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CHLORIDOIDEAE) OF MUHLENBERGIA (POACEAE: KARYOTYPES RIGIDA FROM NORTH CENTRAL MEXICO Herrera Arrieta Rosales O. Carrillo Y. Durango IPNCIIDIR Durango IPNCIIDIR Sigma 19 Fracc 20 de Nov. Sigma 9 Fracc. 20 de Nov. 1 II 1 1 II MEXICO MEXICO Durango, Durango, 34220 Durango, Durango, 34220 Almaraz Abarca Gonzalez Elizondo N. M.S. Durango IPNCIIDIR Durango IPNCIIDIR Nov Sigma 9 20 de Nov Fracc. II Sigma 9 20 de 1 1 Fracc. 1 1 II MEXICO Durango, 34220 Durango, MEXICO 34220 Durango, Durango, Vanzela Al. Laforga Mayek Perez N. IPNCBG de Citogen^tica e Diversidade Vegetal Laboratorio Blvd.del Maestro s/n esq. Elias Pina BRAZIL 86051-970, Londrina, PR, Mendoza Narciso Col. MEXICO 88710 Reynosa, Tamaulipas, INTRODUCTION ^ .*s„„eof.he.arges.gene«cf.hePoaceaetaily,wi.happn«* and temperate forests & >»ose, 150 mainly the are distributed in AnnaWe Peterson & ^ f Renvotze 1986; only (Clayton six endemic South Asia species are to & Ml; Petenmn Peterson Orttz-Diaz 1998; some ”™j“^;,r!“merica“and Northern Mexico, of Southern 33species ofMuhlenbergia native to the ^ (25)^lh Amenca them and South J even America reaching Central (38) ^ Espejo ‘n Mexico 2000; (Beetle 1986 Espejo-Serna et al. Peterson Peterson 2003; 2001; ; ^ j neta&delaCerdaLemusl995;HerreraArrieta&Petersonl992^Petersone &Valdes-Reyna Muhlenl^rgiaisagenusvdt^^^^^^ 1999). tive plants (5 to small characters, ranging from very ^ rieida(Kunth)Trin.haspopulations ^ M.robusta(E.Foum.)Hitchc.Furthermo ' ones cm ’ (150-300 in tall) and which that differ in plant habit as well as in the shape size of their inflorescence, can be compact (dense) or loose (open), large or small. This creates taxonomic confusion and problems with the specific delimitation. Few chromosome studies have been carried out on the genus Muhlenbergia. Soderstrom (1967) stated Avdulov was who new that (1931) the first reported cytological information as a basis for a classification system of Poaceae. Although Sodertstrom (op. did not carry out cytological studies, he does mention cit.) the results from several studies which reported a base chromosome number Muhlenbergia x = for of or 9, 10, 21. These studies included the 2n chromosome number for the species of sect. Epicampes. Peterson (1988) studied the chromosome number 25 annual of Muhlenbergia species, reporting for the time the chromosome number first of nine of them. Noteworthy among these are Muhlenbergia biloba Hitchc. and M. shepherdii (Vasey) Swallen since they are n = 8. Herrera (1995) published the chromosome number of three species of the M. montm complex (Nutt.) Hitchc. [(M. montana, M. quadridentata (Kunth) and M. (Kunth) Trin., y^irescens Trin.)], re- cording for the first time the chromosome number of M. quadridentata, the disploid chromosome number ofM. and virescens confirming the tetraploid condition of M. montana. Gould (1966) carried out karyotyping of 60 genera and 149 species Mexican of grasses, eight of which belong to Muhlenbergia. However, M. rigida was not included in Gould’s study. Muhlenbergia SW rigida is a grass with widespread distribution in the United States and ranges south to and Central South America. In Mexico found from it is Baja California to Chiapas. The grass can be found m growing pine-oak and forests grasslands, sporadically at the edge of roads, and at elevations between 1280- m & 2550 (Herrera Arrieta Peterson 2007). This grow capacity to in such extensive areas with diverse habitats translates into a great morphological diversity within the species This (rigida). diversity of and traits is reflected mainly in the shape size of leaves and inflorescences, with vanation among the type of inflorescence (compact or loose) being particularly noto- nous. However, there no is correlation between k- morphotypes and habitats or geographical distribution as quently both^orphotypes^can be found growing On in the same morphological location. the basis of the great study, the aim of the ^ present study compare is to the karyotyproTt^moi^hm^^^^^ of rigida located in north central Mexico. This comparison will reveal any between the karyotype relationship and the morphological differences within the species as well as other relevant variations that allow the distinc- tion of groups among the studied populations, or otherwise distinguish between two morphotypes. the MATERIALS AND METHODS I d was collected from 27 locations (Fig. and following 30 1) populations of Muhlenbergia rigida, — ^ ^ Chihuahua, Durango, and Zacatecas, Guanajuato, Jalisco- Aguascalientes, Mexico (Table Live plants were 1). collected (bunches) from under natural and populations cultivated and localities(mcludmggeographical coordinates and elevation) in which thestudiedplam^ Karyotyping a.4C 12 hours for followed IvhydrolysUwUh three passes using dLuied 30-min„.eimc™^^ water at hen acid hydrolyias using O.IN HCI, and tcd- citrates 41 buffer 30 miLtes usinga for then digestion a final enzyme lulase mixture "Onozuka h-al R-10 23U (Serxa)” and 1% pectin^ Y h Ph rrcal) for 1 we« removed to^ after the samples Preparations were kept -84°C. at for^l^v left Chromosomes reagent were acetocarmine CountinJatlLt stained using the H ,an gr y I^ierptetationofthechromosomes(in7-10metaphaseslides)wascarriedoutusingan 383 hup;//www.colostaie.edu/ software Axioskop camera. Zeiss microscope with digital fitted o e lengt the measuring ^tsmiology/MicroMeasure) was used for nomer the arm) ^^ort arm: ^ ^ The chromosome arms (long ^ ratio of the (r) propt^ was that morphology for describing chromosome stanc Stebbins’ ^ 00-6.99). ^ :00;l-69),sm = submetacentric(r=1.70-2.99),andst = accordi g ’on chromosomes (1938) was used classifying for 5-9 pm, pm, medium-large; >9 large. karyotypes t of the , In order to carry out the quantitative < 384 m 2014 23°45'51.6”N 104‘’25'29"W, y m Parte alta de la Canada el Caj6n, Santa Maria, Oro, Durango, 25°24'42.8"N 104'’57'28.4"W, 1914 El y Entronque m Otinapa-Autopista Durango-Mazatlan, Durango, Dgo. 23°58'35.0"N KM'Se'SOJ'W, 2446 y Km m 25 Autopista Durango-Torreon, Durango, Dgo. 24°1 1'12.0"N y104‘’29'31.7"W, 1864 Por la carretera 1 05, rumbo a la presa Bayacora, Durango, Dgo., 34°54'44.1 "N 04°44'46.9"W, 21 85 m y 1 de m Cerro Los Gallos, Aguascalientes, Ags. 2r40'03.6"N 102'’1 3'1 5.8"W, 21 91 y de m Cerro Los Gallos, Aguascalientes, Ags. 2r40'03.6"N 102‘‘13'15.8"W, 2191 y m Entronque a Milpillas, Jesus Maria, Ags. 2r55’28.6"N 102“33’57.7''W, 21 86 y m Cerro Roble, El Jesiis Maria, Ags., 2r47'30.7"N 102°31 '26.3"W, 201 9 y km 6 antes de caseta de cobro por la la autopista Aguascalientes-Zacatecas, Guadalupe, Zac., m 22’’39'19.6"N 102°26'45.5"W, 2305 y Ciudad de m jr la Guerrero, Guerrero, Chih. 28“30'1 5.8"N 107°29'00.3"W, 2045 y m c, Chih. 28“24'09.4"N 107“34'57.0"W, 2277 y m norte deTemochi, y107“49'26.0"W, 2075 c, al Chih., 28‘’21 '20.7"N chromosome calculated: (1) total length (LTC); mean chromosome index centromere (2) length (LMC); (3) mean (short arm/total chromosome = length x 100 [Cl]); intra-chromosomal asymmetry index (Al) (4) where and B 1- [I(b/B^), b are the measures of the short and long arm each homologous chromosome pair re- of and spectively n is the total number of homologues; where = (5) inter-chromosomal asymmetry index (A2) s/x, s IS the standard deviation and x mean is the chromosome CVCL CVCVlOO length; Paszko Index Al = x (6) CVCL= where (SC17XCL) x 100 the is relative variation of chromosome CVCI = (SCl/XCl) x 100 is length, the relative vanation of the centromere XCl length, XCL and respectively, mean chromosome length the is Cl mean. the Karyotype asymmetry IS was determined A2 indite using Al and Stebbins' categories (1971), (Romero-Zarco 1986) and the Al index (Paszko asymme 2006). The Al index a quantification of Stebbins' is try categories. ranges between 0 and It and 1, these are low when Basic chromosomes metacentric. be tend to mtetpretanonofAlvaluesdeterminesthatthehigherthe value, the higheristheheterogeneityofchm^^^ m and/M length the centromere index a studied karyotype (Garcfa-Barriuso et 2010). al. In the Ideograms, homologue chromosome decieasiC pairs were ordered according length in to iheir Four size order. to seven metaphase were f« cells measured from an average various slides in order to obtain constjmetion of the ideograms. Measurements were compared AlandAliodices usingANOVA. The TCL, Cl, chromosome as well as number were considered Chromosome studies Muhlenbergia et in Rosales al., Clustering analysis of the karyotype data was carried out in order to examine karyotype similitude A OTUs was among populations. data matrix of 30 (operational taxonomic units) and five variables construct- The following variables were used: LMC, Cl, Al A2 and chromosome number. The first four variables were ed. , because they are not influenced by chromosome number. Nevertheless, ploidy level was also used since used The morphotypes being compared. characteristics of various populations of Muhlenbergia rigida are different STATISTICA 2004) software package was used to normalize the data matrix, calculate the aver- v.7.0 (StatSoft, UPGMA and an dendrogram. Euclidean distance, generate age Also, in order to evaluate the contribution of each karyotype parameter to the population clustering, the OTU and component (PCA) based on the 30 data matrix the afore- were subject to a principal analysis entities with The chromosome counts obtained from radicular cells of Muhlenbergia rigida in this study are consistent = which documented 2n and Soderstrom both of numbers reported by Herrera and Peterson (2007) (1967), the 40 and 44. This study recorded 2n = 30, 40, and 44; marking the first report of triploidy in this species. It is morphotype noteworthy to mention that the 2n = 40 and 2n = 44 counts were found in the compact panicle morphotype. while the 2n = 30 count was present in the open panicle x = with 2n = 40 number Muhlenbergia of is 10, Our support previous suggestions that the basic results morphotypes of M. rigida stud- equally distributed in the Polyploidy occurring in the majority of the species. is = 3x = and only 13.33% = 4x = 43.33% are triploid (2n 30) ied here: 43.33% of the plants are tetraploid (2n 40), are disploid, derived from tetraploid (2n = 4x + 4). chromosomes M. We 30 in formula of report the time the karyotype for first found the ideograms representing the three ploidy levels (Fig. 2) composed metac were of analyzed As a whole, the karyotypes of the species were among populations The formulae triploid predominant. trie (sm) chromosomes, with the former being 25m 5sm 22m and and + 27m + 3sm (two populations), 30m 29m Ism populations), (six populations), + (three 8sm + in the remaining two populations. 39m Ism 40m + (three populations), manner: (five following Tetraploid populations were present in the m 32m 8sm popu 34m + ations. 6sm, five 32m + 8sm, 35m + 38m 37m 3sm, + 5sm, populations), + 2sm, + 30m 35m + and + 14sm, 44m populations) (two formulas: karyotype Disploid populations had the following 9sm for the remaining two populations (Table 2). ^ , . Stebbms and ^m), according to 3.83 sLu (between 1.0 medium-small in size Chromosomes and were pm pm. The centromere tndex and 2.62 between 1.31 (LMC) ranged (1938). The mean chromosome length variedfrom 12.94 to 21.76. .. fo . lA and, IB ot SteKbVnbimnsc nnH categories into symmetrica fall , , , moderately In were general the karyotypes (1971). shows three similitudes (Fig. 3) UPGMA karyotype “3 with The dendrogram constructed wuh gro^ subgroups composed of three divided The group into subgroups. is first “yo “gs/ 4215 4170, by populations formed was Group populations and 4016. 1-2 4098, 4177, Group 3982, 413942^^^^^^ ..3wascomposedolpopulations4227 Sit fimtroupTntains IT " tTteTcroTelnSTcTraXw^^^ i to the morphological characteris population, while and one tetraploid nnp dditssnpltoaidd P c one has group v, dtapbid second and the populations, tetraploid open have p that populations •Ito third group composed of triploid completely is Journal of the Botanical Research 386 Institute of Texas 7(1) Measurements from and triploid tetraploid plants from the same compared re- itically 1 suiting in significant differences (P < 0.05). The results obtained from our study of Muhlenbergia rigida morphotypes confirms the previously re- partially ported chromosome numbers for this species by several authors. Of the 30 populations m examined, 13 were found to be triploid, this being the report for triploidy first the species. Apart from the triploid cytotypes this study also found and confirming tetraploid disploid plants, the results of previous The studies. and triploid while tetraploid cytotypes are present in high frequency (86%) disploidy(2n = 44)hadlowfrequency,beingfoundinonlyfour^pu,^^^^^^^ ThisstudypresentsploidylevelsfoundinM.rigidapopulationsinnorthcentralMexico.Italsoshows,for the first time, the karyotype and ideograms of the two and loose Muhlenbergia morphotypes (dense rigida panicle) as well as the three cytotypes within the species. rPooilyyppilooiiudyy has ppllaayyeedd aann tias iimmppoorrttaanntt rroollee iinn tthhee eevvoolluuttiioonn mmaannyy and the ooff eeuukkaarryyootteess ((SSoollttiis et al. 1999), inajontyofangiosperms(approximately7(m)have r have sshhoowwnn nnl f ppoollyyppll^o^i^d^y during evolutionary proce: their n : w terson 11 999944)).. hhiigghhll, yy IItt iiss nprroobbaahbllee tthhaatt fthhpe polyploidy of 1 . , , . i ;«nripin. Muhlenbergia autopolyploidy ir rigida of — is chromosomes. plan^ General morphology studied of the simuir^abk very 2) Thcj=sultsof.hiss.udyrevealade.ail£ddescrip,i„n„t,hechromosomalMUsof.woMukk«i^^ da morphotypes, allowing the classification of chromosoa® the karyotype of M. The rigida as symmetrical. Steb- of the classification ^‘'‘^“fding to bilsTwO ancest* when polyploids compared disploid to their Stehto^ilqyT c' Stehbins(1971)recognuesfivetnaturitystagesof polyploidy declining.*-! complexes: iniL, young, mature, 5sis225S5:25?S3§l;:i595i2?s!s3 mmmmmmmnmrm g 5s3|SiiliirJiisiii?isS2ilsiii i 555S3553S5S3553SS5555S5555SSS5 3 ili!i!iiiii!il 1 iliilllliiiiiifflliiSi! ii i§islssiii§i§^^s3isissis=is2sl si s||SRS||?335?3iii22iii2s:25s:= al g iiiiiiliiiSi IlIliliiliilflilllttHiiHiHI 388 rehctual. According to him, the evidence of distribution polyploid)’ patterns indicates that the majority of comp exes that are currently mature originated in the Pliocene or Pleistocene. Our finding of 100% polyploid) frequency mjhe^uhlenbe^iari^^ indicates high a evolutionary maturity. Stebbins’ terminology (1971). All populations Mentrk have predominamfy alesser cLonl^some” to !"nd, degree subrnetacentric chromosomes. The A1 index had a fiuctuated 50% populations for example, of the 0.1; ^ ° chromosomes, the predominance of metacentric ^ I hi ngida karyotype constitutes Karyotype the karyotypic genus. first description of the asvmmer^ ^ asymmetry between f is type A1 and Bl. This degree of asymmetry ppooppuullaattiioonnss h high, is reflecung low i specialization (Stebbins 1971) indicatingasimilarchroino- The aggl„me„ttve clusuring analysis (UPGMA) ih*' revealed had greac« tha. the parameters which Chromosome Muhlenbergia 389 studies in et Rosales al., asymmetry group and subgroup formation were the centromere index (Cl) and inter-chromosome in ence The Cl values had an interval of 12.94 to 21.76 while the inter-chromosome asymmetry index values (A2) (A2). open marking between morphotypes. Populations with the panicle from 0.10 to 0.21, clear difference range A2 morphotype populations had morphotype had the highest values (0.15 to 0.21) while the closed panicle lowerA2values (0.10 to 0.16). amount metacentric chromosomes in the cytotypes studied, suggest that the karyotype of this spe- The of become tendency be symmetrical, indicating a trend to stable. des shows a to had compact indores- morphotypes. Plants that The ploidy levels of Muhlenbergia rigida are related to = were (2n and = 40 and while those with loose inflorescence triploid 30). were tetraploid disploid (2n 44) cence Knowledge on simple cytoge- good complement taxonomic studies. cytological data provides a to Therefore, chromosomes during meiosis, chromosome number, behavior of the such of a species as characteristics netic understanding of the pat- and can contribute to a better mode of reproduction of individuals their fertility the study con- The obtained in this taxonomic results of morphological variation and help to define limits. terns and morphological cytologi- which maintain their between two morphotypes of M. rigida, firm the differences However, may two taxonomic entities. and represent when same even growing the location, cal features at may support recognition at the species level. further evidence be required to their makes comparative study of karyo- the Muhlenbergia The information on species of lack of cytogenetic of on the possible participation discussion deeper limiting and types their quantitative characteristics difficult, some and establishment of the processes, speciation chromosome changes in the evolution of the genus, in its study (with thorough cytogenetic a expected that type of genome specialization in relation to the habitat. It is M. da evolutionary history of rig, determine the banding, FISH, or GISH) could provide more elements to morphotypes. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS and support, the COFAA) financial and for We (CIIDIR-DGO, SIP, want thank Nacional to Instituto Politecnico «^e„.o.hero.,owi„gpr„iec.s:S,P— de “Citologia SIP-20110017 comunes ddee MMeexxiiccoo,,” mas pastos :s ae) de Mexico,” SIP-20031025 “Estudio de los lObSlTitodiversidad y and SIP-201 Mexico,” de c Ciperaceas ae imporianc.a y ^ graduate the CONACyT scholarship to by Many thanks to t Ecosistemas de Madre Occidental.” la Sierra tew „ revis- thank y we want to Finally student (CVU; present report. V.11L vv- V u. 242097), nfirrsstt aauuttnhoorr ooif the / j, i report. ers and iched this proof whose observatu readers, references ii.Bull.Appl.Bot.S Graminee der Familie Avtxxov, Untersuchungen N.P. 1931 Karyo-systematische . MMS Sian with German summary. Citado en Soderstrom (1 967). ^ teu, Phytologia AA. 1986. 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