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Preview Kent on Sunday (East), January 4, 2009

K O S www.kentnews.co.uk Voted Britain’s best paper 7 time6s CHARITY 0 EAST EDITION p EDITION Published by KOSMEDIA LTD. Telephone:(01303) 817000 IT’S WHAT SUNDAYS ARE ALL ABOUT No. 328 January 4,2009 BBUUYY KKooSS TTOODDAAYY AANNDD YYOOUU CCAANN HHEELLPP TTHHEE CCOOUUNNTTYY’’SS CCHHIILLDDRREENN SEE INSIDE FOR DETAILS OF OUR CAMPAIGN PLUS A HEALTHY START TO 2009 WITH OUR INVIGORATE SUPPLEMENT LOVER TO SUE OVER SHOOTING Chief Constable receives High Court writ after officers kill woman in town centre Jackson THE partner of the first By STEVE KNIGHT assault, battery, misfeasance in woman deliberately shot public office and negligence. Miss Sumner also accuses police dead by police has decid- Vivien Bain, 43, said: “If Ann of violating her partner’s right to is ready ed to sue Kent Chief had a gun I can understand the life, a prohibition on torture or Constable Michael Fuller. police shooting her. degrading treatment,her right to “But I cannot understand why respect for family life and her SeAvnenno akSsa,dnideedr fsroonm, a s3i7n,glef srhomot tahremy cooru lsdh nooutl dhearv et os hiontc haepra icnit tahtee raisgshetm tob lfyr.eTedhoem w orfit a wssaosc iiastsiuoned a nbdy for Gills’ to the chest after refusing to put her rather than killing her.I hope London-based human rights spe- down a silver pistol – later found the official investigation will look cialist lawyers Bhatt Murphy. to be an air gun – in June,2007. into this,as I cannot see how she Miss Sanderson’s mental health The factory storekeeper,who had was really a threat to them.Ann issues were thought to have a history of mental illness, was was a lovely person and very kind stemmed from a turbulent big day surrounded by armed officers in a to me.It is a real loss.” upbringing,during which time she Sevenoaks town centre car park Miss Sanderson’s girlfriend had several run-ins with the police. following reports she had been Tracy Sumner,from Edenbridge, Known as ‘Tosh’, Miss brandishing the weapon in public. is now suing Mr Fuller for dam- Sanderson was a martial arts However, friends of Miss ages and hopes to win up to enthusiast and a blue belt in Sanderson questioned at the time £50,000. She claims he violated karate.However,friends said she SEE INSIDE FOR FULL STORY SHOTDEAD: Ann Sanderson why police had to kill her. her human rights and is guilty of CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO www.kentnews.co.uk for all the headlines 2 Advertising/editorial 01303 817000 Week ending January 4, 2009 Drivers facing road dover- france ferries for less c£ar+4 eac1h wa9y from * hurdles during 2012 book online or call 0844 847 5010 By JENNA PUDELEK [email protected] * Includes all surcharges and taxes. See website for details and full terms and conditions. Kenttoday THE Government has revealed how Kent motorists could be hit by the 2012 London Olympics and 10 Paralympics. A consultation has been launched on the proposals that designate which roads will 5 form the Olympic Route Network used to transport athletes and officials during the massive sporting event. Designated VIP lanes,strictly for athletes and officials, and restricted parking could come to roads in north Kent. The A2,East Rochester Way in Bexley and the M25 near Dartford are included in the proposals, meaning motorists will have to contend with 25 per cent more traffic on the TODAY:Afteraverycoldstart,itwillbeadrydaybut roads at peak times. cloudwillsteadilyincreaseafterabrightstart.Itwill Cllr Peter Craske, Bexley Borough remaincoldthroughtheday.Agentlewesterlybreeze. Council’s cabinet member for transport,said: Maxtemp1-3C(34-37F).TONIGHT:Mainlydrybut “We have only just received the proposals so cloudywithariskofpatchyrainorsleetlater.Light are still looking,but broadly I think they are north-westerlywinds.Mintemp-1to2C(30-36F). a good idea. AroundBritain “We need to get the athletes to the Games as FUTURE SHOCK:Extra traffic will mean inconvenience for Kent motorists when the Olympic quickly and as easily as possible and it is only and Paralympic Games come to the London Olympic stadium in east London °C°F °C°F for a few weeks in the summer,so in principle Aberdeen rain 5 41 London cloudy 5 41 I can see no particular issue.However,we are Talking about the Dartford Crossing, he Stratford,east London,are expected to be Belfast cloudy 3 37 Liverpool cloudy 2 36 going to look at the detail closely and then said:“I don’t think it is going to make it any most affected by the Games.A three-month Birminghamrain 5 41 Manchester cloudy 4 39 decide whether to comment.At the moment,I worse than it is at the moment.It will be as public consultation period – ending on March B’mouth cloudy 3 37 Newcastle cloudy 3 37 am open-minded about the plans.” chaotic as ever.” 19 – on the proposals is now under way. BCrairsdtioffl cclloouuddyy 34 3379 NOoxrfowridch fcaloirudy 21 3364 Acceptable Temporary measures will include ‘Games Viewed lanes’, alterations to junctions, changes to CEGdolairnskbguorwgh rrraaaiiinnn 846 434693 SSSo’ohuuattmhhsppeotaortn fcsaluoirnudy 542 433196 GaOmn ese,auchp toof 5t0h0e, 01060 sdpaeycst aotof rsth aen dO l5y5m,0p0i0c peder macictetesds mfoar ngoeenuevrraels ,trreasftfricic taendd o rr pesrtorhicibteitd- wwThwe.d ft.gpolav.nusk /cocnasnu ltatbioen s/ovpieenw/eodly mpait- IsleofMan rain 6 43 Swansea cloudy 5 41 athletes,officials,media representatives and parking. “It is not practical or affordable croutenetwork. Leeds cloudy 3 37 Torquay cloudy 5 41 sponsors will need transport. simply to build new roads between venues, To respond to the consultation,write to: Sun&moon GaAmnde s,f1or6 ,5t0h0e p1e2o pldea wysi ll onf eethd et oP gaerta alyromupnidc nnourm wbeorusl do fi tr obaed sa ctcoe ptthaeb lseo lteo ursees torfi cGt alamrgees DRefTse aOrlcyhm Speicr vRicoeus teH oNuestew,oErklm Csgornosvuel tRatoiaond,, London. vehicles,”the Department for Transport doc- Harrow, HA1 2QG or email ornconsulta- SMuonornisreise 81.00.15a2mam MSuonosnestet –4.00pm L4i.g0h0ptimngtuop8.t0im1aems: Cllr Anthony Martin,a Conservative mem- ument states. [email protected]. ber of Dartford Borough Council, said he “Similarly,we will not follow the example of HighTidestoday tomorrow eCvxelpunebuc eth efaoddr t hObeelye tnmow pnniac mt aoen bdde aPbsua srthay leby emocffapiucicisa etle tathrmea isJn.uindgo BdreRiivjoiianndggs ii nns ut2hr0re0o 8cui ntaydn iodnn gb aatnnhy eh o anOlfe l yodfma ayp.l”ilc c aPrasr fkr oimn News and sport uwpwdawte.dk ednaitlyn eonwlinse.co.uk ht(m) ht(m) ht(m) ht(m) Dover 03.24 6.1 15.515.7 04.18 5.9 16.545.6 ‘I do not know how we’re going to Margate 04.10 4.3 17.014.1 05.06 4.2 18.054.0 StMary’s 09.24 4.8 21.504.6 10.21 4.7 22.554.5 Weekahead replace her – everyone misses her’ monday thursday Sunnyspells. Cloudy.Dry. max4Cmin-5C max5Cmin0C CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO referred to Ann as his blue-eyed Commission has completed an had turned her life around and girl.I do not know how we are investigation into the incident, tuesday friday worked her way up to be in going to replace her.She will be but will not publish its findings charge of 40 staff at the missed by everyone.” until after the inquest has closed. Sunny.Dry. Sunnyspells. Sevenoaks guitar string factory An inquest into Miss A Kent Police spokesman con- max3Cmin-6C max6Cmin1C Rotosound. Sanderson’s death was opened firmed the force had been served Company secretary Kathy How shortly after the shooting,but a with a High Court claim form, wednesday saturday said at the time of the death: hearing has yet to take place.The but said he could make no fur- Sunnyspells. Sunnyspells. “Jason (the firm’s chairman) Independent Police Complaints ther comment. TOP COP: Kent’s Mike Fuller max3Cmin-3C max7Cmin3C EDITOR:Ian Patel ADDRESS:Apple Barn,Smeeth,Kent TN25 6SR. WEBSITE:www.kentnews.co.uk MOBILEWAP SERVICE:www.kentnews.co.uk/mobile TELEPHONE 01303 817000 Church Pews | Radiators Butlers Sinks FAX (ADVERTISING) 01303 817001 Railway Sleepers | Paving | Well Seasoned Timber FAX (EDITORIAL) 01303 817002 Joisting | York Stone | Natural Stone EMAIL Editorial: [email protected] Cobble Stones | Reclaimed Bricks Advertising: [email protected] Slates | Roofing Tiles | Fireplaces | Cast Iron Hoppers Printed by Archant Print.Early edition free,late edition 60p. Beams | Leaded & Stained Glass | Panelled Doors Large selection of new & reclaimed flooring, including maple,oak & pine 71 Monkton St,Monkton T: 01843 821555 © 2002 KENT ON SUNDAY.KENT ONSUNDAYis published by KOSMedia (Publishing) Limited. www.dds-demolition.co.uk www.kentnews.co.uk for news and sport Week ending January 4, 2009 Advertising/editorial 01303 817000 3 Tabloid bogeyman in Kent to film life story NHS manager’s blog lands her in doo-doo Class War NHS staff in east Kent will receive guidance about social networking sites after embarrass- ing comments by an executive were printed in the national press. Caroline Davis, the assistant director of strategic partnerships for Eastern and Coastal Kent Primary Care Trust, wrote on her anarchist Friends Reunited page that she “bullshits for a living”.The post was picked up by the media and printed on New Year’s Eve. A PCT official said:“We are following an internal process with the individual con- cerned.We take our reputation very seriously and disapprove of anything which brings the still bad to NHS into disrepute.We will be issuing guid- ance to staff about the use of social media.” Mrs Davis’ job is believed to be worth more than £50,000 a year. Dead baby arrests the Bone THE mother of a baby who died of multiple injuries on December 29 is thought to be one of two people arrested after the child’s death. Police detained a 29-year-old woman and a 24-year-old man in Sidcup,Bexley. CLASS WARRIOR: Ian Bone grew up in Goudhurst They were alerted by staff at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London after a post-mortem examination on the 21-month-old had been By STEVE KNIGHT more people to visit the village.” carried out.Both were released on bail pend- The Class War anarchist group advocated ing further inquiries. [email protected] violent revolution through its newspaper of the same name.It was active through most of A NOTORIOUS anarchist is the 1980s and ’90s and organised a number of To see this clip go to Leisure TV returning to his Kentish roots to ‘Bash the Rich’ events. @ yourkenttv.co.uk help produce a film based on his Its paper regularly featured photographs of injured policemen and a early cover ran the autobiography. headline:‘We have found new homes for the Class War founder Ian Bone,who became rich’ above a picture of a cemetery. a tabloid hate figure after the Trafalgar Despite no longer being heavily involved Square poll tax riot in 1990,grew up as the with Class War,Mr Bone still finds time to ruf- son of a butler in Goudhurst, near fle some feathers. Maidstone. Last month he joined anarchists outside the Early sections of his book,Bash the Rich, Greek embassy in London protesting about are set in the village,which Mr Bone says the growing unrest back home,while he is also was where “a lifetime of shit-stirring” planning his own special greeting for new US began.He told Kent on Sunday:“I’d have to President Barack Obama when he visits the put the way I turned out down to how I UK for the first time in April. spent my early years. Mr Bone said: “I’ve not mellowed and I “I lived in the servants’ quarters at haven’t grown old gracefully.I’m still stuck in Ladham House because my mum was a a 1960s time warp.” housemaid and my dad a butler. Join yourkenttv presenter Julie “They had to be deferential at all times,so News and sport updated daily online Maddocks to explore the delights of it wasn’t as if they could swear at their FIGHTING TALK: Bone’s autobiography www.kentnews.co.uk the beautiful Isle of Thanet employers if they saw them outside of work- ing hours.My dad was always called ‘Bone’, recounts his formative years in Kent even by the children,and I always found ly not everybody felt that way.” that gravely insulting.” Also featured in the film is a recreation of Part of the Goudhurst filming for Bash the Battle of Goudhurst in 1747,which saw the Rich will be set in the 1950s,when vis- the local militia put an end to the infamous iting fruit-pickers were given a less than Hawkhurst Gang of smugglers. warm welcome. The brother of the man who led the attack Mr Bone said:“The village was a gentile on the village – Thomas Kingsmill – is place most of the time,but when the fruit- buried beneath a skull-and-crossbones pickers came down they didn’t care about tombstone in Goudhurst churchyard. that and were boisterous and rowdy. Mr Bone said:“Goudhurst is just as cosy “The locals thought they were thieving as it always was,which makes it perfect to scum and shopkeepers refused to serve film scenes because it has hardly changed. them.Some people even put barbed wire “Although the film is about radicalism,it up to keep them away.It was a great time is also a comedy too,and I hope it will be and I found it really exciting,but obvious- a success.Hopefully,it will also encourage Typhoon scales Father’s pride over MBE Usually £20 Now £10 for cycling’s golden boy Spot & Wavey towels 50% off THEfather of Olympic cycling hero Jamie “When my son came along he showed abili- Staff has spoken of his pride at the award of ty.He used to play squash and run with me an MBE to his gold medal-winning son. and it was obvious he had talent. The Beijing star was given the award in the “When he started cycling that was obvious- New Year’s Honours list to recognise his role ly what he wanted to do and we gave him in the hugely successful Team GB squad. every encouragement. Jamie, 35, won gold in the team sprint “We had 12 years of taking him to meetings event.And while he was enjoying a much- and to training,wherever he wanted to go. needed holiday in Los Angeles, his father, “But it has paid off and he has achieved Alan Staff,was glowing with pride. what he set out to do.This recognition is just The builder, from Brabourne Lees, near the final thing and we are all delighted.” Ashford,where Jamie grew up,said:“It’s fan- Jamie and his American wife,Malia,are Wacky Woks Wedgewood Figurenes tastic for him. It’s great that people who currently in California. Now £6 50% off make these sort of decisions recognise his “He’s coming back to Britain later this Usually £12 achievements.” month,”said his father.“He’ll definitely visit Mr Staff said Jamie had shown athletic because we are looking after his dog. Nasons Department OPENING TIMES ability from an early age. “Then we can get the chance to congratu- Store, Monday to Saturday He said:“I played a fair bit of sport when I late him properly.” 47 High Street, 9am – 5.30pm was younger, but the opportunities really • See page 6 for full coverage of the New Tel: C0a1n2t2e7rb 4u5r6y755 Swuwndwa.nya 1s1oanms. c–o 5.upkm weren’t there to progress far. Year’s Honours. www.kentnews.co.uk for all the headlines 4 Advertising/editorial 01303 817000 Week ending January 4, 2009 20,000 square feet of beautiful furniture, beautifully priced E F V L S A 1 6 0 Vogue H A RICE £ P White 4 door wardrobe Usually £799 SALE 639 £ Ask about the many chest Relyon and wardrobe options available at Sale Prices Royal Sunningdale Supreme 150cm pocket sprung divan set 965 SAVE £970 Usually £1935 SALE £ Other sizes available at Sale Prices E E V V A 4 A 0 7 5 S S 6 3 £ £ Bergamo Generous proportions make this contemporary range extremely comfortable. Select a colour from our exclusive leather collection. 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Subject to status Pictures are for illustration purposes only All offers subject to being unsold A290 Whitstable A28 Margate West Station A2/M2 London A25 Sandwich A2050 Dover A28 Ashford Nasons Furniture, Carpet and Bed Centre, Maynard Road, Wincheap Estate, Canterbury, CT1 3RQ. 01227 463550 Open Mon - Sat 9am - 5.30pm Sun 10am - 4pm www.nasons.co.uk www.kentnews.co.uk for news and sport Week ending January 4, 2009 Advertising/editorial 01303 817000 5 Children benefit Busy New Year for from sale of KoS KOS Media’s Kent Kids for Christmas appeal which has been running throughout the fes- tive period gives our readers the chance to emergency service help children across the county. By buying this edition of the award-winning Kent on Sunday for 60p the profits will be donated to children’s charities that help young people who face disadvantages such as disabil- ities and homelessness. Since the launch of the fund-raising project Picture: KNP four years ago,more than £30,000 has been By STEVE KNIGHT donated to various children’s charities in Kent. Last year,£2,000 was donated to Demelza [email protected] Hospice Care for Children and a further £7,000 went to the Help a Kent Child appeal,which passes on money to charities across the county. ILLEGAL raves,fights and acci- Paul Stannard, KOS Media’s managing dents added up to another busy director,said:“By buying this edition of KoS New Year’s Eve for the emer- you have already made a contribution to our Christmas appeal.” gency services. Kent on Sunday and its sister paper the While thousands throughout the county Saturday Observer will be available for free as saw in 2009 safely,operators at South East usual next weekend. Coast Ambulance Service (Secas) were working tirelessly to deal with nearly 1,000 To see this clip go to ‘Leisure TV’ emergency calls. @ yourkenttv.co.uk An average of three calls per minute were received between 10pm-4am – a time period that usually only sees one per minute. Secas operators also took emergency calls from people living in Surrey and Sussex and said most were due to people falling over, MAD FOR IT: Crowds party away at the illegal rave which was held at Buckmore Park suffering from breathing difficulties or being injured in fights and assaults. Chief Insp Anna Travers said the police’s officers on patrol in town centres and shop- Chief executive Paul Sutton,who is also a biggest concern was that staff had to be ping malls,as we knew there would be large paramedic,was one of the people who gave diverted from other duties on one of their numbers of people in key locations at specif- up his New Year’s Eve to look out for others. busiest nights of the year. ic times.This seems to have worked well – it He said:“New Year’s Eve is always one of She added:“We work closely with other meant that we could intervene quickly when our busiest nights of the year. organisations and landowners to prevent issues arose,while being a consistent and “We plan for it every year to ensure we are illegal raves.We would ask anyone who sees visible presence to all those people out and able to continue to deliver a safe and respon- anything suspicious to let us know. about in our towns.” sive service to our patients,despite the fact “It is much easier to stop a rave before it Police were also called to break-up a brawl so many more people than usual are calling happens than to police large numbers of peo- at a social club in Essex,with a 47-year-old us for help. ple once they have gathered.” Kent man taken to hospital with severe stab The Folkestone History Society is “I’d like to thank our staff,many of whom Partnerships and Crime Reduction wounds.Two men have since been arrested appealing for film memories of the gave up their own time to work additional Superintendent Neil Jerome said: “It on suspicion of attempted murder. area from between 1970-2000 hours during this very busy night. appears the vast majority of people who “Their hard work and commitment,along were out and about enjoying themselves with the support of many volunteers such as over the festive period have done so with- community first responders, ensured we out any problems. were able to provide an excellent service on Investigate one of the busiest nights of the year.” One of the most tragic accidents on New “While our patrols were busy as usual in Year’s Eve happened hours before midnight, the town centres,there were only a small when two men died in a collision between two number of serious incidents to deal with cars on the A20 at Hothfield,near Ashford. and we would like to thank all those peo- Both were travelling in the same vehicle ple who took notice of the Safer Winter when the crash occurred,at about 5.10pm. messages we promoted in the run up to A woman in the other car suffered a head Christmas and New Year. injury and two men had cuts and whiplash. “Officers are looking at a number of The road was closed for seven hours while assaults across Kent,reported in the last police investigated. week to 10 days, but numerous arrests Meanwhile, an illegal rave attended by have been made and we will continue to about 2,500 people in Chatham was allowed investigate all crimes that have been to continue despite it being gate-crashed by reported to us over the festive season. the police.Officers decided not to break the “We did take the opportunity,in the run Buckmore Park bash up because its location up to Christmas and the New Year,to learn meant no neighbours were being kept awake. from previous experiences and put more Rail firm blames increase on Government’s policies RAIL commuters’ fears were realised when Commuters were not the only ones upset inflation-busting fare increases came into with the increases,as green campaigners also force on Friday,writes Steve Knight. felt the rises were a step in the wrong direction. The average rise for regulated fares – Dr Hazel Dawe of the Kent Green Party which include season tickets – has been set said:“As a season ticket holder,I am appalled at eight per cent by Kent’s operator by the recent above-inflation increases in Southeastern,which is the largest increase rail fares. These will contribute to traffic in the country. congestion and noise and air pollution on our Unregulated fares, which include day- roads in Kent. return tickets,have gone up by an average of “Government policy is failing to support six per cent. the railways.The cost of rail fares rose 17 per The commuters hit hardest by the increas- cent above the rate of inflation between es are those who travel from Gillingham to 1997-2007,although motoring costs declined London,with prices rocketing by a massive by eight per cent in real terms. 10.2 per cent.A season ticket for people trav- “Now that petrol prices have dropped, elling between those two destinations will motoring costs will drop even further.” now cost an extra £280 a year. CrossCountry,whose network of services A Southeastern spokesman said: “We stretches from Aberdeen to Penzance and from recognise no-one likes having to pay more Stansted to Cardiff,has the highest increase and fare increases are inevitably unpopular. for its unregulated fares – up 11 per cent. “But Government policy is to recoup more East Midlands Trains,Chiltern Railways, of the cost of rail travel from those who National Express East Coast and South use it,rather than relying on the taxpayer to West Trains have all put their unregulated subsidise it.” fares up by more than seven per cent. www.kentnews.co.uk for all the headlines 6 Advertising/editorial 01303 817000 Week ending January 4, 2009 Beijing gold medallist picks up yet another gong in the New Year’s honours list Queen rewards By JENNA PUDELEK [email protected] AN OLYMPIC cyclist and the county’s fire chief are among the 31 winners from Kent in the Queen’s New Year’s honours list. county’s f inest Jamie Staff,from Ashford,won gold in the men’s team sprint at this summer’s Beijing Games and was awarded an MBE for services to sports. He joins a host of other sports stars to pick up gongs at Buckingham Palace including Formula One champion Lewis Hamilton,who had his big break karting at Buckmore Park near Rochester,and said he was “humbled”to receive an MBE. FULL LIST OF KENT RECIPIENTS Chief Fire Officer Charlie Hendry,who lives in Doddington,near Sittingbourne,was recog- nised for his services to local government and awarded a CBE. COMMANDERS OF THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE (CBE) “It’s a tremendous honour to be recognised in this way and I'm obviously delighted,”he said. David Dingle, from Hildenborough, chief executive officer of Carnival UK (services “I believe this recognition is a reflection of to industry); Hugh Harris, from Sevenoaks, founder London First Global Network the hard work and commitment of everyone (for voluntary service to community relations in the City of London); Charles Hendry, who works for Kent Fire and Rescue Service Doddington, QFSM, Chief Fire Officer, Kent Fire and Rescue Service (services to local (KFRS). government); Clive Maxwell, Beckenham (for public service); Richard McCarthy, “Their dedication to providing the best possi- from Tunbridge Wells, director general of housing and planning, Department for ble service to the Kent and Medway communi- Communities and Local Government; David Moorhouse, from Meopham, chairman ties has resulted in KFRS being rated as excel- Lloyds Register (for services to the maritime industry); John Vaux Lately, from Weald, lent by the Audit Commission.For me,it’s a formerly Speaker Counsel House of Commons. privilege to lead the best service in the UK.” Mr Hendry, 48, joined the London Fire OFFICERS OF THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE (OBE) Brigade as a firefighter in 1983 and has Jane Gardam, author (services to literature); Michael Glover, from Sevenoaks, Arup attended a number of high-profile incidents fellow technical director and deputy project director Channel Tunnel rail link (for servic- including the fatal train crash at Wembley in es to engineering); Dr Alan Heyes, from Hildenborough, formerly department director 1984. In 1999, he led operations at the nuclear policy and programmes, Department of Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Paddington rail disaster. Reform; Howard Hughes, from Sevenoaks (for charitable services); Hilary Riva, chief Heritage executive British Fashion Council (for services to fashion industry); Karen Wingfield, Fundraiser Derek McCarrick won an MBE from Welling, team leader, Student Loans Company, strategic relationship team, for charitable services after spending the past Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (for public and voluntary service). 20 years running marathons dressed as the MEMBERS OF THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE (MBE) cartoon character Roger Rabbit and raising £200,000 for Leukaemia Research. Harold Alderman, boxing historian (for services to sporting heritage); Michael Bolton, The 73-year-old, who lives on the Isle of undermaster Sevenoaks School Kent (for services to education); Wynne Creasy, Sheppey, told reporters he was absolutely leader, Bexley Clerkship Practice, London Borough of Bexley (for services to education); thrilled to receive the award. Terry Edwards, from Orpington, Team GB head boxing coach (for services to sport); He started raising money for the charity Godfrey Featherstone, from Maidstone, formerly director of the Kenward Trust (for after a friend’s daughter died from leukaemia. services to disadvantaged people); Susan Piggott-Forster, from Tonbridge, formerly Other winners included Bridget Jones,from senior executive officer, Learning and Development Office, Border Agency, Home Office; Canterbury,who was awarded an MBE for Susan Gower, from Welling (for voluntary service to disabled children and young sTerravvieclelesr Stou pptohret GCroaunpte arnbdu rtyh e GKyenpts ya utahnodr panedo pTlrea vine lBleerx Sleuyp);p Borrti dGgreotu pJo); nBeims, lfaro Lmya Clla, netxeercbuutriyv e(f oorf fsiceerrv, icSeosu ttho ECaasntt eArrbeuary Gypsy JAMIE STAFF MBE Jane Gardam,who picked up an OBE for serv- Enforcement Office, Sidcup Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency, Department for iceBso txoi nligt erhaitsutoreri.an Harold Alderman, who Tcrhaanrsitpaobrlet (sfoerr vpicuebsli)c; Danr dH veoaltuhnetar rNy usenrnveicrele);y D, feroremk BMeccCkeanrhriacmk, (ffroorm s eSrhviecpepse tyo (for CBE M BE lives in Aylesham,near Canterbury,was made healthcare in south east London); Janette Plumridge, from Bexleyheath, secretariat an MBE for his services to sporting heritage. administrator, Enemy Property Claims Assessment Panel, Department for Business, Patricia Stewart,from Chatham,a commu- nity payback supervisor for the Kent Skills and Enterprise; Robin Prince, from Maidstone, operations standards manager, Probation Area was given an MBE for service Victa Rail Freight (for services to the rail industry); Patricia Stewart, from Chatham, to the probation service. community payback supervisor, Kent Probation Area (for service to the probation She said:“I am delighted to receive this award service); Jamie Staff, from Ashford, cyclist (for services to sport); William Wells, as I believe it reflects the tremendous work car- messenger, Cabinet Office; Carole Wendland, from Longfield, senior executive officer, ried out by Kent Probation.It is a real honour to Low Cost Home Ownership Division, Department for Communities; George Wilson, help offenders get through their orders and to from Whitstable (for services to business in Kent). CHARLES HENDRY PATRICIA STEWART help them stop re-offending.” Bathroom Studio SAVE MONEY STOVES – COAL ON GAS & CHIMNEY SWEEPING WARMING HOMES Open ELECTRICITY Mon-Fri THROUGHOUT KENT 9am - 5pm Sat 10am - 2pm Suppliers of Stoves,Multi Fuel & The energyhelpline can tell you Fully Fitted who offers the best deal and Wood Burner Appliances Showroom they can even organise the Ample Parking switch for you. Savoy by Franco Belge Quality Items It’s a FREEand impartial service, so call or go Supplied Only online today to see how or much you can save. Designed and With savings of up to £365 Installed by our possible in minutes, Professional Team what have you got to lose? Call 0800 074 0745or visit www.edmedcoal.co.uk NICHOLLS LTD (Est.1961) www.kos.energyhelpline.com Tel/Fax:01795 843388 Periwinkle Court,Church Street,Milton Regis A selection of Stoves Sittingbourne,Kent ME10 2JZ available before Christmas Tel:01795 472819 www.nichollsltd.co.uk www.kentnews.co.uk for news and sport Week ending January 4, 2009 Advertising/editorial 01303 817000 7 Gills ready for Administration puts future of clothes store in question DESIGNER retail store USC has The pre-pack administration now joined the list of businesses plan will result in the closure of Villa challenge to fall victim to the economic the remaining 15 stores and the downturn. loss of a reported 300 part-time The high street chain, which jobs.It has not been announced has 58 stores across the UK, which stores will remain open. including branches in Maidstone, Store manager of USC in Bluewater and Canterbury, has Fremlin Walk,Maidstone,Mark called in administration firm Dwelly,said:“We just don’t know PKF. if it will affect us at this time.” By STEVE KNIGHT season,when they were eventually Scottish businessman and The designer retail chain,which beaten 5-0 by Chelsea in the quarter- owner of USC Sir Tom Hunter, sells brands including Diesel, andDAVID PRITCHARD finals. has announced his private equity Henri Lloyd and Lacoste, has [email protected] And in 2002 they were drawing 2-2 company West Coast Capital will joined the likes of Woolworths, with Arsenal in the fifth round before buy 43 of the stores,saving up to which closed its Maidstone-based worried Gunners manager Arsene 1,000 of the company’s 1,400 store on Saturday,after also going PRIESTFIELD Stadium Wenger threw on star players employees. into administration. will be bursting at the Thierry Henry and Robert Pires to help the home side win 5-2. seams today when Gilling- Fans’ favourite Nicky Southall is ham face Premiership the only Gills player who faced Chelsea and is still at the club,but he giants Aston Villa in the will be watching today’s game from third round of the FA Cup. the sidelines having already played A sell-out crowd of more than in the cup this year while on loan at 11,000 will provide a raucous atmos- Dover Athletic. phere at the game, with millions Also missing out is captain Barry more watching the action live on SIDELINES:Captain Barry Fuller will Fuller,who serves the final game of a ITV1. miss out due to a suspension three-match ban after being sent off Gillingham have not faced a top- against Brentford last month. flight team at home since battling to Two,but the cup is a big leveller. Mr Liptrott said:“I think most of a 1-1 draw with Leeds United in “There’s no doubt there’s a big dif- the fans would love a replay at Villa 2003,but at that point the Gills were ference in quality but Gillingham Park.They see a draw as a fantastic competing just one division below will run their hearts out for 90 min- result and they’d get another day out, their opponents. utes.The cameras are there because whatever happens in the second The gap this afternoon is more the TV people think there could be an game. As well as enforcing speed limits, we carry than 70 places on the football ladder, upset. We are the underdogs and “It’s a massive test, but look at out educational campaigns – these can be but supporters of Kent’s only league have nothing to lose,whereas Villa what Havant & Waterlooville did to club will be hoping for an upset. are on a hiding to nothing. Liverpool last year.You think about viewed on our website under the ‘news’ then Alan Liptrott,co-editor of the unof- “They will be used to playing on that and wonder how seriously Villa ‘campaigns’ icons. ficial website GillsConnect.com,said: better-quality pitches,and with a full will take the game,and then you see “bIetl iweviell tbhee rDe’asv iad magaassinivset Gdioffleiartehn.ceI P12ritehs tmfiaenld.” it will be like having a aa cbhita enxccei.tIe dth ainboku tth teh fea nprso asrpee cgte.tting Visitwww.kmscp.org between the sides near the top of the Gillingham’s most successful FA “Priestfield will be absolutely Premiership and those in League Cup campaign was in the 1999-2000 buzzing.” KENT & MEDWAY SAFETY CAMERA PARTNERSHIP www.kentnews.co.uk for all the headlines 8 Advertising/editorial 01303 817000 Week ending January 4, 2009 Paying the price for brief encounter in Dubai Businessman jailed for sex romp on By STEVE KNIGHT [email protected] beach says he has lost thousands A BUSINESSMAN deported from Dubai for having unmarried sex on a trapped in the oil-rich emirate for six months. “hypocrisy”of the strict Muslim state,adding beach says he now faces legal bills He was found guilty of breaking strict that drinking and extra-marital affairs were Islamic laws of public indecency after being rife. worth “tens of thousands of pounds”. caught in a passionate clinch with 36-year-old He said:“Dubai is a massive contradiction. Vince Acors,34,from Bromley,was finally allowed Michelle Palmer,from Rutland,back in July. Everything is available but it is also illegal. to return to the UK on Christmas Eve after being Speaking at a press conference on Monday, Every single hotel has a bar and all of them Acors said he hoped to recoup some of the have cheap or even free drink evenings. cost of his stay by selling his story to a “You are allowed to go to these places RACE INTO 2009 national newspaper. and drink a huge amount of alcohol,but He added: “It’s been an extremely when you go outside you get arrested. expensive situation for me.I had a pretty “In the bars and clubs, people are as an owner with GG Racing successful business before I went to openly affectionate. You see all these Dubai,which it’s going to take me at least local guys with girls, you see people in Buy a share in a six months to pick back up again. relationships with people to whom they colt or filly Costs are not married. yearling to race “We were just doing what everyone else in 2009 “In addition to that,the living expenses in was.But in our case we were in the wrong Dubai are huge.I didn’t think there could place at the wrong time.” Watch it train,join possibly be a place more expensive than Both Acors and Palmer received three- in with naming London,but I found it. month prison sentences following the and be there for “You’ve got your accommodation costs and guilty verdicts in October,but a successful the 1st race your legal costs,and I was effectively trying appeal saw the couple deported instead. Share prices from£182.50 ttoim pea.y” the bills in two countries at the same DeAcceomrsb wera s1 9fi rbsut td uwea sto d reettauirnne dto d Kueen tto o na Tel:01233 620968 • 07951 662054 Both Acors and Palmer were arrested on delay in the deportation process. e-mail:[email protected] Jumeirah Beach on July 5,just hours after A second attempt on December 23 was website:www.ggracing.biz meeting at a champagne brunch at a five- also cancelled because his flight confirma- 38 Dunnock Rd,Kennington,Ashford,Kent TN25 4QJ star hotel. tion was allegedly “not in order”. The couple were found guilty of having sex in public in October,although Acors denies News and sport updated daily online intercourse took place. www.kentnews.co.uk RELEASED: Vince Acors is finally back At the press conference he blasted the home after being deported from Dubai A SMALL SELECTION OF OUR WINTER WARMERS AA SSEELLEECCTTIIOONN OOFF OOUURR WWIINNTTEERR WWAARRMMEERRSS TThheerree’’ss nnootthhiinngg lliikkee aa wwaarrmm wweellccoommee...... VViissiitt oouurr sshhoowwrroooomm ttoo sseeee oouurr eexxtteennssiivvee rraannggee ooff ttrraaddiittiioonnaall && ccoonntteemmppoorraarryy ffiirreeppllaacceess aanndd hhoollee iinn tthhee wwaallll ffiirreess oorr ttoo ddiissccuussss yyoouurr rreeqquuiirreemmeennttss.. To lower your costs, choose one. Then choose one, two or three %†. GGaass,,EElleeccttrriicc oorr SSoolliidd FFuueell FFuullll ffiittttiinngg sseerrvviiccee aavvaaiillaabbllee YYoouu ccaann oowwnn aa MMeerrcceeddeess--BBeennzz VViittoo ffoorr aann aammaazziinngg 11%% ffllaatt rraattee ffiinnaannccee oovveerr 11 yyeeaarr,, 22%% oovveerr 22 yyeeaarrss oorr 33%% oovveerr 33 yyeeaarrss ((pplluuss ddeeppoossiitt aanndd ffeeeess)).. TThhee iinniittiiaall ddeeppoossiitt iiss AAllll wwoorrkk gguuaarraanntteeeedd fflleexxiibbllee.. AAnndd aatt tthhee eenndd,, yyoouu oowwnn oonnee ooff tthhee mmoosstt ffuueell--eeffffiicciieenntt vvaannss iinn iittss ccllaassss wwiitthh tthhee hhiigghheesstt rreessiidduuaall vvaalluueess aanndd lloowweesstt sseerrvviicciinngg aanndd mmaaiinntteennaannccee ccoossttss**.. EEvveenn mmoorree ssaattiissffyyiinnggllyy,, yyoouu oowwnn aa MMeerrcceeddeess--BBeennzz.. CCoorrggii rreeggiisstteerreedd eennggiinneeeerrss FFoorr mmoorree iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn,, ggiivvee uuss aa ccaallll oorr ppoopp iinnttoo aa ddeeaalleerrsshhiipp.. OOuurr ddeettaaiillss aarree bbeellooww.. TToo ssuuiitt aallll ppoocckkeettss SHOP OPENING TIMES MON-FRI 9.00-5.00 SAT: 9.00-4.00 SUN 10.00-4.00 (SUNDAY OCT-FEB ONLY) 2 Castle Court, Castle Road, Eurolink Ind. Estate Sittingbourne, Kent ME10 3TD Tel / Fax: 01795 599234 Corgi registered fitting service Sparshatts of Kent Ltd - 08708 35 36 37Sales @ Sittingbourne & Dartford Aftersales @ Ashford, Dartford, Sittingbourne & Tunbridge Wells Now open Sunday 10-4 Visit our Sittingbourne Showroom Used Vehicles @ Rainham *according to CAP and Maintbook data November 2007. †2007 AA/ALD Automotive MPG Marathon. www.kentnews.co.uk for all the headlines Week ending January 4, 2009 Advertising/editorial 01303 817000 9 NHS chiefs named Hunters outfox law A PRIMARY care trust in Kent has appointed two new non-executive directors to its board. NHS West Kent announced that Bryan Sweetland,cabinet member for business on Gravesham Borough Council, and Barry Animal campaigner in call to strengthen act Wilding,co-founder and chief executive of a Kent-based internet marketing company, would take up their roles from January 11. Mr Sweetland has 30 years’ senior manage- By JENNA PUDELEK cameras if were not breaking the law?” ment experience in telecommunications. Mr Ann Widdecombe, Conservative MP for Wilding,who lives in Cranbrook,worked in bank- [email protected] Maidstone and Weald,believes,along with POWA, ing and accounting and then medical insurance. that hunting monitors should be licensed by the The board members will receive a salary of THE FOX hunting ban is being Government so it is an offence to obstruct them. £7,765 annually for their four-year roles. David Cameron has said he will give MPs a flouted and the law must be free vote on the hunting ban if the Tories David Griffiths,chairman of the PCT,added: “Our two new non-executive directors bring a strengthened, an animal welfare win the next General Election,while pro-hunt wealth of skills and experience and will comple- campaigner from Kent has urged. supporters believe the act will be repealed. ment the existing senior management team.” John Bryant, who volunteers as a hunt monitor around the county,is a member of the campaign group Protect Our Wild ‘RECKLESS’: Hunters are exploiting the Animals (POWA). He said.“They are sticking two fingers up at the hunting ban, says hunt monitor the nation,the law and the wildlife population.” laid for the hounds to chase,rather than POWA has been running a campaign, foxes. Build on the Ban – Strengthen the Act, POWA said 65 MPs had signed Mr which gained momentum after the Labour McDonnell’s early-day motion to strengthen MP John McDonnell’s early day motion call- the act and was confident more would join ing for a ‘reckless behaviour’ clause to be them when Parliament returns after the added to the 2004 Hunting Act. Christmas break on January 12. Mr Bryant said hunters are exploiting Penny Little,a spokeswoman for the cam- exemptions which were meant for other paign group,said:“The practices of ‘trail’ countryside users such as pest controllers, hunting,as described by the hunters them- animal rescuers and the shooting lobby. selves,are so reckless they are certain to He sid:“They were not the target of the result in ‘accidents’,and lots of them. legislation – it was hunting wild animals “It is time for MPs to revisit the Hunting with dogs.But they have seized on the other Act,and make that small adjustment that exemptions in the act. would make the law fit for its purpose.” “People are determined to disobey it.” The law is difficult to enforce because it Villagers flocked to the Boxing Day hunts relies on hunt monitors,who Mr Bryant which rode from Penshurst in west Kent and said were mainly older people. Elham in the east of the county,according He said:“POWAs monitors are all pen- the pro-hunting Countryside Alliance sioners following hunts to get evidence The act,which came into force in 2005, who have been beaten up,threatened and bans the hunting with dogs of all wild mam- followed home by hunt supporters. mals and all hare coursing,although there “There is a general air that they do not are some exemptions. want people to see what they are doing, Hunting meets continue using scent trails but why would they object to people with I like to travel with someone I trust dover calais any duration web fare from 27 * £ each way car and up to 9 people PO ferries.com/kos1 08712 22 20 40 dover (cid:67)(cid:65)(cid:76)(cid:65)(cid:73)(cid:83)(cid:0)(cid:115) hull (cid:90)(cid:69)(cid:69)(cid:66)(cid:82)(cid:85)(cid:71)(cid:71)(cid:69)(cid:0)(cid:15)(cid:0)(cid:82)(cid:79)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:69)(cid:82)(cid:68)(cid:65)(cid:77)(cid:0)(cid:115) portsmouth (cid:66)(cid:73)(cid:76)(cid:66)(cid:65)(cid:79)(cid:0)(cid:115) cairnryan / troon larne (cid:115)(cid:0)(cid:76)(cid:73)(cid:86)(cid:69)(cid:82)(cid:80)(cid:79)(cid:79)(cid:76) dublin *Including all taxes and surcharges. Fare shown includes a £2.50 web discount. Full terms and conditions apply. www.kentnews.co.uk for news and sport 10 Advertising/editorial 01303 817000 Week ending January 4, 2009 The past may be a foreign country but visiting has never been easier with Sheppey To see this clip search ‘Godden’ A second helping of @ yourkenttv.co.uk fascinating history A SECOND look at the past and By NICK AMES present of the Isle of Sheppey is [email protected] Local historian Roger Godden talks now available on a DVD which con- about his new Isle of Sheppey Past and tains images dating back to the taking photographs myself in the 1960s and Present DVD ’70s. 19th century. “They form part of the collection,but there People,shops,trams,military history and are others which have been taken by local pho- maritime heritage are all documented by local tographers or members of my family.” historian Roger Godden whose family have One picture actually features Mr Godden’s G R E E N F I E L D S lived on the island for generations. grandmother. SHOOTING GROUNDS The Isle of Sheppey Past and Present is the “She is in a school photograph from the second volume of photographic and filmed 1890s,”he said.“It was taken at the school she Greenfields offers a memories of the colourful history of the area. attended in Blue Town.Then there are pic- range oftuition Mr Godden said:“I’ve always been interest- tures of the floods of 1897. options,from lessons ed in the island and its history and I started “The island has an extremely interesting for beginners through to experienced shot guidance.Our tuition will help you reach the level you desire in a friendly,pressure-free environment. Greenfields Shooting Grounds Sturry Hill, Sturry, Nr Canterbury, Kent CT2 0NG 01227 713 222 COVERSTORY: Volume two of Roger [email protected] Godden’s DVD is now available WATER WORLD:The Sheppey floods of 1897, left, and 1953, right, are both featured www.greenfieldsshooting.co.uk EXTRA 5% OFF* MUST END 4TH JAN PLUS win a bed worth see online or instore for details. www.lenleys.co.uk 25-34 Roper Road Canterbury 01227 766655 FURNITURE . BEDS . CURTAINS . FLOORING . ACCESSORIES Opening times: Visit us online for a full list of Seasonal opening times *5% off all sale prices on orders placed by 4th Jan 2009.

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