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Kerala Gazette, 2011-01-18, Part PART III-Notification by Head of Departments PDF

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Preview Kerala Gazette, 2011-01-18, Part PART III-Notification by Head of Departments

© Reg. No. cPn. \º¿ Government of Kerala KL/TV(N)/12/2009-2011 tIcf k¿°m¿ 2011 KERALA GAZETTE tIcf Kkddv PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY B[nImcnIambn {]kn≤s∏SpØp∂Xv } 18th January 2011 } Vol. LVI THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, TUESDAY 2011 P\p-hcn 18 No. 3 hmeyw 56 Xncp-h-\-¥-]p-cw, sNmΔ 28th Pousha 1932 \º¿ 1932 s]ujw 28 PART III Stores Purchase Jail Department TENDER NOTICE No. M1-16459/10. 28th December 2010. Sealed tenders are invited for the supply and Installation of Chappathi Makers and Dough Kneading Machines to the Central Prisons of Kerala. The tender should be superscribed with the Number, Name of tender and addressed to the Addl. Director General of Police (Prisons), Prisons Headquarters, Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram-12. The PAC of the tender will be ` 10,00,000. Last date and time for receipt of tender with 1% E.M.D. will be 2 p. m. on 28-1-2011 and will be opened at 4 p. m. on the same day, in the presence of such tenderers or their authorized representatives who may be present at that time. Late tenders will not be accepted. The rates quoted must be valid upto 31-3-2011. Tender forms may be obtained from the office of the Additional Director General of Police (Prisons) on working days during office hours. Application for tender form should be accompanied by cash remittance only. Cost of tender form: Original—` 1500+4% VAT. Duplicate—` 800+4%VAT. Z¿Lmkv t^mdw hn. ]n. ]n.bmbn Abbv°pItbm, The cost of tender forms will not be refunded under sN°v/t]mkvt‰Pv Ãmºv apXembh t^mdØns‚ hnebmbn any circumstances. Sale of tender forms will be closed at kzoIcn°pItbm sN.øp∂X√. hniZhnhc߃ 2 p. m. on 27-1-2011. Pbnemÿm\ImcymebØn¬ \n∂pw {]h¿Øn kabßfn¬ Cheques, Postage Stamps etc. will not be accepted e`yamWv. towards the cost of tender forms, nor will the forms be sent by VPP. Further details are available from Prisons Office of the Headquarters during office hours. Director General tIcfØnse sk≥{S¬ PbnepIfnse BhiyØn\mbn of Police (Prisons) (Sd.) skan Bt´mam‰nIv N∏mØn ta°¿, amhv Ipgbv°p∂ Prisons Headquarters, Additional Director General b{¥w F∂nh hnXcWw sNøp∂Xn\pw ÿm]n°p Thiruvananthapuram. of Police (Prisons). ∂Xn\pap≈ ap{Zh® Z¿LmkpIƒ £Wn®psIm≈p∂p. ap{Zh® Z¿LmkpIƒ ASßnb Ihdn\papIfn¬ ]s¶Sp°m≥ Dt±in°p∂ Z¿Lmkns‚ {Ia\ºcpw t]cpw FgpXn AUojW¬ UbdIvS¿ P\d¬ Hm^v t]meokv ({]nk¨kv), Pbn¬ Bÿm\ Imcymebw, Xncph\¥]pcw˛12 F∂ hnemkØn¬ \¬tI≠XmWv. Z¿Lmkns‚ AS¶¬ XpI—` 10,00,000. Z¿LmkpIƒ 1% \ncX{Zhyw klnXw ka¿∏nt°≠ Ahkm\ XobXn 28˛1˛2011, 2 aWn. Z¿LmkpIƒ ka¿∏n°s∏´hcpsStbm, As√¶n¬ AhcpsS {]Xn\n[n IfpsStbm km∂n≤yØn¬ At∂Znhkw 4 aWn°v sS≠dpIƒ Xpd°p∂Xmbncn°pw. Xmakn®p e`n°p∂ Z¿LmkpIƒ bmsXmcp ImcWhimepw kzoIcn°p∂X√. sS≠¿ \nc°v 31˛3˛2011 hsc {]m_eyØnep≠m bncn°Ww. AUojW¬ UbdIvS¿ P\d¬ Hm^v t]meokv ({]nk¨kv), Xncph\¥]pcØns‚ Hm^okn¬ scm°w ]WaS®m¬ {]h¿Øn Znhkßfn¬ {]h¿Øn kabØv Z¿Lmkv t^mdw e`n°p∂XmWv. sS≠¿ t^mdØns‚ hne: A ¬—` 1500+4% hm‰v. Uyq]vfnt°‰v—` 800+4% hm‰v. Z¿Lmkv t^mdØn\v \¬Ip∂ hne bmsXmcp ImcWhimepw aS°n \¬Ip∂X√. Z¿Lmkv t^mdw ssIamdm≥ ]mSp≈X√. Z¿Lmkv t^mdØns‚ hnev]\ 27˛1˛2011, 2 aWn°v Ahkm\n°p∂XmWv. ImcWsam∂pw ImWn°msX Xs∂ sS≠¿ \S]SnIfn¬ am‰w hcpØp∂Xnt\m d± v sNøp∂Xnt\m D≈ A[nImcw AUojW¬ UbdIvS¿ P\d¬ Hm^v t]meokv ({]nk¨kv)˛¬ \n£n]vXambncn°pw.

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