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One Dimensional Coordination Polymers with Molecular Recognition Capability as Dynamic and Multifunctional Materials. By Khaled Hassanein Sayed Ahmed Supervised by Dr. Pilar Amo Ochoa Dr. Félix Zamora Abanades This dissertation has been submitted to Departamento de Química Inorgánica Facultad de Ciencias Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in fulfillment of the degree of Doctorate in Chemistry Madrid, 2016 Acknowledgements It is difficult to decide whom to thank first, but I think it has to start with my big family, my parents and my sisters (Iman, Asmaa, and Donia). The support you have given me over the years with regard to my education has been invaluable. In particular, especial thank for my mother for being the only supporter in the difficult moments and for taking my responsibility as the host of my family during the last years, thank you my mother. My lovely wife (Hind), and my little son (Abdelrahman), you are the key of happiness for me in this world. On the other hand, it was impossible to finish this thesis without the support of my advisors, Dr. Pilar Amo Ochoa and Dr. Félix Zamora Abanades. Thank you Dr. Pilar Amo for countless hours you have spent to help me through every step of my dissertation. Your advices and encouragements have been unending and invaluable, guiding me to define the direction of my research. Thank you Dr. Félix Zamora, your attentions for the details have helped me to hone my ideas and improve the quality of my dissertation. Especial thanks for the investigators who have collaborated with us to finish this thesis. Thanks for Dr. Óscar Castillo, from Universidad del País Vasco, and Dr. Josefina Perles, from Servicio Interdepartamental de Investigación (SIDI) at Univesidad Autónoma de Madrid, for their contributions in the single crystal X-ray diffraction measurements, structural refinements, and structural descriptions. Thanks for Dr. Carlos Gómez, from Instituto de Ciencia Molecular (ICMOL), and Dr. Pilar Ocon, from Univesidad Autónoma de Madrid, for the conductivity measurements. Thanks for Prof. Dr. Salomé Delgado, Dr. Marcos Zayat, and Virginia Vadillo, from Univesidad Autónoma de Madrid, for photoluminescence measurements. Thanks for Dr. José Ignacio Martínez, from Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales, CSIC, for the DFT calculations. Thanks for Dr. Álvaro Somoza, Romina Lorca, and Ana Latorre, from Instituto IMDEA Nanociencia, for biological studies. I want to thank my colleagues who participated in the experimental part of this thesis. Thank you Javier Conesa, Fatima, and Veronica. I want to thank the present and old members of the Nanomaterials group, Cristina Hermosa, Isadora Berlanga, Mohamed Reza, Azin Hassanpour, David Rodríguez, Jesus, Pablo, Carlos, Alex, and Carmen. Thank you for my close friend Javier Troyano for being I available a lot of hours for discussions, sharing your opinions, and removing stress in hard moments. Thank you for the workers of the Inorganic department for being always available and ready for problem solving. Thank you Miguel Angel, Ismael, and Nani. Thank you for my Egyptian friends in Spain, with you I feel as if I am in my home country. Thank you Mohamed Moaid, Walid, Safawat, Moahmed abdel Kader, Edris, Fouad, Dr Tag, Hassan, Hitham, Imad, and Yousef. I want to admire and address my thanks for all the professors who teach me in all my life stages especial those who forming my knowledge in chemistry. Also, I would like to thank my dear friends living in Egypt. Mohamed Abdel Fatah, Osama, Hany, Sabry, Tamer, Mohamed Ismaeil, Khalaf, Mr. Adel Mahmoud, Hala, Nahla, and all the members of my family. Finally, I have to mention that this work was funded by Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) through grant MAT2010-20843-C02-01. Thank you for all. II Publications and Conferences Publications included in this thesis  Semiconductive and Magnetic One-Dimensional Coordination Polymers of Cu(II) with Modified Nucleobases. Pilar Amo-Ochoa, Oscar Castillo, Carlos J. Gómez-García, Khaled Hassanein, Sandeep Verma, Jitendra Kumar and Félix Zamora. Inorg. Chem, 2013, 52 (19), pp 11428–11437. dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic401758w.  Asymmetric and symmetric dicopper(II) paddle-wheel units with modified nucleobases. Khaled. Hassanein, Pilar Amo-Ochoa, Oscar Castillo, Carlos J. Gómez-García and Félix Zamora. Cryst. Growth Des, 2015, 15 (11), pp 5485–5494. DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.5b01110.  Reversible stimulus-responsive Cu(I) iodide pyridine coordination polymer. Pilar Amo-Ochoa, Khaled Hassanein, Carlos J. Gómez-García, Samira Benmansour, Josefina Perles, Oscar Castillo, José I. Martínez, and Félix Zamora. Chem. Commun, 2015, 51, pp 14306-14309. DOI: 10.1039/C5CC04746C.  Electrical Conductivity and Strong Luminescence in Copper-Iodide Double-Chains with Isonicotinato Derivatives. Khaled Hassanein, Javier Conesa-Egea, Salome Delgado, Oscar Castillo, Samia Benmansour, José I. Martínez, Gonzalo Abellán, Carlos J. Gómez-García, Félix Zamora and Pilar Amo-Ochoa. Chem. Eur. J, 2015, 21, pp 1 – 12. DOI: 10.1002/chem.201502131.  Halo- and pseudohalo Cu(I)-pyridinato double chains with tunable physical properties. Khaled Hassanein, Pilar Amo-Ochoa, Carlos J. Gómez-García, Salomé Delgado, Oscar Castillo and Félix Zamora. Inorg. Chem, 2015, 54 (22), pp 10738–10747. DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.5b01754. III Accepted publications included in this thesis  Co(II)-modified nucleobases complexes. A methyl care? Khaled Hassanein, Félix. Zamora, Oscar Castillo and Pilar Amo-Ochoa. Inorganica chimica acta, 2016. Publications in progress included in this thesis  Biocompatible Molecular Thick Nanoribbons of a Multifuntional 1D-Cu(II)- nucleobase coordination polymer showing Molecular Recognition towards Oligonucleotides. Khaled Hassanein, Verónica García, Romina Lorca, Ana Latorre, Álvaro Somoza, P. Amo-Ochoa, Carlos J. Gómez-García, Oscar Castillo, and F. Zamora. In preparation. Conferences  40 International Conference on Coordination Chemistry” (ICCC40), Valencia, Spain, Sep. 9-13, 2012.  The 15th Asian Chemical Congress, Singapore, Aug. 19-23, 2013.  XXIV Symposium of the Specialized Group on Crystallography and Crystal Growth (GE3C) at Bilbao, Spain, 2014.  5th Molecular Materials Meeting (M3) @ Singapore An international conference on the ”Next 50 Years In Materials Research” Aug. 19-23, 2015.  First National Symposium on properties and applications of MOFs and COFs at Granada, Spain, 2015. IV List of abbreviations 0D-CPs Zero dimensional coordination polymers 1D-CPs One dimensional coordination polymers 1D-NCPs Nanoscale one dimensional coordination polymers 2D-CPs Two dimensional coordination polymers 3D-CPs Three dimensional coordination polymers 4,4'-bipy 4,4'-Bipyridine 6-MP 6-Mercaptopurine 6-TG 6-Thioguanine AC current AFM Atomic force microscopy ANP 2-Amino-5-nitropyridine Bio-NCPs Nanoscale coordination polymers containing biomolecules as ligands CAFM Conductance atomic force microscopy CITS Current imaging tunneling spectroscopy COFs Covalent organic frameworks CPs Coordination polymers DC Direct current DFT Density function theory DMA Dimethylacetamide DMF Dimethylformamide DMSO Dimethyl sulfoxide DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid E Activation energy a E Energy gab g EIS Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy Et O Diethyl ether 2 EtIN Ethyl isonicotinate FESEM Field emission scanning electron microscope V H Applied magnetic field H Coercivity or coercive field C HDap 2,6-Diaminopurine HE High-energy band HIN Isonicotinic acid HOPG Highly ordered pyrolytic graphite HS High spin HOMO Highest occupied molecular orbital IC Internal conversion IR Infrared spectroscopy ISC Intersystem crossing J Magnetic exchange coupling constant L Liter LC Ligand-centered LE Low-energy band LMCT Ligand-to-metal charge transfer LS Low spin LUMO Lowest unoccupied molecular orbital M Magnetization MC Metal-center MeCN Acetonitrile MeOH Methanol MLCT Metal-to-ligand charge transfer MOCNs Metal-organic coordination networks MOFs Metal-organic frameworks NBs Nucleobases PCPs Porous coordination polymers PL Photoluminescence SBU Secondary building unit VI SCO Spin-crossover SCSC Single-crystal to single-crystal SCXRD Single crystal X-ray diffraction SQUID Superconducting quantum interference device technique STM Scanning tunneling microscope STS Scanning tunneling spectroscopy TAcOH Thymine-1-acetic acid TCNQ 5,7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane TGA Thermogravimetric analysis Trans-bie Trans-bis(N-methylimidazol-2-yl)ethylene UAcOH Uracil-1-acetic acid UV-Vis Ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry XLCT Halide-to-ligand charge transfer XRPD X-ray Powder diffraction  Angle  Conductivity  Wavelength  Resistivity   Molar magnetic susceptibility m Ă Angstroms g Gram VII VII I

Mohamed Abdel Fatah,. Osama, Hany measured by the coupling constant J within the usual isotropic Heisenberg–Dirac–van. Vleck model: H= -2
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