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Kashani, M. M., Lowes, L. N., Crewe, A. J., & Alexander, N. A. (2016). Computational Modelling Strategies for Nonlinear Response Prediction of Corroded Circular RC Bridge Piers. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2016, [2738265]. https://doi.org/10.1155/2016/2738265 Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record License (if available): CC BY Link to published version (if available): 10.1155/2016/2738265 Link to publication record in Explore Bristol Research PDF-document This is the final published version of the article (version of record). It first appeared online via Hindawi at https://www.hindawi.com/journals/amse/2016/2738265/. Please refer to any applicable terms of use of the publisher. University of Bristol - Explore Bristol Research General rights This document is made available in accordance with publisher policies. Please cite only the published version using the reference above. Full terms of use are available: http://www.bristol.ac.uk/red/research-policy/pure/user-guides/ebr-terms/ Hindawi Publishing Corporation Advances in Materials Science and Engineering Volume 2016, Article ID 2738265, 15 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/2738265 Research Article Computational Modelling Strategies for Nonlinear Response Prediction of Corroded Circular RC Bridge Piers MohammadM.Kashani,1LauraN.Lowes,2AdamJ.Crewe,1andNicholasA.Alexander1 1DepartmentofCivilEngineering,UniversityofBristol,BristolBS81TR,UK 2DepartmentofCivilandEnvironmentalEngineering,UniversityofWashington,Seattle,WA98195-2700,USA CorrespondenceshouldbeaddressedtoMohammadM.Kashani;mehdi.kashani@bristol.ac.uk Received30December2015;Accepted19April2016 AcademicEditor:Seung-JunKwon Copyright©2016MohammadM.Kashanietal.ThisisanopenaccessarticledistributedundertheCreativeCommonsAttribution License,whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. Anumericalmodelispresentedthatenablessimulationofthenonlinearflexuralresponseofcorrodedreinforcedconcrete(RC) components.Themodelemploysaforce-basednonlinearfibrebeam-columnelement.Anewphenomenologicaluniaxialmaterial modelforcorrodedreinforcingsteelisused.Thismodelaccountsfortheimpactofcorrosiononbucklingstrength,postbuckling behaviour,andlow-cyclefatiguedegradationofverticalreinforcementundercyclicloading.Thebasicmaterialmodelisvalidated throughcomparisonofsimulatedandobservedresponsesforuncorrodedRCcolumns.Themodelisusedtoexploretheimpactof corrosionontheinelasticresponseofcorrodedRCcolumns. 1.Introduction showed that corrosion will affect the failure mechanisms of flexuralRCcomponents.Inseveralcases,prematurebuckling Asignificantnumberofoldermajorinfrastructureartefacts, oflongitudinalreinforcementhasbeenobserved.Thisisdue located in an aggressive environment, suffer from material tothecombinedeffectofnonuniformpittingcorrosionalong aginganddeterioration[1,2].Inordertoprovideadurable the length of longitudinal reinforcement and corrosion of andreliablesolution,thefunctionality,safety,andservicelife horizontal tie reinforcement. Once corroded bars buckled ofvariousinfrastructureartefactsshouldbeestimatedusing under cyclic loading, they fracture at lower drift demands the best available engineering science. Therefore, for exist- due to low-cycle high amplitude fatigue degradation. These ingdeterioratedinfrastructure,arationalmaintenanceplan observationsfromtheexperimentalstudiessuggestthatthe shouldbeemployedinaccordancewiththeircurrentcondi- combinedeffectofinelasticbucklingandnonuniformpitting tion.Recently,limitedfundinghasimpliedtheneedforanew corrosion results in a significant reduction in low-cycle bridge management system that can capture all these com- fatiguelifeofcorrodedRCelements. plexitieswithinasinglecomprehensiveframeworksothatthe Furthermore, several researchers investigated the effect maintenancestrategyofbridgenetworkscanbeoptimised. ofcorrosiononstress-strainbehaviourofreinforcingbarsin Amongdifferentdeteriorationmechanismsthecorrosion tension [15–20]. References [21–25] included a comprehen- of reinforcing bars in RC structures is the most common sive experimental and computational study on the inelastic type of deterioration mechanisms [1, 2]. Moreover, a huge behaviourofisolatedcorrodedreinforcingbars,includingthe number of these corroded structures are also in high seis- impact of corrosion on inelastic buckling and degradation micity regions. This has led researchers around the world duetolow-cyclefatigue.Theseresultsareingoodagreement to investigate the influence of reinforcement corrosion on with the results observed by other researchers who studied the seismic performance of existing RC structures [3–11]. thecyclicbehaviourofRCcomponents. Otherresearchershavestudiedtheimpactofreinforcement Moreover,inrecentyears,severalresearchershavestud- corrosion on cyclic behaviour of corroded RC beams and iedtheseismicvulnerabilityandfragilityanalysisofcorroded columns experimentally [12–14]. The experimental results RC bridges [3–11]. They have investigated the effect of 2 AdvancesinMaterialsScienceandEngineering reinforcement corrosion on the nonlinear behaviour and reinforcingsteelthatisdevelopedin[29]isused.Thismodel response of RC bridges subject to seismic loading through simulatesthestress-strainbehaviourofreinforcingsteelwith nonlinearfibre-basedfiniteelementanalysis[26–28]. theeffectofinelasticbucklingandlow-cyclehighamplitude However, they have used very simple uniaxial material fatiguedegradationundercyclicloading.Thebasicbuckling modelstomodeltheimpactofcorrosiononthestress-strain model of reinforcing steel is validated through comparison behaviour of reinforcing steel. In most cases the corrosion of simulated and observed experimental responses of RC damage has only been limited to the reinforcing steel by columnswithuncorrodedreinforcement[25]. considering an average reduced area and/or reduced yield The cover concrete strength is adjusted to account for strength. Furthermore the impact of corrosion on ductility corrosion induced cracking of the cover concrete while loss, reduced low-cycle fatigue life and inelastic buckling the strength and ductility of the core confined concrete ofverticalreinforcement,andcorrosioninduceddamageto are adjusted to account for corrosion induced damage to coverandcoreconfinedconcreteareignored.Inotherwords, horizontaltiereinforcement.Themodelisusedtoexplorethe the extent of corrosion damage on RC bridges has been impactofcorrosiononthenonlinearresponseofRCcolumns underestimatedinpreviousstudies. undermonotonicandcyclicloading. Based on the previous research by Kashani et al. [23– Theanalysisresultsshowthattheproposedmodelinthis 25] it is evident that the impact of corrosion on inelastic paperisabletosimulatemultiplefailuremodesofcorroded buckling,cyclicbehaviour,andlow-cyclefatiguedegradation columns simultaneously. Therefore, it is evident that the ofreinforcingbarsmustbeincludedinmodellingcorroded outcomeofthisresearchhasmadeasignificantimprovement RCcolumns.AsaresultofearlierresearchbyKashanietal. to the existing numerical models. This model provides an [23–25],theydevelopedanewphenomenologicalmodelfor opensourcecomputationalplatformforseismicvulnerability corrodedreinforcingbars[29]andisusedinthispaperfor assessment (including fragility analysis) of corroded RC modelling. bridges. Prior to the development of the material models devel- opedin[25,29],itwasimpossibletoinvestigatethecombined effectofcorrosiondamage,inelasticbuckling,andlow-cycle 2.TheProposedNonlinearFibre high amplitude fatigue degradation on nonlinear flexural Beam-ColumnElementModel response of corroded RC columns. Therefore, there is a significantpaucityofmodellingtechniquesandguidelinesin Theforce-basednonlinearfibrebeam-columnelementwith theliteraturewhichisaddressedinthispaper. Gauss-Lobattointegrationscheme(availableinOpenSees)is Theaimofthisnumericalexplorationstudyprovidedin usedhere(Figure1(a)).Toavoidanylocalisationeffects[30, this paper is to discover the impact of different corrosion 31]duetothesofteningbehaviourofverticalreinforcement damage models on the nonlinear flexural response of cor- inthepostbucklingregionthecolumnismodelledusingtwo rodedRCcolumns.Thispaperprovidescomprehensivemod- force-basedelements.Thefirstelementhasthreeintegration elling guidelines to model the nonlinear behaviour of cor- pointsandthesecondelementhasfiveintegrationpoints.The rodedRCbridgepiersincludingthecyclicdegradationeffects lengthofthefirstelementistakentobe6𝐿eff,where𝐿eff is up to complete collapse. The results of this study highlight the calculated buckling length of the vertical reinforcement what damage mechanisms are important to be considered (Figure 1(a)) which is discussed in Section 4. This allows inmodellingnonlinearbehaviourofcorrodedRCcolumns. controlofthepositionofthefirstintegrationpointwhichis Moreover, the proposed model is able to capture multiple setequaltothebucklinglengthoftheverticalreinforcement failuremodesofcorrodedRCcolumnssimultaneously. that is used to define the material model of the reinforcing Tothisend,thereisaneedforamoredetailedandaccu- bars. It should be noted that the new uniaxial material ratenumericalmodeltorepresenttheimpactofcorrosionon model developed by [29] is used here to model the stress- strainbehaviouroftheverticalreinforcingbars.Thismodel (i)theverticalandhorizontaltiereinforcement(includ- accounts for the combined impact of geometrical nonlin- ingpittingeffects,buckling,ductilityloss,andreduc- earityduetoinelasticbucklingandmaterialnonlinearityas edlow-cyclefatiguelife); well as low-cycle high amplitude fatigue degradation and (ii)thecrackedcoverconcrete(includingreducedcapac- corrosiondamageinasingle-materialmodel.Furtherdetails ity) due to corrosion of vertical reinforcement in areavailableinSections5.1and5.2. column; Tomodeltheslippageoftheverticalreinforcementatthe column-foundationinterface,azero-lengthsectionelement (iii)the confined concrete (including reduced capacity isusedatthebase.Thedetaileddiscussionandvalidationof andductility)duetocorrosionofhorizontaltierein- the proposed modelling methodology are available in [25]. forcement (also known as confinement reinforce- Therefore, only the relevant uniaxial material models to be ment). used in the fibre section are discussed here. Figure 1(b) In this paper a numerical model is developed that enables alsoshowsthefibresectionassignedtotheproposedbeam- simulation of the nonlinear flexural response of RC columnelement.Therelevantsectionsdiscussingthemate- components with corroded reinforcement. The model rialmodelsarealsonotedinFigure1(b). employsaforce-basednonlinearfibrebeam-columnelement Theimplementationofthecorrosiondamagemodelsthat using OpenSees. The uniaxial material model for corroded are developed by [21–25, 29] into the OpenSees abstract AdvancesinMaterialsScienceandEngineering 3 4 Element 2 L) 5 integration points ht ( L2=L−L1 Esleecmtieonnt mn heig (i) Cmoondfienl—edS eccotniocrne t5e. 3 (ii) UcSoenncctcoironenfite n5 me.4do cdoevl—er u 3 ol C Element 1 (iii) Reinforcing steel model 3 integration points Pitting corrosion including inelastic L =6L models are Bar-slip 1 eff discussed in buckling and damage section 2 models—Sections 5.1 Section 3 Zero-length and 5.2 section element 1 (iv) Buckling length calculation—Section 4 (a) (b) Figure1:Proposedfiniteelementmodel:(a)force-basednonlinearbeam-columnarrangement;(b)fibresection. Material Uniaxial material nD material Section force deformation Bar-slip Concrete Steel Fibre section (2D, 3D) Modified steel02 Corrosion damaged Corrosion damaged Corroded steel for bar-slip cover concrete confined concrete with buckling Damage model Max strain Fatigue Pitting corrosion model Figure2:ImplementationofthecorrosionmodelswithintheOpenSeesabstractclasses. classes is shown in Figure 2. The calculation of buckling Severalresearchersstudiedtheimpactofnonuniformcorro- lengthofthecorrodedverticalreinforcement,uniaxialmate- siononcrosssectionlossofreinforcingbars[23,32,33].In rial models, and corrosion damage models is discussed in [23] a 3D optical measurement of corroded bars was con- Sections3–5. ductedtoexplorethespatialvariabilityofthecorrosionpat- tern.AsaresultKashanietal.developedasetofprobabilistic distributionmodelstopredictthegeometricalpropertiesof 3.InfluenceofCorrosiononGeometrical corroded bars. They found that the geometrical properties PropertiesofCorrodedBars of corroded bars can be modelled using a lognormal dis- tribution. In this study, the mean values of the lognormal The chloride induced corrosion results in irregular loss of distribution models are used to account for the effect of crosssectionofreinforcingsteelknownaspittingcorrosion. pittingcorrosiononthegeometricalpropertiesofcorroded 4 AdvancesinMaterialsScienceandEngineering Corrosion induced crack F in cover concrete FrazcotunreingreiCnoforrrcoedmedent Ctoo rtrhoes icoonlu imndnu sceecdt idoanmage Plastic hinge region s ns Kt = eff L Idealised beam on spring Buckling of buckling model corroded reinforcement Figure3:SchematicoverviewofcorrosioninduceddamagetoRCcolumn. bars. In this study the proposed models that developed in stiffnessoftheseties.Therefore,theseparametersneedtobe [23] are used to model the impact of pitting corrosion on consideredincalculationofthebucklinglength. geometricalpropertiesofcorrodedbars. To account for the effect of corrosion on Dhakal- Maekawaequations,theflexuralrigidityoftheverticalrein- 4.CalculationoftheBuckling forcement(𝐸𝐼)andstiffnessofhorizontaltiereinforcement LengthconsideringtheStiffnessof (𝐾𝑡)areadjusted.ThisisdiscussedinSections4.1and4.2. TieReinforcement 4.1. Influence of Corrosion on Flexural Rigidity of Corroded The detailed discussion and validation of the Dhakal- Bars. Thebucklingofreinforcingbarsisaninelasticbuckling Maekawabucklingmodelareavailablein[25,34].Thesame phenomenon and, therefore, the elastic flexural rigidity𝐸𝑠𝐼 methodology is used here for calculation of the buckling isnolongervalid[37].Reference[34]suggestedanaverage lengthofcorrodedverticalreinforcement. flexural rigidity in which it has been validated against an Figure 3 shows a schematic overview of the extent of extensivesetofexperimentaldataforuncorrodedcolumns. corrosiondamageonahypotheticalRCcolumn.Thedamage Thishasbeenmodifiedforcorrodedreinforcement(𝐸𝐼󸀠)and at section level shown in Figure 3 is based on the observed definedas experimental tests by [35, 36]. The corrosion of vertical reinforcementresultsinlongitudinalcracksatthesurfaceof 𝐸 𝐼󸀠 𝜎󸀠 thecolumnparalleltoverticalreinforcement.Thiswillreduce 𝐸𝐼󸀠 = 𝑠 min√ 𝑦 , (1) 2 400 the cross-sectional area and flexural rigidity of the vertical reinforcementwhichareveryimportantinbuckling.Corro- sion of horizontal tie reinforcement reduces the volumetric where𝐸𝑠and𝜎𝑦󸀠 aretheelasticmodulusandyieldstrengthof ratioofconfinementreinforcementwhichisveryimportant thecorrodedverticalreinforcementinMPa,respectively,and in providing confinement for core concrete. Furthermore, 𝐼m󸀠inisthesecondmomentofareaofcorrodedreinforcement. this will result in splitting the core and cover concrete by Thedetailedcalculationof𝐼󸀠 isavailablein[23]. min creation of horizontal cracks around the perimeter of the Corrosionofreinforcingbarsaffectsthesecondmoment columnsection.Moreover,horizontaltiesrestrainthevertical of area and yield strength of reinforcement but does not barsagainstbucklingandcorrosionresultsinareductionin haveanyinfluenceontheelasticmodulus.Theyieldstrength AdvancesinMaterialsScienceandEngineering 5 1.5 0 1.25 −0.2 1 −0.4 𝜎y 𝜎y 𝜎/ 0.75 𝜎/ −0.6 = = 𝜂 0.5 𝜂 −0.8 0.25 −1 0 −1.2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 −40 −35 −30 −25 −20 −15 −10 −5 0 𝜉=𝜀/𝜀 𝜉=𝜀/𝜀 y y Tension envelope—uncorroded reinforcement Buckling envelope—uncorroded reinforcement Tension envelope—corroded reinforcement Buckling envelope—corroded reinforcement (a) (b) Figure4:ImplementedtensionandcompressionenvelopesofcorrodedbarsinOpenSees(20%massloss). can be modified based on the following empirical equation thecyclicdegradationduetolow-cyclefatigueandtheimpact suggestedby[16]: of corrosion on the tension and compression envelopes (includingthepostbucklingbehaviour)areincluded.Further 𝜎𝑦󸀠 =𝜎𝑦(1−0.005𝜓), (2) discussionaboutthemodeldevelopmentisavailablein[29]. ToimplementthebucklingmodelinOpenSeestheuniaxial where𝜓isthepercentagemasslossofthereinforcement. HystereticmodelavailableinOpenSeesismodifiedandused (thedetaileddiscussionisavailablein[25]).Figure4shows 4.2. Influence of Corrosion on Stiffness of Tie Reinforcement. our proposed tension and compression envelope curves of In this study the stiffness of the horizontal ties of spiral corrodedbarsimplementedinOpenSees. reinforcement is computed using the following empirical equationsuggestedby[38]: 5.2. Reinforcing Steel Model: Cyclic Response and Low-Cycle 4𝐸 𝐴󸀠 Fatigue Degradation. As explained in Section 5.1 the Hys- 𝐾 = sp sp , tereticmaterialmodelinOpenSeesismodifiedtodefinethe 𝑡 (3) √(𝑠2+𝑑2) reinforcingsteelmodel.ThecyclicresponseoftheHysteretic 𝑐 model is defined by two pinch parameters (pinch 𝑥 and where 𝐸sp is the elastic modulus, 𝐴󸀠sp is the cross-sectional pinch 𝑦). The pinching effect in the cyclic response of areaofcorrodedspiralreinforcement,𝑠isthespiralpitch,and reinforcingbarsisaffectedbythestiffnessofthehorizontaltie 𝑑𝑐isthecorediameter. reinforcement.Theoptimumvaluesofpinchparametershave beenobtainedbyacomprehensiveparametricstudyreported Thefocusofthispaperisoncircularcolumns.However, in [25] (the calibrated values are pinch 𝑥 = 0.4 and pinch in the case of rectangular section, the axial stiffness of tie 𝑦=0.6). reinforcementcanbecomputedusing The Uniaxial Fatigue model is wrapped to the steel 𝐾 = 𝐸st𝐴󸀠st, (4) material model to model the low-cycle fatigue degradation 𝑡 𝑙 of corroded vertical reinforcement. The low-cycle fatigue 𝑡 material constants are modified to account for the impact where𝐸st istheelasticmodulusoftiereinforcement,𝐴󸀠st is of corrosion on the low-cycle fatigue life of corroded bars thecross-sectionalareaofcorrodedtiereinforcement,and𝑙𝑡 based on the model developed by [29]. Figure 5 shows an isthelengthoftherectangulartiereinforcement. example cyclic response of the implemented Hysteretic + Fatiguemodelfortheuncorrodedandcorrodedreinforcing steel.Furtherdetaileddiscussionaboutmodellingcombined 5.DescriptionofUniaxialMaterialModels fatigueandbucklingofreinforcingbarsinsideRCcolumnsis includingCorrosionDamage availablein[29]. 5.1. Reinforcing Steel Model: Tension and Compression Envelopes. Theuniaxialmaterialmodeldevelopedby[29]is 5.3.CorrosionDamagedConfinedConcreteModel. Thecom- used to model the reinforcingsteel. This advanced material pressive behaviour of confined concrete is a function of modelcombinesthematerialnonlinearitywithgeometrical volumetric ratio, yield strength, and fracture strain of the nonlinearityduetoinelasticbucklingintoasingle-material horizontaltiereinforcement(i.e.,spiral,hoop,andtransverse model. The impact of geometrical nonlinearity on cyclic reinforcement)[39,40].Sincetiereinforcementisthenearest behaviour of reinforcing bars is also considered. Moreover, to the surface, being exposed to chloride attack, they may 6 AdvancesinMaterialsScienceandEngineering 1.5 0 1 −0.25 0.5 −0.5 𝜎/𝜎y 0 𝜎/𝜎c −0.75 = = 𝜂 −0.5 𝛾 −1 −1 −1.25 −1.5 −1.5 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 −20 −18 −16 −14 −12 −10 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 𝜉=𝜀/𝜀y 𝜓=𝜀/𝜀c0 Cyclic response including fatigue—uncorroded Original confined concrete model Cyclic response including fatigue—corroded Corrosion damaged confined concrete Figure 5: Cyclic response of the Hysteretic + Fatigue model in Figure6:Corrosiondamagedconfinedconcretemodel(20%mass OpenSees(20%massloss). loss). start corroding prior to the corrosion initiation of vertical Itisclearthattheconfinedconcretemodelisafunction reinforcement. As a result the volumetric ratio of tie rein- of yield strength, volumetric ratio, and fracture strain of forcement is decreased due to cross section loss. There is theconfinement/tiereinforcement.Therefore,thepreviously also a reduced yield strength and fracture strain due to the definedequationsforreinforcingsteelcanbeusedtomodify pitting effect. Therefore, the internal confinement pressure thecross-sectionalarea,yieldstrength,andfracturestrainof of the core concrete can result in premature fracture of tie tiereinforcementasafunctionofthepercentagemassloss. reinforcement. Accordingly these modified values can be used to account To date, there has not been any experimental study to for the impact of corrosion on confined concrete model quantifyandmodeltheeffectofcorrosiononthenonlinear (Figure6). behaviour of confined concrete under monotonic compres- sionandcyclicloading.Furtherresearchisrequiredtounder- 5.4. Corrosion Damaged Cracked Cover Concrete Model. standandmodeltheextentofcorrosiondamageonconfined Oncecorrosioninitiatesthecorrosionproductsaccumulate concrete behaviour. However, a simplified methodology is aroundthereinforcement.Giventhevolumeofthecorrosion usedinthisresearchtomodifytheconfinedconcretematerial productsisbiggerthantheoriginalreinforcingsteel,itgener- model (which is a function of the percentage mass loss in atesaradialpressure/expansionontheconcretesurrounding horizontal tie reinforcement) to account for the effect of the reinforcement. This behaviour is like a thick cylinder corrosiondamage. underinternalpressurethateventuallyresultsinfractureof In this study the uniaxial Concrete04 material model the cover concrete [45–47]. The cracking of cover concrete available in OpenSees is used to model the concrete. The results in loss of compressive strength and crushing strain Popovicscurve[41]isusedforthecompressionenvelopeand of the concrete in the compressive zone of RC sections. the Karsan-Jirsa model [42] is used to determine the slope Therefore consideration needs to be given to model the of the curve for unloading and reloading in compression. influenceofthiscrackingontheresponseofcoverconcrete For tensile loading, an exponential curve is used to define incompression. the envelope to the stress-strain curve. Further details are The response of cracked concrete in compression is availablein[43]. described in detail by [48] which is known as compression The parameters proposed by [40] are used to model fieldtheory(CFT).BasedonCFTthecompressivestrengthof the effect of confinement on concrete in compression. The maximum compressive stress of the concrete (𝜎cc) and the crackedconcreteincompressiondependsonthemagnitude strain at the maximum compressive strain (𝜀cc) can be oftheaveragetensilestraininthetransversedirection,which causes longitudinal microcracks. Reference [49] employed calculatedusingtheequationsdevelopedin[40]. thismethodinnonlinearfiniteelementanalysisofcorrosion The maximum crushing strain of the confined concrete damaged RC beams with modified constitutive model for is defined by the fracture of the first horizontal tie/spiral the cracked cover concrete as a function of percentage reinforcement. Here the model proposed by [44] is used to mass loss and validated this against experimental results. predicttheconcretecrushingstrainasdefinedin Therefore, the equations suggested by [49] are employed 𝜌 𝜎 𝜀 sc 𝑦tie 𝑢tie to model the compression response of crack cover con- 𝜀cc =0.004+1.4( 𝜎 ), (5) crete.Figure7(a)showsthecompressionenvelopeandFig- 𝑐 ure7(b)showsthetensionenvelopeoftheuniaxialmaterial where 𝜀𝑢tie is the fracture strain of the tie/spiral reinforce- model for corrosion damaged unconfined cover concrete ment,𝜌scisthevolumetricratioofspiralreinforcement,and used in the fibre model. Further details are available in 𝜎𝑦tieistheyieldstressofspiralreinforcement. [49]. AdvancesinMaterialsScienceandEngineering 7 0 0.2 −0.25 0.15 𝜎c 𝜎c 𝜎/ −0.5 𝜎/ 0.1 = = 𝛾 𝛾 −0.75 0.05 −1 0 −2.5 −2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 𝜓=𝜀/𝜀c0 𝜓=𝜀/𝜀ct Original unconfined concrete model Original concrete tension envelope Corrosion induced crack unconfined concrete Corrosion induced cracked concrete (a) (b) Figure7:Corrosiondamagedcrackedcoverconcretemodelfor20%massloss:(a)compression;(b)tension. 5.5. Bond-Slip Model and Zero-Length Element. In seismic Thedetaileddiscussionandimplementationofthezero- designofRCstructuresandbridges,plastichingesareformed length section in modelling the cyclic behaviour of RC at the column/beam ends. This will induce a substantial columnsisavailablein[25]. strainpenetrationalongthelongitudinalbarsintothejoint that eventually results in slippage of longitudinal bars. This 6.ImpactofCorrosionDamageonNonlinear phenomenonhasbeenobservedbyotherresearchersexper- ResponseofRCBridgesPiers imentally [50]. Reference [51] adopted a bar-slip model for the end slip of longitudinal reinforcement in beam-column In this section the impact of different corrosion damage joints. This model has been employed by [25] to model the scenarios on the inelastic response of RC bridge piers is cyclicbehaviourofRCcolumnsandisvalidatedagainstUW- explored.Acomparativestudyontwohypotheticalcorroded PEERexperimentalRCcolumndatabase[52]. RC columns with different buckling lengths of vertical bars Corrosionaffectsthereinforcingsteelnearthesurfaceof is conducted. The columns are taken from the UW-PEER theconcreteduetodiffusionofchlorideionsfromthesurface experimental RC column database [52]. These columns are and/or carbonation of cover concrete. In bridge piers, the usedtovalidateandcalibratethebasicnumericalmodelfor vertical reinforcement bars are anchored to the foundation theuncorrodedcolumns[25]. well below the foundation surface. Therefore, the vertical To investigate the impact of corrosion on drift capacity reinforcementdoesnotcorrodeatthisdepthandthebar-slip and strength loss of RC columns a series of nonlinear behaviourofbarsattheanchoragezoneremainsthesameas pushoveranalyseswithvariedcorrosionlevelsareconducted. intheuncorrodedcolumn.Thishasbeenobservedbyother Toexploretheimpactofcyclicdegradation,nonlinearcyclic researchersexperimentally[12–14]. analyses using the load history that was used in the exper- It should be pointed out that corrosion does affect the iment are conducted. In order to investigate the impact of bond strength of corroded vertical reinforcement above different modelling techniques and damage mechanism for the foundation level (internal bond-slip within the column eachanalysistypethreescenariosareconsidered: itself).However,basedontheobservedexperimentalresults, the reduced bond strength does not govern the failure of (a)Vertical and horizontal tie reinforcement are cor- columns. References [12–14] reported that the failure of roded,butcoverandcoreconcretearenotaffectedby corrodedcolumnsandbeamsundercyclicloadingismainly corrosion. governbyfractureofbarsintensionduetolow-cyclefatigue (b)Vertical and horizontal tie reinforcement are cor- and buckling of bars and crushing of confined concrete in roded and the cover concrete is cracked due to compression. corrosion,butthecoreconcreteisnotaffected. Reference[53]conductedacomprehensivedetailednon- linear finite element analysis of corroded RC beams and (c)Vertical and horizontal tie reinforcement are cor- validated them against experimental results. They have roded; the cover concrete is cracked and the core reportedthatreducedbondstrengthonlychangesthecrack concreteisaffectedduetocorrosionofconfining/tie patternandaffectstheserviceabilityofcorrodedbeams.They reinforcement. concluded that reduced bond strength does not affect the ultimatecapacityofcorrodedbeams.Therefore,bond-slipof Thesescenarioswillhighlighttheimportanceofeachdamage corrodedverticalbarswithintheelementisnotconsideredin componentthatneedstobeconsideredinmodellingnonlin- thisresearch. earresponseofcorrodedRCcolumns. 8 AdvancesinMaterialsScienceandEngineering 200 300 150 N) 200 N) 100 e (k 100 e (k 50 orc 0 orc 0 Lateral f −−210000 Lateral f−−15000 −150 −300 −200 −0.08 −0.06 −0.04 −0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 −0.08 −0.06 −0.04 −0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 Drift ratio Drift ratio Experiment Experiment Fibre model Fibre model (a) (b) Figure8:Comparisonofexperimentalresultsandcalibratednumericalmodelofuncorrodedcolumns:(a)Lehman’scolumn415;(b)Moyer andKowalsky’scolumn1. Lehman’scolumn415andMoyerandKowalsky’scolumn Inpractice,thehorizontaltiereinforcementiscloserthan 1 [50, 54] are considered in this study. The geometrical the main vertical reinforcement to the surface of concrete. details,materialproperties,anddetailedexperimentalresults Therefore, it might start corroding earlier than vertical of these columns are available in [50, 54]. Figure 8 shows reinforcement.Thisphenomenonmighthaveaneffectonthe a comparison of the numerical model and experimental bucklinglengthandconfinedconcretebehaviour.However, responsesofthesecolumns.ItshouldbenotedthatLehman’s there has not been any research to date to explore the column 415 has 𝐿eff/𝑑 = 10 and Moyer and Kowalsky’s correlation between the corrosion levels of the horizontal column 1 has 𝐿eff/𝑑 = 4. The detailed discussion of the tie and vertical reinforcement. This is an area for future numerical model validation is available in [25]. It should researchandtherefore,inthisresearch,intheabsenceofany be noted that the maximum drift capacity in this paper experimental/fielddata,thesamecorrosionisconsideredfor is considered as the point where the force-displacement bothverticalandtiereinforcement. responseofthecolumnstartssofteningandlosingstrength. It should be noted that the calculation of the time to Itisfoundthatthemaximumdriftcapacityofbothcolumns corrosioninitiationandtime-dependentcorrosionpropaga- atuncorrodedstateisabout6%. tionisoutofthescopeofthispaper.Therearemathematical Thebucklinglengthsofcorrodedverticalreinforcement models available in the literature that enable an estimation arecalculatedusingthemethodologydescribedinSection4. of the time to corrosion initiation and propagation based Thecorrosionofhorizontaltiesisconsideredinthebuckling ontheenvironmentalconditions[55,56].Thecorrosionrate length calculation. As discussed previously (Section 4), the canalsobemeasuredonsitebyelectricalequipmentwhich buckling length of the vertical bars is a function of the can then be turned into a mass loss ratio using Faraday’s tie reinforcement’s stiffness and the vertical reinforcement’s law of electrolysis [57]. Given that the focus of this paper flexuralrigidity.Corrosionresultsinareductioninflexural isontheimpactofdifferentmasslossratiosontheseismic rigidityofverticalbars.Therefore,therequiredstiffnessfrom performanceofRCcolumns,thecorrosionlevelismodelled tie reinforcement to restrain vertical bars against buckling bypercentagemasslossthroughoutthispaper. is reduced. However, corrosion also reduces the stiffness of thetiereinforcement.Forexample,inMoyerandKowalsky’s column,theverticalreinforcementbuckledbetweentwoties. 6.1. Scenario (a): Column Nonlinear Behaviour When Cor- In this case, it was found that corrosion did not affect the rosion Is Assumed Present in Vertical and Horizontal Tie bucklinglength. Reinforcement Only. In this scenario, it is assumed that the In Lehman’s column 415, the vertical reinforcement corrosiondamage is onlylimited to thesteel reinforcement buckled over five ties. However, once the corrosion level (verticalandhorizontaltiereinforcement);thatis,covercon- exceeds 10%, the buckling length reduced and the vertical creteisuncrackedandcorrosionofconfiningreinforcement reinforcement buckled over four ties. It should be noted does not affect the confined concrete behaviour. Here, the that although the buckling length is reduced, 𝐿eff/𝑑󸀠 is not steel model described in Section 5.1 is used which includes necessarilyreduced,where𝐿eff isthebucklinglengthand𝑑󸀠 the impact of corrosion on the buckling and postbuckling isthediameterofthecorrodedverticalreinforcement.This behaviourincompressionandstrengthandductilitylossin is because corrosion also reduces the diameter of vertical tension. bars.Thischangeinbucklinglengthisrelatedtotherelative Figure9showstheresultsofmonotonicpushoveranal- corrosion level and stiffness between the vertical and tie yses. Figure 9(a) shows that the failure mode of Lehman’s reinforcement. column 415 is by vertical bar buckling and core confined AdvancesinMaterialsScienceandEngineering 9 350 200 300 N) 250 N) 150 k k orce ( 200 orce ( 100 al f 150 al f ater 100 ater 50 L L 50 0 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 Drift ratio Drift ratio Control 40% mass loss Control 40% mass loss 10% mass loss Bar buckling and concrete crushing 10% mass loss Bar buckling and concrete crushing 20% mass loss Bar fracture in tension 20% mass loss Bar fracture in tension 30% mass loss 30% mass loss (a) (b) Figure9:Pushoveranalysesconsideringcorrosioninduceddamageinreinforcingsteel:(a)Lehman’scolumn415;(b)MoyerandKowalsky’s column1. concretecrushingupto10%massloss.However,asthecor- Figures 10(c) and 10(d) show a similar result for Moyer rosionlevelincreasesbeyond10%massloss,thefailuremode and Kowalsky’s column 1. Overall, Moyer and Kowalsky’s changesfromverticalbarbuckingandconcretecrushingin column1hasslightlylesspinchedcyclicresponse.Thisisdue compressiontofractureoftheverticalbarsintension. totheinfluenceofthebucklinglengthoftheverticalbarsand Figure 9(b) shows that Moyer and Kowalsky’s column itscyclicdegradationduetobuckling[25]. 1 has also failed in bar buckling and concrete crushing in compression.However,because𝐿eff/𝑑 = 4,thestrengthloss 6.2.Scenario(b):ColumnNonlinearBehaviourWhenCorro- is not as significant as that of Lehman’s column 415 with sionIsAssumedPresentinVerticalandHorizontalTieRein- 𝐿eff/𝑑 = 10 under monotonic loading. The corrosion level forcement and Cover Concrete Is Cracked. In this scenario, upto20%masslosschangesMoyerandKowalsky’scolumn it is assumed that the reinforcing steel (vertical and tie) is 1 behaviour. The failure initiates with bar buckling and corrodedandthecoverconcreteiscrackedduetocorrosion concretecrushingincompressionandfollowedbyfractureof ofverticalreinforcement.Theresultsofthepushoveranalyses the vertical reinforcement in tension. With corrosion levels are shown in Figure 11. The results in this case are almost greater than 20% mass loss failure is by premature fracture identicaltothepreviouscase(Section6.1)wherethedamage oftheverticalbarsintension.Atthispointacascadeofbar in cover concrete was not considered. Therefore in can fracturecanbeseeninthegraphsuptocompletecollapseof be concluded that whether or not we seek to model the thecolumns. corrosioninducedcrackingofcoverconcreteitdoesnothave Figures10(a)and10(b)showLehman’scolumn415with a significant impact on the nonlinear response of corroded 10%and20%masslossesundercyclicloading,respectively. columns.Furtherdiscussionandcomparisonofthisscenario Comparing the monotonic and cyclic responses (the same withotherdamagescenariosareavailableinSection6.3. cyclicloadprotocolastheexperiment)showsthatlow-cycle fatigue has a significant impact on the column response. 6.3. Scenario (c): Column Seismic Behaviour When Cor- The monotonic analysis showed that 10% mass loss did not rosion Is Assumed Present in Vertical and Horizontal Tie result in vertical bar fracture in tension and the failure was Reinforcement and Both Cover and Confined Concrete Are governedbybarbucklingandconcretecrushing.However,in Damaged. In this scenario, it is assumed that the reinforc- cyclicanalysis,thefailuremodeiscombinedbarbucklingand ing steel (vertical and tie) is corroded, cover concrete is concretecrushingincompression(failureinitiation)followed cracked, and the core confined concrete is affected by the bybarfractureintensionduetolow-cyclefatigue. corrosion of horizontal tie reinforcement (as described in Here we have a system that does not technically fail in Section 5.3). Figure 12(a) shows the results of monotonic crushing and buckling but survives a little longer until the pushoveranalysesofLehman’scolumn415.Theresultsshow next cycle when the vertical reinforcement fails in tension. It was found that a mass loss ratio greater than 10% has a that the failure mechanism of this column for up to 10% significantimpactonthenonlinearresponseofthecorroded masslossisbarbucklingandcoreconfinedconcretecrushing column due to reduced low-cycle fatigue life. Figure 10(b) in compression. However, for corrosion levels beyond 10%, shows that at 20%mass loss resulted in bar fractureat 0.05 the failure mode changes. This is a loss of drift capacity driftratioinpushoveranalysis,butitresultedinbarfracture which starts with bar buckling and concrete crushing in at0.03driftratioundercyclicloadingduetolow-cyclefatigue compression and it is followed by bar fracture in tension. failure. Theseanalysesdemonstratetheimportanceofmodellingthe

significant paucity of modelling techniques and guidelines in the literature which is addressed in this paper. The aim of this numerical exploration study provided in this paper is to discover the impact of different corrosion damage models on the nonlinear flexural response of cor- roded RC column
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