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WHAT GREAT LEADERS KNOW —AND DO Ken Blanchard Coauthor of The One Minute Manager™ and Full Steam Ahead! Mark Miller Vice President, Training and Development Chick-fil-A, Inc. Foreword by John C. Maxwell US$19.95 Debbie Brewster, recently promoted and struggling, finds herself about tolose her job due to poor performance. In an attempt to saveher career, she enrollsin a newmentor ing program offered byhercompany. Much to hersurprise,Debbie finds hermentorisnone other than the company's president, Jeff Brown. Debbie decides thatshe is going to ask her new mentor the one question she feels she desperatelyneeds answered: "What is the secret of great leaders?" Jeff's immediate answer—thatgreatleaders serve theirfollow ers—completelyflummoxes Debbie. Over the nextseveral months,JeffhelpsDebbie discov er and explore five fundamentalways that leaders lead through service. Along the way, she learns: • Why great leaders seem preoccupied with thefuture, • Why and how people on "the team" are invariablykeyingredientsofsuccessorfailure, • What three arenas require continuous improvement, • Why true success in leadership has two essential components, and • How to knowingly strengthen—or unwittingly destroy—leadership credibility. TheSecretwill benefityou, yourorganization andthepeople who looktoyou forguidance. The Secret WHAT GREAT LEADERS KNOW —AND DO Ken Blanchard Mark Miller BK Berrett-KobhlerPublishers,Inc. SanFrancisco Copyright©2004bytheBlanchardFamilyPartnershipandT.MarkMiller. Allrightsreserved.Withtheexceptionofbriefquotesincludedinreviews,nopart ofthisbookmaybereproducedbyanymeanswhatsoever,including,butnotlim itedto,printing,photocopying,audioorvideorecording,electronicreplication andInternetdistribution.Allinternationalcopyrightlawsapply.Forpermission requests,writetothepublisher,addressed"Attention:PermissionsCoordinator," attheaddressbelow. SERVE,Copyright©2001byCFAProperties,Inc. Berrett-KoehlerPublishers,Inc. 235MontgomeryStreet,Suite650 SanFrancisco,CA94104-2916 Tel:(415)288-0260 Fax:(415)362-2512 www.bkconnection.com ORDERING I^ORMATION Quantitysales.Specialdiscountsareavailableonquantitypurchasesbycorpora tions,associations,andothers.Fordetails,contactthe"SpecialSalesDepartment" at theBerrett-Koehleraddressabove. Individualsales.Berrett-Koehlerpublicationsareavailablethroughmostbook stores.TheycanalsobeordereddirectfromBerrett-Koehler:Tel:(800)929-2929; Fax:(802)864-7626;www.bkconnection.com Ordersforcollegetextbook/courseadoptionuse.PleasecontactBerrett- Koehler:Tel:(800)929-2929;Fax:(802)864-7626. OrdersbyU.S. tradebookstoresandwholesalers.PleasecontactPublishers GroupWest, 1700FourthStreet,Berkeley,CA94710.Tel:(510)528-1444;Fax (510) 528-3444. ProductionManagement:MichaelBassAssociates Berrett-KoehlerandtheBKlogoareregisteredtrademarksofBerrett-Koehler Publishers,Inc. Printedin theUnitedStatesofAmerica Berrett-Koehlerbooksareprintedonlong-lastingacid-freepaper.Whenitis available,wechoosepaperthathasbeenmanufacturedbyenvironmentallyrespon sibleprocesses.Thesemayincludeusingtreesgrowninsustainableforests,incor poratingrecycledpaper,minimizingchlorineinbleaching,orrecyclingtheenergy producedatthepapermill. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Blanchard,KennethH. Thesecret:whatgreatleadersknow—anddo./KenBlanchard,MarkMiller, p. cm. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN1-57675-289-5 1.Leadership. 2.Management. I.Miller,Mark.1959- II.Title HD57.7.B563 2003 658.4'092—dc22 2003063919 FirstEdition 0908070605 10 9 Thisbookis dedicatedto the nextgeneration of servingleaders. Contents ForewordbyJohn Maxwell ix The Opportunity 1 TheMeeting 9 The Secret 21 Where Are YouGoing? 30 What'sMostImportant? 41 AnInsight with Impact 60 How Can It Be Better? 69 WhatIs Success? 76 How'sYourCredibility? 86 ServingLeaders 99 Let's Review 104 Passingthe Baton 112 Acknowledgments 117 About the Authors 119 ServicesAvailable 123 Foreword Everythingrisesandfalls on leadership!That'swhy I've beenastudent, apractitioner, andanadvocate of leadership formore thanthirtyyears. That'salso the reason I agreed towrite theforeword forthisbook. When I learned that Ken Blanchard and Mark Miller had collaboratedon this project,I knewit would be awinner. Here's why: Ken hasbeenthinkingandwritingabout leader shipformorethanaquarterofacentury.Just look at thislistoftitles: The One Minute Manager®, Leadership and the One Minute Manager, GungHo!, High Five!, RavingFans®, and Whale Done®!The list couldgoon andon,andI'm sureyou've heardof many ofthese books (Ihope you've readsome of them aswell). Ken hassoldmore than thirteen mil lion books—and counting. He isone ofveryfew authors in historyto have four titleson the Business Week best-seller list at one time! Ken has helped shapethe wayour generationleads. Mark has taken a differentpath. For more than twenty-five years, he hasbeenpart ofthe leadership team at one ofAmerica's great organizations— x THESECRET Chick-fil-A, Inc., based inAtlanta, Georgia. Chick-fil-Aisaquick-service restaurant company withmorethan 1,100 locations and sales approach ing$2 billion annually. Currently, Markserves as vice presidentfortraininganddevelopment. I've had theprivilege ofspeaking atthecompany's annual meeting ontwo occasions, and these people getit! The Secretisno secret in thisorganization. It is at the heart oftheir success. Mychallenge toyouissimple: learn The Secret— then apply The Secret. Ifyou do, your leadership and your lifewill be transformed forever! —John C. Maxwell Authorof The21IrrefutableLawsofLeadership FounderofThe INJOYGroup The Opportunity How can leadership be this hard? Oneyearago today was the happiestday ofmy life. I hadarrived! Onlyfour years out ofcollege, andmy company hadselectedme to move into a leadershipposition: directorofcorporate clientservicesforthe southeastsales region. I knew I could handle thejob. Ihadstartedout in ourcatalogue callcenterfielding customer requestsas wellascom plaints. Then I waspromoted to aprojectmanager working closely with salesand ourcorporate clients. Whateverproducts orservices thesalespeoplepromised ourcustomers, Iwassupposed to deliver. AndifI do say so myself, Iwasgoodatgetting ourcorporate clients what they needed, when andwhere they needed it. I receivedallkinds ofkudosformy ability to develop out standing client relations. Iwassure Icouldmake my staffdo the same. Ayearago, Iwas elated; today, Iam holding onfor dearlife, andmyjob may be atrisk. What happened? What went wrong? With thosethoughts,Debbiepulledinto the parking lot atthepublic library. She knew shecould never have an uninterrupted dayin the office.

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