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Key To Species Of Omadius (Coleoptera: Cleridae) From Manado, Sulawesi PDF

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Preview Key To Species Of Omadius (Coleoptera: Cleridae) From Manado, Sulawesi

Vol. 107, No. 5,November& December, 1996 329 KEY TO SPECIES OF OMADIUS (COLEOPTERA: CLERIDAE) FROM MANADO, SULAWESI (INDONESIA) WITH NEW RECORDS AND SYSTEMATIC NOTES 1 Jonathan R. Mawdsley^ ABSTRACT: A key is providedtothe six species ofOmadiusrecorded from Manado, Sulawesi (Indonesia): O. bivulneratus; O. fasciipes (NEW RECORD); O. indicus (NEW RECORD); O. prioceroides; O. mediofasciatus', and O. radulifer. Lectotypes are designated for Omadius bivulneratusand Omadiusprioceroides. Omadiusfemoralis and O. posticalisare placed in syn- onymywithO. mediofasciatus(NEWSYNONYMIES). Four species ofthe checkered beetle genus Omadius were described from specimens collected by Alfred Russel Wallace in the vicinity of Manado, Sulawesi, during Wallace's celebrated voyage through the islands of present- dayIndonesia: O. bivulneratusThomson; O.prioceroidesThomson;O.femoralis Gorham (a synonym of O. mediofasciatus Westwood; see below); and O. radulifer Gorham. During a recent visit to the Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Paris), Iexamined the holotype orsyntype series ofall ofthese spe- cies as a part of my ongoing systematic investigations of this genus. These investigations have also enabled me to synonymize O.femoralis Gorham and O.posticalisGorham(describedfromthePhilippines)underO. mediofasciatus Westwood. Tropical Indonesiahas been greatly altered sinceWallace'svisit, and there- fore Wallace's collection of Omadius species serves as a useful benchmark against which more recentcollections ofthese beetles may be compared. Col- lections made during 1986 by P. M. Hammond (1990) ofthe Natural History Museum (London) in the Dumoga-Bone National Park near Manado captured onlyoneofWallace's species(O.prioceroidesThomson),aswell asthecrypti- cally colored and more inconspicuous O. fasciipes Westwood and O. indicus LaportedeCastelnau, which were probably overlooked by Wallace. These two species are therefore reported here as NEW RECORDS. I have prepared the following key to species of Omadius known to occur on the northern arm of Sulawesitoaid futureworkersin identifyingtheselargeandconspicuousmem- bers ofthe forest clerid fauna. 1 ReceivedNovember 14, 1995.AcceptedMarch 15, 1996. 2DepartmentofEntomology,ComstockHall,Cornell University,Ithaca, NY 14853,USA. ENT. NEWS 107(5)329-331, November& December, 1996 330 ENTOMOLOGICALNEWS GenusOmadius Laporte deCastelnau (1836) Type Species: Omadiusindicus LaportedeCastelnau (1836). (Subsequentdesignation by Desmarest (1860). Diagnosis: Body elongate, nearly cylindrical; overall length 10-19 mm; antennae filiform near base, stronglyserratetowardsapices;eyesfinelygranulateand very large, fronscorrespondingly reduced;terminalmaxillarypalpomeressubulate;terminallabialpalpomeresbroadenedatapices; postgenalprocessesstronglyacuminateandmeetingmediallyabovegula;elyuralhumerielevated; femoraand tibiae elongate, slender; tarsal pads present on protarsomeres 1-4. mesotarsomere 4, andmetatarsomere4;pretarsalclawsappendiculate. Key tospecies ofOmadius recorded from Manado, Sulawesi 1.) Elytralbaseswithoutrowsofsmalltubercles 2 Elytralbaseswithrowsofsmalltubercles 3 2.) Integumentnearlyglabrousandstronglyshining;legsreddish-orange,withoutblackmaculae; elytrablackwithredbasesandwhitetransversefasciae 0.priocewidesThomson(1860) Integumentdenselypubescent,dull;legsyellowwithblackmaculae;elytrabrownwithtrans- versepiceousfasciae O.fasciipesWestwood(1855) 3.) Pronotalarchtransverselystrigose,atleastinpart 4 Pronotalarchnottransverselystrigose,usuallyminutelyandsparselypunctate 5 4.) Elytra nearly glabrous except forwhite setae along base ofsuture and lateral ovate orange patchesofpubescence;integumentalcolorationpredominantlymetallicblueblack;metatibiae planate O. bivulneratusThomson(1860) Elytradenselypubescent,patterndistinctive:groundcolorgreyish-brownwithabroadtrans- verseblackbandandoneortwosmallblackpatchesatbasalandapicalthird;metatibiaemore cylindrical O.mediofasciatusWestwood(1852) 5.) Elytra yellowish brown with dark brown fasciae; elytra tapering uniformly from humeri to apices;elytralapicessharplyacuminate O. indicusLaportedeCastelnau(1836) Elytrablack with white fasciae;elytraparallel-sided with apicesseparately rounded; apices broadlyrounded O. raduliferGorham(1876) SPECIMENS EXAMINED Iexaminedholotypeorsyntypematerialofallspeciesdescribedorrecorded fromManado,aslistedbelow; allofthesespecimensarecontainedeitherinthe collectionsoftheHopeEntomologicalDepartment,OxfordUniversity(HCOX), orinthecollectionoftheMuseumNationald'HistoireNaturelle,Paris(MNHN). O. bivulneratusThomson-2syntypes,Manado(MNHN),includingLECTOTYPEmale (here designated). O. fasciipesWestwood - Holotype, Singapore (HCOX). O.femoralis Gorham - Holotype, Manado (MNHN). O. indicus Laporte de Castelnau - 5 syntypes from India (MNHN). I do not plan to designatealectotypeforthisvariablespeciesuntil thepatternsofvariationwithinthecom- plex "indicusgroup"are betterunderstood,andtherelationshipsofall speciesinthisgroup can beevaluated simultaneously. O. mediofasciatus Westwood - Holotype, Khasyah Hills, India(HCOX). O.prioceroidesThomson-2syntypes, Manado(MNHN),includingLECTOTYPEmale (here designated). O. raduliferGorham - Holotype, Manado (MNHN). Vol. 107, No. 5,November&December, 1996 331 Ialsoexamined five individualseachofO. prioceroides, O. indicus, and O. fasciipescollected by P. M. Hammond in the Dumoga-Bone National Forestin 1986 (MNHN). SYSTEMATIC NOTES I examined the unique holotypes ofO.femoralis Gorham (1876:104) from Manado and O. posticalis Gorham (1876:105) from "Philippines" (both in the H. S. Gorham Collection, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris) and concluded that both are conspecific with O. mediofasciatusWestwood (1852), aspecieswhoseholotypeIexamined in 1990(HopeEntomological Collection, Oxford University). Gorham used characters of size and coloration to distin- guish these two species from O. mediofasciatus; these characters vary consid- erably in a series of 320 specimens of O. mediofasciatus from Laos which I examined in the Bernice P. Bishop Museum, and undoubtedly only a single widespreadspeciesisinvolved.Thefollowingnewsynonymy isthuspresented: Omadius mediofasciatusWestwood, 1852. O.femoralisGorham, 1876. NEW SYNONYMY. O. posticalis Gorham, 1876. NEW SYNONYMY. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I thank J. J. Menier(Museum National D'Histoire Naturelle, Paris) for his many courtesies duringmyvisitin 1993,includingpermissiontoexaminespecimenscollectedbyP.M. Hammond inDumoga-BoneNationalForest.G.A.Samuelson(BerniceP. BishopMuseum)andG. McGavin (OxfordUniversity)bothprovidedmuchcourteousassistanceduringmyvisitstotheirrespective collections.FundingfortravelassociatedwiththisprojectwasprovidedbytheBernice P. Bishop Museum, two Ford Foundation Undergraduate Research Grants, an Emst Mayr Grant from the MuseumofComparativeZoology,aNationalScienceFoundationGraduateResearchFellowship, andaGraduateFellowshipfromtheOlinFoundation.J. K. LiebherrandE. R. Hoebekeprovided usefulcommentsonthemanuscript. LITERATURECITED Desmarest, H. 1860. Cleridae. pp. 251-279. In Chenu, D., Coleopteres, deuxieme partie. EncyclopedicD'HistoireNaturelle. Maresqcetco., Paris. Gorham,H.S. 1876. NotesontheColeopterousFamilyCleridae.Cist.Entomol.2:57-106. Hammond, P. M. 1990. Insectabundanceand diversity in the Dumoga-Bone National Park, N. Sulawesi,withspecialreferencetothebeetlefaunaoflowlandrainforestintheTorautregion. pp. 197-254. In Knight,W.J.and Holloway, J. D. (eds.) InsectsandtheRainforestsofSouth- eastAsia.TheRoyalEntomologicalSocietyofLondon,London. Laporte,F.L.de,ComtedeCastelnau. 1836.EtudesEntomologiques,oudescriptionsd'insectes nouveauxetobservationssurlasynonymic. Rev.Entomol.4:5-60. Thomson,J. 1860. Matenauxpourservieraunemonographicnouvelledelafamilledesderides. MuseeScientifique 1:46-67. Westwood,J.O. 1852.DescriptionsofnewspeciesofCleridae,fromAsia,Africa,andAustralia. Proc.Zool. Soc.Lond. 1852:34-55+pis.24-27. Westwood,J.O. 1855. Descriptionsofsome newspeciesofCleridae,collectedat Singapore by Mr.Wallace. Proc.Zool. Soc.Lond. 1855:19-26+pi. 38.

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