© Reg. No. cPn. \º¿ Government of Kerala KL/TV(N)/12/2009-2011 tIcf k¿°m¿ 2010 KERALA GAZETTE tIcf Kkddv PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY B[nImcnIambn {]kn≤s∏SpØp∂Xv } 19th January 2010 } Vol. LV THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, TUESDAY 2010 P\p-hcn 19 No. 3 hmeyw 55 Xncph\¥]pcw, sNmΔ 29th Pousha 1931 \º¿ 1931 s]ujw 29 PART IV Private Advertisements and Miscellaneous Notifications STATIONERY DEPARTMENT SHORT TENDER NOTICE No. 15223/D1/09/Sty. 30th December 2009. Sealed tenders are invited for executing the Loading, Unloading and Transporting works of Stationery Office, Thiruvananthapuram for the year2010-11 on contract basis. Sl. Tender No. and EMD No. Name of Works Rs. (1) (2) (3) 1 122/2009-10—Transporting—Tvpm. District— 1,000 Transporting of stationery articles from the Railway Station, Thiruvananthapuram, Railway goods shed Kochuveli andParcel Offices of Thiruvananthapuram Cityto various stores of Stationery Office, Tvpm. (Including loading charge, lorry rent.) 2 123/2009-10—Inter District Transporting— 10,000 Transporting ofStationery articles fromthe Stationery Office, Thiruvananthapuram to other officers within the State and from (1) (2) (3) on the next working day. The tender forms are not transferable. Sale of tender forms will be closed 24 hours one District to another. before the time fixed for opening of the tenders. Cheques, Postage Stamps and Demand Draft etc., will not be 3 124/2009-10—Loading and Unloading— 3,000 accepted towards the cost of tender forms, nor will the Secretariat Store,Jail Press—Loading and tender forms be sent by V.P.P. Duplicate tender forms, if Unloading of Stationery and other articles required will be issued at the price fixed for the purpose. from the Secretariat Store, Annex Cellar, Tenders without preliminary agreement and EMD will be Thiruvananthapuram and loading from rejected outrightly. Jail Press and Central Press. tÃj-\dn hIp-∏n¬ 2010˛11 -h¿j-Øn¬ 4 125/2009-10—Loading and Unloading— 10,000 D≠m-Im-\n-S-bp≈ KXm-KX Ib-‰n-d°v tPmen-Iƒ Icm¿ Thiruvananthapuram District—Loading and hyh-ÿ-{]Imcw \n¿Δln°p∂Xnte°v ap{Z-h® Unloading Stationery articles, Opening Z¿Lm-kp-Iƒ £Wn-®psIm≈p-∂p. of bundles and sealed wooden cases, stocking and as etc. works in the {Ia Z¿Lmkv \ºcpw \ncX{Zhyw various stores of Stationery Office, \º¿ tPmenb- psSkz`mh- hpw cq] Thiruvananthapuram. 1 122/2009˛- 10—KXmK- Xw˛Xnc- ph- \- ¥- ]- pcwPn√— Cost of tender forms: Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]pcw sdbn¬th tÃj≥, sdbn¬th KpUvsjUv, ]mgvk¬ Original—Rs. 400+12.5%VAT for Sl. No. 1, B^ok- pI- ƒ XpSß- nbÿeß- f- n¬\n∂pw Rs. 1,500+12.5%VAT for Sl. No. 2 and Sl. No. 4 and tÃj\- dnhIp∏- ns‚ hnhn[tÃmdpI- f- nt- e°v Rs. 600+12.5%VAT for Sl. No. 3. tÃj\- dnkm[\- ß- ƒFØn°- p∂- X- nt- e°v Duplicate—Rs. 200+12.5%VAT for Sl. No. 1, (h≠nhmSI- , Ib‰pIqen F∂nhbpƒs∏s- S) 1,000 Rs. 750+12.5%VAT for Sl. Nos. 2 and Sl. No. 4 and Rs. 300+12.5%VAT for Sl. No. 3. 2 123/2009-˛10—A¥¿Pn√m KXm-KXw— tÃj-\dn hIp-∏ns‚ Xncp-h-\-¥-]p-csØ Last date and time of sale of tender form—10-2-2010, tÃmdp-I-fn-¬ \n∂pw a‰v Pn√Ifn-te°pw 3 p. m. HcpPn√-bnse B^o-kn¬\n∂pw a‰v Pn√ Last date and time of receipt of tender form— I- f- nt- e°pwkm[\- ß- ƒFØn°- p∂- X- nt- e°v 10,000 11-2-2010, 1 p. m. 3 124/2009˛- 10—Ib‰- nd°v˛sk{I´- d- nt- b‰vtÃm¿, Date and time of opening of tenders—11-2-2010, Pbn¬ {] v—sk{I-´-dn-tb‰v tÃj-\dn 3 p. m. tÃmdn¬ \n∂pw tÃj-\dn km[-\-߃ Ib-‰p-∂-Xn\pwCd-°p-∂-Xn-\pw,Pbn¬ {] v, The envelope containing the tenders shall be sk≥{S¬{] v F∂n-hn-S-ß-fn¬ \n∂pw appropriately superscribed with the tender number and tÃj-\dn km[-\-߃Ib-‰p-∂-Xn\pw 3,000 item and addressed tothe ‘Controllerof Stationery, P. M. G., Thiruvananthapuram-695 033. Late tenders will not be 4 125/2009˛- 10—Ib‰- nd°˛v Xnc- ph- \- ¥- ]- pcwPn√— accepted. The tenders will be opened at the due date and tÃj-\dn hIp-∏ns‚ Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]pcsØ time noted above in the presence of the tenderers or their hnhn[tÃmdp-I-fn-se Ib-‰n-d°v tPmen-Iƒ authorized representatives who may be present at the time \n¿Δ-ln-°p-I, km[-\-߃ HcpÿeØp of opening of the tenders. \n∂pw as‰mcpÿe-tØ°v am‰nhbv°p-I, s]´n-Iƒ s]mfn®v km[-\-߃ ASp°n Intending tenderers may on application to the hbv°pI XpS-ßnb tPmen-Iƒ \n¿Δln Controller of Stationery, Thiruvananthapuram-695 033 °p∂-Xn-te°v 10,000 obtain the requisite tender forms on which the tenders are to be submitted. Cost of tenders forms will be accepted Z¿Lmkv t^mdØns‚ hne: either in cash (remittance in the office) or by Money Order A ¬—{Ia\º¿ 1˛\v cq] 400+12.5% hm‰v, only and should be sent to the Controller of Stationery, {Ia\º¿ 2˛\pw 4˛\pw cq] 1,500+12.5% hm‰,v {Ia\º¿ Thiruvananthapuram-33. The cost of tender forms are not 3˛\v cq] 600+12.5% hm‰v. refundable under any circumstances. The tender number ]I¿∏v—{Ia\º¿ 1˛\v cq] 200+12.5% hm‰v, {Ia\º¿ and the name of the item for which the tender form is 2˛\pw 4˛\pw cq] 750+12.5% hm‰,v {Ia\º¿ 3˛\v cq] required should be clearly specified in the application/ 300+12.5% hm‰v. Money Order coupon. If date of opening of tender happens to be holiday it will be opened at the same time Z¿Lmkv t^mdw hn¬°p∂ Ah-km\ Xob-Xnbpw kabhpw—10˛2˛2010, 3 aWn. Z¿Lmkv kzoI-cn-°p∂ Ah-km\ Xob-Xnbpw kabhpw—11-˛2-˛2010, 1 aWn. Z¿Lmkv Xpd°p∂ Xob-Xnbpw kabhpw— 11-˛2-˛2010, 3 aWn. Z¿Lmkv Ih-dns‚ ]pdØv Z¿Lmkv \ºcpw GXv Icm-dn-\mbn F∂ hnh-chpw tcJ∏SptØ≠XmWv. “-tÃ-j-\dn I¨t{Sm-f¿, Xncp-h-\-¥-]pcw˛695 033”F∂ ta¬hn-em-k-ØnemWv Z¿LmkpIƒ Abbvt°-≠-Xv. Xmakn®v e`n°p∂ Z¿LmkpIƒ \nckn°p∂XmWv. Z¿LmkpIƒ \n¿±njvS Xob-Xn-bn¬ \n¿±njvS ka-bØv Z¿LmkpImcpsStbm Ah¿ A[nImcs∏SpØnb hy‡nIf- p- sStbm - km∂n-≤y-Øn¬ Xpd-°p-∂-Xm-Wv. Z¿Lmkv Xpd°- m\- mbn \n›b- n® Znhkw GsX¶- nepw ImcW- h- i- m¬ Ah-[n-bm-hp-I-bm-sW-¶n¬ XpS¿∂p≈ {]h¿Øn Znhkw AtX ka-bØv Z¿Lmkv Xpd-°p-∂-Xm-Wv. Z¿Lmkv t^mdw th≠h¿ t^mdØn\v \n›bn ®n´p≈ hneklnXw (]Wamtbm, aWntbm¿Udmtbm) Xncph\¥]pcw tÃ-j-\dn I¨t{Sm-f¿°v (HutZymKnI ta¬hnemkØn¬ am{Xw) At]£ \¬tI≠XmWv. Z¿Lmkv t^mdØns‚ hne bmsXmcp ImcWhimepw aS°ns°mSp°p∂X√. Z¿Lmkv t^mdw bmsXmcp ImcW- - h-imepw ssIam‰w sNøm≥ ]mSn-√. GXv Z¿Lmkn\pw C\Øn\pw th≠nbp≈ t^mdamWv th≠sX∂v At]£bn¬/aWntbm¿U¿ Iq∏Wn¬ hy‡ambn kqNn∏n®ncn°Ww. Z¿Lmkv t^mdØns‚ hnebmbn sN°v, Un.Un.,X]m¬ Ãmºv XpSßnbh kzoIcn°pItbm ^mdw hn. ]n. ]n. Bbn Abbv°pItbm sNøp∂X√. Z¿Lmkv t^mdØns‚ hn¬∏\ Z¿Lmkv Xpd-°p-∂-Xn\v 24 aWn-°q¿ ap≥]v Ah-km-\n-°p-∂XmWv. c≠mw ]I¿∏v th≠h¿°v \n›bn® hnebv°v \¬Ip∂XmWv. {]mYanI Icm¿ DSºSnbpw \nc-X-{Z-hy-hp-an-√mØ Z¿Lm-kp-Iƒ \ncp-]m-[nIw \nc-kn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv. (Sd.) Thiruvananthapuram. Controller of Stationery.