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Kerala Gazette, 2011-01-18, Part PART IV-Private Advertisements and Miscellaneous Notifications PDF

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Preview Kerala Gazette, 2011-01-18, Part PART IV-Private Advertisements and Miscellaneous Notifications

© Reg. No. cPn. \º¿ Government of Kerala KL/TV(N)/12/2009-2011 tIcf k¿°m¿ 2011 KERALA GAZETTE tIcf Kkddv PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY B[nImcnIambn {]kn≤s∏SpØp∂Xv } 18th January 2011 } Vol. LVI THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, TUESDAY 2011 P\p-hcn 18 No. 3 hmeyw 56 Xncp-h-\-¥-]p-cw, sNmΔ 28th Pousha 1932 \º¿ 1932 s]ujw 28 PORT DEPARTMENT TENDER NOTICE No. B1. 1275/2010/HSW. 20th December 2010. Sealed and competitive tenders are invited for the construction and supply of one Dinghy by the undersigned for and on behalf of the Governor of Kerala. Description—Construction and supply of Fibre Dinghy with the following specification: Length—4.05 m.; Overall beam—1.6 m. & Weight—110 kg. Tender No. & Date—No. B1-1275/2010/HSW, 20-12-2010. Quantity—One Number. PAC—`75,000. Cost of tender form: Original—`400+VAT (4%). Duplicate—`200+VAT (4%). EMD—1% of the quoted rate. Last date and time—31-1-2011 upto 1 p.m. Detailed specification is available with the office on all working days and along with the tender form. The item should be guaranteed for one year and technical support for three years should be imparted free of cost from the date of supply. A security deposit of 5% shall be retained with Government for one year and the entire maintenance shall be attended by the accepted tenderer (s) free of cost during the guarantee period. The items should be delivered within 30 days after receiving the order at the place specified by the Chief Hydrographer, Hydrographic Survey Wing, Thiruvananthapuram. The supplier shall give training to employees of this Wing in handling of the Dinghy free of cost. They should also give technical support for the first running for a survey work. The contractor should enclose documents with full details pertaining to the supply of the same items to `mcw 110 In.-{Kmw) any Government/Semi-Government organizations/Public AS-¶¬ XpI—` 75,000 Sector Undertakings alongwith the tender form. Tenders should be superscribed “Tender for the \nc-X-{Zhyw—Izm´v sNbvX XpI-bpsS 1% Construction and supply of one Fibre Dinghy” with the Z¿Lmkv {]am-W-Øns‚ hne: No. and Description of item specified and must be addressed A ¬—` 400+aq.-h.-\n. @ 4% to the Chief Hydrographer, Hydrographic Survey Wing, Thiruvananthapuram-695 001, so as to reach on or before 31- ]I¿∏v—` 200+aq.-h.-\n. @ 4% 1-2011 before 1 p.m. {]hrØ- nb- psS Imemh- [n—{]hrØ- nb- psS DØc- hv In´n- °-gn™v 30 Znh-kw. Late tenders will not be accepted. The tenders will be opened at 3 p.m. on the same day in the presence of such Z¿Lmk v {]amW- Ø- ns‚ hne scm°w ]Wa- mbn At]- tenderers or their representatives who are present at £-tbm-sSm∏w AS-®n-cn-°-Ww. No^v sslt{Um that time. -{Km-^-dpsS t]¿°p-≈Xpw Xncp-h-\-¥-]p-cØv amdm-hp-∂-Xp- The tenderer should submit Earnest Money Deposit as ambn Izm´v sNbvX XpI-bpsS Hcp iX-am\w Unam‚v per rule along with the tender in the form of a crossed DD in {Um^v‰mbn \nc-X-{Z-hyhpw ` 100˛s‚ ap{Z-∏-{X-Øn-ep≈ favour of the Chief Hydrographer, Hydrographic Survey Wing {]mY-anI Icmdpw Z¿Lm-kn-t\m-sSm∏w ka¿∏n-t°-≠- payable at Thiruvananthapuram. Xm-Wv. \nc-X-{Z-hyhpw Icmdpw C√mØ Z¿Lm-kp-Iƒ \nc-kn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv. Bdp-am-k-tØ°v sS‚¿ Hm^¿ Intending tenderers may obtain the requisite tender form ÿnca- mb- nc- n°- p∂- X- mW- v. on application to the undersigned. Application for the tender form should be accompanied by a cash remittance of the Z¿Lmk v t^mdß- fpw a‰p hnhc- ß- fpw Xncph- \- ¥- ]- p-cØv cost of the tender form (DD/Cheques not acceptable). Sale of Xºm-\q-cp≈ No^v sslt{Um-{Km-^-dpsS B^o-kn¬ tender form will be closed at 12 noon on 31-1-2011. The tender In´p-∂-Xpw 31-˛1-˛2011˛mw XobXn D®bv°v 12 aWn forms are not transferable. Those who want to get the tender hsc-bp≈ F√m {]hrØn Znh-k-ß-fnepw t^md-Øns‚ form by post should also enclose a self-addressed envelop hne scm°w ]W-ambn (Un.-Un., sN°v kzoIm-cy-a-√) bearing postage stamp of ` 25 AS®v (a-S°ns°mSp-°p-∂-X-√) tcJm-aqew At]-£n-®m¬ well in advance. e`n-°p-∂-XpamWv. Z¿Lmkv t^md-߃ ssIam-dmhp-∂-X-√. The tenderers should enclose a preliminary agreement Z¿Lmkv t^mdw X]m-en¬ Bh-iy-ap-≈-h¿ kz¥w in Kerala Stamp Paper worth ` 100 and the required EMD for hnemkw Fgp-XnbXpw ` 25 kv‰mºv H´n-®-Xp-amb Ih¿ each tender. The tender without preliminary agreement and At]£- t- bms- Sm∏w ka¿∏nt- °≠- X- mW- v. EMD will be rejected outright. The final acceptance of the Icm-dp-Im-c≥ CtX km[\w GsX-¶nepw k¿°m¿/ tender rests entirely with the Government, who reserves the A¿≤ k¿°m¿/s]mXpt- aJ- em ÿm]\- ß- ƒ°v \evInb- n´- p- right to accept or reject any or all tenders received without s≠¶- n¬ {]kXv pX hnhc- ß- ƒ Z¿Lmk v {]amW- t- Øms- Sm∏w assigning any reason thereof. All other conditions prevailing ka¿∏n-t°-≠-Xm-Wv. IqSmsX Cu hnwKnse in Government Department are binding to this tender also. DtZymK- ÿ- ¿°v Un¶n ssIImcyw sNøp∂- X- n\- p≈ kmt¶- tIcf Kh¿Æ¿°p-th≠n Xncp-h-\-¥-]pcw sslt{Um- XnI klmb- hpw ]cni- oe- \- hpw kuP\- ya- mbn IcmdpI- mc- ≥ {Km-^nIv k¿tΔ hn`mKw No^v sslt{Um-{Km-^¿ At±-l- \evtI≠- X- mW- v. Øns‚ B^ok- n¬ 31˛- 1˛- 2011˛- mw XobXn 1 aWn hsc Xmsg sS≠¿ ÿnc-s∏-SpØn e`n-°p∂ Icm-dp-Im-c≥ ]d-bp∂ {]hr-Øn-bpsS t]cv Bte-J\w sNbvXn-´p≈ ap{Z-h® Ih-dp-I-fn¬ a¬kc kz`m-h-ap≈ Un¶n°v Hcp h¿jw DØ-c-hmZw \evtI-≠Xpw Z¿Lmk- pI- ƒ kzoIc- n°- p∂- X- mW- v. \n›nX XobX- n°- pt- ijw 3 h¿jsØ kmt¶-XnI klmbw kuP-\y-ambn e`n-°p∂ Z¿Lm-kp-Iƒ kzoI-cn-°p-∂-X-√. \evtI-≠-Xp-amWv. IqSmsX sS‚¿ XpI-bpsS 5% Pmay- Z¿Lm-kp-Iƒ At∂ Znhkw 3 aWn°v lmP-cp≈ \n-t£-]-ambn \evtI-≠Xpw DØ-c-hm-Z-Ime-L-´- Icm-dp-Im-cp-sStbm Ah¿ A[n-Im-c-s∏-Sp-Ønb {]Xn-\n-[n- Øn-ep-≠m-Ip∂ A‰-Ip-‰-∏-Wn-Iƒ kuP-\y-ambn Xo¿Øp If- ps- Stbm km∂n≤- yØ- n¬ Xpd°- p∂- X- mW- v. Xtc≠- X- pa- mW- v. {]hr-Øn-bpsS t]cv—Hcp ss^_¿ Un¶n-bpsS Z¿Lmkns‚ AwKoI- mcw k¿°m¿ Xocpa- m\- ß- ƒ°v \n¿Ωm-Whpw hnX-c-W-hpw. (\ofw 4.05 ao., hoXn 1.6 ao., hnt[b- a- mb- nc- n°- p∂- X- pw, GXp Z¿Lmkpw AwKoI- c- n°- p∂- X- nt\m \nck- n°- p∂- X- nt\m Xmsg H∏n- ´n-cn-°p∂ Bƒ°v ]q¿Æ A[n-Imcw D≈-Xp-am-bn-cn°pw. Cu hIp-∏n¬ \ne-\n¬°p∂ F√m hyh-ÿ-Ifpw Cu Z¿Lmkn\pw _m[I- a- mW- v. Office of the Chief Hydrographer, Hydrographic Survey Wing, Port Department, Manjalikulam Road, Thampanoor, (Sd.)Thiruvananthapuram-01. Chief Hydrographer.

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