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Karnataka Gazette, 2017-01-19, Part-1 PDF

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Read : 1) Proceedings of the 33rd State High Level Clearance Committee (SHLCC) meeting held on 19.11.2013. ¨sÁUÀ 1 PÀ£ÁðlPÀ gÁdå¥ÀvæÀ, UÄÀ gÄÀ ªÁgÀ, d£ÀªÀj 19, 2017 37 2) Government Order No. CI 3 SPI 2014, dated: 03.01.2014. 3) Proceedings of the 37th State High Level Clearance Committee (SHLCC) meeting held on 27.03.2015. 4) Government Order No.CI 3 SPI 2014, dated: 20.05.2015. 5) Proceedings of the 91st State Level Single Window Clearance Committee (SLSWCC) meeting held on 30.04.2016. 6) Government Order No. CI 3 SPI 2014, dated: 10.05.2016. 7) Proceedings of the 31st Land Audit Committee (LAC) meeting held on 05.07.2016. 8) Proceedings of the 93rd State Level Single Window Clearance Committee (SLSWCC) meeting held on 03.08.2016. Preamble: The project proposal of M/s Mylar Sugars Ltd., to establish “5,000 TCD Sugar Plant with 25 MW Co-gen Plant & 60 KLPD Distillery Plant” with an investment of ` 242.00 Crores at Hoovina Hadagali, Ballari District was approved in the 33rd SHLCC meeting held on 19.11.2013 read at (1) above. The Government Order was issued vide Government Order No. CI 3 SPI 2014, dated: 03.01.2014 was issued read at (2) above. In the Government Order read at (4) above it is permitted to purchase 35.12 acres of land U/s 109 of KLR Act by M/s Mylar Sugars Ltd., and 22.4 acres of land to be acquired by KIADB as SUC in different Sy. Nos. of Hoovina Hadagali, Ballari District, based on the consent obtained from farmers by the company for the project approved vide Government Order No. CI 3 SPI 2014, dated: 03.01.2014. Further, SLSWCC in its 91st meeting held on 30.04.2016, had granted extension of time for period of two years. Accordingly, the Government Order was issued vide Government Order read at (6) above. In the 31st Land Audit Committee (LAC) meeting held on 05.07.2016, the Committee noted the approval accorded by the SHLCC in its 37th meeting held on 27.2.15 which is as follows: Government is pleased to approve purchase of 35.12 acres of land U/s 109 of KLR act and 22.4 acres of land to be acquired by KIADB as SUC in different Sy. Nos. of Hoovina Hadagali, Ballari Dist. based on the consent obtained from farmers by the company for the project approved. The representatives of the company informed that out of 22.4 acres of land to be acquired by KIADB as SUC, they were able to obtain consent only for 12.28 acres of land and would like to purchase the same U/s 109 of KLR act. Further, they requested KIADB to acquire the remaining land of 10.12 acres only as SUC. They also requested for permission to purchase additional 31.17 acres of land U/s 109 of KLR act for the proposed project. The Committee after detailed discussions resolved to recommend to SLSWCC for permission to purchase 12.28 acres of land in Sy. No.241C/3 (2.82 acres), Sy. No.251A/1 (3.86 acres) & Sy. No.249 (5.60 acres) U/s 109 of KLR act & KIADB to acquire only 10.12 acres of land in Sy. Nos.240A (2A 90 Cents), Sy. No.243/B (7A 22 Cents) of Beerabbi Village, HoovinaHadagli Taluk, Ballari District by as SUC and permission to purchase additional 31.17 acres of land in Sy. Nos.158/A,248/1, 248/1B, 257/B, 246/B, 248B1, 248B2, 241/H of Beerabbi Village and Sy. No.157/3 of Kothihal Village of Hoovina Hadagli Taluk, Ballari District U/s 109 of KLR act. The proposal was examined in the 93rd State Level Single Window Clearance Committee (SLSWCC) Meeting held on 03.08.2016, the Committee after detailed discussion resolved to approve for permission to purchase 12.28 acres of land in Sy. No.241C/3 (2.82 acres), Sy.No.251A/1 (3.86 acres) & Sy. No.249 (5.60 acres) U/s 109 of KLR act & KIADB to acquire only 10.12 acres of land in Sy. Nos. 240A (2A 90 Cents), Sy.No.243/B (7A 22 Cents) of Beerabbi Village, HoovinaHadagli Taluk, Ballari District by as SUC and permission to purchase additional 31.17 acres of land in Sy. Nos.158/A,248/1, 248/1B, 257/B, 246/B, 248B1, 248B2, 241/H of Beerabbi Village and Sy. No.157/3 of Kothihal Village of Hoovina Hadagli Taluk, Ballari District U/s 109 of KLR act. Government has examined the recommendations made by the State Level Single Window Clearance Committee in all aspects. Hence the following order. GOVERNMENT ORDER No. CI 3 SPI 2014, BENGALURU, DATED: 06.09.2016 Government is pleased to accord approval for permission to purchase 12.28 acres of land in Sy. No.241C/3 (2.82 acres), Sy. No.251A/1 (3.86 acres) & Sy. No.249 (5.60 acres) U/s 109 of KLR act & KIADB to acquire only 10.12 acres of land in Sy. Nos.240A (2A 90 Cents), Sy. No.243/B (7A 22 Cents) of Beerabbi Village, HoovinaHadagli Taluk, Ballari District by as SUC and permission to purchase additional 31.17 acres of land in Sy. Nos.158/A, 248/1, 248/1B, 257/B, 246/B, 248B1, 248B2, 241/H of Beerabbi Village and Sy. No.157/3 of Kothihal Village of Hoovina Hadagli Taluk, Ballari District U/s 109 of KLR act. All other terms and conditions indicated in the Government Order No. CI 3 SPI 2014, dated: 03.01.2014 read at (1) above, remain unaltered. P.R. 677 By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, SC. 25 S. UMADEVI Desk Officer (Technical Cell), Commerce & Industries Department. 38 PÀ£ÁðlPÀ gÁdå¥ÀvæÀ, UÄÀ gÄÀ ªÁgÀ, d£ÀªÀj 19, 2017 ¨sÁUÀ 1 COMMERCE & INDUSTRIES SECRETARIAT Sub: Project proposal of M/s King Rudra Sugars Ltd., - reg. Read : 1) Proceedings of the 89th State Level Single Window Clearance Committee (SLSWCC) meeting held on 22.01.2016. 2) Government Order No. CI 39 SPI 2016, dated: 10.02.2016. 3) Proceedings of the 93rd State Level Single Window Clearance Committee (SLSWCC) meeting held on 03.08.2016. Preamble: The Proposal of M/s King Rudra Sugars Ltd., to establish a unit for manufacture of “Sugar Juice and Sachets Packing and Power Generation from Bagasse and Spentwash”, with an investment `. 270.00 crores, generating employment to about 220 persons at Holkunda, Kalaburagi Taluk, Kalaburagi District was approved in the 89th SLSWCC meeting held on 22.01.2016 read at (1) above. The Government Order was issued vide Government Order No. CI 39 SPI 2016, dated: 10.02.2016 read at (2) above. Now, the company has requested to incorporate as manufacture of “Sugar, Power from Bagasse & Ethanol from Molasses and value added products like Sugar Cane Juice – Bottling & Tetra Pak, Sugar Cane Juice Powder, Sachet Packing & Power Generation from Waste Spentwash” instead of “Sugar Juice and Sachets Packing and Power Generation from Bagasse and Spentwash”. In the 30th Land Audit Committee Meeting held on 25.06.2016 and 93rd State Level Single Window Clearance Committee (SLSWCC) meeting held on 03.08.2016, the committees after detailed discussions resolved to recommend for approval of the project to incorporate the correction in activity as “Sugar, Power from Bagasse & Ethanol from Molasses and value added products like Sugar Cane Juice – Bottling & Tetra Pak, Sugar Cane Juice Powder, Sachet Packing & Power Generation from Waste Spent wash” instead of “Sugar Juice and Sachets Packing and Power Generation from Bagasse and Spent wash” Government has examined the recommendations made by the State Level Single Window Clearance Committee in all aspects. Hence the following order. GOVERNMENT ORDER No. CI 39 SPI 2016, BENGALURU, DATED: 01.09.2016 Government is pleased to accord approval to incorporate the correction in activity as “Sugar, Power from Bagasse & Ethanol from Molasses and value added products like Sugar Cane Juice – Bottling & Tetra Pak, Sugar Cane Juice Powder Sachet Packing & Power Generation from Waste Spent wash” instead of “Sugar Juice and Sachets Packing and Power Generation from Bagasse and Spent wash”. All other terms and conditions indicated in the Government Order No. CI 39 SPI 2016, dated: 10.02.2016 read at (1) above, remain unaltered. P.R. 678 By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, SC. 25 S. UMADEVI Desk Officer (Technical Cell), Commerce & Industries Department. COMMERCE & INDUSTRIES SECRETARIAT Sub: Project proposal of M/s Dark Forest Furniture Company Pvt. Ltd, -reg. Read : 1) Proceedings of the 90th State Level Single Window Clearance Committee (SLSWCC) meeting held on 01.02.2016. 2) Government Order No. CI 114 SPI 2016, dated: 20.04.2016. 3) Proceedings of the 93rd State Level Single Window Clearance Committee (SLSWCC) meeting held on 03.08.2016. Preamble: The Proposal of M/s Dark Forest Furniture Company Pvt. Ltd to establish a unit for manufacture of "furniture and Fit outs", with an investment `.205.60 crores, generating employment to about 978 persons at Aradhavalli Village. Chikkamagalur Taluk & District was approved in the 90th SLSWCC meeting held on 01.02.2016 read at (1) above.The Government Order was issued vide Government Order No. CI 114 SPI 2016, dated: 20.04.2016 read at (2) above. Now, the company has requested the change of mode of Acqisitions from U/s 109 KLR Act to acquire and allot by KIADB. The proposal was examined & approved in the 93rd State Level Single Window Clearance Committee (SLSWCC) Meeting held on 03.08.2016. The Committee after detailed discussions resolved to approve for Change of mode of acquisition from U/s 109 of Klr Act to KIADB to Acqire and allot as SUC 43 acres 7 gunts of land at Sy. NOs. 229, 230, 231, 232,233,332 & 335 Aradhavalli, Village Chikkamagalur Taluk & District excluding Gomal land. Government has examined the recommendations made by the State Level Single Window Clearance Committee in all aspects. Hence the following order. GOVERNMENT ORDER No. CI 114 SPI 2016, BENGALURU, DATED: 31.08.2016. ¨sÁUÀ 1 PÀ£ÁðlPÀ gÁdå¥ÀvæÀ, UÄÀ gÄÀ ªÁgÀ, d£ÀªÀj 19, 2017 39 Government is pleased to accord for Change of mode of acquisition from U/s 109 of KLR Act to KIADB to acquire and allot as Suc for 43 aces 7 gunts of Land at Sy. Nos. 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 332 & 335 Aradhavalli Village, Chikkamagalur, Taluk & District excluding Gomal land. All other terms and conditions indicated in the Government Order No. CI 114 SPI 2016, dated: 20.04.2016 read at (1) above, remain unaltered. P.R. 679 By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, SC. 25 S. UMADEVI Desk Officer (Technical Cell), Commerce & Industries Department. COMMERCE & INDUSTRIES SECRETARIAT Sub: Amendment to the earlier approved project proposal of M/s Shri Satya Sai Narayana Hospital Pvt. Ltd., - reg. Read 1) Proceeding of the 236th State Level Single Window Clearance Committee meeting held on 17.12.2003. 2) SLSWCC Clearance No.KUM/SWA-236/AD/145/2003-04, dated: 29.12.2003. 3) Proceedings of the 45th State Level Single Window Clearance Committee Meeting held on 03.09.2008. 4) SLSWCC Clearance No. KUM/SLSWCC-45/AD/145(03-04)/ 2008-09, dated: 23.10.2008. 5) Proceedings of the 52nd State Level Single Window Clearance Committee Meeting held on August 2009. 6) Proceedings of the 86th State Level Single Window Clearance Committee Meeting held on 01.08.2015. 7) Proceedings of the 29th Land Audit Committee (LAC) meeting held on 17.05.2016. 8) Proceedings of the 92nd State Level Single Window Clearance Committee (SLSWCC) meeting held on 27.05.2016. 9) Government Order No. CI 186 SPI 2016, dated: 20.06.2016. 10) Proceedings of the 93rd State Level Single Window Clearance Committee (SLSWCC) meeting held on 03.08.2016. Preamble: M/s Shri Satya Sai Narayana Hospital Pvt. Ltd., had obtained approval from SLSWCC in 2003 for setting up of a facility for “Hospital”, with an investment of `.45.00 crores in 5 acres of land in Bellandur Village, Bengaluru East Taluk, Bengaluru Urban District. Subsequently, M/s Shri Satya Sai Narayana Hospital Pvt. Ltd., submitted a proposal for change of activity from “Hospital” to “Multi Specialty Hospital with R & D facilities along with support services such as Hotel, Health Club, Recreation and Shopping facilities” and permission to enter into a joint development agreement with M/s SJR Enterprises Pvt. Ltd., to jointly develop the project. The proposal was discussed in the 45th State Level single Window Clearance Committee Meeting held on 03.09.2008, the Committee considered their request. In the 52nd State Level single Window Clearance Committee Meeting held on August 2009, the Committee approved their proposal of including “Convention Centre” as an additional activity. In the 86th State Level Single Window Clearance Committee Meeting held on 01.08.2015 extension of time up to 01.08.2017 was given for implementation of the project. In the 92nd State Level Single Window Clearance Committee Meeting held on 27.05.2016, additional activity IT Park was given approval for implementation of the project. Accordingly Government Order was issued vide read at (9) above. In the 93rd State Level Single Window Clearance Committee Meeting held on 03.08.2016, the Committee noted that company has not taken effective steps even after KIADB executed last lease cum sale agreement on 17th September, 2007 and hence, approval accorded is kept abeyance. Government has examined the recommendations made by the 93rd State Level Single Window Clearance Committee (SLSWCC) meeting held on 03.08.2016, in all aspects. Hence the following order. GOVERNMENT ORDER No. CI 186 SPI 2016, BENGALURU, DATED: 31.08.2016 40 PÀ£ÁðlPÀ gÁdå¥ÀvæÀ, UÄÀ gÄÀ ªÁgÀ, d£ÀªÀj 19, 2017 ¨sÁUÀ 1 The approvals accorded to M/s Shri Satya Sai Narayana Hospital Pvt. Ltd., in the Government Order No. CI 186 SPI 2016, dated: 20.06.2016 are kept in abeyance till further orders. P.R. 680 By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, SC. 25 S. UMADEVI Desk Officer (Technical Cell), Commerce & Industries Department. COMMERCE & INDUSTRIES SECRETARIAT Sub: Project proposal of M/s SLR Metaliks Ltd., - reg. Read : 1) Proceedings of the 25th State High Level Clearance Committee (SHLCC) meeting held on 14.07.2011. 2) Government Order No. CI 194 SPI 2011, dated: 29.08.2011. 3) Proceedings of the 35th State High Level Clearance Committee (SHLCC) meeting held on 14.05.2014. 4) Government Order CI 194 SPI 2011, dated: 27.06.2014. 5) Proceeding of the 31st Land Audit Committee (LAC) meeting Held on 05.07.2016. 6) Proceedings of the 93rd State Level Single Window Clearance Committee (SLSWCC) meeting held on 03.08.2016. Preamble: The Project proposal of M/s SLR Metaliks Ltd., to establish a unit to manufacture “Billets, Rolling Products & Met, Coke” at Narayanadevakere Village, Hagaribommanahalli Taluk, Ballari District with an investment of `.250 crore was approved in the 25th SHLCC meeting held on 14.07.2011. The Government Order was issued vide Government Order No. CI 194 SPI 2011, dated: 29.08.2011 read at (2) above. Further, SHLCC in its 35th meeting held on 14.05.2014 had sanctioned 30 MVA power to the company to be supplied by GESCOM in place of 12 MVA. Accordingly Government Order issued vide read at (4) above. In the 31st Land Audit Committee (LAC) meeting Held on 05.07.2016, the representatives of the company explained the effective steps taken to implement the project and requested for permission to purchase additional land and grant extension of time. The proposal was examined & approved in the 93rd State Level Single Window Clearance Committee (SLSWCC) Meeting held on 03.08.2016. The Committee after detailed discussions resolved to accord approval for permission to purchase 16.33 acres of additional land at Sy. Nos. 41/A 2, 41/A1H, 41/A1, 45/D4, 45/D3, 45/D1, 45/C, 45/D2 of Ayyanahalli Village and Sy. Nos. 16/B3A1E, 16/B3A1A1, 16/B3AP of Nandibunda Village, Hosapete Taluk, Ballari District U/s 109 of KLR Act with an additional investment of `..23.57 crores to establish a 220 KV switching station to draw feederline to the project location and granting extension of time of 2 years for implementation of the project. Government has examined the recommendations made by the State Level Single Window Clearance Committee in all aspects. Hence the following order. GOVERNMENT ORDER No. CI 194 SPI 2011, BENGALURU, DATED: 06.09.2016 The Government is pleased to permit M/s SLR Metaliks Ltd., to purchase 16.33 acres of additional land at Sy. Nos. 41/A 2, 41/A1H, 41/A1, 45/D4, 45/D3, 45/D1, 45/C, 45/D2 of Ayyanahalli Village and Sy. Nos. 16/B3A1E, 16/B3A1A1, 16/B3AP of Nandibunda Village, Hosapete Taluk, Ballari District U/s 109 of KLR Act with an additional investment of `.23.57 crores to establish a 220 KV switching station to draw feederline to the project location and granting extension of time of two years for implementation of the project. All other terms and conditions indicated in the Government Order dated: 12.01.2009 read at (2) above, remain unaltered. P.R. 681 By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, S. UMADEVI SC. 25 Desk Officer (Technical Cell), Commerce & Industries Department. C0MMERCE & INDUSTRIES SECRETARIAT Sub: Project proposal of M/s Hothur Ispat Pvt. Ltd., - reg. Read 1) Proceedings of the 3rd State High Level Clearance Committee (SHLCC) meeting held on 03.03.2005. 2) Government Order No. CI 189 SPI 2005, dated: 12.01.2009. 3) Proceedings of the 25th State High Level Clearance Committee (SHLCC) meeting held on 14.07.2011. ¨sÁUÀ 1 PÀ£ÁðlPÀ gÁdå¥ÀvæÀ, UÄÀ gÄÀ ªÁgÀ, d£ÀªÀj 19, 2017 41 4) Government Order No. CI 200 SPI 2011, dated: 27.08.2011. 5) Proceedings of the 35th State High Level Clearance Committee (SHLCC) meeting held on 14.05.2014. 6) Government Order No. CI 200 SPI 2011, dated: 26.06.2014. 7) Proceeding of the 30th Land Audit Committee (LAC) meeting Held on 25.06.2016. 8) Proceedings of the 93rd State Level Single Window Clearance Committee (SLSWCC) meeting held on 03.08.2016. Preamble: The Project proposal of M/s Hothur Ispat Pvt. Ltd., to setup a unit for manufacture of “Sponge Iron, Metallurgical Coke, Iron Ore Pellets, Pig Iron and Electricity” at Kudathini Village, Ballari District was approved in the 3rd SHLCC meeting held on 03.03.2005. The Government Order was issued vide Government Order No. CI 189 SPI 2009, dated: 12.01.2009 read at (2) above. Subsequently, SHLCC in its 25th meeting held on 14.07.2011 had granted extension of time for a period of one year i.e. up to 26.08.2012. The Government Order was issued read at (4) above. Further, SHLCC in its 35th meeting held on 14.05.2014 had granted extension of time for a period of two years. Accordingly, the Government Order was issued read at (6) above. In the 30th Land Audit Committee (LAC) meeting Held on 25.06.2016, the representatives of the company explained the effective steps taken to implement the project and requested for extension of time. The Committee after detailed discussions resolved to recommend to SLSWCC for grant extension of time of 2 years for implementation of the project. The proposal was examined & approved in the 93rd State Level Single Window Clearance Committee (SLSWCC) Meeting held on 03.08.2016. The Committee after detailed discussions resolved to grant extension of time of 2 years for implementation of the project. Government has examined the recommendations made by the State Level Single Window Clearance Committee in all aspects. Hence the following order. GOVERNMENT ORDER No. CI 200 SPI 2011, BENGALURU, DATED: 06.09.2016 The Government is pleased to grant extension of time to M/s Hothur Ispat Pvt. Ltd., to implement the project for further period of two years from the date of issue of this order. All other terms and conditions indicated in the Government Order dated: 12.01.2009 read at (2) above, remain unaltered. P.R. 682 By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, SC. 25 S. UMADEVI Desk Officer (Technical Cell), Commerce & Industries Department. COMMERCE & INDUSTRIES SECRETARIAT Sub : Project proposal of M/s Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd., - reg. Read : 1) Proceedings of the 27th State High Level Clearance Committee (SHLCC) meeting held on 13.04.2012. 2) Government Order No. CI 128 SPI 2012, dated: 20.04.2012. 3) Government Order No. CI 128 SPI 2012, dated: 02.02.2013. 4) Proceeding of the 30th Land Audit Committee (LAC) meeting Held on 25.06.2016. 5) Proceedings of the 93rd State Level Single Window Clearance Committee (SLSWCC) meeting held on 03.08.2016. Preamble: The Project proposal of M/s Infotel Broadband Services Ltd., to establish an “Internet Data Centre” at IT/ITES Park, Devanahalli with an investment of `.300 crore was approved in the 27th SHLCC meeting held on 13.04.2012. The Government Order was issued vide Government Order No. CI 128 SPI 2012, dated: 20.04.2012 read at (2) above. Further, in the Government Order read at (3) above, Government was given approval for the change of name from M/s Infotel Broadband Services Ltd. to “M/s Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd.” for implementation of the project approved vide Government Order No. CI 128 SPI 2012, dated: 20.04.2012. In the 30th Land Audit Committee (LAC) meeting Held on 25.06.2016, the representatives of the company explained the effective steps taken to implement the project and requested for extension of time. The Committee noted the action taken by the company and it was informed that the delay was issue of RoW, lack of uniform norms and rates by BBMP, Local authorities and other Government agencies. After detailed discussions, the Committee resolved to recommend to SHLCC for granting extension of time of 2 years for implementation of the project. 42 PÀ£ÁðlPÀ gÁdå¥ÀvæÀ, UÄÀ gÄÀ ªÁgÀ, d£ÀªÀj 19, 2017 ¨sÁUÀ 1 The proposal was examined & approved in the 93rd State Level Single Window Clearance Committee (SLSWCC) Meeting held on 03.08.2016. The Committee after detailed discussions resolved to grant extension of time of 2 years for implementation of the project. Government has examined the recommendations made by the State Level Single Window Clearance Committee in all aspects. Hence the following order. GOVERNMENT ORDER No. CI 253 SPI 2016, BENGALURU, DATED: 12.09.2016 The Government is pleased to grant extension of time to M/s Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd., to implement the project for further period of two years from the date of issue of this order. All other terms and conditions indicated in the Government Order dated: 20.04.2012 read at (2) above, remain unaltered. P.R. 683 By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, SC. 25 S. UMADEVI Desk Officer (Technical Cell), Commerce & Industries Department. COMMERCE & INDUSTRIES SECRETARIAT Sub: Project proposal of M/s N.K. Utilities Ltd., - reg. Read : 1) Proceedings of the 16th and 20th State High Level Clearance Committee (SHLCC) meeting held on 19.11.2008 and 05.01.2010. 2) Government Order No. CI 261 SPI 2010, dated: 18.06.2010. 3) Proceedings of the 33rd State High Level Clearance Committee (SHLCC) meeting held on 19.11.2013. 4) Government Order No. CI 261 SPI 2010, dated: 06.01.2014. 5) Proceedings of the 22nd Land Audit Committee (LAC) meeting held on 28.12.2015. 6) Proceedings of the 43rd State High Level Clearance Committee (SHLCC) meeting held on 01.02.2016. 7) Government Order No. CI 261 SPI 2010, dated: 09.03.2016. 8) Proceeding of the 30th Land Audit Committee (LAC) meeting Held on 25.06.2016. 9) Proceedings of the 93rd State Level Single Window Clearance Committee (SLSWCC) meeting held on 03.08.2016. Preamble: The Proposal of M/s N.K. Utilities Ltd., to establish “300 MW Coal Based Power Plant” at Kagalagomba Village, Bagalkot District with an investment of `.1740 crore, was approved in the 16th SHLCC meeting held on 19.11.2008. Subsequently in the 20th SHLCC meeting held on 05.01.2010, the committee approved to establish unit in 500 acres of land (225 acres U/s 109 of KLR Act and 275 acres from KIADB as SUC) and also approved for change of location to Achanur Village, Bagalkot District. The Government Order was issued vide Government Order No. CI 261 SPI 2010, dated: 18.06.2010 read at (2) above. Further, 33rd SHLCC in its meeting held on 19.11.2013 accorded approval for extension of time to implement the project for further period of two years. Accordingly Government Order No. CI 261 SPI 2010, dated: 06.01.2014 cited at read (4) was issued. Further, SHLCC in its 43rd State High Level Clearance Committee (SHLCC) meeting held on 01.02.2016 had granted extension of time for period of two years. Accordingly, the Government Order was issued read at (7) above. In the 30th Land Audit Committee (LAC) meeting Held on 25.06.2016, the representatives of the company explained the effective steps taken to implement the project and requested for extension of time. The Committee after detailed discussions resolved to recommend to SLSWCC for approval of the following: • Change of activity from “300 MW Coal Based Power Plant” to “50 MW Solar Power Plant”. • Change in investment to `.350.00 crores. The proposal was examined & approved in the 93rd State Level Single Window Clearance Committee (SLSWCC) Meeting held on 03.08.2016. The Committee after detailed discussions noted that acquisition of land through KIADB has got stuck in litigation and the company wishes to go ahead with 180.09 acres of land purchased by them u/s 109 of KLR Act. Accordingly, it was resolved to approve the following: • Change of activity from “300 MW Coal Based Power Plant” to “50 MW Solar Power Plant”. • Change in investment to `.350.00 crores. Government has examined the recommendations made by the State Level Single Window Clearance Committee in all aspects. Hence the following order. GOVERNMENT ORDER No. CI 261 SPI 2010, BENGALURU, DATED: 06.09.2016

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