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Kerala Gazette, 2008-01-01, Part PART - I Notification and Orders issued by the Government PDF

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Preview Kerala Gazette, 2008-01-01, Part PART - I Notification and Orders issued by the Government

Kerala Gasette Na, | dates Jet January 2008, Panzt GOVEENMENT OF KERALA General Educatlou (5) Depanimeat NomiicaTIon 1,0. (Ma) No. 100900716 Baae Datel, Thincaanthctron, 2a Nexoner 217. 3. O. No. Z/Q08.— ty exerete of che powers comfered by subsecion (1) of seuss 4 ofthe Ohatiable Endowaictts Act, 1390 (Gentes! Actbat ihe), the Government of Kerala herby order thay the property spedfied’ in caluran (2) of the Schodule appende! heycts Ddoaging Ww the Lndowmect meatned in chluma (1) iheteo, dell be vemed with he Traswer of Charitable Exdowniy Kenly tnd Under mb-scsoas (1) and (@) of wotien 5 of tke nid Act, ne G-vesmeat fof Kerala hereby sul: the bllowing Scher: for the adlniniteasion of the sad property, We sane having been provisusly publehed fe Past fo the Kerabs Gumi No. 21 dated the 3. ly, U7 under rule 2 of ie Gantable bodowment, (Kerala) Rules, 1962 and ‘ppaim che date af Publicado of this nutifoadon -t be the Cate on which the ed Scheme Sal cone i> operatica, mamely -— 1 ‘The Endowment sll be called “Sat A. Jaye Techer Memoria Earnest 2, Thecorpes of te Fodowcuen sill coms of Rs. 3,000 (Rupees Shou Tab) sod eel Beene sae SOD Rae Ghasile Exdowmety, Rec 3,_ The corps of tbe Radovan shal be iss in any Ing ers scouts af the Goyermnt of Tadin elthe Coveamcat” oP eis Sricnay of te seit spew by She Ginercees 44, ‘The Pringipal, Cowart Vocations Higher Seomdary Sehoat, Kowaec, Tht emcnsdcparem soa’ cae ALubsarese af, Sate G.1167/2007/6. 5. Tha annval ivaretacorving om ths fae shall bo teed duct the suseediag year for avd sa scholship tthe stsleut of Gierngess ocotianal Highit Secondary School, Kotusal wiin seme She highose aris inthe Voratnal’ Wishes” Sye'ndary” Causa Fecminetion (Ceaiucted ting Uieprovious year in the est seem 8. The prize shall be awanfo! om the asesion Gelesration say sthor suliabie Soeastn te BF decke’? By “the Au nisreumne yd wth relegint purtionlars shall OF theSchod ialtematan of ao Fhe School Day demic yerr_ vest liebe for Af, In a year, mors than_one stedent is foun: ‘own oF Me orc Up gecudane the same namie. ot meas, heey piae thal fe exualiy Sided amg then.) 8, Recuscion for payment of annual intrest shall be sent by te Arinnestor it aay tine tot eer than hwo tomy to te Banton bg Geyser Rega cle trwment ball th fang: tw place the anual atest at the dispoa! of the alison 9 Suing Bind beth heater 10, if amy doude or digate rica reguiing the messing oF perictain cl de peotsow of 12 Sermo) it shall be néerod 08 che Director of Public Eactruction whose cecbign’ tier shall be Final. Sampo Detail of troperty Ty owen ofthe Govener, Tse Vaxoniee, Sealey to Cosa 3 Beplenatery Note (The doce aot form aaxt of the noczation, but I intended to indicare its general purport.) ‘The Prinipal, Govenmest V.H.S.S. ~Kotukal, Balirmeprsen, ‘Vainaranthaporss, hor oreneded a trae Renae for the iaaesion fan Eadowzent by mame "Sa" A. jays teacher Memscial Endowment ‘Tye Dirccwwr of” Local Fund’ Audit and the Tresauter af ites ibe the pura was peed at Nvebeeing No 2930/8920) purpote was pl ern, SE ee Se rhs Se ee a a a ie Stcectest Seca Stee ‘The motioatisa i Gatarded achieve ©

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