Further titles in this series 1. /. L. ELLIOTT and W. K. FLETCHER (Editors) GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION 1974 2. P. M. D. BRADSHAW (Editor) CONCEPTUAL MODELS IN EXPLORATION GEOCHEMISTRY The Canadian Cordillera and Canadian Shield 3. G. J. S. GOVETT and M. H. GOVETT (Editors) WORLD MINERAL SUPPLIES Assessment and Perspective 4. R. T. SHUEY SEMICONDUCTING ORE MINERALS 5. J. S. SUMNER PRINCIPLES OF INDUCED POLARIZATION FOR GEOPHYSICAL EXPLORATION 6. R. A. RICH, H. D. HOLLAND and U. PETERSEN HYDROTHERMAL URANIUM DEPOSITS 7. J. G. MORSE (Editor) NUCLEAR METHODS IN MINERAL EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION 8. M. KUÎVART and M. BÖHMER PROSPECTING AND EXPLORATION FOR MINERAL DEPOSITS 9. C. R. M. BUTT and I. G. P. WILDING (Editors) GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION 1976 .10. G. B. FETTWEIS WORLD COAL RESOURCES Methods of Assessment and Results 11./?. G. TAYLOR GEOLOGY OF TIN DEPOSITS 12. H. K. GUPTA GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES: AN ENERGY ALTERNATIVE 13. C. R. M. BUTT and R. E. SMITH (Editors) CONCEPTUAL MODELS IN EXPLORATION GEOCHEMISTRY, 4: Australia Developments in Economic Geology 14 KARST BAUXITES BAUXITE DEPOSITS ON CARBONATE ROCKS by GYÖRGY BÁRDOSSY HUNGARIAN ALUMINIUM CORPORATION, BUDAPEST ELSEVIER SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHING COMPANY Amsterdam-Oxford-New York 1982 This book is the completed and translated version of KARSZTBAUXITOK First published in 1977 by AKADÉMIAI KIADÔ, Budapest Translated by B. BALKAY Joint edition published by Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam, The Netherlands and Akadémiai Kiadó, The Publishing House of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary The distribution of this book is being handled by the following publishers for the U.S.A. and Canada Elsevier/North-Holland, Inc. 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York, New York 10017, U.S.A. for the East European Countries, China, Korean People's Republic, Cuba, People's Republic of Vietnam and Mongolia Akadémiai Kiadó, The Publishing House of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest for all remaining areas Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company Molenwerf, 1 1014 AG Amsterdam, The Netherlands P.O. Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Bárdossy, György. Karst bauxites. (Developments in economic geology; 14) Translation of: Karsztbauxitok bauxittelepek karbonátos közetekben. Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1. Bauxite. 2. Karst. 3. Rocks, Carbonate. I. Title. II. Series. TN490.A5B3413 553.4'926 81-12508 ISBN 0-444-99727-X AACR2 ISBN 0-444-99727-X (Vol. 14) ISBN 0-444-41250-6 (Series) © Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest 1982 AU rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publishers. Printed in Hungary INTRODUCTION A description of all the karst bauxite regions of the world would require a multi- volume monograph whose great bulk would hamper the highlighting of the main features of interest. For this reason, the writer has striven above all to compare bauxite regions on a quantitative basis wherever possible, relying in doing so on the methods of mathematical statistics. This quantitative processing and assessment of the infor mation available is the most essential novel feature of this book. The first part of this volume presents observational and analytical evidence concerning karst bauxites. The typical features of bauxites were analysed from a variety of aspects and results from different bauxite regions were compared. Much attention was paid to Hungarian bauxite deposits and it is these that figure in the greatest detail in the comparative assessment. More or less metamorphosed karst bauxites were also considered, as there is no sharp limit between metamorphic (emery) and non-metamorphic bauxites: the transition being gradual, any delimitation would be arbitrary. The second part is concerned with the conditions of formation of karst bauxites and with the factors controlling their geographic and stratigraphie distribution. The treatment is of a synthesising type, intended to elucidate the interaction in space and time between all the known factors. The writing of this book was much facilitated by the fact that, in recent years, the writer has had occasion to visit the principal karst bauxite regions of Austria, Bulgaria, France, Greece, Iran, Italy, Jamaica, Rumania, Spain, the USA, the USSR, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, and Yugoslavia. Bauxite samples from all other karst bauxite regions of the globe were made available to the writer by courtesy of bauxite specialists at home and abroad. Comparisons with lateritic bauxites were made possible by visits to the principal bauxite zones of Brazil, the Guiñean Republic and India. Over and above the viewpoint of scientific research, the writer has paid special attention to aspects useful for practical bauxite prospecting and processing. The writer wishes to express his sincere gratitude to Academician Elemér Szádeczky- Kardoss who authorised the research and supported him with his advice. In the analytic work, in data processing and in statistical calculations, the writer was assisted by Miss Mária Tóth, Miss Ilona Buday and Miss Olga Komoróczy. The photos were prepared by Mr Lajos Klinda. Thanks are due to Miss Anikó Tóth for the painstaking preparation of the drawings. The scientific readers of the book were Dr. Kálmán Balogh and Dr. Vilma Széky- Fux; the author takes this opportunity to express his gratitude to them. 14 INTRODUCTION He is indebted to Bálint Baikay, György Komlóssy, Péter Ottlik and Ferenc Zenkovics for reading chapters of this book, for their helpful advice and remarks. Last but not least, it would be quite a task to enumerate all those geologist, mineralogist and technologist colleagues who have contributed ideas, remarks and friendly assistance in the preparation of this book, but sincere thanks are expressed to them all. No international consensus has as yet evolved concerning the terminology of bauxite geology. The writer therefore deems it necessary to specify the meaning of the principal terms as they are used throughout this book. Bauxite. A residual or sedimentary rock in which the aggregate content of the oxide and/or hydroxide minerals of aluminium, iron and titanium is greater than 50 %, and aluminium minerals are more abundant than the minerals of the two other elements together. The question as to what is a bauxite, then, must be decided on the strength of the quantitative mineralogical composition. The definition of bauxite as an ore of aluminium is equivocal because the limit between ore-grade and sub-grade bauxites is in continual change, depending on the development of refining technology and of demand. The types of bauxite encompassed by this broad definition are discussed in §4.1. Bauxite ore body. That part of the bauxite complex (see below) which is made up of ore grade or potentially ore-grade material (bauxite, clayey bauxite, bauxitic clay). Bauxite genesis. The totality of those processes of alteration and sedimentation which lead to the formation or rocks enriched in aluminium, including processes of weathering, transportation, and deposition. Bauxitisation. That phase of bauxite genesis by which the material of some rock is converted into bauxite or by which the conversion into bauxite of a rock already partially bauxitised is continued. Lateritisation. A form of superficial weathering resulting in an increase of aluminium and titanium contents, also frequently but not invariably of iron contents, and in a decrease of alkali, alkali earth and silica contents. Bauxitisation is a special case of lateritisation, characterised by a prevalence of aluminium enrichment. Latérite is a generic term for the rock products of lateritisation. A hierarchy of four bauxite geological/depositional units in ascending order of size is distinguished: (1) Bauxite deposit. A spatially coherent (uninterrupted) depositional unit of uniform genesis, composed of bauxite and bauxitic rocks (e.g. the bauxite lens Darvastó VI). In certain depositional types, several bauxite ore bodies can be distinguished within a bauxite deposit; these may be separated by bauxitic rocks, and possibly by clay, sand or lignite. Even in this case, however, the bauxite deposit must be genetically coherent. (2) Bauxite deposit group. Several bauxite deposits lying close together in the horizontal sense but separated by a comparatively broad barren zone from any bauxite deposits not belonging to the group (e.g. Nyirád bauxite deposit group). Typical deposits have an areal extent in the range 10-100 km2. In a bauxite deposit group featuring a largish number of deposits, it is usual to distinguish subgroups for better orientation. In the extreme case, even a single bauxite deposit may be regarded as a 15 INTRODUCTION 'group' if it is geologically separate and geographically remote from some other groups. In some areas, bauxite formation repeatedly took place in different geological periods. In the writer's experience, deposit features and genetics in each of these periods tend to differ rather substantially; they are accordingly regarded here as separate groups (e.g., in the Obrovac-Novigrad-Drnis region of Yugoslavia, a Paleocene and a Middle Eocene deposit group are distinguished). (3) Bauxite region. A complex of geologically related bauxite deposit groups, separated from neighbouring bauxite regions, if any, by a barren zone or by a change in geology (e.g. the Transdanubian Hills bauxite region of Hungary). Their areal extent is in the range of from several hundred to several thousand km2. Kirpal' (1977) distinguished bauxitic zones within bauxite regions, comprising deposit groups that constitute elongate bands or zones. In the writer's opinion, this hierarchic sub-unit is unnecessary except in some bauxite regions of exceptional extent. A bauxite region, as a unit of higher rank both in the spatial and in the temporal sense, may encompass several bauxite deposit groups of different ages. (4) Bauxite belt. A coherent group of bauxite regions in a second- or third-order geotectonic unit (e.g. the Mediterranean bauxite belt), characterised by a uniform geostructural history. The areal extent is from some hundred thousand to a few million km2 with a length or width of several thousand km. Somes bauxite belts have had a single episode of bauxite formation; in others, two or more such episode may have taken place. Bauxite complex. A term coined by Vadász (1951) for the rocks making up a bauxite deposit; it includes in addition to bauxite also all other rocks genetically connected with it. Bauxitic formation. A stratigraphie succession, one or more horizons of which include one or more bauxite deposits. The faciès of the bauxitic formation are genetically related to the bauxite deposit and, in fact, control its depositional features. 1. CLASSIFICATION OF BAUXITE DEPOSITS A much debated issue, the classification of bauxite deposits has not as yet produced a consensus. This is due to the manifold features of the deposits which can thus be classified from a number of different aspects. What the specialists cannot agree on is the relative importance of these features. The most striking difference recognised early in this century is between bauxite deposits overlying silicate rocks on the one hand and carbonate rocks on the other. It was on this basis that Harrassowitz (1926) divided bauxites into silicate bauxites and calcareous bauxites. Rather widely accepted since, this subdivision is still current especially in textbooks written in the German language (Petrascheck and Petrascheck 1950, Schneiderhöhn 1962, Cissarz 1965). Fox (1932) subdivided bauxite deposits on a genetic basis. In his opinion, lateritic bauxites ('aluminous latérites') are the products of the lateritic weathering of silicate rocks, whereas terra-rossa bauxites derive from terra rossa, the weathering residue of limestones and dolostones. His subdivision was adopted also by De Weisse in his monograph of 1948. Vadász (1951) rejected the terms 'silicate' and 'calcareous' bauxite as conducive to misunderstandings, and introduced instead the terms 'lateritic bauxite' and 'karst bauxite', appreciating in the latter them of the role played by the karstification of a carbonate bedrock in the evolution of some deposits. This simple and easy-to-apply subdivision became fairly widely accepted in the literature (cf e.g. Zans 1959, De Weisse 1964). Roughly at the same time, some other classifications were also elaborated, without eliciting much response. For example Harder (1952) proposed the following classification based on parent-rock composition: (1) Deposits derived from alkali- and aluminium-rich silicate rocks. (2) Deposits connected with limestones. (3) Deposits connected with sedimentary clays. (4) Deposits connected with intermediate and basic eruptives. (5) Deposits due to the vigorous weathering of rocks of medium aluminium content. The groups thus defined cannot be unequivocally distinguished; the place of a given deposit in this or that group is often debatable. Hose's (1960) classification rests on a morphological basis: 1. CLASSIFICATION OF BAUXITF DEPOSITS 17 (1) Deposits developed on peneplains. (2) Deposits formed on volcanic domes and plateaux. (3) Deposits on karsted limestone plateaux. (4) Sedimentary reworked deposits. This classification also failed to gain broad acceptance, owing to the uncertainty inherent in separating the first group from the second. Valeton ( 1972) pointed out that some deposits fit neither into the latérite nor into the karst bauxite group. In view of this fact, she developed the following classification based on bedrock lithology: (1) Bauxite deposits overlying igneous and metamorphic rocks. (1.1) Slope type. (1.2) Plateau type on basic igneous rocks. (1.3) Plateau type on variable rock types. (2) Bauxite deposits on sedimentary rocks. (2.1) Bauxites on clastic sediments. (2.2) Bauxites on carbonate rocks. (2.3) Bauxites on phosphate rocks. Although consistent, Valeton's classification is one-sided, paying attention neither to the abundance of the types of deposits, nor to their depositological features. Concentrating on depositological features, Patterson in his turn (1967) proposed the following classification: (1) Blanket deposits: flat-lying layers of variable thickness. (2) Interlayered deposits: discontinuous layers and lenses interstratified in sedimentary and/or volcanic rocks. Some are residual; some are redeposited. (3) Pocket deposits: fillings of depressions, most often in dolomite and limestone, but sometimes in other rocks too. This group includes a subgroup of 'interlayered pocket deposits' (pockets intercalated in a sequence of sedimentary deposits). Patterson's groups offer no clear-cut distinction either in the depositological or in the genetic sense. The use of his classification would therefore lead to numerous ambiguities. The classification proposed by Grubb (1973) is based on the altitude at which . bauxitisation has taken place: (1) High-level or upland deposits. (2) Low-level or peneplain-type deposits. Grubb placed into the first group the residual deposits formed above the ground water table under fair drainage conditions, including among others the lateritic bauxite deposits of Guinea, Ghana, India and Hawaii. He placed into the second group the residual, redeposited and allochthonous deposits characterised, according to him, by repeated fluctuations of the ground water table, citing as typical examples the deposits of Gove and Weipa in Australia, and those in Guyana and Surinam. Deprecating the distinction of a separate karst bauxite group 2 Bárdossy 18 1 CI ASSíFirATlON OF BAUXITE DEPOSITS as superfluous, he placed the bauxites of Jamaica and Hispaniola into the high-level group and all other karst bauxites into the low-level group. The distinction of high- and low-level deposits among the lateritic bauxites is doubtless justified and is not a novel idea either. The rejection out of hand of the karst bauxite group, however, is entirely unjustified. The Jamaican bauxites have incomparably more in common with the European karst bauxites than with the high- level lateritic bauxites. It is extremely difficult to decide in the case of a buried deposit of a past period whether bauxitisation in its time took place on an elevated or on a low- lying topography. Last but not least, there are deposits which, in the course of their long history of evolution, alternated between high and low positions as a result of vertical (epeirogenic) movements in the region. Grubb himself cites some such deposits, including those of Malaysia and of the Darling Range in Australia. All in all, such a classification cannot possibly be sufficiently unambiguous. The present writer accordingly sees no point in adopting it, particularly in extending it to the karst bauxites. In the USSR, the classification of bauxite deposits took a course different in many respects from the above. Deposits were classified on a purely genetic basis early on. Malyavkin (1937), for example, distinguished lateritic, metasomatic, organogenic and metamorphic deposits. Likewise on a genetic basis, A. D. Arkhangelsky (1937} who, remarkably enough, denied the existence of lateritisation and of lateritic bauxite deposits—classified bauxite deposits into groups of (1) marine, (2) lacustrine and/or marshy origin. He assumed all the deposits of the Mediterranean region to be of marine origin. Vikulova (1946) distinguished five types of deposits according to their sites of accumulation: (1) deposits on plateaux forming watersheds, (2) valley-floor deposits, (3) deposits filling karst depressions, (4) lacustrine deposits, (5) lagoon and seashore types. It was Peive (1947) who first recognised the importance of geotectonic position and, on this basis, distinguished two types of deposits: (1) those of the géosynclinal zones, and (2) those of the platform regions. According to him, the former deposits are all marine, and all overlie carbonate rocks; the latter ones are all residual or lacustrine or marsh-deposited. He placed all the deposits of the Urals and of the Mediterranean region into the first group. Peive's classification was adopted by Goretsky et al (1949), Rukhin (1958) and by many others. Sapozhnikov (1970,1971 ) identified karst bauxites with the deposits of the géosynclinal zones. The geotectonic classification was in fact based on the recognition of objectively existing, important relationships. In the form cited, however, it represents something of an oversimplification: in addition to géosynclinal zones and platforms, there also exist other types of geotectonic units, which do not lack bauxite deposits, either. Nor is the relationship postulated by Peive of a general validity: bauxite deposits overlying carbonate rocks do exist also on platforms, and latérite bauxite deposits are known also from géosynclinal zones (e.g. in Oregon State, US). Aiming to eliminate these contradictions, Goretsky (1960) developed the following geotectonic classification, which is more detailed than those cited above: 1. CLASSIFICATION OF BAUXITE DEPOSITS 19 (1) Deposits in stable zones of platforms. (1.1) On anteclises. (1.2) On syneclises. (2) Deposits on mobile parts of platforms. (2.1) In the borderlands of syneclines. (2.2) In intramontane and foreland depressions. (3) Deposits of géosynclinal belts. (3.1) In zones of transition between platforms and geosynclines. (3.2) In the outer part of géosynclinal zones. (3.3) In median masses. Goretsky subdivided each of these groups into two or three subgroups on the basis of bedrock morphology, obtaining a total of 16 subgroups. Goretsky's classification does account for almost every geostructural type, and is self-consistent but its application in practice is fraught with a great deal of uncertainty. Different authors tend to hold different views concerning the structural position of this or that region, particularly the question as to what parts of a platform are to be regarded as stable or mobile. Goretsky himself, for example, characterised the South Ferghana bauxite region as a géosynclinal zone, whereas on the geotectonic map of the USSR, published in 1962, it figures as a gently folded platform. Another deficiency of Goretsky's classification is that—following A. D. Arckhangelsky—he pays hardly any attention to lateritic bauxite deposits. He places them in the same group with the allochthonous lacustrine and marshy bauxite deposits, confining them to the stable platform regions. KirpaF (1972a) distinguished residual and sedimentary deposits. His further subdivisions of both groups are based on tectonic position distinguishing platform and géosynclinal zones. Within these main groups, he distinguished a total of 14 subgroups on the basis of deposit and bedrock morphology. However, even his primary criterion of classification involves an ambiguity as in addition to pure autochthonous and pure allochthonous deposits there are mixed (allo-autochthonous) ones, the position of which cannot be decided unequivocally in his system. In his tectonically-based subgrouping, all the contradictions inherent in Peive's classification emerge again. With a view to getting rid of these difficulties, KirpaF (1977), leaving aside the issue of tectonic position, proposed a new classification in terms of the following four groups and 16 subgroups. (1) Lateric bauxite (residual) deposits. (1.1) Deposits of linear form. (1.2) Deposits of lenticular form. (1.3) Deposits of bowal type. (2) Polygenetic bauxite deposits (with local reworking). (2.1) Lenticular karst deposits. (2.2) Lenticular deposits. (2.3) Stratiform deposits. (3) Sedimentary bauxite deposits in terrigenous sequences. (3.1) Valley-floor deposits. (3.2) Stratiform deposits. (3.3) Karst deposits. 2*