Key elements of LDC graduation criteria in the case of Angola Workshop on Angola graduation from LDC: challenges and opportunities Luanda, Angola, October 2016 Namsuk Kim CDP Secretariat, UN DESA Structure 1. The CDP and the LDCs 2. The LDC category 3. Angola: Graduation 4. Smooth transition 5. Additional information CDP Secretariat 1. The CDP and the LDCs 2. The LDC category 3. Angola: Graduation 4. Smooth transition 5. Additional information THE CDP AND THE LDCS CDP Secretariat Mandates Committee for Development Policy (CDP) : • Subsidiary body of ECOSOC (resolution 1998/46) • Policy advice • Identification of LDCs: Triennial reviews Methodology and process Monitoring of graduating and graduated LDCs CDP Secretariat (UN DESA): – Dissemination of CDP work – Substantive support – LDC Portal on support measures – Capacity development 1. The CDP and the LDCs 2. The LDC category 3. Angola: Graduation 4. Smooth transition 5. Additional information THE LEAST DEVELOPED COUNTRY CATEGORY CDP Secretariat Background (cid:206) Concern about countries consistently lagging behind (cid:206) Category created in 1971 (cid:206) Special measures for catching up with other developing countries (cid:206) From 25 to 48 Countries; 4 graduations, 3 more in the pipeline (cid:206) Countries identified triennially; inclusion to and graduation from the category: – Committee for Development Policy – Economic and Social Council – General Assembly (cid:206) Using a set of indicators and additional information CDP Secretariat LDCs = Low-income countries + facing structural handicaps to sustainable development (cid:121) GNI per capita (as a measure of income) (cid:121) Structural impediments to sustainable development: 1. Level of human development measured by the Human Asset Index (HAI), 2. Structural vulnerability to shocks proxied by the Economic Vulnerability Index (EVI) CDP Secretariat LDC criteria and indicators Graduation eligibility Country meets graduation criteria in two (cid:132) consecutive reviews Country passes thresholds of any 2 criteria, (cid:132) or income is larger than twice the graduation threshold Not mechanic: impact assessment, (cid:132) vulnerability profile, country views taken into account Graduation procedures (cid:131) Several years (cid:131) Multi‐stage process (cid:131) Multiple actors (cid:131) Based on rigorous methodology (cid:131) Objective: no country to fall back into the category (cid:131) Report annually and in two triennial review years to CDP CDP Secretariat