» KAVIVENDAR KSVVENDSR VEZHAVENDAN’s POEMS (An English Rendering) Genel Pee Dr. G. John Samael vor Dr. ¥ .Thisgaraj th Retoring INSTITUTE OF ASTAN STUDIES ‘Chemeancherry, Chennai - 600 119 IND ‘thar Jubge Catelradon Series 11 VEAILAVENDAN’S POEMS ‘An Kngtish Reade Ree Bt Bat of Asim See Ba at Yas nents SERIES: sesantaerinn Compas Tratiatof Asie Sta Cea 6012, inet Sud OG Seis, Chet, DES CONTENTS FouEWwonn Former vers of zu A, Pkrabsher's bai Foner Sopten # Co kl de, Mobar's Foewowd annse View: Chirsa af De en Unser De Ns L Sutcamua'a'e ~ A fon ine st Apreian, SEC HONS A.Nature O Coeation a amit te yt! G tganieg 2 Nue's Unssn Tats “The Sky 3. sive caver! A Saree Miele Cyete B.palere’s Coons ice 9. Comes ne ie ences Navies Tha vangs a Parra fee EG Moness Ths Cues show us tbe Wa cake 18 16 Ants Teach us Meng Tine Andacta’s Seats UT. Literatare he Goa ote ne Matches Karal Books! ‘Whichisa Wing? © Jounal 1M Social Problems Cesc he Whe sd Monster Liger—A Tsnly Monier ThisTewen Au tn exons TV. Bertonstities Pevipa: A Sigh OF Peres ‘una 0 Era fi, Anna Li Can We Bi agate? (0 Sepchet Kataignes =4 His (On rot, Aabehugan Neduachezhian 4 Mii Une Marna Aig 5-58 6s 60-065 008 WF Ped Hee 6-0 8-91 ones 36-88 ay 105 ea 09 get haus ig-1:9 ran aes at e135 16-13 6 ”. 4%. 4 “2 6 4. toe Macha. Anes Tan he Rolfe Canad ‘The Fert Sangam hr Tan ‘Oe King OF Bards! ‘The Ceskoa That Sung Revluierury Seon, ‘Wo: Bharacd Bard Suraths A Mane Coen BAK ‘bu dl Sot Vivlmaad Say? ‘Nebew Tie ics Notre 0 ¥-Tamil and ‘Tomitians 6 (oFmiian were ws You 4 UMyTamitConrese The Voice CEM Fan 48, The Tracts Waore you? 48, Tre tua ofNew Age St, Tal, The aly Begs? St. Tho Pay ota Chinas Sudest Vu. Draviian Movements Sc. Reonaitoeer: $8. The WaspunoF Retinal an SA. Achievers "Pe wid Mover iki he Wea VAL Miscellaneous Poems 6 Asacie Wh 10 watts 14 15-15 ato 158-161 140-195 160-168 irate 178 18 wa-135 1-190 ro-r01 2-095 196-191 198-708 208-207 0-209 ai0-a13 114-216 ug. 228 ‘het Have We To Lee Crate buopean Kad Nu Penden tn ely Cp oss Alans Ta tn Melane! Bra, Ths Magic Wane tho ia the Sone ay Te Wadonn Aone The Meurizg ea? Pahl Saeco Regvze Then! leat Uy el A lie ot Service Hanan Tol Nareanas ee Door 0 vended BD Lsping Xb! A Font Anabet A Despondant Sigh Tous Une tansy Ihe shove O° alien Mag Vay SU ‘on Weve Ever) 238 231 a0 234-235 2607 cee 2a 249-282 a4 249 250-25 12-25 oe 256-287 258-258 260-61 2226 264-257 268-271 man 2295 26-27 er 20-281 22-285 286 — 288 A. PADMANAMAN, L$ (etd) bin sae rey cans sm FOREWORD ‘Acthe wold Conuress Poti 1590, I made he llogng observations: Fru the des oF Mesopotam'an Itrture aut fve than! yey the Modem sing, Peets and Poors lave come a ong Way. Tey have fed their slornas ns we as calamitous day. Whether good of ba, lear cr anpeasent, ‘boas or bricks, Posts have pase thiol aly ad fly an veo Ot be Ty pour out tei mind ad her, sg the viva and iaes args of thie being, praise tho Suprare ti pends and pusietes ail ony bees, exo Neue ais bounty pill the wikod athe mje mir te sat of the Svea audchee she wor J & furs of peace ace peeps, hemi aml my through Poy. The Poe: Kava to burlaries snd bara he fy beyond baits snd shove bier, ase, rail en ene is Universal an, SANS malice singe songs, att poems, bom ou: ef Tr, concen fr the fellow in and 'crvng for just and beter world abd wobler Human Race. A Poets lie is Sontinots-ndewir find Beau, Inu, Peete, Hcedom and esos and eons thr fora sner and Reti torto™ To he vee ud vs sansa, Tm shave tale si fest soutate over ceetse Tiel leat hoy ny aoe cer aba Syosset." Sangam Ltn retin the Warde fetawel EoRinanl Modal fe well Ere Paci Thevminn “sing Som ard may ea binapaaote dling ib Vaikayr ae i Tal The Sidhe, Thaotesar 8 ota a yee De ane sta ad tal corns ugh ead Wes Keo Kelp aid send: ° The Dri fesse. are ih aes thas of Saris lf sonal “ar hen 2s as IS ase Scr Sy fe shor the Gog he Tom Paes se coaposieg Sou at ve Spies oe te hake Cue es tec sas KR. Marjan ar Pre i ‘nein drome hs Wes Sd vba To Tia hei in sho Mir of ln Cale Bre ae oe thes a: stad spins! ad vive hana, Ty te pers Tore OA trae {events en re iia Faeroe” wry Sou ube Janda eer concer tana ee 230 other ort Liat on a odor irs sped Leven tt ee aes The vison of ae ad ‘ee na Rania a pans Tp Casa ats 2 SF han sparse, Aud Tew i # liroore "hi cin ext each De oops and expences wi fem ae oy Ifa fom ld tae a Free re hough wen oda anc Ta one of the EME ae ‘oti she Tcatae 9 Ea ale at) ef nls wt sce) splondon oF 290" “Move cay wes wed Res have hoe asi he lady Lapeer cogs of Ton ts aay Pol Verh il asia Me om ‘crsnet me Dogon fy Bi. verdmavtais. any ae pooped andes Mare Lica, Socio bigs. Amon, Toral ane aio, Dv ‘Sovcoatt ond bialinces. Teel Fal Poa fe Erg and ser Inagiges toe beers og flened iv vera hon salable Wore gta the ounces ad esting mse and aly ol Poems ‘gi pot laguage esa ek Tees the timbre. empl and eons ‘fhe cso inh een isms ope = sad ans or? Sevres lenges tea tet Inge rm reve xe Uacteston, Tos Taqhst Sen in te se Caleta wf puss cose fa posible the vinancy an Manis te lvcur ed the Fageaea uf Lc ugal 268 Verkstcksam ba done Trelis te ds Savas) ane eB Taine have nome ol oii at deg ths seta, ‘Waltag Posmay a amen, thy yoursing suungater Veavengae foorueyedthrongh dierent stages, Sram: deep the foalas of pets 2d Irena md uaared inf onc tong Oem arstup reap wo fame BS try inte polite aud the Mitral chur he oecupied. have wnt dented M& poe Stewiternen no sony. NK Berary works and comtibutons covinut hvhoia Hic stating wih he Deavtan Maweweat nid te ledery Bet ven bios wldimal suc ia Llorary nud NaGiuwalite elles His Pues Pieture Poet Verhevoudua wut only a a tears peetonally bat algo s6 6 lucy sl eociy snasiows Hiiuan belag Hl hgh nec reflec 20d Concern for Taal aud Sore, appealing. aw arent aduneate fir Tumi Leretopunoe Burial Justice sad Tuna Digaly Ws eles, te sade Poot i fehl-ming ly erenore al cana egnpse vat le pee Truly Met Verhavendan i Man = Possene: lor te Cot Hs luive the Man sie his aoc, a soll he Ta Tw ih thi, Pas ‘Vesey ht Wis syle ice dd lenge, Pots ad Pest cat vrais ta edge" tosme ate ast The market comrangien trate” sy Rabindranat Tage, Ise ms Regi nfo 0 aloe tae Post's vary of Thome La ighsoe exgoehe Post qstors the asin nnn fa rong te Cont Ped Jest {iar ana tsa Gara els ire i se lnk eh loin ‘aly nz tothe grow Se orles oe WOE baer nef the ete uum etme ofyouraatan be equal thing! Pater nse enties and on! Lelie nde maint Hie uncer me vnc”