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Key Account Management: A Complete Action Kit of Tools and Techniques for Achieving Profitable Key Supplier Status PDF

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PETER CHEVERTON Key Account Management A complete action kit of tools and techniques for achieving profitable key supplier status Third Edition First published in Great Britain in 1999 by Kogan Page Limited Second edition 2001 Third edition published in Great Britain and the United States in 2004 Reprinted 2004, 2005 Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or crit- icism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, this publication may only be reproduced, stored or transmitted, in any form or by any means, with the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction in accordance with the terms and licences issued by the CLA. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside these terms should be sent to the publishers at the undermentioned addresses: 120 Pentonville Road 525 South 4th Street, #241 London N1 9JN Philadelphia PA19147 UK USA www.kogan-page.co.uk © Peter Cheverton, 1999, 2001, 2004 The right of Peter Cheverton to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. ISBN 0 7494 4169 0 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data ACIPrecord for this book is available from the British Library. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Cheverton, Peter. Key account management : a complete action kit of tools and techniques for achieving profitable key supplier status / Peter Cheverton.-- 3rd ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-7494-4169-0 1. Selling--Key accounts. 2. Marketing--Key accounts. 3. Customer services. I. Title. HF5438.8.K48C47 2004 658.8'04--dc22 2003024861 Typeset by Saxon Graphics Ltd, Derby Printed and bound in Great Britain by Cambrian Printers Ltd, Aberystwyth, Wales Contents Foreword vii Preface ix Preface to the third edition x Acknowledgements xi And it was all going so very well… 1 PART I DEFINING KEY ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT 1 What is a key account? 5 So, what is the right answer? 6; The key account ‘investment’ 7; Does everybody know? 8; Why key ‘account’? Ajustification 9 2 Managing the future 10 Where to start? 11; The importance of balance 12; Guessing the future – certainty or drift? 13; How fast do we expect the future to arrive? 14; What KAM is not 14 3 Assessing the opportunity 15 PESTLE analysis 15; Porter’s analysis 16; Asecure future through competitive advantage? 19; Understanding the market chain and where you sit 22; The ‘opportunity snail’ 30; Long-term competitive advantage? 33 iii Contents 4 Key account management – its purpose 35 Why Kam? 35; Three simple purposes 37; Sales and business objectives 38; Sanity checks 38; Implications of KAM 40; So, what will KAM ‘feel’ like? 41; Good practice? 42; Is there a KAM process? 43 5 Developing the relationship 45 The milk round 45; The hunter 46; The farmer 47; From hunter to farmer 48; The key account relationship development model 49; Some pros and cons of each stage 56; Some things to watch out for 64; Avoiding frustration 67; An update to the KAM process 69 6 The good, the bad, the sad and the ugly 70 The bad story 71; The sad story 72; The ugly story 73; The good story 74; The second good story 76 7 KAM profitability 78 The tale of the National Health Service 78; Will KAM be profitable? 79 PART II THE CUSTOMER’S PERSPECTIVE 8 Purchasing professionals 93 Hold on a minute, why should they let you in? 93; The purchasing ‘revolution’ 93; Supply chain management 96; Supply side management 99; Spend intelligence 102; Purchasing strategy 105 9 Supplier positioning – becoming a key supplier 107 Supplier positioning models 107; The risk/significance/spend model 108; What relationships, what activities? 112; So, who’s the key supplier? 116; Is there any escape for suppliers? 118 10 Measuring value 120 Weaknesses of the spend model 120; Measuring value 121; The risk/significance/value model 123; Open book trading 125 11 Measuring trust 128 The risk/significance/trust model 129 12 Supply base optimization 134 Reducing supplier numbers 134; Rationalization &centralization- control and profitability 137; Developing suppliers’ capabilities 138 13 Culture and values – becoming a strategic supplier 140 What are they up against? 140; Business strategy 141; What to sell and where? The Ansoff matrix and risk 142; What to sell and where? The Product Life Cycle 146; Why will people buy? Porter and competitive advantage 150; What makes your business hum? Treacy and Weirsema’s business value drivers 151; The cultural match 156 iv Contents PART III PREPARING FOR KEY ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT 14 What will it take? Goals and obstacles 161 Goals 161; Obstacles 162 15 What will it take? Skills 165 The changing requirement 165; The team’s skills and abilities 167; Attitudes and behaviours 168 16 What will it take? Systems and processes 171 Customer classification and customer distinction 172; Information systems 172; Communication 178; Operational systems and processes 180; Performance measurement 181 17 What will it take? Organization and resources 186 Organization 186; Human resources 192 18 What will it take? Making it happen 200 Alignment and managing the change 200; The change equation 201; Critical success factors (CSFs) 203 PART IV IDENTIFYING KEY ACCOUNTS 19 The 10 step process 209 Step 3 – assemble the selection team 210 20 Segmentation 212 The problem for support functions in an unsegmented business 213; What is segmentation? 214; The benefits of segmentation 216; Methods for segmentation 217; Market mapping 217; Who buys what, how, when and where? 220;Making the cut 222; Segmentation and KAM identification 225; Benefits of segmentation for KAM 227; Anew type of marketing plan? KAM and relationship marketing 228 21 Identifying your key accounts 230 An identification and selection process 231; Is all this really necessary? 234; The perfect investment portfolio? 236; The selection factors and the selection process 238; The selection process 241; How much effort and how much detail? 243; Key accounts and multiple business unit suppliers 244 22 Customer distinction 246 Determining distinct strategies 247; Some comments and advice 249 v Contents PART V ENTRY STRATEGIES 23 The customer’s decision-making process 255 Entry strategy 255; The buying decision process 256 24 Selling to the organization – the DMU 259 DMU – the decision-making unit 259; Interests and influences – entry strategies 261; The buyer’s role 261; Other interests and influences 266; Levels of seniority 271; Entry strategies 272; The contact matrix & GROWs 273; Contacts over time 276; Avecia – a live application 277 PART VI MEETING THE CUSTOMER’S NEEDS 25 Meeting the business needs – beyond benefits 283 Where are you with your customers? 284; The customer’s total business experience 287 26 Positive impact analysis (PIA) 291 The value chain 292; Some hints on using positive impact analysis 304 27 Key account management and the e-revolution 305 Some useful terms 307; Steps towards the revolution 308; E-commerce and supplier positioning 309; Some more terms… 311; Getting into e-commerce… 314; E-commerce, threat or solution? 316 28 Making the proposal 321 Open to change? 322; Proposal analysis 323 29 Selling to the individual 326 Logic or emotion? 327; Ensuring rapport 328 PART VII KEEPING ON TRACK 30 Getting there – timetables and performance 333 Timetables for implementation 334; Training development tracks 336; Regular health checks 338 31 Writing the key account plan 341 The plan’s purpose 341; Akey account template? 342; Some ‘must haves’ 343; Afew tips 345; Asample running order 346 32 Getting further help 349 References and further reading 350 Index 383 vi Foreword Good books on key account management are rare. One of the reasons for this lies in the past, in the way that key account management (KAM) has been defined and described. The past 40 years have been characterized by a view that KAM is mainly a selling task, albeit at a high level, and that the respon- sibility for its implementation rests almost entirely with the sales team. Yet all our research at Cranfield School of Management indicates that, above all else, it is this mentality that prevents the forging of mature, trust- worthy and profitable relationships. Key account management is not a sales initiative, it is not something you do tocustomers, and key account strategies will require the full support of the business. Key account management is a team effort and, more than that, it is a business-wide effort. Our research has shown repeatedly that major clients want more than a sales–buyer interface and they want more than a tradi- tional salesperson managing the relationship. If suppliers and customers are to forge significant relationships, as businesses, then both sides must look to new ways of managing those relationships. Relationships are at the very heart of KAM. They provide the source of information and understanding that can be built into added value activities. They also provide the foundations for long-term business based on mutual trust and confidence. If you care about customer retention then you should care about KAM. So let’s escape the trap of the last 40 years – KAM is not something we do tocustomers, it is something we do withcustomers, and perhaps the greatest vii Foreword single motivation for developing key account strategies is that the customer is looking for new ways of working alongside key suppliers. Purchasing organizations are looking more and more to the techniques of supply chain management as a means of prioritizing and managing rela- tionships with significant suppliers. Those suppliers must respond with customer-sensitive strategies that will touch on everything, from the people involved to the systems and processes used, and even to the structure and organization of the supplier’s business. Key account management provides the strategic base, the processes and the disciplines to handle this situation, alongside those other common chal- lenges – globalization, market maturity and customer power. The purpose is clear – the pursuit of competitive advantage. The days are long gone when major customers would tolerate average, overpriced products and services. Being a ‘pimply me too’ just won’t work any more. Just stop to consider for a moment – whoever heard of Alexander the Mediocre? Competitive advantage puts you in a position to succeed, but there is more that you need to do. There is the question of profit. Most companies, if they are honest, are not able to measure the profitability of their key accounts. Many companies, once they determine to measure these things, often find their largest customers to be their least profitable. Very few companies measure the long-term returns of customer retention – annual results are often all that count. Key account management should be seen as the route to profitable key supplier status – the challenge of understanding profit must be taken head on. This book will provide the help required. Peter Cheverton has used the Cranfield research to great effect. I have worked closely with him for many years and have respect and admiration for his work as a trainer and consultant with major clients. The task of imple- menting key account strategies is far from easy, and Peter brings a combi- nation of clarity, experience, enthusiasm and common sense to the task. This book is an excellent distillation of his experience, building on the Cranfield research and producing the essential guide to global best practice. Please be assured that reading this book will be a rewarding experience. Professor Malcolm McDonald viii Preface This book is designed as a practical guide to implementing key account management strategies. Wherever it has been helpful to use real examples of good and bad practice to illustrate important points, this has been done. Many of these examples come from my own experience in working with clients of INSIGHT Marketing and People, an international training and consultancy firm. Wherever possible the companies involved are openly discussed, but, for reasons that I hope are obvious, this is not always the case. In some of the more anonymous cases, details may have been altered slightly, either to aid clarity, or to protect the not so innocent! I am pleased to be able to say that my training and consulting work brings me in contact with far more examples of good, than bad, practice, but the purpose of this book has not always permitted such a ratio. I hope that my own clients will forgive me for not filling these pages with more stories of their undoubted excellence in this field. Please regard examples of good practice as merely examples, not role models, and those of bad practice as ways of illustrating the warning signs that line the route towards key account management (KAM). ix

Any organization s key accounts are its lifeblood. They must be won, cared for, nurtured and protected. But do you know who your key accounts are, what they want and how they view you? Does your whole business practice key account management or are you just selling? Key Account Management provides y
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