottesville,Virginia 22901 Copyright © 2006 by Vamık Volkan All rights reserved Printed in the United States ofAmerica First edition,2006 First eBook edition,2012 Library ofCongress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Volkan,Vamik D.,1932- Killing in the name ofidentity :a study ofbloody conflicts / Vamik Volkan.-- 1st ed. p.cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN-13:978-0-9728875-7-1 (hardcover :alk.paper) ISBN-10:0-9728875-7-1 (hardcover :alk.paper) 1. Ethnic conflict.2. Genocide. I.Title. GN496.V65 2006 305.8--dc22 2006004211 kni.dedication 2/28/06 9:57 AM Page 5 For my former colleagues at the Center for the Study of Mind and Human Interaction kni.dedication 2/28/06 9:57 AM Page 6 kni.epigram 2/28/06 9:58 AM Page 7 Nature’s law, That man was made to mourn. Man’s inhumanity to man. Makes countless thousands mourn! —Robert Burns,“Man was made to Mourn” kni.epigram 2/28/06 9:58 AM Page 8 kni.contents 3/6/06 10:52 AM Page 9 Contents Introduction 13 Part I:Georgia on My Mind 1. Massive Trauma in the Republic of Georgia 21 2. Three Generations at the Golden Fleece 35 3. Waiting Ten Years to Mourn or Not Mourn 48 4. More on Refugees and Their Linking Objects 69 5. “Have You Read Sophie’s Choice?” 86 Part II:Societal Trauma and Transgenerational Transmissions 6. From Natural Disasters to Ethnic Cleansing 107 7. AWON and Four Thousand Gold Stars 125 8. “Hot Places,”Memorials,Apologies,and Forgiveness 137 9. The Bataan Death March and Animal Killings 157

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