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Preview Kerala Gazette, 2018-01-23, Part PART III Notification by Head of Departments

23rd JAN. 2018] STORES PURCHASE 1 Collegiate Education Department G‰hpw Npcp-ßnb \nc-X-{ZhyXpI ` 1,500 aXn-bmb \nc-X-{Zhyw AS°w sNømØ Z¿Lm-kp-Iƒ Z¿Lmkv ]ckyw \nc-kn°p-∂-Xm-Wv. \nc-X{Z-hy-Øn\v ]eni e`n-°p-∂-X-√. hni-Z-hn-h-c-߃ Hm^okv {]hrØn ka-bØv t\cn´v [\º¿ 01/2017˛- 18] At\zjn®v Adnb- mh- p∂- X- mW- v. \º¿ _n1˛43/2017. 2017 Unkw_¿ 11. bmsXmcp ap∂-dn-bn∏pw IqSmsX Z¿Lmkv am‰p-hmt\m ae∏pdw Kh¨sa‚v Kh¨sa‚v h\nXm B¿Svkv & d±m-°p-hmt\m D≈ A[n-Imcw Xmsg H∏n-´n-´p≈ Bfn¬ kb≥kv tImtf-Pn-te°v 2017-˛18 kmº-ØnI h¿jØnse \n£n-]vX-am-Wv. ]fv m≥ kIv oan¬ CtXmS- \- p_- ‘- nIambn tN¿Ø{]Imc- a- p≈ B^o-knse ]W-an-S-]m-Sp-Iƒ D®bv°v tijw 2 aWn- `4,37,000 hne hcp∂ CeI- vt{SmW- nIv kma{-KnI- ƒ hnXc- Ww hsc am{X-am-bn-cn-°pw. sNøp-∂-Xn\v Xøm-dp-≈-h-cn¬ \n∂pw ap{Zh- ® Z¿LmkpI- ƒ £Wn®psIm≈p∂p. Z¿Lmkp-Iƒ AS°w sNbvX [No. 01-2017-18] Ih-dn\p apI-fn¬ “2017˛18h¿jØn¬ πm≥ kvIoan¬ No. B1-43/2017. 11th December 2017. Starting of New courses & Upgrading of existing course {]Imc-ap≈ Ce-Ivt{Sm-WnIv kma-{Kn-Iƒ hnX-cWw Sealed tenders are invited for the supply of sNøp-∂-Xn-\p≈ Z¿Lmkv Fs∂-gpXn kvs]jy¬ Electronic equipments for this college for a total cost of B^o-k¿, Kh¨sa‚v h\nXm B¿Svkv & kb≥kv ` 4,37,000 under 2017-18 Plan Scheme. The envelope tImtfP v ae∏- pd- w, ap≠p∏- d- º- ˛- 676 509, ae∏- pdw Pn√,tIcf- w, containing the tender should be superscribed “Tender for F∂ hnem-k-Øn¬ Ab-bvt°-≠-Xm-Wv. Z¿Lm-kp-Iƒ the Supply of Electronic equipments under Plan Scheme kzoIc- n°- p∂ Ahk- m\ XobXn 31˛1˛- 2018˛\v D®bv°ptijw during 2017-18” and addressed to the Special Officer 1 aWn- hscbmIp-∂p. Z¿Lm-kp-Iƒ At∂-Zn-hkw Government Arts & Science College for Women, D®bv°ptijw 2.30 aWn°v Xpd-°p-∂-Xp-am-Wv. Munduparamba P. O., Malappuram District, Kerala, ]qcn∏- n® A ¬ Z¿Lmk- pI- ƒ am{Xta kzoIc- n°- pI- b- p≈q. Pin-676509. The last date of receipt of tender is at 1 p.m. Z¿Lmkv t^mdw e`n-°p-∂-Xn\v Xmsg ImWn® on 31-1-2018. Late tenders will not be accepted on any hnem-k-Øn¬ At]-£n-t°-≠-Xm-Wv. At]-£-tbm-sSm∏w account. The tenders will be opened at 2.30 p.m. on the Z¿Lmkv t^md-Øns‚ hne-bmb ` 900 Pn.-F-kv.-Sn. bpw same day. The intending tenderers may make an AS-bvt°-≠-Xm-Wv. Uyq-πn-t°‰v t^mdw Bh-iyap≈h¿ application to the Special Officer to obtain the requisite Bb-Xns‚hne ` 500 Pn.-F-kv.-Sn.bpwAS-bvt°-≠-Xm-Wv. tender form, in which tender should be submitted. The {]kvXpX kwJy bmsXmcp Imc-W-h-imepw aS°n original tender form duly filled only will be accepted. sImSp-°p-∂-X-√. Z¿Lmkv t^md߃ ssIam‰w sNøm≥ Application for the tender form should be ]mSp-≈-X-√. Z¿Lmkv t^md-Øns‚ hn¬∏\ 31˛1˛2018-˛\v accompanied by a cash remittance of ` 500 + GST, Rate D®bv°v 12 aWn-°v Ahkm\n°p-∂-Xm-Wv. Z¿Lmkv of duplicate tender form is ` 900 + GST, which is price t^mdØns‚ hnebmbn sN°p-Iƒ, {Um^v‰p-Iƒ F∂nh fixed for a tender form and which is not refundable under kzoI-cn-°p-∂-X-√. Z¿Lm-kp-Iƒ hn. ]n.- ]n. Bbpw any circumstances. The tender forms are not transferable. Ab-bv°p-∂-X-√. Z¿Lm-kv t^mdw cPn-tÿUv X]m-en¬ Sale of tender forms will be closed at 12 noon on e`n-°p-hm≥ Hdn-Pn-\¬ Z¿Lmkv t^md-Øns‚ Pn.Fk.vSn. 31-1-2018. Cheques, drafts and postal orders will not be Dƒs∏-sS-bp≈ hne-bpw, cPn-kvt{S¿Uv X]m¬ Nm¿÷pw accepted towards the cost of tender form and the tender aWn-tbm¿U-dmbn ASbv°mhp∂XmWv. Z¿Lmkv form will not be sent by V.P.P. Those who require tender t^mdØns‚ IqsS ` 200 tIcf ap{Z-]-{X-Øn¬ Icm¿ form by registered post should sent the cost of tender FgpXn ka¿∏n-t°-≠-Xm-Wv. tIc-f-Øn\v ]pd-Øp≈ form including postal charges by money order. Every ÿm]-\-߃ sS≠¿ t^mdw X]m-en¬ e`n-°m≥ ta¬ tender should be accompanied by an agreement in the ]d-™-Xn\p ]pdsa tIcf ap{Z]{X-Øns‚ hne-bmb Kerala Stamp Paper worth ` 200. Those firms outside ` 200 IqSn A[n-I-ambn Ab-®p-Xtc-≠-Xm-Wv. hnX-cW Kerala want to get tender form by post should sent DØ-chv e`n®v 20 Znh-k-Øn-\Iw km[-\-߃ tImtfPv ` 200 as cost of Kerala Stamp Paper, along with the cost B^ok- n¬ kz¥w sNeh- n¬ FØn® v- ÿm]nt°≠- X- mW- v. of tender form. The articles should be supplied with in 20 Hmtcm km[-\-Øn-s‚bpw hne \nc°pw \nIp-Xnbpw a‰v days on receipt of the purchase order in the College at D]m-[n-Ifpw {]tXy-I-ambn ImWn-t°-≠-Xm-Wv. hne their expenses. \neh- mc- Ø- n\v 31˛- 3˛- 2018 hsc {]m_eyap≠mb- nc- n°- p∂- X- mW- v. The rates of various companies may be quoted hne\nc°pIƒ Hmtcm Iº\nbpsSbpw {]tXyIw separately. ImWnt°≠XmW.v The period of firmness of rate quoted will be upto Z¿Lmkv t^md-Øns‚ IqsS, \ncX{Zhy-ambn 31-3-2018. Rates, G.S.T. and condition of supply of hnXc- Ww sNøm\pt±i- n°- p∂ km[\- ß- f- psS hneb- psS Hcp articles should clearly be stated separately in respect of iX-am\w \nc-°n¬ kvs]jy¬ B^o-k-dpsS t]cn¬ each of item. Fkv. _n. sF. ae-∏pdw knhn¬tÃ-j≥ {_m©n¬ amdm-hp∂ Unam‚v {Um^v‰v AS°w sNtø-≠-Xm-Wv. The tenders should be accompanied by an EMD 1% \nc-X-{Zhyw AS-bv°p-∂-Xn¬\n∂pw Hgn-hm-°n-bn-´p-s≠-¶n¬ (one percent) of the quoted value in the form of Demand DØc- h- ns‚ km£ys- ∏S- pØ- nb ]I¿∏ v AS°w sNtø≠- X- mW- .v Draft in favour of the Special Officer which can be encashed at SBI, Civil Station Branch, Malappuram only. 410 23rd JAN. 2018] STORES PURCHASE 2 The minimum EMD should be ` 1,500 Tenders without hscbmWv. sshIn e`n-°p∂ Z¿Lm-kp-Iƒ kzoI-cn-°p- sufficient EMD are liable to be rejected. EMDwill not ∂X- √- . Z¿Lmk- pI- ƒ AtX Znhkw 2.30 aWn°v At∏mƒ carry any interest. The firm who are exempted from k∂n-ln-X-cm-bn-cn-°p∂ Icm-dp-Im-cp-tStbm Ah-cpsS furnishing EMD should be enclosed the attested copy of AwKoI- rX GP‚ns- ‚tbm km∂n≤- yØ- n¬ Xpd°- p∂- X- mW- v. exemption order. Xm¬]c- ya- p≈- h- ¿ Z¿Lmk v t^mdØ- n\- mbn {]n≥kn∏- mƒ, Pn. ]n. Fw. k¿°m¿ tImtfPv, at©i- zcw F∂ hnemk- Ø- n¬ More details can be had from the college office At]£- nt- °≠- X- mW- .v At]£mt- ^md- t- Øms- Sm∏w Z¿Lmkv during the working days. t^md-Øns‚ hne-bmb ` 1,120 (`1,000+12% Pn. Fkv. ‰n.) The undersigned will have the right to cancel or cq] ]Wa- mbn Abt- °≠- X- mW- .v Z¿Lmk v t^mdØ- n‚ hne extend the tender at any time without further notice. Xncn®p \¬Ip-∂-X-√. Z¿Lmkv t^mdw ssIam‰w sNøm≥ ]mSp-≈-X-√. Z¿Lmkv t^md-Øns‚ hn¬∏\ 31-˛1-˛2018 All cash transaction are upto 2 p. m. in the college D®bv°v 1. 30 aWnbv°v Ah-km-\n-°pw. t^md-Øns‚ office. hneb- mbn sN°,v t]mtÉ v Ãmº,v Unam‚ v {Um^‰v v F∂nh LIST OF ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENTS kzoI-cn-°p-I-tbm, t^mdw hn. ]n. ]n. Bbn Ab-°p-Itbm sNøp-∂-X-√. X]m¬ am¿§w t^mdw Ah-iy-ap-≈-h¿ Items Description Quantity Z¿Lmkv t^md-Øns‚ hne IqSmsX ` 50 A[n-I-ambn Laptop Processor i5 RAM 8GB 5Nos. Ab-bvt°-≠-Xm-Wv. Uyqπn-t°‰v Z¿Lmkv t^md-Øns‚ Hard Disc 1TB hne ` 560. Z¿Lmknt\msSm∏w Izm´v sNbvX XpIb- psS VGA and USB Ports Screen 1 % hcp∂ kwJy°- p≈ XpI (Ipd- ™- Xv 1, 500 cq]t- bm) Size 15 inch Minimum \nc-X-{Z-hyhpw ` 200 tIcf ap{Z IS-em-kn¬ {]mY-anI Operating System Windows 10 F{Kns- a‚dpw sht°≠- X- mW- v. (64 Bit) Back Lit KeyBoard No. A1-903/2016. 1st December 2017. Desktop (All Processor i5 RAM 8GB 1No. in One) Hard Disc 1TB Sealed tenders are invited for the supply of the VGA USB And ethernet following stores to G. P. M. Government College, Connectivity Provisions Manjeshwaram, Kasaragod. Minimum 21 Inch Screen Sl. Specification Quantity Key Board and Optical Scroll No. Mouse Operating System (1) (2) (3) Windows 10 (64 BIT) Printer Laser jet, Multifunctional (PSC) 1No. 1. Technical Specification for Server with Duplex 1 Intel Xeon E5 2600 or Higher Projector Portable with USB and VGA 1No. 2 Dual Processor Capable Connectivity 3 Intel C610 Series Chipset or better CCTV With Hik vision 2 megapixel, 3.6 mm Camera dome/bullet 4ch DVR. 4 16 GB or more DDR4 2400 Registered Smps: Memory with Advanced ECC Bnc & Dc for 1 Camera 1No. (Mentioncost foradding 8GB/16 GB RAM) 1 TB HDD WD PURPLE 5 16 DIMM Slot or More Govt. Arts and Science, 6 512 GB Memory Expandility College for Women, (Sd.) 7 RAID Controller for SATA 6 GB Malappuram. Special Officer. supporting RAID 0,1,10,5 eLpZ¿Lmkv ]ckyw 8 RAID Controller for 12 Gb 2 Ports supporting RAID 0,1,5 \º¿ F1˛903/2016. 2017 Unkw_¿ 13. 9 2x1 TB 6G SATA 7200 RPM Hard Disk at©izcw Pn. ]n. Fw. Kh¨sa‚v tImtf-Pn-te°v Drive (Mention additional cost for Xmsg ]d-bp∂ D]-I-c-W-߃ hnX-cWw sNøp-∂-Xn-\mbn adding 1GBHDD) ap{Z-h® Z¿Lm-kp-Iƒ £Wn-°p-∂p. 10 DVD Writer 16 X or Better Z¿Lmkv AS°w sNbvX Ih-dn\v ]pdØv “P\d¬ Iºyq-´¿ em_v πm≥ 2017-˛18 hnhn[ D]-I-c-W-߃ 11 2×900 Watts Power Supply hnX-cWw sNøp-∂-Xn-\p≈ Z¿Lmkv” Fs∂gpXn 12 Dual port Gigabit Ethernet {]n≥kn∏- mƒ Pn. ]n. Fw. Kh¨sa‚v tImtfP- v, at©i- zcw, at©-izcw ]n. H. Imk-d-tKmUv Pn√, tIcf ]n≥-˛671 323 13 Tower Chassis with Fans for Optimal F∂ hnem-k-Øn¬ Ab-t°-≠-Xm-Wv. Z¿LmkpIƒ heat dissipation kzoIcn°p∂ Ahkm\ Znhkw 31˛1˛2018, 2 aWn (1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3) 23rd JAN. 2018] STORES PURCHASE 3 (1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3) 14 3 Year Onsite Warranty 9 Should have below certifications-FCC Class B or higher, CE, KCC, ROHS 15 Preferred brand: HP, Dell. IBM Compliance 2. Software for server 10 Online feature of virtualization software 1 Windows Server 2012 R2/2016 Standard update or upgrade (remote update via 64 Bit (Prefer the latest version) 1 Management Console should be supported) 2 Windows Remote Desktop Client CAL 20 11 Data Security : *The Microsoft licences must support academic use of the Software No localdata storage on device. Option to enable & disable USB data access 3. Thin Client Device for Virtual Desktop control from Management Console. 1 Allow multiple users to share a single PC 12 Ports : or Server up to 100 Users. User access through Zero Client & Virtualization Access device should have built- in software which should support the Ethernet port, Speaker, Mic Port 2 USB following OS:- for peripheral connectivity & 2 USB for KBD/Mouse. Virtualisation software supporting Win 2008 R2 64 Bit, Win Server 2012 R2 U1, 13 Display : Win Server 2016, Win 8 64 Bit,Win 1064 Built-in SVGA Monitor output port Bit, Win 1064 Bit, Win Multi Point server supporting resolution upto 1920X1080 2011 & 2012 Ubuntu & BOSS Linux 20 wide display. 2 Virtualisation software should also have 14 Power : integrated Management Console to Manage the Access devices like Shadow, Power consumption of each access device Asset management, Firmware upgrade, should not exceed more than 5 watts Grouping, configuration Template copy& 15 Each user should have independent Paste desktop working environment. 3 Technology should support Hypervion 16 Each access device should be able fix platform like VMW are, Hyper-V & Xen behind TFT Monitor Server for scalability to100 users or more 17 VESA Monitor mounting bracket should 4 Proposed ZeroClient Manufacture should be included along with Access Device be listed as Top 6 vendors under IDC Thin Client category and should be 18 3 years warranty existancein Indian market forlast5years. 4. Input/Out put devices 5 Hardware Design : 1 18 inch or larger TFT monitor with SVGA All solid-state design. No moving parts, Port no fans, no local user storage. System- 2 104 Key USB Keyboard 21 on-Chip design with embedded Linux firmware (no local user OS) 3 USB optical Mouse 6 Multi Media Support : The tender should be superscribed “Tender for the Hardware-Accelerated 2 D graphics, supply and installation of a thin client based network hard ware-accelerated video support for systems in the General Computer Lab-Plan 2017-18” and mostmedia formatsonstand-alonemedia address to the Principal G. P. M. Government College, player applications and browser- Manjeshwaram, Manjeshwaram P. O. Kasaragod District, based video Kerala Pin-671 323. Last date of receipt of tender is 31-1-2018, 2. p. m. Late tenders will not be accepted. The 7 Should support Full Motion & Full tenders will be opened at 2. 30 p. m. on the same day in Screen Videos the presence of such of the tendarers of their authorised 8 Should have Failover & Load balance representatives who may be present at that time. feature Intending tenderers may on application to the Principal G. P. M. Government College, Manjeshwaram. 412 23rd JAN. 2018] STORES PURCHASE 4 To obtain the requisite tender forms in which the tenders ]qcn-∏n-®Xpw H∏n-´-Xp-amb Z¿Lmkv t^mdØns‚ should be submitted from 10 a.m. to 2. p. m. on working IqsS \nc-X-{Z-hy-ambn BsI XpI-bpsS 1% XpIbv°v days, on payment of ` 1,120 (1,000+12% GST) in cash (an-\n-aw ` 1,500) {]n≥kn-∏m-fns‚ t]cn¬ Xncq¿ which is the price fixed for a form and which is not Fkv._n.-sF. {_m-©n¬ amdm-hp∂ Xc-Øn¬ Unam‚v refundable under any circumstances. The tender forms are {Um^v‰v AS°w sNtø≠- X- mW- v. \ncX- {-Zh- yØ- n\v ]eni transferable. Sale of tender form will be closed at 1.30 p. m. \¬Ip-∂-X-√. Hmtcm D]-I-c-W-Øn-s‚bpw hne, hm‰v, a‰p on 31-1-2018 Cheque, Postal Stamp, Demand draft etc will Nne-hp-Iƒ F∂nh {]tXyIw ImWn-t°-≠-Xm-Wv. hnX-cW not be accepted towards the cost of forms nor will the DØ-chv In´n Hcp amk-Øn-\p≈n¬ D]-I-c-W-߃ kz¥w forms be sent by VPP. Duplicate tender forms it required sNe-hn¬ tImtf-Pn¬ FØn-t°-≠-Xm-Wv. hne will be issued at ` 560 per copy. Those who wish to get \ne-hm-c-Øn\v 31-˛3˛-2018 hsc {]m_eyap≠m-bn-cn-°p-∂- the tender forms by post should be send an additional XmW- .v amount of ` 50. Hmtcm sS≠-dns‚ IqsSbpw ` 200 hne-bp≈ Tenders should be accompanied by an EMD of 1 % tIcf ap{Z-]-{X-Øn¬ Icm¿ FgpXn ka¿∏n-t°-≠-Xm-Wv. of quoted amount subject to a minimum of Rs. 1,500 and \nc-X-{Zhyw AS-bv°p-∂-Xn¬ \n∂pw Hgn-hm-°n-bn-´p≈ an agreement in Kerala stamp paper value ` 200. ÿm]-\-߃ DØ-c-hns‚ icn-]-I¿∏v Z¿Lm-kns‚ IqsS AS°w sNtø-≠-Xm-Wv. bmsXmcp ap∂-dn-bn∏pw IqSmsX Z¿Lmkv \S]- S- nI- ƒ d±m°- p∂- X- nt\m \o´n hbv°p∂- X- nt\m G. P. M. Government College, D≈ A[nI- mcw Xmsg H∏n´- n´- p≈ Bfn¬ \n£n]- vXa- mW- v. Manjeshwaram, (Sd.) Hm^o-knse ]W-an-S-]mSv kabw cmhnse10aWn apX¬ Kasaragod. Principal. D®-bv°v- 2 aWn-h-sc-bm-Ip-∂p. IqSp-X¬ hnh-c-߃ B^okv {]hrØn ka-bßfn¬ t\cn´v At\z-jn-®m¬ Z¿Lmkv ]ckyw e`n-°p-∂-Xm-Wv. [\º¿ 2/201-7˛-18 (]n)] [No. 2/2017-18 (P)] \º¿ F1˛848/2017(]n.) 2017 Unkw-_¿ 23. No. A1-848/2017(P). 23rd December 2017. Xncq¿ Sn. Fw. Kh¨sa‚v tImtf-Pnte°v 2017˛18 kmºØnI h¿jØ- n¬ πm≥ ]≤Xnbn¬ kn. sF. bp. ]n. Sealed competitive tenders are invited for io¿jIØn¬ ` 4,30,000 ^nkn-°¬ FUyq-t°-j≥ Supply of Sports goods to Physical Education Un∏m¿´vsa‚nt- e°v kvt]m¿Svkv D]I- c- W- ß- ƒ hnXc- Ww Department of T. M. Government College, Tirur for a total sNøm≥ Xømd- p≈- h- c- n¬ \n∂pw ap{Zh- ® a’c- k- z`- mh- a- p≈ cost of ` 4,30,000 under scheme of C.I.U.P. (Plan) Z¿Lm-kp-Iƒ £Wn®- ps- Im≈- p∂- p. 2017-18. Z¿Lm-kp-Iƒ AS°w sNbvX Ih-dn\p apI-fn¬ The envelope containing the tender should be “Z¿Lmkv t\m´okv \º¿ 2/2017-˛18 (]n) superscribed as “Tender No. 2/2017-18 (P) for the supply kn. sF. bp. ]n. io¿jIØn¬ ^nkn°¬FUyqt- °j- ≥ of Sports goods to Physical Education Department Un∏m¿´vsa‚n-te°v kvt]m¿Svkv D]IcW߃ hnXcWw under the scheme of C. I. U. P. (Plan) 2017-18 of T. M. sNøp∂Xn\p≈ Z¿LmkpIƒ ” Fs∂-gpXn {]n≥kn-∏mƒ, Government College, Tirur” and addressed to Sn.- Fw. Kh¨sa‚v tImtf-Pv, Xncq¿, hm°m-Sv ]n. H., “The Principal, T. M. Govt. College, Tirur, Vakkad P. O., ae∏pdw Pn√, tIcfw, ]n≥˛676 502 F∂ hnem-k-Øn¬ Malappuram Dist., Kerala, Pin-676 502”. The last date and Ab-bvt°-≠-Xm-Wv. Z¿Lm-kp-Iƒ kzoI-cn-°p∂ Ah-km\ time for receipt of filled tender is at 2 p. m. on 30-1-2018. XobXn 30-˛1˛2018˛\v D®bv°v tijw 2 aWn-hsc BIp-∂p. The tenders will be opened at 3 p.m. on the same day in Z¿Lm-kp-Iƒ At∂ Znhkw D®bv°ptijw 3 aWn°v the presence of such tendes or their authorized lmPc- mbn´p≈ Z¿LmkpI- mc- ps- S km∂kn≤- yØ- n¬ Xpd∂v representatives who may be present at that time. Sale of ]cn-tim[n-°p-∂-Xm-Wv. Z¿Lmkv t^md-Øns‚ hn¬∏\ tender form will be closed on 30-1-2018 at 12 Noon. Late 30-˛1-˛2018,- 12- aWn°v Ah-km-\n-°p-∂-Xm-Wv. sshIn tenders will not be accepted at any account. In´p∂Xpw A]q¿Æ-hp-amb sS≠-dp-Iƒ bmsXmcp Intending tenderers may make an application to the Imc-W-h-imepw kzoI-cn-°p-∂-X-√. Z¿Lmkv t^mdw Principal to obtain the requisite tender form, in which e`n-°p-∂-Xn\v Z¿Lmkv t^mdØns‚ hnebmb ` 1,008 tenders should be submitted. The original tender form (900+108)(Pn. Fkv. Sn. Dƒs∏-sS) AS-bvt°-≠-XmWv. dully filled and signed only will be accepted. Z¿Lmkv t^md-Øns‚ hne bmsXmcp Imc-W-h-imepw Application for the tender form should be accompanied aS°n \¬Ip∂- X- √- . Z¿Lmkvt^mdß- ƒ ssIam‰w sNøm≥ by a cash remittance of ` 1008 (` 900 + 108) (including ]mSp≈- X- √- . Z¿Lmkv t^mdØ- ns‚ hneb- mbn sN°pI- ƒ, GST) which is the price fixed for a tender form and which t]mì Hm¿U-dp-Iƒ, t]mì Ãmºp-Iƒ F∂nh is not transferable. Cheques, Postal Orders and Postal kzoI-cn-°p-∂tXm Z¿Lm-kp-Iƒ hn. ]n. ]n. Bbn Stamps will not be accepted towards the cost of tender Ab-®p-sIm-Sp-°p-∂tXm A√. Z¿Lmkv t^mdw X]m-en¬ form and the tender form will not be sent by V.P.P. Those e`n-°p-∂-Xn\v Z¿Lmkv t^md-Øns‚ hnebpw X]m¬ who requires tender form by Registered Post should sent Nm¿÷pw Dƒs∏sS ` 1,058 aWn Hm¿U¿ Ab®pXtc-≠- the cost of tender form ` 1058 including postal charges XmW- .v for registered post by Money Order. Every tender should 23rd JAN. 2018] STORES PURCHASE 5 be accompanied by an agreement in Kerala Stamp Paper worth ` 200. The articles should be supplied within one month on receipt of the purchase order to the college at your own expenses. The period of firmness of rate quoted will be up to 31-3-2018. Rates, VAT and condition of supply of articles should clearly be stated separately in respectof each items. The tenders should be accompanied by an EMD of 1% (Minimum ` 1,500) of the total cost in the form of Demand Drafts drawn in favour of ‘The Principal, T. M. Govt. College, Tirur, payable at SBI, Tirur Branch only. Tenders without sufficient EMD are liable to be rejected. EMD will not carry any interest. The firm who are exempted from furnishing EMD should be enclosed the attested copy of exemption orders. More details can be had from the college office during working days. The undersigned will have the right to cancel or extend the tender formalities at any time without further notice. List of Items Sl. Items Specification Quantity No. 1 High Jump form mat Branded firms 1 2 Pole vault pole Branded firms, 140 to 150 LB, 4 mtr Height 2 3 Pole vault stand Branded firms 1 4 Pole vault cross bar Branded firms 2 5 Cricket bat Branded firms, English willow, stroked bat 2 6 Cricket batting Glove Branded firms, Good Finish, Light in weight Durable, White colour. 3pairs 7 CricketKeepinggloves Branded firms, Good finish, Light in weight, Durable. 1pair 8 Sports jersey Sublimation with print 65 9 Cricket ball Match ball, high quality, Made of Vegetable Tanned Leather, Inner coreis made of perfectly seasoned quilt of 7 layers of natural cork wood and wool, Glossy Finish,Ideal for Matting Wickets and Rough Grounds, famex. 24 T. M. Govt. College, (Sd.) Tirur. Principal. 23rd JAN. 2018] STORES PURCHASE 185 ]p\¿ Z¿Lmkv ]ckyw Tender No.—44/2017. \º¿ kn3/11322/2017/‰n.-Un.-Fw.-kn.-F. 2017 Unkw_- ¿ 27. Estimate Cost—` 5,00,000. Be-∏pg Kh¨sa‚v saUn-°¬ tImtfPnse Cost of tender form: inip-tcmK hn`mKØnte°v Bh-iy-amb lo‰Uv lypanUnss^Uv, ssl^vtfm \mk¬ Im\pe˛1 FÆw Original—` 1,120. hnX-cWw sNøp-∂-Xn-\mbn {]n≥kn-∏mƒ ap{Z-h® Duplicate—` 560. Z¿Lmkp-Iƒ £Wn-®p-sIm-≈p-∂p. Last date and time of sale of tender form— Z¿Lmkv\º¿—44/2017. 30-1-2018, 12 Noon. AS-¶¬ XpI—` 5,00,000. Last date and time of receipt of tender form— Z¿Lm-kv t^md-Øns‚ hne: 30-1-2018, 1 p.m. Hdn-Pn-\¬—` 1,120. Date and time of opening of tender—30-1-2018, Uyqπnt- °‰—v ` 560. 3 p.m. Z¿Lmkvt^mdw hn¬°p∂ Ah-km\ XobXnbpw Tenders should be addressed to the Principal, ka-bhpw—30˛1˛2018, 12 aWn. T. D. Medical College, Alappuzha-688 005. Tender No. & due date should be superscribed on each envelope. Late Z¿Lmkvt^mdw kzoIcn°p∂ Ah-km\ XobXnbpw ka-bhpw—30˛1˛2018, 1 aWn. tenders will not be accepted. Tender will be opened at the time and date noted against each tender in the Z¿Lmkvt^mdw Xpd°p∂ Ah-km\ XobXnbpw presence of such tenderers or their authorized ka-bhpw—30˛1˛2018, 3 aWn. representatives who may be present at that time. Intending Z¿Lmkv D≈S°w sNbvX Ihdn\v ]pdØv Z¿Lmkv tenderers may obtain the tender forms from the \º¿, C\hnhcw F∂nh tcJs∏SpØn {]n≥kn∏mƒ, undersigned on all working days from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Kh. ‰n. Un. saUn°¬ tImtfPv, Be∏pg˛688005 F∂ Cheques, Drafts, Postage Stamps, will not be accepted hnemkØn¬ Abbvt°≠XmIp∂p. sshIn- In-´p∂ towards the cost of tender forms. Duplicate tender, if Z¿Lm-kp-Iƒ kzoI-cn-°p-∂-X-√. -Z¿Lm-kp-Iƒ apI-fn¬ required will be issued on additional payment as shown in sImSpØncn°p∂ XobXnbnepw ka-b-Ønepw the schedule. Tender forms is not transferable and the ka¿∏n°p∂hcpsStbm Ah¿ \ntbmKn°p∂ {]Xn-\n-[n- cost is not refundable. Tender forms will be supplied to I-fp-sStbm km∂n-≤y-Øn¬ Xpd-°p-∂-Xm-Wv. Z¿Lm-kp-Iƒ Hm^okv ka-bØv \n¿±njvS hnebv°v saUn-°¬ the firm by registered post subject to be a cash payment tImtfPv Hm^o-kn¬ \n∂pw hmßmhp∂XmWv. sN°v, of ` 50 in addition as postage charges. Money Order will {Um^v‰v, Ãmºv F∂nh Z¿Lmkns‚ hnebmbn be accepted only if received within 10 clear working kzoIcn°p∂X√. Z¿Lm-kp-Iƒ ssIam‰w sNøm≥ days prior to due date for submission of tender. Further ]mSn-√. hne XncnsI e`n°p∂X√. Z¿Lm-kp-Iƒ details can be had form the college office during X]m-en¬ e`n-°p-hm≥ B{K-ln-°p-∂-h¿ Z¿Lm-kns‚ working time. Tender should be accompanied by an hne-tbm-sSm∏w Nm¿÷mbn ` 50 IqSn aWn-tbm¿U-dmbn agreement executed in Kerala Stamp Paper worth ` 200 Ab-bvt°-≠-Xm-Wv. Z¿Lm-kp-Iƒ kzoI-cn-°p∂ and EMD 1% of the total cost of the items tendered Ah-km\ Znh-k-Øn\v 10 {]hrØn Znh-k-߃°p apºv (minimum ` 1,500). Tenders without EMD will be In´p∂ aWn-tbm¿U-dp-Iƒ am{Xta kzoI-cn-°p-I-bp-≈q. rejected. kmt¶XnI hniZmwi߃ Z¿Lmknt\msSm∏w e`n°p∂XmWv. Z¿Lmkv ka¿∏n°ptºmƒ ` 200˛s‚ Government T. D. ap{Z∏{XØn¬ kΩX]{Xhpw Izm´v sNøp∂ BsI Medical College, (Sd.) hnebpsS Hcp iXam\w Ipd™Xv ` 1500 hcp∂ Alappuzha. Principal. XpIbv°v {]n≥kn∏mfns‚ t]cn¬ FSpØn´p≈ Unam‚v {Um^vt‰m ÿnc\nt£] k¿´n^n°t‰m \ncX{Zhyambn Z¿Lmkv ]ckyw ka¿∏nt°≠XmWv. kΩX]{Xhpw \ncX{Zhyhpw \º¿ Fkv˛2/6918/2017/Kh.-sa.-tIm.a. 2017 Unkw-_¿ 19. AS°w sNømØ Z¿LmkpIƒ \nckn°p∂Xmbncn°pw. at©-cn- saUn-°¬ tImtfPv Bip-]-{Xn-bn-te°v If¿ No. C3/11322/2017/TDMCA. 27th December 2017. t]mfn _mKp-Iƒ hnX-cWw sNøp-∂-Xn-\v \n›nX t^md-Øn¬ ko¬ sNbvX sS≠-dp-Iƒ AwKo-IrX Sealed tenders are invited for the supply of Heated hnX-c-W-°m-¿/\n¿Ωm-Xm-°-fn¬\n∂pw £Wn®p Humidified high flow nasal canula—1 No. of Paediatrics Department of Govt. T. D. Medical College, Alappuzha. sIm≈p∂p. 419 23rd JAN. 2018] STORES PURCHASE 186 {Ia Adress of officer from whom tender forms are to C\w Xq°w \º¿ be obtained and whom tenders are to be sent—The 1 a™ t]mfn-_m-Kp-Iƒ 24×30 750 Intem Principal, Government Medical College, Manjeri. 2 Nph∏v t]mfn-_m-Kp-Iƒ 24×30 750 Intem Govt. Medical College, (Sd.) sS≠¿ \¬Ip∂ Ih-dn-\p-ap-I-fn¬ \º¿ Manjeri. Principal. Fkv˛2/6918/2017/Kh.-sa.-tIm.a.F∂v hy‡-ambn ImWn-®n-cn-°Ww. Z¿Lmkv ]ckyw sS≠¿ t^mdw hn¬°p∂ Ah-km\ Xob-Xnbpw \º¿ Fkv2/6990/2017/sF.Fw.kn.F®v. ka-bhpw— 23-˛1-˛2018, 3 aWn. 2017Unkw_¿ 6. \nc-X-{Zhyw—` 1%. tImgn-t°mSv saUn-°¬ tImtfPv amXr-in-ip- sS≠¿ e`n-t°≠ Ah-km\ Xob-Xnbpw ka-bhpw— kw-c-£W tI{μ-Øn-te°v Bh-iy-am-b- sÃbn≥sekv 24-˛1-˛2018, 3 aWn. Ão¬ tIm´v (20 FÆw) hnX-cWw sNøp-∂-Xn-te°v \n›nX t^md-Øn¬ ap{Z-h® sS≠-dp-Iƒ £Wn-®p- sS≠¿ Xpd-°p∂ Xob-Xnbpw ka-bhpw—25-˛1˛2018, sIm-≈p-∂p. Z¿Lmkv AS°w sNøp∂ Ih-dn\papI-fn¬ 11 aWn. Z¿Lmkv \º¿ Fgp-tX-≠Xpw kq{]-≠v, amXr-in-ip- sS≠dn¬ ]d-bp∂ \nc-°p-Iƒ {]m_-ey-Øn- kw-c-£W tI{μw, tImgn-t°m-Sv-˛8, tIcfw F∂ en-cn-t°≠ Ah-km\ XobXn-—31-˛3˛2018. hnem-k-Øn¬ Ab-®n-cn-t°-≠-Xpam-Wv. Z¿Lm-kp-Iƒ Xmsg tN¿Øn-´p≈ Xob-Xn-I-fnepw ka-bØpwAt∏mƒ sS≠¿ t^md-Øns‚ hne: lmP-cm-bn-´p≈ Z¿Lmkv ka¿∏n-®-h-cp-sStbm Ah¿ A ¬—` 672. Npa-X-e-s∏-Sp-Ønbn-´p≈ GP‚pam-cp-tStbm km∂n-≤y-Øn¬ 29˛1-˛2018˛mw XobXn cmhnse 11 aWn°v Xpd-°p-∂-Xm-Wv. ]I¿∏v—` 336. sshIn-In-´p∂ Z¿Lm-kp-Iƒ ]cn-K-Wn-°p-∂-X-√. sS≠¿ t^md-w e`n-°p-∂-Xn\pw ]qcn∏n®v Ab-bvt°- ≠-Xp-amb hnemkw—-{]n≥kn-∏mƒ, Kh. saUn-°¬ Z¿Lmkv ka¿∏n-°p-hm≥ Xm¬]-cy-ap-≈-h¿ tImtf-Pv, at©-cn-˛676 121. sF.-Fw.-kn.-F-®v. Hm^o-kn¬ At]-£n-°p∂]£w Bh-iy-amb Z¿Lmkv t^md-߃ Xmsg sImSp-Øn-cn-°p∂ No. S2-6918/2017/GMCM. 19th December 2017. {]Imcw XpI AS-®m¬ e`n-°p-∂-Xm-Wv. Z¿Lmkv t^md-߃ ssIam‰w sNøm≥ ]mSp-≈-X-√. sN°p-Iƒ, Sealed tenders in the prescribed forms are invited t]mtÃPv Ãmºv, {Um^v‰v F∂nh Z¿Lmkv from the manufactures/authorized dealers for the supply t^md-Øns‚ hnebmbn kzoI-cn-°p-∂-X-√. Z¿Lmkv of Coloured Poly Bags to Govt. Medical College t^mdw hn.-]n.-]n.-bmbn Ab-bv°p-∂-X-√. Hospital, Manjeri. Sl. Z¿Lmkv \º¿—Fkv2/6990/2017/sF.Fw.kn.F®v. Name of Items Quantity No. AS-¶¬ XpI—` 2,40,000. 1 Yellow Colour Poly Bags 24 × 30 750 Kg. \nc-X-{Zhyw—1%. 2 Red Colour Poly Bags 24 × 30 750 Kg. Z¿Lmkv t^mdØns‚ hne (\n-IpXn kln-Xw): Superscription Tender Number should be H-dn-Pn-\¬—` 784. specifically noted—No. S2-6918/2017/GMCM. Uyqπn-t°‰v—` 392. Date and time of close of sale of tender forms— Z¿Lmkv t^mdw hn¬°p∂ Ah-km-\- 23-1-2018, 3 p. m. Xob-Xnbpw ka-bhpw-—25˛1-˛2018, 3 aWn. EMD—1%. Z¿Lmkv kzoI-cn-°p∂ Ah-km-\ Xob-Xnbpw kabhpw—27-˛1˛2018, 5 aWn. Date and time for receipt of tender—24-1-2018, 3 p. m. Z¿Lmkv Xpd-°p∂ Xob-Xnbpw kabhpw— 29-˛1-˛2018, 11 aWn. Date and time for opening of tender—25-1-2018, 11 a. m. Z¿Lmkv \nc°v {]m_-ey-Øn-en-cn-t°≠ XobXn— 30˛6-˛2018. Date up to which rates are to be firms—31-3-2018. IqSp-X¬ hnh-c-߃ {]hrØn ka-bØv Cu Prize of tender form: Hm^o-kn¬ At\z-jn-®m¬ Adn-bm-hp-∂-Xm-Wv. sS≠¿ \S-]-Sn-Iƒ ap∂-dn-bn-∏n-√msX \o´n-h-bv°p-∂-Xn-t\m Original—` 672. \n¿Ønhbv°p-∂-Xnt\m D≈ A[n-Imcw kq{]-≠n¬ Duplicate—` 336. \n£n-]vX-am-Wv. 420 23rd JAN. 2018] STORES PURCHASE 187 No. S2/6990/2017/IMCH. 6th December 2017. Printing Department Sealed tenders are invited for supply of Stainless E-TENDER NOTICES Steel Cot in IMCH Medical College, Calicut-8. List of item can be had from the office of undersigned during (1) office hours on any working days. Envelop containing tenders should be superscribed with tender number and No. 67/2017-18. 20th December 2017. should be addressed to the Superintendent, IMCH, The Director of Printing, Government Central Press, Govt. Medical College, Calicut-8, Kerala. Tender must be submitted in sealed cover. Tender will be opened on Thiruvananthapuram-695 001 (0471-2331458) invites on 29-1-2018 at 11 a. m. in the presence of such of the behalf of Printing Department for the purchase of tenderers or their authorized persons who may be present Toner & Cartridge. For more details please see the at that time. Late tenders will not be accepted. Kerala Government e-procurement web portal. Intending tenderers may on application to the Superintendent, IMCH, Govt. Medical College, Calicut-8, Sl. Name of Items Quantity Kerala will obtain the requisite tender form in which the No. (Toner & Cartridge) tenders should be submitted. Application for tender forms should be accompanied 1 Toner C-8543 × (A3) 1 No. by the cash remittance as noted below for a set of 2 Toner HP Q-5949 A (Α4) 2 Nos. tender forms in which will not be refunded under any circumstances. 3 Toner HP Q-7551 A (Α4) 23 ,, The tenderers should undertake the responsibility for 4 Toner HP Q-7516 A (Α3) 21 ,, the intimate service even if any change in the dealership of the product supply. 5 Toner Richo SP 6330 1 No. The tender forms are not transferable charges, 6 Toner T 2309 P-2K e-studio 3 Nos. postage stamp, draft etc. will not be accepted towards the cost of tender forms. Tender forms will not be sent by 7 Toner 88 A 10 ,, VPP. Tender should be accompanied by EMD amounting to 1% (Rounded to next one Rupee) of the total cost of 8 Inkjet Cartridge HPC 853 5 ,, article tendered for. The tenders not accompanied by (for all DFS) sufficient EMD will not be entertained. 9 Toner Cartridge (HP Laserjet 4 ,, Tender No.—S2/6990/2017/IMCH. CE 278 A) Approximate Cost—` 2,40,000. 10 Toner for Photocopier 1230 D 5 ,, Cost of tender forms (including Tax) : 11 TN 2280 Toner Cartridge 3 ,, Original— ` 784. (Fax Machine) Duplicate—` 392. 12 Toner T 2507 P Toshiba 3 ,, If sent by post postage charge—` 50. Digital Copier Closing date and time of sale of tender forms— 25-1-2018, 3 p. m. 13 Canon 925 Black Toner 5 ,, Last date and time of receipt of tender forms— 14 Toner TN 321 Black 34 ,, 27-1-2018, 5 p. m. 15 Toner TN 321 Cyan 28 ,, Opening date and time of tender—29-1-2018, 11 a. m. 16 Toner TN 321 Magenta 28 ,, Date upto which rates are to be firm—30-6-2018. 17 Toner TN 321 Yellow 25 ,, Further details can be had from the office of 18 TN 513 Black 225 ,, undersigned duly office hours on any working day. DETAIL of ITEMS Total Estimated Cost—` 25,73,100. Stainless Steel Cot—20 Nos. EMD @ 1% Estimated Cost—` 2,573. 6" × 3" × 2" 20 Gauge (Good quality Steel). Cost of tender—` 3,900 + GST @ 18%. Institute of Maternal and Child Health, Last date and time of Application—23-1-2018, 5 p. m. Government Medical College, (Sd.) Kozhikode. Superintendent. Date and time of opening—27-1-2018, 11 a. m. Gaz. No. 4/2018/DTP (Stores Purchase). 421 23rd JAN. 2018] STORES PURCHASE 188 General conditions (1) (2) (3) 1. Bidder shall be made EMD/Bid Security as per 5 Developer for thermal plates 800 Ltr. G.O. (P) No. 448/05/Fin. dated 13-10-2005. 6 Replenisher for thermal plates 400 ,, If availing EMD exemption, should produce documentary evidence for the same. 7 Delete for thermal plates (100 ml.) 6 Bottle 8 Image remover violet plates (100 ml.) 6 ,, 2. Rate quoted should have inclusive of all taxes and other charges including loading, 9 Replenisher Violet Plate 500 Ltr. transportations, unloading charges for 10 Developer Violet Plate 1000,, Department Store, Government Central Press, Thiruvananthapuram. Total Estimated Cost—` 17,23,200. 3. Samples should be produced on or before the last EMD @ 1% Estimated Cost—` 17,232. date of e-tender to the Office of the Director of Printing. Cost of tender—` 2,600 + GST @ 18%. 4. Payment will be made only after satisfactory Last date and time of Application—24-1-2018, 5 p. m. receipt and supply of items. Date and time of opening—29-1-2018, 11 a. m. 5. The item should be supplied as and when required within 7 days with effect from the date of receipt General conditions of the supply order. 6. An agreement in Kerala Stamp Paper worth ` 200 1. Bidder shall be made EMD/Bid Security as per should be executed along with the tender. G.O. (P) No. 448/05/Fin. dated 13-10-2005. If availing EMD exemption, should produce 7. The tenderer should produce documentary evidence documentary evidence for the same. in proof of the following. (a) A short list of the previous major supplies 2. Rate quoted should have inclusive of all (2 year). taxes and other charges including loading, transportations, unloading charges for (b) Performance Certificate from reputed Department Store, Government Central Press, customers. Thiruvananthapuram. 8. All conditions laid down in KFC form 14 should 3. Samples should be produced on or before the last be completed in the agreement. date of e-tender to the Office of the Director of 9. The purchaser has the right to cancel the supply Printing. order at any time without assigning any reason. 4. Payment will be made only after satisfactory 10. The rates quoted should be remain the same up to receipt and supply of items. 31-3-2018. 5. The item should be supplied as and when required (2) within 7 days with effect from the date of receipt of the supply order. No. 68/2017-18. 22nd December 2017. 6. An agreement in Kerala Stamp Paper worth ` 200 The Director of Printing, Government Central Press, should be executed along with the tender. Thiruvananthapuram-695 001 (0471-2331458) invites on behalf of Printing Department for the purchase of 7. The tenderer should produce documentary evidence CTP Plates & Chemicals. For more details please see in proof of the following. the Kerala Government e-procurement web portal. (a) A short list of the previous major supplies Sl. Name of Items (2 year). Quantity No. (CTP Plates & Chemicals) (b) Performance Certificate from reputed (1) (2) (3) customers. 8. All conditions laid down in KFC form 14 should 1 770 × 927 × 0.28 mm (Violet) 1000 Nos. be completed in the agreement. 2 608 × 915 × 0.28 mm (Violet) 2000 ,, 9. The purchaser has the right to cancel the supply 3 770 × 927 × 0.28 mm Thermal 1000 ,, order at any time without assigning any reason. 4 608 × 915 × 0.28 mm Thermal 1000 ,, 10. The rates quoted should be remain the same up to 31-3-2018. 422 23rd JAN. 2018] STORES PURCHASE 189 (3) 7. The tenderer should produce documentary evidence in proof of the following. No. 71/2017-18. 22nd December 2017. (a) A short list of the previous major supplies The Director of Printing, Government Central Press, Thiruvananthapuram-695 001 (0471-2331458) invites on (2 year). behalf of Printing Department for the purchase of (b) Performance Certificate from reputed P.S. Plates. For more details please see the Kerala customers. Government e-procurement web portal. 8. All conditions laid down in KFC form 14 should P.S. Plates (Positive) be completed in the agreement. Sl. Quantity Name of Items No. Nos. 9. The purchaser has the right to cancel the supply order at any time without assigning any reason. 1 770 × 927 × 0.28 mm (Long Run) RA1 3000 2 770 × 927 × 0.28 mm (Short Run) RA1 9000 10. The rates quoted should be remain the same up to 31-3-2018. 3 527 × 641 × 0.28 mm (Long Run) RA2 2000 (4) 4 527 × 641 × 0.28 mm (Short Run) RA2 1040 5 400 × 520 × 0.20 mm (Long Run) RA3 700 No. 74/2017-18. 22nd December 2017. 6 400 × 520 × 0.20 mm (Short Run) RA3 700 The Director of Printing, Government Central Press, Thiruvananthapuram-695 001 (0471-2331458) invites on 7 480 × 620 × 0.28 mm (Long Run) Web 1100 behalf of Printing Department for the purchase of 8 608 × 914 × 0.28 mm (Long Run) Web 4500 Chemicals. For more details please see the Kerala Government e-procurement web portal. Total Estimated Cost—` 42,78,300. Chemicals EMD @ 1% of Estimated Cost—` 42,783. Cost of tender—` 6,500 + GST @ 18%. Sl. Name of Items Quantity No. Last date of Application—` 25-1-2018 @ 5 p. m. 1 Plate developer (+) PS Plate Conc 2000 Ltr. Date & time of opening—` 30-1-2018 @ 11 a.m. 1:4 10 ltra General conditions 2 Fountain Solution (20 ltr Pack) 1000 ,, 1. Bidder shall be made EMD/Bid Security as per 3 Fountain Solution (Crown Jewell) 500 ,, G.O. (P) No. 448/05/Fin. dated 13-10-2005. If availing EMD exemption, should produce (20 ltr Pack) documentary evidence for the same. 4 Blanket Wash (20 ltr Pack) 1205 ,, 2. Rate quoted should have inclusive of all 5 Plate Processing gum (liquid)/ 1150 ,, taxes and other charges including loading, unifin gum transportations, unloading charges for Department Store, Government Central Press, 6 Carbon Tetra Cholride 275 Kg. Thiruvananthapuram. 7 P.S. Plate Cleaner + ve 715 Ltr. 3. Samples should be produced on or before the last 8 Blanket Lift Reviver (Swell) 250 ml. 50 Bottle date of E-tender to the Office of the Director of Printing. 9 Image Remover (100 ml.) P.S. Plates 80 ,, 4. Payment will be made only after satisfactory Total Estimated Cost—` 8,52,350. receipt and supply of items. EMD @ 1% Estimated Cost—` 8,524. 5. The item should be supplied as and when required within 7 days with effect from the date of receipt Cost of tender—` 1,500 + GST @ 18%. of the supply order. Last date of Application—25-1-2018 at 5 p. m. 6. An agreement in Kerala Stamp Paper worth ` 200 should be executed along with the tender. Date & time of opening—31-1-2018 at 11 a. m. 423

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