Kendal Abel Eudora Kan. James and Yvonne Barnett Scholarship Ashley Abels Olathe Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship and Helen, Carolyn and James Sellers Scholarship Adrian Abner DeSoto Texas Floyd and Phyllis Metzger Scholarship Diana Acevedo Emporia Kan. Katherine Smalley Graduate Scholarship Annelise Adams Emporia Kan. John C. Lehman Scholarship in Communication Bryan Adams Wamego Kan. General Scholarship Fund Gail Akerberg Wichita Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship Ishani Akpovona Topeka Kan. R. E. French Scholarship Haylee Albright Emporia Kan. Viola Conner Scholarship and Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Larkin Scholarship Mohammed Algarni Riyadah Saudi Arabia Martha Kruse Furbur Library Scholarship Fund Carol Allen Emporia Kan. Donald E. Richter Memorial Scholarship Amy Allen Olathe Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship Jonathan Allen Salina Kan. John, Valeta, and Richard Richel Scholarship Sarah Allen Wichita Kan. South Central Kansas Alumni Chapter Scholarship, ESU Hornet Scholarship and Elsie A. Borck Memorial Scholarship John Anderle Olathe Kan. Kathryn and Anthony Zimmerman Memorial Scholarship Elizabeth Anderson Abilene Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship Kaylynn Anderson Auburn Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship and C.C. and Eunice C. Sterba Scholarship Spencer Anderson Emporia Kan. Classified Personnel Dependent/Child Scholarship Fund Stephanie Anderson Emporia Kan. Richard and Inez Owen Business Scholarship and Capitol Federal Savings Scholarship Cynthia Anderson Olathe Kan. Ethel May O'Connel Memorial Scholarship Eric Anderson Olathe Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship and Albert E. and Beulah H. Woodruff Scholarship William and Aloha Preston Accounting Scholarship, Shepherd University Scholars Fund, Presidential Scholars Program (Black & Gold Society Program), Lewis J. Sarah Anderson Overland Park Kan. and Ernest A. Braun Scholarship and Elberta Harris Scholarship Teri Anderson Shawnee Mission Kan. School of Business Scholarship and Edward E. and Laura Mae McAntee Scholarship Alise Anderson Spring Hill Kan. Walter E. Myer Memorial Scholarship and ESU Hornet Scholarship Macy Anderson Wellington Kan. The Boyer Educational Trust Scholarship and Jane and Bernard Reeble Scholarship Krysta Andrade Emporia Kan. St. Mary's Health Center Auxiliary Scholarship Lucas Antes Olathe Kan. Olaf W. Steg and Helen Bierly Steg Music Scholarship Elisabeth Apel Topeka Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship and College of Emporia Memorial Scholarship Ethan Appleby Shawnee Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship Amanda Archer Cottonwood Falls Kan. J. Jack and Mary Melhorn Scholarship Annabelle Arndt Americus Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship Brittany Ashley Overland Park Kan. Slim Scholarship Fund and Dorothe Tarrence Homan Memorial Scholarship Kylie Ashlock Hamilton Kan. Leela S. Knox Memorial Scholarship Lindsay Atchison Baldwin City Kan. Harold M. and Margaret Whipkey Clark Memorial Scholarship Ashley Atteberry Kansas City Kan. Lewis J. and Ernest A. BrAun Scholarship Amber Atwell Olathe Kan. Joseph H. Hill Memorial Scholarship Samantha Atwell Olathe Kan. F. Merle Whaner Scholarship Julie Austad Portland Ore. Slim Scholarship Fund Maria Avelino Liberal Kan. AVID Scholarship Justin Axman Olmitz Kan. Patricia Zorn Schremmer Memorial Scholarship, Mayberry Family Scholarship and ESU Hornet Scholarship Lana Ayers Emporia Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship and Memorial Union Scholarship Kelly Bacon Emporia Kan. William and Aloha Preston Accounting Scholarship Lashae Bacon Emporia Kan. Joe and Lucille Cannon Business Scholarship Jessica Bader Olathe Kan. John Houck Oyster Scholarship and E. and M. (Fitzsimmons) Stoops Scholarship Shawna Bailey Lyndon Kan. John and Margaret Dinkler Memorial Scholarship Taylor Bailey Shawnee Mission Kan. Don Elmore and Merl J. Miller Memorial Scholarship Kayla Baker Emporia Kan. McPherson Family Scholars Fund, Jane and Bernard Reeble Scholarship and Dr. Perry and Phyllis Hamme Hunsley Scholarship Kelsey Balcom Olathe Kan. General Scholarship Fund Corrine Baliel Cheney Kan. Anita E. Lee Memorial Scholarship Lucas Ball Roeland Park Kan. Kasitz Engraving Arts Scholarship Fund and Jean Hegenbart Memorial Scholarship Blake Ballinger Olathe Kan. Helen Dow Memorial Scholarship and ESU Hornet Scholarship Abbey Balzer Wichita Kan. McPherson Family Scholars Fund and General Scholarship Fund John Banister Auburn Kan. Don Elmore and Merl J. Miller Memorial Scholarship Jetta Barbar Lyndon Kan. George and Eva Wiley Scholarship Michael Barger Great Bend Kan. Mirl Fund Accounting Scholarship Donna Barlow Eureka Kan. Jaime E. Chase Scholarship, Ethel and Marie Taylor Scholarship and Dr. S. Winston Cram Memorial Scholarship Madison Barney Chanute Kan. Betty Carter Manning Scholars Fund Christian Barrero Gardner Kan. C. C. and Eunice C. Sterba Scholarship Lindsey Bartlett La Crosse Kan. Laurence Boylan Scholarship Zoe Bartlett Valley Falls Kan. Donald E. Richter Memorial Scholarship Jeremy Bash Lawrence Kan. School of Business Scholarship Kayla Bauck Emporia Kan. Mary Gorman Rossillon Scholarship Tanner Bauer Liberal Kan. Edith Ann Eaman Lewis Scholarship Spencer Bauman Atchison Kan. School of Business Scholarship and Brian E. and Loraine N. Tomlinson Memorial Fund Darcy Baxter Andover Kan. Leona Sneed Dillard and Emil L. Dillard Scholarship Fund Ryan Baxter Olathe Kan. F. Merle Whaner Scholarship and Adelaid K. West Scholarship Joan Bayles Toronto Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship Jesse Bays Eskridge Kan. General Scholarship Fund Kelsey Bazil Emporia Kan. General Scholarship Fund Boaz Beard Wichita Kan. South Central Kansas Alumni Chapter Scholarship and ESU Hornet Scholarship Dalton Beard Wichita Kan. Robert J. Dole Scholarship, Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Larkin Scholarship, General Scholarship Fund and Butcher-‐Boertman Scholarship Stacy Beardslee Hutchinson Kan. R. E. French Scholarship, Jane and Bernard Reeble Scholarship and Dr. John and Irene Morgan Scholarship Fund Sarah Beaulieu Lawrence Kan. Adelaide M. Kauzer Business Scholarship Kristine Becker Tecumseh Kan. Susan B. Anthony Scholarship Stephen Beemer Americus Kan. Leonard L. Wright Scholarship Samantha Beemer LaCygne Kan. Sharon and James Bagg Music Scholarship and Calvin and Fern Garrison Scholarship Alyson Beery North Manchester Ind. Mary L. Doris Memorial Special Education Scholarship and Betty Carter Manning Scholars Fund Taylor Beitler Emporia Kan. Paul/Virginia DeBauge Secondary Education Scholarship Amanda Bell Wichita Kan. Dr. S. Winston Cram Memorial Scholarship Natalie Benton Parkerfield Kan. School of Business Scholarship, Richard and Inez Owen Business Scholarship and Minority Scholarship Janelle Berges Junction City Kan. Josephine Grammer Munson Scholarship Pamela Berne Overland Park Kan. Elberta Harris Scholarship Marla Bethke Larned Kan. Mayberry Family Scholarship, ESU Hornet Scholarship and Albert E. and Beulah H. Woodruff Scholarship John Beyer Gridley Kan. General Scholarship Fund Travis Bilyeu Emporia Kan. Osage County Scholarship and George and Eva Wiley Scholarship Rebekah Birchler Prairie Village Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship Casey Bisnett Meriden Kan. Donald E. Richter Memorial Scholarship Christopher Biswell Lenexa Kan. George R. R. Pflaum Debate Scholarship Lindsay Black Overland Park Kan. Max and Glenna Graham Nightingale Scholarship Erin Black Valley Center Kan. South Central Kansas Alumni Chapter Scholarship Chloe Blake Emporia Kan. General Scholarship Fund and Emporia State Federal Credit Union Scholarship Elise Blann Newton Kan. Walter E. Myer Memorial Scholarship and ESU Homecoming Musical Scholarship Kari Blazek Omaha Nebr. John, Valeta, and Richard Richel Scholarship Erin Bleich Olathe Kan. Barnes and Noble Bookstore Scholarship Allie Bloomfield Clifton Kan. R. E. French Scholarship, Marian Burns Thompson Nursing Scholarship and Lex H. and Carrie M. Copeland Fund Valerie Bogert Springfield Mo. John, Valeta, and Richard Richel Scholarship Kenji Bolden Sebring Fla. Music Benefit Scholarship and College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Scholarship Jeffrey Bollman Olathe Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship Danielle Bond Madison Kan. Leela S. Knox Memorial Scholarship Kelly Bonilla Emporia Kan. Mexican/American Cultural Awareness Club Scholarship Ashley Bonjour Manhattan Kan. Barbara Haynes Scholarship Dane Boring Shawnee Mission Kan. Lewis J. and Ernest A. Braun Scholarship, Frank A. and Bertha R. Beach Memorial Scholarship and Albert E. and Beulah H. Woodruff Scholarship Ashley Borker Overland Park Kan. General Scholarship Fund William Bostic Gardner Kan. Wilma Fritzemeier Memorial Scholarship, ESU Hornet Scholarship and College of Emporia Memorial Scholarship Matthew Boswell Wichita Kan. Ron and Shirley Slaymaker Family Scholarship Benjamin Bosworth Hillsboro Kan. School of Business Scholarship and Robert and Dorothy Spencer Hudkins Scholarship Taylor Boucher Allen Kan. Cora L. Hobble Scholarship Tyler Boulware Hiawatha Kan. Irene Elliott Krueger Scholarship II and Albert E. and Beulah H. Woodruff Scholarship Shelby Bowen Council Grove Kan. Trembly Foundation Scholarship, Harold and Corinne "Corky" See Scholarship and Barnes and Noble Bookstore Scholarship Arielle Bowhay Scottsbluff Nebr. Epsilon Pi Tau Memorial Fund Sarah Bowling Emporia Kan. General Scholarship Fund Mark Bowman Olathe Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship Megan Boydston Emporia Kan. George and Eva Wiley Scholarship Amanda Brabec Willow Springs Ill. Keith Maria Roberts Riegle Memorial Scholarship Ashley Brandt Hillsboro Kan. Margaret Green Childers Memorial Scholarship and Jerry and Doris Bedner Accounting Scholarship Ashley Branine Augusta Kan. McPherson Family Scholars Fund Kelsey Bravi McPherson Kan. Ina M. Borman Scholarship Amy Bretches McPherson Kan. Virginia Endly Memorial Scholarship and Elsie A. Borck Memorial Scholarship Otho and Gertrude Behymer Accounting Scholarship, McPherson Family Scholars Fund, Elsie A. Borck Memorial Scholarship and Capitol Federal Savings Kristi Bretches McPherson Kan. Scholarship Jessica Brewer Kansas City Mo. George L. and Fern Imthurn Athletic Scholarship Kristina Brisendine Liberal Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship Blake Brisson Elkhorn Nebr. Summervill Family Scholarship Fund Alyx Britton Waverly Kan. Etta Blanche Smith Dahlgren Scholarship Candice Brooks Kansas City Kan. General Scholarship Fund Derek Brooks Baytown Texas Lynn Roberts Baseball Scholarship Daniel Brower Blue Springs Mo. John, Valeta, and Richard Richel Scholarship Ashley Brown Emporia Kan. Newton "Buzz" and Lenora Wilson Scholarship Jessica Brown Mission Kan. Elberta Harris Scholarship and Anne Goebel Scholarship Lauren Brown Overland Park Kan. Elberta Harris Scholarship Michael Brown Pomona Kan. Esther B. and E. Pauline Annis Scholarship Jessica Brownlee Syracuse Kan. General Scholarship Fund Janene Brunell Yates Center Kan. Butcher-‐Boertman Scholarship Ericka Brunson Manhattan Kan. Martha Kruse Furbur Library Scholarship Fund Leon Bryson Emporia Kan. Don Elmore and Merl J. Miller Memorial Scholarship Tyler Buchanan Oakley Calif. Harry and Rachel Parker Scholarship and General Scholarship Fund Andrew Bucholtz Lone Tree Colo. The Larry Wild, Teresa Wild, and Walter Wild Athletic Scholarship Hannah Buenger Osage City Kan. Walter E. Myer Memorial Scholarship, Glenn and Mary O. Bacon Scholarship and George and Eva Wiley Scholarship Stephanie Bullard Wichita Kan. Ralph Marion and Purna C. Lambert Scholarship and Grace Smith Rearwin/Helen Smith Copenhaver Scholarship Kelsey Burenheide Emporia Kan. Modern Air/Kessler Family Scholarship Fund and F. Merle Whaner Scholarship Dustin Burgardt Emporia Kan. Paul Johnston Field Geology Fund Alexx Burnside Olathe Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship and Elberta Harris Scholarship Shannon Buscher Newton Kan. R. E. French Scholarship Shelby Buster Hamilton Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship Rebecca Butner Macon Mo. School of Business Scholarship, Lori Lyn Goertz Hubert Family Scholarship, Anita E. Lee Memorial Scholarship and Accounting Alumni Endowed Scholarship Sara Bystrom Portland Ore. John, Valeta, and Richard Richel Scholarship Adrian Cade Lawrence Kan. Harry and Jane Fowler Nursing Scholarship Geneva Cahoone Strong City Kan. Kenneth Lee Tefft Memorial Scholarship Karen Calderon Emporia Kan. Albert E. and Beulah H. Woodruff Scholarship Elizabeth Caldwell Portland Ore. Slim Scholarship Fund Daniel Call Chanute Kan. Paul Johnston Field Geology Fund Nathan Campbell Americus Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship Amy Campbell Pocatello Idaho John, Valeta, and Richard Richel Scholarship Yuying Cao Chendu, Sichuan China Shepherd University Scholars Fund, Marion and Jane Emerson Scholarship and Charles Tucker Memorial Math Scholarship Lisa Capel Council Bluffs Iowa Humphreys Lebo Community Scholarship and Henry A. and Margaret K. Humphrey Scholarship Javyn Carl Wilsey Kan. L. Fae Rader Scholarship Hannah Carlson Lawrence Kan. William and Aloha Preston Accounting Scholarship and Elizabeth Hainline Scholarship Benjamin Carlson Topeka Kan. Jack Kowalski Scholarship Zachary Carlson Topeka Kan. William and Aloha Preston Accounting Scholarship and Ted and Nate Hollembeak Scholarship Marah Carney Emporia Kan. W. Brock Kretsinger Scholarship and General Scholarship Fund Colleen Carr Andover Kan. Grace Smith Rearwin/Helen Smith Copenhaver Scholarship Chelsea Carr Emporia Kan. Rotary Club of Emporia Scholarship Clarissa Carrillo Liberal Kan. AVID Scholarship Trenton Carrillo Winfield Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship Fernando Cartagena Emporia Kan. Helen M. Ericson Scholarship Nicole Casey Columbus Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship Melissa Cast-‐Brede Omaha Nebr. Martha Kruse Furbur Library Scholarship Fund and John, Valeta, and Richard Richel Scholarship Daniel Cates Emporia Kan. Single Parents with Children Scholarship Fund Cameron Cauthon Wakarusa Kan. Virgil and Winifred Basgall Scholarship Christine Chadwell Ozawkie Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship and Boyd and Katy King Scholarship Alicia Chambers Emporia Kan. Elizabeth and Loretto Langley Scholarship Kelsey Chance Shawnee Kan. F. Merle Whaner Scholarship and Ethel May O'Connel Memorial Scholarship Timothy Chandler Missouri City Texas John Shannon, Scott Redpath, and Ike Diel Families Scholarship Sean Chase Atchison Kan. Kansas Student Loan/Scholarship Jana Chase Council Grove Kan. Connie Grismer Scholarship Fund Jianlei Chen Guangdong China Shepherd University Scholars Fund and Albert E. and Beulah H. Woodruff Scholarship Kathryn Chenoweth Leavenworth Kan. Elsie A. Borck Memorial Scholarship Jennifer Cheray Topeka Kan. School of Business Scholarship, General Scholarship Fund and Beta Gamma Sigma Scholarship Samantha Cherry Emporia Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship Mitchell Child Whiting Kan. General Scholarship Fund Dena Church Emporia Kan. Jane and Bernard Reeble Scholarship W. Katherine Churchill Easton Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship Shaunda Cielo Haysville Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship and Cremer Family Memorial Scholarship Adriana Claassen Whitewater Kan. Ruth Dunford Colvin Memorial Scholarship and Ina M. Borman Scholarship Adrienn Clark Cheney Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship Carmen Clark Emporia Kan. Lee and May Bryant Scholarship Taylor Clary Leawood Kan. Emery Stoops and Emelyn Jackson Scholarship Fund Nancy Claus El Dorado Kan. R. Lee and Henrietta C. (Roach) Horst Scholarship and General Scholarship Fund James Clem Burlingame Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship and David W. Leipold Memorial Scholarship Fund Tyler Cleveland Eudora Kan. McPherson Family Scholars Fund Adrienne Clevenger Prairie Village Kan. John, Valeta, and Richard Richel Scholarship Janet Clupny Colwich Kan. Stewart Family Scholarship and ESU Hornet Scholarship Matthew Colbert Emporia Kan. Slim Scholarship Fund, Lucile Litchfield Memorial Scholarship and John, Valeta, and Richard Richel Scholarship Shiloh-‐Rose Cole Wamego Kan. Jack Kowalski Scholarship Perry Colella Wichita Kan. Helen M. Ericson Scholarship Kaylan Colgin Moran Kan. McPherson Family Scholars Fund and Henry A. and Margaret K. Humphrey Scholarship Mikala Coltrane Emporia Kan. Mary Louisa Cochran Memorial Scholarship and General Scholarship Fund Krystina Colunga Emporia Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship Leah Cona Holt Mo. ESU Hornet Scholarship Derrell Conner East Chicago Ind. Everett "Gus" and Nina Fish Scholarship Rachel Cook Gardner Kan. General Scholarship Fund Briana Cooke Junction City Kan. Evelyn Rienow Leslie and Ruth Berg Maul Scholarship Fund and ESU Hornet Scholarship Bryce Cooke Olathe Kan. Gwen Thogmartin Residence Hall Scholarship Brienne Coombs South Jordan Utah Martha Kruse Furbur Library Scholarship Fund Ashley Coon Gardner Kan. McDonald's of Kansas Scholarship Alisha Cooper Hutchinson Kan. William and Aloha Preston Accounting Scholarship and Richard and Inez Owen Business Scholarship Clara Corn Emporia Kan. The Teacher's College Scholarship Angel Cornejo Emporia Kan. Edwin J. Brown Graduate Scholarship Russell Cornelius LaCygne Kan. Stillman P. Vincent Memorial Scholarship and General Scholarship Fund Kellie Cornwell Kansas City Kan. Etta Blanche Smith Dahlgren Scholarship and Edna Woodcock, Herbert Woodcock and Margaret Woodcock Ehlen Scholarship Simone Cosper Wichita Kan. McPherson Family Scholars Fund and ESU Hornet Scholarship Racheal Countryman Emporia Kan. Butcher-‐Boertman Scholarship Matthew Coursen Emporia Kan. Maurice and Tricky Matile Scholarship Michael Courtney Leawood Kan. School of Business Scholarship, Robert and Brenda Lawrenz Accounting Scholarship and Deloitte & Touche Accounting Scholarship Carleigh Cozad Osage City Kan. Presidential Scholars Program (Black & Gold Society Program), James and Ralphea Hill Scholarship and Elsie A. Borck Memorial Scholarship Amanda Crabtree Ballwin Mo. ESU Hornet Scholarship Jason Crawford Topeka Kan. Betty Carter Manning Scholars Fund Victoria Crocker Berryton Kan. Wayne Reynolds Scholarship, Topeka/Shawnee County Scholarship and Pauline Henderson Memorial Scholarship Morgan Croisant Mission Kan. School of Business Scholarship Matthew Crome Westphalia Kan. Phi Delta Theta Alumni Club Scholarship, Order of Omega Greek Leaders Scholarship, Nichols Family Scholarship and Capitol Federal Savings Scholarship Megan Cronk El Dorado Kan. South Central Kansas Alumni Chapter Scholarship, El Dorado Community Scholarship and Barnes and Noble Bookstore Scholarship LeRoy J. Schnittker and Kala Musick Biology Scholarship Fund, Juanita Nicholson Glenn Scholarship, Harry E. and Clara M. Hawley Memorial Scholarship, Dr. John Alexandra Crowe Overland Park Kan. and Ruth Breukelman Scholarship and Dr. and Mrs. Charles Underwood Scholarship Carson Cruce Valley Center Kan. Alden and Betty Bowman Scholarship Cody Crump Overland Park Kan. John Houck Oyster Scholarship Jamie Crumrine Eureka Kan. Leela S. Knox Memorial Scholarship Anthony Cuffe Olathe Kan. Kenneth Lee Tefft University Scholarship Jocelyn Cummings Overland Park Kan. Jack Kim Perisho Memorial Scholarship Elizabeth Cunningham Iola Kan. Elsie A. Borck Memorial Scholarship and Dr. James N. and Jacqueline K. Glenn Music Scholarship Stacy Curtis Louisburg Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship Coby Cushenbery Halstead Kan. F. Merle Whaner Scholarship and ESU Hornet Scholarship Simpson Mathematics and Computer Science Scholarship, Shepherd University Scholars Fund, Roe R. Cross Distinguished Professors Scholarsihp and Bonner-‐ Daria Cuznetova Tiraspol Moldova Bonner Mathmatics Scholarship Josiah D'Albini Ottawa Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship Brandi Daerr Viola Kan. The Boyer Educational Trust Scholarship Allison Dale Paola Kan. Edna Woodcock, Herbert Woodcock and Margaret Woodcock Ehlen Scholarship and Adelaid K. West Scholarship Haylee Dancer Stilwell Kan. General Scholarship Fund Kyle Dasenbrock Lakin Kan. Leona Sneed Dillard and Emil L. Dillard Scholarship Fund Robin Dauster Wichita Kan. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Larkin Scholarship Justine Davenport El Dorado Kan. Cora Anna (Munzer) Veenschoten Scholarship Andrew Davids Topeka Kan. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Scholarship and Barnes and Noble Bookstore Scholarship Rachal Davidson Leavenworth Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship Andrea Davis Emporia Kan. Rotary Club of Emporia Scholarship and ESU Hornet Scholarship Mercedes Davis Emporia Kan. DAKA Scholarship Kristin Davis Wichita Kan. Grace Smith Rearwin/Helen Smith Copenhaver Scholarship Geoffrey Davis Portland Ore. Slim Scholarship Fund Kristie Davis-‐Ballard Carriere Miss. Lewis and Elva Humphreys Scholarship Eric Dawson Olathe Kan. Dwight and Linda Metcalf Scholarship Riley Day De Soto Kan. Kappa Sigma Scholarship Tiffany Day Wichita Kan. The Alvin E. Morris and the Helen L. Morris Scholarship De La Torre-‐ Nicolas Cortez Olathe Kan. General Scholarship Fund Rachel De Lay Holton Kan. Nora S. Stosz Memorial Scholarship, Helen Dow Memorial Scholarship and Capitol Federal Savings Scholarship Lindsay Deardoff Overland Park Kan. Loretto Langley Business Scholarship Rachel Deckard Olathe Kan. R. E. French Scholarship and General Scholarship Fund Jullea Decker Bronson Kan. Elsie A. Borck Memorial Scholarship and C.O. and Ruth Stout Wright Memorial Education Fund Jessica Decker Emporia Kan. Earl W. Sauder Student-‐Athlete Scholars Program Fund, Columbia Savings and Loan Athletic Fund and Butcher-‐Boertman Scholarship Mayberry Family Scholarship, LeRoy J. Schnittker and Kala Musick Biology Scholarship Fund, Larry and Kathy Putnam Scholarship, Elsie A. Borck Memorial Ethan Deckert Larned Kan. Scholarship, Earl W. Sauder Student-‐Athlete Scholars Program Fund and Alfred T. Ericson Scholarship Amber Defore Dexter Kan. Michael R. Jones Scholarship Fund and Elsie A. Borck Memorial Scholarship Aaron Deitchler Wichita Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship Cortez Delaney Junction City Kan. Grace Smith Rearwin/Helen Smith Copenhaver Scholarship Asher Delmott Emporia Kan. The Teacher's College Scholarship, Shepherd University Scholars Fund, Keith Caywood Scholarship and John and Virginia Visser Fund Skyler Delmott Emporia Kan. Classified Personnel Dependent/Child Scholarship Fund Brynna Demotte Topeka Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship, Dwight B. Andrews Memorial Scholarship and Capitol Federal Savings Scholarship Danielle DeMotte Topeka Kan. John, Valeta, and Richard Richel Scholarship Amanda Dendurent Lenexa Kan. Paul Wurtz Scholarship and Elsie A. Borck Memorial Scholarship Xinming Deng Guangdong China Albert E. and Beulah H. Woodruff Scholarship Dorothy Dennison Emporia Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship and Kathrine K. White Scholarship Kelsea Denton Allen Kan. Scott Family Scholarship Fund and George and Eva Wiley Scholarship Katie Deutschmann Ballwin Mo. Willard Kauzer Scholarship, School of Business Scholarship and Everette Ross Barr Scholarship Jessica Dhority Reading Kan. Helen Dow Memorial Scholarship and Emporia Charter Chapter of the American Business Women's Association (ABWA) Scholarship Ryan Dickson Saint Louis Mo. Bob Karnes Track and Field Scholarship Krista Diedel Lawrence Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship Joni Dierker Overland Park Kan. Grace Smith Rearwin/Helen Smith Copenhaver Scholarship and Breidenthal Scholars Program for KCKCC Education Scholarship Karen Diller Portland Ore. Martha Kruse Furbur Library Scholarship Fund Antonio DiMaria Pittsburgh Pa. Willie and Joan Knox Athletic Scholarship Lauren Dobrowsky Olathe Kan. Ed and Ruth Colvin Memorial Scholarship Sarah Dodd Olathe Kan. Grace Smith Rearwin/Helen Smith Copenhaver Scholarship Ethan Dodd Wichita Kan. Paula F. Neuer Scholarship and Edna Woodcock, Herbert Woodcock and Margaret Woodcock Ehlen Scholarship Zachariah Dodson Burlingame Kan. Presidential Scholars Program (Black & Gold Society Program) Katie Donley Emporia Kan. Donna Sue Bowers Memorial Art Scholarship Fund and Don Hazelrigg Art Scholarship Julie Dorneker Strong City Kan. Trudy Benjamin Trio Scholarship Katherine Dorsey Emporia Kan. R. E. French Scholarship and Jane and Bernard Reeble Scholarship Laura Dossett Tulsa Okla. Walter E. Myer Memorial Scholarship and Emporia Theatre Guild Fund Tanner Doty Emporia Kan. Music Benefit Scholarship Kyle Downing Atchison Kan. Ruth Gilman Scholarship Fund Julian Dozier Emporia Kan. Richard W. Owen Football Scholarship Amanda Dragoo El Dorado Kan. South Central Kansas Alumni Chapter Scholarship and ESU Hornet Scholarship Katie Drake Salt Lake City Utah John, Valeta, and Richard Richel Scholarship Luke Drury Gardner Kan. Ed and Tom Metcalf Memorial Scholarship Yinhao Du Dalian China Simpson Mathematics and Computer Science Scholarship Dakota Duecy Pittsburg Kan. C. Fred Colvin Memorial Scholarship Alisha Duell Emporia Kan. Butcher-‐Boertman Scholarship Kayla Dugan Topeka Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship Matthew Dunkin Topeka Kan. General Scholarship Fund Roy, Ivol and Charles Wilhite Scholarship, Edgar and Eline Schupp Business Scholarship, Capitol Federal Savings Scholarship and Barnes and Noble Bookstore Sara Dunkin Topeka Kan. Scholarship Alyssa Dunlap Abilene Kan. Schallenkamp Leadership Scholarship Megan Durham Jefferson City Mo. John, Valeta, and Richard Richel Scholarship Christopher Dvorak De Soto Kan. Butcher-‐Boertman Scholarship Gregory Dykman Crandall Texas Ron and Carol Swint Scholarship and Carrollyn J. Helbert and Oneida Elizabeth Ziegler Memorial Scholarship Allex Dysart Maize Kan. Presidential Scholars Program (Black & Gold Society Program) and F. Merle Whaner Scholarship Chelsie Eagleburger Osage City Kan. Otho and Gertrude Behymer Accounting Scholarship and McPherson Family Scholars Fund Erin East Emporia Kan. Heather Christine Stewart Memorial Scholarship and Esther L. Richel Scholarship Joshua East Emporia Kan. James and Ralphea Hill Scholarship Fund, Don Elmore and Merl J. Miller Memorial Scholarship and Corina M. Krieser Talent Award Caitlin Eck Bartlett Kan. Capitol Federal Savings Scholars Robert B. Rensink Memorial Scholarship, Fran Welch Memorial Scholarship, Evants Family Scholarship, Earl W. Sauder Student-‐Athlete Scholars Program Fund Tyler Eckenrode Spring Texas and Chuck and Doris Hanna Football Scholarship Erica Eddings Burlington Kan. Jerry and Doris Bedner Scholarship, Jane and Bernard Reeble Scholarship and Flint Hills Medical Alliance Nursing Scholarship Angela Eden Shawnee Kan. School of Business Scholarship Elizabeth Edmonds Leavenworth Kan. Pauline Henderson Memorial Scholarship and Elsie A. Borck Memorial Scholarship Julie Edmonds Topeka Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship Caitlin Edmundson Kansas City Kan. H. H. Siegele Division of English Scholarship Mathew Edwards De Soto Kan. Albert E. and Beulah H. Woodruff Scholarship Rheanna Egli Ankeny Iowa Leo M. and Kathleen K. Ensman Scholarship Katherine Ehlers Gardner Kan. Music Benefit Scholarship, Leroy and Mabel Raynolds Scholarship and Beryl R. Liegl Strings Scholarship Tabitha Ellis Goddard Kan. School of Business Scholarship, Richard and Inez Owen Business Scholarship and Dennis W. and Ardis I. Hanson Aubrey Engel La Crosse Kan. Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Anderson Scholarship Jane Epp Oxford Kan. The Boyer Educational Trust Scholarship Collin Erbert Topeka Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship Garret Ericson Bronson Kan. Melvin Long Memorial Fund and John Houck Oyster Scholarship Lindy Erikson Olathe Kan. Wayne Reynolds Memorial Scholarship Amanda Erwin Wichita Kan. The Alvin E. Morris and the Helen L. Morris Scholarship, Alumni Scholarship and ESU Hornet Scholarship Brenda Escobar Emporia Kan. McPherson Family Scholars Fund Everett Euler Emporia Kan. Hawes Family Scholarship and Austin Andrews Memorial Scholarship Kristen Everett Abilene Kan. Bert/Addie/Kermit Palmer Scholarship Caroline Ewing Lenexa Kan. Shepherd University Scholars Fund and Elberta Harris Scholarship Samuel Ewy Wichita Kan. Clyde O. Merideth Scholarship Rebecca Faber Goddard Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship Miranda Fagan Burlingame Kan. Everett and Nina Cole Scholarship Brandon Fair Andale Kan. Etta Blanche Smith Dahlgren Scholarship and ESU Hornet Scholarship Alaina Fairbanks Shawnee Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship and Edna McCullough Memorial Scholarship Melissa Falk Atchison Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship and James and Yvonne Barnett Scholarship Rebecca Falk Salina Kan. Minnie M. Miller Scholarship and General Scholarship Fund Kaitlyn Fangman Grantville Kan. General Scholarship Fund Jacob Farley Carrollton Texas Leona Sneed Dillard and Emil L. Dillard Scholarship Fund Kyle Farmer Tecumseh Kan. Lilly Strand Memorial Scholarship Luke Farnsworth Bonner Springs Kan. Harry L. and Sharon Sue Stephens Educational Fund Kristen Farnsworth Munden Kan. General Scholarship Fund and Blanche Kent Verbeck Scholarship Jeremy Farr Lansing Kan. John Houck Oyster Scholarship, General Scholarship Fund, F. Merle Whaner Scholarship and Breidenthal Scholars Program for KCKCC Education Scholarship Gregory Farris Goodland Kan. Elsie A. Borck Memorial Scholarship Kathy Fatkin Idaho Falls Idaho Martha Kruse Furbur Library Scholarship Fund Amber Fedor Lenexa Kan. School of Business Scholarship, ESU Hornet Scholarship and Accounting Alumni Endowed Scholarship Ashley Feist Topeka Kan. Music Benefit Scholarship, ESU Hornet Scholarship and Alumni Band Scholarship Amy Feldkamp Lenexa Kan. Viola Conner Scholarship and ESU Hornet Scholarship Jennifer Felix Junction City Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship and Donald McConnell Scholarship Erin Ferguson Kensington Kan. Ernest James Memorial Scholarship Dallas Fillmore Osage City Kan. Richard and Inez Owen Business Scholarship and Capitol Federal Savings Scholarship Brandi Fink Emporia Kan. Single Parents with Children Scholarship Fund Kalie Fischer Overland Park Kan. Jack Kowalski Scholarship Kendall Fiscus Fredonia Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship Jacqueline Fisher Plains Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship Abby Fisher Wichita Kan. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Scholarship Courtney Fladung Emporia Kan. Etta Blanche Smith Dahlgren Scholarship Kylee Flaherty Wichita Kan. C. Fred Colvin Memorial Scholarship Elizabeth Flanagan Olathe Kan. F. Merle Whaner Scholarship Jessica Fleming Americus Kan. Leonard L. Wright Scholarship Ilda Flores Emporia Kan. Mehring Scholarship Fund Alyssa Floro Wakefield Kan. Errett Family Scholarship Kathryn Flott Emporia Kan. Olpe State Bank Scholarship, General Scholarship Fund and Emil Babinger Olpe High School Scholarship Fund Alec Ford Emporia Kan. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Larkin Scholarship Carolyn Ford Shawnee Kan. John, Valeta, and Richard Richel Scholarship Kirsten Ford Wakarusa Kan. LeRoy J. Schnittker and Kala Musick Biology Scholarship Fund and Harry E. and Clara M. Hawley Memorial Scholarship Christine Forester Benton Kan. F. Merle Whaner Scholarship and ESU Hornet Scholarship Paige Fort Osage City Kan. PEO Chapter DI Scholarship, Carol Gamble Schuberg Memorial Scholarship and Barbara K. (Martin) Teeter Memorial Scholarship Drake Foster Mulvane Kan. Dr. Edwin Charles Moreland Memorial Scholarship Hannah Foster Wichita Kan. Shepherd University Scholars Fund, Presidential Scholars Program (Black & Gold Society Program) and Didde Corporation Scholarship Anthony Foust Lawrence Kan. Julian B. Aubuchon Music Scholarship and Charles and Irene De Mun Hendricks Scholarship Jordan Foutch Hilton Head Island S.C. William and Aloha Preston Accounting Scholarship Joseph Fox Easton Kan. General Scholarship Fund and Delta Chapter of Sigma Tau Gamma Educational Fund Katherine Fox Easton Kan. Michael W. Tomasich Memorial Scholarship Eric Fox Emporia Kan. General Scholarship Fund and Butcher-‐Boertman Scholarship Rebecca Fraker Shawnee Kan. Helen Dow Memorial Scholarship Ethan Francis Chapman Kan. Jim Fleisher Memorial Music Scholarship and Frank A. and Bertha R. Beach Memorial Scholarship Caleb Francis Wellsville Kan. Otis and Kitty Thornton Scholarship Lori Franklin Overland Park Kan. Martha Kruse Furbur Library Scholarship Fund Savannah Franz Lawrence Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship Elizabeth Frazer Olathe Kan. Wayne Reynolds Memorial Scholarship, Steven Younger Scholarship and John Johnson Memorial Scholarship in Business Shane Frazier Spring Hill Kan. Walter E. Myer Memorial Scholarship and Sigma Pi, Wayne H. Reynolds Scholarship Christine Frederking Wichita Kan. McPherson Family Scholars Fund Benjamin French Wichita Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship, John and Elsie Beavers Family Scholarship and Chuck and Doris Hannah Baseball Scholarship Kelsey Frey Wichita Kan. School of Business Scholarship and F. Merle Whaner Scholarship Erin Fuchs Paola Kan. School of Business Scholarship and ESU Hornet Scholarship Noah Fugate Tonganoxie Kan. Sigma Pi, Wayne H. Reynolds Scholarship Alexander Fulbright Emporia Kan. John J. Zimmerman Pi Gamma Mu Scholarship Jennifer Furuyama Sherwood Ore. Slim Scholarship Fund Kevin Gaddis Midwest City Okla. Jodie Fund Scholarship Kelli Galbrecht Gardner Kan. Roy and Zella Norris Scholarship and Herman and Grace Baehr Scholarship Emily Garcia Baldwin City Kan. Marjorie Stone Scholarship Carissa Garcia Newton Kan. Capitol Federal Savings Scholars Michelle Gardner Gardner Kan. Grace Smith Rearwin/Helen Smith Copenhaver Scholarship and Emporia Gazette Scholarship Billy Garner Meriden Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship Mitchell Garrett Emporia Kan. Edwin J. Brown Graduate Scholarship Megan Gasche Olpe Kan. Jan Grieder Memorial Scholarship Theresa Gay Topeka Kan. Norma Hajek-‐Nichols Scholarship Scott Gdanski Lenexa Kan. Grace Smith Rearwin/Helen Smith Copenhaver Scholarship Brandon Gentz Emporia Kan. Sidney and Pam Symes Scholarship, Norene Laughlin Memorial Scholarship and ESU Hornet Scholarship Rebecca George Emporia Kan. Jack Kowalski Scholarship Kacee George Knob Noster Mo. Harold C. Dent Scholarship, Grace Smith Rearwin/Helen Smith Copenhaver Scholarship and Alpha Sigma Alpha Epsilon Epsilon Chapter Scholarship Jennifer Gerhardt Olathe Kan. Live, Laugh, Love Foundation Tennis Scholarship and Lewis J. and Ernest A. Braun Scholarship Marissa Germann Wichita Kan. Presidential Scholars Program (Black & Gold Society Program), Petitjean Family Scholarship and ESU Hornet Scholarship Kendra Gifford Chapman Kan. Josephine Grammer Munson Scholarship Angela Gifford Waverly Kan. Ted Fuller MU Scholarship, School of Business Scholarship, General Scholarship Fund and Capitol Federal Savings Scholarship Kristi Gildner Derby Kan. Grimwood Family Scholarship Kelli Gill Corning Kan. William and Dorothy Schlicher Scholarship, Opal M. (Allen) Kennedy Scholarship and Kansas Student Loan/Scholarship Cathrine Gillaspie Council Grove Kan. General Scholarship Fund Ashley Gillett Cheney Kan. Marie C. and Darrell Wood Scholarship Craig Gilmore Chanute Kan. School of Business Scholarship, Jim and Shirley Meyer Family Fund, Greg and Donna Seibel Scholarship and Accounting Club Scholarship Emma Gilmore Iola Kan. Elsie A. Borck Memorial Scholarship Jennifer Glazier Madison Kan. Jaime E. Chase Scholarship and Bertha Edwards and Mertie Edmondson Scholarship Amanda Glotzbach Emporia Kan. Otha Carol (Mayes) Day Memorial Scholarship Holly Glynn Mission Kan. Elberta Harris Scholarship Amanda Goering Canton Kan. Paul M. and Dorothy F. Johnson Scholarship Grady Goff Manhattan Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship Jacob Golden Emporia Kan. Newton "Buzz" and Lenora Wilson Scholarship Maria Gomez-‐Beltran Lebo Kan. McPherson Family Scholars Fund Caroline Gonzalez Emporia Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship Suzanne Gonzalez Emporia Kan. Gladys Faye Beuchat Memorial Scholarship Tyler Good Belle Plaine Kan. John Baxter Student Athletic Trainer Scholarship Daniel Goodman Emporia Kan. Edgar Colvin Athletic Scholarship James Gorman Overland Park Kan. Loretto Langley Business Scholarship Katrina Goscha Bucyrus Kan. Welford H. Diggs Memorial Scholarship Thomas Govert Arkansas City Kan. Presidential Scholars Program (Black & Gold Society Program), F. L. Gilson Memorial Scholarship and Emporia Theatre Guild Fund Jessica Gragg Topeka Kan. Edna Woodcock, Herbert Woodcock and Margaret Woodcock Ehlen Scholarship Leeann Graves Gardner Kan. Scott Family Scholarship Fund and Music Benefit Scholarship Brigitte Gray Kansas City Kan. Breidenthal Scholars Program for KCKCC Education Scholarship Jasmine Greene Emporia Kan. Ted Fuller MU Scholarship New Providence, Neucasha Greene Nass Bahamas Rotary District 5710 Scholarship Jack Greever Emporia Kan. Elsie A. Borck Memorial Scholarship and Baker-‐Karst Scholarship Christian Grey Emporia Kan. Captain Joseph J. Donnellan -‐ Company B Scholarship Sertrice Grice Wamego Kan. Barnes and Noble Bookstore Scholarship Tonia Griffin Burlingame Kan. P.E.O. Chapter C G Scholarship and Lewis J. and Ernest A. Braun Scholarship Heather Griffin Kansas City Kan. Breidenthal Scholars Program for KCKCC Education Scholarship Rose Griffin Pomona Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship Paul Griffin Kansas City Mo. Cora L. Hobble Scholarship Christian Griffitts Eureka Kan. Louis F. Hayward Family Scholarship Keely Grossnickle Shawnee Kan. W. H. and H. C. Keller Memorial Scholarship Samantha Grother Emporia Kan. Pearl Kunish Scholarship Kaitlynn Grube Wichita Kan. The Alvin E. Morris and the Helen L. Morris Scholarship and ESU Hornet Scholarship Joshua Gruoner Linn Kan. W. D. Ross Memorial Scholarship and ESU Hornet Scholarship Vanessa Guigley Herington Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship and Elmert O. and Annetta I. Helland Scholarship Courtney Gust Kansas City Kan. Marlin and Marjorie Baxter Scholarship, Inez Carmichael Friesen Scholarship and Elsie A. Borck Memorial Scholarship Jose Gutierrez Emporia Kan. Rich Longbine Memorial Scholarship Seung Gutsch Emporia Kan. The Teacher's College Scholarship Min Ha Dae Gu South Korea E. T. and Cora F. Anderson Scholarship and Drs. Doug and Marged Amend Scholarship Kylie Haag Olpe Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship and Evelyn Rienow Leslie and Ruth Berg Maul Scholarship Fund Carol Habermaier Emporia Kan. School of Business Scholarship Dakota Hagler Emporia Kan. Galen and Dorothy Milsap Athletic Scholarship and Don Bruyr Memorial Math Scholarship Jaclyn Hahn Garden Plain Kan. Petitjean Family Scholarship Loren Halfmann Emporia Kan. Thomas Badger Memorial Scholarship and Howard and Alice (Frazier) Walker Scholarship Jane and Bernard Reeble Scholarship, General Scholarship Fund, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Underwood Nursing Scholarship and College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Liem Halim Malang, East Java Indonesia Scholarship Brooke Haling Horton Kan. Trudy Benjamin Trio Scholarship Crystal Hall Wichita Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship Derwin Hall Blue Springs Mo. Earl W. Sauder Student-‐Athlete Scholars Program Fund Karen Hallett Jonesboro Ark. Martha Kruse Furbur Library Scholarship Fund Mackenzie Hallstrom Paola Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship Justin Hamann Emporia Kan. Wesley E. and Leona G. Haney Scholarship and Ethel Strawman Dyatt and William L. Dyatt Scholarship Caleb Hamilton Emporia Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship Liyang Han Dalian, Liaoning China Dr. James N. and Jacqueline K. Glenn Music Scholarship and Charles and Irene De Mun Hendricks Scholarship Rachel Hanf Paola Kan. Earl W. Sauder Student-‐Athlete Scholars Program Fund Jessica Hanna Kansas City Kan. Everett and Nina Cole Scholarship Karen Hannah Liberty Mo. Charles L. and Betty Bell Memorial Scholarship Carly Hansen Topeka Kan. General Scholarship Fund Satomi Harada Ibaraki Japan Charles Creager Graduate Fund Jordan Harbour Wichita Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship and Don Elmore and Merl J. Miller Memorial Scholarship Jessica Harder Emporia Kan. Viola Conner Scholarship and Edna Woodcock, Herbert Woodcock and Margaret Woodcock Ehlen Scholarship Sarah Harder Wichita Kan. The Alvin E. Morris and the Helen L. Morris Scholarship School of Business Scholarship, Presidential Scholars Program (Black & Gold Society Program), Capitol Federal Savings Scholarship and Business Faculty Jaymie Hardtarfer Lawrence Kan. Scholarship Courtney Haring Kirkwood Mo. Walter and Elizabeth Butcher Scholarship, Richard F. Reicherter Blue Key Scholarship Fund and ESU Hornet Scholarship Anne Harmon Wichita Kan. Jack Kowalski Scholarship Hope Harms Gardner Kan. John, Valeta, and Richard Richel Scholarship Jennifer Harper Shawnee Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship James Harrington Emporia Kan. ESU Hornet Scholarship and Floyd Austin Hagins, Sr. Scholarship Michael Harris Conway Springs Kan. Harry and Aileen Barnett Scholarship and Don Elmore and Merl J. Miller Memorial Scholarship