Slow cancer Long walk to treatment in help out P6 P4 the Bay animals The Hastings Mail Wednesday, May 31, 2017 and Havelock North Killed on way to his daughter’s birthday MARTYSHARPE RossHallgarthwasahumbleman of humble means and humble wants. Helovedhisfivekids,heloved trucks, and he loved his dog - a diminutive‘bitser’namedArora. Gazingoutthewindowbeside thediningtableinthehousehe RossHallgarthand,left, shared with his dad, eldest son hissonDaniel,theeldest Danielsaiditstilldoesn’tfeellike ofhisfivechildren. he’sgone. Below,thewreckageof theSuzukiSwift Hallgarth,54,lefthisFlaxmere Hallgarthwasdriving. houseearlyonSaturday,April29, PHOTO:MARTYSHARPE to go to his truck-driving job at Phoenix Contracting. He’d arranged to meet his kids at a Hastings restaurant for birthday lunchforhisonlydaughter,Kylie, whowasturning25thenextday. Buthedidn’tturnup. ‘‘We were wondering why he wasn’t answering calls or texts,’’ Danielsaid Hours later, after Daniel, 28, and his brother Aidan had returnedtothehouse,theywere visited by a couple of police officers. ‘‘Theysaiddadwasdeadand askedifIcouldgotothemortuary to confirm it was him,’’ Daniel said. Hallgarth had been in one of twovehiclesthatcollidedhead-on along York Road, just outside Hastings,at11am. ‘‘We know nothing’s going to bring him ‘‘Istilldon’treallybelieveit’s hadtravelledalongFlaxmereAve He had been returning home happened, but that’s how it is towards York Rd immediately back, but I think the people in that car from work in his little Suzuki now,’’Danielsaid. beforethecrash,andhadturned Swiftwhenacarcamespeeding need to come forward.’’ Hesaidthefamilywashoping left from York Road on to towards him in his own lane. It police find the occupants of the Maraekakaho Road, heading DanielHallgarth,RossHallgarth’sson appearsheswervedtotheleftto othercar. towardsHastings. avoid a collision, before losing ‘‘We know nothing’s going to ‘‘Policewouldalsoliketohear controlandshootingbackacross areajustbeforethecrash. lot,buthelikedhangingoutwith bring him back, but I think the from any residents of Flaxmere the road, into the path of an Hallgarthhadlivedinthepink friendstoo.Hewaspartialtothe people in that car need to come Ave,YorkRdorMaraekakahoRd oncomingToyotaHilux. houseattheendofasmallcul-de- oddpintandhelikedOasis‘‘and forward,’’hesaid. whomayhavecapturedfootageof Hawke’sBaypoliceareappeal- sacsince1989.Initiallywithhis otherninetiesmusic’’. ‘‘Ithinktheywereprobablyso thiscar,’’hesaid. ing for video from drivers and wifeandkids,butaloneformany ‘‘He was just a happy guy, a high they don’t remember it ❚Anyonewithinformationor residents who may have filmed years after he and his wife family man. He liked to have a happening, or they just don’t video footage should contact the other car, believed to have separatedinthenineties. joke, and he’d let you know his care.‘‘. Hastingspoliceon(06)8310700 been a dark green Honda four- Danielsaidhisdadwasahard opinion,buthewasquietmostof Senior Constable Tim Rowe orphoneCrimestoppersanony- doorsedanseenspeedinginthe persontodescribe.Heworkeda thetime,’’hesaid. said it appeared that the Honda mouslyon0800555111. Get your future sorted! ▶ Choosefromover130programmes ▶ Askusaboutcareerplanning ▶ Takeatourofourcampus ▶ Gethelpyouwithyourenrolment ▶ Talktoourlecturersandtutors THURSDAY, 8 JUNE Hawke’sBayCampus HastingsLearningCentre MaraenuiLearningCentre A N D E N R O L M E N T D A Y 9amto6pm 9.30amto3pm 9.30amto3pm THE EXPERIENCE YOU NEED|08002255348| & THE SUPPORT TO SUCCEED 2 HASTINGS MAIL, MAY 31, 2017 YOUR PAPER, YOUR PLACE 1. WOOLF AND This newspaper is t BAND subject to NZ Press Council procedures. s SeeKiwisingerRayWoolfonstage A complaint must first WESAY atNapier’sMTGonJune3with be directed in writing, supportfromHawke’sBayJazz within one month of i Club’sBigBand,8pmto10pm, publication, to the editor’s email address. tickets$27.50. If not satisfied with the response, the l complaint may be referred to the 2. STRUM ALONG Press Council. PO Box 10-879, The Terrace, Wellington 6143. o It’sUkuleleNightatTheCabanain Or use the online complaint form at Lastweekmybestfriendfrom NapieronJune1,withbeginners Please Edinburghvisited.AndIthink sessionskickingofffrom7pm. include copies of the article and all 1 she’sbeenconvertedtoafutureind 3. FLAPPING correspondence with the publication. Hawke’sBay. Wrappedupwarminwoollen SHOW layers,wewalkedTeMataPeak CONTENTS onTuesday.Despitetheicy o TheArmyDillHallonNapier’s P3:GirlGuidescallforleaders breezethesunwasshiningand CooteRoadwillhostthe70th P6:SlowcancertreatmentinBay theblueskyglowing. annualBirdShowonJune3and4, P10:Conversations AswesteppedoutofthecarI withadultentry$2andfamilies$5. P11:Fortyyearsanurse t shudderedinthecoldair,butshe 12:OutandAbout 4. I-SPY A boundedabouthappily. P13:Movies 2 3 ‘‘Thisisanicesummer’sday CHALLENGE P14-15:What’sOn inEdinburghI’llhaveyouknow,’’ P16:Gardening shesmiled. Thei-SPYFunChallengeisbackon P18:Communitycookbook Despiteitbeingmid-morning June4,startingfromtheNapier P20:Yourhealth onaTuesdaywestillpasseda i-SITEfrom11amto2pm,withthe$5 P23:Sport handfulofpeoplewalkingthe entrydonationgoingtotheSPCA. peak’stracks.Theysmiled,waved 5. TE MATA HALF andwishedusaniceday. Afterourwalkwewentonto TheTeMataPeakOffRoadHalf MISSEDDELIVERY icecreams,doughnuts,adrink, MarathonisonJune11,from9am, 4 5 IfyouhavemissedaneditionofThe pizzaandviewingmorescenery witharangeofdistancesand HastingsMail,logacomplaint fromBluffHillandMarine prices. Parade. Aswedrovearoundshe Contact us pointedouthousesshecouldsee herselflivingin,shouldshe, HBBUREAUCHIEF:MartySharpe,[email protected]:SharronPardoe maybeoneday,movetothe region. ADDRESS:Level1,BNZBuilding126HastingsSt,NapierorPOBox222, WellplayedHawke’sBay,well,253Auditedcirculation(ABCfor12monthstoDecember14). played.-MeganHunt Who’d want a desk job? Join Xero and free yourself from the books Justbecauseyourunabusinessdoesn’tmeanyouneedto bestuckbehindadesk.WithXero’saccountingsoftware, youcanautomatesomeofthemosttime-consumingtasks, keepaneyeonthecashflowandeasilyshareyournumbers withyouraccountantorbookkeeper.Signupforafreetrial soyoucangetbacktothejobyoulove. Xerocustomer SimonWasher,Farmfeed 1 _ E C N E Beautiful F _ M accounting H N software _ 5 9 9 3 5 MAY 31, 2017, HASTINGS MAIL 3 Girls keen to welcome guiding leaders MEGANHUNT Girls can do anything – but occasionally they need a little helpfromtheirfriends. Girl Guiding Hawke’s Bay is lookingfornewvolunteerstolead Pippin,Brownie,GuideandRan- ger units, as the number of leaders is running low in some areas. Napier co-ordinator Helen Jamieson signed on to lead a groupofBrownieswhenshewas 21. ‘‘I wanted something to help with my leadership and people skills,’’shesaid. Butherinvolvementdeveloped into a passion for the organis- ation,whichsheisstillpartof10 yearslater. She said watching the girls grow and develop into amazing youngwomenwasthebestpart. TaradaleGirl Over this time she has also Guidesare seen the organisation change lookingformore from‘‘girl-focused’’to‘‘girl-led’’, leaders. PHOTO:MEGAN withthegirlsandyoungwomen HUNT increasingly involved with its directionandactivities. Foranyoneinterestedinlead- ing a group all they needed was ‘‘Lots of kids come One of the main things she aimingforthetop. isation she had learned such the willingness to give it a go. enjoyed was seeing girls learn ‘‘I want to get the Aoraki thingsascookingonasmallgas to us afraid of the Everything else would be pro- practicalskillsandtheconfidence Award,it’sthehighestawardin stove,leadershipskillsandhowto videdthroughthoroughtraining. dark, or not thisgavethem. guiding,’’shesaid. runactivities. DebbieBurgissisaleaderfor ‘‘Lotsofkidscometousafraid ‘‘Ilovethatwehavesomany Anyonewantingtovolunteer knowing how to theTaradaleunit. ofthedark,ornotknowinghowto group activities and the older withGirlGuidescouldsignupat Shewasinvolvedwithguiding light matches.’’ lightmatches,’’shesaid. girls get to plan our own group theorganisation’swebsite.This as a child and now her three Caitlin Mockford, 11, a Girl nights.’’ couldbeasaunitleaderortopro- DebbieBurgiss,Taradaleleader daughtersaremembers. Guidewith theTaradale unit,is Overhertimewiththeorgan- videspecialistskills. JoinusforaPlantingDay You’ll love the security of never being without power. We'dlovetohaveyourhelpasa Hondaportablegeneratorsavailableinsilentinverterorframed volunteeratoneofourwinter EU20i RRP$2,347 communityplantingevents. exclGST Shareyourstoriesat Alwaysfun,greatexerciseand NewZealand’snewestonline •2000W/240volt verysociable.Plantingdayscan communityforOver-60s. •15continuoushoursoperating* Jointodayat •Inverterrangeavailablefrom1.0–7.0 From9am–12noonat: makeabigdifferencetoour EG3600CX RRP$2,112 Sat10June–Waiōhiki,34WaiōhikiRd environmentsopleasejoinus! exclGST Sun11June–Pukahu,StGeorgesRoad •3600W/240volt (withHastings-HavelockNorthForest&Bird) For more details and •14.9continuoushoursoperating* Sun17June–PākōwhaiRegionalPark •Framedrangeavailablefrom2.2–9.0KVA to register online, go to *Onecothrottlefullfueltank Sat24June–WaitangiRegionalPark PORTABLE RELIABLE (withNapierForest&Bird) TRAVEL • HEALTH CLEAN EFFICIENT Sat1July–KaramūStream,CrossesRd search FAMLILIFYES•TRYELCEIPES Sat8July–Whakatu,AvisonLane #getinvolved Sat15July–TūtiraRegionalPark 526OmahuRd,Hastings Ph068768442 WE-7237411BR From It ’s Phantom Rainin’ to Bay City Church,, Les Mis Men! 1200 Omahu Rd Price $34 Ticketsincludelunch. Discountsavailableforgroups/regularbookings Thursday 8th June, 11am Thursday 6th July, 11am TO BOOK: Ashowcaseofmodernmusicals– Fourfabulousmensingsomeofthegreatest 0508 266 237 Phantom,LesMiserables,Evita,Miss songseverwritten,rangingfrommusic Saigon,Catsandsomuchmore, (tollfree) theatre,powerfulballads,RatPackand50’s presentedbyfivemusicalspecialists! songsinashowofmelodyandmemories! 4 HASTINGS MAIL, MAY 31, 2017 On a long walk to help man’s best friends Stephen Brassett is taking his dogs Piccolo and Jake out for a really long walk - around the wholeofNewZealand-allwhile pullingafoot-poweredcamper. His quest, named The Longest Walk,istohelppromoteandsup- port different animal agencies, andlastweekthetrio,complete with their micro camper, trav- elledthroughHawke’sBay. Brassett,originallyfromWel- lington,hasspentthelast10years workingonandoffwithdifferent animalshelters,firstasavolun- teerthenasadoghandler. Overtimehedescribedfeeling very‘‘reactive’’intherole,asthe ‘‘ambulanceatthebottomofthe StephenBrassettonhisjourneywithJakeandPiccolo. PHOTO:MYTCHALLBRANSGROVE/FAIRFAXNZ cliff’’ and wanting to do some- thingmoreproactive. ‘‘He created a small trailer he can pull andadoption. Based on the design of a He said the surveillance pro- while walking, similar to a rickshaw. campermadefortowingbehinda videdinformationabouthowcats bike,hecreatedasmalltrailerhe Inside it opens out to have everything he behaved in urban environments canpullwhilewalking,similarto withoutanyhumanspresent. needs, except a toilet. arickshaw.Insideitopensoutto After starting off from South- haveeverythingheneeds,except landSPCAonJanuary7,Brassett atoilet. or so before returning to the Despite people not being hasalmostwornouttwopairsof Jake,apugcross,walksalong- camper. allowed to live in the area, cats shoes,metsomeamazingpeople, sidehimmostofthetime,while One of the most interesting remained, so the group and seen shelters for animals Piccolo, a chihuahua cross, is groups he came across was one Redzonecats had set up surveil- including hedgehogs, rats and olderandwalksforhalfanhour basedinChristchurch’sredzone. lance,trapping,testing,fostering turtles. MAY 31, 2017, HASTINGS MAIL 5 ANNA LORCK A new local MP Here for You Protect Our WATER! Living Local, Leading Local Have Your Say I have called on Hawke’s Bay to challenge the What did the water crisis cost you? National Government’s refusal to help cover the $1millionin“one-off”publichealthcostsofthe watercrisis. Is the water crisis still impacting on you? It would appear that the Government is treating Hawke’s Bay as “yesterday’s problem” after Do you trust your local water supply? more than 6000 became sick, and three people died, during what was one of New Zealand’s biggest public health crisis in our history. Are you still buying water? As a region, I believe, we need to support our Hawke’s Bay District Health Board, which Have you needed to replace your hot water cylinder? despite last month being hopeful of financial support towards these public health costs has now been turned down. Do you think water bottlers should get free water? It is far too much for our community alone to have to bear the cost of the water crisis which is What should be the priority for protecting fresh water? in millions and climbing. The health of Hawke’s Bay must come first and Other feedback: protecting our fresh water is a priority. As part of this I warmly invite you to attend a “Protect our Water” public meeting that I am hosting in Havelock North with our water spokesperson MP David Parker. To be a good local MP, it is important to be Contact details (optional) across all issues, on what matters to you, your Name: Email: family and your local community. I look forward to meeting with more of you and Phone: Address: listening to your views. ANNA LORCK Please post, email me or have your say at A new local MP, here for you Neighbourhood meetings this Sunday 4 June Protect our Water! Public Meeting 1.30pm Cnr Outram Rd and Lumsden Rd, Hastings 2pm Allenby St, Hastings Friday June 9 - 5.30pm 2.30pm Cnr Lumsden Rd and Lumsden Pl, Hastings Havelock North Function Centre 3pm Cnr Park Rd Sth and Churchill St, Hastings Leading on Local Issues Water • Health • Housing • Education TukitukiLabour,POBox1245,Hastings4156 [email protected] 0275674591 AuthorisedbyAndrewKirton,160WillisStreet,Wellington 6 HASTINGS MAIL, MAY 31, 2017 Bay among areas with slow cancer treatment STAFFREPORTER million in radiology staff and infrastructure. CancerpatientsinHawke’sBay Work to improve diagnosis andWhanganuiweremorelikely includeda$1mhistologylabora- to receive slower treatment than tory to examine specimen patients in almost any other samplesandanew$11.6mendos- regionaroundNewZealand. copysuitetospeedupbowelcan- The Ministry of Health’s cer diagnosis which will be fin- league tables, released on ishednextyear. Tuesday,maptheperformanceof ‘‘Cancerdiagnosisiscomplex the country’s 20 district health and a lot of time can be taken boards in six key areas for the waitingfordiagnosticssowehave firstthreemonthsof2017. invested a lot of money on Hawke’s Bay District Health improving this,’’ Snee said. Board ranked last equal with ‘‘Whilewewaitforsomeofthese DiscgolfaficionadoRyanKittogivesstudentssomepointersbeforetheytackle Whanganui for providing faster ‘‘We know we are investments to come on-stream thenine-holecourse. cancertreatment. we have also put in place more improving.’’ The ministry’s target was 85 individualpatientcaremanage- Flaxmere disc golf set to fly per cent of patients to receive Hawke'sBayDHBchiefexecutive ment, where patients are their first round of treatment KevinSnee allocatedacancernursecoordi- within62daysofbeingreferred natortomakesuretheyreceive withahighsuspicionofcancer. isation’sperformancewereonthe timelytreatment.’’ Hawke’s Bay’s first disc golf Simon Nixon, to officially open Hawke’s Bay was well below up.‘‘Thefiguresinthenational He said patient care was the coursehasopenedinFlaxmere. thecourse. thistargetwith69percent,with health target are based on six board’sfocusandresultsforthe RyanKittodescribedthesport Yulehadago,butannounced results covering patients who monthperformances,’’hesaid. nationalhealthtargetwouldfall as ‘‘very addictive, plus low he‘‘wasnotverygoodatit’’. received their first treatment ‘‘The figures we have for the outofthat.‘‘Butfirstwehaveto impactandsuitableforallshapes, Kitto told both students and betweenthestartofOctoberlast last three months indicate getitrightforourpatients.’’. sizesandages’’. councillors that practice made yearandtheendofMarch. Hawke’sBayissittingat76.5per Theotherfivetargetsincluded Anumberofstudentshadago perfectwhenitcametodiscgolf. This result was matched by centforthetarget,and11thover- shorter stays in emergency earlier in May when the course The course was another new Whanganui,followedbyHuttVal- allnationally-soweknowweare departments, improved access to wasunveiledforthefirsttime. element for Flaxmere Park with leyon70percentandTaranakion improving.’’ electivesurgery,increasedimmu- Playedwithfrisbees,theaimis rules on a board at the start. It 72percent.Thetargetwaseither He said the board had made nisation,better helpforsmokers to get the discs into nine joins an updated playground, met or exceeded by five boards, somebiginvestmentstospeedup toquitandrasinghealthykids. ‘‘baskets’’aroundaone-kilometre splash pad, ki-o-rahi field, and with Waitemata the top cancerdiagnosisforpatients. Hawke’sBayrankedinthetop course. walksaroundthe16.8-hectares. performingboardat92percent. Investments included better tier for immunisations and Hastings mayor Lawrence ThiswaspartofHastingsDis- Hawke’sBayDHBchiefexecu- technology to track patients around the centre for the other Yule was joined by councillors trictCouncil’sgoalofbuildingup tiveDrKevinSneesaidhisorgan- through the system plus $6.5 four. Henare O’Keefe, Rod Heaps and activitiesacrossitsparks. SALE ENDS Monday 5 June We are the experts in the art of relaxation 158 Taradale Rd, Napier Ph 843 9134 FURNISHERS *TermsandConditionSseaeppinlys.tEoxreclufodredseGtaCilsP.&30.3.01promotion. WE-7519443BA MAY 31, 2017, HASTINGS MAIL 7 Doug Bracewell sentenced Water mains replacement less disruptive MARTYSHARPE STAFFREPORTER Black Caps paceman Doug Bracewellhasbeensentencedto Newwatermainsareabouttobe 100hourscommunityworkforhis laidundertworoadsinHastings, thirddrink-drivingoffence. with the latest drilling The Hawke’s Bay-based all- techniquesusedtokeepdisrup- rounder appeared before Judge tiontoaminimum. BridgetMackintoshinHastings TheprojectonHeretaungaSt DistrictCourtonThursday. includes a new trunk water Earlierthismonthheadmitted main, a renewal of an existing achargeofdrivingonaHastings local water main and a sewer roadwithabreathalcohollevelof renewalonGallianSt. 783 micrograms per litre of This work will take place breath.Thelegallimitis250mcg. between the Stortford Lodge It was his third drink driving roundaboutandNelsonSt. offenceintenyears. Te Mata Rd in Havelock Bracewell’s lawyer Ron North,fromKaranemaDriveto Mansfield said Bracewell’s pre- Durham Drive, and Saint Hill viouswerein2008and2010when Lanewillbegettinganewtrunk hewasaged18and20. watermainandnewtrunksewer Hewasnowconsiderablymore main. mature. While the offending was Thiswillmeananembargoon disappointingit‘‘doesn’treflecta buildinghomesintheareasouth youngmanwhohadnotlearned BlackCapDougBracewellwithhislawyerRonMansfieldoutsideHastingsDistrictCourtafterthecricketerwassentenced ofTeMataRdcanbelifted. from his previous errors, nor to100hourscommunityworkfordrink-driving. PHOTO:MARTYSHARPE/FAIRFAXNZ Both projects are in the changed.Hehas,’’Mansfieldsaid Hastings District Council Long Thelatestoffendingwas‘‘ahic- acquired cockatoo which had nificancetohispartnerandshe wouldsentencehimto100hours TermPlanfrom2015to2025. cup’’,hesaid. been pounced on by dogs and wasquitedistraught,’’hesaid. communityworkanddisqualified TheTeMataRdprojectisnew Bracewell acknowledged he killed. Heaskedthathebesentenced fromdrivingforayear. infrastructure, while the hadletdownhimself,hisfamily MansfieldsaidBracewellhada toafine. Outside court Bracewell said HeretaungaStprojectreplacesa andNZCricket,Mansfieldsaid. genuineconcernforhispartner JudgeMackintoshsaiditwasa thesentence‘‘wasprettyfair’’. 70-year-oldmodel. Bracewell, 27, was caught whohadlostatreasuredpetandit ‘‘relatively high reading’’. She ‘‘I’m just looking forward to The pipe will be installed drink-drivingonMarch18along wasnotamattertobemadelight said Bracewell was a talented moving on... and obviously not using the latest underground EastRd,wherehelives,nearthe of. cricketer but had an issue with getting behind a wheel anytime drillingtechnique,whichmeans Hawke’s Bay settlement of Thedogsthatkilledthecocka- drinkdriving. soonafterhavingafewdrinks,’’ theroaddoesnothavetobecut Haumoana. too belonged to friends and Shesaidtherehadbeenacon- hesaid. openalongthefulllength. He had responded to a pan- Bracewell and his partner had siderable gap between his ‘‘I’m disappointed in myself Physical work on both ickedcallfromhispartnerabout been looking after them, offences, so while someone on but at the same time I’m just projects is due to start in mid- an emergency. The emergency Mansfieldsaid. theirthirdoffencewouldusually wanting to move forward,’’ he Juneandbefinishedbytheend involved the couple’s recently- ‘‘Thecockatoowasofsomesig- earn a sterner sentence, she said. ofNovember. WESTINGHOUSE GENERATORS Westinghouse Generators WHXC3750 $999 • Starting Power 3,750w • 2 x 15A Outlets • Running Power 3,000w • 8.3A 12v DC Outlet • 4 Stroke Petrol Motor BONUS Wheel Kit WHXC5000 $1345 • Starting Power 5,000w • 2 x 15A Outlet • Running Power 4,000w • 8.3A 12v DC Outlet • 4 Stroke Petrol Motor WHXC8500W Pro • Electric Start • 2 x 15A Outlets $1899 • Starting Power 8,500w • 8.3A 12v DC Outlet • Running Power 6,750w • RCD Safety Switch • 4 Stroke Petrol Motor • Wheel Kit WWW.POWERTOOLCENTRES.CO.NZ • NOT ALL PRODUCTS AVAILABLE IN ALL STORES Valid until 30 June 2017 Thomsons Hector Jones Powertool Centre Powertool Centre 28 Dunlop Rd, Onekawa. King & Queen Sts, Hastings. Ph 843 8718 Ph 878 9049 WE-7636000AR 8 HASTINGS MAIL, MAY 31, 2017 MAY 31, 2017, HASTINGS MAIL 9 Decorated pilot Noel Sutherland dies MARTYSHARPE When Noel Sutherland was awarded France’s highest mili- taryhonourin2015attheageof 94, he took it as a message of ‘‘thanks’’fromagenerationgrate- fulforpeace. Theformerflyingofficerwho flewStirlingbombersinthewar spentmostofhislifeinHawke’s Bay.Hediedlastweekattheage of96. Sutherland,whospentmostof hislifeinHawke’sBay,wasborn inPalmerston,Otago.Hejoined the air force in the early 1940s, FlyingofficerNoelSutherlandduring trainedinCanadaandjoinedNo WorldWarII. 190 Squadron, which dropped paratroopers and supply con- Honour,in2015. tainers full of ammunition, fuel, France’s ambassador to New explosives and weapons to sup- Zealand, Florence Jeanblanc- portFrenchresistancefighters. Rislerawardedthemedaltothe HissonRogersaidhisfather menwhoplayedasignificantrole never spoke of his war in the liberation of occupied experiences, until the last five FranceinWorldWarII. yearsofhislife. Thehonourwasestablishedby ‘‘Thecrewwasveryloyaland Napoleon Bonaparte in 1802 and keptincontactwitheachother, seeks to reward both dis- buthedidn’ttalktousaboutwhat tinguished military and civilian they had endured until much servicesrenderedtoFrance. FormerflyingofficerNoelSutherlandreceivestheLegionofHonour,fromFrance’sambassadortoNewZealand,Florence lateron,’’Rogersaid. After being given the award Jeanblanc-Risler. PHOTO:DAVIDMACKAY ‘‘Ijustthinkthat’swhatthey Sutherlandsaidhewasintrigued did.Theymusthavegonethrough astowhyhehadreceiveditwhen ationisreallygivingthanksfor Heworkedinsoilconservation children,fivegrandchildrenand someprettyawfulstuffandprob- so many others deserved it but thepeace,’’hesaid. and lived in Hawke’s Bay for sixgreat-grandchildren. ablyfeltitwasbesttokeepitto neverreceivedit. ‘‘As far as I’m concerned, I many years before moving to A celebration of his life was themselves,’’hesaid. ‘‘TheLegionIregardasavery sharethiswiththefamiliesofthe Aucklandtoretireandbecloseto heldinPapakura,Auckland,last Sutherland was one of eight high honour. I regard myself restofthecrew.’’ hisfamily.Hespenthislastyears Friday. New Zealand veterans to be lucky to be able to have recog- The war ended while Suther- in the Summerset at Karaka A memorial service will be awarded France’s highest mili- nitionforthetripsthatIdidall land was on final leave and he retirementvillage. heldinHavelockNorthatalater tary honour, the Legion of overFrance.Itseemsthisgener- arrivedhomeforChristmas1945. Sutherlandissurvivedbytwo date. Queen’s WEEKEND 5 DAY SALE DREAM MAKER $2000 OFF the Dream Maker Range of Spas Durable, Robust & AVAILABLE THIS WEEKEND AT AWESOME PRICES HOURS: Thurs & Fri 8.30am – 5pm Sat & Sun 10am – 4pm • Monday 10am – 3pm ‘ThePoolandSpaProfessionals’ WeSelltheBestandServicetheRest 14/109FordRoad,Onekawa,Napier NexttothenewEuroCityBuilding Ph:8353065Napier–8773064HavelockNorth WE-7698643AA Conversations 10 HASTINGS MAIL, MAY 31, 2017 Please sir, we ‘‘To the surprise of the spin want some more merchants, the response government’sprudenteconomic has been management.Toenable GORDON mixed. ’’ individualministerstomaximise CAMPBELL theirownsplashesofpublicity, TALKING POLITICS thepublichadalreadybeendrip- fedtheGovernment’splansto I spend$11billionoverthenext nthepast,thenationwould fouryearsonphysicalandsocial croucharoundtheradioon infrastructure,toboosttourism BudgetDaywiththesame by$178million,tospend$2.3 reverenceaffordedtothe billiononhousing,etc. announcementofAllBlackteams. Yettothesurpriseofthespin Sincethen,aslewofforecast merchants,theresponsehasbeen revisionsandhalfyearlyupdates mixed.Giventhe$7.2billionsize haveerodedtheBudget’s oftheprojectedsurpluses,some significance,yettheself-interest sectorshavebeenleftfeeling involvedhasn’tchangedmuch. somewhatdisappointed.Business allocatedtoVotesEducationand changesweremadetotax Still,fewothercountriescan Peopleusedtotuneintolearn groups,forinstance,have Healthingeneral(andtomental thresholds,WorkingForFamilies pointtosurplusesstretchingto whatabeerandapacketof criticisedthelackofcutsin healthservicesinparticular) taxcreditsandaccommodation thehorizon,lowgovernmentdebt smokeswouldcostthem. corporatetaxrates,andforhigh meanthatthesesectorsmaywell supplements.Althoughthiswas andlowunemployment. Nowadays,peoplewanttoknow incomeearners.Toheightentheir struggletomaintaintheircurrent packagedasa$2billionresponse Treasury’sforecastsofcontinued thesizeoftheirtaxcuts. apparentsizeandimpact,Budget levelsofservicedelivery-once totheneedsofthepoor,theripple stronggrowthmaybeoptimistic, Primarily,theBudgetserves allocationsarenowroutinely theimpactofinflation,rising effectsthroughthetiersofincome giventhatinconstructionand asamarketingopportunityfor expressedinfouryearlyamounts. costsandtheneedsofanageing meanthathigherincomeearners elsewhere,theeconomyisalready thegovernmentoftheday. 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Wheretaxreliefwasdelivered, boosttostudentallowances–will convincingthatthisBudget’s yearsofbelttightening,from Ascriticshavenotbeenslow itwasn’tintheusualfashion. betakenbylandlordsasagreen provisionsarethebestitcan budgetsurplusescreatedbythe topointout,theamounts Insteadofratecuts,atrioof lighttoraiserents. reasonablyexpect. 108 Maraekakaho Road, Stortford Lodge, Hastings Phone 06 878 2800 Q Card 8am to 5pm Mon - Fri • 8am to 1pm Sat & Sun All offers valid till 30th June 2017 or while stock lasts. 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