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KGB Lexicon: The Soviet Intelligence Officer's Handbook PDF

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KGB LEXICON KGB LEXICON The Soviet Intelligence Officer's Handbook Edited and introducedb y V ASILIY MITROKHIN With a Forewordb y PeterH ennessy FRANKCASS LONDON • NEW YORK First Publishedi n 2002 in Great Britain by FRANK CASS & CO. LTD Reprinted2 004 By FrankC ass 2 Park Square,M ilton Park Abingdon,O xon,OX144 RN Transferredt o Digital Printing 2006 Frank Cass is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group Copyright © Frank Cass& Co. Ltd. British Library Cataloguingi n PublicationD ata: KGB lexicon: The Soviet IntelligenceO fficer's Handbook 1. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.K omitet gosudarstvennoby ezopasnosti2 . Intelligences ervice- Soviet Union - Dictionaries 3. Secrets ervice- Soviet Union - Dictionaries I. Mitrokhin, Vasiliy, 1922- 327.1'247 ISBN 0 7146 5257 1 (cloth) ISBN 0 7146 8235 7 (paper) Library of CongressC ataloguing-in-PublicationD ata: KGB lexicon: the Soviet intelligenceo fficer's handbook/ edited and introducedb y Vasily Mitrokhin. p. cm. Includesi ndex. ISBN 0-7146-5257-1 - ISBN 0-7146-8235-7( pbk.) 1. Intelligences ervice-SovietU nion-Dictionaries.2 . Soviet Union. Komitet gosudarstvennoyb ezopasnosti.I . Mitrokhin, V. N. (Vasiliy Nikitich) JN6529.I6K42001 327.1 247'003-dc21 2001047670 All rights reserved.N o part oft his publication may be reproducedi n anyf orm or by any means,e lectronic, mechanical,p hotocopying,r ecording or otherwise,w ithout the prior permissiono f the publisher Typesetb y Frank Cass& Co. Ltd Publisher'sN ote The publisherh as gone to greatl engthst o ensuret he quality of this reprint but points out that somei mperfectionsi n the original may be apparent DEDICATION ;:w., t::;JtaSO;;;'d.-u. ~ c A - k: 4.A.-1. ~~ K'JD/~ ~ ~ ~ -t' ~K.()lf~~ k-e-f.t>J»JD~ ~tf(--e.A .Fk ~ CL ~~.~~ "To the teamso f KGB specialistsw ho draftedt he Top SecretL exiconsf or internal use within Soviet Intelligence.W ithout their contributiont o ChekistS tudies,t he presente xtractsc ould not have been published. Contents Forewordb y PeterH ennessy IX Acknowledgements Xl Note on Transliteration XU List of Abbreviations Xlll Introduction xv PART I IntelligenceL exicon 1 PART II Counter-IntelligenceL exicon 147 Index 421 Foreword Those who wish to penetrate the inner mind of a clandestine institution, whetherf or counter-intelligenceo r scholarly purposes, must first get their hands on the secret ruleb ooks that govern its most private practices.F or the hardestt argetst his is rarely possible and no target camet oughert han the RussianI ntelligenceS ervice. Now, thanks to Vasiliy Mitrokhin, the KGB Lexicon is an open book for WesternI ntelligence, studentso f intelligence history and the general reader alike. It representsa windfall of a rarity and a grimnesst hat sets it apart as a piece of primary historical material. For, to borrow Mr Mitrokhin's own imagery in conversation with me, the world illuminated within thesep agesr epresentedth e darkesto f 'dark spheresf' or thosew ho neededt o defendt hemselves againsti ts purposes.L aid out here in relentlessd etail is the official mind of Soviet states ecurityw hich governedt he lives and practices of the secret servantso f the USSR in a manner that left little to chance. Each page is as dispiriting as it is revealing -a window into a world of demons where for every demon there is a drill or an instruction. The KGB Lexicon is best read in instalmentsw ith a stiffish drink by one'ss ide. And, wheny ou reacht he end, raise your glass in merciful recognition that the compilers of this work and thoset hey servedd id not prevail! PeterH ennessy Attlee Professoro f ContemporaryB ritish History, QueenM ary, University of London, Guy Fawkes'D ay, 2001 Acknowledgements A good number of well-wishers were to be found who helped the dictionariest o come out. To them all, and to each one individually, I extend my profound gratitude, my heartfelt thanks and will not forget their kindness.T hey undoubtedlyd eservet he reader'sh ighest approval. I also recogniset he painstakingw ork of the translator;I express my sincere appreciation of his English translation of the KGB Lexicon and its Introduction. Note on Transliteration The entriesi n this lexicon follow the order in which they appeari n the original Russian. This is becauset he sequenceo f the Russian Cyrillic alphabet is different from the sequenceo f the Roman alphabeti n which English is written. There 1S no single internationally accepted system of transliterationf rom Russiant o English. The system used in these lexicons broadly follows the methodu sed by the BBC Monitoring Service,w here the Russianh ard and soft signs, sometimesr endered as an apostrophein other transliterations ystems, aren ot indicated. Russian English Russian English A a A a IT IT p p B 6 B b P p R r B B V v C c S s r r G g T T T t ,0; ,II; D d y y U u E e Ye ye, e'~ <I> <P F f E e Yo yo, o'~* X x Kh kh )K )I{ Zh zh 1.1, u; Ts ts 3 3 Z z q q Ch ch IT II I i, yi'~'~'~ ill III Sh sh m fi H Y Y ru; Shch shch K K K k hI hI Y y n J1 L I :9 :9 E e M M M m IO JO Yu yu H H N n 51 51 Ya ya o o o o * Yeasi nitial letter, or after vowel, hard and soft signs. ** Yo except after ch, sh, shch. **'f Yi after soft sign. List of Abbreviations AND (Agenturno-nablyudatelnoydee lo) - agentm onitoring file AOO (Agenturno-operativnayao bstanovka)- agent-operationasl ituation BREM (Byro po delam russkoy emigratsii) - Bureau for the Affairs of Russian Emigresi n Manchuria DAR (Delo agenturnoyr azrabotki) - agentc ultivation! developmentf ile DKS (Dokumentk odirovannoys vyazi) - encodedc ommunicationsd ocument DLB (Dead letter box) DOP (Delo operativnoyp erepiski) - operationalc orrespondencefil e DOR (Delo operativnoyr azrabotki) - operationalc ultivation/developmenftil e ECB (EvangelicalC hristian baptists) GPU (Gosudarstvennoypeo liticheskoyeu praveleniyep ri NKVD RSFSR)- State political directoratea ttachedt o the People'sc ommissariatf or internal affairs of the RussianS oviet FederalS ocialist Republic. GRU (Glavnoye razvedyvatelnoyeu pravleniye generalnogos htaba Sovetskoy armii) - The Chief Intelligence Directorate GUGB (Glavnoye upravleniye gosudarstvennoyb ezopasnosti) - Chief Directorateo f StateS ecurity INO (lnostrannyyo tdel) - Foreign Department ISZ (Iskusstvennyys putnik zemli) - artificial earth satellite KOMSOMOL (VsesoyuznyyL eninskiy KommunisticheskiyS oyuz Molodyozhi) - the All-Union Leninist CommunistU nion of Youth KPP (Kontrolno-propusknoyp unkt) - borderc rossingc ontrol point KPP (Kontrolno-proverochnyyp unkt) - monitoring control point KPSS (Kommunisticheskayap artiya SovetskogoS oyuza)- the CommunistP arty of the Soviet Union (often referredt o simply as 'the Party' KRO (Kontrrazvedyvatelnyyo tdel) - Counter-intelligenceD epartment KSP (Kontrolno-sledovayap olosa)- surveillancep lougheds trip XI11

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