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The Khacakrapancakastotra Edition and translation by F: Mark S. G. Dyczkowski ^T° f l «hl '-Hd Rb — ^ T t f W ^ T ^ c f W '"m - 3WOTR.! Rj^jiW ßH V lfrhH^HIdr’ silH^irHrd* TTFraf' W(' ii I praise ihc Greal Kcalily (mahärtha), the vcncrahlc (goddess) Mangalä, she who is the mother of all things, the energy of Siva, the awesome (canda) power (tejas) of consciousness. (I praise her) the great wave of the Great Reality filled with all things, (she who is) the light of the Inexplicable (that illumines) the Sun and Moon along with Fire of (universal) destruction.7 (1) TTcR -SRTTfcT TO* ^ Ttst ^nTTT^ I vranfar” ii One goddess (alone), the Supreme, extends (as all things, her) Sound the cgoily of Emptiness (vyoman). 1 salute the Circle of the Goddess (devicakra) whose field (visaya) is wonder (vismaya) that is beyond speech and extremely terrible with the light of the bliss of undifferentiated manifestation (kalanä) whos ■ form is Emptiness {vyoman). (1 salute) the fearful (raudra) circle which is (empty) like the sky, the totality (of all things), the network of the rays (of consciousness). (2) faRd^dirit The primordial Lord is Jnänanetra who has led (his disciples) to supreme consciousness and (has himself) attained its bliss and known ultimate reality. He is the light of the vision of knowledge (that arises) by the quelling of all phenomenal states (bhäva) and is the Solitary Hero (ekavlra) devoid of (phenomenal nature - nihsvabhäva) merged in the state of unity (samarasa). (3) KHACAKRAPANCAKASTOTRA f^T I rT^" «jgi^fSwj 11 And so I salute that imperishable (avyaya) Siva who is the universe of many energies (bahutejas), Who is one with the multitude of manifestations (vibhava) and has destroyed -01 phenomenal stales (bhäva) Who, eternal has and free of arising and tailing away, is one’s own nature (svabhäva), the fire of time with countless rays. i4) #h-4l TTTrTT: ^ II Once saluted (the goddess) GaurT, the YoginT, Gancsa, Valuka, the VTrasiddhas, the YoginTs and Mothers, he (Jnänanet a) brought (this hymn) down (into the world). (5) i|U|mfi| -rrtTf: ^ t f^WfTTfT^FT,‘1 Jjtcvi||tlH^kM'^fi I 1 prostrate before Gancsa conjoined with (his) energy along with the host. I praise the lotus feet of Srinatha and the pure nature of the host (of energies) commencing with Khecari, the circle of Siva’s YoginTs and that of the teachers. (6-7ab) SfWte - dxUMWT 11 cbWUVHVIl} ^ W RT:1" I , ■iTWmfWTTT 4l'l5h1ilctHriir f^PTT: II (The YoginTs) in the venerable Northern Seat, born of the eight seats (astapTtha) (of the Mothers) have come together in a single circle in the cremation ground of KaravTra. They arc united together in the Great Union (mahämeläpa) in the festival of the sport of Yoga. (7cd-K) feR lt ^ W 'J'Rt cTCT I R^TRfeTf^Tt“ a W g 11 (They are) KhecarT, DikcarT, GocarT, Bhücari along with Ramyä, DamanT, DäkinT, and VyomesT,34 who is very powerful. (9) RwAemfWfTT ^R TSr" UHPIdl: 11 The Yoginls are also assembled (there) united together in the Great Union with olher yogis of many kinds and in many (kinds of) unions.37 (10) 4P-41 IW : I TTW ff^T ^T«TT ftsRTT; 11 The Yoginls number sixty-eight and seventeen.39 They reside in the five circles according to their names and letters (of the alphabet to which they correspond). (II) TT^TWf R TrfwfM I ^ ^ rrfW ,'’ ii N^dl SHd” ^T®TT T^T TfdhPdl I TT^rTRt T M II ^TT 'HWMsh'" cZfcfftsRn j (The names of these Yoginls arc as follows): Mahgalä, EkarälrT, KhecarT, PhanidhärinT, RavinT, Mantrarupä, the one called Hariisä, Cakranäyikä, Gharhanä, the goddess renouned as Dämarä, GarjanT, EkacärT, äavarT, Vajrapahjarä and know Rddhi to be the seventeenth (energy who) resides in the Circle of Bhäsä, U2-i-'ab). Ud-,HRl‘’' R 73^ W f (cuRd+l“ 11 W rrm wtrst wttctt r i w w s t w '' 'TnrfR^Fft 11 Ifc p P IP ^ r WFT RJcF I 71 ^ ■sfrfTT^T:^ TsWT U<fclfdd!: II KHACAKRAPANCAKASTOTRA Seventeen are said to be the YoginTs in the Circle of Emptiness (khacakra) (namely); Mandarä, EkanärT, KhagT, PhanT, Ravämikä, she who is called Rasmi, Mantrakalä, Haramälr, Candikä, Nabhas, Bhäsä, DambamayT, the one called Yamändä, GhabhastinT, EkayoginT, Mantrajnä, Vamanä and Rddhini. (14cd-16) iparrcr t^^Ui ^ i WTJft TOttfcSl ^ ^RTT'’1 II ^TMtf^TcTT^ sW * ^TT 3TtfM <T»TT I 11+^Im rf 71 <^snf WTTfrRl 11 RcMsMfWTT ^TTTJrft^ TfftT: i f The goddesses residing in the Circle of the Directions (dikcakra), that reside, that is, in the third circle arc: Manthänä, Ekavlrä, SvädinT, Phanibhüsanä, Raman!, Mantralilä, HaiT, Candra- masä, Nabhonnatä, Damaru, Yamunä, OghinT, GancsT, Ekalämä, SankhinT, VajraghätinT and Rtuksayarhkari, the goddess who burns brilliantly with the seventeen states (of this circle). (17-19) TRETT TTchW ^ ^JNshl'* W tf?PT I J.'JlthV' HC'lAllO^I ' ^TjfTTTTr il d d r f d frsrf % w ff ' dfdft’'’' trm I (The goddesses residing in the Circle of Speech art): Madana. Ekacakrä, Khagacakrä, Phaläsim, RajakT, the one called Madagandhä, PhalinT, Cakrapujitä, NandinT, DandinT, Yas;..'7 ModinT, Gaganä, Ekavlrä, Savabhaksyä, Varäyudhä and one shoul know that the seventeenth mistress in the Circle of Speech (gocakra) is Rksfi. (20-2 lab) w r f TTcfdfcr w w ^ t^ jt n TTttfT ^Tf I TTTT^TT W m W lfN f*' II TTFldt M -ifäfaf sftdTTfcf ^ T fef I ^ TT7PTTä< 3fmrf hv II Tpsjcjf u+cfUT" TT^t ^Trfdft I 5 These are ihc seventeen that reside in the Circle of the Earth: Manovegä, Ekarasä, Khakalä, Phanagarvini, RaktäksT, Mandasiddhi, ^rThayagrivä, Carcikä, Nadanä, Uhakä, Yasadä, OsadhT, GandharvT, EkavTrä, 5avarl, VajradhärinT and Rddhikä. (21c’ 24) MW“ Tp ^ ii Another group of five circles arise from this one. I will tell (you) each one and her location in the surrounding entourage. (25) sifWtff ’ fW Wftr srm f^ r i ^ II 4T^Tc^T öCfTWt I tJTrrpjft“ WWT ^M+wiT cAmM tT 11 TW rn4“ ^ RhjrT: W f RTMtT:“ I DäkinT, Pinjari, Ghorä, Unmattä, Pr—.ibhaksika, Kalihgä, KälarätrT, MärjärT, SandhibhedinT, Ajavakträ, Mesamukhä, VyäghrT, SükararüpinT, JambhanT, BhTsanT, RaudrT and Ku.nbhakarnT. (These) seventeen reside in the first circle. (26-28ab) Ä hT ^ W M “ h«B(4.i 11 Pl4e*l 'SlR’H-fl PJcTT I ^Rd+uiT d^d-dl «jEIM “ RldTHHI II w fft HfT gM ft i fMW ^ * * 1 ." II The heroines who arise from the seventeen-fold sequence in the second circle are: SäkinT, BhadracärT, RohinT, Madaranjikä, Nirmalä, JambhinT, Svacchandä, JarjarT, HastikarnT, Candatejä, JagaddhätrT, Jsivänanä, Carcikä, RäksasT. ßhattä, MundinT and Munrjadhärikä. (28cd-30) M ^ SfM“ cTSTT 1 WT ?TpRT^mT" ^ tPTWf" v*JcTT II -jf^ll'*’ ^ fcRRT M t fT3THT I fdJcIWI '3H dT OKI c>qqR«rni 11 ^yi'Hk1s+>i4l^irdl:r,’s rpftW ^ ‘K FtR:'** | KHACAKRAPANCAKASTOTRA Those who are called the seventeen-fold sequence and arise in the third circle arc: Lämä, RukminT, HarinT, KhecarT, Prybhä, Sonitabhäsä, TapanT, VarsanT, Jayä, Vijavä, Siddhä, Trijatä, Putrahartrkä, Digväsä, JananT, Tärä, and DurdurL. '31-33ab) färTSRfT TTRRt R Rt’1' 7T«TT 11 ‘ ^TTdVU W Jtcm t FRIERT I fpTTRTf 11 RRfrrt w 4 Rt-RT II These are the seventeen heroines in the fourth circle: Rtipika, Cittahäri, BhasvarT, BhavanT, £ülim, SülaghälT, JTvahärT, Hayänanä, KukkurT, Cakravegä, GrdhravaktrT, NisäcarT, PumsinT, Snbalä, RajakT, CTrabhücarT, and MärjärT. (33cd-35) ^ f^W T ^T fW V' I 3TRmf u R W Tfft tsKHHI I grF^ft ii (FdldVIM fä(s*TMI: W3sRTf£3T: I Here the seventeen (goddess who) arc known as the outpourings of the fifth circle are: BhQcarT, fedhakT, Bindumälä, Antrabhaksikä, AakamT, BhadrakarnT, Sumali, VTragarvita, GuhyädhvT, VTraväsä, KälarätrT, Kharänanä, SäiikarT, VrtlinT, Ghorä, MuklakcsT and KrsodarT. (36-38ab) RRfrra’ w 4tM rr ii RT^TRTT TJcMsflWT TTgBMr^ I °q)HT-tsi> f^SRTT: ^ (q^hd: 11 One hundred and seventy are (the eneigics) that form the sequence of YoginTs. All of them reside in a single circle- engaged in the Great Festival of Yoga. All of them reside in the Circle of Emptiness (vyomacakra) and in particular in the Circle of the Earth (bhücakra). (38cd-39) 7 <J ^TT STfä'fcK'fcO 3 ^ I1 Eighty-five make up (he Wheel of the Void (khacakra) and in its centre is the mistress of the circle called Mahgalä, the goddess who bestows authority (adhikärakari). (40) ta'lp lft* I *l*l4lPlPl«h ^R f’4 3>*T siafcrf* II According to the path of the Krama teachings, the Tradition {mala) is that of the 1) YoginTs of the Sacred Scats, another sequence (krama) is 2) that of the Great YoginT and is the governor of all the Lords. (41) IM II Another (sequence) is that of 3) the Primordial Yogim and is the supreme body of the mantras of the sequence. After this comes 4) the sequence of the Great Siddhas that is the teaching (mala) of the YoginTs of the Sacred Seats. (42) 5) Another sequence is that of the governor of all the Lords and is that of the SiddhayoginTs. Associated with the live gestures (mudrä) it has been transmitted along the sequence of the Lineage of the Masters, (43) $TPTcf *Ttft 3TSR I ri'shW’* tn4Jlri '<H^$l[<=|c|l*M4 II sm raT O w ”1’ i ^ 3 ;i öTRTfrT I The yogi is one who knows (the following) in due order (kramena): Speech (kathana), the worship of the sequence (kramapujana), transference (samkramana) which is present everywhere and is free of all (demonic) possession (ävesa), the bliss 8 KHACAKRAPANCAKASTOTRA (ramana) of entry into Sound, the consuming fire of emission and assimilation - such, precceded by the auspicious (mungala), is the teaching of the sequence of the Yoginls. The Great Reality (muhartlui) is in the pcrvicw of the Great Kaula who knows (this). (44-4<Sab) 1J3U : shl^l dq I 11 TT«TT m Tfrj w " I w " T r' jnrraitf" ii Worship is mystical sexual union (caryakratmi), It is (erotic) play (kridä), while gesture (mudrä) is that exhibited by (the inner mystical) Sound (rava). (The yogi) should offer the Great Meal, fish, liquor, rum and wine, the sacrificial pap (earn), many kinds of sacrificial animals, song and instrumental music. (He should do this) as he meditates and rcpcales mantras (to the Yoginls) in their own respective circles according to their own nature. (46cd-48ab) hskM tttT: ^öq| !• <T ^f^PTT:""5 I rpCIM^HIlfW 1'' II Then, having hearcd with (their) mind delighted lac Great Sound (of universal consciousness) (that emerges) from the supreme emptiness (paräkäsa) of the Stainless (Absolute nimnjena), the Yoginls known as Bhäsä who reside in the Great Abode (ol absolute consciousness) inside the five-fold sequence, and move within the mystical entry into the Gesture (mudrä of the energy of consciousness), vibrate inebriated by supreme bliss. (48cd-50ab) 7ifa4f'0 M(c4]q^qi|r|!: II The KhecarT (Yoginls) reside on the path of emptiness and have dissolved away into the Supreme Emptiness (woman). (5()cd) uNdl nfc 4\'Wt 3TTcl

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