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Karnataka Gazette, 2018-01-18, Part-4A PDF

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Preview Karnataka Gazette, 2018-01-18, Part-4A

¸ÀA¥ÀÄl 1553 ¨ÉAAUÀ¼ÀÆgÀÄ, UÀÄggÀÀÄĪÁgÀ, d£ªÀ Àjj 18, 20188 (¥ÀĵÀå 28, ±ÀPÀ ªÀµÀð 11939) ¸ÀAaPÉ 3 Volume 153 Beengaluru, Thuursday, Januaary 18, 2018 ((Pushya 28, SShaka Varshaa 1939) Issue 3 ¨sÁUÀ 4JJ gÁddååzÀ «zsÉÃAiiÀÀÄPÀUÀ¼À ªÀÄvvÄÀÀ ÛÛ CªÀÅUÀ¼À ªÉÄÃ¯É ¥jÀj²Ã®£Á ¸À««ÄwAiÀÄ ªgÀgÀ¢UÀ¼ÀÄ, gÁÁdåzÀ C¢ü¤AiÀĪªÀÄUÀ¼ÀÄ ªÀÄvvÄÀÀ Û DzsÁåzÉñÀUÀ¼ÀÄ, PÉÃAAzÀæzÀ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ gÁdåzÀ ±ÁÁ¸À£ÀUÀ¼À ªÉÄÃÃgÉUÉ gÁdå ¸ÀPÁðgÀªÀÅ ºÉÆgÀr¹zzÀ ¸ÁªÀiÁ££ÀåÀå ±Á¸£À À§zzÀÞÀÞ ¤AiÀĪÀÄUUÀÀ¼ÀÄ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ggÁeÁåAUÀzÀ ªÉÄÃgÉUÉ ggÁÁdå¥Á®gÄÀÄ ªÀiÁrzÀ ¤AiÀĪÀÄU¼¼À ÄÀÀ ºÁUÀÆ PPÀ£ÁðlPÀ GGZÀÒ £ÁåAiiÀiÀ Á®AiÀĪÀÅ ªÀiÁrzÀ ¤¤AiÀĪÀÄUÀ¼ÄÄÀ REVENNUE SECRETTARIAT PRELIMIINARY NOTIFFICATION No.RD 889 KKAMGRARA 22017, BENGAALURU, DATEE: 08-12-20177 In exercise of the powwers conferred bby Section 5 of the Karnataka Land Revenue Act, 1964 (Karrnataka act no 112 of 1964) andd taking into connsideration the factors specifieed in clauses (i)) to (iv) of rule 3 of the Karnaataka Land Revvenue Rules 19966 such as thee population, areea of the villagge the demand under land revvenue in the viillage and otheer head of accoount and havingg regard to thee administrative convenience thhe Government of Karnataka pproposes to issue a Notificatioon to alter the limits of D.Hosaahalli village off Kunigal Taluk ,Tumakuru Disttrict and to constitute a new viillage called Goollarahatti as sppecified in scheedule along withh maps with oldd survey numberrs and new survvey numbers asssigned to them. Now thherefore in exerrcise of the powwer conferred byy section 6 of thee said Act, noticce is hereby given for the informmation of all thee persons likely to be affected tthereby that the proposal will be taken into connsideration on oor after thirty daays from the datte of publicationn of the notificatiion in the officiaal Gazette. Any obbjection or sugggestion which mmay be received by the state Goovernment fromm any person with respect to the said proposall before the datee specified abovve will be considered by the sttate Governmennt. Objections or suggestion maay be addressed to the Deputyy Commissionerr, Tumakuru Disstrict, Tumakuru. SCHEDULE-I Land bbearing survey nnumbers of the village and surrvvey numbers off the areas speccified in column (2) of the tablee below shall bee excluded from the limits of saaid village of Kunigal Taluk in Tumakuru Disttrict to form a nnew revenue villlage called as Gollarahatti off Kunigal Taluk Tumakuru Distrrict along with thhe survey numbbers included in column (4) therreof. TABLE Extent oof areas transfeerred to new Surveyy numbers speecified in Old survey nnumbers whichh village Gollaraahatti column(2) wwhich are to bee included to Sl.No areas are exxcluded from form new vvillage Gollarahhatti and new D.Hoosahalli Accre Gunte survey number assigneed to them (1) ((2) (3) (4) 1 221 003 09 1 2 220 338 04 2 3 77 004 13 3 4 222 1114 22 4 (297) 298 PÀ£ÁðlPÀ gÁdå¥ÀvÀæ, UÀÄgÀĪÁgÀ, d£ÀªÀj 18, 2018 ¨sÁUÀ 4J (1) (2) (3) (4) 5 90 04 25 5 6 92 04 26 6 7 83 04 06 7 8 75 04 15 8 9 76 04 00 9 10 86 06 02 10 11 78 07 17 11 12 79 07 17 12 13 82 04 08 13 14 81 04 13 14 15 74 04 04 15 16 80 04 20 16 17 84 04 34 17 18 24 04 10 18 19 23 06 24 19 20 72 04 15 20 21 91 01 27 21 22 88 02 00 22 23 87 02 00 23 24 73 03 39 24 25 85 11 11 25 26 5 06 15 26 27 4 04 29 27 28 8 06 19 28 29 6 07 26 29 30 7 03 22 30 31 9 03 08 31 32 10 03 22 32 33 89 03 00 33 34 19 00 33 34 35 18 01 34 35 36 17 05 20 36 37 11 03 21 37 38 12 09 30 38 39 13 03 01 39 40 14 01 38 40 41 15 01 38 41 42 16 06 03 42 Total 334 00 Note: The extent of Gramatana within the said village is to be the extent specified below namely:- Survey number Extent Gramatana 2 Acre 31 Guntas There shall be constituted a new village called Gollarahatti in Kunigal Taluk, Tumakuru District and boundaries of the village shall be as specified below:- ¨sÁUÀ 4J PÀ£ÁðlPÀ gÁdå¥ÀvÀæ, UÀÄgÀĪÁgÀ, d£ÀªÀj 18, 2018 299 Boundaries of the new village Gollarahatti East: Boundary of Shingonahalli & village West: Boundary of Madagonahalli village North: Boundary of Beeraganahalli village South: Boundary of Hosahalli village SCHEDULE-II The survey numbers of the village and areas remaining in the D.Hosahalli village specified in column {2} shall be assigned new survey numbers in the said villages specified in column {4}. TABLE Survey number remaining in Area D.Hosahalli village after excluding the New survey numbers assigned to the Sl.No survey numbers which are to be remaining in D.Hosahalli village survey Acre Gunte include to form new village numbers specified in Colum(2) Gollarahatti (1) (2) (3) (4) 1 1 10 37 1 2 2 01 25 2 3 3 12 31 3 4 25 17 23 4 5 26 06 25 5 6 27 00 13 6 7 28 01 34 7 8 29 00 13 8 9 30 01 38 9 10 31 04 19 10 11 32 08 19 11 12 33 00 34 12 13 34 01 35 13 14 35 07 27 14 15 36 05 32 15 16 37 02 17 16 17 38 02 11 17 18 39 00 32 18 19 40 02 03 19 20 41 07 20 20 21 59 03 19 21 22 58 04 04 22 23 60 04 12 23 24 61 04 00 24 25 57 04 08 25 26 51 03 23 26 27 93 02 19 27 28 118 00 31 28 29 52 04 03 29 30 53 04 05 30 31 119 02 25 31 32 94 02 14 32 300 PÀ£ÁðlPÀ gÁdå¥ÀvÀæ, UÀÄgÀĪÁgÀ, d£ÀªÀj 18, 2018 ¨sÁUÀ 4J (1) (2) (3) (4) 33 117 00 35 33 34 54 04 10 34 35 55 04 00 35 36 56 04 00 36 37 62 04 00 37 38 65 04 16 38 39 50 04 18 39 40 116 01 00 40 41 49 04 17 41 42 115 01 07 42 43 114 03 03 43 44 113 00 28 44 45 112 05 00 45 46 110 04 34 46 47 109 01 00 47 48 48 04 02 48 49 42 90 11 49 50 66 04 02 50 51 64 04 00 51 52 63 04 02 52 53 43 15 01 53 54 67 04 02 54 55 107 01 13 55 56 108 04 30 56 57 47 04 12 57 58 111 01 06 58 59 120 03 00 59 60 103 01 29 60 61 71 04 04 61 62 104 00 30 62 63 105 00 20 63 64 106 02 00 64 65 68 04 11 65 66 99 00 23 66 67 100 00 28 67 68 101 00 25 68 69 102 00 25 69 70 96 00 33 70 71 97 00 23 71 72 98 00 30 72 73 95 02 06 73 74 44 01 11 74 75 46 01 36 75 ¨sÁUÀ 4J PÀ£ÁðlPÀ gÁdå¥ÀvÀæ, UÀÄgÀĪÁgÀ, d£ÀªÀj 18, 2018 301 (1) (2) (3) (4) 76 45 02 29 76 77 69 04 13 77 78 70 04 06 78 Total 360 02 Boundaries of the village D.Hosahalli East: Boundary of Hasigehobhali village West: Boundaries of Madagonahalli and Kichavadi villages North: Boundary of Gollarahatti village South: Boundary of Hasigohbhali village The proposals specified above shall come into effect from such date of final notification to be published in the official Gazette by the state Government under section 5 of the Karnataka Land Revenue Act, 1964 (Karnataka Act No 12 of 1964). PR. 2321 By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka SC. 100 Captain. Dr. K.Rajendra Director, Cell for Creation of Revenue Villages and Ex-officio Deputy Secretary to Govt. Revenue Department. REVENUE SECRETARIAT PRELIMINARY NOTIFICATION No. RD 886 KAMGRARA 2017, BENGALURU, DATE: 08-12-2017 In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 5 of the Karnataka Land Revenue Act, 1964 (Karnataka act no 12 of 1964) and taking into consideration the factors specified in clauses (i) to (iv) of rule 3 of the Karnataka Land Revenue Rules 1966 such as the population, area of the village the demand under land revenue in the village and other head of account and having regard to the administrative convenience the Government of Karnataka proposes to issue a Notification to alter the limits of Teredakuppe village of Kunigal Taluk ,Tumakuru District and to constitute a new village called Kareshanayyanapalya as specified in schedule along with maps with old survey numbers and new survey numbers assigned to them. Now therefore in exercise of the power conferred by section 6 of the said Act, notice is hereby given for the information of all the persons likely to be affected thereby that the proposal will be taken into consideration on or after thirty days from the date of publication of the notification in the official Gazette. Any objection or suggestion which may be received by the state Government from any person with respect to the said proposal before the date specified above will be considered by the state Government. Objections or suggestion may be addressed to the Deputy Commissioner, Tumakuru District, Tumakuru. SCHEDULE-I Land bearing survey numbers of the village and survey numbers of the areas specified in column (2) of the table below shall be excluded from the limits of said village of Kunigal Taluk in Tumakuru District to form a new revenue village called as Kareshanayyanapalya of Kunigal Taluk Tumakuru District along with the survey numbers included in column (4) thereof. TABLE Extent of areas transferred to new Survey numbers specified in Old survey numbers which village Kareshanayyanapalya column(2) which are to be included to Sl.No areas are excluded to form form new village Teredakuppe Acre Gunte Kareshanayyanapalya and new survey number assigned to them (1) (2) (3) (4) 1 213 00 10 1 2 214 01 02 2 3 225 17 05 3 4 215 04 23 4 5 216 00 08 5 6 217 01 00 6 7 218 00 26 7 8 221 01 33 8 302 PÀ£ÁðlPÀ gÁdå¥ÀvÀæ, UÀÄgÀĪÁgÀ, d£ÀªÀj 18, 2018 ¨sÁUÀ 4J (1) (2) (3) (4) 9 219 02 14 9 10 220 00 11 10 11 230 11 07 11 12 234 14 06 12 13 235 04 38 13 14 233 02 34 14 15 232 06 04 15 16 231 01 21 16 17 281 11 28 17 18 236 04 16 18 19 241 06 31 19 20 240 05 20 20 21 180 06 20 21 22 179 02 35 22 23 178 19 00 23 24 164 26 28 24 25 165 09 05 25 26 166 08 27 26 27 167 23 21 27 28 168 24 06 28 29 169 11 10 29 30 251 04 01 30 31 252 04 04 31 32 253 06 03 32 33 254 04 04 33 34 255 04 01 34 35 170 04 00 35 36 174 09 21 36 37 177 19 11 37 38 182 10 07 38 39 183 11 32 39 40 184 05 35 40 41 176 08 13 41 42 175 15 12 42 43 173 05 24 43 44 172 02 23 44 45 171 07 32 45 46 200 23 31 46 47 199 08 36 47 48 198 08 35 48 49 197 01 37 49 50 196 08 23 50 51 193 09 38 51 52 192 06 38 52 ¨sÁUÀ 4J PÀ£ÁðlPÀ gÁdå¥ÀvÀæ, UÀÄgÀĪÁgÀ, d£ÀªÀj 18, 2018 303 (1) (2) (3) (4) 53 194 08 35 53 54 195 54 11 54 55 191 09 38 55 56 190 00 13 56 57 189 04 05 57 58 185 03 00 58 59 186 00 02 59 60 187 07 24 60 61 229 02 32 61 62 188 01 27 62 63 205 30 20 63 64 270 10 00 64 65 201 16 13 65 66 202 59 03 66 67 262 04 07 67 68 261 04 05 68 69 260 04 13 69 70 259 04 04 70 71 204 05 36 71 72 203 04 04 72 73 258 04 00 73 74 257 04 08 74 75 256 04 08 75 76 263 03 00 76 77 226 10 01 77 78 227 01 00 78 79 224 06 00 79 80 228 12 32 80 81 223 00 14 81 82 222 00 05 82 83 206 15 26 83 84 264 00 2.75 84 85 271 04 01 85 86 207 12 31 86 87 209 03 31 87 88 208 09 01 88 89 210 08 13 89 90 211 11 24 90 91 212 02 18 91 Total 727 12.3/4 Note: The extent of Gramatana within the said village is to be the extent specified below namely:- Survey number Extent Gramatana 1 Acre 32 Guntas There shall be constituted a new village called Kareshanayyanapalya in Kunigal Taluk, Tumakuru District and boundaries of the village shall be as specified below:- 304 PÀ£ÁðlPÀ gÁdå¥ÀvÀæ, UÀÄgÀĪÁgÀ, d£ÀªÀj 18, 2018 ¨sÁUÀ 4J Boundaries of the new village Kareshanayyanapalya East: Boundaries of Sulekuppekaval and Sulekuppe West: Boundaries of Chikkamalalavadi and Chathurbhagan Agrahara villages villages North: Boundaries of Sankalapura and Jodhi inam South: Boundary of Teredakuppe village Kalakere villages SCHEDULE-II The survey numbers of the village and areas remaining in the Teredakuppe village specified in column {2} shall be assigned new survey numbers in the said villages specified in column {4}. TABLE Survey number remaining in Teredakuppe Area New survey numbers assigned to village after excluding the survey numbers the remaining in Teredakuppe Sl.No which are to be include to form new villages Acre Gunte village survey numbers specified in Kareshanayyanapalya Colum(2) (1) (2) (3) (4) 1 85 00 12 1 2 86 06 28 2 3 88 06 24 3 4 143 10 10 4 5 87 05 11 5 6 106 04 18 6 7 105 00 39 7 8 104 00 19 8 9 103 00 27 9 10 102 00 14 10 11 108 00 33 11 12 109 01 18 12 13 107 10 26 13 14 142 09 33 14 15 130 02 05 15 16 131 09 39 16 17 132 03 07 17 18 134 10 01 18 19 136 08 11 19 20 137 02 33 20 21 135 07 06 21 22 133 04 00 22 23 141 06 33 23 24 138 04 38 24 25 139 05 10 25 26 140 09 02 26 27 144 06 25 27 28 145 02 31 28 29 146 05 12 29 30 147 09 32 30 31 148 04 22 31 32 149 05 06 32 33 150 22 12 33 ¨sÁUÀ 4J PÀ£ÁðlPÀ gÁdå¥ÀvÀæ, UÀÄgÀĪÁgÀ, d£ÀªÀj 18, 2018 305 (1) (2) (3) (4) 34 151 11 07 34 35 152 09 30 35 36 153 03 25 36 37 154 04 06 37 38 155 10 23 38 39 248 06 06 39 40 249 04 08 40 41 250 04 09 41 42 247 12 32 42 43 156 07 19 43 44 273 02 09 44 45 274 01 06 45 46 275 03 17 46 47 158 04 22 47 48 272 01 31 48 49 159 06 15 49 50 160 27 33 50 51 157 13 21 51 52 161 04 27 52 53 163 10 02 53 54 162 12 33 54 55 245 03 15 55 56 246 05 02 56 57 244 15 29 57 58 242 06 04 58 59 243 04 13 59 60 238 02 16 60 61 237 05 18 61 62 239 10 24 62 63 9 05 19 63 64 7 00 32 64 65 8 00 13 65 66 6 18 14 66 67 3 06 08 67 68 4 04 02 68 69 5 03 21 69 70 265 00 10 70 71 18 06 37 71 72 16 04 20 72 73 17 05 06 73 74 10 05 10 74 75 11 03 16 75 76 12 00 24 76 77 15 04 31 77 306 PÀ£ÁðlPÀ gÁdå¥ÀvÀæ, UÀÄgÀĪÁgÀ, d£ÀªÀj 18, 2018 ¨sÁUÀ 4J (1) (2) (3) (4) 78 14 00 12 78 79 19 07 36 79 80 13 02 04 80 81 20 22 19 81 82 21 00 22 82 83 22 07 31 83 84 26 16 10 84 85 27 01 16 85 86 29 01 01 86 87 30 01 06 87 88 31 00 26 88 89 32 00 20 89 90 33 00 32 90 91 28 05 20 91 92 34 01 19 92 93 35 07 36 93 94 39 00 39 94 95 38 00 24 95 96 37 01 13 96 97 36 02 22 97 98 42 11 07 98 99 40 03 32 99 100 41 00 29 100 101 44 01 05 101 102 43 06 09 102 103 24 11 15 103 104 25 03 19 104 105 23 30 11 105 106 61 07 29 106 107 58 07 09 107 108 59 05 09 108 109 60 09 22 109 110 63 10 17 110 111 62 05 18 111 112 64 10 26 112 113 65 08 13 113 114 66 02 18 114 115 67 06 16 115 116 68 00 08 116 117 69 07 28 117 118 70 02 08 118 119 115 10 15 119 120 116 03 16 120 121 117 12 05 121

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